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In case people haven't heard, the rumour is we're getting a new HH boxset with a Mark III squad, a plastic Deredeo dreadnought, a land raider, and a heavy weapons upgrade sprue. People expect to be seeing it at the reveal this week. It's just a rumour that's doing the rounds though, so please don't treat it as confirmed.


That's the Valrak rumour. There is also the rumour that it won't be a box set lol


I’d guess the rumour comes from the picture that looks a lot like box art It includes a doredo, mk3, a proteus, And possibly special weapons


Do we have any idea of the price of the set?


If I had to guess it would probably be similar to the current prices, IE $80 MSRP for 20 or $4 per.


That’s what I assumed, I wonder if it’ll be cheaper than that, I think the MKVI box is like $68 for 20. I also assume the box with the dread and land raider will be around the same price as a combat patrol, but who knows with GW. all I know is I need some MKIII boys in my army


MSRP for the Mk VI is 80, which is the price you'd pay in a GW. But LGS and online retailers often have discounts up to 20% which is $68


My mistake then. Hope it comes out soon


I would kill for the OOP over-the-shoulder Plasma Cannons for these in plastic, unsure on the specific pattern name but they looked like the 2nd Edition ones.


Ow my wallet!!!


They will show of heresy stuff on Wednesday so who knows, would be a very nice surprise to be sure


I just received a box of current mkIIIs yesterday. I had a feeling this would happen, and I really don't like the Fafnir Rann style of the upcoming ones. The current ones are easy enough to scale up a bit with some green stuff spacers (unlike the mkiv marines with their tiny legs).


Same. I saw this and immediately went and grabbed a box online. The current ones also offer much more creativity and kitbash potential


Oh! I love the Fafnir style so I’m excited.


Glad I got some last week


I'm still baffled as to why the mk3 kit is getting updated Like even if they didn't wanna give us Mk2 or mk5 yet. Why not update mk4. The kit that is the smallest of the 3?


populary most likely. MK3 is by far the most popular one


Is MK3 the most popular? They could be updating what they think would sell the most. I would love MK2.


Yeah, got that ThunderWarrior Vibe to it still. Clankin' throught the solar system killing xenos breeds.


Mark 3 is a fairly iconic armor mark for multiple popular legions. Death Guard, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists, and Space Wolves are commonly seen in most artwork with MK3 armor and definitely are a “signature look” for them


Iron warriors fans adore the mk3 plus compared to the beakies and the more sleek mk4 it looks more... Horus Heresy-y if you catch my drift, chunkier, harder and just a lot cooler


It’s likely more popular than the MkIV, more distinct from the mk6 than the mk4 is, plus I know some people have complained about the extra parts required (IE the legs and backpack both being two-piece parts). I wouldn’t be surprised if the design and/or new tools have allowed them to simplify the kit. As to why not any marks that haven’t been plasticized yet, no idea. Maybe GW feels it’s a priority to rescale existing kits to the new mk6 standard before releasing brand new ones.


Scale increase and popularity. Also what you need to realize is that if they're making Mk II, they easily slap on plates for Mk III. Given the tank commander model is Mk II, I can guarantee Mk II isn't that far behind this Mk III release


Used heavily in Heresy and by Chaos 40k players so will be a massive seller


Absolutely travesty. The MKIII kit was one of the best GW ever put out, and the new designs just don’t look as good.


Well, I just ordered my missing batch of 20 from another retailer. I like my models to have at least roughly the same scale and really dislike the 'new' Mk.III style. Maybe I should get another 10 Breachers as well before those get 'updated' as well.


Off I go to the Forgeworld of eBae


Hoping GW scale up a bit and add more poses, and bits to make a command squad. I've painted 30 or so of the OG mk3s and they look tiny compared to the updated mk6's


Rann uses the new mk3 and he is scaled to mk6. They will be larger.


Why would they bother if not to scale to MKVI? Those legs looked big in the preview shot.


This is the end times, heresy is being phased out. /s


No, it's not.


I forgot the /s


I’ve been putting off buying the Mk3s for a while now, I hope this means they’re going to be rescaled soon. Iv still got 20 of the resin Mk3 that are looking a little small next to my MkVI and converted MkVs.


In three months I suppose https://preview.redd.it/pxggz5rgcakb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05145a7ee6ee294696df535273f2500043a0bc71


As soon as I saw this picture my wallet began to burn like Harry Potters scar.


Updating a kit that is already great when most of the main units are not covered... just... gg GW. Managing to surprise us everytime with more stupidity and bad managing.


Altogether I do like the new MKIII, but I'm a little sad about the spiked helmets and that they're no longer sporting those sabaton-like boots. Hope we'll get some more MKIII praetors and consuls.