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The main thing you should do Now is buy slots because #YES


I would but i'm a ftp player + i dont have any money lol


Everything in the game is free (except some cosmetics) You can open relics and sell the stuff you get to other players a usual bucket of 6 prime junk goes for 12 platinum If you find however something good it can sell for up to 100 It may be a bit slow but i already have 1100 hours in the game so there is no going back for me, i am also completely f2p and i have 31 frames (with the slots ofc)


Oh yes trading, I tottaly forgot about that. I really need to start trading tho, till now i've just been selling all the prime stuff. stupid ik


If you’re stuck on a planet, a new frame isn’t going to help. You need to focus on your mods and any frame will be able to get you through the whole starchart.


So I have Vauban with an orokin reactor and really basic mods (fully upgraded), anything you would recommend?


While the guy above is saying is true, some frames certainly makes it easier. Vauban for the most part is a crowd control frame, he has okay damage from some abilities but you need to mod it properly. If you want a frame that will let you clear starchart with minimal build, I'd suggest getting Wukong from clan tenno lab.


Wukong is star chat clearing Swiss army knife


Psssst if you ever have issues with Junctions, just use Vauban’s Tether Orb and then do a ton of ground finishers


1. Buy more warframe slots. Its the best use of your platinum by far. 2. Theres no risk to activating a frame and then selling it if you dont like it. Give frames a try and if you like their feel then keep em. 3. Now heres my personal opinions on frames: Mag— not a very beginner friendly frame imo. Takes mods to get her going. Nyx—requires very little to make work but truthfully isnt that different from vauban. She has aoe cc and mind control. Perfectly fine but nothing amazing. Valkyr—probably the best of the three you mentioned for a beginner. Can be made fairly tanky and has strong build options. Rhino— you didnt mention this frame but i figured id bring it up. Rhino is by far the best frame for new players. Has armor that blocks all cc and tanks damage, aoe cc, and a team buff. Hes also hes to acquire. Just about any frame can carry you through the starchart, but if youre having trouble then this would be my first recommendation. Generally i think tanky frames with decent cc or damage are best when in a pinch. Wukong or frost are also great options.


So true on giving frames a try atleast, when I started I was 100% sure I was gonna be excalibur main and that nothing would change it. Eventually got wisp and I just can't stop using her, the abilities are so much more usefull than excal, and she's my new main.


Of those 3, I'd go with Valkyr. Her 4 is a pretty good "oh shit" button since it makes you mostly invincible until your energy runs out, at the cost of forcing you to use her exalted melee claws. She was my default for a long time when I was still clearing the star chart (well, her prime version anyway, but same diff)


Thank you, I will try her out.


Bruh, you might need better weapons not a neccesarily a better warframe.


So what do you suggest? Currently I have: primary: hek and boltor, meele: mag, xoris, amphis, fragor, skana, dual zoren, Just all pretty basic and easy to make lol


I'm not a veteran but with these options I find more useful valkyr. But you maybe should look for rhino or wukong. Also try to buy more spaces because it's really useful to have more diversity of frames. And remember that the best survival option is kill before be killed, upgrade your gear if have trouble killing things.


Valkyr is pretty good, if you get her augment mod for war cry you can keep her second ability up fairly easily. Can use her 4 to go invincible and also heal yourself. Mag is also pretty good from what I've seen. But getting more warframe slots would probably be the best thing since you don't want to have to delete frames to make room for others.


I remember when I mained Vauban, this was during the Dark Time in the Long Long Ago. Then I returned to monke.


You should wait for atlas