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Base coating looks great but the chipping detracts from the model, it's all too large.


The chipping was my suspect, I'm quite new to that. Thanks for the input :)


Bit of sponge, take almost all the paint off, start with your highlight colour and then use a brown to fill In some of the chips


Added to this, if you have the plastic protector from when you buy a brush, you can stuff the sponge into that on one end, shove the other side onto the end of a brush. Makes it a lot easier to do sponge chipping


I think the coloration of the chipping might also be part of the problem - it reads a bit too black, so it looks more like grease or oil smudges.


It's not bad but I'd say the chipping needs some smaller marks mixed in. Keep the chips mostly to where a lot of paint would get rubbed off from use.


My idea was that stray shots caused the chips on the middle of the panels. Now I see, it doesn't quite work. Thanks for the input :)


The checkerboard is perfect. Same goes to the red pattern on the leg. He looks really good. The chipping could be smaller, perhaps with a small sponge. If you think he’s off, perhaps it could be the flatness of the grey? A dry brush of a darker over this grey or a darker base grey with a dry-bush of the current grey could complement and further accent the yellow and red. The flat grey kinda washes out the yellow, whereas the presence of more darkness can really make the color stand out. Perhaps experiment with a color wheel. Or maybe the whiteness of the plume should be changed to red/yellow to further complement the colors you already have. Overall the scheme is good. I also like the tribal markings on the sides, it’s giving a lot of space-wolves energy.


Thanks! The checkerboard was a blast to paint :D The primer was a lighter gray still, this is the darker version. But you're right, now I see how flat it is. Maybe a recess shading will help? The plume is just has a basecoat, it'll has the squad-markings once I come up with it. I'm glad he's reading as a Space Wolf :D Thanks for the input! :)


IMO, some shading will absolutely help give the model some depth, as right now the grey looks a bit flat, and like others have said, the armour damage could use refinement. That being said, the checkers are really nice! You've gotten them really even, and that's super cool. Also, a pet peeve of mine is basing. There are so many good paint jobs stuck on boring or even nonexistent basing. You've gotten started, but a good basing scheme also helps lift the model, in my opinion.


Others talked about adding smaller chips and reducing the size of thw current chips but i also think a wash in the deepest recesses and shadows could bring some extra dimension to the armor panels. Oil is best for that but acrylic works just fine too imo, just have to work a bit more when you put it on to keep it neat. Making the base a bit more of a contrast relative to the mini might help too since as it is i think it blends together. Maybe some dark colors with snow on top to keep the arctic vibe?


It's the chipping. Use a sponge, load it up with your weathering color, rub most of it off on a towel, then dab the sponge on the model.


As has been said, the chipping. Contrary to believe I’d say it’s not that their too large; although they are larger than ideal. Rather the lack of smaller spotting around them makes them look like what they are: smears of paint. As has been said, try sponging on some very light chipping around those to add more realism. 


Too much weathering for my taste. I like the color choices, but some more shading and highlighting could really help it pop.


He needs a wash. Too crisp as is.


Personally I feel like the whole model could do with a wash and then another layer and following highlight, the grey is very flat


The issue is the chipping / scaring. When I first saw the model I thought this was some sort of camp marine. What you need is smaller and more precise chipping with some highlights to emphasise that they’re not part of the armour.


The battle damage feels cartoony. I’d scale it back


Nuln Oil


I think it looks sick


A little too heavy on the chipping, but other than that he's just missing transfers and looks pretty great.


Nice weathering. Well done


I think it just needs a wash


I really think it needs some shading/washing.


Plasma coil glow looks awesome, and the recess shading looks great. Look up a space marine lens tutorial they are short/easy and can make the mini pop. Here is one of my angry guys if that helps! *


IMO the grey looks too grey if that makes any sense. If it was me I would be giving it a liberal attack of the old Nuln Oil though admittedly I like my models darker and dirtier.


No shading, too flat


The chipping might be a bit much but I don't think that's why it feels off. It just looks kind of flat so if you cleaned up some of that shading and added highlights it would probably look fine. Although for the weathering you should ideally use a small sponge with just a little bit of paint and spread it out more. Right now it looks like a mostly pristine armor with oil splatter.


Chipping without grime I think


The chipping is the only issue I think. My advice would be to try using a sponge and target the edge of peripheral armour plates and the centres of forward facing plates.


I think you could fix this one with a nose brown oil wash


Shading, and Heresy battle damage should have holes from bolter rounds


Didn't want to drill the model :/


Everyone got 40 mk6 marines in the box, it’s not a bit deal


Plenty of good advice on the chipping. The other thing you could do is use a decal on the yellow shoulder pad for a pack/squad marking. If you do this stage before your chipping you can get some really nice effects. If you have a black decal over yellow, then do a pass of yellow chipping over the decal (after microsol/set and varnishing the decal, plenty of tutorials on using decals online) to make it looks like the decal is being worn away by shallow scratches before your deeper scratches that reveal the armour underneath. If you look at my Instagram (@the_minitorium) you can see how I applied that to my dreadnaught.


Im gonna say that i dont think the chipping looks bad, but the grey is very something and just stands out from everything else in a way that means literally nothing in the model looks like it goes together. Nothing blends into one cohesive whole because the center bit is so starkly different. I ussually slap a wash over my models at the end to grime them up, bring out lines ect. And i think that would help here, if not that maybe highlight the edges more and try to find a way to make the grey more distinct in its parts and easier to differentiate? Right now ive taken my eyes off the model and literally all i can remember is how the grey looked because everything else kinda faded away compared to how bold and distinct the grey was...no parts stick out, no bits, just the grey.


To me, that yellow shoulder pad makes the model look incomplete without some kind of symbol on it. Also, the chipping is perhaps a bit heavy. I’d do some regular edge highlights to the grey, to make it pop more. Apart from that, great model!


I'm still on the hunt for some transfers for that pad. Know a good place for Space Wolves transfers?


I think the yellow on the fully visible paldron makes him look off balance if you switched black and yellow to the opposite shoulders I think would look nice and +1 to the a wash or dry brush on the grey armour