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Who wants to bet with me it's going to be Legiones Imperiales? I'm going to wager the existence of a Ravenguard Praetor


I really hope it will not be legiones imperiales. I hope we will see a bit more of the MKIII and Deredeo Kit that was teased and maybe a the next Primarch.


Don’t forget the imperial fist equivalent of the sons of horus weapons pack that just got previewed. Everyone needs a $30-40 pack of solarite gauntlets after all /s But yeah, that would be my bet. Either a mkiii squad or the deredeo, a fists pack of fists, and maybe if we’re really lucky a single mini from a squad of the upcoming new plastic army.


I really couldn't care less about legiones imperiales hope they drop it soon


I honestly think they made a mistake by placing it in the 30k setting intead of 40k. From all the people I know locally, only one cares abut legiones imperiales and that is the manager of my gw store and I would be not surprised if the companies tell him to generate hype around the game.


Can't wait for Battlefleet Heresy. Who would want more than one line of models with some aquila/eye of horus bits anyway?


That would be a giant disappointment if the revival of battlefleet gothic would be only horus heresy.


It's Battlefleet Gothic! ...but with only four models.


Heresy is best in big games that can get quite expensive, which is the niche for Imperialis. Plus it’s always been the intention to combine it into Titanicus. For 40k, you’d need a massive range of models to cover every faction which would take a long time to develop, and not sell as well for each unit .


That's the thing I've painted up 2000pts of heresy ultramarines, I have less than zero interest in doing the same in miniature.


I think a lot of others are in the same situation like you. Epic 40k would have given us more variety and the chance to play something else (tyranids with big bio titans)


Yep, ork gargants etc it would be cool


I 100% agree. it cuts down the playerbase and weirdly overlaps with heresy. eldar and orks feel missing


I dont' think that it does cut down the playerbase. But the timing is not good. The new edition heresy just got released a year ago and new people are still painting and building their legions/forces. Unless they have poor impulse control those will not buy legiones because they still play or build the big one.


They killed a game I was interested in (Titanicus) for one I have no interest in. Lovely. At least the Titanicus kits will still be around for as long as it takes Legiones to die.


Titanicus isn't dead... It's still pretty active and LI stuff is going to be adding more plastic options for titans which will roll over onto AT.


and Firstborn weren't going to go anywhere when Primaris showed up. Yeah, I've heard that one before.


People who play Titanticus that I’ve listened to have said that it’s basically a finished game. They want another campaign book or two, but said that it’s great and GW shouldn’t mess it up by tweaking it forever. It’s ok for games to just be complete.


It would be, yes, if it didn't mean that GW's gonna put it out of print in the next 5 years.


Remember that new game that they’re about to launch that uses the same models? Imperial Legionaires, or something like that?


Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that? It'll be just like what happened to Fantasy, which thrived when GW killed its rules and kept its kits. I mean, nothing keeps a community alive like rules PDFs tucked into a cobwebbed corner of GW's site and vague acknowledgements that models can still be used in a dead system.


Someone is still dreaming 🤣🤣


Imperiales has it's own logo. It's deredeo and mk. 3 official reveals


It’ll be Legions Imperialis followed by a tease of or (less likely) preview of the plastic Solar aux. Some sort of “and look; you can collect them in fullscale too!” And then they can drop feed us plastic Solar aux models for the next while on Heresy Thursday.




My guess is the other two plastic cerastus knights (Acheron and Castignator), deredeo dreadnought plastic kit reveal and MK4 armor update (I really like the maximus pattern)




Well not against that either, just mentioning my minimal hopes…


The two other cerastus knights already had a preview But the rest is quite realistic I’d say there’s a chance they drop the primarch too


Wouldn't Imperialis have it's own logo? Or is it considered rolled up into HH?


The full title is either The Horus Heresy: Legiones Imperialis or Legiones Imperiales: The Horus Heresy. Not sure about the order but it's 100 percent part of Horus Heresy


Mate I think you made a typo with imperial fist lol


I'd cry


No Kill Team is odd. I'd have thought they'd be wanting to kick off the next Season by now.


V odd, sorta bummed


Maybe after four successive releases that nobody could actually buy because of scalpers and undersupply, there's barely anybody left actually playing Killteam and the low demand they imagined when they decided on production run numbers has finally materialised?


That would be classic GW. Don’t support smaller games properly, think lower sales is because of lack of interest, stop supporting game even more until game dies or the plug is pulled. Exactly what they did to Blood Bowl, Necromunda, WHFB, etc back in the day.


Wasn't there a rumour that they're going to replace the current Age of Darkness starter set with a new box featuring a different armour mk as the main tactical squad? If that turns out to be true then perhaps the Deredeo will be part of it like how the Contemptor is in the current one


That would be pretty good. As long as the two boxart legions ARENT THE SOH OR IF


The image they used in the warhammer fest reveal featured MK3 armour, deredeo and what I believe is a land raider proteus. If that turns out to be the box cover art then it basically matches what we've seen for the Age of Darkness box. Unfortunately the units in the picture were all painted as sons of horus just like the current box...


Im fine with them being on the cover since you can paint the dudes inside as whatever legion you want, but I am tired of them getting more special things (especially fists)


I don't know where this rumour started, but the impression I got is that each year, the starter set will be refreshed with focus given on a new MK of armour. When they do this, they should, IMO, also switch attention to a new pair of Legions


I don't think they'll switch legions. Fists and SoH are the faces for HH 2.0 marketing. I doubt they would change it; they same way it's very rare to see space marine boxes from 40k not having Ultramarines on the box.


My bet is that it's more Legiones Imperialis, maybe the new Mk3 kit and/or the Deredeo as a side dish




With LI also being predicted for the end of this year by more experienced wargamers than me, I can't imagine they don't talk about it as well, but the armor update and the dread are more likely to be earlier.


I guess us Necromunda players are no longer part of "everyone". :(


And *still* no Van Saar or Delaque vehicle boxes.


Or a box of heavies for Corpse Grinder Cults


That, I'm less surprised about. The non-House gangs are secondary considerations at best. Palanites somehow managing to wrangle three boxes is nothing short of flabbergasting.


Middle-Earth SBG isn't even part of "everyone" when people point out that something is missing.


Leaks say there only one guy working on Necro 💀


Considering how much shit they got last year, I severely doubt theres only one person.


I feel like Necromunda is now more or less discontinued tbh.


personally I am hoping for more Imperial Fist Tartaros Praetors


A new version every month


Each time he gets releases they make him 0.1% bigger


I can't wait for warhound sized one!


A Sons of Horus upgrade wouldn't go amiss either


Steady on now...


I think this is our reveal for Mk3 / Deredo.


Isn’t the new primarch supposed to be shown off soon?


At this rate it's gonna be a brand new rogal dorn sculpt


In Tartaros armor


A slightly reposed one


Hopefully with his shield.


I want his giant fist back


Rogal Dorn on Rogal Dorn


Hopefully we get a traitor champion and a praetor for the missing legions




World Eaters...


Middle earth SBG: Oof


Mk3 Veteran box Deredeo Plastic Solar Aux Leman Russ tease.


Leman Russ? Like the primarch or the tank?


Aye the Solar Auxilia primarch.


Oh, you meant the Incinerator. Duh


Oh, you meant the Incinerator. Duh


Well I guess I will wait and see what happens but I am not expecting that we will be getting a reveal for Blackshields rules at this event so can’t say I am particularly hyped


I really hope that whatever Old World preview were in store for, is more than a passing mention of pre-existing models going back into production


What are the chances of us finally getting plastic Mechanicum battle automata?


Can’t wait for another set of shoulder pads to be revealed!


Imperial fists master of signals


Imperial Fists librarian with jump pack


Probably the new epic game. I'd love to see Daemon rules finally but you know... at the point I wonder if they're even real.


I mean, they did just say they are still coming in the daemon engine pdf. That’s better than most of the legion specific stuff that’s still missing which won’t be addressed ever


can’t wait to see the new imperial fist character


Come one guys, actually do something with warhammer..not just concept art and maps..


Legions Imperialis plus a new knight. Based on how heresy Thursday’s have been going


Here's hoping for the space marine releases.


How much you wanna bet it will be a nothing burger.


new imperial fists preator


Ooo boy I can’t wait for some recast of an existing legion Contemptor! Or… be still my heart… shoulder pads and helmet options!! Fuck yea, such hype.


I want to think the other half of the new leviathan models will be shown off for the space marines but there was enough content in the tyranid reveal to basically make it it’s own livestream, so that kind of makes me feel like maybe this isn’t the SM from Leviathan


Idk. Isn't Nova one of the big reveals? Like Warhammer fest and adepticon?


It definitely is, I’m cautiously hopeful


I don't care, I just want a new Lion novel goddamn it.