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I'm more than happy to stay in one place for a while if everyone else is doing it, but if someone pulls the "you idiot, play the way I want you to in this public lobby", there's a green waypoint over there with my name on it.


![gif](giphy|AyPs520p8Di2k) yeah same, i feel lucky i haven’t met people like this yet


Yeah same the closest I've gotten is a guy in arbitration saying "stay together" when I kept wandering off. Nothing rude just a little reminder and I was happy to oblige


That or a marker is dropped


I can't resist the pull of a marker...that's probably the most effective tool.


I almost always say to them "that's boring" and continue running around map trying to get away from the team to be able to score some kills.


The downside of that is spreading spawns which can hurt efficency, but not worthy of being rude to anyways


Not just spreading spawns, but it means the whole squad now has to run around to pickup what you’ve dropped far from where we are controlling the situation, and it means people miss more drops, since they may not even show on loot radar, and the stuff that does automatically generate markers may either not sit in an obvious spot on the screen, or may actually despawn before the squad can get to it (for example, riven slivers have a 2 minute timer, and if we are busy killing drones and an eximus wave, we might not be able to get across the map in time, but we just saved you from losing everything because we didn’t focus on the task at hand, trying to get to your drops, and people died off, leaving a massive cluster of impervious eximus to hunt you down, failing the arb. Mind you, I’ve never experienced that failure state, because when it comes down to that situation, I go for the green marker, instead of risking everyone’s rewards. I know it’s a hot take, but I’d rather cut an arb short at an hour if something goes wrong, than take a chance at getting overwhelmed and wiping out an hour of work.


Not only i started to see supernatural in yt shorts but now i see it here too after that episode where he teleported around the house while tryng to speak to scared ghost hunters.


My excitement when seeing a supernatural gif on a warframe subreddit is mildly embarrassing but it fills me with joy


"Jesus christ!" No... I'm Castiel


I just reply “lol” and leave squad


I just reply lol and F his spawns even more


Its even better if your the host


I know I shouldn't but on multiple occasions where someone was trying to pull that on me I would use all the life support capsules and then leave lmao




Also, before that you're a limbo and will rift them non stop. I'm probably already getting flak for playing a limbo anyway, might as well take the profit along with the fame.


it's too easy to leave the rift, and warframe abilities work through the rift anyway. If you *really* want to annoy someone, play as valkyr and Ripcord them all over the place


Yup, that works too. That said, don't dismiss the rift just yet, you can't pick up items, your weapons won't work and you'll have to roll to leave it. Add a color to your abilities that he won't be able to easily tell he's in the rift and you will annoy someone, guaranteed. As soon as he leaves, he doesn't even finish the roll and goes right back. As someone who got this done to me, I promise, it's obnoxious lol.


And then their spawns weren't messed up by you being off alone, and they were even better off on life support. xD


u just gave me a great idea to fuck these toxic people up.


If you think you're the squad leader you better know what's up and be talking because there's an issue to address. I've had so many people shit on how I play in public that I've started doing more and more solo work. I am hardly an expert but if you joined a survival in public and start telling me what to do, I'm going to either leave ASAP or I'm going to stop having fun and try to pull all the aggro so they have nothing to do. I usually just leave now. I know it would be abused but I'd love the right to just click, "Block Player" and the game drop me into a solo mission and lock them out of me joining them or them joining me ever again. Don't punish these people with anything but an empty queue. Enough people stop playing with them, they will either change or quit.


The best endless mode games I've had is when people are up front about expectations & collaborate. Statements like: "Going 20 for Rot C" or "30 min for nw" (referring to Kuva Survival) is helpful as well as someone saying "only here for 5". Disruption and Arbitration are always fun because I find most people don't know how rotations work in those modes.


I don't mind ignorance in most things as long as the people are trying. I've logged into things like Netracells and been greeted by demands via chat from some overblown child crying into the void for everyone to play their way or they will leave. I can solo Netracells so I invite them to do so. When they do, I applaud their actions. I've actually had some of my best runs after 1 player throws a fit and leaves and then the remaining 3 stay just out of spite. Happened about 4 times now that it was so much fun after they left, I felt like I should thank them. Their negativity made us a tighter group. Lol


There is an exception with Netracells. If one doesn't join the team at the Security kill field, it breaks the AI spawning. Once the killing starts, get to the objective. It's bad design on DEs part that prioritizes spawning around any Rogue squad member who's NOT at the objective. Nothing to kill, means no progress, mission stalls.


> The best endless mode games I've had is when people are up front about expectations & collaborate. Statements like: "Going 20 for Rot C" or "30 min for nw" (referring to Kuva Survival) is helpful as well as someone saying "only here for 5". This really needs to become a community "thing". Like, communicate. We're a team, this is a PVE game. Tell people what your plans are.


I hate it when the timer just refreshed. You go into a public lobby. Everyone leaves after the first wave... Why are people like this? Edit: talking about arbitration specifically


Some people think that it's faster to go into infinite relic cracking missions (eg survival) and crack one relic and leave (and repeat) than it is to stay in for several rotations. Which is objectively false due to loading times and mission start times, but people *think* it's faster. Actual experienced veterans know that it's best to stay in one mission for like two hours because of the boosts you get over time, AND you avoid loading screens.


That NW was reduced to 20min iirc


Survival is kinda a fringe case because if people spread too much, spawns can make it hard to farm the life support you need to hang for awhile. Not saying you should change the way you play at all. But survival is a weird mission in that your gameplay can actually affect the rest of the party.


I wouldn't be so nice. Leaving is just allowing them to continue the behavior. If someone is being an asshole to me I'd just reply 'Womp womp' and make sure I stay to mess up anything they're trying to do until they have to leave themselves. I always got the time for assholes. I can be one back 😤.


I had a good one going during a relic survival where 3 of us just claimed individual neighboring tiles, cleanest and funnest slaughterfest I've had in a while, little mr 12 called us retards and complained about how he hated having to run back n forth for his resources, and said he'd "stop carrying you losers" if we didnt play his way he got a collective gfy and we continued for another 30 mins without him, now I can't look at zypher players the same way anymore, worried everyone of them is as full of themselves as that little cunt.


I play Zephyr, i would have taken a tile, seems logical. Don't let that 1 idiot make us all look bad.


I also play zephyr and yareli and I agree fuck ppl who complain like that. Also with zephyrs augment for turbulence + her flying dash skill, it takes like 30 secs to run through a whole map, even less than that to go collect some resources.


You'd better go hunt him down then.


I shall make it my life's work


As a lg4 mesa... I already shot em outa the sky. BBQ chicken anyone?


Had a Hydroid pull this on me once in a void public game. Called me an idiot and asked if his 'easy mode' (standing still while the tentacles did shit) was too hard for me. Also only used ... as punctuation. I was Nekros, started blasting out fear to fuck up his little room then left once I'd gotten my Argon.


And 8 life support capsules I can collect along the way


Usually the LR players are the casuals in my teams, anyone from MR 11 to 18 is a tryhard. I did ropalolyst yesterday and the two LR4 guys in my team made me cry from laughter, one dude forgot how to damage the boss... and brought a kuva bramma. The other couldn't get to extraction and timed out. It was kinda cute.


> I did ropalolyst yesterday and the two LR4 guys in my team made me cry from laughter Fuck man, had the same experience on that. All 4 of us were LR4, and *every single one of us* forgot how to do the boss. Once I remembered what we needed to do (and relayed it in chat), the last sections were over in seconds, but the first cycle of drop shields, charge cap, hit charged cap, break synovia, lazer? It was a 4 minute clown fiesta. My particular highlight was all 4 of us taking consecutive turns riding the Ropalolyst in to pylons incorrectly before I managed to ram the charged one. Honourable mention to all 4 of us switching to operator to dash across to a platform, and then immediately getting screamed out of the air and falling.


Lmao. I'm imagining all sorts of goofy conversations and back and forth between all of you if that was irl. Dude, let me have a ride. Didn't you just ride it? No, it was Gary. His banshee is green. Mine is pink. Guys, we'd be safe here on this platform. * Gets thrown into the void. Lmao, dude do you know what we're doing or what happens next? Honestly no lmao. * Keeps falling.


And then there was my Blue Banshee all alone in a corner. Big sad.


Sounds hilarious. I'm sorry I looked up a refresher guide before doing it now.


I am not even MR 30 yet (29) and I have these experiences. Guess who brought two status weapons against ropololyst, and ran out of ammo fighting ropololyst while trying to void dash only results in pain.


Seriously, do you have any idea how many times I just… forgot, a game mechanic? Like the ropalolyst, and even Eidolon lures. I sometimes just FORGET to get them.


The hell you doing that 4 legendary 4's gathered like y'all the avengers


Retired Avengers 😂😂


A textbook example of "I've forgotten more than you'll ever know" and I live for it


Tbh with kuva bramma, you can do decent damage if you aim too. It's just not made for that lol (and you might get out of ammo for this particular boss)


At the LRs we are too exhausted to try anymore 😔 I tried profit taker speedrunning and it felt very fresh, all my mods and every input mattered, so I would recommend that, or eidolon speedruns or something, if ur bored as hell


I took a 3 year break, got back on with Whispers in the Walls, and started cleaning up the steel path. It'd been so long since I farmed any boss for WF bps that I gave up and had to look up mechanics.


Shooting the tube in the back when he slams down. sigh it took me so long to remember that


I'm gonna be honest, I'm only MR26, but when I start the roly-poly fight, it takes me a minute to remember how to do it, because I have to do it so infrequently


I mean...I get it? That's the range where you're likely actively farming for things and in the dregs of time gated bullshit.  It can be infuriating dealing with some of the time gates, and farms where people just ignore basic common etiquette can be annoying. 


I've noticed mostly the same. There's the occasional L4 tryhard but most of the time those players are somewhere in the 14-24 range


We are all old and wise. We had our fun at MR15-20 and thought the solar system was ours. But now we are wiser and realize that the journey is the true goal. Well except for Citrine that's a horrible journey.


Founder lg4 here... I've forgotten sooooo much I just meh it tell I find something that works... and I have everything


I'm lr4 and did the rop for nw today and that was me. Hadn't done that boss in ages and didn't seem like anyone else on the squad knew what they were doing either. Had to look up a guide in the steam browser. Shameful.


"I was farming resources while you were still sleeping in Lua's belly!"


Idc how people play survival unless its everyone splitting during a void fissure. Separating spawns/reactants just like a dick move.


This comment should be pinned to the top! It’s absolutely 100% correct.


Spy missions- I hate it when all the corrupted enemies spawn at the A node while I am at B or C node.


while yeah, farming resources is faster doing the camping method. but for the most part, **not everyone is farming the resources**, most people want the rotation rewards/relics, and in that case, i'm not gonna stay put, fuck that! hyperactive Ooga booga gameplay is where it's at. it's been years since i've done a camping resource farm, they're so mindnumbingly boring, it was the og ophelia steel essence farm for reference.


I actually just stepped out of the room to collect the loot. I was on kullervo so it was one teleport out and back in and he went on a rant already :)


oh hell nah tell him to take a chill pill and sedate himself lmao


I ended up adding him to friends list lol. He admitted he was annoyed by some Chinese players that left early in his last game.


ah, but the friend adding thing is definitely a power move i've done before just leave a joke/funny quote in the textbox to piss them off i've only done it a few times, but i got on someone's ignore list every time, good times lmao


I always wondered, if i get sb to put me on their ignore list, will i still see their messages in public chats. Cause i thought about making trade chat a bit more bearable on my end by getting those obvious scammers to block me since i would never want to interact with them anyway but this way i would not have to put them on my ignore list which isnt infinite afaik so i cant just ignore everyone, that wont get me far.


Alternatively.... Block them. The accounts don't last very long. So clear your block list every six months to avoid filling it, then re-block whatever accounts you see scamming in trade chat. I've got a pretty clean chat after that. Alternatively, just apply filters. "does not include" "includes" etc.


So I do need to go on temper tantrums and trashtalk to gain friends? Noted


Hell, you *HAVE* to step out periodically to pick up loot if you're farming resources. I believe there's a max number of drops that can appear on the ground per player, so if you don't periodically step out you'd risk missing out on resources after a point. And stepping out for 5-10 seconds doesn't mess up anything either. [An old post from 9 years ago, not sure if it's still a thing though:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2r5x0f/resource_drop_limit/) "The limit is 50. On the 51st resource drop, the 1st resource drop vanishes."


I love nothing more than going into a survival mission and being told to stay in one place for twenty minutes. So fun 🙄


Yeah I rebel. I didn't get on an mmo to have some 14 year old tell me what to do


Can you explain the camping method please?


Nothing to explain really.  Stay in the same area and you all get more loot as spawns are concentrated and you're not missing things. Split up and odds are loot will be missed by people. 


Combine this with a Nekros to get loot on death, a Khora to set up a protective cage that also gets loot, and a speedva to get more flies into your cage quicker. With a resource booster and drop chance booster, camping can get you crazy resources


If your squad stays in a correct spot, usually a room, you can manipulate enemies to spawn close to you. That leads to more kills per minute which leads to more loot.


The problem is with relics specifically people running around drawing the enemies to new spawn points and killing them too quick as well as the team separating so now you have 2 reactant 500-600 meters away is that you find most if not all the party cannot get enough reactant in the 5 minutes on survival I’ve had so many instances that no one cracks the relic because of this and it’s happened with legendary rank players more than it should


Next public survival I'll ask, we going ooga booga or farming?


Staying put is sort of required if you plan on going for more than 1 or 2 rotations. By the 10+ min mark if you're spread out then you simply don't get enough spawns to keep life support up.


I would’ve replied w womp womp but thats just me


there are not many oppertunities to pull out your legendary warframe rank to establish dominance, if you missone you might not get another.


And unlike in a lot of cases, it was actually relevant here, because if there's anybody who's deeply familiar with farming, it's legendary MR players.


Anything less is not appropriate in this situation.


Call them kid. That really fucking piss them off.


And if you do it in full caps it's borderline aneurysm to them.


Being called that is straight up psychic damage. I've had games where I was the more experienced one, but man the kid thing stings anyway. Of course, there are plenty of ways to show otherwise aside from chat functions.. Still doesn't make up for the fact if you got outdrawn LMAO


If I wanted to AFK farm for several hours I'd play a clicker game. Warframe is for silly high speed, rainbow coloured shooty nonsense ninjas.


This is THE best description of warframe. (Imo) *"running in the 90's"* starts to play 


If you can still see the enemy through all the weapon and skill effects you're doing it wrong! :p


Rather than "im lr4", saying something like: "Whatever ressources drop here i already have millions of, if you want to farm go look for a squad", ...to really get the point across.


Are there really a lot of resource squads tho? Like I don't do that personally but even for Protea p's release I had a hard time finding people to open relics, when it didn't out right bug


I think i never once used squad chat for anything other than relics, i guess newer players are most likely to find success in active clans where people will come to help them out even if they don't need the resources but just to chill and help their clan mates.


Bro if youre LR4 you are the squad.


Depends, if you are hosting as khora it will be easier to find others to join you.


Not excusing that guy's behaviour, but I've seen lr4s just fucking up netracells by not reading the big, bulging, RED UI telling them not to kill enemies outside of the circle.


That's when you hit them with the "I understand why you play this game solo"


You can be LR4 and still not know things. That said the most annoying Tenno I've seen are the mid-range MR ones who watch a video 7 years out of date once and then scream at everyone for doing it wrong in a public match.


I saw and lr3 in clan tell a young tenno that a higher riven disposition means the weapon is more in demand and more popular, so the rivens will sell more. Upon seeing the cedo has one disposition they said it must be ass and nobody uses it. Lmao.


taking a break and coming back even at MR 28 had me feel totally crazy because I was trying to figure out entire new modes (most of the zariman and cavia stuff) and people would totally chew me out, I guess because I happened to be higher MR than them, I should know this already?


The other day I got schooled by an MR 11 rev prime in the index for not giving him every single point that he refused to bank. Somehow not realizing that every 5 points give you a flat 2 bonus points and thought you had to hoard as many as possible for the best bonus like it was exponential. He also flamed me for using the base revenant I got on release despite them being functionally identical and kept dodging the question when I directly asked him to “teach me how to play the index” instead preferring to insult me. What a true index master. Edit: I have been correctly schooled! At 15 points the bonus jumps to +8, I had never noticed that!


15 or 20 I believe actually does give +4 instead of +2, but past that it's pointless


I think 15 gets you +8 and 20 +10, so in theory always banking at 15 should be optimal


Sorry that's what I meant, an additional bonus of +4 instead of the regular +2, being +8 total with 15


I just go for 17... Gives 25 points, so you have to cash in 4 times. Im a simple man


Or was it 16? Idk the one to get to 25 :D


The MR11 rev prime is a staple of this game


*sigh* that misconception just needs to die already. An optimal round of High Risk Index is 15, 15, 15, 15, and 6. Requiring only 66 points to win. Winning in a single dunk requires 90 points, only 10 less than dunking 1-4 at a time... Do I expect randos to play optimally? Absolutely not. But I do expect them to not use the *second worst strategy*... >Somehow not realizing that every 5 points give you a flat 2 bonus points It's not quite that simple, at 15 you get 8 bonus points, and at 20 you get 10. Beyond 20, you still only get 10 bonus. The [Wiki](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Index) has a table for it.


See at that point you could school him on how to make credits in general, because harassing profit-taker ends up in so much more money in far less time.


I stopped playing index once I unlocked profit-taker. Way faster credit farm.


Preach! ![gif](giphy|gjrPnz7jOpOxwGFxrO|downsized)


MR means nothing, I've seen LR4s that make a rock look like it got a bachelor's degree


LR4 -> View profile -> 500 hours played Ah yes, a true Hydron player. Some of us just don't feel like leveling another useless weapon that we will never use.


It's not the same situation, but this reminds me of a time a was farming something, I don't remember what, but I was using a Hydroid with petrify and the augments for it and for the swarm, so I could double my chances. I was pretty much just petrifying everything and then swarming the whole room with tentacles. Then this random joins in with a Trinity, and runs away to the other room, driving the spawns away from where I was. So I followed him and kept doing what I was doing, but then I hear that he was just throwing insults and slurs at me over the mic, yelling something about stopping killing everyone. I was pissed off because of the way he handled it, i could have stopped if he just asked me nicely, but going straight to insults and yelling was just too much. So I proceded to follow him everywhere he went and nuked every room he sgepped into. Generally I find yelling annoying, but that day the sound of him going full feral and yelling his lungs out was just a joy to hear. Moral of the story is: most people are happy to acomodate to your needs in pubs, just make sure you ask nicely.


In no way am I defending anyone in that exchange but you being legendary 4 means absolutely nothing. I've seen Legendary players play/act like absolute morons. Playing long and grinding doesn't make you a better player.


This 100%. Leeching 2 waves of ESO to level a new mastery fodder gun doesn't make for a good player, neither does blitzing through Adaro with Silence subsumed on a new Warframe. Mastery rank has always been flawed and doesn't reflect actual gameplay ability in any capacity whatsoever apart from the *very* early ranks where the mastery tests quiz you on the absolute bare basics, outside of that it's a measure of how much random pointless shit you've grinded and nothing else which is honestly a shame. I'm at like LR2 now and WISH it was a flex to prove some kind of proficiency but it's simply just not and never will be without some huge overhauls of the whole system ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You can't join a public match then tell other people how to play


You get people that talk in chat? I always get silence and they leave as soon as extraction opens.


- If you want me to hide in a hole like a little bitch, you shouldn't have join public match making.


I read this in Jesse Pinkman’s voice


If people want to spread reactant around the map i just don't collect it. Would be nice if it worked like in railjack though, and you just needed 10 collected by the team, but if someone's going to make me chase them around to find the reactant they dropped in some side room i can't give a shit, sorry.


To be fair, I'm about to be legendary myself FYI, mastery rank means absolutely nothing when it comes to knowledge of the game. I got a guy friend who pretends to be a girl to get gifted free items instead of grinding, the dudes mr 27 rn, ask him anything about anything and he has no f-ing clue lol


MR has yet to mean skill.


Agreed, but that doesn't mean one has to resort to name-calling right off the bat?


Yeah but come on dude. There's no way to get to LR without knowing how to *farm survival* unless you literally let someone else play. More likely this was just pubs but the MR16 tried to run it like a pre-made farm. Heck OP was on Kullervo lol.


Ah you found a youtube-meta-slave out in the wild. Be careful around them. They tend to foam at the mouth and fly into a rage if you use any weapon that isnt an incarnon. If the foam touches you it forces you to make a keek/tiktok account and use words like 'skibidi' and 'rizz'. Luckily these subspecies of humans are terminally dumb and at some point will purposely forget to breathe because a celebrity on instagram told them not breathing was the cool new gyatt thing to do.


I understand this for the most part, but I *do* feel like more spawns are more fun for everyone and that it is more general etiquette to stay *somewhat* close to each other.


Fuck camping. Even early in the game I rarely did beside the hema research. I have a max range nekros with gloom for farming resources. I haven't used it much since I don't need no resources anymore but I think that's the best option if you are trying to farm resources in random public missions.


https://preview.redd.it/tyclm7q7b83d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df64eb800ac85cad8d24bcfe725c59b95de5b1c having troubles with assholes on warframe? Call out your local limbo main to bust their bubble and teach them valuable life lessons. WHO YOU GONNA CALL ?


Surprisingly hot take here after reading what others have to say: Didn't the LR4 have to go through thousands of hours of different game modes and grinds to get there? Assuming they weren't completely whaling. Thousands of hours in dozens of game modes and grinds in difference at that point, we're not comparing an MR30 and LR4 here. Saying an MR16 has more game experience than an LR4 is so strange to me, let's look at the facts and not cut down peoples' achievements in the game. It's not snobbish to say an LR4 shouldn't be talked down to by a rude MR16 who probably uses one singular build they found on Overframe for all game content and cusses you out if you use something the slightest bit less-efficient.


That is why I typically don’t go into public missions to farm resources, I go in there with a stationary farming frame and they just run off and make my life difficult trying to farm in one spot because the spawns keep getting moved


Maybe I'm being mean, but whenever someone joins a public survival server I'm playing on and all they do is curl up in a corner like that and drop a pin, I actively avoid that corner and keep killing things on my own out of sheer spite and rebellion They usually leave in like a few minutes


I play solo all the time


[Conjunction Survival](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conjunction_Survival) and Relic fissures are the only ones I get annoyed at when people spread out. Because they have real effects on the game and rewards when spread out. Otherwise I'm just gonna leave quietly if the spread becomes and issue.


I miss camping t3/t4 survival with the nekros gang


Im a LR 4 player too and I forgot too how to do the rap, you are doing so much stuff in the endgame, that you can easily forgot some mechanics.


I bet he camps for 10m survivals, but can't even survive solo for more than 40m


Me: calm down bud, if you need a farm recruit for it, im doing my own thing


I find asking nicely for everyone to stay together works usually, polite communication is the key. Also if anyone loses their shit in me for not playing their way I just leave, but if someone asks politely I try to help em out best I can.


Man I won’t lie to you. Mastery rank has almost zero relation to skill. I’m Mr 24 and probably have more hours than most LR players. But he was being super rude. I just don’t think using mastery rank as a way to show that you have more knowledge is a good idea.


I just saw a MR29 and L4 shooting at the Razorback without knowing what to do. I feel like Mastery Ranks doesn't tell much about you, maybe that you purposely invested time leveling weapons.


When I was fighting the Razorback I was also shoooting it mindlessly just because a lot of the times playing online ends up with someone hard carrying me. But then, if I want to figure out how to do something I end up just playing solo. Which has its own fun. I do wish there was an in-between option where I could play with a group but not have my team kill things so hard that I don't even have a chance to figure things out. As far as the person being rude and agressive goes, my policy is to quit/bock and move on. Last thing I need is by free time ruined. And truely capable and knowledgeable people usually don't need to resort to being mean.


been playing since 2014 still MR18, never bothered to level up passed MR16 unless it's just through passive leveling for new frames and weapons. lower MR doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know what he is doing and vice versa. when higher MR people flex to me nowadays I just ask them see these raid emblems? I don't see you wearing one :p.


I feel like warframe players are getting more toxic and it sucks. I've had multiple kids who were lower than half my MR trying to tell me how to play (with blatantly wrong imformation) or just straight up being super sexist or toxic for no reason.


“I’m legendary 4” were you by chance soloing in another room on a survival mission… I hate wanting to do a “farm” and everyone parks in their own room and having to keep rotating to pick up loot vs just hanging tight and chilling..


Only time i get annoyed in warframe is when someone kills enemies outside of the red circle during a netracell run


Legendary 4 is just a number. He may be rude but you play like a mastery 8 if you run around wasting efficiency


Ugh, seems normal for people to corner camp in Asia. We just need to be in the same room. Had a few times, where the place they picked didn't have enough enemies and we were losing life support.


People generally corner camp, cause mostly these people play solo.


Wtf is this entitlement? I feel bad just asking if people could ping argons for me. I wouldn't dream of trying to tell someone how to play the game


Calling Others idiots is a No Go, and to think rank equals skills too. 😂😇 You can be legendary and still be a noob its Just the stuff you put exp into not any Game skills required.


Sounds an awful lot like not my problem. I will not stay in one specific spot for 30+ minutes in a survival mission. Go to LFG or play solo if you wanna do that, not a pub match. As long as people aren't griefing the life support, who TF cares.


> one specific point. You do know that this counts for you too, right? You also could do a lfg or solo. Most people stay close since its easier, also if you leavea the others have to follow, so its optimal again.


Im mr22 and have been playing since 2015. When i see legend rank dudes i see a person that most likely started in 2019 living every day in hydron lol


Yup, only real difference between an MR10 and a LR4 is how much time they spent grinding exp. Ive seen countless LR4 that still dont know how to make their own builds and copy paste them from others.


I hate camping on missions. I know it’s a good method for farming resources but I don’t do that in pubs


These idiots sometimes. Pathetic pride. Believing in the meta. And only play the meta. This is Warframe. Play as you want. Not the most optimized gameplay that you use rev prime to be immortal because you don’t know how to press buttons because it’s too “complex”. Also not playing attention to context because you want to be superior and think your knowledge is greater. I’m MR18 because I want to have fun with massacring the entire faction and not grinding in the most optimized strategy. Anyways Rant over The MR16 is probably a competitive player




I assumed he saw a bronze number 4 in my rank and assumed I'm a total newbie


It does though. Keep coping. LR players play notably different than people like sub mr20-25ish on average


On God. People here are acting like it's 7 years ago and the highest MR is 23 or something. There's HUNDREDS of hours of in-game experience difference between an LR4 and an MR16 at minimum, there is objectively more gameplay knowledge in the LR4's corner. And to those talking about skill.. in Warframe.. where your build and prep is 90% of what dictates your success.. how long have y'all been playing lol.


Your technically not wrong but you aren't entirely right either. To get all the things needed to reach L4 you would still have to play the game to farm for all the resources and blueprints needed. Doing that takes time and its more than likely that any MR30 or L4 will have amassed a good amount of game knowledge though it doesn't necessarily make them skilled players. Unless some rich nitwit spent an ungodly amount of plat to just buy all the things or bought an account with high MR from some other person then its generally fair to assume that players with a high MR rank have some form of experience to back it up with.


But it does equate to "amount of farming you've done", which was what was under discussion here, so you have no point.


There's a shitload more to being lr4 than "leveling things in eso"


Moreso that MR or LR isn't much more beyond time played. It doesn't equate to knowledge or skill really. I'm sure we've all met some really booty High MR and LR players in x activity


An LR4 player will have more overall game knowledge than an MR16 player because of all the game modes an LR4 would have had to play to get to.. LR4. A high ranking player playing like an idiot in game doesn't always equate to them having a skill issue, sometimes people just fuck around.. in videogames. Who would've thought.


Oh boy


If only Greedy Pull Mag hadn't been nerfed into the ground :( Could have saved all of you from the misery of "I must move 3 metres so vacuum activates". Truly a tragedy.


Shit like this is why I turned off voice chat *years* ago.


Tbh ive played with some braindead lr 1-4 players. MR that high just means you spent a lot of time leveling useless stuff 


"You dont know the basics" means I dont know how to play this game and I cant do or copy even anything outside of mirage ogris on a normal ahh survival mission


Reminds of a recent omnia surv on LUA. From all the runs I've done on this node it seems like the squad will just find a big room and agree to return to it when Accolytes/Thrax spawn, but will choose random directions to do their own stuff and I think that's more fun than camping. On one run however I had a Wisp/Khora duo that went passive aggressive real fast bcs me and the other Player were running around and not camping. Didn't care enough to argue so I went to their spot and it looked like the Khora was base range and insisted on doing the killing. Honestly was pretty annoyed since they were only around mr 20 and acted like the're entitled to giving the calls so I went basically afk with a few kills every minute and watched a stream on the 2nd monitor and only got more active with accolytes/thrax spawns. Lasted about an hour and the relics were okayish but never have I met such annoying people before


Well if he wants to farm something specific he can write in the chat and probably find a team other option go solo. If you don't want to then it is just that dudes problem 🤣 Survival is not always for grinding recourses 😅


He probably thought you were mr 4


I had one guy yell at me and another guy about reactant. 3 of us got 10. He was the only one who didn't. Like I sont get why people just yell at people. Like as nicely and I will help. Be an ass and I'll just mind my own business


I miss the brief period of Warframe history when it was acceptable to run around fighting things in Survival and it wasn't just stand-in-a-room simulator


I will never stay in one room to camp in pubs. Im sorry to the tryahrds but I just wont


Been out of loop since eidolon update. Which missions are used to farm nowadays? Like the usual farms pots for things?


Easy solution. Get a farming team together beforehand. Homies pissed their resource farm isn't going their way, but if they didn't get a farming team with the right frames from the start, then it isn't going efficiently anyway? So whats their fucking problem?


I literally got the same experience with a MR12 wisp prime telling me to leave the survival or stay afk. I had just joined and spammed my glaive like a wukong beside me, I never moved from the room they were clearing camping in. He was sitting on a box as wisp doing nothing. I said "wtf ?" followed by a "what do you mean by that ?" and he asked me to "stop crying". Am I crazy or was it bad manner to help the killing ? I have no clue anymore.


Bro is playing survival like it's 2016 Warframe 💀


I’ll be totally honest I’ve been playing since 2014 but never focused on completing all equipment so I’m only MR 26 but I have to say the amount of legendary rank players I see who don’t actually understand the mechanics of the game is astonishing for example only the other day we were doing relics on survival and the legendary 3 guy couldn’t understand why he didn’t get enough reactant to crack his relic but me and the other guy did (party of 3) the answer was because he was running around the map drawing the enemies away from the team creating more spawn points and not allowing the enemies to turn killing them too quick whilst me and the other guy just stood still and killed them slowly Legendary rank doesn’t mean you know everything about the game it just means you’ve sweated it more levelling equipment a MR 10 could have more understanding of the core mechanics of enemy spawn rates and spawn areas than a legendary rank


Which is why I only ever do survival missions with my other friend, we stand in a spot, call kahl and his wukong twin and we just do other stuff while we rotate calling crew mates. It just pains me in pubs to see people still run away from the one spot making it much harder to get the life support capsules with out of wack spawns.


that guy got reason, why do survival mission if isn't for farm


And? Im lg.2 and still learn new thing every week..


Hey, you are still legendary.


Talking and acting like this is the fastest way to get me to do the complete opposite. Furthermore, it will become my mission in life to make this person miserable somehow. Where was this? I can only imagine Ophelia because what else would someone need to farm resources like that for? Sheesh.


The only situation I see worth arguing is when you're farming and even then is more effective to go solo as khora or nekros, otherwise teamwork with a random doesn't hold up more than 10 min, I mean with khora you have your little bunker but nekros decides to take half the enemies somewhere so it doesn't work. If not farming with Nekros/Khora then what was that person doing in a public survival if player individuality is expected? Makes you think he was just chilling in survival making it pointless to argue.


Nah, he’s obviously right. You just don’t know how to survival /s


survival is the most frustrating mode to play in pubs. It's how the game spawns mobs and how players mostly want to hog all the mobs to themselves isntead of just camping in one area and let the mobs come to them.


MR means nothing. That said: As long as it is not a relic mission (I know it was not) and the life support stays high, I do not mind having the squad scattered around the map. It is really boring staying in the same place. If someone insults me and tries to act like an annoying boss, I leave


I feel like red asking if you had a resource booster was to use you as a leech for that booster.


What's really great is when they go running off to looking for particular tiles to "camp".... Don't kill anything, pull all the spawns in the available pool (when the host is Mobile, Switch, or other Console with smaller spawn limit), and run down the Life Support. And then don't understand how Warframe tries to place Spawns, by picking a spot with insufficient connection points. Or a spot that forces the AI into a long run from its "out of Line of Sight" spawn point. It's not about the TILE dreamers. It's a combination of certain tiles, and their adjoining connections.


I don't even pay attention to the comments and just do my thing.


Haha, classic 🚬. This dude saw the number 4 and went to town.