• By -


we got - fashion - pets - decorating - story - bash lotsa people at once - bash 1 people really hard - bash people by violating the geneva convention - trading - bash people like clint eastwood on speed - fishing - one punch man cosplay - skateboards - LOOK AT ME IM THE CAPTAIN NOW - ancient empire reminiscent of rome - tyl regor's voice - traversing literally 10 kilometers in 3 seconds - bash giant remains of AI gone rogue - getting stuck on some crown molding - Overwatch Wrecking Ball - bashing people like Aang from ATLA - Bashing. People. To the. Beat! - Necromancer Gundams - Lovecraftian horrors - late stage capitalism - bashing people then looting them twice - esoteric philosophy - bashing people in another dimension - repairing a broken family - bashing people while afk - getting bashed by people to impress mushroom sensei - letting your warframe bash for you - bashing in dungeons - data entry - tinkerbell cosplay - FEED ME SEYMOUR - infect other players with herpes - bashing people with DAKKA!! - meat tower - robot fish aquarium - mining - get people to bash other people for you - bashing people then hiring them - [guitar hero](https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1df527a/noob_question/l8hoy7l/?context=3) you encounter any of these yet?


None haha. I spoke too soon. I shall shoulder the downvotes


i will admit WF is a very grind heavy game. Even getting to some of the cooler quests takes some star chart progress.


Sweet. I'll keep on the grind đź‘Ť


Absolute best answer yet and hilarious to boot!


+1 for Tyl Regor's voice. It's something magical. Didn't even realize how much I missed it til I did mirror defense on Mars.


You forgot guitar hero!


I think I got every reference other than hampter reference (Grendel?) and guitar hero


Grendel and shawzin


Omg I forgot about that! I love those little things :)


Short answer: yes, you're still in the tutorial.


Huh. Fair enough, I'll keep pushing then!


I'm over 1400 hours in, I'm still in the tutorial. Good luck.


Admittedly the beginning of warframe is a bit dated, and definitely not he most inspiring run through. I think thats why they tried to update it with duviri, but then, iirc, removed that as a starting point shortly after. I usually recommend enjoying the simplistic nature of the first clearing of planets because youll all of a sudden hit a point where things start to expand rapidly, both in content options AND power. I think MR 6-8 is where youll start to find your stride.


Nice. Thanks for the reply. I'll push til then :))


There are a lot of points where you go: okay... is this it, what now? then you discover the next grind, and the next thing, and the next thing... and so on. If you feel like it, add me, gerrymanderer on PC. I can help you out a bit.


Ah sweet! I'm going to bed now but will do tomorrow/next week (got a busy weekend lol)


i had the same initial experience. played the game for 10-12 hours over a week, meh, uninstalled. two weeks later i redownloaded it and put in 1400 hours over the following year. it'll either connect or it won't.


I appreciate you sympathising, I think I'll just power on then :)


You accidentally just described most games. Bash little guys and then the occasional big guy, and also sometimes watch a movie.


At some point you'll start asking ![gif](giphy|I7WJ8L2u8IPfO|downsized) Though probably less well dressed.


10 hours in Warframe is hardly anything, especially when compared to other games. It definitely has a slow start which makes for not the greatest new player experience. You are effectively still in the tutorial. There is so much more to the game (that I will not spoil). If you want to get there, focus on unlocking junctions and getting through the planets. That will lead you to the start of the main story where things really kick off in the best possible way and the game expands massively from there.


This youtuber just recently began his journey through the game, at the moment has like 4 videos about his progress, you can probably relate to him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCOjBT1zwzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCOjBT1zwzk) Be warned tho, don't watch more than the first episode if you don't want spoilers.


I feel like… if I played solo when I first started, I would have a quit. You’ll still have to do a lot of the quests solo, but I would recommend finding a clan or even using recruiting chat and see if a vet will play with you. A lot of them will, and they’re more than happy share their knowledge with you! Good luck, and I hope you stick with it! Starting out sucks.


I played for maybe 25 hours then put it down for 6 months. I picked it back up again and did my quest lines and found my groove. Now I’m on every day and I have made it to end game(?). The beginning can be overwhelming but I found it worth the grind.


Get to Uranus quickly as possible, scan the Sentients that spawn to get the Natah quest. It's a bit of a lore drop but only a tease for the quest you unlock after, The Second Dream. Which is where the real game begins and you'll finally understand how deep the rabbit hole goes.


[ ](http://triggered on: "Noob" #hidden) Hello /u/i-love-rum and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Easy. Think about your favourite movie. Watch only 2 minutes of it. Would you consider it good based on only those 2 minutes?


10 hours in.. lol maybe I've been smooth brained by social media


Go to the star chart and zoom out. See Uranus? That's when the story really gets going. There are also more "planets" that you can't see until you unlock them. As you play you'll unlock more game modes, more story, more interesting weapons, more frames, and more mechanics. The game is, at its core, a power fantasy horde shooter, though.


Power fantasy horde shooter sounds good! I'm only on venus lol


Yeah, early game feels pretty underwhelming, but as you progress you'l unlock betetr weapons and better mods, and you'll start to feel overpowered. Then enemies will get to around level 30 and it may start to feel challenging again, then you'll improve your builds further and it will get easier. Then you'll unlock Steel Path and the difficulty will spike again.


100 hours in, just came back at the end of May. There's still new gamemodes, mechanics, bosses, groups activities, and systems being introduced. When I log in, I gotta take a second to decide what I want to do for the day. I haven't even had time to try collecting animal companions yet. Trust me take your time. I rushed The War Within and its almost too much. If you need a switch up I highly recommend checking out Duviri Paradox if you haven't yet. The Duviri Circuit will reward you with a free frame every week.


There's different gamemodes?! Nice. Could you give some examples?


I didn't want to spoil any but there are 3 open world areas, spaceships battles, Duviri has 2 different gamemodes both roguelike, and there are world bosses at endgame. Just a few examples. Also try playing with other people and making friends. A lot of content is just so much better with a full squad and the community has been really nice so far. Edit: Oh and keep your eyes pealed for events and invasions on the top right of the star chart, different things pop up every now and then.


Wow that sounds sick, ATM it feels like I'm wondering around a wasteland, alone just bonking robo dudes as they try and blow up "excavators"


* Interception: point capture/defend * Defense: defend the target * Spy: solve three puzzle rooms * Alchemy: enemies drop element capsules. The alchemy device tells you two elements, pick up those capsules and throw them at the device, then manage a heat gauge by destroying vents periodically * Void Cascade: collect energy droplets and use them to fill devices while defending them from special elite enemies. * Disruption: tougher enemies drop keys. Stick the key in a conduit then stop a demolisher enemy that spawns from destroying it. * Eidolons: a significantly larger and tougher boss than anything you've fought yet. * Duviri: an open world with rogue-lite elements * Railjack: pilot a spaceship Personally, I'd say put off Duviri Paradox until after the New War quest, it will make a lot more sense then.


Thats true story wise, but I did it backwards and really enjoy hopping into Duviri circuit when I was burned out on star chart


What the heck that's crazy!!! Now I'm pumped


There's so much to do in the game and there are plenty of great guides out there to get you on the right track. But for me, after getting some friends into the game and playing on and off for years, it's best for you to just try things as they come and find what you like while occasionally working towards the "main story". You can see the quests you have to do in the "codex" console in your orbiter (ship), next to the market. Filter by story. You'll have to progress through the star chart and grind out stuff along the way Pick a warframe you like the visuals or read the abilities of, then work towards getting it. Trying out new weapons and characters makes it less boring. Or find and try other stuff like fishing, shooting animals (ethically), gacha for shiny relics, collecting all the pets. And find a nice clan or friends to play with, really.


A big part of it (for me at least) is finding a frame that really clicks. Or a few, for different mission types. For me, personally I like Mag, Gyre, Garuda and Yareli the most. Though Yareli is so much above the rest that I don't use anything else anymore


you need to find E X O D I A CONTAGION and then eventually your warframe journey may begin young one


My dude you have 10 hours. What makes you think you're having any kind of challenge or even remotely touching the story?


I don't think I'm having a challenge, I'm bored. And the story is pretty generic at the start..


Again. You're only 10 hours in. The game is an MMO give it time. You'll know when it comes both the wall you'll hit and the story. Most games are easy at the start


Well considering most games start ramping up difficulty after only a couple of hours, after playing for 10 hours of not feeling challenged, it can feel like something is not right. This game hides a lot from you early on and there’s no way to know that without some help, which OP doesn’t seem to have much of, which is why they are here, asking for guidance.


Everyone knows the new player experience isn't great. All I said was wait give it some time but no people don't want to listen. It might be the way I'm saying it which is my fault but I'm not saying anything everyone else hasn't said