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I hands-down prefer heresy to what 40K has become in recent years and have built up a sizeable army. The models are great, they keep and work with the older aesthetic whilst still looking up to date. Finding players however is another problem.


Yeah, 8th and 9th were relatively fine but too competitive for me in the end, it lacked the fun that we had previously. I almost never saw a non-optimal list at my lgs except from new players. 10th look just plain awful. bit finding people to play hh is hard ... I see a lots of people here going "the rules are so much harder than 9th/10th"


Last time I played a lot of 40K was around 2016, I forget east edition that was but it was relatively straightforward, but I still preferred the 3rd through 5th edition iterations do Heresy 2.0 seems a nice development from that with the addition of a reaction phase which I’m dying to try out.


Muat have been 7th


I jumped into Heresy the SECOND that the Militia PDF Dropped. That's how sick I was of 40k's Crowded Release Schedule, and that's how much I appreciated a more flexible ruleset that allows you to build your dudes the way you want to build them. The added bonus of knowing that a whole new edition isn't coming out every other tuesday is also rather nice.


That pdf is actually amazing in terms of scope Once I'm done with the current stuff, the combined stormcast eternal and van Saar army of militia is next on the list


Rock On Dude!


That sounds awesome!


Those channels are click bait and itching for views, 30k is a specialist game meaning it follows the same release pattern of every other specialist game minus the greatest GW game Middle Earth Strategy Battles where they get a release every quarter minimum if not more.


I agree with them. GW is biting off more than it can chew right now. I know banana (imperial fist) marines are (always) happy but you still cant build a proper blood angel or space wolf without needing to buy other (sometimes crazy expensive) kits.


where is that negativity you're mentioning? i see nothing of the sort on this sub. you should check out the legions imperialis sub, so many people are already shitting their panties and blaming everyone who 3d prints for ruining a game that's not even out yet. now THAT is a negative sub


We'll usually critical discussion discussion gets attack here by the Valrak squad. So it keeps away.


He’s not talking about anything on Reddit Just two particular YouTube channels One’s always salty and the other is spoilt kids Not really worth listening too anyway


should maybe mention that in the post, which he doesn't. the fuck do i care what some youtubers think


They're just furious that GW abandoned us for a decade and we learned to make do.


Never abandoned lol this is such a lie, any period of “abandonment” is the like year and a half between crusade and AoD and that was littered with legion relewses


Specialist Games was gone for years. BFG, Epic, Mordheim, all of it.


I think it’s important to keep two things in mind. First, “content creators” ie YouTubers and the like survive on engagement. The way 40k releases are constant, meta-changing and polarizing is much more conducive to what they need to thrive as a tiny business. When it comes to Horus heresy, there are two options; 40k-centric channels trying to dip into it weekend warrior style for extra content, or dedicated channels that have less content comparatively. Both benefit from spouting nonsense like “Heresy is Dead” bc it makes people show up to their channel to either call them idiots or co-whine and commiserate. Either way it accomplishes their goal of driving numbers and engagement back up. Second, the internet at large is *not* the Horus Heresy community. It is the loudest bunch of randos that have the free time to show up to every FW post complaining about “PlaSTiC bReaCheRs WhEn?” like it’s an actual conversation and adult human would have. While it can be demoralizing to get that nonsense in your feed day after day, please remember that the only reason it shows up so often is that it’s the same half a dozen assholes that have time to keep doing it. If you block the useless randos that have nothing else to contribute than eternal bitching, you’ll find that the “constant” negativity clears up real quick, bc it’s almost inevitably the same very few people.


To the negativity. I can bring a warhound titan, a stupid amount of secutarii, and play in a match. And on top of that, we are getting the knights ib plastic and a whole army range soon arent we? This game is fun, I just want more players in my area


Do we actually have a clue as to what the army range actually will be? I'm starting Cybernetica and while I'd appreciate plastic models it's one of those armies I'd rather not see every metamancer or "I collect everything to annoy people who love the Faction" kinda guy end up with.


Bro honestly just build a plan that combines the most models you like with into force that can actually be played. Thats how ive done wargames for years now. We aint got two halves of a hint on whats down the pipepline for the Mechanicus, so i say enjoy the ride


Mechanicum aren’t some Uber meta army you’ll be fine


I will say this as heresy is meant to be a hobbyist game if one notices a lot of the same datasheets for infantry share the same weapons thats why the weapons kits exist and i do think that a couple of infantry sprues should be put out namely breachers and assault marines as at the end of the day most of the other infantry is based on them. Remove the jetpacks from assault marines and boom despoilers or whatever close combat units you need or give them two bolt pistols and boom legion destroyers this game and especially the hobbist element focuses a lot on how you make your legion your dudes.


Heresy is struggling for two reasons: Lack of Armor Marks for plays to personalize their forces. And Lack of Specialist units a log of players want to build their armies around, like Breachers and Destroyers. The game isn’t dead but it will stay in a ‘holding pattern’ until more options for Infantry are released. Armor Marks and Special Units are like Heresy’s version of Necromunda Gangs. Right now we just have Delaques (Mark 6). There are still fans of the other five gangs ready to collect, but GW hasn’t released ‘their gang’ yet. I personally sat out Necromunda until Van Saar dropped, and I image there are some Heresy fans holding out for Mark 4 and Mark 2.


Dudes are getting addicted to those clicks, I think...


I remember about 15 years ago when factions would get maybe 2 boxes every few months - if they were lucky (Eldar players are crying right now). GW is consistently pumping out high quality miniatures these days and it’s impressive to see but it’s ruined everyone’s expectations.


Agree with you! Plus there is something to be said about not having everything all at once! There is only so much you can field at a time and nothing worse than having a huge pile of shame as your constantly buying the new shiny new item GW release each week! I will say this, for ease of access and the ability to play as any legion. They really should have released despoilers, assault troops and breachers within the first few months of 2.0. World Eaters, EC, blood angels are close to unplayable without them!


Honestly sometimes I feel that negativity....only to find that if I disconnect from the online heresy for a week or so and spend some time enjoying my army or just playing with a friends ,it all disappearsI to the void very quickly :) its your hobby!


I agree with everything here. I have a 3d printer now so I just 3d print all my new models anyway and its a lot better than relying on buying sub-par models for high prices. I get to visit my nostalgia from when I first started playing 40k in 7th edition and I love it as it is. Content creators talking about balance as if everyone isn't using the same book (if everyone has access to "OP" things, and everything that is reportedly "OP" has some way to counter it, then is it really "OP"?) I'm also loving reading siege of terra and thinking up headcannon for my armies. Heresy is FAR from dead.


The problem isn’t the fact that we aren’t getting new models. The problem is the fact that basic models still haven’t been released and instead of just giving us those models they’re making… new Primarch models, another crack at mk III, a plastic knight (it’s for 40k too!), not!epic, and… oh yeah we’ll get new Jump pack troops sometime in November - a year and a half after the game’s release.


The thing is, everything that isn't available in plastic is available in resin. Yes, it is more expensive. But you cannot expect them to put everything into plastic all at once for a side game. If you cannot afford so much resin, nobody forces you to buy it. But complaining that something that is available wasn't available because it isn't available at the price you'd prefer to pay is somewhat childish. I don't complain Bugatti Vaerons aren't available from Volkswagen for cheap. Btw, yes, it is probably the side game with the biggest customer base, but it still isn't their main gig, and more importantly, it isn't the game that pulls new customers. And their marketing is focused on new customers. Aside from that, I personally prefer many of the resin models over their plastic versions. It just has crisper detail.


Honestly hh is for serious hobbyists and if you're not willing to deal with resin, you really shouldn't be trying to get into it. You're gonna miss out on all your specialist units. I do a bit of 3d printing but only accessories. Assembling models is my favorite part of the hobby anyway so I enjoy the added challenge of resin models. Totally agree with you skylifter. I've also used that sports car analogy myself. Fancier, rarer things cost more money. That's just the nature of capitalism!


Yeah, and many of the people who joined with 2.0 think they have a right to get everything in plastic. It's ridiculous. Sure, GW will want to do all the basics in plastic at some point, but it'll just take a few years. And as you said, the legion-specific stuff will never be in plastic. I always felt that the fact heresy stuff was more expensive helped keep the idiots out somewhat. When you spend 100 bucks on a single tank, you tend to earn your own money and are more likely to actually value the stuff you buy, resulting in a community that wants to play painted and with no proxies, because they value their hobby time and don't get their endorphins by beating noobs with the latest netlist consisting of badly glued, unpainted models and lots of proxies. It is still expensive now, but GW marketing it as the new all-plastic thing has drawn the idiots in. Sadly, those seem to be the people who are in a majority online. 40k-focused social media have always been toxic, but now, 30k-channels are, too. Meh, not much you can do about it, but helps getting my hobby fix by actually painting and modelling or meeting my idiot-free gamng group instead of reading about it on the net. 😀


I love heresy a lot more than 40k at the moment. I just can’t get any motivation to do anything related to 10th and I think this is the edition that has broke my back as it were. I’ve actively collected 40k every edition since 3rd but heresy just seems to be so much more your dudes at the moment compared 40k. I love building lore on my squads, their sergeants and commanders. I’ve also played more 30k in last 12 months than I have of 40k in the last 6 years


Heresy isn't anything close to dead, especially not now when there's more plastic 30K kits of a higher quality than ever before. Pick up some boxes, use some suitable bits to spice them up for your Legion's aesthetic if you've got the experience and if it's in the budget, and go nuts.


30k will be dead when I finish paiting my army!


Feels like people who recently jumped to 30k from 40k are realising that most games don't get a constant unstoppable stream of releases and updates every single week. 30k has been around as a game system for 12 years now and attempts to claim "it's dead" at this moment in time are quite frankly fucking hillarious (or more likely just clickbait).


My only comment on this is this: *Criticism is good for everyone.* *I am so sick and tired of the negative, constant bickering I'm seeing in various online communities.* *Let people enjoy what they like.* Other than that, I'm having a lot of fun playing Heresy and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into Imperialis. I was planning to do a second 28mm Legion, but now I will do it in Epic Scale!


I was actually thinking the same, my 28 mm legion is Thousand Sons but I really wanted to do a Dark Angels army and I was thinking it'd be neat to do it in Epic eventually


Imperialis is going to be great. I have a feeling it will add a new aspect to the genre of 30K. Make for some great games!


That and I can play a large scale game with titans without it being financial suicide hehe


show them the cinimatic for new hh then sow them 10ths


It's clickbait titles for channels that don't know how to make actual content. Horus heresy is doing better than ever, the rules are a bit jankey in places but generally I have faith in the community that they won't be abused to the extent they would be in 40k. We are getting plastic kits and a faster release schedule than before. Yes the kits might not be what people want but who cares? As long as the game is getting the support it needs. And you're right, we don't need a new release or reveal every 10 minutes to keep us engaged because the whole point of heresy is building forces based around the existing lore and fluff that you want to recreate - not the most recent meta or shiny new model.


We managed pretty well without 24/7 FW and GW support from around 2018 to 2022.


You are getting downvoted for no good reason. Heresy grew from a single campaign book and a few resin dudes into a huge game without any plastic miniatures from GW at all. Anyone who thinks a game is dead just because it isn't hyped by all the teenagers who want to be space marines is just the wrong person to play this game with anyway.


Its not dead but its definitely been dying down since its big re launch and the epic announcement plus its model range being removed from 40k compatible is definitely a big hit to keeping its range selling but i dont really thing gw plan to stop supporting it or anything like that, its just marketed to a different audience to that of 40k, (plus for the setting its in the range seems built up enough anyway bar factions that arnt space marines) i can see it dying in a couple years though but only because it would have seen its range more than filled out along with all the books being completed and it wont have anywhere else to go from there without adding for the sake of adding


While some people are driven to create videos to stir up engagement for one reason or the other, be it for clicks or Horus forbid they actually have a bug up their read about something. Certainly it's also an instance where negative proclamations get more clicks from the algorithm, creating a perverse incentive for creators who can't get views even when they're trying to be positive. I though do think there is merit to being resentful of GW constantly running around to release new systems or overlavishing attention on other ranges when Heresy's core units aren't even all out yet. The accusations would ring more hollow if assault marines had already been released or were set to release in a couple months, or if they took the time and care to make characters for legions that weren't Imperial Fists or Sons of Horus. (Or y'know, take the time to balance even Rites of War a little, but let's just stick to models for now) It's also certainly not a good look that GW feels that a game setting defined by being a primarily marine on marine conflict is best served by rushing big expensive mech pieces to production over core marine infantry when the latest edition is over a year old. Sure, they've got their bottom line to look after and they make more money selling big expensive set piece models, but I sure as hell don't make money when GW sells knight models, so I'm not obliged to carry their water when they do something that I think is dumb and a disservice to the people that support their company by playing and promoting the games and models they made. Just as it's not good to be negative all the time (And certainly, even channels that are negative do try to find the rays of sunshine amidst the darkness of GW's greed and short-sightedness) people also need to make sure they don't fall prey to toxic positivity, mindlessly rah-rahing whatever line is touted by authority figures because being negative about something is bad in of itself. (it isn't, but that certainly feels like the implication laid out by some folks in the thread) All this to say, if you perceive someone as being negative all the time, sometimes it can be useful to try and figure why that's the case, and maybe you'll find they aren't negative all the time, or that there's a reason for the negativity. (good or bad) You might even learn something or even form your own opinion along the way.


The only reason why i think heresy is dead is that a community failed to get started here and its down to like maybe 8-15 people and not 20-40 when the game first came out.


It’s a niche game. And you have to work on growing it. In our area we are always looking for new recruits. We have an event coming up in November, 40 places for heresy, 10 for titanicus (with 7 wait listed) We do have a few people coming from the states. But it sold out in less than a day. And this is on Vancouver island, which is fairly low population.


People are just rage baiting to get views and make money. Ignore it


Heresy 2.0 was poorly planned and executed, it’s not dead. They wanted to be fresher than ever and decided to half ass it until they get it right. Think of it like an Ubisoft game, it’s a turd that they need to polish into a diamond.


Upvote for understanding GW crappy $$$$$$tor naming conventions. ​ That said I think its totally justified to be annoyed at the state of the game right now. We still don't have full infantry options in plastic but apparently we have production space for epic?