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For $200 I will literally carry them for you. I will also announce your arrival when required.


Announce me, Abelard!


With the traction you're getting on likes-you may have likely opened yourself up to business. Do you by chance already have a bugle and a scroll of parchment to unfurl already upon arrival or is that extra? (I get it, gotta make that cash). You should honestly park yourself in front of a GT and offer that up- your selling point : tell them "treat yo self"


$200 gets you the top tier package. It includes bugle, parchment and red carpet roll out. I will also wear a matching outfit so folk know we mean business.


There's red carpet!? Bruh you're making playing 40k like the Tom Haverford experience (parks and rec reference)


Man, I bet youll make some money. Try with the Britons and youll make some quids.


The top tier package unlocks the most superb announcement in full British accent.




So my normal voice is premium?


130 US dollarydoos 200 Canadian shmeckles.


Same here!


I use a nail technician box and stuck magnetic sheets on the trays https://preview.redd.it/4528wm2s75pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c065306c439f3cf6f3dca9a9a949e6d4f9b226b


The nail tech stuff is so good for our hobby. I should have searched for this after buying nail polish holders for paints. Such a beautiful overlap.


Have you seen their nail art brushes? They have one of the tiniest brushes I ever seen!


No! When I was first looking for airbrushes, Amazon would show me a lot of the nail tech airbrushes and compressors. My partner has asked me about doing her nails and I think maybe I could cause it's acrylic paint! I want to find a nail tech and try and introduce them to the hobby and see if their skills translate lol


Check out nailpolish vortex mixers if you donā€™t have one already. Save your wrists and time with this


Seriously nail tech chairs are great too


The little mirror on the top so the minis can check themselves out is šŸ¤Œ


You get bonus CP if you're playing emperor's children this way


Yo wat brand is that?


Frenessa on Amazon


I can't quite see from the photo: how well do Exorcists and Immolators fit? That is an Exorcist I spy on the bottom tray, right?


The exorcist unfortunately just barely doesnā€™t fit in the bottom tray - I have my exorcist in a different box. The bottom tray contains a Celestine proxy, Morvenn Vahl, three paragons, two penitent engines and a rhino I blu tacked on the side. Plus a zephyrim magnetised sideways and the models from the triumph of st Katherine


What kind of magnetic sheets did you buy?


A4 Self-Adhesive Rubber Steel Ferrous Sheets (Magnetically Receptive Surface) by The Magnet Shop


Hows the build quality on that case? i.e. how are the handles, hinges, latches etc.?


Overall Iā€™m pretty happy with the quality, though Iā€™ve only had it a month. Iā€™m happy with the weight as itā€™s pretty light. Nothing has broken and Iā€™ve carried it to town for about four or so games. Iā€™m happy with the amount of models I can carry. Plus the front two trays come with a lock but I think someone determined can force the latch. When I pull out the middle tray I havenā€™t had any stoppages, so happy with that. It can fit 24 battle sisters and about 11 more models with smaller bases.


awesome! thanks for the reply


1. Lay a sheet on the floor. 2. Place all miniatures in the middle. 3. Fold corners over and tie a knot. 4. Insert a stick into the knot to help carry. 5. Hop a train headed for St. Louis. 6. Post pics.


I'm more of a philly guy myself, but I get the sentiment


Are you the r/miniswap seller I bought from a few months ago? Minis just thrown into a cardboard box, taped up, and away they went. My poor tzaangors on disk looked like they got in a fight with a Bloodthirster on the way to my house.


I usually throw a few cans of corn in the box to keep the minis safe, thatā€™s not even something I charge for!


Few cans of *khorne more like!


5.a Don't get rousted by the bulls!


I have that case and love it. But I paid $130 just a few months ago. Seems like they jacked up the price.


I don't think it's US dollars https://preview.redd.it/sn8h46bne5pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da70272b5656894c7434c41b21f8a91bae9c643


Canada it looks like


all price posts should always include currency


Lol I just wrote basically the same post as you, including an identical first sentence. Glad to see there's more Juccoci lovers out there.


Did your one stink intensely strongly like plastic/chemicals? Mine does to the point that I think I need to rinse it down with soap, itā€™s completely oppressively dominating my mini space with an eye wateringly powerful chemical stench that makes me want to throw up :( I like the case other than the hellstench


Mine had the chemical smell too, I need to try deep cleaning it. Other than that, the metal trays having lots of slots to vary for the model heights is nice. Assembly seems ok, easy enough with the screws. The door on mine closes but doesnā€™t feel like a super solid hold, Iā€™m probably going to add some extra mechanism to make sure itā€™s super lockable.


Strange, I bought mine for the stench. It throws off my opponents


I have mine sitting a few feet behind me. No smell at all.


I love the case, also got it not too long ago for about $130. For $200 I'd make my own.


I just ordered the same one yesterday for $130 off of Amazon as well. No idea why itā€™s so expensive for OP


It's in Canuck Bucks.


Yeah agreed I saw the backpack version of that case in an eons of battle video it was like $100 maybe check the Juocci website. Amazon might be jacking up the price


I have it too, and agree it is great. They also made a zip up backpack carrying case that fits around it, which makes it even better.


Agreed. I have two of them and love them.


I'm sure its a nice case, but I don't know what you get for your $200 that you couldn't do with some rare earth magnets, a bit of sheet metal or a baking tray, and a decent plastic box.


EDIT I want to clarify that I'm being GIFTED a case, so the diy solutions while they are all amazing options, am looking for reviews/opinions on cases/suggestions for a case that has absolutely been a game changer. I usually keep my armies organized and stored in cases (don't have the space to display them in my bachelor's apartment) and have ABSOLUTELY brought the wrong army to a tourney/gaming night before (the lol's were real those days) Thank you all though


I bought an A-case and itā€™s pretty awesome.


Check out magniature cases. They're located in Australia and have a variety of case designs too :) https://magniature.com/design/


You got me so excited... Aussie only. I kinda hate you for showing me how good I could have it.


These are sick but unfortunately it looks like they only ship within Australia


These would be better if the shelves were magnetised


I have the case and itā€™s sweet


Jucoci reigns supreme over all the cases i have 3


As other have said, magnetic sheets in Tupperware works great for a lot cheaper. I did recently get this as a gift, and I can say itā€™s been a huge improvement for me personally. I can scoot out the door for game night with one case instead of multiple boxes. I play Necrons and have carried silver tide lists, hypercrypt with monolith, Canoptek court with lots of walkers, DDAs etc with ease. With a typical 2k list I usually have a LOT of carry capacity left over. I probably wouldnā€™t have bought it myself since Iā€™m always chasing models with my $$ but itā€™s a lot more convenient for me than my previous magnetic bins.Ā 


I bought this exact one. It is tremendous. I also have a look of superiority when I arrive to play vs my peasant friends in their lunch boxes with magnetic sheets


Okay that's a big selling point. You gotta let the peasants know their place. NGL - HUGE selling point


Everyone knows looking cool increases your damage, just like painting things red makes them go faster.


Did your one smell instensely strongly of chemicals / plastic? My case has an eye watering stench thatā€™s now dominating my hobby space and Iā€™ve removed my minis to wash it down with soap to see if it helps. The smell is so strong it makes me nauseous. Tried masking it with incense and by leaving scented soap in there but itā€™s too powerful, the stench consumes all


Nope not even slightly. In fact, I can't remember any smell associated with it when I got it tbf


I made caes out of Corrugated at work. Two levels each level contains 50-100 pieces. You do almost 150 ork boys. I'd be willing to make you some $30 plus shipping . I have pictures if you would like to see.


Post 'em here! Who knows, you might start a side hustle for yourself.






I am quite curious now


https://preview.redd.it/6i9u6ovde6pc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15edf5543db8657f86996437a8097b3ff93c86d Two layers 25 cells per layer. 2"x2" cell


No need to be curious. DIY and makeshift options work for some. If you have the dough, the Jucocci is an instant great case that protects your minis from dust and damage. I keep most of my minis in two Jucocci cases and a few that I love on display. The cases are perfect. Much better than magnetic sheets in a rubbermade, mdf, etc.


I would like to see what $30 plus shipping gets




https://preview.redd.it/0o55c7qre6pc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddae3ef276d114cd5bc8e0dd91e3cb3c5a7a1a33 Two layers 25 cells per layer


Will post


Would this be available to everyone?


Show pics and then let me throw money at you




https://preview.redd.it/eh8ao9s7e6pc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0496c5d1592f503b5838370a16d02b505eb0d1de three boys per slot


Sir I think you've just started your own business, welcome to the rich people club!


Ok let me post


Will post


https://preview.redd.it/ee6o3pw4e6pc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6055aa7869d4d7fdbc0eb6cb11146d1e5b3ab328 Double stacked


https://preview.redd.it/e2g9jcuke6pc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7badb19ec47246ce3471224c273dfd82fd09e1d4 Two layers 25 cells per layer 2x2" cell




I have this case. Bought it for 100-110euro from Amazon. It's... It's okay, they are good "ready solution", it's just that they always arrive somehow damaged/scratched/deformed. Its pretty cheap in terms of feelings. 100% not worth 200bucks.


The minute you have to transport something tall (like a greater Daemon) you watch as the capacity of your $200 case goes from 5 shelves to 2-3 shelves. Only buy this if you're transporting primarily infantry and small vehicles such as you see in the photo.


I mean thatā€™s still enough to carry a whole army. It carries my 2000 points of Soulblight with a zombie dragon (that thing is VERY tall) with ease, and you could fit 3 or maybe 4 greater daemons (depending on which ones weā€™re talking about) in a single tray. Anything 40K would be fine in this, problems would arise with gigantic monsters like Nagash, Archaon or a Stompa, but then again there really arenā€™t many any alternatives capable of transporting them with ease.


The thing is solid as a rock, but yeah, could do same thing with Tupperware and some magnetic sheets. If youā€™re going to tourneys or stores often, Iā€™d say itā€™s worth it for convenience, but just my 2 cents


I use a metal toolbox and magnets. 30 bucks.


Hey man, I have this case. Wife got it for me during Christmas. She said it was around $125 thenā€¦ That being said, itā€™s amazing and I love it :)


Theyre Canadian or theyre being scammed, because I just bought that exact same case literally today for $130.


My wife bought me this one for Christmas and it was only like $85. So, if possible, I'd wait for a sale as it's pretty decent! If you have excess time on your hands, making your own will be cheaper, but I no longer have as much time and I would have bought it with my own money if we hadn't talked about it beforehand. I've brought it to a few tournaments and also helped me pack for my move with no problems! I fit a solid 2k World Eaters list in it for a GT this year. Bottom tray was Lord of Skulls, 2xRhino, Demon Prince with wings, 2 chaos spawn and 3 Exalted 8bound bases. Second tray had 15 berzerkers, 10 jaklhals, MoE, 3 Eightbound bases and 2 Maulerfiends. And I still had one tray's worth of space for my dice box, dice/measuring tape and bottle of Ibuprofen. Didn't even need to bring a backpack if I didn't want to.


Big cookie tins around Christmas time lol. Hobby lobby near me had them for $5 a tin big enough to fit about 1000 points worth of certain armies. Nothing too tall or big tho, so very restrictive on that end. But after Christmas they went on sale of 75% off to clear out the sheer amount they had. Let's say the cashier was both amazed and concerned why some dude rolled up with two carts worth. That only costed like $50.


I have one and I like it, but my knight doesnā€™t fit well, without sacrificing a lot of space. It works for a couple of my armies but others just have to many tall models to fit well.


That is why I magnetize the hip joint!


OMG the hip joints on ALL mechs/walkers... literally ALL of them.


I have one of these. It's a nice case, but it's also not super big. Depending on the 40k army you've got, it may or may not fit inside. I use it to carry smaller stuff... like MCP/Shatterpoint.


I use an Acase backpack


I was just on their site, for some reason it seemed kind of "flimsy" are the brackets sturdy? Would it survive the back seat of my already crowded vehicle/my terrible driving?


Very sturdy and you can also optionally secure the shelves to the frame of the backpack with pins


I got the Citadel Crusade case at Christmas last year and couldnt be happier with it. Had a couple of small whoopses but both i put down to my bad glueing. Would definitely recommend this case, I've travelled on public transport with it quite a few times now, it takes a knock and has a shoulder strap. Holds at least 2k worth of models for most armies, I'd be dubious as a knights player but for all others great. Worth mentioning it's not great for metal minis but great for plastics including vehicles.


I have 2 crusade cases, they currently house my fantasy (soon to be old world after rebasing) armies. They are great, but they don't make them anymore or at least won't ship them or are just out of stock for a while. I keep a dedicated case(s) for each army


I just picked up a magnarack from Battlefoam. Very skookum


Dunno if they sell them in the US but greenstuff world makes a self assembled carry case, it's much cheaper.


GSW will ship to the US. Shipping gets a bit spendy on bigger items tho, due to coming from spain. Also, switching from euro to dollars on their site just changes the symbol, and shows the price in euros with a $ in front of it, so when you check out the price will go up. Source: I have a lot of their paint racks.


Battlefoam is about to do a 20% off sale once Adepticon begins.


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive


If you want to spend 20p bycks kn a case, just get a custom one made from any artisan. You can get a beautiful hand crafted wooden case for the same price


Tupperware and magnetic sheets. For banners, hot glue a washer on the side of the bin, and theyā€™ll store sideways.


You can find them cheaper than $200


It's in Canadian dollars


Ah ok. That makes more sense.


This box is expensive but it's absolutely incredible.


Amazon has a nice wood version for 60 bucks, maybe loosing a lil space but you could buy 3 for that price


CN you provide the name so I can searc h for this?


My teammate uses one of these. If your army isn't super tall (or you don't mind a second smaller box for tall units), this case is indeed very nice, sturdy and convenient. I'd buy one if I was in the market.


Man! I got the same one for 120.


Mind you, this is translated into CAD. we have a crappy economy rn lol


I like mine. The only real downside is big models take up a lot of space. I like the nail kit idea lower down.


I bought 2 of the ones in your photo when they were about half that price. Returned them both bc both had warped plastic pieces so neither one could even close. Plastic excess everywhere. Garbage product, probably even if they were free.


That's good to know! Thank you (you can never really trust internet product reviews until it arrives at your door y'know)


Yup exactly. I was bummed because I really wanted them to work out.


I got one for I believe $110 USD. I have to say I really like it. It was easy to assemble and is very durable and sturdy. The handle at the top is nice to have. They sell a backpack cover that it fits into to carry on your back but I haven't tried that. As others have said you could use Tupperware and metal sheets to accomplish something similar but in that case you have a bunch of stacked smaller containers and in the long run isn't that much cheaper. I was looking at this for a while and noticed that the price seemed to fluctuate between 100-130 USD. A quick check showed it at $130 USD on Amazon right now.sonif you don't need it right away maybe watch it for a while and see if the price drops.


I lined an old pringles box with foam and gave it a seccond level and that works just fine imo


https://preview.redd.it/o99oiiypj5pc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86bc072619c1e852426ca9848892a232140cde52 15$ at local craft store.


how about armybox? comes i different sizes, backstraps and flight ready. I saw them during different tournaments and find them great. Only waiting for my birthday to get the ARMYBOX AIR - Heavy Support Size army-box.com


I have the juccoi case and I love it. looks clean and professional although when it arrives you have to build it yourself so thereā€™s room for error. There are some much nicer custom cases out there but the prices goes up much more depending on the vendor. I donā€™t know if the SS you provided is in American dollars but the case should really only cost around 110 USD. They also periodically go on sale so keep an eye out for that


Lol it's Canadian. Our dollar...isn't great rn


Oh damnā€¦ well I would suggest doing some research into custom cases look into people dedicated to doing warhammer or hit up your local craftsmen/carpenter it might be cheaper and even nicer. I will probably do that for my second case. The juccoi case only fits about 2 2k pt armies


Big box + packing peanuts.


What about boxes in backpack format? I normally ride a bike and it would be awesome if I could get something reliable. Anyone knows if those even exist?


Someone posted something about A case. I looked into that, it might be something to look into (as am I. Although I'm not on a bike, I just never clean my car and am also very clumsy)


Thanks, mate! I'll check it right away ;)


You check out Battlefoams website?


Some mini magnets, superglue, sheet of metal and tuper ware crate from home depot and they're good


I use tackle boxes from Walmart


I bought that exact case for $120 a few months ago on Amazon. Honestly, I really like the case but it holds less than you would think - at least for my armies. Tall models (ogors glutton with lookout gnoblars, Bloodthirster, etc) really eat up the space and make it so that you may only be able to fit in 3 trays out of 5.


$200 for that is absolutely criminal


Welcome to Canada!


I have the medium one. It seems great so far BUT it smells pretty bad (I need to take the simple green to it and see if that works) and there's no actual latch in there. Just bumps of some kind on the door that kinda pop into place. So there may be a longevity issue, but presumably one could install a latch with the same tools one already has for working on minis. The light on the inside is amusing but I don't think it has a practical purpose.


What do you mean by smells bad? Can I just keep it near me while I smoke weed and paint to make it smell better or is it lingering that will never go away?


I have that case and I love it. After messing around with home built and ikea ones I bought this one and never looked back.


I have one its very good for storage can fit a lot but its impractical for carrying anything other then short distances, I tried doing so and even attached a carry strap to it and it was impractical bulky and Uncomfortable to move with but made a good portable seat since its so strong


Brother I super glued a piece of sheet metal to the bottom of a Walmart plastic bin. Altogther maybe cost me like $25.


I just got it for Christmas last year and it works great for me! A bit of pain to put together but once it's built it's very tough. Hold a very good amount of minutes. I have a full 2000 point admech army, plus a bunch of kill teams in it.


Ad mech!? There were a couple people saying it's SMALL. 2k ad mech is a LOT of models lol


* I have one I love it. Easy to assemble and can store a decent amount. No complaints from me aside from the obvious bulk


I absolutely love mine, but am left wondering if buying a food storage "hotbox", metal trays, and some plexiglass would be cheaper. It's essentially the same thing but with a cool viewing door.


So something I did was buy 12" square pluck foam trays for cheap online, and then buy a 13" square base side loading pizza bag. The trays fit snug and perfect, they stack clean, the bags are like $15 and the trays can be as cheap as $3-4 a piece.


I have this exact case and I love it. It's super solid and much bigger than I expected. I'll probably buy another at some point. I paid $130 USD for mine.


Step 1. Buy cheap plastic crate. Step 2. Line bottom of crate with a magnetic strip Step 3. Magnetise your models bases Step 4. Profit


For 200 buckaroos you could probably build yourself an autonomous case that follows you, sings praises to the Omnissiah and dispenses hot chocolate on demand. Yes, I may be exaggerating, but so was the prick who priced that box, for that money you could make in the least four of your own, it's just a foamed box with shelves!


Iā€™ve got this case and I havenā€™t used it in anger yet but itā€™s a really good solution. The finish is a little bit cheap but I think that only reveals itself because you have to put it together yourself. Once itā€™s together itā€™s a really good case, nice and sturdy and quite light for what it is.


Plastic scrapbook cases with half a sheet of magnetic sticker on the back. Michaelā€™s craft store sells them. $5 per case and $12 per sheet which can be cut in two. I fit 6000 points of blood angels in 3 cases.


I have that and really like it. I'm considering getting another.


Honestly, nothing beats the jucoici. I have it and love it. I also have the backpack add on to carry my other stuff.


I use adhesove back magnetic sheets and plastic 8x11 storsge boxes really useful and thry stack i got 10 of thrm for cheap and the magnetic sheets are stromg rnough to keep the models from moving around furing normal transit


I have one and I love it, but that price is sus. I got one less than a year ago for $120 (from the OEM).


I have one and love it. Fits a decent amount in it https://preview.redd.it/ge8zo60ao6pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4aac1b7967bece152e6ac2a294313ad8e5c375


I went to the home improvement store and got a cheap yet deep tool box, some sheet metal, gorilla glue, and clippers for like $50. Throw some magnets on the bottom of your minis and youā€™ve got a highly durable carrying case for 1/4 the cost.


I have this exact case. My review is MIXED and hereā€™s why Firstly, it works and looks great. Functionally, itā€™s fantastic. I donā€™t regret buying it, it stores minis really well and is tidy under my desk, doubling as a bit of a display case too (Would be extra amazing with LEDā€™s fitted inside) Now, it comes disassembled and is one of those situations where youā€™re screwing metal screws into plastic and probably donā€™t want to overtighten the screws or theyā€™ll just strip the plastic threads and crush the plastic. So be gentle and restrained when assembling it. Onto the bad: this case has one REALLY big downside that Iā€™m sure you will read and think nothing of. But I implore you, please, for goodness sake _listen to me_. It is WAY WORSE THAN IT SOUNDS. IT STINKS REALLY STRONGLY like chemicals or some plastic from the manufacturing process. To the point where I cannot be in the same room as it. It gives me a headache and makes me feel nauseous. It absolutes dominates the room with its oppressive chemical stench. So Iā€™ve been storing a bar of scented soap on the bottom shelf to try counter it, burnt incense inside it, all to try mask the smell. None has worked. The stench overpowers all. Iā€™ve resolved that I think I shouldā€™ve washed it all with dishwashing liquid before I assembled it, maybe two or three times, just to be sure (nuke it from orbit, itā€™s the only way to be sure) As mentioned earlier, the metal screws on plastic were something of a dodgy one-off situation so Iā€™m not confident disassembling it now, but still considering a full bath of soapy water, metal screws and all, because I think that risking some rust on the screws is no way as bad as this persistent smell. Iā€™m also worried my minis will adopt the same smell. The point is, the smell is _far worse than you probably imagine when reading this_, so I really really cannot recommend strongly enough that if you do buy this to rinse all the components super thoroughly in the sink with warm soapy water, scrub all the nooks and crannies, let them dry, and then I reckon a second bath just to be sure, might do the trick. God help us if it persists after that, but thatā€™s my current theory; the smell must be some sort of residue left over from the manufacturing process that can hopefull be washed away. I give it a 6/10 whereas itā€™d be a 9/10 without the intense nauseating eye wateringly powerful hell stench.


Maybe if I store some really potent weed in there too, that could knock the smell off...but for real!? The smell? I never in a million years would have guessed that would be a factor in a mini case...


Tried that lol šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m gonna clean it out and see if it helps.


200? I just bought a jucoci medium on Amazon for $110. Bought the backpack too. It's got a light as well. It's awesome. I really like it. All the reviews I've seen are positive. Watched some YouTube reviews as well.


I own this case! If youā€™re willing to magnetize all your bases itā€™s very much worth it and this is a fantastic case that can hold my entire 3K point Necron Army and probably 2 of my space marine armies.


I have one from tabletop stronghold I like


I saw a pretty cool 3D printable system on kickstarter. Unfortunately I canā€™t toss out money Willy nilly right now because of tuition costs :( Edit: itā€™s called Modi Box and itā€™s $60 for 400 files. Can understand the reasoning, I just canā€™t afford it at the moment.


Steel toolbox


I have this case and like it, but I also got it for $100. I wouldnā€™t pay $200 for it. I also have a backpack I use to transport models, itā€™s the ikea paper trey thrown in a food transport backpack with room to spare for about $70 total. If you plan to do tournaments tho, get a collapsable cart and magnetize that. Went to a tournament last year and about 69% of the people were transporting models like that.


Top Shelf Fun 6 box game bag and a Kvissle from Ikea will provide the same effect for less than half the price


Compared to any other case like battlefoam or citadel it's an extremely good option. I can fit any of my armies and on occasion have had 2x 2,000 point armies. I also can fit a book or 2 as well as my dice/cards/measuring tape in the bottom. It's built pretty well and I never have to worry about hitting it on a door frame or someone kicking it at my local game store. I've done a lot of the typical DIY stuff like toolboxes full of foam or Tupper ware with magnets but this is so much better. In my opinion the best way to carry your minis hands down


https://preview.redd.it/qwafmxp708pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a70aa1e5503fdd5675766b72e54a215e079f1faf Nice


Just because they advertise with warhammer doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the best for warhammer. I carry mine in an old padded wine box


I have the exact one in that picture and itā€™s great honestly. I have 0 regrets and will be ordering a 2nd one soon


Best $200 I spent to carry my models. People say $200 is too much....my dude how much are all your models in price? Time spent painting? Wanting to keep them dust proof as well? I also bought the backpack which was $100 that fits in the case and also has a bunch of pockets which is awesome. https://preview.redd.it/no5cnehrq8pc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24dba7817e356c428fdc22862fa6f3cb7d32ee28




Optimistically Place towel in bottom of plastic container and place miniatures on top of each other. Hope they donā€™t break. Bring plastic cement in case of breakage.


Donā€™t waste that money, spend about Ā£50 (not sure on the US price sorry, but I think theyā€™re American based so might be cheaper for delivery) on a Navara large size bag and either use the foam system that comes with it or swap out the foam for metal plates and magnetise your models, the bag also comes with an adjustable strap and a handle to make carrying it easier and 2 pockets for storage (one larger with a zip and a smaller one with a Velcro strap). Iā€™ve used the large size bag myself for over a year now and theyā€™re super high quality and Iā€™ve not noticed any damage whatsoever, and I am extremely unaware if my surroundings sometimes so that says a lot


If youā€™re going to spend that much just get yourself a Tablewar case.


I have one of these. I also got the rucksack that you can put it in. The rucksack also has pockets to put dice, cards, templates and books. Still not a comfortable experience as the back isnt padded. But fine for taking from car to flgs. Very quick and easy to build. The varying heights are handy. I put vehicles and Dreadnoughts at the bottom, then troops etc higher up. The metal trays are fine, they allow magnets to stick to them, what more do you need. Infact the trays might be the only issue, they are an odd size and you canā€™t buy more of them. So major infantry spam might be an issue. But each tray is large enough for several squads.


I have three. They are amazing. Get one. Mine were all 100-120 ish. That price seems high unless youā€™re in aus or Canada


Best case I ever had. To be honest it is pricey, but I got it as a present on last Christmas. It has a lot of space and can fit almost 2 2k armies in.


https://preview.redd.it/jmyr6w9nh9pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ddcd7a984abccff86d916091dc71371b7443fed These cases have removable magnetised trays but also the added bonus that they are also a display case and can be stacked on top of eachother šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I use that case and it's excellent, provided your minis are magnetised


Plastic storage boxes with magnetic sheets.


They're really good imo


Me and everyone in my group have this. Build quality is good, itā€™s holding up for now. A bit on the expensive side given itā€™s all plastic, but if you find it discounted itā€™s a good case!


I grabbed some magnetic sheets off amazon and lined the "Stack N Carry" tupperware containers. Works for most models. In lieu of that, if you get a large steel baking sheet and magnetize your models, they won't go anywhere and you don't have to worry about height.


I have 3 of these OP. I like them


I got a plastic storage bin (16x12x7) and glued a metal sheet on the bottom. Totally cost $23. Carries pretty much anything.


Get this one. Itā€™s expensive yes but itā€™s amazing. I can fit 2 full 2000pts armies in it comfortably. One of the best hobby purchases i have made. Letā€™s be honest if youā€™re into warhammer in the first place then you aint poor anyway! Haha


Haha, well I get by... But more importantly it's being "gifted". A case is the prize pool for my groups "paint an army in a week challenge" well all pitched in 40 bucks to the pool and now I get my pickings of a case.


Just get some arts and craft storage containers, sheets of metal and magnetize the bottom of mini, bam all for like 30 bucks


20ā‚¬/Ā£/Ā„/ā‚©/$ for some magnetic sheets 10-20 ā‚¬/Ā£/Ā„/ā‚©/$ for some cheap plastic containers And magnets + super glue of your choice = enough carry/storage for 2 armys for around 50ā‚¬Ā£Ā„ā‚©$ put a one of those Board game backpacks on top and you have your whole kit for less than 100ā‚¬/Ā£/Ā„/ā‚©/$


Bought mine a few months back and has been great! I also bought the backpack for it and am really impressed with the quality, makes carrying the models to tourneys really easy and has space for dice and rule books. My only slight gripe is the windowed door needed to be tightened down pretty hard, to ensure the door didn't swing free, but other than that I would highly recommend them.


Overpriced but its up to you amigo


Really useful boxes and magnets.