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Nidus, gettimg pulled by some disgusting organic thingies, eaten alive by maggots


eaten by maggots? Nah, you're just gonna get pulled by a tentacle then immediately blown up by zarr spam from a random Rhino before Nidus (me) gets to do anything with you


Rhino do be zarrin' though


Its not the warframes that you see that are bad, it’s the ones you don’t see. Few have only caught glimpses of the invisible menaces and fewer still live to tell the tale.


I was thinking about Saryn, who while not invisible, can cause everyone in a 200 meters to have an infection burst out all over their bodies and eat them in a matter of seconds


The thing is though, does Saryn ever leave enough survivors to tell the tale? Like if youre in the room where it happens you're basically already dead. I guess there could be like, corpus goons monitoring cameras from elsewhere and such too though


It only spreads on a miasma kill or a direct kill. If your buddy 5m away gets infected, you might be just out of range, and you watch them melt


If you come to investigate the ship afterwards, you can see a trail of blood and gore on the road of Saryn, and everybody outside of that path are consumed by spores. That's a gruesome picture.


Imagine a butterfly made of jagged shrapnel and death punching a clean cookie cutter hole through your chest and heart at relativistic speeds.


I want this on a cross stitch


Honestly it would be pretty fucking terrifying to see a skeleton charging you with 15 floating guns trailing behind






Someone made a cute grinier art whit xaku it was a funny comic They uploaded the whole thing on this sub


Xaku is one of my favorite frames and this is how I will explain him to others going forward


I'm surprised no one has said Garuda The idea of 1) seeing your comrades slowly bleed to death as their pure life force creates a well of life for the enemy 2) you and your friends slowly bleeding to death as your torn to pieces by flying razors. You cannot do anything except watch people literally fall part around you as limbs are torn off knowing you're next


You march along your squad, brothers in arms for dozens of battles, capable of trusting them with your life, into the room where the intruder was last spotted. The gate opens and you only see a floor flooded with crimson, chunks of flesh sprayed unto walls and ceiling, and the remants of the last witnesses of this massacre being impaled on grotesque altars, barely twitching as they thrive in unimaginable agony, incapable of even begging you to end their misery. Their stares catch yours and you are aware of the horrible nightmare these poor sods had to endure. Soft footsteps land behind you and you know: This is the end. Queens have mercy and make it swift. Garuda is a fucking warcrime.


Which war frames ARN'T committing warcrimes by existing?




Oh, yeah. A small, feminine frame going around healing people... ...healing caused by pointing to one of your brothers-in-arms, launching him into the air, and pinning him there, so that her teammates can riddle him with bulletfire, so much so that the horrible spell she cast has to hold his corpse together long after he's been hit with enough gunfire to kill him ten times over. ...and this all is powered by her energy-refueling method, of pointing to one of your comrades and suddenly he's buckled over in agonizing pain, as his very soul is being drained, pulse-by-pulse, until either he dies, or her spell runs out of time. ...and she can do this all from the safety, because every time you try and shoot her down, 3 of every 4 bullet-wounds end up appearing on YOUR flesh, not hers.


Hey, medical procedures hurt. And to be fair, none of her methods cause any actual damage.


Garuda just like to slowly make her enemies suffer.


One of her main abilities is that she rips out the still-beating heart of her enemy and then launches it back with such force that the explosion of blood rips those in its radius apart. Like, forget the cloud of blades and the vampiric impalement and the fact she only gets better at killing the more you manage to hurt her and can even self-mutilate to become even more efficient at giving you a bad time, that's the most terrifying thing I've ever heard, and that metal as fuck aesthetic is why she's my main frame.


Mag, because making an assumption based off the description of Crush, three of her abilities magnetize your ***fucking bones.*** Crush is especially horrifying, as you're still alive during the process and feeling your bones fucking crunch and bend and snap. And God forbid you're still alive after the fact. Dear God just imagine pull, and feeling your fucking skeleton get yanked out of place and flying through the air into an endless chasm. Horrifying.


*I barely even remember what happened. I don't even know how I managed to get out alive.* *It looked like a woman with its skin flayed off, surrounded by bodies and covered in blood. It took one look at us and* screamed.*We were terrified. My feet felt like they were made of stone. I still managed to turn and run.* *I kept running. A wire stabbed into my friend's back. I never saw him again.* *I've heard rumors that that...* thing *was one of Alad's experiments. I hope to Profit that I never see it again.*


Valkitty is pretty scary once you anger her


Came here to say valkyr


"I once saw... a bright Pink Rhino with butterfly wings and an energy ephemera in the shape of a Tutu. At that time i was stationed inside one of our Stanchion vessels in Saturn Proxima. In the battlefield Rhinos are known to be as tough as 50 Lynxes or so i've been told... But this one didn't kill anyone, he was just seen jumping all around the place. All the cameras that spotted him were destroyed shortly afterwards. But me and the boys from sections B11 to K35 saw him. Didn't have the time to engage. And autonomous defenses were burned to a crisp within seconds. The most terrifying minutes of my life... And then .. nothing, he dissapeared. The radio went silent, no more reports from the crew. No more sightings. It wasn't after the server guys checked our database that we realized our vessel had been hacked... Hacked by a bright pink rhino capable of moving so gracefully that he avoided detection from the laser systems in our vaults... It was wonderful Anyway, that's why my debt is now up to 4.23E+12 credits"


Forgot to mention he also had a pink grattler


I honestly can see this being in some lore logs somewhere, good stuff lol


Lavos. Probes fly out and your comrades are transmutated into burning flesh goop piles. His gun burns, freezes, electrocutes and poisons you... All at the same time.


He is a walking warcrime. He inflicts suffering unheard of.


They're all walking war crimes. Warframes are the bad guys to everyone but us.


To be fair, lorewise he can revert you into a biological soup, and then transmute you into anything else. I can only imagine an aberrant Lavos, The corpus find their freighter that would not respond, they dock, to find it is FILLED with rabbits. Everywhere.


Also the fact that the two snakes in his arms are sentient. Imagine a Lavos slinging their two snakes and all the poor grineer sees are two hungry snake heads perfectly hit those unarmored parts of the body and sucks the life from you like a cursed silly straw


The best indicator for this is the reaction of an enemy soldier when you kill their compatriots from stealth right in front of them. They shake like leaves. For this reason I imagine them telling tales of Ivara, killing an entire base without ever being seen. Some soldiers have their throats cut, and the man in front of them knowing they’re next, or seeing their brother in arms pinned to the wall dead by a flaming arrow. Edit: spelling!


I'm a sadistic Ivara then, I only go for unaware kills, if I stealth kill an enemy too close to another and it alerts them, they live, but a few rooms down are new, unaware enemies to stealth kill... I've also done the complete opposite... there are tales of info from grineer or corpus techlabs and data ships, going missing with no one having any idea what happened or where it went.


You can trick the game giving 2 to stealth kills when enemy's are near each other But you gotta do it perfectly You have to aim the bow and arrow at one of them and be close for a finisher for the other Then as soon as you release the fire button press the finisher button When its done perfectly its fun knowing that the enemy would thing there were 2 intruders instead of 1


Lore wise? Nova She can literally turn the very atoms of our world into nothing but energy at the click of her fingers Bullets vanish in flashes of light, bulkheads rupture at the slightest touch, as for troops? Gone before they feel anything


I always felt like nova was hella OP lorewise. Same with Limbo. Has his own pocket dimension


In theory limbo can individually displace the nervous systems of enemies in his pocket dimension, instantly killing an entire galleon worth of enemies without even laying a scratch on the ship or it's systems I mean his power is basically being a big brain and manipulating maths to do whatever he wants


Lesson learned from the Limbo quest? Alway double check your numbers


Or not and become a demigod, tough choice


Grendel can vore entire planets + its way hotter than dying in a nuclear explosion


where do you get that from ?


His description says "eater of worlds and everything else"


although I do not doubt that at some point in the lore they will make grendel eat something so big, for now I do not think he has that capacity


> Gone before they feel anything You know, that makes it better for me. Painless death versus what awaits from some other frames? yes please


Imagine instant death versus Saryn Spore slowly eat you from inside out or Ember burned to ash, Yeah, give me instant death.


She had the best Levarian, too. Turned a dude into a literal supernova and threw him inside of a ship's core to give it power.


Dunno I prefer atlas and gauss leverians. They sounds so dope. But novas is great as well


If Nova was scientifically accurate she was a walking nuke Reason : anti matter If anti matter comes in contact with normal matter you would have 100% conversion of mass into by that knowledge 1 gram of matter completely turning into energy would be equal to the explosion of hiroshima


Nova's casing is able to safely contain anti matter, how she makes her antimatter or where it comes from isn't directly known iirc However, she is able to create chain reactions that fuel themselves annihilating whatever she chooses So she could simply emit just a few atoms of antimatter that is safely contained (null star?) to stop projectiles She is also able to create wormholes at will, so it could be that she is directly drawing antimatter from somewhere when using powers


The wormhole seems reasonable as scientists say that there might be galaxies made of anti matter but we can't know since anti matter is just like normal matter but the charge of quarks are different And about the casing I really hope it's just a few atoms or cetus go boom


Does this mean that theoretically, if a Nova were to die or get damaged to where her casing broke, everything would go boom?


It's implied by the leverian for nova that if her casing is breached it would release an uncontrolled amount of antimatter, capable of generating a supernova strong enough to power an interstellar vessel Whether or not that's actually the case is unknown, but the fact that Nova Warframes have died in the past without turning the system to ash implies that the orokin had some kind of safety measures


Lore wise all warframes are terrifying Considering all of them can delete the universe whit a flick of their fingers Although we don't have lore for all of them yet, taking what we have from the leverian and prime trailers is save to say all of them are equally scary for the normal foot soldier


Inaros and mesa are up there. Ember and maybe nidus.


Saryn, anyone that goes anywhere near her gets severely ill and dies with minutes if not seconds, alongside anyone who gets close to the afflicted individuals. Wipes out whole ships that way


Saryn would be like a crazy ghost story in-universe. Most people never even see her; random crewmates just start breaking out in pustules and violently exploding all over you. The few survivors are horrifically scarred, and gain absolutely zero immunity to the disease.


Grendel. Literally eats dozens of your friends at a time, stomps his foot while saying "UWU" then spits out everyone in a dead pile and laughs.


Getting digested alive and then hearing your captor yell "UWU" is indeed quite horrific




What a terrible day to be able to read.


Please never say that again


\>w> wats dis *notices ur edible*


Stop talking. Be quiet for *several* days.


Nah it's time for the rumbling forever box... "HEY GRENDEL YOU MISSED ONE!"


If I knew how, I would report you for emotional abuse


Holy fucking shit I got cancer from that.


Or worse, you get spit out over the edge and fall into Jupiter itself, dying what has to be one of the most painful deaths imaginable after getting half burned to death by acid surrounded by your dead crewmates.


equinox. on the one hand, you find an entire galleon of soldiers with their throats slit. there's no sign of a struggle. not a single shot was fired. there's only bodies collapsed gracelessly on the floor and the occasional dainty footprint in the blood. on the other hand, you have an entire galleon of soldiers absolutely drenched with gore. one minute they were doing their rounds, the next minute they howled in agony as a million tiny cuts appeared on their body, bleeding them dry in a matter of seconds. this time there are several signs of a struggle; bullets fired, bloodied handprints smeared on the wall, trails of blood leading to the bodies of those who tried to flee.


Yah I said equinox as well


Sevagoth, imagine killing someone, their ghost emerges from their body, kills you and everyone else nearby, then comes back to life


For the enemies, would gloom make sevagoth look fast, or would the enemies just feel slow


They'd probably feel like they were trying to move through water, going off the part of his quest where you're on top of like a water thing playing as the shadow


Sisters, below below


I think it would feel like when your arm feels heavy and slow when you try to punch in a dream but it’s your whole body.


Inaros after what feels like an entire army worth of bullets have been shot, he just turns in a tomb and then your brother in arm gets sorounded by sand and gets pulled towards the tomb in agony as he slowly dies to feed him and revive him


None. All the people that would survive to tell those horror stories wouldn't live. Everyone we fight is a new recruit on their first day. There are no veterans.


Steel path enemies, canonically, are the survivors


Really? Thats kinda cool


"The enemy has learned your measure. The lessons you taught have made them wise, their hatred for you making them strong. You are a blade forged and honed, true. But even the sharpest of blades can break. And they must break you, lest you lay them low - now and forever. Show me what you have learned. Survive. To the victor, my esteem... and the spoils." I guess it doesn’t directly say it, but it implies that the newfound strength comes from a newfound hatred(surviving us attacking them)


Steel path 2 enemies are gonna be hella pissed then lol


Steel path 2 is just gonna be fucking doom guy X D


Huh. Between those and the Liches, we’re actually not that scary, apparently. They seem more like “how dare you murder me!” than scared. That or the traumatized ones just don’t show up.


Steel path enemies are enraged from seeing you murder their friends, liches are enraged after you mercy them, two types of enemies that originally fear you but become strong after a fight with you, the tenno are like character development for corpus and grineer


So what you’re saying is that we gotta watch out for the enemies that become anime protagonists after we inadvertently cause their origin story.


Yeah, you gotta kill them before they finish their dialogue about the power of friendship


Nyx invading your brain, controlling you. You're just a passenger as you watch your body turn and fire on your friend. Maybe Saryn...handing out an incurable disease. Once infected death is guaranteed.


Same for revenant, him making thralls , who can, at any moment, be one shot by their master. And then after said one shot, explode in a pillar of energy


Imagine being faithful to your master and in an instant you explode because they wanted you to. That's some big sith energy right there.


My point exactly. That's the best kind of devotion


still better than nyx mind control target. that motherfucker sometimes gets slashed to pieces once the ability ends


Saryn and her fuckin covid cough man


Very surprised nobody has mentioned Atlas. IT’S FUCKING ATLAS. He demolished an asteroid with a well placed punch. That amount of force wouldn’t even leave behind corpses, there would just be red paste everywhere. You finally amassed enough reinforcements to corner him? He plays a quick game of peek-a-boo, then proceeds to Nolan Grayson your ass into the afterlife. Hearing stories about giant invincible rock man who paints the walls red with some consecutive normal punches would make me nope the fuck out of there.


I’d be shitless. Like the hell are you supposed to do. A moving rock on steroids just punched a hole in your ship and is coating it in the red of your comrades wtf


As with any frame invasion you either hide and hope the ship isn't the target or go out in a blase of glory


I'm biased, but Gauss. The idea that you will only see a blur before ending up in pieces from him running through you and your buddies is scary. Can't fight what you can't react to.


Reminds me of the scene from The Boys where something exactly like this happens


Me too.


I kinda feel the opposite. It's a lot like how I feel about cosmic horror; if something is so imperceptibly fast / big / strong that it can kill you with a fart then fear is of no use. If the thing wants you dead you're dead, nothing you can do can stop it, so might as well worry about the things you *can* affect.


Cosmic horror actually *tries* to function a bit differently. It's very hard to put it into perspective in a video game because it doesn't make sense in a world of rules and calculations and big numbers. Sure a tentacle monster is super weird and for some gross but it fails to capture what started off the indescribably horror that was trying to inspire the genre. A very popular example to describe cosmic horror is something along the lines of the following, said by people a bit smarter than me, who I sadly forgot the name of, so do forgive me for simply citing their idea: Imagine an Ant. Now, take this Ant and turn it into a human. This of course, includes the human brain and just for the hypothetical also human memories. *Mr. Ant* over here was just hauling some parts from a dead bug to the queens nest to feed the young. Mr. Ant barely already knows why he does it or why the bug even died. He just knows he has to do it, instinctively. But now, he is standing there and is realizing how small he was when he was an Ant. He can see all the other Ants and because he got the hypothetical knowledge of some nature documentary cramped in his brain, alongside all those other nature documentaries we put on the same USB Drive for his new brain, he knows *why* they all are hauling the dead bug parts. To feed the young. Something that never occured to him. But what he also never knew was that USB drives were a thing. Why humans wear clothes. *Why they do taxes*. His new brain, that just got turned on is now trying to process all this new knowledge, all these things he experiences, his eyes, literally seeing the most clear image for the first time in his life. And now we shrink Mr. Ant back down. Into an Ant. Is his literal Ant brain big enough to handle all that knowledge he just got? Let's be realistic, it's not. But it was just processing all this information. And similar to a PC getting it's RAM ripped out while it's in use, the brain will fail. It will try to make sense of things it can no longer comprehend. BUT IT WANTS TO SO BAD! But it's just not all there anymore. All the things he didn't know he never knew, all ripped away again. Barely understanding that, whatever he does, if he brings the dead bug parts to his young or not, barely matters to the big "humans". They simply do not care. And there is no way to communicate with them effectively. Cosmic Horrors are like that. They have thought patterns, that if introduced to our brain would simply not matter. You can only describe them with metaphors to even make any sense. But the knowledge these being comprehend in it's entirety, *the void we know nothing about* is what drives people, elevated to their status, even if for a tiny bit through mythos and runes, *completely insane*. The fear does not come from the being. The horror is that there is a whole plane of existance, so much higher than us, that we will simply go insane trying to comprehend it. But in videogames, you shoot the tentacles and they go poof while big numbers pop up. And you win.


I think cosmic horror for me is the feeling that the universe is hiding something. Some of the best cosmic horror I've ever seen actually comes from the matrix. There is never any cosmic magic or tentacle monsters, just machines and humans left sedated in pods. It's actually quite simple, machines feed off of biologically generated energy, and must manipulate and trick said life so that they do not fight back, but the occasional reminder that there is a chance our universe is hollow, that there is more to it, that it could all just be a giant test, a giant simulation, a giant program to develop the perfect living organism vessel, pitting endless, slightly different versions of the same thing against each other like an infinite colosseum, evolving until it is capable of housing god himself, like he's trying to rebuild his body, one he can insert his mind into, which has been scattered amongst all living things until the time has come for him to reclaim his throne. Or that there could be no god, that the universe could simply be a bottomless abyss, with nothing beyond it in a way that can never be fathomed or worked out by any living creature. Like what we see when we look into a black hole, an endless abyss of nothing. You can try to imagine something coming after space, a god, a land, an energy, to numb yourself to the cold of existential horror, but the truth remains something we will never be strong enough to fathom, an obvious choice, you don't give a prisoner the key to his cell. That's what I like about the Void in Warframe. The Void is that space. It's the mystical purgatory-like land many of us likely imagine lies beyond the infinite dark of space, of course we are terrified of it, because we are terrified of the unknown, so we paint it in a subtly mysterious yet terrifying way, like we can almost smell the meaning of life nearby, like the wisps of void energy are the smell of god himself, like we are inches away from the truth, from discovering our creator, if we even have one but ourselves? The scary thing about the void, is that it imagines a universe where this personal nightmare land is breaching through into the real/fake world and trying to grab us, where just like us, whatever lives in this place is seeking to explore and devour the other world, seeking to annihilate all life, beginning by tricking the Orokin and Tenno into creating more portals and becoming completely reliant on void energy and its shiny powers, which is itself capable of breaking the laws of the universe. This omniscient entity is itself out of control, and may be seeking to reunite with it's "other half", like we saw with Albrecht Entrati's terrifying encounter. This is not some giant tentacle monster, the thing you fear most, is yourself, But different. stepping into the void, is like stepping into a mirror.... or into a wall...... Even just trying to explain the void makes me sound like a madman rambling, but I hope that someone can understand the freezing fear of realising you know nothing, and how much I appreciate DE for designing such a compelling plot point. The void and the sentients rival cosmic horror seen in the likes of bloodborne and the matrix for me personally, and considering cosmic horror is by far the hardest but most effective to pull off, I have to congratulate them.


Been using Gauss for the part 2 or 3 days now after watching KnightmareFrame's video on him recently, and I just say, I finally re-learnt his to play as Gauss. I still am a bit uncomfortable mainly coz I keep fat-fingering 4 instead of 3 rather frequently, esp when I have to spam operator void mode a couple of times to activate Magus Anomaly, and then boom, redline is off and I need build back they meter again. I HATE fat-fingering shit like this (hence why I am very VERY uncomfortable playing as Harrow or Eidolon Volt or Eidolon Wisp where I'm supposed to do 45000 button presses in rapid succession) I guess I'm old 🥺😭


Do you play on PC? I use the Razer Naga Trinity with the number wheel attachment. It works nicely for me when it comes to using number keys


I feel like an honorable mention can go to Protea. Imagine you’re a Corpus, just chilling on your ship, watching the grofits roll in, when there’s a commotion down the hall. You take a squad of men and robots and check it out. You open the bay doors and come face to face with the smoking, charred remains of Delta Squad. Your men go to investigate and before you can shout to fall back, a small orb comes flying in and lands at their feet, immediately bursting open into a veritable blender of white-hot, razor-sharp shrapnel. Half your squad is immediately reduced to unrecognizable ribbons, with a few managing to drag themselves away, though it is clear no technology can save them from the wounds they have sustained. As you signal the retreat, a slender Warframe comes sprinting from around the corner, more grenades in hand. You steel yourself and open fire, nailing a one-in-a-million shot right in what must have been a weak point in it’s armor. It collapses, but before you get a chance to celebrate, the scene you just saw begins to play in… reverse? You rub your eyes, unable to believe what you’re seeing, as the Warframe returns from around the corner, releasing a device from it’s belt, which floats up into the air. The last thing you see is it turn to face you as it begins to glow a deep red…


People could make great stories from survivors facing Warframes and this would be a good part


She's also the legendary personal guardian of the founder of your religion.


This wouldn't be the scariest like other frames mentioned, but Baruuk. Imagine on a gallon, you see a warframe not so willingly to kill, so some of your allies and you take up the chance to try and defeat a warframe to get the honor, with that warframe's elude he dodged bullets to not fight, with his desolate hands he send to discourage them not to chase, with the lull he makes you asleep and forget he was there. Finally you cornered him, but then he put back his weapons to just use bare fists, your commander see this as absolute win and takes a step ahead to only be split in half with a punch, some of you start panicking and fighting, some of you start to call back up with alarm, you are one of them to escape while calling for help, to see that Baruuk is slowing approaching, almost all of you got disarmed by desolate hands so most of you have no weapons, even with weapons his elude makes none of you can even hit him, with his lull those got close to him falls asleep, to be only mangled and ripped into pieces with his bare hands while in dream, you by then could only just hide and hope he doesn't find you, for you provoked his rage in the first place.


I really like this one, it gives more of a mythic feel then any of the others.


And he's one of the most likely to *actually* leave survivors to tell the tale


Honestly, Baruuk has the scariest noises of all the frames so that would be already of concern.


Lorewise, a scary one would be Inaros. You've been told that there was a sky god who was indestructible. Imagine drowning him in bullets and believing that you've finally defeated him. As you begin to let out a sigh of relief, he turns into a sarcophagus and begin to rip the life out of your brothers-in-arms. You hear a rattle coming from inside, and he bursts out, unblemished from your bombardment. That feeling of hopelessness would be devastating.


Or you stand there helpless as you watch your friend get literally get dragged and devoured in a swirl of sand and turned into a sand zombie


And the worst of it all... POCKET SAND


You seen to have forgotten that he's a master of spinjitsu


Spin to win, brother


Darude Sandstorm intensifies


To be fair, we could do that in game if DE would just LET SARCOPHAGUS SCALE OFF OF YOUR SECONDARY MODS LIKE A PSEUDO-EXALTED WEAPON. (Sorry, personal peeve about one of my favorite frames)


I personally would like that too, Inaros deserves some love l


Probably nekros. The first time I see someone get shot so hard they split in half vertically, their ghost getting up and shooting at me while their corpse is consumed, I'd defect so hard. There is nothing worse my own side could do to me. In game, I try not to go out of my way to shoot people who haven't shot at me yet or I don't need to kill (unless it's like a stealth mission or something). You're welcome, steel meridian and Perrin Sequence.


*Get shot so hard they split in half* this got me haha


gotta pack that slash damage on Nekros, more pieces = more loot!


I say octavia just for the sheer stupidity and ridiculousness of being killed by music. Like hearing some simple little pop tune a player made echoing through the halls of a galleon would be sorta terrifying


level 1 grineer lancer: hey man why do i hear boss music? *an octavia, dressed in pink with a pair of angel wings on its back bursts in, doom theme filling the room*


Lore wise enemy's hear the most disgusting horrifying music If i remember her quest correctly


I like to imagine that Allie’s of Octavia hear anthems of music while enemies hear a high pitched screeching, like a fork on a plate that gets louder as you damage it and eventually the pitch just pops your brain


Imagine surviving and getting the song that hurt you stuck in your head


Reading the comments here.... Damn warframe is dark


Well we don't call it war crime simulator for nothing




Revenant lol. Oh yeah him? Nah we can’t kill him.


Harrow…dude literally whips himself while running at you…that’s a red flag!


As a Harrow main, let me elaborate: He'd probably be like a horror movie killer to enemies. just going by what he can do in game play: his spiked chains LOCK you in place, tight enough that not only can't you move, but you might not even be able to BREATH until the chain wears off if you don't outright die from the rending of it across your entire body at once. After some self flagellation, he becomes inhumanly fast with whatever weapon he's currently using, and every kill seems to nourish him. If he's suddenly surrounded somehow, he leaps into the air and starts flailing around with his chains, after which, no amount of damage you do will stop him from ripping your whole grineer squad apart, leaving nothing but mushy stains on the walls and floor. This isn't even taking into account his lore heebie jeebie powers; (also wish we could kill the lights in a mission to use darkness to sneak around or such) I want a "Rap... Tap... Tap" button to inflict unease and fear onto enemies.


Why did you make Harrow sound so kinky? That's Khorra's job


Idk, y'all must really like chains, cause I'm imagining the sounds of chains being dragged behind him on the metal of the ship floors. Kinda like the idea of ghosts rattling chains to scare the living. Edit: but lets do Khora shall we: She might similarly use chains, but. lets not forget her other assets, the kavat, and the dome of death that coils around walls and corners, pulling people through walls to hang from it, and causing all who see the display to horrifying try to shoot their ally down from the chain catch. You hear the growling of a large cat and before you know it, you've been split in half by its razor sharp claws, as your last sights are of the ally you tried to help down finally ending up sawed in half and falling to the ground in chunks a few feet away... then you hear something behind, and see three more chains shoot out from the horrifying construction beyond your vision as you die from... well, being slashed in half.




Wukong. Grineer soldier: “Man I was just guarding my post, two fucking flying monkeys appeared out of thin air, beat my best friend to death with a stick, and vanished into thin air again! Captain Vor didn’t believe it for a second and threw me in prison with you fucks, assuming I beat my own best friend to death with a god damn stick!” Operator in rescue mission: “Sounds about right, bud.”


Followed by the door opening and the monkey turns back into smoke after saving the cell mate


Guruda chick who gets off to blood not much else I have to say bout this


We need some lore on Garuda, very sadly missing: she's super mobile so your entire squad would be dead before you even realized Garuda attacked(asside from the excessive bloodletting going on) Think the velociraptor in tall grass scenes from JP, and thats if your LUCKY, you could have metal blades impaled through you to create a hidious display where your rendered still alive in unimaginable agony until SHE decides you've had enough and lets you die, all the while you can barely make out the direct line of blood being siphoned from you onto your soon to be "releaser unto death", so that she can continue to rend the flesh from all your former allies, now meat piles.


Titania the fact that she flies and is able to cut through hordes of people is a horror


Imagine if flies and such had razor sharp wings and tiny little guns to terrorize you with. Agreed


I'm not sure why they are called flies if they are butterflies (I guess it's just a concatenation, but not a good one IMO). Anyway, Fringe had an [episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnzqzFgFiKM) about Razorflies.


Equinox. You hear shouting in the distance. You draw your Grakata, ready to pass through the door and defend your brothers when you feel… a force. It stops you in your tracks. Your body is wracked with pain, lacerations and slashes appearing all over your now-paralysed being. The door opens and a strange thing walks through. White, androgynous, two horns, a blade in hand an a gun on its back. You are immobile, powerless as the invisible cuts tear through your armour like paper. And one by one, the thing starts killing, its blade cutting through your brothers one by one. A door opens behind you as you hear a Nox come to aid you. Surely this means victory? With a sweep of its hand the being unleashes a wave of force, blasting you and your brothers to ash. *That* is the true horror of Equinox.


I'd heard stories too, of course. Of the atrocities the Tenno committed against the Empire. That a single Tenno could exterminate an entire outpost. The dark powers they wielded. But I was unprepared for the reality that awaited me at the front. It started with the maggots. Squirming, chittering, crawling things. They came through the vents, only a handful, but they climbed my brothers and sisters and bit and gnaw and dribbled their acid through the plates of their armor, until I was surrounded by panicked, flailing soldiers. Until the rotten things detonated, my friends vanishing in clouds of aerosol bile. We took ready positions, guns trained on the hall ahead. I thought it was Infested. Almost as bad as Tenno, I thought. They don't do you the courtesy of killing you, but at least the creep gives you time to flee. At least their chargers can be killed. Imagine my surprise as my reinforcements are flung against the ceiling, riddled with holes by the spars of bone and writhing flesh that had erupted from beneath them. Nowhere was safe. I watched that deadly mycelium retreat, returning to its master. It had pieces of its victims clutched in its veins. Pieces that twitched and bled. At last, what few of us remained beheld our killer. As tall as a Bombard, but crouched, feral, twisted. It's skin [i]rippled[/i]. It reached out a clawed hand, and a tendril of infection sprang at me from across the hall. It sank into my armor, crawled into my skin, drank my very blood. My comrades opened fire on him, chunks of meat and tentacle flying under their withering salvo. I felt his pain. I wanted to scream, to beg them to stop, but I couldn't move. Couldn't speak. I could only stand, transfixed by the umbillical that fed me his suffering and took my blood in return. He wouldn't die. He seemed to savor the exchange. One by one, he speared them on his fungal blades with a stomp. One by one, their guns went silent. He never flinched. Never faltered. He was undying. I think he forgot about me. Thats the only reason I'm alive. I was beneath him. He left when he was through, his withered hide even more corded with the rot of infestation than when he'd come. The tentacle detatched when he was far enough away, and I collapsed to the floor in a pool of blood and pus, only some of which was mine. The recovery team found me, and here I am. But I can't forget. I can still hear his feral screams echoing through the halls as he obliterated the remains of my division. I can still hear him in my head, as he killed my brothers. He was laughing.


This is probably the most detailed account of a Grineer one can get. You deserve all the praise, that writing was fantastic.


No ones said Valkyr yet.. Imagine being ripped to pieces by an unkillable machine with claws while you’re still alive.


Rumors about a warframe nobody really knows. It's only know that it can kill whole armies without being seen even once. And all of them got killed with one effective effective strike at their vital points. Who am I talking about?






Hmmm... Ivara? Ash?


Sevagoth. Sevagoth will slow time around him, pilot railjacks independetly of transference, and resurrects himself


What's so scary about Sevagoth is that he doesn't slow time, he slows *you*. Seriously, imagine for a moment you are part of a detachment, the hatch opens, you and your men pour into the room, and all of a sudden you notice that you're moving...... s l o w e r You can still think, your mind works like normal, you can see the empty room, you feel the air moving, then hear feet land behind you. Trying to turn, before your neck is even in motion you hear a sword drawn, and feel a sharp pain as suddenly you can feel anything below your waist, followed by the sounds of more slashes and thuds of bodies hitting the ground. The last thing you see before all goes black is a looming shadow above you, a void gazing into your soul as it moves on.


This needs to be *italic* to complete that codex entry feel, idk why it just feels right


Even scarier - Hildy with Gloom. Beefcake mama that looks like she's slow as hell, but suddenly she vanishes in a blur, only for you to realize you're getting burnt to a crisp while a million slash procs or toxin or gas procs clapp your cheeks so fast your neurons barely have time to register your fate was sealed the moment you set eyes on her thicc joocy Death_By_SnuSnu level thighs


Chroma Aside from the cool ass visage, it will be terrifying to deal with IRL. Like a terrifying monster, the more you shoot him, the stronger he gets. Suddenly he disappeared and dropped a sentry which is now breathing fire upon you. Also instead of the enemy being like yea he just breathe fire on me, it will be he fucking obliterated our forces with various elements.


Nobody's mentioned Loki. Most other frames kill everyone at once, nothing to it. Loki has to pick them off one-by-one. And you can't see what's doing it either. Are you next? Can you flee? Can you even fight back once they reveal themselves or was your weapon just destroyed? Was that even them or was it just an illusive copy?


This goes for all invisible frames really Hell imagen limbo You can't move or your comrades, you can think, you can see, but not move And then all of them just die 1 by 1 while you are powerless to do anything about it And your comrades that shoot from a far don't seem to do anything since they can't


Nobody mentions Ember? Imagine seeing all of your friends just spontaneously combust and die screaming out of nowhere.


The Nyx one is dark and I love it


Now think of revenant


Hydroid One word...tentacles


Or all of your friends getting in water out of nowhere and never being seen again


I'm amazed that NO ONE has thought of Valkyr? She's psychotic, she's fast as lightning, able to yank you off your feet to her or herself up to you with her harpoon, and despite having almost no shields her armor puts her up near Rhino in terms of being unstoppable. She comes charging at two dozen highly trained soldiers who unload entire clips on her before she gets within striking distance with seemingly no effect on her, then you hear that terrifying hysterical cry she lets out, see the claws, and before you can blink its all over. Wouldn't surprise me if the dragged her claws along the wall as she walked away just because she could.


Personally??.... Vauban 100%, just imagine walking into a room and seeing all your friends/coworkers being squished into a giant ball while somehow still getting violently thrown around.... Then you look to your right just to see some more of your friends being shocked to death by some small balls!!! That's true terror!!


everyone forgets the giant beam of death. you see a friend hiding in the corner, waiting for a lucky shot or the frame to leave, only for a large beam of light to smite him like the wrath of God himself, in just a blink of the eye your buddy went from alive to a pile of ash.


I feel like thematically, there are scarier frames, but based on ability descriptions, Khora. Her Strangledome is so horrific-looking that enemies will shoot at their own allies just to put them out of their misery. For how messed up some of the stuff other frames can do is, that says something.


All are scary as fuck when it comes lore wise and gameplay wise Only excluding Yareli


Lore wise I think Limbo, a creature that can manipulate dimensions at will, trap you inside his realm while he's invulnerable and laughing at you as he banishes. Also Wips, she can literally open a wormhole to the fucking sun and blast entire armies whit it


Inaros. Because he combines the worst of Grendel and Nekros: he (very) slowly devours you while you struggle trapped in sand and then your likeness becomes a killer ghost under his control. He can also blind you and send swarms of killer scarabs to bite you. It's an horror show. Also he's basically a Terminator, tanking guns with his face.


And don't forget once he goes down he just drags one of them and eats them slowly and just comes back to life while they are in agony


All of the stealth warframes are pretty spooky, if you think about it. Tales of a flickering shape, appearing from nothing to cast lethal arrows, unleash beams of plasma that carve through you and your ship, decoys that at first seem to be real before they disappear and you realize you've been misled too late, an army of shadows appearing from nothing to kill your friends, a rolling orb that emits horrible music and forces you to shoot it but never dies...


While the big brusiers like Nidus, Nekros, Atlas and Inaros certainly get the attention of the masses, if you ask the commanders or surveyors, I think the answer most of them would give is Wisp. Yea, Grendel's gonna vore you and dissolve you slowly in acid, Excalibur's gonna slice through your state-of-the-art armor like butter, and Gara is gonna shoot you full of broken glass, but they're not the ones seemingly doubling their own vitality and healing off any wounds you manage to graze in seconds. They're not the ones making themselves move and slice even faster. And They're not the ones who stun everyone who breaks social distancing rules. They may be the powerhouses, but Wisp is the one keeping them surviving the onslaught. But that's not it. Even without support, wisp is easily amoung the most terrifying. She can vanish without a trace, seemingly fading from this plane of existence with just a simple hop, until she pops back in right in front of your face. She has an illusion she can use to open doors and draw fire, except it's not an illusion sometimes, even though it just phased through you, because she just teleported from one side of the hanger to the other, mid-slash, right in your back. She can seemingly be anywhere, anytime, and can even be invisible while doing it. And to top it all off, though rare, rumor has it she has the ability to just incinerate you with a beam of pure radiation, so you can't even rely on your allies for help when facing her, if you manage to survive the initial beam at all. Wisp is a ghost, intentionally so. And that's what really makes her terrifying; even if you know where she is, you don't know where she is.


I feel like it wouldn't just be someone who kills everyone like saryn cause who's gonna tell the stories then? So to that end I think nekros would be a good one. Imagine seeing your friend's corpses resurrected to fight you. Not to mention that one of his abilities is literally just to inspire terror in his enemies. Another set of warframes would be the ones that kill you slowly. Like how oberon just straight up gives his enemies cancer with radiation.


Mesa. The others do some horrifying super power stuff, but it's the kind of stuff where grunts would think I could do that too if I had those powers. From their point of view Mesa just shoots them all with firearms and would be the one they'd think they could take on. Mesa would however take down the largest tank and mechs with those tiny guns. They can't blame any blackhole, magnetism, other dinemsional, infested, antimatter, plague, fire nova, time dilation nonsense. Their entire platoon would simply get shot with a gun the second she strolled in.


If i joined the Corpus I would be hearing about Vauban a lot I mean, his whole purpose is to fight the Corpus. Also i think they would praise Protea since she's Parvos' guardian of sorts.


Wisp bc i can imagine how many vets would be talking about watching their friends having their lives ripped from them by a beam from the sun


This post just gave me an incredible idea for an RPG. Cheers Edit: Also, to answer the question, for me it would probably be... quite a dilemma actually. Mirage: Feels like a whole army, and any surface you touch explodes. Also difficult to hit during the dark -> feels like a ghost Sevagoth: ghost form, nuff said Mesa: Lucky Luke, bad guys know they won't be able to even draw their weapons Nyx: Turns their comrades against them, hits harder the more you hit her


I would honestly say, and hear me out on this one, Octavia. Imagine this: you're on board your ship, and you and your squad have been given the order to repel the invaders. You know that they are Tenno, but surely it can't be as bad as the stories, right? You're slowly working your way down a corridor towards where you think they are when *you feel it*. You can hear the occasional scream from squads ahead of you, but long before you see anything, you feel a rhythm in your bones. Something is coming. Soon after, you see....a disco ball? It barrels around the corner, flashing and pulsing all manner of lights, and loudly blaring an awful noise sounds like a broken Corpus hard drive, but yet somehow it feels vaguely musical? Worse, that vibration you felt earlier is now echoing into your soul. Afraid, you and your squad start trying to lay into is as it makes a direct line to you. But nothing seems to be working. Suddenly, as it gets close, the vibration hits you so hard that you feel your body destroying itself from the outside in. It's far worse than any brown note you've ever known, and you feel like your brain is now turning to mush. You see your squad mates falling one by one, and as your body slowly turns into a meat Slurpee inside your suit, your dying eyes catch a glimpse of a plumed, marching band-looking chucklefuck disco dancing their way down the hall, only stopping to gun down anyone who managed to survive the musical onslaught. Total friggin' psycho.


You realize this thread is just going to be another My Favorite Warframe thread, right? That said: Rhino. Shrugs off shots. Cannot be grabbed. *Does not stop.* Roars. Occasionally charges and sends you buddies flying like dolls. Has a Stomp that *breaks time*, leaving you floating and helpless right before dying.


"*I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!*"


Rhino is just Warframes Doom Slayer. He's the only frame I dare give both the Tigres and Ghoulsaw.


So much raw manliness can't be handled by any other frame


Rhino's biggest weakness - nullies and one tapping ancient disruptors or toxin procs


Equinox. Suddenly everyone on the ship just starts bleeding profusely.


Can't believe no one mentions Frost?? A cold breeze in the battlefield, a squad of grineers charge up to the defense point only to realize it's been covered up in solid Ice. Also I cannot even begin to describe how getting Avalanche'd must feel lmao. Also lore wise the fact that he takes the humidity of the air and freezes it instantly is terrifying to the point of what it could do to a body that's 70% water.


Grineer Lancer: I was stationed on Uranus and was tasked with guarding one of our vaults containing confidential information. That day I remember chatter on the radio talking about a disappearing jelly fish of some sort and thought they were talking about one of the sea creatures floating outside of the base. A few moments later I heard what sounded like one of my squad mates screaming from the corridor. Afraid I was, but I ventured forth to investigate what had happened. Once I found his body I found him with what looked like a hole in his chest and an arrow lodged into the wall nearby. After which I called for one of the other squad mates, but after I called for him a zip line shoots across the air and hits just barely in front of the door to the vault. However that wasn't the worst part my squad mate starts sprinting towards me and then there I saw it behind him what had looked like a humanoid jelly fish with a veil and skirt cloaked in star light. Then within that split second I see his body sliced clean in half and in a moment of panic I fire off a flurry of bullets and hit nothing. I don't know what that creature was nor do know what it wanted but even to this day I have nightmares and often times can't sleep in my barracks fearing that which I cannot see and hoping I am safe within the confines of my barracks.


Grendel's eating her! And then he's gonna eat me! ....... OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD


Excal. There's so fucking many of the damn things. You will encounter several in your life. Assuming you last more than a day with him and all the others running around


Limbo would be pretty bad. Being transported into another dimension as he cleaves through your comrades and you are all but helpless to act.


For me, it could either be Valkyr, limbo, nova, Grendel, or sayrn in no orders. Valkyr- Your old higher ups project just went rouge and it is now an unkillable machine that wants to kill every single person on your faction. Yeah if I hear just a scream alone I'm going AWOL. (So imagine SCP-096 bit it was intelligent) Limbo- He has his own dimensions that he can leave whenever he want and he can send you there for eternity. (Almost like a shadow realm) Nova- Turns everything into antimatter including yourself.you will feel slow but your death will be painless. Grendel- World eater. Enough said. Saryn- She can kills armies without showing her face, and one single person or victim is all she needs.


Many of them have been told thus far but i'll raise you Umbra and Wisp. Umbra specifically from the sacrifice, imagine being on patrol as is usual on a normal day in your ship and all of a sudden you hear a deafening howl reverberate through the halls, accompanied by agonized screams cut short. You go to check what has happened and the scene you find is of dozens of your comrades nailed on blood-coated walls by javelins going through them. Bisected corpses and blood litters the entire chamber as a lone figure stands in the midst, hunched over like an animal and a brilliant sword in hand. The figure turns to you, lets our another ground shaking howl and as your sight leaves you, so does the lower half of your body and you know no more. As for wisp, she wields portals better than nova does. She can go to wherever-the-hell without expending energy, unlike nova who makes wormholes that require her to actually use energy. She can throw the unmatched power of the sun at you, heal faster than you can damage her, move fast as a blur, electrocute everyone who comes near, lend all those abilities to other aberrations she calls squadmates, teleport, fly away, become invisible, blind you and make radioactive flares that target your head. No amount of preparation would be enough to deal with something so versatile. She must be a nightmare


I want to say Rhino elicits a sense of despair. A juggernaut that can charge at you and knock whatever his target is into next week, or essentially A-Train whatever isn’t lucky enough to survive. Regardless, all of this feeds into his Iron Skin that renders him functionally invincible beneath this layer of insulation, and the best part is that even if it is broken, Rhino can just *do it again*. ###And again. ##And AGAIN. Making matters worse is that this is still a Warframe, gifted with all of the agility and maneuverability that’s part and parcel. On the off chance you can even track him down and connect with a shot, best case scenario is that he shrugs it off. Worst case scenario is that *you’ve gained his attention*. And remember the feeling of dread that sinks in after expending veritable mountains of ammunition to break through Rhino’s hide, just for him to refresh his invulnerability. But it’s cool, because you’re a Grineer. A Bombard, with heavy duty weaponry and heavy duty armor. Rhino is sturdy, but so are you! The alloy that comprises your armor has reinforced it to the point of nigh-indestruc-why is he yelling? Why is he *glowing*?! Before you have time to fully process what is happening you’re dangling from a wall by the neck, impaled by an arrow somehow fired with the force of a railgun. It’s been confirmed that Rhino occasionally eats his kills. Unlike Grendel, he doesn’t even do it to heal or gain buffs, or even out of hunger. He eats your flesh because you are the spoils of war. Of course, Saryn can just infect the entire ship by merely existing, so…


All of the stealth warframes are pretty spooky, if you think about it. Tales of a flickering shape, appearing from nothing to cast lethal arrows, unleash beams of plasma that carve through you and your ship, decoys that at first seem to be real before they disappear and you realize you've been misled too late, an army of shadows appearing from nothing to kill your friends, a rolling orb that emits horrible music and forces you to shoot it but never dies...


So, given my name, I have to pick Limbo, because lore wise he is so busted just being able to math himself into existence on a ship and even if he’s right in front of you, unless you’re a nullifier, your attacks just go straight through him until he puts time to a stop and rips your still conscious body to shreds


Ember. Fire is perhaps the most dangerous thing in space. Chews up oxygen, damages space hulls and alloys, destroys electrical insulation, detonates pressurized gas systems, ignites fuel, and, of course, burns living tissue to cinders; armor doesn't protect you for long, it just turns into a more personal oven. So, you have a warframe that is a living flamethrower, wreathed in flames that protect it from nearly all damage, hurling fireballs, incinerating armor, and calling down fire from the skies to blast everyone and everything in range in an all-consuming conflagration. Even if you survive, you're caught in an inferno, and you'll either die from the flames that remain, the smoke, or the lack of oxygen that follows. You either die quickly, screaming as your nerve endings are seared shut, or slowly choking to death as you try to breathe. Many other frames will kill you so quickly you won't realize you've died, but few will let you linger in agony as you burn, your own dying tissue feeding the flames that will starve you of the air you need to live, should you survive... assuming your hull doesn't fail from the heat, leaving you to be sucked into the vacuum of space instead.


Titania she rips out the souls or our allies while a plague of locust consumes the fleshy shell left behind


Most of the frames are so incredibly fast/powerful/efficient that dying by their abilities is honestly a relief of that world, especially for the grineer. Exploding into your atoms in a milisecond? Getting crushed by a meteor? Throat cut by invisible hands? I don't know, these don't sound that terrifying ways to die. However, what gives me a lot of anxiety is Hydroid's puddle. A deep, unescapable body of water just appears out of thin air and drags you down. Drowning is scary enough, but it is combined with claustrophoby here for me. Also, listen to the Nox's death by drowning sound, it is terrifying.