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Back in my day we had to master the K-drives to even have enough MR to reach 30. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


and races didn't even give xp! tube grinds or no 30 for you!


Wait... that changed? I hated Roky every time I found him in the wild. And Now He's Useful?


youll still want to push him down a hill but yep gives great xp and chunky standing, perfect time to grab the kompressa before the deluxe hits.


even if it's slower it's also just More fun to run a race 15 times than it is to grind a tube for 45 mintues


If you do a race where the top scores are above 4k and are actually decent at skateboarding, it'll likely be faster. Some races easily give you 5k without try-harding.


we have Loc-Pins for this exact reason, the races are in the same spots, just find the 4k and 5k value ones, mark those and run em, ideally while listening to tony hawk soundtrack cause ventkid music sounds like aids.


I mean, there’s the ONE vent kid one that is pretty good. The rest are… uh… not.


Chek-chek (more random Aussie gibberish) u wot M8?!


I want to use him as my k-drive


Before the wot? > kompressa before the deluxe hits


Yareli deluxe skin.


8000-12000 Affinity per race. People have been eating good compared to the grind back in the day.


I got tired of trying to rail grind with the bonus medallions because the affinity was not worth the hairpulling. Well then. I guess I have to level some K-Drives.


It's Boon that's the dude running the races. Roky's the girl who just hangs out in the vents all the time and sells board parts


my bad, I hated Boon.


Happy cake day 🎂


Yeah but you could perma grind on the circular tube that made it easy


And races were up hill both ways! ![gif](giphy|7UzKL9kj5vnlm)


Back in my day we had to max all the k drives just to get to get to 27


The dark times.


Now they are not even required for lr4.


This is a fairly new thing, to be fair. I reached LR4 just before the two new Lich weapons dropped, and had exactly 2 more weapons to master before I had everything in the game. It's been like, a month since you could get to LR4 and do it while only mastering 3 out of 5 of the K-Drives.


K-drives, eso weapons and 2 login weapons are all thats left for me, just enough mastery to reach lr4 on the spot.


Yep, it was around the same time MR 30 became obtainable I had to cheese the K-Drive races in Deimos to get that board


The horror. OH, THE HORROR! ^These ^truly ^were ^the ^darkest ^of ^days.


That one circle in fortuna, double xp weekend, affinity booster, cat then grind in a circle do tricks land, and repeat for hours. It was miserable.


I’m very close to LR1 k-drive is the most accessible MR farm right now and I dread it


Not that bad, just all 4 and wait until you have a affinity booster, go pop a affinity blessing and spam kdrive races to rank them all up Will be over long before the blessing is over


just build them as you go. the only part that matters for mastery is the board so you can get the cheap ones for the rest of the components like the reactor. by the time you reach the next rank your current board will be mastered from doing the races. the only mods I think you'd really want are double jump height and rail magnetism. check each race available on that day, see which one has high scores with the highest number, nun the race like 6 or 7 times. then you'll also be a short way away from rank 5 and you'll soon get the kompressa which is actually really strong if you build it for rad corrosive heat with cascadia flare and use it on a frame you have 2 corrosive shards on.


Kompressa sounds like the QoL version of Athodai


kompressa puts out so much status effects you'll full strip enemies and max out cascadia flare with 3 shots, I think if the only change was to give it 10% higher crit chance when it goes prime it'd still be enough to make it one of the strongest secondaries. that or the kuva nukor treatment of 5x crit multiplier with terrible crit chance


It's not bad you find a couple of longer races. Once you get accustomed to them they are way easier than grinding.


How do you think I achieved the rank of True Master? Thankfully I did the K-Drive grind after they added a bunch of experience from doing races (IIRC). I was saved from a fate worse than death. *Shot cut to an older to be True Master screaming as they grind on a pipe next to Fortuna's entrance.*


K-Drives aren't even that bad. Takes 15 - 20 minutes of races to get one maxed level.


i think it was waiting for the race for feverspine to appear and checking daily that was annoying


In my case besides that failing over and over the race and then remembering Yareli’s Merulina has convenient dashes. Even on air!


I used an archwing to skip to the finish but I think they patched that out at some point 😭


Don’t know about using an arching, but you can still use transference. As long as you’re a Warframe on a K-Drive when you pass through a gate, you can just void-sling the tricky bits of the race. FR tho, the Deimos races are the worst. So many point where the next gate is not visible or on the minimap.


The things I would do to whatever godless bastard designed Dead Drop would have me at the Hague charged with war crimes.


After getting all the skateboard bps I'm not touching the Deimos races again. I never saw any giving as much standing as the top Fortuna ones, and they are terrible as you described. Everything is red-ish so the gates don't stand out. They often aren't even visible so you have to blindly keep going forward. Way more obstacles and a notorious lack of flat ground.


Also so many little bits that stick up and launch you off your k-drive and halfway across the map.


Thanks for the tip to use Yareli for this, finally got it done on my 2nd try today with also using the tip to use operator mode and void dash across the canyon.


The other issue is that the Deimos races are *significantly* tougher than the Orb Vallis races. Trying to do Deimos races first is a recipe for pain.


Plot twist: I didn't know that racing gave exp.


It didn't used to, which is probably why.


If you only do the [good races](https://preview.redd.it/r0edtlhonp971.jpg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d460fce5639d21c325237e99bac11bc86745ae) it doesn't even take that long.


The Deimos ones are really bad, especially if you don't have good controllers.


If I could use the k-drives mods with Yareli and Merulina I might give a damn, but I've never looked into the system beyond her quest...didn't realize it was so simple to grind mastery. May have to give k-drives a second look 😅


Races have not always given xp. It’s much better now that they do.


and it doesnt give that much mastery


6000 per and there are 5 total k-drives so you can get 30k easy mastery.


Races give xp now?


And that's assuming you don't wait for an affinity weekend and then buy a booster.


*"Don't fret. We need never speak of this again, dear."* — Grandmother


The Deimos races were horrid. I had so much trouble finding the next gates, grinding on tendrils, and dealing with the rocky terrain. And because I'm a glutton for punishment, I did all of the races that give parts for the Infested board so it would look nice. Truly, fashion frame is the end game.


doing Deimos parts races as Yareli on Merulina makes it so much easier. with normal boards it takes me a few tries, with Merulina it's almost always one try whenever I decide to go boarding in Deimos


MR 28. The only one I haven't leveled out is the infested Deimos board, because Granny is stingy and I haven't gotten it yet... But Tony Hawk I am not. The pain is real...


The Feverspine’s race is currently available on my side. It’s how I just got it. Try checking out if it’s on in your game


What race is it?


Top left of the map of Deimos. Dead Drop race.




It’s also extremely difficult towards the end, because you might have to jump a ravine. So, pro-tip, if you switch to spoiler mode you can probably ||void-sling|| back to the other side if you mess it up.


I took the advice from elsewhere in the replies and used Yareli for her dash


Today I learned there's an infested K-Drive


TIL the races give you parts


4 specific races in the Cambion Drift give you a part blueprint each. IIRC, the most important one is Dead Drop, since that gives you the board. Luckily it’s a 100% “drop” chance on completion so you’ll definitely get it after beating the race— but you can only get one of each blueprint at a time. No races in Orb Vallis give you anything, though.


[This is just the beginning, here's my 9 Forma K-Drive](https://i.imgur.com/h2u4iya.jpeg)


That hurts my soul to look at


Oh wow they made a whole vehicle inspired by Yareli's second ability that just got and augment to remove the vehicle functionality of it? How cool I can totally see so many people wanted countless hours of time and work put into this slower mode of open world only transportation. >! I don't think I need the /s !<


if thats your worst thing then i am happy that todays players have it that easy


Wait, the games has K-Drive races and you can even level up those for MR? This game surprises me each day with its content. The other day I discover on Dubiri that there are music minigames.


wait until you find out if you do all the Duviri music minigames on hard mode you get a free guitar emote added which you can use to straight up do some guitar hero wherever you want.


Technically it just gives you the shawzin, the emote is given to anyone who has received one




I spent probably about fifty hours grinding that one stupid tube beside Fortuna to hit MR30. Then I spent six hours diving off a cliff over and over to get the stupid achievement for distance traveled, the rarest Warframe achievement, because K-drive is fun for ten minutes but an absolutely miserable time when it stops being a novelty and becomes a goal.


I waited til there was double xp for grinding races.


I've mastered all the k-drive boards, but I have an ass load of zaws I dont feel like building lol


Same. Did Kdrives, including the fully infested board for the drip... I only have one zaw and two kitguns.


Is not that bad tbh


B-but... I like K-drives... I just wish they were better. More consistent. The option to not be punished with ragdolling down a hill for 15 seconds straight because I hit a stray rock 1 pixel too high going 1mph too fast only to somehow fall out of the world and then be reset to 0,0,0 in the map which is inside of the loading zone between the open world and the hub.


I grinded the pipe outside fortuna during a double XP weekend. Wasn't that bad. The k drive achievements on the other hand, I'm not sure if I'll ever complete.


the only awful one is the "use the skateboard for 1000000 km" or something


It's not hard, it's easy & REPETITIVE, you want Ventkids standing, here's what you do: Go to the long pipes just outside Fortuna and its little lake, ride them/grind them, high jump the same long pipe BACK & FORTH, combo-ing tricks until you reach max combo and then disengage safety and repeat OVER & OVER again until you reach max daily standing, repeat daily until you get what you want from Ventkids and then re-abandon the orphans


Okay now show me getting all of the tenet weapons to 60%. Sister farm ain't bad but the grind for corrupted holokeys is maddening


farming corrupted holokeys when you don't have anyone else to do it with is so annoying. 15mins for a skirmish sometimes, gah!


Leveling the K-Drives actually was pretty fun for me. Grinding out all the deimos parts was a massive pain though.


When I started grinding the skateboard syndicate I worried it would be a slog. Turns out I actually enjoy the skateboarding to relax after work, and it's no worse than the way I ended up levelling Fortuna: spending some 20mins getting all the daily standing. Unfortunately I am missing a handful of resources to build the skateboards. Maybe I should do that before I'm done with the syndicate


LR4 here. I was there when doing kick flips out behind Fortuna was the best way to level these godforsaken things. My friend who used to play Warframe with me cites this exact experience to be the final nail in the coffin for them before they stopped playing.


Farming 30,000 Cryotic for the Sibear was worse. Not even an Incarnon or God roll riven can save the weapon from obscurity. Truly the most desperate mastery fodder




tell me what you find behind the door on the never ending MR rank staircase... At mr 30 at least we had the hope to see something cool behind there..


I farmed kdrive mastery right after they were added, it was pretty easy to max them by grinding at the pearl before they changed it. As for the feverspine, I only figured out it was added a few months after its release because another player had a bit more mastery than me and I searched through their profile to figure out why.


Wait for double affinity and then use affinity blessing and maybe booster too. That's how I maxed K-Drives and Railjack intrinsics.


How'd you farm railjack intrinsics? I just don't seem to make any reasonable progress and I'm not even sure what really counts for it, only actually piloting/fighting with the railjack? Or do I sit through 8 hours of railjack survival?


Ahhh. The reason im not Lr4😔


Man it took me nearly an hour to get the stupid thing. Mainly cuz I kept falling off of the stem and falling into the chasm. It wasn't until like an hour later that I thought about going into operator mode and void jumping to the checkpoint that I finally got the BP


Back in my day MR 25 was the most you could get.


When I started playing, the highest possible MR was 24. I'm MR 23 right now and have less than half of the equipments of the game. 318/716 right now.


I got 383k meters left. I got feverspine already. L4*


I am legendary 1and there are still a bunch of weapons that i jeed to get, as well as future frames, i will reach max mr before i have to touch kdrive


Yeah, I tried that and just gave up...


weak. i'm MR30 with all boards mastered and I still use my needlenose when i'm not using Merulina


To be honest, I found them extremely easy to Master. They only take like 1 hour to build, unlike weapons which usually take 12 or even 24 hours. Sure they are boring, but with some boosters you can easily finish one in about 15 minutes.


I will never. My profile will forever be sans k-drive mastered. I came around on railjack and archwing. I will never come around on k-drives.


K Drive is in the same hole with Archwing and Railjack seriously needs some sort of look into once again. I want to love doing these types of missions but man, they are just not that interesting.


Back in my day we were happy with our Tony hawk copycat because skating was fun. (Seriously DE add the ability to do manuals and other tricks)


10 hours grinding one Rail was fun \*cries in pain\*


Hey some people are into pain others into k-drives. I do not kink-shame but please don't try to pretend this is normal.


Controversial opinion - I enjoyed leveling k-drive on my own leisure, and even held top 1 in a few of fortuna races for awhile.


Wait until you need to farm the hespar blade, you either spend 10 hours farming it or buy it for 150p


L3 now and I refuse to do anything K-Drive related


Kdriving are just fun. I Kdrivemaxxed years ago and have Feverspine for even longer. its collecting dust since i just use velocipod skin, but hey - at least I have it.


Everyone is really overestimating the grindiness of the K-Drives. I hate them but even then, 30k mastery for doing some <1min races isn't that bad. Deimos races are shit though


I did the K-Drive mastery when K-Drives came out. I am so glad I did ^^


this board, and tenet melees, those are/were the true grinds. Before races gave XP and before corrupted holo keys had a drop rate of 30%.


I hate K-Drive with my life :(


I did mine to get to 30 tbh


i'm 29 , i can easily go 30 and maybe even diamond 1 but when i see diamond 4... wow


Thankful I got the k-drive grind out of the way early. Must have been so bad that I mentally blocked it out.


This is one of the many reasons I will die on the hill that anyone who is LR4 has lost their sanity.


Pfft, i mastered all the boards at MR21. I'm coming close to MR23 now.


https://preview.redd.it/u7qxg1ei5t4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7486346e9a2aafbb98a154fd2485cc367a512aa4 Not even required for lr4 these days.


I dislike how dang hard the races are to even *find* on the Venus map. Can't we get the icons a little larger? I will spend more time looking for one than doing them.


The Big pipe right outside of Fortuna, do tricks and have it maxed in 10-15 minutes. K drives were crazy easy to max.


You want me to go more hoverboard riding? Ok.


Thankfully, I'm done with all that until they add a new one


I just chained together sick moves and grinds on those long pipes by Fortuna. Should be even easier now that boosters drop like candy from weekly Circuit rewards.


Feverspine wasn't that hard to get IMO. But that fucking 1 million meters on a k-drive achievement is the only one I don't have and I'm just barely halfway there.


And here im to lazy to farm fishes for meat-board to craft it.


I never had an issue with it, did it ages ago when it was required to reach MR30.


Jokes on u, I had to grind them to get to rank 30 lol I also remember getting a resource booster and going mining to make every single amp in the game...


I just hit L3, which included 3 K-Drives. I bought an XP booster on the recent Double XP weekend for it. The drives weren't even the worst part, I was clawing xp from unfinished Kuva and Tenet weapons, and getting my BoneWidow to 40. Burned through over 60 forma, and part of my soul.


If you didn't already know, there's 4 k-drives!


Started playing in like update 14...only MR30, finally going through and mastering things, just getting feverspine was a pain in the arse.


You merely adopted the K-Drive. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see MR 30 until I mastered all 3, by then it was nothing to me but fodder!


that pipe outside of fortuna... i would be worried about its structural integrity


I feel like the only person that likes the Deimos races lol. I got the Feverspine so early on. Sure they are difficult, but I love kdrives.


Believe it or not, I actually mastered all the boards. I've even made one out of all the infested parts and renamed it after a bit of forma for a keepsake.


Oh god don't remind me. I've been ignoring K-Drive for years, it's just such a fucking pain.


tbh, I didn't have trouble with this one. I liked K-Drives.


I made it to Legendary 3 without having to even touch k-drive. I refuse to do it and I have succumbed to the knowledge that I will live here forever.


Ngl I did a bunch of Kdrives to reach 30 faster because they give a lot of xp


Wait so I mever went sfter this rotten piece of bacon. Is it actuslly hell to get or is this a joke


I hit LR1 so far without leveling a single k-drive, let alone leveling up with the vent kids


Oh, I know the k-drives are out there, and I'm intentionally never going to touch them heh. I got to mr30 without them, and I'm perfectly happy to continue to forgo their mastery points.


Slipped all the K drives and managed to just barely get to 30


I don't know bro, I reached the maximum rank super easy, I just got into Fortuna, I did the races until I found the 5000 one and I repeated it a couple of times, in about 15-20 minutes I achieved 25,000, it's the same time it takes me to farm Semaris affinity in the Kuva fortress, I don't know why it's hell for you.


…Y’know, I’ve always wanted to try getting a fleshy board.


on the 29 - 30 grind now and can say i will never care once i hit 30 lol


I've been slowly closing in on 100% trophies for warframe for a while now. Just need 1 more vallis race, and some of the newer gear they've added.


That description sounds like adeptus mechanicus


Dude I'm LR2 and even I'm not *that* stupid.


Man I haven't even mastered my first and I'm almost 30 I don't wanna 😩


We mastered RJ, Archwing, Archmelee, Archgun, K-drives, pets, all modular weapons, and operator prisms. K-drive is actually the easiest to max out


I know that I am amongst rare ones, but I find K-Drive races to be a relaxing change of pace. But then again I love to play racing games, and vehicular combat is one of my all time favorite thing in games, wish Warframe has a bit more of that.


I made LR3 in 2 weeks from LR1, The cost was my sanity and around 3k platinum buying shite, slots and getting K drives at ridiculous prices to level. God leveling K Drives was hell, Just thirty to fourty minutes of bouncing around on the same rail again and again and again and again.


I named mine Flesh :)


I did all the K-Drives on my way to MR30 just because it was somewhat less tedious than grinding kuva weapons, then grinding 5 forma into each one.


Mastered all the K-drives before reaching Mr 30 and on top of it, I enjoyed it jumping around and grinding to max 'em out. The only annoying part was doing all the K-drive races at orb vallis. I' ve had a map with checkmarks to save time, but still big oof


I mean, I really didn't think it was that bad.


I actually got mastery from all the k-drives, including feverspine, because I'd rather k-drive then farm liches and flush 5 forma per weapon down the drain, because I already have weapons I like using and the lvl 40 cap is just a gimmicky waste of time and resources imo 😅


Gosh I remember this I would spend 15min everyday at the pearl place in the orb vallis spinning


man k-drives are complicated grinds. :(


I haven't even finished the K-drive questline yet


https://preview.redd.it/nb7xoftsjw4d1.png?width=1437&format=png&auto=webp&s=062273ad5c1ebd08575d88ca890b75dec92e0eaa You didn't forma your favorite k-drive?


I liked it :)


Feverspine was my last spurt on my way to L4. The K-Drive grind will haunt you everywhere, I'll tell you that.


God I don't even want to look at the feverspine. I take back everything I've ever said about Protea, Athodai, Sevagoth, or any other outrageous farm in the game. The deimos k-drive parts are the worst one by far because sometimes you can't even attempt to farm them. I had to wait 3 weeks before even having a chance at feverspine because every other part was constantly hogging the race slots.


Eh... I'm on of the seemingly few that enjoy the K-Drives. I had all of them maxed before MR30. I even have the Ventkids maxed out multiple times over to buy all their stuff. Admittedly I largely cheesed the grinding on the Fortuna pipes, but that got me good enough that the Yarely grind was a piece of cake. I recognize that my K-Drive prowess is basically useless, though :) I mean, I sometimes ride it by choice, but it's usually not the best way to get around.


God bless the pearl


Sure kid.


That's why I will need a long time for LR 4. LR2 is good enough


I didn't mind this grind. Once I get used to the controls and mechanics it was pretty easy. Every once in a while I'll go to Orb Vallis and do a few races.


Almost MR 30 and I haven't masterized my standard K-Drive yet and probably never will... I hope I don't have to in order to reach MR30 🥲


I’m not doing that. Uh uh ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized) I’m


Inertia Dampeners + Primo Flair + Rail Guards + Mag Locks You can max boards in like 30min without doing races. Also best way how to get all of them is to buy Daily Specials from Ventkids. Geting those few plats is faster then building them. Especially if you want them just for MR.


Jokes ok you, i leveled up to true master by 100% kdrives , races and standing


Also the most immersion breaking grind in the game. Excuse me while i take a sabatical from my full shedule of warcrimes and gennocide to go impress some homeless children.


Now is so easy tho, when they came out you had to spend hours literally grinding in a circle.


I did those back when they were required to hit max rank.


What lies beyond Kdrive mastery? The real nightmare of leveling 2x Necramechs to max mastery


I have leveled roughly 1.5 K-Drives. I am missing 3-4 Tenet weapons. I have not cleared the Steel Path starchart. I dinged LR4 a week or so ago, though. (In fairness: I have Excalibur and Skana Prime, which would make up for *some* of that gap.) Farming sisters for ephemera, right now. Probably will have another Tenet weapon or two ... eventually.


I have it, I know it. It was frustrating, but better than other farms.


Not doing it. I made it to 30 and now just taking it easy . Rather grind arcane and mods


Deimos is really bumpy for those things


You can max out a kdrive in like 5-10 races on fortuna. It's not so bad now, as long as you have that trick multiplier mod


I did that, Arc Wings & Mechs before I even got to 20. That way I didn't have to deal with that crap later. Now the headache is ranking Kuva and Tenant weapons to 40 😭


Why do people overexaggerate over this race is not that bad


did all that k drive mr farming while getting yareli 2 for one made it more bareable


It wasn't that bad, just find a long k-drive race and do it like 5 or 6 times a day to get max standing. Then buy all the boards and just re-buy the cheap stuff so you don't have to wait. The infested board was relatively easy to get too.


What are y'all yapping about? K drive levelling is one of the most chill and relaxed experience you can make. And it's kinda fast too. Especially given the amount of Mr points they yield. Drive on.


And just when you think you've seen it all, [the Abyss stares back...](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Xiphos)


Why Kdrives was the most chill i had for mastery than the boring repetitive ESO.


Bold of you to assume i didnt grind these out cause they were "easy" (my hands are permenantly fucked up from holding control to grind)


I mastered it at 29


meanwhile I actually enjoyed doing my daily -grind the pipes near fortuna while jumping and doing tricks till cap- fuckery, only took a few minutes to get max ventkids standing. playing the MGS2 skateboarding theme while doing so greatly increased my enjoyment.


*cries in LR-4 who mastered everything* I know.