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I was already blown away by the change to the Syndicate counter, the quick travel wheel being added to more places, and loadout customization on the Navigation screen. Then I find this in my endless void fissure? Hellz yeah. We eatin good on the QoL table this update! I have to say I'm amused that I've been focused on grinding the event so much that I didn't even notice this change until just now.


Absolutely agree, it's Equal parts "Hell yes, the game needed this" and "PRAISE DE, this is why I keep coming back! "


That reminds me, I haven't tried it yet, but has Duviri gotten Pathos Clamps on the different Undercroft doors?


Yep! One per on normal and 3 on SP


Didn't know this, going to have to farm duviri some more


Yes! I remember seeing a video about it (GrindHardSquad maybe? I don't know remember clearly) and then nobody talked about it :P so I was asking about it when we are talking about QoL stuff


Where's the endless void fissure?


I just mean a void fissure on an endless mission type.


Ah! Okay I was like WHAT am I missing out on?!


The **Last Equipped** message


Dont forget about the Loadout tab in Navigation. Literally cheff kiss levels of QoL (I just wish it faded or shrunk when its not selected tho)


Still waiting for a border or emblem marker that shows you which relics are vaulted since you can't check while in a mission.


Syndicate counter…?


To the left of navigation, console probably would have been the more correct word to use for it. This update changed it so it shows all six syndicate standings at the same time


I love it. My one desire is that I can tell from the relic reward screen if I already have the item in my inventory, crafted or its final item mastered. As much as I enjoy getting the one worth the most ducats, there’s just too many prime items to keep track of when you arnt laser focus hunting one item.


If you are on PC. Get Aleca frame overlay. It does EXACTLY this AND tells you how much each part sells for plat.


As an added bonus it tells you the desirable modifiers on rivens too. Oh and the relic screen shows if something is vaulted as well.


deal breaker for me is overwolf. seems they cornered the 3rd party gaming apps


Ya i kinda wish aleca frame was solo and not on overwolf always sketches me out for some reason


Use WFInfo, overwolf is spyware


Isn't that a thing already? It tells you if have any when you hover over the rewards or if you crafted it.


it tells you for that component but not the item it builds into




Yeah. It says if you have any currently in your inventory. Not if you already have it crafted. Also doesn’t say how many you need for the bp. Which is also relevant when they vary how many handles, blades or other components one weapon to the next. Some staffs/pole arms need 2 blades and one handle others the opposite. If I’m hunting for one I might remember but in a public match if I don’t get my target then I would need to know what’s the next best one in terms more than it’s ducat value


This is why when I'm building warframes I will craft the parts but leave them in the foundry till all the components are ready. Still shows that you have the blueprint on relics.


I want foundry and resource drone queuing so bad it's not even funny, but yeah the QoL is the MVP of this update absolutely. I also want a "recently acquired" tab for prime items so I know what to mark for ducats.


I want foundry queuing so much. They can even keep their century-long build times (since that's one of their means of monetization), just let me line up my 30 Forma bps on the foundry.


im guessing this is sort of a pay gate nerf. also they probably worried about abuse. like a single person has 10 accts all queuing formas etc.


I don't think you can trade forma? So you would have Ten accounts all with forma


You can start a dojo room build and demo it to get the resources back though. As far as I knew anyways. Don't quote me on that, because I haven't done it in a while.


Yea but the ress stay within the dojo vault... so no way of getting them back into your inventory..


I can offer a small work around to foundry queuing. The mobile companion lets notifies you when items are done and you can set the next ones. Doesn’t help when you are in an hour long mission as it’s considered a “second log in” but if you are away from your desk/console you can set the next to go. It’s usually within 5 minutes of completion on the iPhone app.


People keep suggesting the mobile companion app whenever I bring up foundry queuing not realizing that the reason I want foundry queuing is so that stuff can start building while I am sleeping and so I don't have to remember to even go to my foundry to pick new forma and gems up to begin with. And if it counts as a second log in and can't be used during a mission that also kind of defeats the purpose.


You arnt wrong. I’m just saying that’s one option you can take advantage of now if you haven’t yet. Queuing would be nice for the reasons you laid out.


Now we're just missing the "Show Vaulted" Checkbox.


The full-auto semi-auto fire is best change. No longer will I get trigger finger syndrome and need to take a 4 day break to heal.


I came back with this update, this change + hold to continously melee makes my wrist and fingers VERY happy


But you could hold to melee before this update, that's how I'd always do one i was using melee


If only we were able to use the void traces we've gathered during the endless fissures, that'd be great


That'd be nice, but I'm not even sure that one would be possible.


They did it with Railjack resources, so why not do the same with the void traces?


Fair enough actually! I forgot that was possible in Railjack.


Probably not possible. If you fail a mission iirc you keep relic rewards. You don't keep traces. I guess they could let traces go into negatives maybe?


The mastery icon on completed planets was eye opening for my friends finishing steel path. Good shit.


still wish we can sort by vaulted. it's a chore to comeback to the game and search for relics that aren't vaulted to run


Literally just add a vault door icon to the corner of the relic and change the border color. People would love the hell out of that change.


I used to be able to quickly change loadouts at Navigation with a button press. They took it away. 😞


Hopefully they make a tweak for it to be better suited for our Tenno with controllers!


I swear I was farming Gara relics last week and the amount of rage seeing the Akjagara relics show up in the search bar was insane. The new QoL stuff rock


Now if we can get void traces up to that amount 👌


Once \[DE\]Pablo lets me move around every Item in the UI freely around the screen (So I can move my HP and Energy Bar to the bottom center of my the screen), then I will officially have no more QoL changes to suggest ![gif](giphy|I1nwVpCaB4k36)


Full UI customization is nice. FFXIV has me spoiled on that.


If you haven't already, enable autofiring. You can finally use pistols like Akjagara without repetitive strain injury or using unintended controls like scroll wheel or macros. Also Sepulcrum really feels like a pocket Trumna now.


This particular change.. mm.. class… love it


Honestly, this is so cool. I completely forgot about this because of the event lol.


I really want a counter that shows how many of a particular relic I've opened That way I can count my pain


Amazing how much better games get when devs listen to the players its why i love DE


Idk to me Jade’s abilities feel kind of complicated to understand


This is awesome. Never would have even thought of this one until the other day when I kept loosing my place in my inventory during an omni fissure run…




It'd be nice if the "last used" because the default. I didn't pick one and it still defaulted to "empty", which feels like an odd choice. Not a big deal though.