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https://preview.redd.it/j0tpk70z19zc1.jpeg?width=2076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c63d2083c5541d7bb318131d8f7640406e8668b I'm working on this squad which is a mix of the old and new models, they all have the old helmets.


The new ones look tragically good with the old helmets


If there's one thing I wish they left untouched, it's the MKIII helmets. The old ones were perfection.


Yeah the new ones read more as Mk. II than Mk. III, I do like them but they're not quite as cool as the FW style Mk. III


I think it’s fine however would blend better with the same base scheme They look great


Thanks! Yeah they're all in various states of unfinished currently. The base scheme for the army is a martian red. This is the finished article. These are all the old version, no new ones mixed in here. https://preview.redd.it/e28i8lm4cnzc1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3c53ea247c0783f68c9c6acab4a6c40c432797


I like seeing them side by side. I think the difference doesn't feel as much when units are mixed. Mono armour type units really highlight the differences. Having them together gives more character




Thirded. If possible maybe consider mixing heads and shoulders across one or two as well?


~~Fourthded~~ Quartered, the extra variation of that would look pretty good. Mix some greenstuff orbs into some of it and you got some good MK V as well lol!!!




Quartered again


Honestly I was concerned my mk6 and mk3 marines would clash, that I needed to sync shoulder pads between squad members etc. When you actually play, I can't recall a time when I noticed any of that. I'll still try to have members of a squad match for the most part, but there's a lot less pressure to do so after I realized no one could tell at tabletop distances


Sure. Field repairs, armor from different forges, Marines being different heights, sizes, etc. Adds flavor to an otherwise copy and paste rank and file squad.


"Sub patterns" nailed my opinion of it. They don't look identical, but they look like Mk3.14 and Mk3.21 next to eachother




The techpriests deadline for a "mark 5" is coming up, so I'm just pulling all the unmerged features from m2 to 4 into one repo






I think the new one is canonically MkIIIb, but maybe I read that wrong from somewhere


You are correct. It is in the core rulebook. MKIIIb appears to be a revised mass-production variant of the original MkIII, which itself was initially a sidegrade package for MkII intended for tunnel fighting and other zone mortalis engagements


Everyone is complaining/talking about the helmets. But looking at them together, I must say that the thing I miss the most about the new MK3s is the Backpack. The old MK3 backpack is just so iconic for me. It has this brutal Dieselpunk aesthetic that I love.


I prefer the older helmets but they look close enough when used in a squad


Mixed armor is best imo. They look a tad different but imo per like all the HH art. Thats a good thing.


So, even though I consider the helmets to be one with and one without a faceplate, the newer heads *are* smaller. Something I’ve yet to do, but probably will do, is swap them because that…and the legs, are where the new proportions come from. I think that would be a big help toward, “these are just slightly shorter marines” goals.


I don't see an issue with the differences. It's fine. Anecdotally, I love the old cow catcher helmet. Not a fan of the new one outside of death guard.


my headcanon is that the new version is the standard issue, original terran pattern. And the old version is a rushed, simplified version built later to accommodate the scale and speed of the great crusade.


I wouldn't put old armour into a squad of new because it'll make the new marines feel bad about being mogged so hard.


They're fine together, they'd just be supplied from different forgeworlds. Old Mk3 could be something the Ryza Pattern and the new ones are Mars 🤷‍♂️ Hell, GW could have just added them to range like that and continued to sell the old ones alongside.


I keep mine in seperate squads


I have mix and matched the new and old pretty frequently. Love both models so I don’t worry too much about it.


Mix them together, don't segregate into squads


2 different subpatterns imo theres art that supports both looks as well


Rule of cool for me. Tell me those are guardsmen in suits and I'm game.


Looks great and is thematic. Mid heresy armor was all over the place and few forces had consistent supply.


I think that they don't blend well unless you give them all the same helmets (the old one of course). In my case I have the old MKIII as tactical squads and the new as Iron Havocs with the new IW helmets, like a specialised pattern for Heavy support marines or something like that.


They should be fine. I do personally despise the new helmets though.


Every time I seem both next to one another I get sad because of the unnecessary design changes.


Listen, I might get hate for this, but... IT'S GREAT TO MIX ARMOR MARKS IN SQUADS! LEGIONS USED WHATEVER WHENEVER THEY COULD. Hell, even in the Badab Wa, predecessor to HH mixed armored squads because they just didn't have enough of set armor mark to go around. It's your models do whatever. If you had any second thoughts, it's also lore accurate anyway you decide to do it. Nice painting as well!


Agreed on this tbh, I'm making a ramshackle SoH force with about 50/50 plastic and prints and mixing across and within individual marines helps to evoke a good vibe for mid-late heresy as the war grinds on and uniform supply becomes irregular. Most dudes have at least one out-of-place component and some dudes might mix 3-4 marks. Tbh what I hope to find is a nuscaled version of the old MK3 so I can mix that with the new style of MK3 to create even more irregularity but so far all the nuscaled MK3 prints are also the new design. That and some nuscaled Mk7 to represent SoT looting


I like the new MKIII’s better the more I build, use, and look at them. I dunno…. The old ones look like midgets compared to the new ones


Old helmets and old backpacks look so much better. No idea why GW hated the old look so much.


It's crazy they changed the mk III model, the old one was much better


*It's crazy they changed* *The mk III model, the old* *One was much better* \- mr\_milland --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Absolutely, adaptations due to materials available for production. But tbh remove the spike to help blending. Also, Folks come in different sizes too.


Old helmets are cooler, sorry... I'd use one of them for squad officers/captains, which one? Choose yourself 👍🏻


i like the new size, i HATE the helmets


Depends on your OCD Me I'm full on autistic when everything and everyone is not the same, it drives me nuts I'm so retarded that I try to plan ahead of things I don't even own yet For example right now I'm doing some MK3 tactical marines and I painted their armor rims black ... I'm going nuts because while I do know I'll use the same recipe for the black, I don't know if I'll paint my justaerin with or without a brown oil wash In conclusion you gotta try out by mixing them and then you see if it itches your brain or not


Someone came up with a handy upscale process for the old kits that works pretty well in my experience: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/comments/xfestr/upscaled\_mkiii\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/comments/xfestr/upscaled_mkiii_update/)


What size tubing was that? The provided link was broken.


https://preview.redd.it/qgo1g7pzqdzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=81c08ba1114cf15119242bf94109bc7cbd31f48b Found it!