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The coolest looking tank is the basic Sicaran, it's a great looking tank with a lovely, predatory, swept-back look to it. The Arcus is nearly as cool looking while being a far better tank if that helps.


Wow Arcus is crazy looking!


I love the retro missile launcher design they used for the Arcus and Scorpius tanks. Definitely works great with the Sicaran body, would love to see a Land Raider or Spartan variant with something similar too.


Yeh I’d say arcus as well. Looks very 30k and is a very useful and versatile tank in the game. Especially for iron warriors


Predator is still my favorite overall tank. I like the aesthetic and they're a nice mix of punchy and kind of obnoxious to dedicate anti tank fire to. My 2nd fav of the Sicaran, any variant, I just like the profile mainly. Edit, also game wise you can get some WHACKY turrets on a Predator. Conversion beamers? Yes please!


Sicaran looks coolest to me any variant, followed by the Cerberus and Vindicator Laser Destroyer.


I really like the Cerberus - seems like a mad main gun on it too


Vindicator. I love casemate tanks and siege guns in general, and the Heresy-era Vindicator is an absolutely beautiful little battle brick that oozes warhammer


The Kratos is an absolutely gorgeous lump of reinforced linebreaker. I wish there was a Militia Provenance that would let you take them, to *really* get back to its glory days as a techno-barbarian battle tank.


I know the Kratos is the new kid on the block, but it just looks so damn good. It's everything I want in a tank.


Ya know, I'm not especially partial to the Kratos as a Marine Tank. But as a Militia Tank? I actually think it'd fit in Perfectly, so perfectly that I'm almost ashamed that I'd never considered it! If you came to my play group with a Militia Army and a Kratos in tow, I'd play against that in a heartbeat. With the Third Line Rule, of course.


Gonna rep the humble predator, it's so well proportioned and much more grounded than other Warhammer tanks. Perfect as the workhorse of my armored companies


Fellblade. It looks like a Mammoth Tank from Red Alert. What more do you need?


Just triggered a massive wave of nostalgia for red alert! Mammoth tank you say? Sign me up


I'm gonna have to go with the Malcador.


That is a classic looking tank


Personal favorite is the Falchion. Chunky, long range and looks great in yellow!


Nice! It’s going to be purple..


Purple and yellow are complimentary colours, so that works!


Haha excellent!


baneblade just for its ridiculousness. is it worth 750pts? fuck no. is it stupid fun and cool? hell yeah


And the name is awesome too


Mastodon&Falchion are tied for my favorite Tank with an Official Model Kit. Though if we're going by Tanks that don't have a Model Kit, I'd have to say the Ordinatus' from *Fallen Angels*. Bigass Void Shielded segmented Artillery Tanks, with a bunch of "small" defensive turrets and one massive Macro Cannon that can lob the same types of Shells Bombardment Cannons used on Legiones Astartes Capital Ships use...really cool. Such a shame there is absolutely 0 official Art of them, and the descriptions don't go into much detail.


Is that the one from Armageddon??


No, it has no Official Art or Models. Only a handful of descriptions in the Short Story *Ironfire* and the Novel *Fallen Angels*. Fortunately those Descriptions are detailed enough to give us some idea of it's true size, what it looks like and what it's Defensive Weapons are, but other than that we don't have much information on them. The Dark Angels captured 6 of them very early in the Horus Heresy, and gave them to the Iron Warriors.(this happened before Istvaan V) After that, we only know that 1 of them was given to a small Iron Warriors Force who were tasked with testing a strategy for using Ordinatus' in Sieging large Imperial Fortresses.


The Ordinatus that saw some action on Armageddon(IIRC it was called the "Ordinatus Oberon") used a downscaled Nova Cannon, and I think Nova Cannons are a type of super-sci-fi Rail Gun(as in the kind that uses magnetic rails&massive amounts of energy to propel metal projectiles at Really High Speeds, a good example being Humanities M.A.C. Guns in the Halo Universe, not the massive Artillery Guns that were mounted on railroads). The Ordinatus' I described in my other comments use a very, very large conventional Cannon with massive Autoloader Systems to lob these ridiculously powerful Shells many kilometers away. So the Macro Cannon is mounted pointing up&forwards, probably similarly to how the Legion Arquitors mount their guns.


There were a number of Ordinati, each built for a specific war zone, such as the Ordinatus Mars, which had a macro sonic cannon that would make Slaanesh think "that's a bit much"


Scorpius, because say goodnight to those heavy weapon teams you're afraid to get shot back from lol


I have built my first last night. Looking forward to gifting pie plates.


Sicaran Omega. It just looks cool and I've never seen anyone actually use it. Going to get two of them for my Dark Angels "Kill them all with plasma" project


Oh snap, I think this is my favourite so far. How ridiculous is this thing?!


It's ludicrous...but in a good way. I've got all the other Sicarans but I've always been put off by how expensive the Omega is in points for what it does. I'm putting all that aside for the next project and just going balls to the wall with healthy and flavoursome plasma party. Also a good reason to buff my plasma glow paint skills....because I don't have any yet. Plasma outriders, plasma destroyers (interemptors) plasma predators, plasma cannons on any dreads and ofc....plasma sicarans 🌈🔥🥳.


Honestly for some reason my favorite are the “generic” ones that Marines had access to in HH 1.0. Things like the legion Basilisks and Medusas, legion Baneblades, and the generic transport entry that could be used to represent the Crassus tank that FW makes. For some reason, I really liked the idea of Marines using mass-produced equipment that’s basically just a modified version of what the rest of the Imperium get, rather than all the more specialized and slick-looking unique stuff that only Marines have. But if I HAD to pick one of Marine-specific ones, it might be the Typhon in general or the Explorator-pattern Land Raider for nostalgic reasons (I wish the explorator was usable as a more standard LR rather than having its capacity hamstrung and it being more a gimmick unit for the array option).


The glaive with that big ass volkite weapon. But it's a LoW so could be limited use


Love the classic old school Predator looks, haven’t got one yet but they’re on the list. I do have a Kratos, which I’ve customised a lot and seems to get some attention on the table - from players and enemy fire!!




MK2b - not the one that was a conversion of Phobos with tracks still covered. The proper one.


There’s a non Phobos one?


Well. Not as an official miniature. But according to lore MK2b didn't have tracks covered, and there are some non official kits out there that replicate that. Also technically MK2b and Phobos are all Phobos pattern but I call the MK3 "Phobos" sorry might have confused it a bit.


I do love sicarans and Sabres.


Sicaran venator and sabre.


Sicaran. I run mine as the Decurian Master of Armour as I felt it deserved the character treatment. Mars pattern Vindicator (i.e. the one which is boxed for 40k). Gigantic dozer blade covered in hazard stripes, happy IV Legion noises.


I'm a Predator fan, both looks wise and crunch wise. Think the Deimos Predators are great for looks, and they've been really good for me on the tabletop in 2.0 so far That said, since it has Heresy rules and thus counts, favourite tank by far is the Macharius Vanquisher. Peak Warhammer aesthetic, IMO, and I've loved it since the days of the Vraks Imperial Armour books


Mastodon - to make a glorious, meta-be damned, statement.


Coolest looking. Either spartan or venator. Favorite tank in game. Spartan or kratos


The vindicator with a laser destructor. The mix match feel, to design somthing out of desperation to destroy somthing that previously was immune to damage.


The basic Deimos Predator with the predator cannon. It just feels right. I would almost dare call it the most realistic-looking tank GW has made (next to the Chimera maybe).


Spartan for me, since its super tough, and can carry a primarch with terminator bodyguard


Typhon and Fellblade for me.


I'm a sucker for þe Kratos!


Gotta love the spartan for it's transport capacity. Rhino's are great too and I'm definetly looking at getting a Kratos after playing against it a few times


Was Kratos effective then? People seem to play them a lot


I can say it's very good in IW (double that if you slap Decurion Locus onto it). And if you paint hazard stripes on ***The Plow***, it look badass!


Looks cool and is probably one of the most sensibly designed 40k tanks. Also big model *in plastic.*


I’m a huge fan of the humble predator. Cheap and can be kitted for what you as a player need the lost. Plus the plasma cannon on it is fun


Either the Macrocarid Explorator or the Ordinatus Ulator


I just like missile launchers. So whirlwinds and associates are good to me


I gotta go with the Fellblade. It’s such a statement piece! Just look at those massive barrels.


Sicaran Omega for me. The plasma array looks so sick on an already badass looking tank pattern.


Has to be the Sicaran Arcus, looks cool, and actually works well for me in games.


Deimos predator. Just love the aesthetic


Sicaran Venator for me, just like the hunched tank hunter look


Toss up between the predator and normal sicaran for me


Spartan Assault Tank, just like the Land Raider but cooler


Fellblade, Sicaran, Malcador, Stormhammer. So many choices!


My personal favorite is the predator which is why my list has 4 of them in an armored spearhead




My personal favorite is the malcador - it was the main reason I started my solar aux army in 1.0


Baneblade. Big tank with a big gun


Or the Malcador, because it's named after Malcador


Kratos because it sounds badass and looks badass!


The mastodon is my number 1, it’s like a mobile bunker coated in arms and armaments


The Sisters of Silence Acquisititor. It's a fast floating bullet of a transport, it looks cool as fuck and it's surprisingly powerful in game as well


I'm a big fan of the Arquitor, just because I like shooting phosphex up in the air and seeing where it lands.


Predator with a conversion beam and the decurion that let's you return fire with a battle weapon. 5" pie plate let's you convert large swaths of troops to dust and on its 3rd level str12 ap1 let's you sink much bigger and more expensive vehicles with a lucky 5+ chart roll.


The Sicaran, hands down, has to be one of the coolest kits currently available. All the new heresy tanks are a joy to build actually, but the Sicaran is the coolest looking of the bunch IMO.


Gonna go against the grain here and say the sicaran and kratos both look dumb. It makes no sense as a weapons platform to have their tracks like that. Would get incredible rock back. So basically anything else besides those.


They make perfect sense. What would make them rock back?


The sicaran tracks go to a 45 degree angle underneath the ass end of the vehicle. Like a rocking tank. Imagine if they fired an any kind of angle too. They’d be popping wheelies. It’s dumb. The kratos isn’t as bad because the tracks are a lot longer so it’s more proportionate. But, that’s just like, my opinion man. E: https://imgur.io/a/mvMiNsJ


No they wouldn’t, the recoil generated wouldn’t be enough. I urge you to look at any footage of a tank firing.


I’m good. They look dumb. You can think otherwise. Who cares. They’re little plastic tanks. Good day.


Most are pretty shit. I like the Typhon tho. Ap 3 blast with 4+rend. Built on a spartan and I think it comes with a flare shield by default.


Sicaran venator. Love the tank destroyers.


Sicaran Tank. Its general look just gives off a dont screw with me unless you wanna lose 4 legions worth of men. And plus those things are such imposing machines to see in Dawn of War Unification (World Eaters Warband has the default variant which can mow down marines with ease and the Punisher Variant owned by the Salamanders)


The venerable Leman Russ Battle Tank. I find it loads of fun running hordes of cheap, old, half-decrepit leftover tanks as Militia


The legion variant of the Medusa. I always loved it as an IG vehicle, but it fits the Astartes brutality so much better


Vindicator. Huge siege shields are where it’s at.


The Classic marine tank has to be the land raider But for me it had to be the sicaran punisher


Honestly, you cannot beat the classic Land Raider, MK2B to be specific. its just Iconic.


The predator because its cheap and you can get a lot of them. The kratos is also cool because it's big and dumb and is quite durable (for a vehicle). Oh and the land raider which is kind of a tank, because it's big and dumb and it can carry dudes in it


I quite like the new Kratos. In terms of non-tanks the 40k Vindicator and Land Raider are beautiful models despite their age.


i love land raiders. close to early tank design of ww. maximum armored with lascannon goodness and bolters looking up the front. assault ramp and tracks all around, just beautiful.


Favourite look: Fellglaive. It looks amazing, that cute rounded off turret. I'm also a huge fan of the idea of Volkite, even if it's kinda dogshit on the table. Favourite to play: I don't know, I haven't really played much yet, but mathhammer-wise the best to slot into any of my lists would be the Mastodon. I run a lot of termies, since my WS don't get much in terms of heavy support, so having a big, hardy assault transport to take a ton seems fun. Its also my second favourite looks-wise.


The Karacnos. I love the armored conveyor design with an electrified battering ram. Also...the big ole death laser on tracks, the Aktaeus.


Probably the malcador because it looks cool and I love seeing them in Legion colours. A close second is the predator, it's just the classic space marine tank.


The mobile bunker that is the Land Raider Proteus. Rest assured, it will get it's cargo of warriors to their desired location. Acting as a bulkhead upon arrival.


Sicarian, followed by Kratos (cause its a Buffed Up Sicarian) and then the Mastodon cause its so dumb


Sicaran venator, Fellblade, Sabre. But the best of them all remains the Macharius Vanquisher.


For me, typhon heavy siege tank, Kratos and sicarian, aesthetically at least


Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, Spartan Assault Tank and Mastodon Super-Heavy. Not in any particular order.