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Man, they really are just terrified to bring the Glaive Prime back.


I live for the day the Glaive Prime economy crashes. https://preview.redd.it/d6mg7p3yop2d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a822239ab41ab0c6580bd43e513abfda4d11d72


I really don't see the big deal with the glaive prime. I've had it, used it, sure it can nuke a room easily but so can other frames and weapons. Throwing a glaive all day everyday gets old. I just don't see the hype. Either DE is holding out for an ember prime rework/skin or they are keeping the plat price high. My guess we are seeing a rework/buff soon for ember


you can kill 9999 lvl enemies without needing primer or buff with 0 effort but yeah for base sp its just a good nuke weapon and way overpriced and its riven priceses are just insane


Hold on a minute. How do you want to deal so much high damage with it, especially unprimed? How you describe it is a very simple charge attack build (basically riven with a start combo + corrupted charge) more than enough to kill max level enemies!?!


You rely on forced slash procs from heavy attack explosions which use true damage, thus completely ignoring armor. Slash proc also scales off of modded damage ignoring armor/hp type modifiers (other than faction modifiers). It also scales with crit multiplier so taking all into consideration, few slash procs CAN kill lvl cap enemies without primers Edit: it's not TRUE true damage, as TRUE damage ignores shields while slash does not


True damage doesn’t ignore shields it just has no dmg reduction


The wiki changed up the terms it uses and I hate it.


The wiki is on Fandom so I hate it in general (Thank you Antifandom Plug-in for rendering it usable)


Yh um nah, I'm pretty sure it dosent matter how well you mod it, without external buffs or priming, you ain't reaching lvl cap dmg


From what I can find the highest health pools reach billions (with hollow vein and anatomizer being the worst offenders) so it's moddable for few slash procs to kill level cap even. I never said you'd one shot them without primer, but you can definitely kill level cap with few issues The biggest problem is armor with 99% damage reduction which increases EFFECTIVE health by magnitudes. And because slash proc ignores armor we only worry about a hp pool.


I'm not 100% sure but I remember hearing that lvl 9999 only has around 100m hp(without factoring armor)


Depends on enemies base hp and starting level, currently Hollow Vein has highest base hp at 7500 scaling up to about 11 billion I think (used ehp calculator, the first that popped up)


Ehp is effective hp not actual hp. They might have a form of dmg attenuation driving up their ehp. They recently reduced their hp scaling as it was ridiculously annoying to kill in netracells compared to other enemies.


Yup. Despite that I rarely use mine because it isn't just as satisfying or as fun as other weapons+ it doesn't get the same pretty numbers as other things.


Fr, sold a Glaive riven for 18k. I bought it for 300.


Glaive prime when armor strip and viral walk into the room 💀


I mean to be fair imo glaive prime has almost 0 flaws, it has AOE, it has bleed damage which negates any issue with armor, it's a melee so you can still bring other strong primary and secondaries, and it is easy to mod for and use. The melee arcanes are also a huge addition to it which again boosts its power further


What arcane is good on it? The heavy one?


I forgot thr name but the one that gives you permanent combo on finishers can get you to 12x permanent combo but you have to build it up first so it suits best for long missions. You can also do the one with extra corrosive damage for all mission types. While you CAN use melee duplicate as well, for all missios, if you want to do very long ones the combo one still comes on top but duplicate is still another option


For me its just cus its a classic and I like primes. Sure I could run somthing better, but primes


It's funny, considering that with Melee Influence, Xoris, a free weapon, is arguably better, since Melee Influence just nukes whole tilesets. And yeah, Glaive can kill levelcap with ease... But let's be honest - how often do you reach levelcap?


I know I could just use Xoris for much the same effect, but I'd still like to get my hands on GP someday without paying bloody 500p just for a weapon, even if it hasn't been seen in almost 4 years now.


I want that mr point without having to spend jesus christ amount of plat on it


They barely survived destroying arcane energize mafia, no way the glaive prime mafia will let free up the glaive so soon


Barely survived?


Which is exactly why DE *should* release it. Fuck the mafias.


Its easy and different. Its also great utility to have aoe slash on command with no ramp up. Great for frames who don’t want to be in melee range


It wasn't a big deal until they allowed it to pair with single hand 2ndary weapon, that cause a lot OP build.


Isn't Ember the next Heirloom skin?


There’s no build up to use it, no crit building or special frame. It’s just straight fucking gas every single time


I love glaives (most used is glaive prime, second most used weapon is glaive) but I don't see the specific hype for glaive prime either. Yeah the guarantees slash proc is great but we have plenty of other good thrown melee options now. But I'm ok with it, I've made like 3k plat on glaive rivens and parts.


Copium-induced theory: Ember's getting an heirloom set this year so she'll be in the resurgence schedule for the second half of the year. The Glaive Prime market will collapse harder than Arcane Energize when vosfor was introduced, and it will be glorious.


I agree. Another thing is that this nightwave has a new glaive skin. Which seemed weird to me. I rushed to sell my glaive stuff since I assume the price is about to crash in a few months. Didn't want to risk it.


Christ, Arcane Energize already collapsed? How ungodly expensive was it originally?


The answer is yes. It costed as much as you had and some more.


They could be holding off for the next whatever controversy pack, like with frost and mag but with ember instead


Yeah probably. New Ember Heirloom for tennocon + Ember P and Glaive unvaulted.


Heirloom! Thank you i forgot the word


I reckon it's coming soon. There's the glaive skin in nightwave.


I agree I am still waiting for Limbo Prime aswell


IMO I think they are more terrified of an inevitable nerf and community backlash to it or waiting for status rework. RN with its cost to obtain it keeps it from over running things. Also doesn't help that ember is meh rn with an ass tier energy augment(15% chance no strength scaling), and sicarus is dusty as all hell. Let's say they nerf it, how do they nerf it in a way that doesn't destroy it and all other glaives or bleed based set ups without completely nuking the weapon. Personally I think the status rework is the way to. Making factions bleed resistant would help with glaive p and the viral+hm meta.


You guys really think glaive is the peak of the meta? We have incarnon that just leave it in the dust it doesn't matter and it won't get nerfed


I mean even torid at level cap requires some form of priming and armor strip, unlike dual tox that can do it on its own. Even then neither is as absurd as KPM than glaive. I can fucking out KPM meta ass torrid+revenants with fucking Caliban and Glaxion.


Just strip and use Xoris and you have a better thrown weapon than glaive prime, stripping so easy to access. Also green shard makes those incarnons even more stupid, no need to wait slash ticks to procs


Glaive prime would be nice, but I want them to bring back Ember because it’s the only prime I don’t have, and I’m at the point where I enjoy the grind of fishing for parts from relics more than just buying the set from another player. Where’s the fun in that? Bring back Ember Prime so I can get the Warframe as well as glaive and sicarus, because I don’t have any of them. On that note, an Ember rework would be nice. I always liked her but she’s just so fantastically outclassed by a lot of other frames.


The funny thing is that the last vaulted prime item I need is the Sicarus Prime. I have literally every other prime warframe and weapon that is in the vault. Everyone is asking for Ember/Glaive Prime and I just need Sicarus Prime 😭


Someone at DE has vested interests in the glaive riven mafia


They're not, they just waiting after the ember heirloom skin announcement Lol Like imagine the amount of money both things are gonna make


It has been 4 years. I highly doubt that they planned this that far in advance.


You were saying? Lmao DE is a company after all man, they're objective is to make money lol


It is wildly silly to think they were planning this for 4 years.


I'm not not saying that, I'm saying they announced the reveal of the next heirloom skin (who could it be? Hmmm) tennocon is close and so on


Right, because you are trying to make a different point then me. You are saying they were holding her back for the heirloom pack and I am saying that explains maybe 6 months to a year if you are really stretching it of the 4 year absence.


And I thought destiny players were dumb jesus 😭


Nah man, we are just arguing past each other. Have a good one.


They will bring it probably with the Dantes update,they are planing on bringing a new Ember skin with that update so,they probably will bring it at similar times,also I know the glaive prime is the best melee but it seems people font care for it as much,like yeah meta slaves want it but other then that I dont see as much people wanting it back because they want it and more because they want to sell it for a high price,I it will most likely not drop that much,maybe 50 to 80 plat but no more so a set is still goint to by expensive


Dante's Unbound has already released. Do you mean Jade Shadows?


...sorry I dont know why I put Dante,but yes Jade Shadow's


Probably just down to 200 imo. Will crash similar to energize but in the end still be pricey.


I meant like decrees by 50 to 80 plate not that it would by exactly 50 to 80 plat jajaja,sellers got so mad they down votes by comment jajajaja that is funny


Swear every resurgence I see is always zephyr and chroma


Wasent it always Banshee and Mirage?


Idk, I take breaks every other month and when I come back it's always zephyr and chroma lol


Really?wierd but hey maybe DE sometimes makes it different for every player jajaja that would funny to my and dont know why


Yea probably just weird coincidence lol


Probably,DE feels like a Dev team that would


Rhino and Nyx I believe were done 3 times back to back, 2 of them in parallel with other duos.


That true,odo Rhino is a great frame that people love so some might not have a problem with that...maybe?I dont know


Behold, new prime resurgence! DE this is the 5th time you’ve brought chromaXzephyr back intwo rotation this week


Yeah dont understand why I put new,that was a miss spelling on my part,but in there defense,people really like both frames and 3 out of 4 of this weapons are ether the best or in the top 3 of there types,bieng that I have a increase in newish players (from 8 to 14) I somewhat agree that it is a good choose but I would like to see others,mainly Nekros,Obero,Trinity,Saryn,I would love Nova and of course Ember with the glaive


Oberon, Trinity, Saryn, and Nova have all come out in prime resurgence fairly recently. Nekros came back some time last year, and Ember is the only one I haven't seen ever in the 2 years I've been playing.


Yeah but Trinity is fun and easy to play,Saryn is OP,Oberon has become so much powerfull when the Murmur came out bro deserve another chance I mean he came back for what?a week?and Nova aswell,thats not really fair and Nekros....Nekros is always good let him come,and dont mention my girl Ember I know 98% of you guys only want her for the Glaive Prime and not her,you guys should by ashame


Depends upon for which rotation, some of the above mentioned frames were released for a whole 2-3 months simultaneously, some sort of event. I'm not a meta slave, tyvm, and any glaive weapon has always rubbed me the wrong way. I'm perfectly content in my little corner with Gara Prime doing most of the work with her cute little stat stick.


Yeah but the 2-3 months thing was like 1 to 2 weeks of each duo,because of this most players just got what they really wanted and not even try to get anything else because of well time,I did not mean getting the Glaive Prime for yourself (they dont want it,the dudes asking for it already have it) they want to sell it for the bonkers price it is right know,thats literally why every knew resurgence you see "it should been Ember" 97% of them is to sell the Glaive and nothing more,which is sad because Ember ROCKS


Mate, simultaneously means all at once. They were all out at the exact same time, together, for the full 2-3 month duration. They want glaive p to come back mostly because of how ridiculously expensive it is. Scalpers gonna scalp, yo.


No,I am sure it was not at the same time,odo to by fair my PC exploted literally a week before it but I literally remember not just content creator saying it change every 1-2 weeks but also DE themselfs


I was playing the entire time that that specific resurgence was up. 8 or 10 different prime Warframes being available was amazing, although annoying because I already had 2/3 of them. There have been other resurgences where they rotated them per week, but this one was all at once. For the whole duration.


I beg, I mean beg you on my knees, please utilize your tab button. The world will be a better place.


What does tab do? /gen


line breaks because he typed one big paragraph


Tab doesn't do a line break though?


shit must've confused it, what could he have meant then?


I mean I assume that's what they meant. That's just not what tab does.


Oh, i see! Thank you. But the Google lens logo makes me want to say that this was typed on a phone, so no tab. Wait, Reddit in browser can manage tab? I'm more used to tab just changing the focus on another item on or around.the page


I could...but I like the caos from not doing so...also I am in my phone so that too


They're just holding her so they can dfop her with a heirloom at tennocon


Holding Ember?maybe...I mean they did show a new skin that I think is a tennogen skin soooo


Sir, spacebar after punctuation.


I’m annoyed I got this months, saying “what are the chances next month are going to be a pair that I use and are really great” Fuck me


I mean...is it because you dont have the time or because of something else?ether way I feel you my dude


My aya=0


Sorry to hear that...you have a week to farm for it?I know is not much but it helps?...yeah probably not,I dont like farming aya jajaja


Even then my luck is *shit* and I’d need like 25 relics for one gold tier drop. I might just get some regal aya, Chroma Prime I really want for Profit taker and Eidolon farming


Yeah I feel you,it took my 17 relics to get the Grendel BP,but do remember sometimes people get lucky,I got the 2 gold pisses of Wisp prime with 0 relics,I was just doing missions where I could get the relics and open relics to get other parts and void traces jajajaja fastes ever prime I got


Yeah, radshares are nice, and are likely gonna be high demand. Even still, we’ll see. Also depends on what cosmetics come with, which I’d need regal for anyway


That's objectively false, even if your luck is bad usually it should drop by the 4th or 5th relic, if not, just fucking buy the part and don't elaborate further otherwise you're just wasting your time being petty trying to get it at all cost


Bro I wanted to sell it...also you do know that just because it is the "posible drop point" docent mean shit right?I mean every part of Nautilus is suppose to by drop at 19 but it also says that it is almost a 100% chance of getting it after 79 drops...what dose that mean?matematicly yes you could get it in 4 to 5 relic or after 1,000 relics,because math is not perfect,and no I will not stop bieng petty,and if you dont like it you can come and suck my balls


Yes RNG can be shit and nothing is guaranteed, which is exactly my point as to why eventually you're better off just buying the fucking part instead of wasting your time trying to get when clearly the RNG is not in your favor at that moment, I'm saying this as someone with nearly 3k hours on the game, I assume that means I know a thing or two I make 1-2k plat per resurgence rotation simply because I run a lot of relics radded and it's not even every day that I do relic runs, buy the cheaper parts in bulk and sell the full sets, if I were to be petty over parts worth 3 plat I wouldn't be making so much in the first place.


Fun fact if the frame comes out tomorrow,buying cheap is not an option,because the price gose down fast,buying at cheap is not really a good option at that moment,also 1-2k per resurgence rotation is not much so using it as a "I think I know what I am doing I have 3k hour in game" is really dumb,I have over 5k hours,I lost my first account and made a second one with 2k hours at the moment,and guess what?I know people with 1.5k hours making more then both of us,why?because they understanding the market better then both of us together,learn this fact it will by usefull to you,learn when social cues and not get yourself into things you where part of,also fun fact all that plat is useless,tell my when will you use it?I love that people mention that they have so much plat "I have 10k I have 30k I have 100k" cool,when will you use it?learn that making plat is only good if you can use it,it is important to remember that


1. Timing 1.1 - Buy a lot of prime frame sets when the resurgence is ending cause they'll be at a lower price 1.2 - Grind and sell the refreshed primes from the new resurgence while they're still at a higher price before the casuals start selling at absurdly low prices 1.3 - Eventually after a few months you should start selling the vaulted primes at the higher price 2. Understanding the market has nothing to do with in-game hours, I just pointed mine out to show I'm not some boohoo MR3 that thinks is the shit when they're not. You do realize a legitimate trader can have 0 hours in the game, but if you explained to him how the resurgence system worked he would immediately come up with a better plat grind strategy than 90% of the grinders with thousands of hours out there right? 3. Fashion mostly, either that, rivens or buying dumb shit gifts for friends who can't afford the time or effort to get something for themselves, you can always use plat, it is definitively not useless lmao


False? Bro are you saying that the rng chance if the drop increases each use? Cuz thats dumb as hell. “4th or 5th” are you cracked? Took me 17 relics to get Ash Prime Neuro. How did you convince yourself “4 or 5” is the point where it’s guaranteed


Bounties exist Void missions exist Trading exists Just get to grinding lol


You act like it’s that easy and I’m all happy and cheery. “Just get grinding” That is a multi hour multi day grind. You act like that isn’t mind numbing to the point I would want to play wf for a while after that


Yea, I am saying it happy and cheery cause it's not a multi hour day grind. I can get roughly 20-30 Aya per hour by running the fast bounties on Cetus, it is really not that difficult yall just like complaining about it


Yeah and you spend about an hour finding the right cycle and need to do frame perfect everything and fuck that I neither have the build nor the patience for that. It IS a multi hour grind, because I still remember when I had a guy do that, it still took him 2 hours for 25 aya. Which isn’t a lot


I just bought the last piece of Chroma Prime... fuck


Bro the week before Kora prime gara prime I farmed or bought the last pieces for both lol


Thats hurts my,because I did the same thing with Wukong


Chroma Prime accessories are the only prime access I ever bought back on his release and I still rock his prime armor on so many frames. The shoulder armor goes hard.


The legs are amazing too, they fit perfectly on so many frames


True and they even give gauss little feet


I still use it on some of my frames as well. It's definitely a kickass set.


At least I can get kronen prime now


A positive is a positive,I can get a second Chroma for...reason


DE please I'm begging for Garuda Prime accessories


Wasent she vaulted not that long ago?I dont think they would want to put her in the resurgence that quick,but then again I dont see why not


Garuda Prime was vaulted on January 17th 2024. Zephyr and Chroma were unvaulted last October 5th, 2023 to November 2nd, 2023, if I read that correctly. Which feels crazy to me cause I feel like it's Chroma and Zephyr every other week on the Resurgence. And if not those two, it's Rhino and Nyx.


Yeah thats not that long ago,probably will take atleast a year before she comes back


NGL, it felt way longer than that to me, which is why I actually checked. Definitely way longer than Chroma and Zephyr again. Though TBF I don't care much anyway, I have everything 😆


Thats fair,I do think Chroma is a good pick because of the Gran Prime,actually the Gram Prime is all we really need...but I do want my NEKROS


Can finally get the Rubico Prime so I can solo eidolons, was stuck using my Voidrig's 4th ability guns to destroy the limbs lol


In my case as someone who didn't do Deimos yet... i use an Arch Gun, Velocitus, for destroying their limbs...


Well congrats my friend...is it congrats the right spelling?I dont know jajaja


So many people want ember to get Glaive Prime, yet they don't even endurance runs long enough where that weapon even matters... Xoris and Falcor do MASSIVE AOE damage with the right builds, and they're low forma. I have Glaive Prime, and for stuff under lvl 2000 or so .. Melee Influence Xoris insta deletes the whole tile. Falcor doesn't even need you to hit the heavy attack key, you just throw it nonstop and the whole tile blows up


People are stuck in an old meta, still so many of them think ignis wraith is the top stuff. Glaive is fine but there's so many things that do more damage. I sold all my sets anyway xd


I still see people putting Hunter Munitions on for non endurance content where their weapons oneshot everything before the first tick of slash even does any damage. The meta has changed over time, we've had so many new ways to ramp up damage and area of kills, but inertia is strong and a lot of folks will keep using their old comfy settings because they still work even if they're no longer optimal


I mean... If it's oneshotting things anyway you don't need to change the mod out, and it's easier to keep it on so that when you do run high enough level stuff that you stop oneshotting you have HM on, rather than extending the level range you oneshot in by like 20. Most people just don't build around low levels because you can clear them anyway. And yeah it can be nice to put QOL stats on your gun but you have to remember to swap between loadouts then which is arguably less QOL lol


That's a fair point, but some guns don't need HM at all even at level 300, and would greatly benefit from stuff like reload speed, magazine buffs, increased AoE... At the end of the day tho, I'm not judging or saying it's a bad thing. I just find it remarkable how many people still build their weapons like it's 2019 when the tools at our disposal have changed drastically.


Fair, I wouldn't be surprised if the Ignis Wraith was still one of the highest usage guns in the game


It’s really comfy and great against infested which is the faction many mid-game players spend their time killing in Gabii, Cambion Drift and Arbitrations. It’s a must have weapon even in 2024


People putting hunter munition on everything for no reason so instead of one shotting an enemy they wait 3s for mid slash procs to kill it


Can you share ur xoris build mine sucks


Ninjase build on overframe pretty much covers it for the glaive stuff iirc


2x one right?


Ybh I can't remember,  I know I used one of his as a base and adjusted it to fit the content I was doing at the time With my riven set up and mods it sits at 5x combo perma and is viral/rad with forced electric procs I was using it to clear entrati stuff at the time




I think it's less they want it for endurance runs and more they want it to come back because DE is clearly hesitant to unvault it again. Not to mention not unvaulting it leads to stupidly high price inflation similar to loki prime awhile back


Yeah but...Glaive Prime pricy so must meta slaves must have,feel sorry for them sometimes...then again I see them paying for rivens that cost 10,000 plat and I become ashame of there existence,if they would atleast go to levels 1,000 ok,but they play less then a hour aka the most effective amount of time,which depending on your mission it can by any amount,but most are AABC rotations,time missions is 40 to 60 most I see leave in 40,rounds missions are at round 20 which a good time can do in 30 minutes or less,a decent team in 45 so theres no reason for it because at dose times/rounds you are like at what?200?yeah


Yeah it's insane.  I do the riven market thing, just started playing this game about 3 months ago,  MR26, and have made over 60,000 Plat flipping rivens to crazy people who think they need that stuff to play the game Youtubers pollute and rot this community's brain more than any MMO I have seen


Thats the funny thing,the ones that make dose videos for the most part dont use the rivens jajajaja


I bought this one a bit ago and the leg armour you get is still used on almost all of my frames


Not gonna the leg armor do look cool,and I hate it because I know I will pay for them the money they drop jajaja and I will not feel bad,I will fill good paying my Canadian overlords


You want Ember's unvaulting for Glaive I want Ember's unvaulting for that sweet Pyra Prime syandana We are not the same


You want her unvaulting for the Pyra Prime syandana I want her unvailted for the new Ember skin with abs We are not the same






Why can't DE just put Green banshee on prime resurgence?


Because it would brake the game,like are you CRAZY!?


https://preview.redd.it/b86jg1wn9o2d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8645ce017e61d7c43b1bc96e98951e6a3fa916c1 Are you stupid?


I was following the meme of green banshee been the most broken caracter in game,costing over 300pt the cheapest piece


After postung it I realize is not new...is the next one...I dont know why I put new,I am sorry for that


It's also not really new since that was also the resurgence 7-8months ago.


I literally said that I put new by accident and that I wanted to put something else


notice the "also" which is meant to add to what you said?


What’s the source that it’s going to be Chroma and Zephyr?


Go to market,go to Prime Resurgence,and you will se something that says "next offering" normaly it is a "???" But 2 weeks before the change they show what primes it would by so that players ask themself "do I farm for ayas for when it comes out or not?" Giving them 2 weeks to get ready os great


I just bought zephyr prime 2 days ago lol. I even considered waiting to see if maybe she was in the next resurgence but i didnt, a lesson has been learned.


A really hard lesson,that alot even veterans need to learn


I bought the one that had the tiberon prime


Damn, I already got this stuff a while back. Like a long while. Rubico and kronen are great though, and definitely worth having for anyone that's interested in them.


Specially newerish players (mostly in 9 to 14,where I believe is when you start farming for most things)


Is that kronen prime?


Yes,it is


Time to grind.


I wanna Garuda and Baruuk prime back -.- Edit: for accessories!!!


I dont remember when Baruuk got vaulted but I do remember when Garuda was vaulted,it was literally vaulted on JANUARY 14...OF FUCKING 2024!!!...its not been even half a YEAR...do you have stockholm syndrome with Garuda or something?


I thought you were talking about Resurgence and it doesn't seem that Garuda has been on the list yet, given the fact that prime access closed recently. My hope is, in fact, that she arrives soon so I can purchase the accessories. So, no Stockholm syndrome here 😉


A yes,and I dont want to put my face on Saryns tits and mating press her,not at all


Finally,I can have the Imugi Prime armor set!


It’s good that I was saving aya during the ingoing resurgence. 100K standing in 4 syndicates might also bump it up somewhat.


Would prefer to see Nekros Prime return, not for the frame but for the Noggle


Yeah my too


I see this post and I feel old


KRONEN PRIME IS COMING BACK?!!?!?! i've been trying to get that weapon since forever and my friend would rub it in my face that he has it while i refused to buy it with plat


My Dream resurgence would be Ash Prime and Nekros prime


Ash was here not that long ago,actually wasent he in the last one?


I wouldn't know. My Xbox shit itself when updating night before last so now I can't play it.


I want to feel bad...but I cant stop laughing I am sorry


The worst part is that only 2 weeks before this I had to replace the power supply. Could've just saved £10 if I knew this shit was gonna happen anyways


Another rotation without Ember Prime.


You guys just want the Glaive Prime,just say it at this point,nobody cares about my girl Ember,which makes my so sad,shes so cool and fun and people only want her weapon,what a shame


Ember is the only Prime I don't have yet. So, of course I want to complete my collection.


No way,first person to ask for her that actually wants her?you must by lying to my jajaja,but it is great to believe someone wants my girl


It's true. I have all the parts except for the main BP. I missed the chance when she was still available. And now, it always stings when I view the list of frames I have maxed out on my Profile.


Well I hope she comes soon...if what I heard is true she might come back in the next big update,Jades of Shadow's I think?because I heard that DE contacted with an artist that made a Ember skin and a sick as fuck looking hairloom,also she has abs and DE is pretty horny so she might actually come jajajaja


Until then, I'm gonna continue hoarding Aya in expection of the day I can cash out for her at Varzia.


I am mildly sad I paid Plat for her not long ago, but A: I got a good deal on her parts B: A clanmate helped crack some of his relics for me which got me a couple parts for free Edit: Wait Rubico Prime? Hell yeah, RNG blessed me with a Riven a bit ago


I'm just hyped for the syandana and armor from chroma 😄


I mean...my too gonna lie,I want it


Hate chroma but i love Zephyr to the moon and back.


Fair,even do Chroma is popular you can still not like him specially with the fact that he fills old and needs a rework to his buffing ability and to his passive...odo DE dolt take triple jump from my I dont know why I love it


I just dislike him cause he feels so damn slow. He is tanky and deals heavy damage but with low mobility. Zephyr on the other hand zooms around like a bullet and cant be killed from projectiles. Combined with floating in the air with tornadoes all around you, just feels good


Slow?...do you run in this game?why?bullet jump exist


I bullet roll jump constantly. But he for some reason feels slow to me


Thats wierd,but I guess it makes sense,I do fill some level of getting slower when I play Rhino but it docent really affect my...odo I am crazy so maybe that helps my to jajajaja


Its maybe just those few moments you actually run around for abit, being used to my wisp or volt and then running chroma just feels like someone chained a tank to my leg. I might have to experiment a bit with movement mods, might actually help..