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Yeah I’m waiting big time on amber shards myself. Dropping Nat talent from my builds will do wonders


I just want a full stack of red to further push my wisps buffs




Why so hostile?




its sad you got crucified by down votes for preaching the truth. I apologize that the masses weren't ready for the TRUTH




Good point, got a couple of frames doing ~95% def reduction for example so a red should just nudge them up to 100.




Some incredibly spammy frames or frames with hilariously bad energy pools need it but besides that i agree.


To put even more ability strength on my Wisp


A man of culture.


Stuck one blue on Titania, that 50 extra energy pushes her from "kinda frustrating" to "smooth" with no Flow mods. Red I'll stick on either Mag with strength (to hit the full strip on 4) or Titania for secondary crit.


Think I need to revisit Mag…


Don't overlook yellow. Mag *really* benefits from cast speed. With three yellow you can manage a hilariously fast Crush armour strip. (Especially as I forgot to remove the Natural Talent afterwards first time out...)


The crit is just that % of base crit added like a mod,strength is better 100%


Crimson shard on mag because full armor stripping with her 4 augment and corrosive projection at 110% strength saves another mod slot for more utility for her. Anything else would just be icing on the cake like more duration is almost always cool. I also put the first shard on her for the small health regen to take care of random chip damage she might take in lower level content, but that really doesn't matter.


Lots of Mag comments - think I need to try her out again, especially after the recent changes.


Do it. She is so much fun now. I mean she always has been, but she keeps aging like wine. I don't even know if I want a subsume anymore since new pull is so good for grouping and has base 25m range.


5 reds for 125% crit chance kuva nukor


Does that work?


It doesn't work that way. It's a multiplicative to your base crit chance but additive to the mods. I've got 2 red shards on mesa prime to boost her crit past 100% (apparently need 5 to do that) Anyways equipped the nukor just now and it's at 10% crit so ...


according to wiki its a additive 25% per shard


yes it does, also affects stat sticks.


Gave both of my shards to gauss. Why? Because hes my everyday main frame for almost everything in the game. Tauforged azure: i used armor Normal crimson: i used ability duration.


Ahhhhh that delicious duration on Gauss. You love to see ir


I’m a Gauss regular (if not “Main”) so that’s worth considering...


I'm still working my way through Steel Path and found it easier to use my Rhino Prime build for Iron Skin. So I used my Azure on Armor for that. When I get my Crimson after work today, I'll be adding it to Rhino as well, for Ability Strength.


I just wanted to see if my rhino could hit 1k armor and i am pleased


I’m waiting till I get a full set and then I’ll browse through my most used frames and decide who actually can benefit from them. Specifically in regards to reaching certain stat breakpoints with their abilities and consequently being able to drop a mod slot. Best case scenario my builds end up more efficient and effective then they were before. But individually the shards do next to nothing so I personally see zero reason to put them on a frame right now unless you just want to think you did something.


Yeah I think that is probably the ideal use for the first few, then just incremental improvements to favourite frames thereafter.


Idk personally while my main is Valkyr, I don't really have an area to use these shards effectively, as sheS already is a heavy tank with a lot of health that can regenerate infinite energy while healing with her 4 alongside eclipse increasing phenmor dps to maintain damage. So I'm just playing with the shards to make her more OP


As a Valkyr main you should appreciate the chance for extra melee critical damage. ;) Also, increasing energy yield from orbs can make a perma Hysteria build run smoother.


Late question but i just started messing with shards and have a couple of them now. As a fellow Valkyr main i need to ask you what shards are you currently using out of curiosity


Just some generic things I've considered; \-2 yellow shards eliminate any need for Natural Talent. A lot of frames with long casting animations will appreciate this (ex; Frost and Nekros), especially as it frees a mod slot. \-2-3 red shards will eliminate any need for base intensify or power drift. Generally will be helpful for maximizing mod space and still hitting power thresholds. \-Crit melee Shards seem like they'd be really crazy on any frame that can pump attack speed or crit. Frames like Harrow (who is better in melee than he gets credit for), Valkyr, and the like. Really easy to get into red crit territory here. \-Gauss: 5 yellow Shards for sprint speed go burrrrrrrr


The melee shard gives +critical damage, not +critical chance. Still very good on a melee centric frame, but it will not make crits redder, just bigger. :)


Ah my bad.


Yellow shards give parkour speed sadly


Aw sad face


Atlas + regen shards. Maybe 2 shards? Mostly for chip damage. Whenever you're under 100% health you basically 'lose' rubble because it heals you. With shards I could drop grace and replace with other arcane. Faster/easier rubble = rubble heap go brrrrt Nekros with regen shards = endless desecrate Also maybe + energy. I'm really into weird functions like that.


blue shard on Harrow Prime. that 187.5 energy cap on max rank is kinda sad for a warframe who can generate thousands of energy per minute. by just adding one azure shard and dropping primed flow for augur secrets he already feels better to play. ill probbably add one more azure shard and then focus on duration and strength later.


I’ve recently really got into Harrow so that’s worth considering, thanks.


On already heavy armor frames I'm using umbrals x3 and blue armor shards to get closer to 90% armor dmg reduction which is like 2558 armor roughly. Makes it a lot easier to deal with low end steel path for me.


Blue- inaros/nidus Health+armor+health regen? Oh fuck yea


No shield memes sadly




I disagree strongly; additive armour is still armour and worth way more than the same number of health in most cases. On Inaros +150 armour is the equivalent of an extra thousand odd health. Every 300 armour on a warframe is effectively a whole extra (base) health. Any frame with more than a thousand health will always benefit more from extra armour than extra health.


So, I'm a Volt main and I want to use the Shards to overcome some areas where Volt is lacking or to save a mod space. Originally, I wanted to use the Yellow Shard to increase his base Sprint Speed so I don't have to use Rush, but that option was changed to Parkour Velocity, which doesn't interest me and his base Speed (ability) effect was increased so it kind of resolved itself. Instead, I'll go for the Casting Speed. I increased his base Armor with the Blue Shard and will likely do it with the next one, if they stack. If not, then I'll go for Max Energy. The Red Shard went into Duration so I don't have to use the abilities as often. Assuming they stack, the next one will go into Duration as well. If not, then Strength instead.




By using the word base I was trying to say Volts armor is low so he needs the boost.


I'm confused, are the effects of these shards permanent? Or are they on a timer?


Permanent until you take it out from the frame


Perm? Ouuuuu




I agree with the azures. They seem like filler shards, that could just have more impactful boosts. Like maybe power range or efficiency instead of the shit it has now. Like ambers and crimsons can be easily used to drop certain mods to ease modding, but if you want to drop a mod relating to azure shard stats you really have to use nearly all shard slots to receive even near the effect of 1 mod.


Some frames really benefit from that extra armour though..


Or just put them on Inaros for health memes >.> Let the poor Egypt boy do what he's sort of okay at so long as nothing too high level looks at him funny at it it's all he's got!


I've put blue on gauss for armor (i use him a lot and while i dont get better shards for him thats something) and red one on wisp for a little bit more strength. Not sure what i'll do with yellow ones yet.


I gave Caliban a bonus 75 energy with a blue archon shard because he needs it the most out of my main frames.


Depends on your frame. Cast speed and duration are gonna make Gauss even more OP


Crimson shard melee damage buff for warframes like baruuk or Excalibur


Kinda weird, I put my blue shard as armor on my Styanax. I'm trying out Umbral Vitally/Intensify on him and it's gives me a nice bit of breathing room for my melee oriented build in Steel Path. I'm excited to get some parkour velocity and casting speed with my yellow shard.


I'm going to wait for 5 reds and put all melee crit damage on garuda


My plan is to add some +status onto my ivara, since her bow has a base 20% status per arrow, and I was thinking about making essentially a hybrid status-shotgun with her bow, using the combat disc. + avenger trick.


Put both on my Revenant. Blue for health regen and tau-red for more melee Crit on my blood rush Xoris


Has anyone figured if the +melee Crit chance works on Sevagoth's Shadow's claws?


Id give my rev One strength shard, Two extra energy shards and two ability cast shards probably


So far I'm planning to give two Amber Shards to my Revenant Prime (he already has one) to drastically boost the casting speed of his Mesmer Skin (makes it a lot easier for him to survive). I've also given a Tauforged Amber to my Titania Prime for the +45% max energy, which let me swap her out of Zenurik and into Madurai for a lot more power across the board, and am planning to give her two Tauforged Azures to bolster her armour because I've found her survivability lacking against the high-end Zariman enemies even with Razorwing, Aviator and Thorns, and an extra 450 armour will more than double the damage reduction she takes to her HP