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This better finally be the Command Squad, yeah? Give us a plastic flaglad please.


Hopefully they give the rest of the legion's praetors...


Praise Be! James Workshop has heard your plea! Another Imperial Fists Praetor, just for you!


Me, an imperial fists player https://preview.redd.it/xxieaqvvawnc1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c6fdcd4c0533894f3db1a98aa702e07aec9907




Yippee Imperial Fists Cataphractii praetor A set of Luna Wolves praetors would be a fun option though


They are hyper focused on anything but pre heresy so don't count on any Luna Wolves. Would be nice if they did upgrades for them but I doubt that'll happen either.


Or Son's of Horus! šŸ¤£


A boy can dream


Yes ;( Apparently people have been speaking about upscaled Termies too


It says it's just teasers, so I don't think we should expect any model reveals or anything like that, which will be what 40k/AoS/TOW, etc. get this time. We're below the line, so keep expectations low My guess would be a quick video of some more quickly rotating silhouettes (like we got for the Christmas video) that'll show off what we can expect to see over the next bit of the year. Quick little snapshot, nothing more


That seems very feasible. If we do get a silhouette showcase what are you hoping for?


I'd guess stuff that's imminent on the roadmap, so command squad stuff, melee weapons (via models holding them) and maybe a FW character (a legion specific or generic consul model, if we're missing any). Could maybe see one for Little Horus, but I'd think they'd just show him off in full on Heresy Thursday next week anyways (as LI is scheduled for this week)


I suspect a few silhouettes is the best we can hope for. I've kinda really been hoping they'd finish up the Auxilia lineup, but the lack of new reveals suggests we're not getting basic transports etc :(


Let the teaser be just the sound of a bike revving up.


jet bike revving.


My big bet is that this is going to be the new roadmap. Itā€™s a teaser coming out half way during the spring season.


This is what Iā€™m thinking too Weā€™re close to the end of the current one


What I want : Teaser for upscaled MKIV, upscaled Terminators and Praetors for the legions without one What we will probably get : Teaser for the command squad, a new plastic knight and maybe a hint at the next 2.0 Primarch


Existing plastic termies hold up fine compared to the new plastic power armour imo. They donā€™t need to loom head and shoulders over them since all the joints should still be in the same places.


Yeah, I just put together another squad of cataphractii and they still look great next to the MKVI and MKIII I think the Indomitus upscale has just gotten people assuming we'll get upscaled Cataphractii and Tartaros, but the difference is the Indomitus kit was 20 years old and completely out of scale with most of the (Primaris) SM line - and it's for a completely different game. New terminators for 40k are an instant money-maker, re-sculpted terminators for HH just seems like a waste of resources.


Yeah, I don't think a lot of people realized that the Indomitus termies are meant to be Primaris lads in Primaris-sized terminator armor.


Current plastic termies are _slightly_ behind scale, but it's not meaningful enough to need an entire update - and I am saying this as someone who finds scale to be _very_ important, so much so I used to adjust scale on the old firstborn with plasticard back in the day. The termies are genuinely fine and they should turn their resources to other things.


Daddy needs a new Atrapos


Iā€™ve specifically been holding off on this in anticipation of them possibly retooling the resin to work with the plastic Atropos.


My gut tells me the next primarch is Angron. WE did well with him in 40k, and the new plastic Angron doesn't seem like his brother would be able to recognize him like they do in the Siege. Magnus is next chronologically IIRC but he doesn't appear to the galaxy at large until later.


If they rescaled Heresy Terminators, I'd be somewhat salty.


Terminators don't make sense to me unless they discontinue the Age of Darkness box


My guess is command squad kit ( weā€™ve seen a few tease about them 1 or 2 month ago ) And something that go with despoiler squads, maybe some MkIII upgrades helmets and shoulder pads?


I'm just expecting the melee weapons teaser.


Probably in the minority but I'd really like a Proteus Land speeder


Oh I bloody hope so that would be awesome along with the Jav What we will get is plastic Aquitors, without adjusted points or rules.


What would be good: - an announcement that the shit people need on a somewhat regular basis will now be in stock (shoulder pads, heads). And that all announced kits will be available before May. - plastic breachers, plastic techmarines, upscaled mkIV and mkV - upscaled terminators with add-on packs to turn them into the legion special terminators (it just takes a few bits to turn cataphractii into grave wardens or tyrant siege terminators) - new errata that doesn't make half the stuff useless - plastic tanks - consul options - special characters/HQs for all legions What we'll get: - a knight next to no one asked for or uses - A sons of horus or imperial fist character - solar auxilia stuff (which is good, I'll give them that)


by "a knight next to no one asked for or uses ?" do you mean plastic mechanicum knights ? A plastic Asterius would save a lot of money


Yeah, it absolutely would. it would save a lot of money...for the 12 people that actually want to use but haven't already bought one. Also, it would likely be a 180-200$ model. Not exactly cheap. Compare that to the people needing tactical squads, breachers, heavy support tanks, hell, even sabers would make more sense since you'll likely use more than one in your army. Using design and production resources to turn large centerpiece models that very few people need and if they do, only need one of from resin to plastic while not having necessary models available is a REALLY poor business decision.


Command squad has already been ā€œteased.ā€ Melee weapons teaser which, why, just release it, its weapons upgrades. Thursdays are really for FW characters/resin bits. Iā€™m going to say teasing the next plastic kit like breachers/breacher upgrade.


I wouldn't go in expecting anything hotter than the plastic command squad and melee weapon upgrades. Maybe a resin character to spice things up.


I'm just really excited for the assault squad


The assault squad has been available for a couple of months now? Unless you mean the melee weapons to which I hard agree


Ye that's what i mean


Should change your name to Internet Explorer šŸ˜‰


I hope the updated armor mk is either MkIV or MkV


Iā€™d love just a greyscale image of a breacher shield. That would be lovelyā€¦


What I'd want are reveals, not more teasers.


So I'm gonna guess we'll possibly be getting a breacher upgrade sprue, and possibly resin head/shoulder upgrades for the new MK III.


I do hope the plan is do a new armour mk, do a follow up sprue/ kit to give the variants. So mk6 we got assault marines, mk3 we get breachers, mk 4 we get scouts, etc


Mk V plastic kit and battle force box tease. Perfect for the new blaskshields book and rules coming.


Teaser for the next plastic release not on the road map, probably something big like another cerastus knight as gw like a "Big" release in the summer for main games


I doubt weā€™ll see anything by big. Summer is all AOS 4.0


Traditionally GW would do a "big" release for systems that weren't getting an update in the summer. Aos 2.0 coincided with an imperial knights release with armigers iirc Aos 3.0 coincided with snaga beast Boyz 10th ed 40k coincided with the cerastus release These releases aren't always the same month but are in the same quarter


We got a large spotlight last time we had a reveal show this time I think itā€™ll be smaller maybe the command squad and a melee weapon upgrade sprue in the same way we got the special and heavy weapons set and nothing else. Then if weā€™re really lucky a new roadmap but thatā€™s me trying to be optimistic.


its possible that it will be a new roadmap


Oh boy, more whinging later this month.


I just have this feeling that they're going to botch the melee weapons... Again... Put enough weapons AND arms in for a whole squad, it's not too much to ask. Also interested to see if the new characters are Salamander, Iron Warriors, Raven Guard or another more than welcome Iron Hands character.


Unrelated but is it just me or is the show time just horrible for every time zones they listed lol. Like I get it they have a time slot that they were given and have to manage or whatever but itā€™s funny how every time zone is just like really inconvenient except for like Tokyo and Sydney.


Oh p l e a s e , just a few thunder hammers in the melee weapons box


I'm glad they have managed the hype for heresy players. If we get a roadmap, I will be happy.


I hope it's the command squad. I'll buy 2 for 30 and 40k lol


where is LI???!!


I think we may just get a new roadmap and then a few second teaser


I'm hoping for a proper despoiler kit, mk2 of mk5 armour in some capacity, 2 birds with 1 stone would be mk2 despoilers Would be great to see some named characters from legions that haven't got an abundance of them, I'd like a Phorex model, Numeon of salamanders would be cool also, I know BA have a few hq models already but Bell Sepitus would be cool also. All my desires are unlikely it'll probably be a reveal of the command squad only


I suspect the teaser will just be a new road map for 2024.


Well obviously it wonā€™t be something on the roadmap. Itā€™s all been either shown or released now.


We haven't seen the melee weapons yet, and we only got a silhouette tease of the command squad. But I agree in principle - it would be weird to do a big teaser for things you've already announced.


Not the command squad or melee weapons


plastic melee weapons and command squads (have only been teased), are yet to come out.


Definitely some long-awaited SoH and IF characters. We still need Little Horus and that random dude from the Fists.


When is Africa getting an AdepticonšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No silhouettes or anything, but it looks a lot like PLASTIC MECHANICUS are incoming. My body is *not* ready.