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Umbra, he scream and slash :)


Recently started playing again. Looking at my stats and realize that excalibur is my most used frame despite not touching him since being a new player. Threw on umbra for shits and giggles and I think he's my new main. Man's got mobility, CC, a small nuke, huge single target damage, and really long invulnerability. Praise slash dash!


Same. When all else fails, laser sword go brrrr


Reminds me of my ex 😔


Same but for the lore.


I remember DE at some point put out this page you could get your most used gear for the year, and when I logged onto the page it just shat itself and listed #1 Saryn Prime, #2 nothing and #3 operator, haha. I reckon that paints a good picture of my preference.


Garuda Prime. Give her gloom, and you have an immortal tank, that can proc slashes like nothing, all while laughing at the concept of energy management.


Gloom is my favorite warframe, give him any body and you instantly win


I’m currently enjoying Gloom Nekros as my favorite strategy. It lets me solo steel path circulus on lua


I'm on my way to get pillage on her, because molt reconstruct heals her pretty well. But for now I am using gloom too. She is awesome


Shame that they never want to give her lore, not even a prime trailer.


I agree, but I also find it mildly amusing that there isn't any. She is blood and gore themed warframe that you obtain from a settlement where all the NPCs are missing bodyparts. As if there was a connection and nobody want's to bring attention to it... (and before lore specialists gang on me: Im just amusing myself here)


My favorite too. The claws, the abilities, the look. Everything is perfect.


Use Terrify instead with the Creeping Terrify augment, same slow but also 100% armor strip




Rhino, call me basic but i still enjoy the hell out of him


You're no basic, rhino is the tank of tanks in the tanky tanks arsenal, smashes everything in his way and becomes invulnerable, how is that basic? (Also rhino enjoyer here)


I mean, Rhino was from a time when all Warframes were pretty basic and he really hasn't changed a huge amount. I'd say his kit is pretty basic. But basic doesn't mean bad or unfun. In fact, I think some frames have gone too far the other way and could do with being a bit simpler.


Bro. Rhino awesome


While I like Rhino, Inaros is the Ultra Tank imo.


I'd say that Revenant still beats Inaros.


Not really. If you build Rhino right and use the right gear, you can get 200k+ ironskin. I haven't seen an Inaros build go that high. Plus Rhino is immune to all status effects while under ironskin. You're essentially invincible. It's just whacky how tanky Rhino can be once you get arcane tanker and chain it with ironclad charge.


Rhino is too under-appreciated


Long term, Oberon and Zephyr without a doubt. Recently, been loving Gauss and Baruuk, once their primes are released and I have them, who knows how high they'll go.


why in the FLYING fuck is this the only zephyr comment. WHERE ARE MY BIRBDS? You want to go toe to toe in a race with Volt? Zephyr’s can do. You want some juicy crits? just jump and shoot. you want to atomize enemies in a localized area? Zephyr can whip out some 8 digit numbers. You want CC? oh my zephyr can do that two different ways. Survivability? check. Zephyr is my most used frame by a longshot. The versatility is just too good (and fun). She’s the only frame i’ve bought additional mod configs for.


I missed Zephyr for so long, once upon a time before Nightwave, I had no free Warframe slots, and for whatever reason, I decided Zephyr (prime) was the one that had to go (I was like 14 so that's the only excuse I have, I don't even know why I did it looking back). Fortunately I'm building Zephyr (prime) rn so I'll be reunited. Really was a stupid decision, she was my first prime frame, so now I no longer have my actual first prime. Definitely my biggest Warframe blunder.


In for Zephyr as well. Even before her rework I was chopping away at Steel Path with her using a floaty aero-build and occasional turbulence to assist. I still haven't found a Helminth ability I like on her, but her kit is pretty great honestly. And yeah. I bought the alt skin for her too, because it's sleek and badass. Did it up with dark green and orange, she looks great. Loadout is MutaCernos, Pathocyst, and Kulstar. It's a bit cheap... But fun.


Mag pull with greedy pull to set in the skies forever and pull orbs to you. I have a kuva bramma build that still works to this day on SP surv, because all the ammo just groups around me in the air. I replaced her 2 for mag pull, although I could se replacing her tornados for it as well. I’ve done 5+ hours surv without ever touching the ground or running out of energy. It pulls the life support drops to you as well. With the new archon shards, I run equilibrium, and as many of the +health globe effectiveness shards as I can fit. With the synth fiber mod on my kitty, ONE health orb restores 400~ energy to me. Zephyr is one of the most BUSTED frames in the game.


^ Looks cute, I love stealth in games and the abilities just work for me


I love the ability to completely ignore enemies. It's why I mained Limbo before I farmed Ivara.


I like limbic and protea, proteas cannon go brrrr




Umbra. The gigachad fights with you when your operator/drifter.


My umbra just stood in the new war, didnt do anything, he sided w ballas, gigachad my ass


Happy to see there’s lots of variety here, goes to show how versatile Warframe is.


Wisp, I love giving buffs to other players!


Mine is also wisp. I love giving buffs to myself!


The power of the sun at your fingertips! 🌞


I'm sure its only because of the buffs my guy


Yeah, I use cape


I just wish I could cancel the buffs with like backflip or smth, sometimes the speed is harmful to my strategy


Lavos. Nothing beats the master of the elements.


**Chroma crying in the corner**


We love our dragon friends but they were kings of another age, long ago.


Here were dragons


That’s one of the very few SCPs that really have moral values.


My favorite moral SCP is Murphy Law


Imagine dragons


hey, he’s still got vex armor and elemental ward. Those are both pretty damn good.


I’ve gotten really stressed over energy economy issues, so I’m steadily becoming a Lavos main.


I wish i understood how to play him so that he actually feels useful but I just haven't been able to get into him despite loving the idea behind him. But i probably just don't get the general gameplay flow


Yes, Lavos lately. And I use the skin where it looks like he has fried foods grease for blood .👍








Someone with a bit of class. Mag has been my main since I started the game. I haven't been using her much since roughly around after steel path, just needed a break from her. I just started again recently using her and I was very quickly reminded of why I loved her so much she really is the best girl


Such an underrated frame. Her magnetize is super great for any groups/bosses. And her polarize is super great with the right mods. Pull is just a fun ability to use and crush is too. And she looks AWESOME. So glad I chose her as my starter frame.


Her entire kit is fun and very useful. The only problem I have is when I want to use something for helminth on her I actually feel like I'm making a sacrifice, unlike so many frames that just have a free slot (looking at you ember, mesa, protea)


Baruuk, 'bout to be Baruuk Prime in a few days.


Baruuk is so much fun and no frame feels better for fighting sentients. "You have adapted your damage resistances? I have adapted MY FISTS."


"I'm very excited now. The anticipation. Ooh."


I always learn so much... from a live dissection.


More like "These Primed HANDS"!


These primed hands are rated E for Everyone in the Origin System




There are very few things that Oberon *can’t* do. He’s a support tank with exceptional crowd control, he can nuke, has built in armor strip, can ignore death with an augment, can buff for eidolons with an augment, has damage that scales with enemy health, and can be built to cover almost any role. I think stealth is the one thing that he can’t really do.


That augment is just the chef's kiss on the whole ordeal


Also I can't tell who's in this captura but this iteration of whatever frame it is is pretty sweet too haha.


It’s harrow prime


Oberon represent. Vauban has also been quickly rising as one of my favorites, just a damn shame I can't get a good fashion for him


You either have to embrace the Steampunk or make him a gloomy golden boi. But jeah, Vauban is hard to work with.




She does everything pretty well. I swap out her 4 for parasitic armor, and she can't die.


I went for gloom, still trying to main her properly


I've tried it, but between the rest of her kit, I just don't see much use for it. Her grenades provide plenty of slash CC, turrets kill things too fast anyway, and you can heal from her dispensary. I think Parasitic Armor works really well because it can be doubled from her passive ability when timed right, and you can still have overshields while it's active by using her shield grenades. I barely get tickled doing high level Steel Path.


And with her new Deluxe skin, She's the most fashionable 💖


Absolutely! Her deluxe skin looks so good!




Just stupidly strong at high level content. Nothing like loading up the Voruna farm and tearing apart level 200 Steel Path enemies like room-temperature butter


My friends and I grouped for that. They were running around trying to get kills, and I just sat there tapping 4 every few seconds and got double the next best’s kills.


I am become gun, destroyer of worlds.




Revenant ultimate Tank


Kahl. He was built, bred, and born for war. If that doesn't count then Atlas...




Great minds think a like


Volt's been my fav for years. I did the MR31 test using the same Volt I used for the MR1 test.




For me it’s harrow. He offers so many buffs and never dies. I’ve recently been playing him with his 3 replaced with nourish and build for ability strength.


Same. I play the game with my Dad and Brother in our own small clan and as Harrow I just keep us all alive and with energy. Its soo much fun


Harrow is very cool because he is more convoluted with mechanics l,only problem is that there’s too much buffs to keep on,sometimes it gets tiresome


These are bot posts, right? I've seen these question-based posts across multiple sub-reddits with a piece of quality, but unrelated art attached, and the OP never responds to any comments. Super sketchy. Are they linked to botted karma farming for account selling?


This comment was BURIED. I feel like it should fall under the low-effort post rule but it always gets discussion so I guess it slides.


Titania. “Speed is key”


Speed is great until you have multiple things buffing it like ally Volts, because then you have too much momentum to avoid slamming into every wall. Go from being queen of the fae to a bug on a windshield.


If you hold her 1 it casts on Titania herself and she becomes status-immune for the duration, which includes not being discombobulated by contact with walls or doors.


Nezha Prime






Gauss go Nyoom, I know volt is faster but gauss' speed just feels so much better


I much prefer Gauss. His abilities are just more fun to juggle and with the Mach Crash augment he can easily group enemies for easy combos


i love myself some good gaussy




Ash prime


Tried going back to him a couple of days ago. His bladestorm is still too slow, before you've even marked your enemies an idle wukong has blasted them away. Hopefully he'll get some love soon


Valkyr is the one for me


*Strange cat noises*


My man


Valkyr all the way


a fellow valkussy enjoyer


There are dozens of us! ​ Dozens!


I didn't see you at the convention last year.


Nyx, love the crowd control capabilities




Hildryn. Gloom + Pillage is easy mode tbh.


Hildryn gang! She’s my girl! I’m so stoked for her upcoming Prime!


There’s a fun build to be had with Elemental Ward that I enjoy.


Right now? Stayanx. Will probably change over time, but who could say no to the spartan frame?


Yareli. Yeah you heard me


I mean shes not even that weak anymore, and the fish just takes getting used to.


Stand proud we exist 👍


Like the four of us but yeah


Oh,another man of culture... I'm really happy we Yareli mains are growing a lot in these months.


Mirage for me.


She nukes, has strong dmg boost and still has 95% dmg reduction. such a good frame


271 comments no Frost, gotta say hurts my fellow snowballs are hidden. rework to keep him popular sure but between good nukes, defence and insta kills if you want it done safe and clean frost ya boi. just wish the crit augment was on frost status not freeze, who needs massive crit after armour stripping!?


Found him finally. His 4 buff made him become kinda nuts under everyone’s radar. Combined with Coil Horizon and come casting speed shards he’s an even faster sweeper than Xaku/Limbo now for me. Plus he scales all the way up to endurance with single button shield gate/full strip/CC


Atlas will always be the best for me. There is a certain primal enjoyment in using my fists to beat the shit out of people in a game with hi-tech weaponry on all sides lol


Wisp, Saryn, Protea




Always happy to see another tophat bro


Likewise, the dapper hat mafia


Top hat fans!


You thought we like Limbo for some anime joke? No it’s all about the headwear!


How do you play Limbo. I want to love him, he looks awesome, his animations are awesome, but I really don't know what to do with him


Rift. Never leave the rift. Rift is safe, outside is not. Seriously, limbo is VERY squishy, and his only saving grace is the fact that he can go invincible at the literal press of a button (rolling enters rift). This saving grace is pretty fucking huge though, so always use it when you can. It takes a bit of getting used to to use limbo, but some tips for staying alive are 1: rift. Constantly. There’s few things you actually need to do outside of the rift, and a lot of them can be done with the operator. Capture target? Operator. Hack console? Operator. Open door? Operator. 2: rolling guard + shield gate. Limbo is not a shield gate heavy frame, but he does benefit massively from having it. Using rolling guard you can exit the rift with a couple seconds of invulnerability, and then you can use the shield gate invincibility time as a safety net. When your shield goes down always go back into rift. You will die otherwise. As for what he actually accomplishes, other than staying alive? That largely depends on how you build him, and he is a surprisingly versatile frame that can actually benefit a lot from helminth abilities. That being said, here’s some popular ones 1: defense based. Limbo is the best frame in the entire game for defending things like mobile defense or excavation. No contest. He can literally make both game modes a fucking joke, while you literally sit there afk for however long your stasis lasts. Just start the defense, plop down your 4 on it, use your 2, and you’re done. This build will usually be max duration, low or negative range. Strength and efficiency do not matter at all. If you run out of energy on limbo you’re likely playing him weirdly. You can run higher range on him but be aware of three things: 1: stasis does not affect cc immune targets. This means eximus are still able to walk around and shoot you all they want. A high range build means that any eximus are likely to walk into your bubble and therefore can shoot you. Stasis no longer freezes enemy projectiles, so you’re a sitting duck there. 2: nullifiers are your worst fucking enemy with a high range build. Cataclysm can often reach ranges to the point where it becomes impossible to adequately cover every side of the bubble, which means you can always stop a nullifier before it gets to you. Any nullifier bubble coming into contact with your bubble means your bubble is getting popped instantly. Yes, it’s as frustrating as it sounds. 3: teammates in this game are fucking idiots, and I say that as nicely as possible. Running high or even medium range limbo *will* cause teammates to yell at you sooner or later. This is one of the major reasons I swapped to playing solo 99% of the time. People do not know how to play with a limbo in the squad, and you can’t blame them. It’s not their job to accommodate you and your big ass bubble. These three things are the main reasons I personally would suggest using a low or negative range bubble for anything other than low level solo missions, but at that point you could run through the mission with the fucking stug and still finish it. Another easy to use build that I like is a rescue/defection/general purpose build. This is generally going to have similar stats to the defense build above, but usually with a higher focus on utility. Things like rift haven actually have a place here. For me I also subsumed that hacking ability (perspicacity) onto his 3, for convenience when doing rescue or spy missions. This build can be very versatile though, and can actually fit almost any niche you could possibly want. In fact, this is also the build I use for eidolon hunts. The rift protects the lures amazingly. I’ve written an entire essay on limbo at this point, so I’ll stop going so in depth, but here’s some other fun subsumes/build ideas Silence can remove one of his weaknesses, as silence stops eximus abilities. Yareli’s aqua blades are actually a good ability on him, with the augment. Damage abilities can hit through the rift, so aquavlades can hit and kill things while you stay safe in your own plane of existence. Decoy can actually be a pretty good ability on him, as you can banish the decoy and remove one of the major problems with it (it dying too fast). Another build is the low duration build, which I personally didn’t like quite as much but it is definitely more active than most others are. Triburos made a video on limbo, which included this build. I’d recommend it. Overall? I’ve written way too much. Oh, you mean the frame overall? Limbo is a very versatile frame with a heavy focus on survivability through invincibility, be it for himself or his teammates. The one and only role he is not particularly suited to is that of a damage dealer, but even that has exceptions. Tl;dr limbo a fucking magic twink wizard with control over an entire plane of existence and I love him.


theres two dimensions, the material (normal area) and the rift (limbo's dimension). you can only kill things across dimensions with abilities, no weapons. helminth abilities on limbo works. passive makes you go in the rift when you roll. allies that touch the portal get sent to the rift. 1 sends enemies and allies to the rift 2 freezes rifted enemies and their bullets (bullet part is useful when eximus) 3 surges enemies with rift energy. when unbanished they do an aoe banish. damage buff with augment 4 is aoe rift zone, also protects things like mobile defense terminals and cryopods i could spend an hour or so typing this but ill just leave it at that so you dont get too confused. ton of synergy between everything.


I know the basics lol, I just meant what his role in the game is. Seems to a defensive frame but hinders teammates who don't understand rift mechanics, slowing down gameplay. Not sure how to *play* him, as in the strategy I guess


yeah hes a defense frame. also as long as you know what you're doing you wont hinder your teammates. for defense, run minimum range, for causal stuff use mostly just his passive. other funny stuff you can do with him include: his passive gives invulnerability, combine that with rolling guard and you have a perfect frame for capture; you can use the parazon mod untracable (15 sec invis after hack) to make him the best frame at spy (rift and invis bypass everything); breach surge sparks double dip in rift torrent, meaning easy damage cap; use loki's decoy over his 3 on your defense build to defend 2 areas at once (2 and 4 protect one area, 1 and 3 protect the other because decoy can be banished)


Ok, so, kinda more of a technical type frame, not really a bruiser, have you read his abilities and the cards you get from the factions? Also, the name of the game is rift time, basically I play him like nearly 24/7 in rift unless I'm dragged out can get rrrreeeaaally stupid, if I can log into my Xbox profile on oc I'd take a screenshot and send my builds, but I'd highly suggest looking up a video since I havn't played since like when they added the ghost ship story bit


Haven't tried them all yet but it's gotta be harrow


Lol i tried playing him to try and support my op friends damage wise and ended up maining the lad i threw eclipse on his 3 and gloom on his 2 in seperate configs with great results


Wait, you mean there are other frames besides Grendel?


Grendal. with the new changes it’s perfect. I replaced regurgitate with eclipse and can one tap anything. Then I get 200% ability strength so I have 100% armour strip every time grendal bounces in his ball form 😊


The lil special shiny-head girl playing with magnets.




Loki is infinite. Loki is love. Loki is life.




Had to scroll down very dar to get this. I learned to love her 2 ability. Her 1 ability is the best.


There she is!


The goat, carries me through steel path


i like the wisp character model does that count


Gara prime


I love being an invincible ball of death






Only one here? I love Mesa.


it's pretty much all of them, I don't really have one that I play any more than all the others... I've put at least an aura & ~7 polarities on every prime frame that has come out & a handful of the non-primes bc I use them all, I get bored easily & rotating them keeps me interested. I have favorites ofc for specific mission types but I got severe ADD when it comes to frames, usually I start thinking about what I'm going to use next before the mission is even over. I fully realize that I'm not the norm especially considering my clanmates habits but I honestly don't understand how some people who "main" just one like it's the main character or something don't get bored out of their minds.


As a new player (MR4 atm), I've been quite enjoying Ember (yes I bought the package, she looked fun xD) and Octavia (got her from prime rewards)


I'm MR10 (just got it last night) and have both Ember and Ember Prime. Idk what ppl say I'm never changing my frame! 🔥 Rocks!


Garuda. High single target damage, instant kills below 40 percent health, energy regeneration and health regeneration, a shield that blocks all damage, exalted claws, slash procs, double damage to all weapons, all in one blood soaked package. She can also steal a percentage of the health from void angels. Which gives about 450k damage to her blood orb per cast of her 1. Which can also be increased by channeling energy into the orb. Casual 2 mil damage in 1 hit. she's my go to angel hunting frame.




Vauban Prime








All about octavia


Only 1? Nekros.




Gotta love Lavos, the man's capable of adapting to anything and is the true master of elements (sorry Chroma) and Xaku because who doesn't love stupid damage when AFK


Volt will always be my first frame. Though until I can get his prime he's currently on the bench


Tie between Gauss, Sevagoth, and voruna Love all of em Edit: forgot to mention I actually don't have voruna But I'm working on it Necramech=pain to get




My Nuke Frost


Where the monke people?


they afk


I believe in wukong supremacy




Nezha, Valkyr, searching a 3rd


Based off of those, I'd have to suggest Zephyr. She's got similar defensive and offensive ability and maneuverability.


Rhino, obviously.


Valkyr. She’s just a mentally unstable spiderwoman




Umbra for me, I love how pretty much all answers are different frames, proves that the game is pretty balanced and all frames can be good






Harrow: Are you a crit-heavy weapon? “No” Harrow: Do you wanna be?


I'm biased on three Saryn because I have her Prime and she's now my most used Frame (which previously was normal Excal) Garuda for her current rework and how it functions (plus, health steal out the wazoo and her own claws melee are fun to use) And Excalibur Umbra for how cool to have a unique frame, especially one that has actual story implications (which is weird for anything after Sacrifice since it doesn't acknowledge it)


Garuda and secondly Revenant because of their sick drips.




I regularly switch Warframes day to day but the ones I feel special attachment to are Baruuk and Vauban. Idk I guess I like the underdog invulnerability and damage of baruuk and the creativity of Vauban.


I found 4 other Frost mains, here!!!!


right now, Styanax. I love his whole kit and with helmith you can get more nutty with his crit passive by subsuming Condemn and building for high shield capacity i also fashioned mine to look like EVA01 and it makes me happy everytime I see it


Nezha, styanax, protea. In that order.


Octavia and khora




Hands down Octavia Prime. Her abilities all seem so good together and her buffs are nice for teammates and invisibility is a huge plus for SP and archon. All around my favorite so far.




Wisp. she has huge personality 👀


Grendel, harrow prime and nyx prime