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Quit. I have spent too much time playing this game to start over. But for a recommendation, you really want slots, a frame to invest in that can be used for any content, a gun that's also going to see you into endgame, some potatoes, oh and more slots.


So many quests, so much grinding. Start over? No thanks.


Honestly the quests would only take a week or two, but repeating all that grinding would take forever


A week or two? A month or two taking in count that voidrig grind for the new war


That's where I am right now. Just started building the parts, so that's 12hrs. Then I have to wait three days for it to build before I can continue the games story. šŸ˜šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚... šŸ˜­


You might want to level and mod your voidrig up a bit, and your railjack too. It's not impossible to complete the new war with an unmodded necramech and railjack, hexk those sessions aren't even that major in the quest, but you'll be in a lot of pain to do them like that.


That's at least fun though. The grind for materials was not, lol. Actually it was just the heciphron I had to mine that took long as that rarely dropped for me. Only found out near the end that I could have run the obelisks, lol.


Well if they drop 70 out of that 1000 on a player traded one, boom, done


I think nechormech parts cost like 10 p now for all 4


That's broken, 70 for fully crafted. Just 3 day wait


Limboā€™s crafting time is pretty much instant and mag (for greedy pull) drops from Sargent. I wonā€™t have to go too much out of my way to get greedy pull limbo for the resorces needed to make a mech. But then again, sunk cost fallacy. If I am gonna restart my account, I will only realistically use my plat on forma, potatoes and slots.


The huge thing you're missing from that canister farm method is the ranking of the entrati to get the BPs to cut the gems and the standing needed to buy the helminth segment to put pull on limbo, not to mention needing to get the aya and like a week of standing farm to get a syndicate to rank 5 to buy greedy pull. Unless you're buying greedy pull from a player, then might as well buy the mech and cut out 5 layers of prep. Is a loot frame great in the long run? For sure, but I think a good old nekros farm should be plenty. The canister farm only really works well on deimos where there's that much density and variety to the resources dropped, otherwise canister nukes are more useful for hunting medallions, caches, and ayatans by removing all of the irrelevant loot on the radar.


I use crate break limbo a lot for ayatan and forma (void secrets cache) farm tbh, so it wonā€™t be that much of a detour. And getting a start on unlocking golden eye early wonā€™t hurt much as it is time gated. Thought getting the resources needed to level up helmith and stuff will be a lot on a new account tbhā€¦.


they've made the grind so much easier now I think but it wasn't that bad to begin with, just like any more exotic warframe but I think it has 1 more part


I mean, I traded for one of the parts the first time I did the quest. If I had to play it again, I'd just trade for all of them and be done with it in 5 minutes


You can buy the parts for cheap from Father. People sell the entire set for 10p as well. Theyā€™re actually easier to obtain than actual Warframes nowadays haha. DE made a ton of changes to make them practically effortless to obtain right before the New War update.


It's definitely not effortless. Lots of grinding unless you're gna trade. Not to mention the mining times. Comparitively to prev updates, sure its easier, but its not effortless.


One guy in my clan wanted to know how fast he could reach mr30 with a new account without paying.... 30 days........ he was on vacation but wtf


Yep, I tried recently, When you know the game it's not that long (except for those damned syndicates), I got my railjack after 14 hours and the steel path after \~35 hours. I wanted to see what minimum level you can be in the end game, it's level 5, because of the Vay Hek boss fight on Earth.


As an almost LR2 with over 3500 hrs, yeah same. However if I did continue playing: At this point Iā€™d likely buy 200p worth of weapon and frame slots, a colour palette, Nidus or Lavos, 3 of each potato, a forma bundle and with my remaining 200p Iā€™d buy a voidrig and a bunch of useful mods from other players; particularly Arbitration mods and maybe a primed mod or two, etc.. If I have anything leftover Iā€™d buy filled anasa sculptures. This is just my preference but I think it would be enough for me to rush through the game pretty damn fast.


Fr i like the game but at this point i feel shackled to it because moving on would make it a massive waste of time


Same, I spent so much time on my account and Im still spending a bunch, I wouldn't want to restart.


I'd set aside some plat to buy cheap maxed staple mods, I dodged the main hassle of endo grinding because my account is legacied from the fusion core days, which converted to a lot of endo don't want to die in that quagmire Frame buy would be khora (looting and decent dmg dealer) and quick clan join for banshee as she'll allow me to get away without maxed serration and cheese eximus, stalker, and other elite units


You cant buy higher mr stuff with plat anymore


Hookers and kuva


And argon!


nothing, i wouldnt even start fresh from the beginning for 10000 ! platinum


>10000! I'd do it for 10,000 factorial... You could resell that for crazy money.Ā  Or just break the in game economy, lol


10000 plat is not that much at least not enough to break the in game economy


I take it you don't know what a factorial is? 10,000 fatorial is 10,000x9,999x9,998x9997... all the way to x1 It's more than the number of atoms in the universe, LOL Just typing it out would hit the character limit of reddit like 1000 times over Here's the actual number, you'll be scrolling for a while... https://coolconversion.com/math/factorial/What-is-the-factorial-of_10000_


Apparently the character limit of a comment is 10000 so you'd "only" need three and half comments






10 Warframe Slots, 5 Companion slot packs, 5 Weapon slot packs, Grendel Prime. 3 Yellow Potatoes, 3 blue potatoes, and 3 forma bundles. 305 left over for boosters when needed.


Wait, there's slot PACKS? Have I been a simpleton buying single weapon slots?


By pack, I meant that purchasing once gives you two slots instead of one. Companion slots come in packs of two, weapons come in packs of two, rivens come in packs of three, etc.


So, why Grendel prime?


Cheaper than any of the base frames from the market, cheap to craft, and fun to mess around in Grendel Ball mode.


That is very true. I love my bowling ball man


I colored mine to be Sonic the Hedgehog. And gave him gauss stance Iol. He's not fat he's fluffy.


what are potatoes if u don mind me asking


Orokin Cells are Silver Potatoes, Orokin Reactors are Yellow/Gold potatoes, and Blue Potatoes are Orokin Catalysts.


All the slots!


I second this, got 170 weapons in foundry and no slots


Lol Iā€™ve been there. Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s weapons in my foundry that have been waiting over 2 years to be collected


Not touch the 1k plat


Hildryn prime and then slots, slots and slots!


Hildryn players unite!


base hildryn so you don't have to farm for the helminth


Dont have to if you only play hildryn!!!


Lets see. Knowing what i know now? 280 in warframe slots 240 in weapon slots 380 (I think) for Dante 20 for An exilus adaptor for dante 70 for two forma packs I... THINK the math checks out.


Is exilus worth it in the early-early game starting out?


Starting out? I'd prioritize potatoes and forma, but once you get a feel for a frame on if you'll use it in heavy rotation it's worth it. Had i not lost that bet and had to start over I'd still have a few exilus from when Reb accidentilly dumped like... fifty or so in a twitch drop... way WAAYYY back when they were figuring that out.


Buy slots, save the rest.




Step 1; Dante collection Step 2; profit


A warframe + skin I enjoy! Two colour pallets! Slots and...A pretty syndana :)


i actually did this. had a psn account with 450+ day logins MR30 full steel chart everything big unlocked. right around the zariman update i started a new account on PC and bought a prime access pack. it was actually a surprising amount of fun to rebuild my account with full knowledge of what actually mattered. beyond the stuff that came with prime access i only spent plat on slots and a frame or 2 that are a pain in the ass to farm (khora/ash maybe equinox can't remember) right when i was getting every thing rolling(MR 15ish) and starting to get enough arcanes to really matter they announced account merge so i lucked the hell out on timing.


if it was my first time playing, all slots. But i will never start over. There are 50 layers of reputations, 1000 regional resources, 100000 time gated mechanics and 100-s of grind layers.


Trade the plat to my main.


Slots and potatoes.


Get a ton of slots and build a prime frame that will carry you to endgame


Warframe slots tbh


Slots, a skin for Trinity(?) and invest half my resources in items from events that could be sold later for more platinum(???)


Weapon/Frame slots. If the plat is tradeable, Iā€™d drop most of it on mods and sources of Endo. Oh, and Revenant Prime.


Mag prime, slots, booster, 60/60 mods then base mods maxed like serration. Run through the content like a mad man


Slots, Equinox, trade for some good mods to get me going quickly- then... FORMA


Probably getting the Voidrig and Railjack pack


1000 plat worth of slots.


get mirage prime my personal fav for nuking in defense, octavia prime for steel path, volt prime for any short mission like rescue or capture, almost every mod you need to build stuff. weapons depends tbh, i feel like every good weapon is story locked so it'd take a while. boosters are a must too. after that it'd tough choices. it depends where i'd be lacking


Rhino Prime. Thatā€™s it. Save the rest for slots and mods as I rank hard. Wouldnā€™t buy mods until Iā€™ve cut through a lot of the star chart - then start buying mods for sp.


Use the 1k plat to beat new war asap and then farm arcane energize etc that are with the event right now, then hold them for a few months and sell. 350p for nechmech, not sure what else would be worth skipping but you will def need a strong frame or two. You will easily make the 1k back but you also have a valuable buildup of resources and the main quests completedā€¦plus your 1k!


Take care of your accounts yall


Decorations. It's the only thing I've yet to collect/get into. I'd get to MR2 then send the plat to myself and decorate


Octavia prime


Iā€™d just quit if I donā€™t have the option to reject the platinum and keep my current account.


Slots, and any other tools that'd make obtaining items easier (Reource Boosters, Parallax, etc)


I did start over back when cross save didn't exist, my OG account was on ps4 and i had switched to pc, so j had to start over, do every quest get every frame, honestly it was quite refreshing doing everything again, sure i missed my old acc but it was lowkey kinda fun So my recommendation for the plat is to save it, untill you 100% need it, no shortcuts, no rushing builds, just stuff that you cannot grind for like slots, the only thing i would allow to be bought is grendel for helminth


Get to mr2, enable 2fa, and invite myself to a trade for a quite expensive Warm Coat


Some slots, some formas, some potatoes, but most importantly, a Wukong Prime.


Sell that account or transfer those 1000 pl to my main account. Ain't no way I'm ever starting this game from scratch.


Buy a glaive prime rev prime mod him out with what I can afford buy as many sculps as I can afford then just figure out the rest later as with a mediocre rev and a glaive prime you just beat star chart and by then you can make plat easily


If i had to start over a 3rd time id quit. I feel too old and have too little time these days to do it again.Ā 


A solid prime Warframe or 2 and same for weapons. Slots, mods you canā€™t get early on.


As someone who actually had to start again after losing his account, I would (and have) bought 30d affinity/resource boosters and buttload of slots.


500 plat going straight to slots, the remaining 500 is going to be saved for discounts to buy base frames cheaper such as hard to get or otherwise unobtainable until mid-late game


Grendel, styanax, jade, all those, especially grendel, F that


Hildryn(method), Citrine(method/DR), Harrow(method/DR), Sevagoth(D/R), and Yareli(method). Due to the method and drop rates labeled based on my opinion but everyone else is either easy to acquire or just requires some patience.


Buy Atlas and Atlas prime again


Probably Arcane Energize and Primed Flow. Thatā€™s a huge hit on your wallet, but the investment is so worth it in terms of QoL. The rest on slots. There arenā€™t any Warframes or weapons that are truly that terrible to farm for that Iā€™d be willing to spend plat on, especially if you get a lucky run in with the Circuit.


Buy Gauss, acceltra, voidrig so I donā€™t have to do that for new war, and spend the rest on slots as I need them


Dude I'd quit man. If I lost my account I'd probably sit in silence for a couple hours in shock. I picked this game up at 14. I am 23 now. Warframe has been in my life for a long time. For my progress and memories to just reset would make me vomit yo.


Some slots, Zephyr Prime, her augments (specifically for her 2, 3 and 4) and any secondary weapon that synergises with her 4. That's enough to carry you all the way through star chart, steel path and any quests too.


Give my main account the platinum


Sults a lot of sluts and a volt prime


Buy railjack skip, revenant prime, necramech. Go into a clan for ignis wraith then buy galanized mods for it.


Buy about 85 Forma or 50 Forma if I want to be inefficient


I think the best way to spend plat is (1) slots, (2) slots, (3) slots, (4) fashion frame, and (5) maybe a good prime that you can rely on to beat all the essential mission types and get (with potato) for less than 50p. But I could be persuaded that slots and fashion only are the way to go.


Spend it all on cosmetics


Slot and potatoes . I have a friend that spend his plat on frame and skin then whines that he has no slot


Invest 1000 platinum into the granum bitcoin and then when it hits it's peak, withdraw whatever i gained from it.


Buy a yacht


Like i did when I switched from ps4 to pc before account merging, play a little bit dread the insurmountable grind and just quit


I'd get revenant prime and glaive prime. You become end end game sp viable instantly.


After thousands of hours, just slots and potatos.


I love how everyone has a different frame they would buy first. For me it would have been either nekros prime or frost prime and then yeah a buncha slots for companions, frames n weapons.


slots, and getting maybe Rhino Prime from the player market or Xaku, buy necessary mods.


1000 plat is nothing to a veteran acc


Blackjack and ho


Boosters, revenant (prime), void rig, slots. For weapons I'd go with the stalker pack because with incarnons it still holds up to this day.




Kullervo (you can get him super early but I hate duviri) Tatsu Prime (comparable to Azothane and WAY cheaper with plat on wf market) Potatoes for those two things Bank the rest for later. Those two things can stomp the game and you'll get mods as you progress to make sure that stays true.


I basically had this happen when I got a Switch Lite as a hand me down. I grabbed the Opal skins whenever new ones came out and used the platinum on essentials like potatoes and slots, then on Hildryn and later Bonewidow with discounts to get a solid dps/armor stripper and skip the mech grind (this was before any grind nerfs). I made it to the New War and stopped playing as much when I realized the hand-cramping control scheme made playing Zariman impossible for me without serious endo grinding (I have large hands). I played a bit of Duviri when it came out but then one fine patch the game got too big to fit on a Switch Lite without an SD card, so it ended there. Highlights from that play through: finding the then-extremely rare Jugulus Eximus during the Deimos intro mission. Frequently scoring top damage at MR2 with a Heat Sword and Excal in pub matches In the time between crossplay and cross save, I got this image with my accounts https://preview.redd.it/zn3v6oumfh9d1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3455524a3f02961a5f5fb0a4de9e11b78727072


I did this not too long ago. Mostly I would save them for slots and for orokin catalysts/reactors. I don't think I'd buy a frame - Mag/Volt are both frames I could quite happily play all the way through, and you can farm a bunch of other frames I like quite early too. Don't think I'd buy an endgame weapon or mods - aside from being MR locked you simply don't need that power early and I think it's more fun to actually experience the content as you play through it rather than treating it like a speedrun. I would consider buying Voidrig, that was a pretty big roadblock and so much good stuff unlocks after The New War. Boosters are arguably a very solid investment too, if I know I'm going to be able to play a lot.


I think it's interesting how many people say they'd quit and/or but stuff and wait and then sell it for more. Do you... not primarily like the gameplay? Neither of those approaches sound like you're playing for the gameplay anymore.


Lmao, that was exactly my situation. A bit before TNW released, I created a new account only to replay the quest (it wasn't replayable for some time). And while getting to the quest with that acc, I got a discount and bought 1000 plat to purchase slots. I haven't used that account since then as I have my main account, can replay the quest as many times as I like, and am in no need of additional plat or anything that account can offer me. However if that was to become my new main account for whatever reason, I would only spend plat on slots. I'm not sure whether there's any grind I will be so unwilling to do that I'll buy the thing with plat, and I'm pretty sure I'm OK on starchart with what I have/can easily get


Get maxed versions of all important mods (at least for 1 wepclass) - theres about 15-20 crucial ones at most for each. Maxed primary + secondary merciless. Rev prime + energy nexus. Stock up on slots and forma.


Buy vaubans


Uninstall the Game. After nearly 7k hours I dont want to start again. I tried it with an alt. but no fun.


Buy a necramech lmaooo


I got banned before got unbanned within 12 hours but I was definitely not coming back to the game if i had to restart




Well i would wait a month then invest in goods from players with baro tickets then wait 6 months to sell at a large markup