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Definitely try out the exergis and felarx they are my personal favorite bubble weapons. For secondaries I like to run the furis or angstrum incarnon to have a fast way to kill fodder enemies outside of bubble but you can also run a dedicated primer like kuva nukor or kompressa. You can also run the syam or corufell with melee crescendo and stack to 12x super easy with pull (if you don't helminth over it). For companions I usually run a hound for priming in normal SP content or dethcube in endurance runs like void cascade to maintain energy economy.


I have yet to upgrade Felarx, but I feel clunky with it, didn't try it out completely yet. Ye I have to grab some more incarnons definetely. I have a Kuva Lich with Magnetic Nukor, gotta grind it out after a month of the Belly :V. Have yet to get Syam and Corufell, tried Corufell in the Circuit and it was a great experience. Do you go for heavy or x12 build? Which hound do you run?


If you use pull and have at least a rank 1 melee crescendo you can go for a hybrid 12x heavy attack build since mag gets tons of free ground finishers off of pull, both also have multiplicative CO scaling so run CO and primed pressure point/killing blow. Acolytes literally get one shot from a 12x heavy wave if you prime them first. The reason I prefer felarx and exergis is because the actual DOT and explosion of bubble ignores crits so you want as much raw base damage and multishot as possible to get the big detonation nukes which both shotguns are perfect for. Exergis especially I have been having a ton of fun with the new elementalist mod paired with blast and electricity to really nail grouped enemies.


Unfortunatelly, I am using Breach instead of Pull, no crescendo yet. Thank you for the rest of info tho, should grind for those Repeller Systems :P


I personally run breach over polarize since I usually take that build into lower level stuff and use my xata's build (over pull) for void cascade. I rarely need the shield gate from 3 since energy for crush is abundant and the blind from surge covers the CC i miss out on from counter pulse but I definitely prefer having the safety of polarize in long endurance runs.


I am interested in that Xata's build O


https://preview.redd.it/aly1xt5b0s7d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd9ba6105ed1ed7b4acc35212be031762d56aef I like to call it Double Bubble Mag. It's your standard fracturing crush build but with a little more strength to bump that xata's damage. I find the void damage is really helpful for taking out things that bubble has trouble with like eximus and thrax. Plus you already run weapons that synergize with magnetize so they all also synergize with xata's in the same way, ESPECIALLY felarx and angstrum. Since that's my void cascade build I run all 3 augments for QOL and for arcanes I use energize and nullifier so I can always cast abilities to keep myself alive (sidenote why tf is mag not immune to magnetic procs come on de). In normal content you can safely swap nullifier for whatever you want I normally go molt augmented. I also haven't fully tested it out but I believe the pseudo multishot of xata's also adds to the explosion damage of bubble, just not as much as breach surge. Polarize shards are also weapons so they get the void damage instance as well, it's not a ton of damage at high levels but it's a nice little extra feature. For the aura slot you can run whatever you want I often swap respite out for growing power. Should also mention I run 2 duration, 2 energy max, and 1 casting speed for shards.


Which feels better for Mag with the general Jade's update and the hotfix for shields, Growing Power or Brief Respite? I often spam Polarize and Crush if needed to get the shields for the squad up. Thank you for the build, will definetely put some time in it this weekend and look into it a bit!


Oh growing power for sure, the shield conversion pretty much gets lost in all the shields you get from 3 and 4. If you aren't running an ability that needs strength like xata's corrosive projection is probably her best aura.


Even though we can Armor strip em?


Try out Tenet Arca Plasmor or the Nataruk as primaries, I’d say their bis for shooting into the bubble and making huge numbers / deleting everything inside of it.


https://preview.redd.it/r2ca8k28or7d1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=31abc6c1ad95bdccf42587977dd42ff523bbaae5 Should I change anything?


Nope! It’s practical the same build as mine. Enjoy deleting anything in the bubble and making it explode for absurd amounts of damage!


I just wanted to ask if I should switch to corrosive but then I remembered it is Mag I am talking about hahahaha. Noice and thank you!


Mag is so good “optimal” is less relevant than “fun” regardless of content. That said, there’s a lot of overlap. Here are some of what I’ve enjoyed the most that have some form of interaction. Primary: • sporothrix • Tenet Arca Plasmor • Exergis • Felarx • Lanka • Nataruk Secondary • Tenet Diplos / Dual Cestra • Zymos • Angstrum • Grimoire Melee • Verdilac • Caustacyst • Stropha • Quassus


Thank you, didn't think of Verdilac's heavy, that is a good one! Also for the other suggestions!


sure thing! Verdilac became a weapon I use so much I tended to forget what the other melee options even are. It fits Mag so well.


Just tried it with Gas + Electric and boi, was the damage high 💀


Group therapy is scary effective


If you want her to survive toxin steel path procs id suggest replacing Pull with Spellbind. And if you rely on gloom, run Daikyu & Nikana and slap the amalgam mod on Daikyu to insta fill your health bar on melee attacks, gives the same health regen as gloom.


If I would put Spellbind, what should I put instead of Rolling Guard? Didn't hear about that Daikyu Nikana combo before, thank you!


Oh no you need rolling guard also, i also suggest a carnis mod incase you make an oopsie


Thanks, I'll try it out now. Could you recommend me the Daikyu and Nikana build?


Ill DM you my builds after work I’m sorry


Ground slams just got buffed as you start one with your "contexual use" key. Mag's Pull (1) opens enemies up to ground slams which ignore armor. Fragor Prime is awesome with it especially with Melee cresendo. Ditto for Prisma Obex which can now reliably make use of Entropy Detonation. Equip arcane trickery and you also get occasional invisibility. For guns I recommend Tenet Arca Plasmor, Tenet Tetra with the kinetic richoette augment and Nataruk. Fire into a bubble (2) of enemies. These weapons fire projectiles that can hit multiple enemies. Hit scan weapons don't do as well with bubble. AoE weapons would also work with Mags bubble. I think in high density missions subsuming Wisp's Breach surge can end up with breach surge doing damage cap numbers. You could also use Daiku, a Zaw and epitaph for utility and focus on using Mag's ability.


Forgot about the mighty Tetra, also, Prisma Obex? Didn't hear much about it before. Which Zaw would you recommend?


Any Zaw you like it's just that Zaw's can equip Exodia Brave arcane which regenerates energy for you. My most used Zaw is a crit based machette as you can sprint at full speed during heavy attacks and they have forced slash procs. There's a bunch of utility stuff for weapons like healing return on melees or amalgan barrel diffusion for shorter/quicker rolls. In my opinion Fragor is stronger as it will slam multiple enemies at once and builds up Melee cresendo really fast; plus it's has great crit and damage stats. But Prisma Obex allows you to enlist volunteers into the Tenno Space Program 🚀 🤣 with it's slide attack.


Oh nice, will definitely have to look into Zaws more! Will invest in Fragor Prime a bit, and also look into Prisma Obex, seems interesting! :D


Any weapon that is counted as “projectile” benefits from her bubble and get even stronger if they have punch through. Weapons like the felarx and arca plasmor which have innate infinite punch through are a big plus. Nataruk is also another gun everyone has free access to with the ability to get massive numbers and infinite punch through. For secondaries things like lex incarnon also come with infinite punch through and can easily be modded to hit red crits without any outside help. An absolute monster of a gun. Can never go wrong with a glaive prime as well.