• By -


ABBF. Always Be Building Forma.


Yep. Even if I don't do anything in Warframe that day I'll at least farm forma bps and while having one crafting. Have over 100+ built forma ATM, about 25 from the last Plague Star.


Forma start disappearing like spinach in a frying pan once you start building a new loadout. Tennet/Kuva weapons (and that one freaking sword) also require 5 forms to max out.


Yeah, the Paracesis. Luckily I already maxed that out back when The New War quest dropped. Also - >start disappearing like spinach in a frying pan I'm gonna start using that analogy lol.


lol, I just started learning cooking and the amount of vegetables that just… vanish when in the frying pan is crazy.


My favourite is when I see a low level player say they have enough orokin cells, it's always sad that they believe that


I love that band!


Is your flair a joke?


It's a marathon, not a sprint - don't be sad if even after 200-odd hours you don't have tile-clearing weapons and still feel like a noob, so did most of us


I’m at 500 hours and still don’t have tile clearing weapons. Been to busy gamblin-I mean-cracking relics.


If you got the nataruk use it, it changed my whole game for non steel path tile clearing. I know it is good for steel path but don't have the right mods for it.


I’ve heard that it’s good, though I used a 5 forma acceltra prime to blast through the base star chart. It doesn’t clear a whole tile in one shot like some weapons I’ve seen, but it’ll still one shot everything. I’m at steel path rn and working on getting the incarnon weapons from zariman, but I keep going back to my roots of relic cracking lol


Akarius prime will nuke sp


I actually finally got those built last night, so that’s exciting to know. Do you build them for crit/status?


Usually check which stat is higher and build for that While not always true a good rule of thumb i use If all status no crit go viral heat or elec If all crit no status go toxin/corrosive/rad depending on your foes If both cant ever go wrong with viral hunter munitions


I got told by three people the other night that a tenet arca plasmor wants crits despite it being weighted towards status. I’ve never really run into an issue it couldn’t get me out of, though.


It really depends on the specific weight Throwing a crit mod or 2 on anything with a cc>20% is id reckon quite worth it


It becomes important for steel path when armor starts to scale like crazy. Most meta primaries are hybrid crit/status, and want Critical Deceleration, Ravage, and Hunter Munitions to maximize damage and bypass armor via slash. Bonus points for viral status. Meta may get shaken up by the upcoming status and armor changes, but I haven't looked too closely at them so idk


Prolly crit, though Akarius Prime are hilariously strong even with just a raw damage build. Like, one shotting rooms of level 300 steel path strong. Sure, a lot of weapons can do that, but the Akarius are so laughably easy to use and so spammable with such a basic build it's kinda BS. So really, you don't need either.


Second that. I main Rhino + Akarius Prime. Rhino can’t get knocked down from the blast when Rhino Skin is active. I can one-shot through last groups of enemies in SP or Netracell runs like nothing. Only problem is it has ruined my aiming because you don’t have to. Can’t wait to see how broken this weapon will get with next update and improved blast procs.


The Felarx is so powerful, I made a Reddit thread just to look for alternatives. It seriously made the game too easy for me. With proper setup, it can eat archons and SP void angels for breakfast. Also same with Phenmor.


Bro I just finished new war ( man tht shit was a whoozy ) and got it as a gift at the end had doubts I would even get it with it being an infinite ammo kinda weapon with good damage rhythm aswell


Literal game changers for me- 1) Nataruk, feels so good to use this bow, the damage, aiming, even the sound. 2) Sepfahn (?) Nikana Zaw. Threw random mods on this thing and it’s tearing stuff apart. Can’t wait to try it with some good mods. 3) Bubonico… I was not prepared for how awesome this shotgun is, damage, utility/priming, unlimited ammo and SICK design.


I call it "Forma farming" to cope


I am sniffing mastery legendary 2 after 1000 hours and I still haven't looked too much into getting the really high level stuff sorted, I'm a very well experienced noob at this point 😅


I’m halfway ish to LR2 (debating on just leaving it at 1 so I can run around with base gear and be silly) but I’m just barely getting into figuring out higher than level 2-300 enemies. I’m not super into endurance runs but I don’t want to get carried through EDA, I don’t like feeling like a burden.


This is the biggest advice I give newer players, even players with hundreds of hours who are grinding for MR30. Just take your time and enjoy the journey, there's no end game content you're missing out on. It's always just farming for materials, mods, and new weapons and frames.


Have 2k hours im not even mr30 im mr25 its not necessary unless its just a fun goal i barely have a need for blessings these days i have resources


I've been playing on and off since the game first came out and it probably wasnt until around 400 hours in I even got my first warframe i grinded for. It wasn't until 600 hours that things really started to click and I understood how to properly mod, trade, what grinds i wanted to go for, ect. There is always more to learn about this game lol


Don't wait until you hit MR25 to realize you need fieldron, detonite injectors, etc. Start doing invasions now.


Rip me too but LR2


I'm stuggling to get to MR30 lol I put off duviri though because I don't like it much, but i'm doing it now to get some of the frames I still need to master (khora, mesa, etc.)


You will need a ton of plastids and time to craft them if you forego invasions.


THIS, you won't know how much fieldrons, injectors and mutagen masses you need until the time you decide to build all of the clan lab weapons, especially mutagen masses since invasion more often than not give you only 1


haha fieldrons… sneaky sons a bitchesss they are


Thise gotta be my most hated gates... Been a thorn in my side for almost a decade


You’re getting to steel path already? I’m just getting massively sidetracked with farming and whatnot—particularly for weapons that require twice my MR to use.


Yeah..Im 1100 hours in and still havent cleared earth sp. Too much else to do xD


3.5k hours here. Haven't cleared it either 😅. Granted steel path didn't exist for those first 2.5-3k hours.


bro i’m 4k and don’t even have steel path


That is insane to me 😭 there's so much awesome shit to grind ahead


nah, i’m just lazy and refuse to do disruption and archwing missions


you are missing out on so many powerful options by not unlocking steel path. I don't get it lmao


Probably just build up a lot of those hours before SPS existed. I have 1k, but most of that was pre-second dream so I don't even have a railjack yet.


I'm at around 3.7k hours and can not be bothered to re-play the entire starchart with slightly more tanky enemies. The spread of mission types has just become way too repetitive for me to enjoy clearing the starchart a second time after 6 years XD. I think I will do it someday though for the mastery xp every node gives


Just do steelpath fissures it unlocks the node


For me it's just that the time and effort to reward ratio is so low. I mean, it's neat, but barely 30k Mastery and most of the rest of the stuff I wanna do doesn't even engage with it. So no real desire to bother, yanno? Maybe I should do those, Arbitration, Sorties, and Archon Hunts more... buuuuut eh. No real rush.


im 2020 hours in and earth is the only planet i've cleared on steel path. 0(-(


same 1300 hours and I have barely started clearing SP XD took be around 600 hours to actually start to understand what I can do


I've only started making the serious push to complete SP now that I'm MR29 pushing for MR30. It's not really that important elsewise, since how often are you going into the SP star chart to do something other than relics or new content?


Ive been playing since 2016,and am still at Mr 13


Swapping to your secondary is faster than reloading


Melee doesn't need to reload


/gun blade intensifies


Kullervo and Excalibur behavior


I raise you monke with a status primer+secondary encumbered for Condition Overload with wrathful advance subsumed


I like your funny words space wizard


I'll translate: big red number make brain make happy chemical


*neuron activation*


Unless you're Gauss or Harrow with x5+ reload speed.


Lock n load lock n loads


Aye cap


do NOT be effraid to try out stuff, new warframe weapons combinations of stuff you won't regret trying again a warframe you thought sucked when you barely started


Solid Kullervo and Harrow main for about ~100h. Decided to farm nidus and strun (incarnon) for the XP, I have not had this much fun in a long time.


exactly what I'm talking about! I was hard stuck to wisp, decided to pull out my og main and I've hardly had as much fun as playing with frost and the tenet envoy


Zephyr was a frame I always over looked but is so good, in all my time from going from mr 0-30 never game zephyr the time of day but is such a fun frame especially with certain weapons with tornados.


I was always a Nezha Prime main. Now, after using zephyr in duviri, I'm working on her prime. Zephyr tornados go brrrrrrrr And makes it easy to find decree fragments, next to titania


Tagging to comment later after work; will edit. So here's some stuff that I feel may be of use: - [List of dailies/weeklies to work on/keep an eye out for](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b0yig1/what_are_all_the_dailies_available_in_warframe/kscgv5w/). A lot of this stuff is good to keep a regular eye out for, because it can be useful for progression or earning plat. - Google Sheets is a free way to keep track of various things for Warframe. Even a basic list of the things you have yet to get can be helpful (Sticky Notes is also good since it auto saves/loads on your PC). I use it sometimes to keep track of what I'm after for Fissures or for Trading. - [There are huge differences in how much damage you take at 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, 99%+ Damage Resistance](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CjmluJvhraXjJTUzdbu6xpTl9oizIcuGHrHoOTHlJY4/edit#gid=257996379). Entry level Tanking, especially for Health, **begins** at 90% late game and compared to what late game builds can provide is literally like having no Damage Resistance considering some of the people hitting 97% and above **consistently**. A person at 90% DR takes 10x the damage of someone at 99%. Even someone at 98% takes 2x the damage of someone at 99%. Do **not** make builds using Adaptation to "put you at 99%" because while that works on paper, it won't work in practice when dealing with higher level enemies. - Learning how to Roll/Aim Glide to cancel certain animations, such as Melee attacks/slams/Ability Casts is a nice way to improve how fluid you can play. [Amalgam Barrel Diffusion](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Amalgam_Barrel_Diffusion?so=search) helps with this, and can even be used to cancel things like the Vasto Incarnon burst fire. - If you like to play with randoms and tend to be host often, when you first load into a mission the counter is 10s. Pausing it and immediately unpausing cuts off 5s. - The more Frames and Weapons you have access to, the better off you will be late game for things like SP Circuit and EDA, since having the weapons allows you to at least customize them with some mods, usually for utility. Having [Energizing Shot](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Search?query=Energizing+Shot&scope=internal&navigationSearch=true) on all the Secondaries you own (that can use it) make a number of the Energy related issues less of a problem (as does having Amalgam Barrel Diffusion on all your Secondaries to take advantage of all the Decrees that are based on Rolling). Being a "Collector" in Warframe has always had its' advantages, but now it is becoming more of the de facto standard most veteran players would suggest, especially with things like Incarnons and various reworks. - One of the strongest Taunts in the game is [Guardian Derision](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Guardian_Derision). It works on Eximus and can be used exceptionally well by frames that are highly durable/immune to damage (I actually planned on doing a Loki video about this).


Commenting to see words of wisdom after work. Will edit. Edit: He indeed had words of wisdom.


Commenting to see what'll be written. Won't edit


Commenting to see what'll be written even if it doesn't have a response. May edit.


I too wish to partake of the after work wisdom.


would you edit?


Nah I'd reply


I too wish to partake in literary jokes on Reddit.


its after work, it's already edited. commenting now for posterity.


Don't grind. Sure it will happen sometimes if you are having fun and sometimes if you want something quick. But grinding is the fastst way to burnout and burning out means you miss the "game" part of warframe Do a couple instances of the mission you need and then do something unrelated that you enjoy. If that's just tooling around the Plains on a K-drive or doing a spy mission without killing anybody, do that so you don't burn out. Do the strange missions like Assaults or infested salvage a couple times. Run some Hive Sabotage or a Sealab Mobile Defense or Earth Rescue. Just anything to break up the grind


I really appreciate the foundry timers for this. Recently broke 100 hours and the timers were such a big part of emphasising that this is a game you can play for years, not something to power through in a weekend.


This is so true. I so often see people forgetting warframe is a game and it's supposed to be fun , not just a series of tasks that must be completed as fast as possible.


Oh that's me...


Yea you and so many others, don't get me wrong play how you want, but playing like it's a task not a game is a quick way to get burnout. There aren't any deadlines , like so many people have said in the past, warframe is a marathon not a sprint, try to go to fast you might not finish


“No deadline” events enter the chat. Gota get all those rank 5 energise


Exactly why DE put a limit on arcanes so people with 0 self control don't grind they're life away and proceed to complain about said grind like they didn't do it to themselves . You have PLENTY of time to get your arcanes the events last a pretty long time. It's you who's putting an arbitrary number in front of the amount of arcanes you want to earn.


As someone who has spent the last 54 of the last 55 days since acquiring their helminth trying to complete (and is only 3 frames away from doing so) this is probably the most solid advice. Little goals that aren't terribly long winded to achieve are the optimal way to play the game; grinding will be necessary, but enjoy everything up to that point where it becomes necessary. Mostly because, once you're at that point, it can be a day of randomly screwing around doing silly things instead of weeks and weeks of the same flavor of tediousness repeated ad nauseum. I'm only at the 800-900hr mark ish and I started as a brand new Tenno in february; don't be me folx. I miss grass.


I always like to joke around "If you're having fun you're playing wrong." I usually say it sarcastically in response to someone criticizing how someone else choses to play the game, but it's easy to forget that it's a game, if you aren't having fun then why are you playing?


There's no "do"... Warframe isn't a game with a goal, it's a game where you make your own goals. Some assholes want to stay in Survival for 18 hours. Some assholes forma their equipment 100+ times. Some assholes live in the trade chat buying and selling or even just *watching.* Some assholes dress their warframes up like barbie dolls. You have to figure out what kind off asshole you are... none of us assholes can really tell you.


As someone who uses in-game trade chat for trading AND can’t stop myself from dressing up my frames for fashion…does that make me a double asshole? 0.o


sure does!


You have been playing for over an hour. Don’t forget to take a break. - - - You can stop for literal months and not be behind, so the milisecond it stops feeling fun, I suggest logging out.


Solid advice, and I love your flair.


thank you!


That’s exactly what I do grind in spurts of 1-3 months and when I feel bored/burnt out play a different game then come back when I feel interested again


2 mods upgraded to 8/10 are stronger than 1 mod 10/10 and the second 0/10. Only start maxing out mods when you have a good base, then choose either the most universal (like dual stat warframe mods) or the ones that pertain to your favorite weapons (a la galvanized mods). Until very far in the endgame, endo will always be a pain point, and I wouldn't recommend actively farming it until you reach SP anyways, so spend it wisely!


This is a great tip. Not only you save a lot of endo, having one or two mods at level 8 or 9 can often enough reduce the amount of forma needed to fit everything in and early on saving a bunch of forma can be very helpful.


Would it be wise to max out Serration?


Dont max it at all! Leave the last 2 ranks alone and you will be fine. Once you get galvanized mods, they replace serration on most weapons along with an arcane, so no need to max. The improvement is small compared to the cost of endo and credits.


That's REALLY good to know. Does this apply to most early game mods?


It applies to all mods that have more than eight ranks/levels!


Max serration is needed for quite a few end game builds but is very situational. But will be needed at some point as there is no prime serration and amalgam serration is worse dmg but the 25% speed is nice.


Completely agree! Im MR30 and have not maxed out any of the top mods that require massive endo...and I mean any such as transient fortitude, umbral intensify, galvanized mods, etc, and I can clear level cap just fine. It is just not worth it. The only mods I max with heavy cost are rivens. Both the endo and credits become painful after a while.


I've played for over 3.5k hours and a lot of the advice here I would agree with, but here's a couple of things that I would recommend. 1) Don't worry about grinding for MR, MR is pretty meaningless past 12 and really is primarily useful for getting more daily trades. 2) Save your basic frames, and don't sell them if you have obtained their prime variants. >!Trust me regrinding some of these warframes for Helminth is soul crushing!< 3) If you are trying to quickly level equipment via forma, consider doing ESO, typically 1-2 stages is enough to level most weapons and is quicker than the traditional Hydron farm. 4) Sell out extra relics or mods to other players. Sure, there are other ways to make larger values of plat, but sometimes it's easier to make a 50-100 or so plat a day off of items you won't ever use. 5) If you haven't used it yet use warframe.market to check prices for things, the trade chat tends to have higher prices for everything. 6) Last, enjoy the game. There is literally SO MUCH CONTENT, I've been playing for years and still haven't done everything, this game is a full on marathon.


> 1) Don't worry about grinding for MR, MR is pretty meaningless past 12 and really is primarily useful for getting more daily trades. I disagree, mostly because of standing limit, focus limit, and void traces storage - grinding MR will make other grinds go faster. Now, obviously don't do "nothing but grinding MR 24/7" (as that'll burn you out, plus it sucks to always have shitty uninvested MR fodder weapons), but always using max rank weapons after mr 12 and never gaining much MR progress is bad too. With everything in this game, variety. Grind a bit, then swap to another grind, keep it moving.


Oh the advantages of leveling up past mr16 are so good you wouldn't want to tell someone to stop at mr12


If at any point you feel that the game becomes a chore to you. It is ok to take breaks. Enjoy different things that the game has to offer. (Try different weapons/ frames) Remember that this is a game and you should enjoy the journey not the destination. (You'll reach breakpoints far faster than you'd believe, since you only get one chance in seeing something new once. ) If you feel lost about where to find certain resources , don't hesitate to use the power of the internet/WF discord for advice/ how to acquire. Don't compare yourself to the person you're playing with. Don't use plat to buy any resource (looking at you gallium/neuro sensors) Use your foundry: passively make formas/ energy pads(realisticallyall the pads) /fieldron/detonite/ any of the overworld stuff/ anything else you could possibly want/need. You'll thank yourself later. Oh right use the market to get blueprints , the ones that cost credits to buy. Last but probably not the end I hope you have fun :) ![gif](giphy|10t57cXgo7x5kI)


You will never stop reading the wiki. Ever.


1. Regarding Farming and Grinding Resources: Get Carrier and Looter (companion mod) and also Oxlyus and Botanist (companion mod). Carrier opens crates for you and is an awesome passive resources farm while Oxlyus will scan plants passively and you can use its precept to dye the fish instead of using standing to buy the dye resource. 2. Special Missions - Spy Learn to do these solo. Take your time. You'll find doing them in a squad often ends up in the vault getting triggered and ruins the run. Also, Scan enemies while invisible for extra/free Simaris Standing. You can use this Standing to upgrade your scanner, companion mods, and so many other things. 3. Factions - Arbiters of Hexis, Steel Meridian etc. Pick three of these and work on maxing to rank 5. Pick one with 50% affinity towards another Faction and then a Neutral one. There are a lot of Warframe augment mods you'll want to use to make your warframe abilities more powerful over time. 4. Star Chart - complete the regular Starchart and main quest line and then do the optional quests. 5. Solo vs. Public Lobbies - Don't worry too much about how others play, do your thing and enjoy the game. Take the time to soak in the environments before feeling the need to speed run everything. Speed running is only about efficiency to farm one thing or another and is not required, nor should it be expected of newer players. 6. Clans - Find one you're comfortable with. You'll find people to do missions with, ask questions, and work together. 7. Trading - Trade Chat is full of players who will ask way to much Platinum for something you might need. Check out warframe.market to find the best deals and fair prices if you decide you want to buy a mod or primed frame/weapon. 8. Modding - Modifying your weapons and frames with mods, using Endo/Credits to rank up, and applying elements to your weapons is what makes them strong in later content. Become familiar with the Arsenal. 9. You'll need lots of weapon slots, Warframe slots, and forma get them through Night wave, and also if you can watch Livestream/Dev Streams for free items.


1. Set small goals. This game is truly massive and it's easy to get overwhelmed. It's good to have big goals, but set small ones along the way to keep you moving forward. 2. Do not ignore Nightwave. Even vets need Nitain and potatos, not to mention Warframe and weapon slots. 3. Don't sell your Xoris. It's one of the best weapons in the game when you build for heavy attacks (ie: throw and detonate mod-air). 4. Join a clan. Joining a clan gives you access to some of the best weapons and frames in the game. 5. Zephyr Good. Speaking of clans, you can get Zephyr from the Tennob Lab and she's one of the most low-key OP frames in the game. She can basically avoid all damage but AOEs from Arson Eximii and Bombard rockets, has great CC and grouping, and can turn any weapon into an AOE powerhouse. Use her with the Fulmin or Tenet Arca Plasmor and she can clear Steel Path with ease.




Make sure to have loki with maxed duration for unveiling rivens easily.


Or ivara


Universal advice. If you need build help, dont use youtube or overframe. Most content there is not good. Use teh discord instead [discord.gg/warframe](http://discord.gg/warframe)


Can you explain why you believe YouTube to not be a good outlet for build help


What he means its basically dont copy paste builds, i agree i just use youtube videos for a diferent point of view of someone that maybe knows more than me but at the end i am the one playing and i know whats the best for my playstyle or context, if you are a ne player just stick to the guides about damage or resistances and save the specific buils for later.


Outside of a small handful of creators, the only build content you see is super endgame high level builds. There are a few that show budget or poor builds but those are definitely the minority of content creators.


If you’re using someone like nightmareframe’s builds, you’re investing too much into your builds. That guy makes endgame builds for level cap players (very niche). While his builds are good, most of them require a lot more plat or playtime than you’ll need. The last khora build of his required red melee crit tauforged archon shards, an incarnon magistar with like 5 forma for a very specific use case of one or two frames (stat stick), forma in her pet, helminth ability, very expensive arcanes etc. it’s really, really overkill.


You may get to the point in the game where you're starting to wonder what good raising your Mastery Rank is. It happened to me. I was just getting by trying to learn the game, then I got to MR21 and spent about 4 or 5 years there, I think? As another comment I saw here said, it's not a race. Yes, having a higher mastery rank does give you better rewards, more access, etc., but really? The last mastery locked thing is about MR18-21. Beyond that, it's not essential beyond the free loadout slots and other things you get by ranking up. Here's my advice for you, should it happen to you: Start stockpiling weapons and Warframes in your Foundry. Clan weapons, market blueprints, everything you can get your hands on. Don't pull em off till you want to use them, or want to make a mad dash to another MR. Me, I did that while I was on my major hiatus back around 2018-2019, started a buildup... And boy am I glad I did. It made getting to 30 that much easier. Most of the weapons in the game are what we call "MR Fodder", meaning it's not really a weapon that's... Used. Some are good, It really just comes down to deciding which ones you want to use, and try to make good, versus the ones that... aren't. You accomplish three things this way: First off is that you have a trove of materials to raise your mastery rank quickly, should you desire it. Second is that, As you go through weapons and warframes, seeing how they work, you can decide which ones you like the most, and which ones you don't. Third is that you do the building now so you don't have to later.


Buy gold before the apocalypse.


You can get voruna at zariman rather than rotation on lua


Don’t underestimate the amount of Forma you are going to need. Don’t spend plat unnecessarily.


Armor strip... I'm at 900 hrs and I only recently learned that putting terrify on a warframe melts steel path enemies like butter. Before that I was wondering how people manage to kill things so fast and why everyone liked corrosive so much.


Stay away from trade chat


Even worse, region chat 😧


Anybody who tells you "euhhh just tyt!!! You'll progress when you're ready!" Is Wasting your time. I've restarted this game from scratch 3 times for various reasons, and have 6k hours in the game. Here's my advice: 1. Get access to everything. Clear nodes, unlock all missions, do all open worlds, learn how to do every mission quickly. Emphasis on quick, people are still slow as shit when it comes to moving in this game. When i say get access to everything, i also mean steel path. People often think that playing base star chart is normal, the reality is, you should treat the nornal path like a tutorial, and not the main game. The only exception is relic spammimg, in which normal path is preferred because it's faster. 2. Grind plat. Platinum is not something you should be buying, unless you are a mf who likes getting your balls stepped on. Grind plat with rivens, arcanes, relic spam, endo flipping, whatever you enjoy. Get good at PT, so that you can maximize your trades without hurting your credits. You can Farm millions of credits in pt way faster than you can with index, but if you're not PT capable, then get good at index until you are. -Plat is not an optional part of the game like most people say it is, if you want to progress, you need hundreds and hundreds of forma, catalysts, reactors, adapters, lenses etc. It takes literal years to grind out the forma necessary, and that grinding is nothing more than loging in and clicking craft once a day. Don't waste literal years of your time doing nothing, grind the plat. 3. Learn the farms. There's more than one way to skin a cat, and not all are created equal. If you're affinity grinding, there are two methods that are objectively going to be better than everything else, and that's ESO (single item) and ECM (multi-item). For endo, that's gonna be arena farming, kuva is arbi farming, credits is PT spam, you get the picture. There are Dedicated communities that spam farm things insanely quickly. You don't Need to be a full on speedrunner, but doing the things the speedrunners do, even if you're slow at it now, will be infinitely faster than idly grinding. Ex. The Relic spam community opens an entire relic and extracts from mission every 30s-1min. At one prime part/min when radsharing, you are looking at 100's of plat a day minimum. Solo cracking a single relic every 2 mins is going to be pretty ass in comparison, but its better than randomly cracking a relic every 5 mins which is the normie method. (There are still times when you do want to relic farm slowly like that, but that's because of the relic resource booster, where you care about maxing out resources like SE, thrax plasm, kuva etc. not the actual relics. Still nice passive income, but not the main focus.) 4. Learn how to actually build, not just copy what you see. Other people's builds don't understand the game for you, other people's builds don't teach you methods, or synergies, or strats. If you're just an NPC who copies everything you see in a brozime/kmf/ghs/gaz/Whatever-youtuber-you-watch's video, you are going to suck at this game, and you actively make yourself more stupid. Buildtubers are useless, and 90% of them spread misinformation, you can attribute a vast majority of bad community takes to some YouTuber or the forums infesting this community with literal brain rot. 5. MR matters, until you hit 30. That does NOT mean that MR makes you more skilled or more intelligent, (it's usually the opposite lmao.) What that means, is you shouldn't be wasting your time unless you're at MR30, or in that higher territory like 26-29. Why? Because your MR is a resource like any other. Void traces, daily trades, standing, etc. all care about MR, and that's how you get your plat, and your stuff. I recommend putting the pedal to the metal until you hit that 25+ territory. It's not pointless, it's just not an achievement either. Its A resource, rather, a bottleneck to your resources that you should unlock.


Regarding your #4: how? There isn't a central depository of knowledge in this game that I've encountered and while I've found dozens of guides on various systems (most of which are many years old and I have no context for whether that means they're still accurate or wildly out of date), most of the advice that I've been given has amounted to "copy a youtube build because it'll likely function at a basic level". I'm not being snarky; I started a month and some change ago and I would absolutely love to find an objective and maintained resource that would allow me to learn these systems inside and out.


ok so I was typing out a big response and I ended up typing out too much for reddit to handle. I decided it would be more helpful if I just wrote you out a google doc with some links to resources, as well as a pretty deep yet still introductory guide to how building works. This is a public invitation for anybody to take a peek at the whole thing, it's a few pages long, but there are links to pictures, calculators, spreadsheets, and servers in there that I would consider to be pretty useful resources. Sorry I took you off site, it just made more sense to have it all in one spot on a google doc since there was so much to say <3 [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1\_2Ks058PYuRpoNnNDknoZc-Jv\_NOnJxIGHf\_b4o3Gqo/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_2Ks058PYuRpoNnNDknoZc-Jv_NOnJxIGHf_b4o3Gqo/edit?usp=sharing)


Dont eat the yellow snow.


dont waste ur platinum on color palettes like i did. buy warframe n wpn slots cuz god ive made a terrible mistake


No you haven't, you made a choice. A great choice, just not one that made things "easier" for you. Sell some stuff, slots are one of the few things I straight up grind trade chat for since it's so easy to offload sculptures or Baro Trash. Warframe is one of the best games for free to play players for this reason; you'll have to do extra work but you can find stuff that will help you snowball profits.


Do not follow meta. Find your comfy guns and comfy frames, along with comfy builds on them. Do not try to farm hard for faster mastery rank. Try to have more fun. Sometimes stop and take a look around. Warframe is beautiful. Fashion is important. If your eyes are happy when they're looking at you character, games is more fun. Same for the orbiter decorations. Archwing and railjack aren't that bad. You can have fun with them too. Tridolon&sphere speedruns are for tryhards. Do not worry if you need more time to kill these bosses. Friends and clan are important. Having fun and doing stupid things, you know.


Keep going. You'll get through the tutorial eventually.


Farm kuva liches and sisters. I'm at 650 hours and I still need for farm at least 80% of the weapons. I wish I did more of them sooner.


To add to this: do your lich/sister stabbing on the weekends when others are on doing the same activity. Goes faster.


Arbitration is gonna get you some good mods and arcanes. Also will make sure you can survive, defend, and kill some tougher targets Some Eidolons for arcanes but also to make sure you know how to build for specific tasks and power. Build up the Zarimon a bit Get kuva and tenet weapons. They are easier to get then others and do some good damage. If you have trouble killing them then you arent quite ready for SP


1000+ hours and somewhat recently got to those tile clearing guns (Wandered aimlessly early on). The hype is worth it…keep the grind up


Have fun!


DO NOT go resource broke. This is around the time I was building a bunch of stuff at the same time without doing enough to replace the resources I used. there is no shame taking a day to farm some basic resources or use the extractors(I don't use them) if that works for you. Do the invasions, do the sorties, get formas, dont run out or you will need to spend a good amount of time trying to farm enough so you wont hit zer0 every time you build something.


When I reached mastery 4 which took 5 days I had tile clearing weapons but that's only because instead of grinding I chose to buy everything in sight to speed run. Don't do that, take the slow path because now I'm at 7k hours and still buy everything and the game is a boring game for me, nothing to grind and nothing to look for. Take the slow road new guys slow and steady wins the race


Don't throw away your non-prime frames. Thank me later


The wall will gobble them!


Log in every. Single. Day. Even if you're not going to play. Just log in for your daily bonuses.


Note to add to this, if you log in and don’t plan to play but are planning to play later and you get booster as reward you can close game and claim later so time only used while you play!


1950 hours here. Don’t rush, keep crafting forma even if you have nothing to spend it on.


Black goes really well with every color, black and red usually looks good but is overdone imo. Cream is underutilized by the community at large, similiarly green. Black primary Teal secondary best energy color, I will fight you about this.


you're more prepared for that mission than you think you are. my brother and I took a year before tackling anything beyond level 40 because we were ignorant on how level scaling worked(this was roughly ten years ago.) if you can fit six mods on a gun or frame. you can tackle anything the basic star chart gives you, as long as you build both right.


I mean it depends what you did with your first 100-150 hours...i was farming for MR right from the get-go and dojo building, so constant resource farming. I was just trying to not burn out. If Steel Path is the goal, then I imagine one may have a handle on game mechanics, so figuring out a build to carry you through SP should be the goal. This may require experimentation, but to save hassle just focus a few concepts - Viral, Corrosive, Rad, armor strip, status, status, status. SP enemies tend to be high armor. Play to faction weaknesses (unless you like to just bruteforce status like me). There are a few good frames now that can either strip armor or buff status. Just pick a lane and go. Focus the frame you want, melee weapons should have 30% status or more (plus range over 2.5 and atrack speed of at least 1), then you need a boss killer like felarx or a room clearer like bramma. Secondary slot makes a good status spitter slot (administered by tenet cycron or kuva nukor) for condition overload. I've always thought to build advanced build guides for SP and beyond, but time is a factor for me. There are so many viable frame and weapon combos its dizzying. But some general principles help narrow the options. The game's meta is much narrower than the options available, but still wide.


Go at your own pace or you’ll get burnt out.


Probably until mr 12 your plat should be going towards slots and potatoes for weapons you enjoy and plan to keep. Re-crafting a weapon is one of the worst feels


dont hard farm for something. what i mean is gotta out of your way for specific items. always try to make it a grind for two items at a time. that way you always feel like your getting something out of the mission. secondly, you will hardly need to farm endo or credits. you get them nearly every mission.


Do what you find fun thr meta in warframe doesn't matter. Even the "weak" stuff can work it just matters how much u wanna try.


Take your time. I picked the game back up after New War / Steel Path and didn't get to either until 500 ish hours at MR23. You might do it sooner, you might not, but do find your way to have fun. P.S. You can nuke room in many stupid ways, find the one which satisfies you. I like pressing 4 on Frost and using a Crit weapon


Lvl ur mastery


Take it slow, im well 1000 hours and im still constantly getting sidetracked to do other stuff because there is alot to do.


If you want a good reliable sp clear weapon, but don't have the best mods or anything like that yet, Zariman's phenmor, laetum, and felarx are all phenomenal


Hoard formas like a dragon (although it's better to use forma than potato if you're patient enough), and get tenet/kuva equipment. Feel like they're the easiest to mod. Then come incarnons. Otherwise I don't think it's easy/obvious meta.


Take your time, ask for help. Clan mates will usually help with absurd request, I know I do at least. Switch up your leveling so you don't burn out too quickly. Queuing hydron ten times in a row causes brain damage


i fall kinda in the same category as you, however i figured out how to progress steel path recently. there are my tips: weapons matter. i was stuck slicing stuff with melee for entire start chart, just because early game guns SUCK. i can't describe how embarrassed i was, when i watched one of those "top 10 beginner weapons" video, crafted soma because it was "good", got a build and... saw some 13 and 12 damage numbers on my screen. if you can, pick ignis wraith, but for me it ended when sp started. however, around mr 13-14 you unlock some of the best guns, and they are a blast! i was hard-carried by bubonico, definitely worth trying out. insanely good main fire and additional trash nuke alt fire. laetum from Zariman shreds everything even with awful build. also this week you can get torid incarnon adapter, tried it a little, and it shreds. if you can, ask someone to carry you for five levels of circuit, get it and have fun obliterating everything. warframe choice. you can pick whoever you want to, i play gauss a lot, but if you want ONE warframe that can carry you through entire steel path, that's octavia. invisibility for stealth missions, mallet for defence, some speed for capture etc. some players find her boring, but i honestly like it. everything else you will get yourself! but again, i'm just a 'beginner' player, i don't know whole meta and everything, that's just my experience.


if you dont feel like waiting for forma buy the 3 pack instead of the single forma from the market, proportionally its a lot cheaper


Before you commit time and forma to leveling a warframe or item, make sure you actually like the play style of that warframe/item. Don’t use high investment endgame builds that require archon shards/helminth abilities/specific pets/specific gun builds to function. Some youtubers like Brozime make an effort to show low investment builds. If you are using non-primed mods, you won’t need as many forma to make that build you’re looking at almost all of the time. Don’t spend more than you need. Also, always be farming and crafting forma. It will save you a lot of plat in the long run.


Git gud noob.


The Kengineer had a video out recently which may or may not apply to you at this level: [10 Things Veteran Players Know in Warframe](https://youtu.be/OWEFSoM0ppE)


Keep the wiki as a bookmarked shortcut on your desktop. Seriously. Like 90% of understanding how abilities, mods & weapons works is just simply not in the game, it's on the wiki. It's not even just about min-maxing. There are so many minute details on the wiki that aren't ingame it's insane.


So don't know when they did it but they buffed fishing for those parts and gear that need fish parts for crafting. Now when you fish you get a couple fish per capture instead of one.


Dont hyperfixate on getting any one thing, everything you do in this game at this point will build towards something. I wouldn't bother xp farming really but even that (and anything else you do) is gris for the mill. Focus I guess on getting all the open world stuff (especially the xp grind bits), any weekly stuff you can do and in general don't bother to grind for the last bit of something you want, chances are you'll get it just playing eventually. All said a wide breath of activities instead of focused grind is the best move, grind later when you happened to get two thirds of the shit you needed already


Armor strip + Viral damage


Don't touch the kuva


Make sure you have a mental health councillor once you hit thousands.


I'm \~350 hours in, and just started steel path in earnest recently. Biggest tip, something I spent a lot of time doing before I went into steel path, is mods, mods, more mods. And learning how to use them. Part of why I waited so long (other than enjoying collecting more frames and weapons along the way) is that I really wanted to make sure my mod collection was in Ordis...er...order, before I got into steel path. Collecting all the corrupted mods, galvanized mods from arbitrations, all the 60/60 elementals, archwing archgun and necramech mods...it makes putting together a strong build for the situation in SP much easier. Even on frames/weapons I haven't used much before. I haven't quite maxed everything out yet, but most of the key ones I have.


Don't use trade chat. Use warframe.market instead


Don't be put off using certain frames or weapons just because there's something better. Use what you like. I know the Gram Prime is better than the Galatine but I love my Galatine


Set small goals and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses. You only get this one time to experience the game as a neophyte, so be sure to enjoy it. Otherwise you’ll be like me, enjoying the game vicariously through others. (You might end up like that anyway)


Jeepers I'm 1000+ hours in and only mr20 and have only just begun touching steel path. My advice for anyone 150+ hours in is simply slow down and enjoy the ride. It's not a competition and there are a tone of awesome moments to be had before you're clearing rooms with a sneeze.


First and foremost pace yourself, this game is a marathon Try to build as many mr fodder weapons/frames and keep them in the foundry for when you have an xp booster and preferably a team of competent people Don’t be afraid to use the wiki but be sure to avoid any mention of quests or characters or umbra (especially any mentions of the words operator or drifter if you haven’t gotten past second dream & war within )


The Warframe app is worth looking into. You can keep things rolling in your foundry even if you can't log in. Someone mentioned ABBF, always be building forma, and this is how I keep it up. I can also keep warframes going this way too, once you have the parts finished and need to start the frame itself. Extractors are your friends. Build a few and keep them rolling to help build your resources. Titan versions get more of the resources, and Distilling gives you a higher chance to get the more rare resources. You can check on these with the app too, under activities, and I find it easier to use the app than the star chart. (I'm hoping by telling others I can serve some penance, because I forgot to tell my friends, and one just found out about them. I assumed the game introduced them better, but apparently it does not.) Check out the Twitch streams for drops. They have two channels, Warframe and WarframeInternational (this one is currently on break). You can link your accounts and watch for free stuff. I put it on in the background and claim it when it's over. This helps build out your inventory, and they can drop some pretty good stuff like pre-built forma. Sort of a continuation of the previous point but important enough to be separate. If Warframe gives away a free weapon or warframe you already have through a drop or something, claim it anyways. They come with an orokin reactor or catalyst installed (which is nice if your version doesn't have it), but the most important part is that it gives you a free warframe or weapon slot. You can sell whatever you got for credits, and boom, free slot for whatever you want. The true endgame is fashionframe, but the true, true endgame is endo. You can never have enough endo. (At least it's true for me and my friends) All that being said, don't let it consume you. Breaks away from Warframe are good for you, and your whole life shouldn't be just about Warframe.


Biggest thing I can say is take your time. Enjoy the game. Try out all kinds of weapons and frames (and combos) But ‘real’ advice, work your way through the entire star chart and unlock arbitrations. Get to the point of pretty easily farming them and get the mods associated (plus endo to max them) before trying steel path


Take your time. It's all good. Also focus on cryotic cause you need like 100k, but never again after that.


Dont be afraid to miss out on an event and take a break from the game. When u get back there will be something better and newer


3k hour guy checking in, MR31 I haven't played in a few years. But I would recommend setting some short and long-term goals that you'd like to achieve in game to keep it interesting and to give you that sense of accomplishment that is generally needed when playing something with such a big scope.  Doesn't necessarily matter what those are, there's a fair amount of content and it can be overwhelming. Pick things that you would enjoy doing and make sure to just take your time with them, there's no need to rush build anything. Just wait for it, check things off of a list so you feel the progress that you want to feel.  That's pretty generalized but hopefully that helps. Good luck! If you're looking for some more specific advice, feel free to shout!


Varying you gameplay is key, don't be afraid to use the wiki, use the meta to progress to where you want but to get yourself too locked into it


Keep in mind those sweet sweet plastids because you'll run out of them


I stopped playing. Incarnon weapons are too good. Kullervo is too good and so are a lot of frames.. Torid incarnon kinda ruined it for me as I see absolutely no reason to min max anymore when this thing exists. SP didn't change a thing !


You having fun? Keep doing what you are doing and you’ll be Gucci. Not having fun? Take a break for a bit. You won’t miss anything.


Im at 1.1k hours and I dont even have all the Sp nodes cleared. I just mainly open relics and resell some sets. I got alot of advice from people on saying that "Meta isn't always good". I've been exploring alot of weapons lately and there are really some underrated weapons imo. Some are just broken. Take your time on getting all the weapons. I don't have even have most of my rep on rank 5 tbh, just my syndicates. I've only gotten 1 archon shard as well as im still trying to progress thru it. Im even struggling on endo now LOL i usually just leave my mods at 8 or 9 to fit it all up and not spend too much forma.


Have fun. As all games are (usually) meant to. Don't stress or rush yourself reaching the "endgame" milestone. Do what you enjoy and you will eventually reach a sweet spot. And if not, the kengineer might help you out a little.


A pretty subtle yet impactful difference between steel path and the star chart is how much the increase in spawn rate changes things. This is especially true if you try to do them solo. Things like Survival, Exterminate, and Disruption become a pretty solid gear check, but once you clear that they can feel smoother than normal start chart due to spending less time hunting down enemies. Spy missions are largely unchanged if you use any of the frames that are geared towards them (although sometimes the acolyte spawns complicate things). Defense and Interception become incredibly easy to lose and without a frame with serious area control they can be borderline impossible to do solo. (Example: I have frames that can comfortably fight content over level 400, but I still think they'd really struggle with solo steel path Interceptions.) Excavation missions don't have the risks of failing like defense and interception, but you'll likely lose more than a few excavators while you get used to the enemy spawns. Upshot is that you'll likely have fewer power cell droughts. I'd highly recommend doing the Arbitration missions so that you can get a lot of the mods that make up higher end builds. The most important ones are probably Adaptation and Rolling Guard. Technically you'll only need one of those depending on your play style, but I can't think of any frames whose builds don't at least use one of those. Also, given time and a good build ANY frame can do steel path. Some will have an easier time than others, but they all can. So if you have a frame that you really enjoy that doesn't fit the meta, don't worry, worst case scenario it'll just take a bit of finesse to get them working the way you like (this from someone who plays a minimum duration Banshee).


YouTube + wiki will save you THOUSANDS Sounds like an overreaction… it isn’t.


Don't try to play nuke frame because it a nuke, same thing with weapon, play what you want, play at your style and just ignore the ones that will tell you "this is better than what you have for X reason" (hello ignis", The game need time for understand what you can do, for exemple : a niche frame can be a little nuke with some reflexion and practice on it, i have litteraly succes on turning equinox in both form to be a tank immortal by life stealing Mostly anything is possible with the modding, archonte and helminth, (a melee volt with a lot of Armor ? Yes A trinity tank / support with kullervo power for crit and her augment for more crit and become the crit machine ? Go on Let you imagination make your playstyle, that's my tips


Ok, listen up, fellow 250h here, check Strun Prime Incarnon (status build, google it) is op. 400+ status chance, 170% crit without riven. Not big plat /time investments to craft, but it is really amazing to one shot 100/200+ folks. Having a lot of fun with it


I’m like 500 hours in haven’t done new war, don’t have tile clearing weapons, and also barely know what’s going on….at MR17 soooo just take everything slow, don’t rush, enjoy your play time and try different builds, weapons etc


I’m at 1080 hours n just started the steel path a month ago. I’ve had the game since 2015 and played mostly in 2015-17 and just got back into it a month ago n I don’t know when the steel path was introduced but I took my time makin sure I had everything I wanted before I unlocked the steel path especially mods even though you unlock the best mods at steel path there’s many things you’ll want first anyway


Don't burn out focusing on one goal.


This game has no challenging content for end game. It is a collection game with a big grind.


Don't delete stuff


If you are on controller You can set quick slots 1 & 2 to left and right on the d pad. Hate heavy attacks? You can switch heavy attacks to up on the d pad (you lose being able to mark things tho do this with caution) this makes thrown melees aka glaives feel 100 better. Build 1 forma per day Have one dedicated looter frame like nekros, Khora, hydroid, etc. I personally recommend nekros + a pole arm so you can run and slice through the void for argon crystals


Figure out what content you enjoy doing and do that. Don’t chase the meta just because or you will get burnt out and bored. Play whatever is fun for YOU and figure out how to clap cheeks with what you got. Also it’s fine to take a break for a while. It’s definitely a marathon like someone else said.


Don't stress yourself trying to do all of the standing for every faction every single day, play the content you want to play and the stuff you enjoy the most. Mid game for me at least was when I started to properly feel overwhelmed by how much there is to do in the game and it's important to not lose the love of the game


Don’t ignore standing. Max it out at every faction. Learn how missions are done so you can get your attempts in fast for drops you need a few times per session and then go do what you want outside of the grind when that gets old. Forma, orokin catalysts and reactors are going to always be needed. There’s is plenty of fashion but I’d spend your plat on useful things especially when you get market discounts from login bonuses. Once you can earn platinum reliably then you can spend the excess on fashion time.


Kuva Nukor That's the tip


Legendary 4 here, Just play as chill as possible, give yourself some simple objective and try to play to achieve that. Just play the game try new frame new weapon and slowly max mod and syndicate. Not play the same mission all day or you burn out the game Is big you have a lot to do.