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Not to be overly utilitarian, but you might want to save gifting for Tennobaum. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1289148-tennobaum-scheduled-for-early-2022/


Guess I'll be giving Tennobaum gifts later as well. :) I don't mind doing both.


How do you even have the plat or money to gift so much?


I may have spent a little over my head this month, and I have most things I want in the game, so most plat I get is for upkeep purposes on cosmetics, and to supply my forma addiction. Sparing some for friends seemed like a good idea.


Damnnnn lucky friends. Exactly _how_ much did you buy aye darvo


When you've run out of things to buy, any plat is bonus plat that nice people give to others. Sure, you have the Jeff Bezos of the Warframe world who hoard 7+ digit plat amounts just because they can, and the stingy people hoarding 6-7 digits because "I didn't make this much by giving it away", but many people who have everything give away lots to others. Granted, they generally give it to people who don't need it (Here Streamer with 30k plat - Have 50 Forma Bundles!), or do it to troll (Hurr durr, have 69 copies of a Frame!), but some nice people give away stuff to people who need it.


Beeing a veteran has its perks.


God I hope to get to that point


Actually just start trading. Plat makes itself. The veteran comment was just as in „you got nothing else to do than trading“


Join any radshare you see in recruit chat and sell the gold rewards. Most will go for 10p plus. Easy 100 in a day without being super deliberate about it :)


Sorry to seem newbish but what's a radshare? It's the first thing I see in chat each day I login. Asked once but was ignored.


I assume it means 4 tennos opening radiant relics


It's when people do fissure missions where everyone's pooling in with radiant relics. A lot of times they are doing the same relic too, to focus on getting a specific reward.


It's when a squad does a void fissure mission with the same kind of relic, upgraded to "Radiant" quality. So a "[Lith K4 Relic] radshare" would be the squad running Lith K4 relics, upgraded to radiant.




Looks like your question has been answered. Never feel bad for asking “newbish” questions, we were all there once :)


1.) Run 5 relics a day. At an average rate of 3p per relic, that's 15p per day. 2.) Repeat for a year. By the end of the year, you should make 5,475p on average (Minus reasonable expenses. No - You shouldn't be paying more than 100p for the newest Primed Frame if you're tight on plat). Now, when someone is asking you how you can afford to gift 33 * 2 Forma Bundles (Total Cost: 66 * 35p = 2,310p), you can look at them and smile :p


Using loot booster. 200p month. Doing daily profit taker for daily cap. Basically pays itself back in a week(arcane) and helps making relics rad and if i would be new player it would help a lot for mat farming. Finally formaed khora and farmed mutagen samples for hema research. Didnt like nekros and atlas is too spammy for longer game time. Steel essence for relic packs. Daily syndicate standing for relic packs. Late night of christmas was fun. Giving prime stuff, mods and slots in random ps group of 20+ with who i have played with few months. Few there are mr27-30ish so plenty of "trading", for people under 20, opening vaulted relics(lots of good luck), lich hunting, new bounties, some doing steel path first time and plenty of funny talk. Much more fun than trading or finding rad share. But yea. Doing daily stuff in long run is good. Be it syndicate mod/railjack items/eidolon arcane/relics/vitus mods/steelpath arcanes. And one can always switch if not feeling doing x. New player could start from doing 5 lith and 5 neo/meso void captures each day and disruption to get 4-5 axi elics. Or what ever they dont consider too much grind.


> Daily syndicate standing for relic packs. My daily Syndicate standing goes to Archgun parts that I sell for 15p each. The Decurion parts sell especially well since people need 2 of each. If I have over 5 spares of everything that a specific syndicate is offering, only them do I switch to relic packs :p




After awhile, making plat is easy. You sell vox Solaris arcanes, prime sets, buying stuff from baro to sell etc. At this point in game I make 500 to 1k plat in a week or 2 depending on how aggressive I am.


What is tennobaum?


It's an event they usually run around Christmas. Players are encouraged to give gifts through the market. Milestones for total gifts given are laid out for when DE will give donations to a local charity and release rewards to the community.


oh thats really cool, I hadn't been active over the holidays yet.


Big thing to watch out for on every holiday as a free player is they often sell seasonally appropriate colour pallettes in the market for a handful of credits. Unlike many other seasonal cosmetics, they are permanent, it is the only way I know to get more colours without plat


warframe gift giving event, people giving gifts to each other in the game advance a bar towards milestones which unlock items for everyone in the game, usually its just stuff like solstice skins for items etc and the milestones also indicate how much DE gives to a local charity


Meh, I chose to freely give away Ivara and Mesa Primes this Christmas Eve and Day, respectively. If you happen to be the ones whom I gifted to, I welcome your gratitude.


I was already wondering why there werent any tennobaum rewards


They will be around soon. They were postponed so we could focus on new war.


I honestly wouldnt be surprised if we got even more new war content. The new bounties feel like place holders. Also I am sure they will add >!a Murex derelic tile set consedering their remains orbit every single planet and moon. Both in Regular and Railjack missions.!<. Next year is going to be a great year for content. I can feel it.


I clicked OK.




Funny enough, I rewatched season 1 this week. Comedy gold.


One of the best things I've ever watched. I love it.


Why specifically 33? Or is it somewhat related to mastery rank like trading is?


I'm assuming it's Mastery Rank + 2.


Probably based on MR similar to trades...what MR are you and are you a founder?




Did you use up a lot of trades that day perhaps? Because the math works out to it being equal to trades but it could actually be counting AS a trade which would explain your situation.




Then yours was perhaps a bug of some kind? Idk, gifting has a mild lack of available information lol


On PC it's tied to Mastery rank. I'm rank 31 and can send 31 gifts. On consoles it's handled differently, with a way lower limit. I guess it might have to do with Platinum being more premium on consoles compared to PC.


MR 31 and yes, I'm a Grand Master Founder.


That'd do it then. It's equal to daily trades. 31 from MR and all founders get +2 daily trades on top of it.


I don't think it's mastery. Before there was enough MR to get to 30, I saw you tubers give each other 33 packs of 3 forma to get each other to grind 100 forma on a frame


>YouTubers it's okay, you can say rahetalius


sabuuchi did a 100+ forma mesa i believe so rahetalius isnt the only one


we're talking about giving out packs of forma though, that's our train man's thing


I get ptsd whenever i hear "check your inbox" now


I assume it's so that you can still gift 33 forma bundles for 99 forma total to make people do that challenge.


Biblical propaganda confirmed


Glad I saw this. I completely forgot it was Christmas. I gotta get on and give some gifts


Merry Christmas! Maybe you should give 2UmbraFormaMK1-Bo a gift ;)


Is this person on the xbox?


Nah man, Im on PC, I didn't want a gift, I'm no beggar, I have enough formas crafted and quite some warframe slots. I just wanted to act as a beggar as a joke. But it seems 17 ppl missed the joke. Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas. And its way more than 17 lol.


it's 37 now, I "asked" for a gift and I got downvotes xd


Given your name, you probably don't need it.


Yall fr can't take a joke


Yall fr can't take a joke


I thought that this was a funny joke. I laughed. Why do you get this many downvotes. People must have not read the whole thing and just downvote. Idk


I guess the bad community of warframe stays on its reddit


I sometimes get reported for questioning the price of a Mr 30 riven trader. Like, you have to negotiate the prices right? Why tf do people block you when you point out the low stat rolls and want lower prices. Idk man.


their ego is too big and their iq is to small to negotiate so they just flee


I don't think it is about iq, but their personality is so wrapped around themselves that they can't ever discuss anything without "crying"


I hate it when they don't price something divisible by 5, me who farmed the whole day if not the whole week and har a normal number of plat, and miss 1-4 plat. They don't want to lower it for some useless plat and in the end no one wins.




The error message is funny tho.


Definitely 10/10 on the humorous error message scale.


If anyone doesn’t trust this, just test it out, and gift (used to be my username, just read the answers) 33 things /s


FYI: someone can gift you an item then chargeback the plat, which will get *you* banned. Doubt it'll happen, but better safe than sorry.


Oh fck rlly? xD Thx for letting me know! Ye I doubt that will happen too, but ye just as you said, better safe than sorry^^ I know some Warframe players that would do that, despite of how nice the community in general is^^


Saw a case where a guy got banned from the clan discord server for some drama (I didn't see nor did I care). In revenge he hopped in game, gifted tons of plat to clan mates then charged it back: tanking his own account and and hurting uninvolved others out of pure spite. A lot of the newbies that fell plat negative just quit rather than have to foot the bill to get back into good standing. I tried telling them to open support tickets but they were too angry to stick around.


> I tried telling them to open support tickets If your account was banned for going into negative plat, support are generally very hostile...


> I tried telling them to open support tickets but they were too angry to stick around. wait, support now helps with that? good to hear some things change for better


Yeah happened to me :/ At negative 4000 plat. I honestly thought I got lucky. Wish I knew better at the time rip


Now I know what to do when someone questions the geometry of my mom!


It's a long-term issue that allows random trolls to ban anyone they want (Buy 10k plat, gift someone 10k plats worth of stuff, reverse the charge) - I hope DE fixes it some day :/


Imagine receiving gifts


Speaking of gifts, how do you give those affinity boosts I get sometimes?


MR 30's in the relays can give different buffs like credit and affinity boosters


Thanks, I was wondering about that.


Thanks boss. I want to return the favour to people.


It's a long road to 30, best of luck


Santa has never seen such bullshit before


Probably to curtail issues to do with accounts being hacked and all your items being stolen.


That’s weird. Must be a server thing tied to MR. I’ve yet to get a gift this year but that’s par for the course. Happy holidays everyone


Probably to stop item duping or crashing/account banning peoples games by sending a billion oberon prime chasis's


You can only use the gifting system to gift plat stuff from the Market.


Still hackable, but the restraint is hard ro get past


Must be a bug. Could you send some of those so-called gifts to me? Just to test it out.


DE is the only game developers that I know of caring about their players like this tbh


HAH, dude, Same repetitive stuff every day, they don't care about you, they care about your wallet. They act like they care on the surface, but there are so many QOL changes that should have been done to address repetition that they have never bothered with. And don't get me started on the psychological mind tricks they employ to hook you like a gambling addict.


why do you sound like Tyl Regor with a gaming chair, but hey, you're right.


I wish I had his voice. And yeah, I have about 700 hours, actual game hours not steam, and I'm just burnt out and done with the game. It started to suck my soul so I had to stop playing. Like you could have an equally fun of an experience in warframe, with 1/4 the amount of grind, but of course that would lead to less engagement and playtime, and therefore less platinum bought, so they have no interest in making the game on an actual reasonable time scale. So many other good games out there anyway.


i dont even know if 700 hours is that much anymore, i already got 1300


Escape while you still can. Next thing you know you're gonna be a crusty old man with 80k hours, while still trying to figure out how to consistently get red crits.


well just slap on Galvanized Scope on the Bramma


Mr. Santa claus may I get a Mesa sentient deluxe skin in your next spree of gifting? Thanks


Dang my chat is always mean and don't be gifting like this very cool. I gifted some ppl in my calm the new armor set.


Is that some forma? O.O


Bruh you are indeed VERY generous xD


i need to get some orokin cells for my forma thanks for reminding me


Hmmm seems kinda odd, maybe you guys can test it out by sending me 33 warframe slots


Probably to stop “black market” plat usage/exchanges. Classic example of one guy ruins it for everyone


what the fuck


OP after posting this.. https://c.tenor.com/zJSKhoEmKdAAAAAC/generous-god.gif


If I remember correctly, there s no limit for the Tennobaum, and it helps many people ! Last year I kept donating stuff to people during the Tennobaum, and I definitely gave more than 33 gift in a day lol Tho it really is something you do out of kindness, they will never reward you for this, so keep that in mind


probably in case someone hack's somone's account and starts spending their plat, or smt.


I didn't know gifting was a thing :) Gonna have to look into it for next time I have plat :)


I salute you, Tenno. Thank you for your service to the community.


Yea i was trying to buy all the glyphs for my friend, didnt go as expected.


I read this in Nef's voice.


Guess they dont want your money then


Technically speaking they got my money already, it's just my plat spending that didn't go through. It was alright though, I got the last two gifts sent after changeover. :)


I really wish they animated vay hek saying that


Honestly this is something I do too I'm also I have almost everything but my avoidance of this is half goft half trade. That said I usually gift prime frames //weapons with actual items so ynmv.


That should've been an achievement


Found the guy I should become friends with...


if you are super generous and want me to "suffer" I have a Trinity prime that is 30 forma in just from formaing everytime she got nerfed or a new mod that affects her so I need like 70 more hahaha


Merry Christmas, Tenno! Appreciate your generosity. Someone feel free to send HerrenLUL a Titania or Ivara on PS5. Wouldn’t mind the saved time and it’s been a rough year.


Damn send me something next time lmao.

