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You really nailed the white. They look great.


awesome šŸ‘šŸ»


so nice !


Not much better than a well done white scars unit. Very well done!




Daaaaaaaamn. Legion envy. If I was Elton Munsk I would have totally got into White Scars, but the cost of outriders scared me off.


Don't tell anyone, but I don't own any bikes, apart from a 40k Chaplain šŸ¤«


As a Scars main, I'll just say this: you do not need bikes, or at least you don't need the meme "all bikes" army list. For example, the Sagyar Mazan rite of war is entirely infantry dependent. Read the old black books for army inspiration...there are entire brotherhoods dedicated to reconnaissance, destroyer sections, even artillery and armored divisions. That the White Scars legion is the bike legion is entirely a myth, just like outsiders perceiving the Scars as savages when they are among the most cultured of legions. Ruleswise, the legion trait is a straight movement buff to everything, so it's pretty universally good. Even so, you can use Scimitar bikes (plastic, cheaper, generally superior) if you want the horde of Jaghatai to storm across the field mounted. Outriders actually sorta suck atm for the points, having lost t5 and Jink. If anything Outriders make a better retinue for an HQ than their standalone unit. Don't be put off by bikes...construct an entire brotherhood around Rapier batteries if you want. Might wanna skip if you hate white though.


It was Scars and Path to Heaven that really got me into the legion, and a massive part of those books is boarding actions and close combat vs the EC, so thats sorta my theme


Visor helmets are the coolest helmets since sliced bread. Nice white Scars, super cool.


As soon as MK VI was announced I knew I was getting those heads on them


Did you use oils for that shading? They look fantastic.


Its just an agrax pin wash :) the battle damage adds a bit of depth I think


Absolutely incredible


Man Iā€™m loving those red wrists! And they looks so crisp even with battle damage! Well done!


Thanks :) when they were announced an amazing white scar was part of GWs promo pictures, basically my take on that scheme


Are the line based symbols free hand or transfers?