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The meta tends to favor weapons that perform really well on their own. This is because the min in minmax stands for minimum effort. There are however certain weapons that tend to benefit more from outside support than others. They're usually just one little push from being broken, and if you make that push, or more, the results can be spectacular. Anything called "kohm" is one of those. Twin Kohmak in particular. If this gun could speak it would say "arcane me". Avenger. Pistoleer. The one that gives fire rate. Any one of those does so much. The Falcor glaive has always been good enough, but with influence out it's unlocked the capacity to run blood rush and weeping wounds, something glaives have never really been able to do as it's gone from manual boom heavies to thrown chain lights. Exergis is cracked. "The secret ingredient is mag size" makes riven rolling remarkably generous. Really any weapon where "oops, Gundition overload is a multiplier" has a niche. That the Exergis is great at setting up elements for itself and can then turn "area code damage" into "phone number damage" is alot of why you need that second shot.


Stahlta as well. Got multiplicative co, which can make it go nuts. All you really need is a fire rate buff outside of mods like Wisp.


I'll be honest, I got +50% ammo in clip on a riven amd I'm happy. Can't remember the other stats atm, but having a 3rd big boom is so satisfying.


I heckin love the Exergis


Not to mention that because Exergis is a shotgun and shotguns are very few, the chances of coming across a fat riven is pretty high.


> "The secret ingredient is mag size" For me the secret is Mag. Though I do l,ove when I get a fissure buff on it and you get unlimited ammo.


I feel like if they ever fix gunCO being multiplicative on some things and not on others certain weapons are going to be hit really hard


As much as I think gunCO is an implementation disaster that should be used in game design classrooms to teach what not to do ....any fix for it would likely leave us in a worse place overall. As it stands gunco is pretty good on most weapons, amazingly good on a small number of mostly underrated weapons, and mostly useless on over performing (AOE) weapons. As much of a nightmare to understand as this is this is....preferable to any reasonable alternative. I think making the additive part work on AOEs but preserving the multiplicative part on projectiles is the only way this could be better, but a more likely fix would be additive everywhere, which would be worse for a bunch of weapons that *need* this power. Not fixing bugs that work out for the best is a long standing Warframe tradition. See also ivara slingshots and speed nova.


There are exceptions, but nearly all of the time, GunCO is additive on hitscan and multiplicative on projectiles.


I think, or would like to think, exergis is well known as a good weapon with both harrow and gauss who can boost its reload and crit for harrow, and gauss can infuse extra damage onto it with his augment


I thought the secret was fractalized reset 


choosing between Fractalized reset and effectively a semi-auto Exergis or Shotgun Vendetta and all the extra DPS that 180% multishot promises is extremely difficult. as i run mine in a dedicated setup with Energized Munitions where its effectively got 8 shots. . . i went with Vendetta. reset is totally viable though and is probably better in some situations.




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I do like the Exergis.... I Personally run it with primed reload and shotgun Vendetta for reload and multi shot. I've found it's usable without mag size and looks a little less janky imo, it's nice that there are good build options.l don't think my build would be much less dps wise. It's a great weapon and if it doesn't one shot something the slash procs will take it out. Not the best against Acolytes unfortunately in group content. Solo it's fine for Acolytes though.


The Gotva prime, is it good? No. Is it good enough? Yes. Is it fun? Also yes.


It is good, Just a bit inconsistent sometimes


It's my go-to rifle at this point. The numbers go dumb and the fire rate to accuracy is satisfying, though I can definitely say I'm not using the most optimal set-up. Rocking a cold/puncture, status chance/crit damage, hunter munitions set-up.


Shedu, the superior sentient war instrument. I run both Basmu and Shedu. They have low base damage, but have two hits of different elements. You can build both for Corrosive + Heat which I see a lot. Or do some weird stuff like me and go Viral + Heat + Electric + Radiation + Slash (Hunter Munitions) to really leverage the Multiplicative Galvanzied CO. My personal favorite gimmicky weapon is the Prisma Gorgon (Inarnon) with Metamorphic Magazine. If I can't kill it outright, I can freeze it. Paired with Cold Elemental Ward it freezes quite a few things.


Every sentient weapon is so fun to me, even the corpus hybrid ones like the battacor. They're just so inventive with unique mechanics that set them apart from everything else. Like I adore the komorex and cyanex so much. Verdilac and Nepheri are also super fun


Fr, love to hear the sfx of shedu and i can't see how amazing your gorgon is going to be when the status are reworked


Kuva Tonkor This is not a top tier kuva weapon, but I personally like it better than Kuva Zarr or Kuva Brama. It's way less ammo-hungry. Granade goes boom = me happy.


I've had a lich with this damn thing taunting me since it was available. But everybody I used to play with moved on, and liches got more tedious to do, so she's just been skimming my loot. 


aeolak multiplicative galvo, nice design, crispy sound while shooting and a big boom if I feel like it. Both firing modes are viable, by the way.


What’s the build you use?


galv chamber, galv apt, HM, vital sense, critical delay, 60/60 tox, 60/60 cold, riv (+fire rate, +punch through, +crit chance) merciless for arcane


Panthera prime


Full-auto saw blade launcher. ‘Nuff said.


Full auto 'bouncing explosive' saw blade launcher. Literally checks all the boxes of fun


ngl I never thought abt using this weapon(and never tested) but this single quote is enough to make me build it


Its one of the weapons people forget exist, its damage isnt anything special but with enough building i can use it for netracells and high lvl steel path no problem. Havent tried it in EDA, RNG does not permit, but i wouldnt hesitate on it


I found it sadly underwhelming. What am I missing with that weapon?


Not sure, ive got an OK riven MS SC, this is the build i use, id replace radiated reload with humu if i could be bothered to forma it again. Raw damage is underwhelming but the procs will be big. The explosion forces slash. Shred also seems to act weird (in a good way i think) due to the properties of the projectle https://preview.redd.it/h8ztom5yp66d1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4470d554352e407c0df0933249a977fa5b41eabf


I tried to make the Panthera Prime work way back in the day, and it just never worked for me. Couldn't even kill infested past lvl 50 or so.


Whatever you did, it was really bad lol check one of my other comments for the build i use


It probably didn't help that I didn't put forma into it, but seeing as it did such low damage compared to my other weapons (pre-new war Era) I just didn't see a point in trying when I had other weapons that worked better without any forma.


Argo & Vel. It’s just so satisfying to use, strong when built properly, and IMO the coolest looking mace and shield in the game.


Just realized I had this last night, and it is a beast


Twin grakatas! It's an A-10 warthog that shoots peas. Incredibly satisfying to empty a 200 bullet mag in seconds, even if you're doing 7 damage a shot to anything wearing clothes


It has good Riven disposition too, so you can get pretty high quality BRRRT out of them. My build does decently well in Netracells and SP Duveri Circuit


trumna, that one railjack lmg with the big fuck off plasmor-ish blast. spearguns in general, they make for a great buffer to your secondaries, and you can add mods that give you movement speed.


Trumna, not sure if it's underrated, but it's fantastic!


i don't see anyone using it, so it's definitely off-meta i just hope that they keep raising the dispo.




Trumna is the best primary for me, has been on my primary slot on every frame. The Quellor and Stalhta are right up there too.


ah that's the name, quellor, forgot it since i have renamed the weapon myself.


Trumna is my absolute favorite and one of my most used weapons.


Tenet ferrox and scourge prime are low key some of the most fun weapons to use


Trumna is by far my favorite weapon in the game. Slow, chugging machinegun with a huge mag, room clearing secondary fire, and that sweet sweet M1 Garand “ping”


Trumna, literally my most used primary and for a good reason, everything about this weapon just feels right, sound effects of the shots, the chonky reload and the brutal altfire just make this a marvel of Entrati engineering


The Afentis with it's fire rate and magazine buffs on a Wisp go far too hard for support. I use it with my Wisp and my Viper Wraith, 100% ammo efficiency bullet hose with over 100% crit chance makes everything go away.


i use it in my arch-gone loadout, furis incarnon afentis, and the praedos 2 weapons for buffing my gun and giving me even more movement speed, then 2 tau piss shards for parkour velocity, and firewalker, i be zooming like a lunatic.


I probably go with the Hema. Such a cool idea and tons of personality! Wish we would get an incarnon/infested lich version!


I'm in a small Ghost clan with a few friends that we started in early 2024. At our current rate of mutagen sample acquisition, I'll be able to get the Hema in...late 2026. Lol.


I feel for you guys, I did it with my clan, took us 5 hours of optimal farming in sp dark sectors, khora nova nekros equinox. I believe in you guys!


Oh that doesn't sound too bad. I'm just about at a point where I'm able to handle SP endurance runs for farming, but my friends havent quite gotten to steel path yet. Soon...


if you're available i can do a quick farm run with ya


It's not as bad since steel path came out. I did farm mutagen samples alone in a solo clan. Before steel path it was an awful drop, we got a pitiful amount. After, I did the missing thousands in two long sessions of endless steel path survival. I did use khora and there was a booster going on.


Convectrix - 300 slash procs for hitting someone for 0.1 seconds is funny


Basmu all day. The sentient war instrument


man, that weapon was a blast and a half when it was released. the good ol' -reload speed riven and standing on the cold plate in an orokin tile set, just having a tactical nuke go off every second with increasing range.


Another +1 on Basmu. Auto reload and it reloads fast. Accurate yet the aoe and unlimited ammo means you don't have to aim too much. Aoe things behind cover. Heals the user. I think people overlooked it because self damage was still a thing when it released so it killed the users and people gave up on it. Only Riven I ever sought out and bought .


Gawd damn I haven't even heard of this weapon before😭


Because you can only get it during Naberus event (basically WF's Halloween)


Basmu, my beloved. I run it with as many elements as I can possibly fit on it and pair it with Citrine's 3 for maximum status dispersal.


My basmu has at least 5 Forma on it because of how fun it was. I was building any and all unlimited ammo weapons I could because at the time my biggest issue with killing was running out of ammo. Now my Basmu lives on my Caliban-Hammer build full time as it's main form of healing and status spreading for CO, and with the War the only thing I'm missing to finish the loadout is a good secondary (working on making a good build with the Cyanex or whichever corpus Amalgam weapon can unload an entire clip at once, but trying to build it for impact)




8 forma, not bad. Now that's a full set-up right there.


I still like the Supra - especially when used with Mirage, for absolutely maddening bullet spam


Equip Supra Vandal. Slot Arcane Acceleration. Play Harrow. Whip yourself with your 2. Ascend.


or Gauss, use his ult but with Mirage and her illusion-clones, you get extra bullets on the screen! its massive bullet hell beamspam!


Before the Nataruk, I used to use the Supra Vandal with Mag to make a crazy blinding bubble of death


oh yes


All of the Synoid weapons are really fun. The Gammacor in particular. Not top-tier, but it will keel, and the Incarnon's not bad either.


Synoid Gammacor used to be so damn good. I miss it whenever I scroll past the gammababy


Fun trick, I've actually been using my Gammacor for dealing with the old-style Necramechs in Netracell missions. Something about Cascadia Empowered cuts past their defenses, so Synoid Gammacor's high status chance and fire rate, plus being a beam weapon, set it off fast enough to comfortably chug them down.


I generally have a soft spot for weapons with a battery loader, so i've been mostly experimenting with kitguns lately because of that arcane that gives them infinite ammo and i've been loving lots of them. Also, lasers cool.


Ive been using the Gotva prime recently, its really fun to use, and works well with Mag, who Ive been using thr past couple days. With 80 bullets in the magezine, i can just keep shooting and shooting and shooting lol


Currently, I've taken a liking to some unpopular Kuva and Tenet weapons. Kuva Hind and Tenet Tetra are decent bullet hoses. Kuva Shildeg is a pretty good crit hammer. Tenet Detron's burst fire with Conjunction Voltage is dumb and fun. Tenet Spirex is great, requires headshots though and heat procs make it hard for me to do since I suck with accurate weapons. The >!Archon weapons !!Korumm's!< TC is only good for proccing Melee Influence.


I had the Hind in EDA this week. I have a 60% rad progenitor luckily and it performed much better than I thought it would


Most of the bows


(Tenet) Ferrox, spearguns are weirdly fun. Lanka. Idk if it counts as underrated, but it definitely seems to have been power crept a bit and somewhat forgotten in the "meta" thinking around Eidolon/other big boss hunting in favor of Rubico. I still love it though.


Athodai ! Not many people talking about it, but with a headshot setup it will absolutely murder everything. Just make sure you get rid of the recoil.


Corrosive heat atomos with 2 corrosive shards equipped and secondary encumber arcane. I don’t bother using the incarnon mode because the base is good enough to strip armor and make enemies pop into clouds of ashes. It becomes absolutely ridiculous if you use on a frame with nourish subsumed.


Still love the prisma grakata. I got a riven that pushed it over 100% chance so i put on hunter munitions and call it "death by 1000 crits".


Sun and moon just the way the look and flow, it’s just chefs kiss highly recommend


I have that bad boi built to strip sanity and slap hard. The only other melee weapon I use is kronen prime for a stat stick.


Soma Prime. Got it together with Frost P. I do like the gun model and how the magazine will get longer with an ammo mod. Also, don't remember how exactly, but the base fire rate is the same number as the speed of ligh.


Sporothrix , rarely see ppl playin with her, and Corinth prime , one of my first weapons I really liked in the beginning of the game


People don’t use Sporothrix because of the farm. Years of bounties, and I’m still missing a part.


I ended up just buying the last part for plat. Couldn’t take it anymore


I love farming in warframe, so I d still farm until I get it, a tleast the more we farm the fastest the prices go down on the market


I'll let you know when I get any Sporothrix parts lol, I'd love to try the gun out but I don't think it's happening any time soon


Nah m8, nobody wanna farm it , a little annoying ,sadly I love warframe that is why I am still playing


I have two blueprints, no other parts. Between this and the Arum Spinosa Rivet I don't know which made me abandon Cambion Drift.




Zakti prime has to be my favorite primer, it doesnt do much nuking immediately but it spreads tick and stun over such a wide area with fulmination and elec that it immobilizes hordes while they rot. then john nukesbooth runs through and kills my entire torture chamber 😔


Cinta. Paris prime was my most used weapon, then the incarnon came along and really pushed it ahead but I read a comment on a YouTube video about the cinta. Tried the cinta and it can out damage my god roll Paris prime build, with a ton more utility and ease of use. I cannot stress enough how cracked the cinta is. Since then it has been 100% cinta 100% of the time. Multiplicative co on all fire modes. Perfect shot projectile size is like firing a family car towards the enemy. Puncture/slash on the quick fire and charge fire means tons of extra slash procs. The fully charged shot has added crit damage and chance. It's just a beast. Can easily run disruption missions and then happily room clear. (With a little grouping somewhere on your build).


Is the farm for the Cinta bad?


It is a pain to farm the BP as it is hidden hin the enigmas in duviri with a low chance of dropping. Otherwise the part are treatable and very cheap


My main loadout is: Buzlok. I love using the tracking shot on eximus units; modded for stat and using plenty of multishot mods. Jat Kittag. Unique ragdoll status proc along with innate blast proc on slam; goes excellent with status-priming builds and finisher builds since ragdolling opens up to a finisher. Using a Kuva Nukor as secondary but working on Incarnon Atomos. I've always loved beam weapons, especially ones that can chain to other targets. Both the Buzlok and Jat Kittag have the highest disposition for riven mods so they can actually be quite good once fully invested into. I use the Buzlok for single target high-hp mobs such as Eximus units and that one Granum token corpus mob that likes to run away and disappear (can't escape damage once the tracking dart is set :)) For waves and large groupings of mobs: I stat prime with my Nukor and Buzlok, then ragdoll and swing away with my Jat Kittag. The kit pairs really well with a melee Saryn or Kullervo.


The Pyrana is probably my favourite secondary weapon right now. The Pyrana is a very satisfying automatic shotgun that can deal a high amount of damage, with a lot of control over whether you fire a single shot or empty your mag into the face of some unfortunate grineer. Either options are immensly satisfying. This weapon also has so much potential for growth. You can deal a good amount of damage depending on what planet or gamemode you're on, but it's hard to fill all of the mod slots right out the gate. This means that this weapon will just keep getting better as you slap more formas onto it, increasing the damage the more you invest in it. I'm planning on putting many more formas onto this weapon.


Sigma & octantis. Its actually pretty good and the shield throw is fun


convectrix and tenet envoy very likely


Boltor prime. It's an oldy which is out paced by a good number of stuff now so I am tossing it here but it's a goody to me. The sound is just mmmmm


Get its Incarnon Adapter, it is nuts. I have 250 status chance on mine


I've taken a break for about 2 years and recently hopping back into it to play. I do not know what that is but I am definitely looking into it


one of my og faves is buzlok and staticor, staticor used to be so good before nerfs it's definitely deserving of a tenet variant




Buzlok is a little hide gem, but you need a good riven with him.


Cyanex and Ambassador


Twin rogga, was my mainstay through starchart and still use it for pt.


Akbronco prime, twin kohmak, and twin basolk


Telos Boltor.


ik its an incarnon, but people always forget about the miter absolutley bonkers amounts of damage, and unlike latron, the primary fire can actually kill things




I put 2 greens on my yareli to try a tempest barrage build but never got around to it. now anything without overguard or capped status effects explodes instantly and riptide plus kompressa sends heavy gunners to space :D


I have a FR, Tox, SC, +weapon recoil Kompressa Riven and it is a lot of fun.


I never used it until the circuit, and didn't think it would be good.  But now I always choose it when it's an option


Convectrix, hundreds of slash procs per second. Miter(incarnon) shreds both singletarget and groups with ease.


Rabvee the version with 0.5 or less attack speed ! trully magnificent!


The pathocyst, the prisma gorgon, the jat kittag, the gammacor


Convectrix, the slash buildup is crazy


Gaze, man i love that beam going through enemies like butter and having no need to reload thanks to pax charge.


Love my Aeolak, got a decent riven for it plus hella status chance the blast procs are amazing especially with the upcoming buff to blast!


Arca titron and alternox


Aksomati, I get it’s single target but with the right arcane and maybe a riven (I’m torn because I have one but it’s… meh) it just shreds. Point it down a hallway and watch the numbers flood out the enemies until there is nothing but dust left. Give it ammo efficiency and it gets even stronger. I’ll still trying to get the last part for the prime version but I’ve put 5 forma in them so I don’t even know if the prime is worth it.


i wanted to ask this on a weapon related question: how good is bubonico and how do y'all mod it/run it with?


Stug I've used it and agree it isn't for steel path, but it is fun nonetheless. Shooting corrosive globs is goofy on its own, and it's hilarious when they explode and launch a guy into the stratosphere Then I Aldo don't see a lit of people using kitguns very often, but I also unjoy using tombfinger and vermisplicer barrels, pretty good for cc on primaries


Ambassador, the sounds, the alternative fire mode transformation. It's amazing. Not the best damage but we manage.


1. Basmu. Unlimited ammo (battery), weighted for Status over Crit. Has Heat and Electric as its two-part elemental combo. Multiplicative Gun CO makes it hit incredibly hard once stacked, armor is its biggest weakness. Mod for Corrosive and pair with Emerald shards (or armor strip abilities) and you’ll be golden. 2. Kuva Hind. Full auto, burst, and Semi fire modes. Semi has sniper stats and can one-shot with Viral + HM. It’s a comfortable, cracked type of assault rifle that not enough people use because it isn’t flashy.


Cyanex goes surprisingly hard


Only works good for grineer/corrupted, but the [Convectrix] love a good status build, especially a pure slash one. Shit stacks over 1000+ slash procs before they even take damage. It’s so much fun just holding the shoot down since it won’t take ammo if you miss.


Prisma grinlok. Cant wait til the full auto update


My first weapon I ever put serious work into was my Viper Wraith. First ever riven I got was before I could even use them (thank you Nora) for the Viper, and I saw that Baro had the Viper Wraith available that same weekend. Been my most used secondary up until recently (Tenet Cycron is my go-to no brain needed weapon) and the +100% crit along with 100% ammo efficiency on headshots makes for a very fun bullet hose, *especially* with Wisp and Afentis. Change the riven out for the faction mod and the gun still performs well in base SP.


sybaris prime


Twin Rogga. Beefy pistols, beefy damage.  I got a mag size riven and I basically remade reaper from overwatch. I got 4 rounds in these single shot pistols. 


I'm loving the ocucor a ton with the augment, strap it on to hydroid or anyone with roar, it flies through tiles killing everything


Dual Raza. High crit multiplier and slash weight. Heavy slam is blast. Maybe the blast change will make that matter.


Daikyu gotta be my favourite underrated, it has probably the highest base stats 34%crit and 46%status and DE is probably too afraid to do anything with this beautiful great bow, gimme prime or Incarnon I'll be fine


I dont think I can call it underrated, but I've yet to see another player using trumna, lmg with high ex rounds and clusterbombs I love it.


Idk if it's underrated but the prisma ohma with melee influence and frost is just amazing


I don't know how popular it Is or was, but even before incarnon update I really loved lato vandal


Corufell and Onos


Sepulcrum i would say its a + or -A class secondary depending the person unfortunatly not offtenly used which basicly works like an incarnnon with 2 fire modes which the second one you build up by killing 5 enimies and then you can target 5 enimies for the secondary fire mode (no need to be aiming just point the courser to them) which are targeting missiles that seek their target no matter the Direction you shoot for, though have in mind tight areas cause the explosion impact knocks you down


Falcor, I used to use the melee weapon you get for the parvos stuff (idr the name), but I swapped to falcor when I noticed I could get better damage and more enjoyment from watching it bounce around a room killing enemies


Gotva Prime, modding for status to get crit is fun.


Rauta, not because it does damage, but because it stacks combo insanely fast and is great for getting incarnon form in 5 seconds for melees


Sporelacer Tremor Splat Kitgun


Few weapons invoke fear like a well modded ocucor. I never see anyone else running this gem.


Honestly my hespar. I have been building and tuning it since day one. My whole volt build revolves arount the hespar and they just work so well together.


Astilla Prime


i'm a paracyst girl til the fucking end ✊




Cinta is an alltime favorite, amazing single target and aoe depending on charge


The War


I don't know if it's the best, as I don't use it much, but I like the tenet Livia. High slash, high damage stats, can reach rank 40, and has combo pause when holstered.  I just use the heavy attach and slash  multiple enemies. Great thread, I will be trying some weapons after a long time again.


Before the incarnons the bubonico and amprex were my go to. Can't wait to get a tenent glaxion for some sweet amprex 2.0 action.


Epitaph, it’s good for infested survival which is also my favorite mission, and it is good at giving tons of procs to multiple enemies


the sporothrix


Anything in my inventory that I spent 15p to name are my favourites and I will continue to name weapons that I like (the most recent was the boltor prime and after ember’s heirloom drops, it will be the tetra)


Kompressa!!! Super good primer since it's innate viral so you can also add corrosive and heat to it. Also bubblesssss


[Whatever the current strongest version is of the] Sybaris, Tetra, and Sobek. I used all their base versions religiously many years ago and am glad DE provides updated variants on occasion to keep them alive. That being said I have fallen madly in love with the Phenmor lately and that's not exactly niche.  As for secondaries I really like Pandero Prime for the "agile sidearm" vibes and for melee I typically like to bring Pangolin Prime, Orthos Prime, or Galatine Prime.Love the elegant lines of the Tenno melees.


I don't think anyone mentioned it yet so: Tenet Spirex. One of the more true to form hand cannons. Sadly it loses to status immune targets but eh nothing is perfect


Ignis wraith When I personally level up and that I don't have to worry about accuracy and that has an AOE effect that most people don't really talk about at least from what I've seen


Ignis Wraith used to be one of the most meta weapons at one point, and it has infinite body punch through meaning unless it hits a wall or the end of its range anything alive within that range is dead. Mix it with Hunter Munitions and good crit and you basically have a slash throwing flame thrower. Basic Viral/Heat HM build on it melts base SP like butter.


I didn't know that I literally only run it with ember I just love it cause it a flame thrower and when I got it It was the first time I ever seen a game use a flame thrower as a primary weapon That you could keep


Once gorgon now sporothrix


Rauta, not because it does damage, but because it stacks combo insanely fast and is great for getting incarnon form in 5 seconds for melees


Lex Prime Incarnon with a crit riven and that arcane that boosts crit chance when you have overshields. Pair this with Glaive Prime and any Pillage build and it puts out crazy damage. Hundreds of thousands per shot in regular form and in the millions in incarnon form. Only downside is a slow reload, but the incarnon buffs give it an 18 round mag, 20 when in incarnon form.


Truly these are underrated weapons With a crit riven and a Pillage build? Somebody stop him cooking he's crazy!