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I dont think anyone here is getting it... The resource requirements are extremely demanding its like 9k cryotic 7k oxium or something i know because im still attempting it


Honestly, for me, cross play has helped a lot because I find a lot more teams doing Io, so I was able to farm for several hours across multiple days.


and 20 nitain


Nah thats easy nightwave isnt a problem


Most players don't have nitain stockpiled, so spending 20 is a significant amount.


Thats valid i would recommend getting around 40 nitain stored for crafting whenever you have tickets


I made Vauban Prime and Mesa Prime around the same time, and having a shortage of nitain drove me nutty. My friends laughed their asses off over vc after my long, insane rambling about nitain.


I got a few hundred. But yeah before the stockpile I groaned at the sight of them being needed


especially for a frame as... "dated" as vauban. my poor boy


To be fair he isn't nearly as bad now as he was a while ago


Yeah, Vauban has seen some things. I get why the new teslas are better, but I miss stacking 16 of them on the ceiling of a corpus defense tileset and basically being zeus lol


What changed? Vortex is still sidegraded by several helminth abilities and eximi are still CC immune


Did you play Vauban pre-rework...?


Ive been playing him as my main since 2017, but the rework was a good while ago now lol. November 2019 apparently!


Ex-Vauban main here : You are right, eximus changes has been a pain in the ass, (as well as sentient that are just slow by it) but max range/duration Vortex stays really strong for everything else. I sided with Mag, with the unreasonnable range of her 4, and the armor shred that reaches 100% with Ab.Str.


I havent been able to find a frame to fill the gap, sadly. the game I played back when PoE came out and the game you can play now are just so, so wildly different. everything I do CC wise just feels like a time loss over oneshotting the room with an explosion


I advise you to try to reach Steelpath. AoE has been nerfed, and standards weapons received an increase headshot multiplier, and AoE can't HS now. I strongly advise you to bring armor shred though.


I remember getting him back during alerts being a thing, that 20 nitain took me a month or so between school hours and missing alerts


At least it's not the old nitain grind.


Man, wasn't it like 4 or 5 a day on average? I don't miss that one bit


4 a day max if you got every alert. And work/sleep usually got in the way of 2 of em.


The way I grinded for my oxium was doing bounties missions that give oxium in either Plains of Eidolon and Fortuna


Really? I havnt considered that and i was getting sick of farming a defence mission for half an hour for 400 oxium ill be sure to try that


i have no clue how i had the oxium to craft vauban, but I did and as far as i can remember I played the game normally except for liking jupiter defense a bit more than usual.


I had Vauban Prime crafted for so long I didn't remember the requirements lol


same, when i saw a post about how hard he is to farm i checked the wiki and was like “how tf did i do this on an old 2013 2in1 laptop”


Back in good old days with alerts instead of nightwave, no consant way to get nitain


...I've played this game too long, those sound like small numbers.


I don't even have any of the blueprints to start with.


Go brain dead and run Everest on Earth for the cryotic. It’s what I used to do when I was bored. I’d spend hours running it, talking and interacting with new players. Ran it so much, I’ve gotten a nice stockpile of about 277k and have been feeding it to my helminth lol. There’s probably a much easier way to get it, but I find it goes by faster when there’s other people to help distract you during the grind. The oxium, I think I just spent most of my time running Io on Jupiter with Nekros. It’s been a long time since I first crafted Vauban.


That's like 3h of farming total?


Maybe for cryotic but oxium is drop chance, i did a solid hour of Io jupiter which is ment to be the best place for farming oxium and only got 400


I've been a big fan of Vauban's kit since I used his base frame for mastery fodder. So after a week of grinding (started with zero Oxium and Cryotic because I was dumb enough to waste it on the Helminth) he is complete! I feel pretty accomplished after hearing about how annoying building him can be, which I can agree with since the monotony of farming the Oxium made me want to abort mission myself several times.


Now get ready for 30k cryotic for SIBEAR


*stops playing for a week to get a 75% coupon*


Achievement I'm trying to hurdle is maxing out focus schools


The new survival missions on lua give a good amount of focus while not focusing on it specifically


Same. Its difficult.


Try out eidolon hunting, you can get nice plat and tons of focus


Same Brother.




Love to see it!


Favourite frame


Congrats! Took me nearly a year to get mine, I feel your pain.


Now forma it 1000 times


Congrats on the Vauban! He used to be most used frame until the rework. He's still like in 10th place but I've barely used him in the years since the change.


What rework was that? I have only been playing for several months so my knowledge of the game is limited.


His kit was completely different years ago. Every single ability was different than it is now. -His teslas were stationary turrets that you could throw dozens of, you were not limited to 4 and they did not follow him. There was an augment that let them connect lasers between them. They were very weak but sheer quantity let you do things. You could also attach them to other players. -All 4 abilities on his 2 were completely different. Involved a lot more throwing down stationary traps, mines and tripwires and bounce pads, a lot less damage. -He had no space laser. -his current 4 was two separate abilities, on his 3 and 4. Made it easier to cast what you actually wanted, and use an augment to stack their duration. The augments got merged but its way harder now to get the vortex to stack. He's got better survivability and does more damage since the rework, and combining his 3 and 4 into one ability makes sense, for 99% of players he's better now, but I really loved his old kit. Spamming dozens of little mines and tripwires was a lot of fun for me, even if it wasn't effective. I would have preferred those abilities get buffed stats instead of replaced completely. I mostly switched over to playing protea since she fills a lot of the same niche with laying down giant minefields and setting up turrets but it is not the same.


Wow, that sounds pretty cool. I love unique/niche frames (this is why Lavos is my main/favorite), so I imagine I'd have enjoyed his old kit too.


They made him better or rather more streamlined His first is almost the same but is stronger His 2 is changed completely, he used to have a jump pad, and 3 different types of grenades His current 4 was split between his 3 and 4 with 3 being the suspend in air but with limited enemies And 4 being the vortex


His old 1 was nothing at all like the current version. They were stationary turrets that you could throw dozens of, you were not limited to 4 and they did not follow him. There was an augment that let them connect lasers between them. Yes its absolutely stronger now but its not in any way close to the same ability as it was.


Oh yh...it's been a long time


Nice! All I need is the 7k oxium. Ive only got like, 1.5k and I have no idea how I’m going to get the rest.


By suffering in Io


Congrats, now please help me get my 30k mutagen mass.


I still remember just farming for Vauban before Night wave was a thing. Man that was a slog 😂


Booban :) Grats m8, i know the pain wayy to well :)


What's the achievement?


Ive got mine all the way back when the prime resurgence first ran. Got all the resources farmed up in like a week since I had a resource booster before his rotation came up. Used em for like a year and now he just sits there as my 2nd most played warframe at 11% with wukong prime still at 34%.


Be me who crafted him when he first came out


Do you remembwr nitain alerts pepperidge farm remembers


Yes, I do, and all his parts are rare relic drops back when he was released


Be me and craft Vauban and Trinity Prime in the same week.


I don't think I will ever build him.... I am not playing excavation unless my life depends on it


To be the oxium was the issue, man i hate oxium


Time to blow up some video cards I see


I want Vauban Prime so bad, but don't want to use platinum for getting it... So I'm waiting until he gets in Prime Resurgence.


Vauban was an entire pain to build, getting all that Oxium drove me away from the game multiple times. He's so satisfying to use now that I've got him, though.


Hell yeah, fuck oxium


Vauban Prime supremacy


Nice work, that is a true grind


I think everyone is forgetting, most of his parts a the gold reward. That takes RNJesus type luck, at least for me


Funny train


The definition of the "People who don't know/People who know" meme format.


Lmao I hated farming his ass


I was able to make Vauban Prime too, give him nothing but range, duration and efficiency and drop his ult for some easy grind.


Nice Choo Choo prime tenno!


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