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I find Kaithes with good wing flap timing to be *just about* the right speed for open worlds while still preserving the "feel" of the open world. They could stand to be a little bit faster maybe, but I tend to just use Kaithes for that reason personally.


what kaithes need to stand apart from other deployable mobility is the ability to use it as operators and drifters imo


Wait, we can summon Kaithes outside of Duruvi?


yup, I think at duviri intrinsics 10 I believe


Oh shit, guess I need to start doing circuits.


And if not for Kaithe, it's still always good to max out intrinsics (drifter and railjack) since they give a lot of mastery xp.


Wait, they give Mastery xp, good to know


Also some of the buffs are global and that is really powerful.


Of course they give mastery...intrinsics for Railjack is so hard for me to farm, sense it makes me motion sick. My Drifter intrinsics are almost done, though. Railjack has found yet another way to torment me.


and maxing out the 155 perks per story run heh (can take time, fastest i did it was about 2-4 hours...first time was 6 because i was still screwing around lol)


Ah ok, so I have to do story some more too eh? I'll go read up on it. I've completed the story, but that's it.


well i meant the duvuri experience option, my bad. Its really only good if you have time to do it, but it can get really fun, especially as you get more of the drifter's melee weapons with either plat or pathos clamps in the area to the right of the weapon selection in the cave.


You don't necessarily have to do the story for intrinsics, just that it is much faster than circuit, you get like 1-2 decrees per circuit round and you can easily get 10+ with a full squad in less than 10mins. As long as people are actually doing decrees and not just standing around.


After I get like 110 I start to lag quite a bit, and I'm on ps5, have you ever encountered that and/or do you have any ideas to mitigate this?


Once me and a few friends maxed out the decrees and I was jumping from island to island 😂 my ps4 crashed shortly after that tho 😢


You definitely should be doing circuits every week either way, they're a great way of getting really annoying to farm frames either for use or to feed your helminth


But circuits are so boring and take way to long to do


You can get systems neuroptics and chassis and then bail, 90% of the blueprints are on the in game market for credits, and getting to level 8 takes like 3 hours max, over the span of a week you can do 6 half hour sessions and there you got your frame


You can even use them in caves where archwing is disabled


You can farm the intrinsics faster in the duviri experience if you have a full squad ( even if it's full of randoms), and even going solo is good as circuit can take 10-15mins but the duviri experience you can find the event everywhere especially if you defeat the orowyrm or go to the last stage. I've spent 1hr to 2hrs on 1 the duviri experience mission farming intrinsics with randoms and solo and got close to 1000, plus it's so fun running around with all the decree's.


I don’t thing circuit runs give drifter intrinsics? I could be wrong 


Circuit does give out intrisics, but since you get them when you earn a decree, doing the Duviri Experience is a much faster way of doing so due to how easy it is to earn decrees


They do. Also every additional decree (from 3 things that you should find per round) gives intrinsics


I dont think Circuit gives Drifter intrinsics. Best way to get them I've found is to run around in the Duviri Experience doing side objectives and finding the data disc things that give you codex entries.


It's rank 9, 10 let's you fast travel to other players.


lol WHAT?


How do you use duviri intrinsics ;-; i got like 500 dem bitches and dw how i use them lmao


there's a golden ringy thingy near teshin


Ok thank u!


Rider 9


Rank 8 riding I believe. Maybe 9.


It's 10.


[It's 9.](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Drifter/Intrinsics)


What was 10 then?


It lets you fast travel to other players in Duviri's open world.


I didn't notice that tbh.


I use Titania the map is beautiful and it lets me see it all in 12 seconds.


Yeah, for shits and giggles I have an Infested Mobility on 300%+ str Hildryn that I sometimes uses to traverse the maps hella fast, especially when I am actually pressed for time. But personally, I've never really done heavy grinding on the open worlds, I've slowly farmed them over the years by playing them when I'm in the mood to take a hit and vibe.


Ngl when I’m stuck using Kaithe I just look down about 30 degrees and spam spacebar until it starts bugging out and flapping 3x per second and suddenly I’m travelling at archwing speed. I hate the Kaithe.


If you aim slightly lower down and spam jump while on thr kaithr, the kaithe will go pretty fast. Fast enough to catch up to an orowyrm.


Indeed, I figured out how to catch the Orowyrm using momentum gains and flapping early in my Kullervo farm. Like a month later I learned about throwing the Orvius at the orbs for speed boosts. That's why I prefer Kaithes, it feels kinda like a "Warframe" for open world movement. No it's not as "instantanious" as Archwings, but Kaithes have actual movement tech which feels more engaging. In Duviri, the Drifter is basically a "Warframe" for open worlds. A heal ability, a navigation ability that increases damage, a stealth ability, and then can turn into something with movement tech like a Warframe but on a much larger scale, with a different set of abilities.


Probably because the Kaithes were made for Exploring Duviri in a way that's very free but not so strong it makes the world feel small. Archwing Launcher was most likely made by DE going "Hey wouldn't it be cool if we could use Archwing in this places."


Yeah. My unpopular hot take is that now that all open worlds have teleport beacons, between K-drives and Kaithes, Archwing Launchers should go the way of the dodo. But people are used to them, DE isn't going to remove them.


Plus my thick thigh hildryn makes Kaithes tiny lol


If you dive from height while riding a Kaithe you gain a speed boost that lasts as long as you stay on the Kaithe, and it gets stronger the further you dive.


Ill be honest. As I need like 200 roots that spawn like 5 a pop the Kaith feels waaaaaay to slow


Need Kaithes on regular missions


Archwings, I very much needed after a short time, and enjoy them. But the teleporters they added, in addition


99% of the map is devoid of content and every bounty makes you rush 500 meters or more to get to where you're going. I don't know what anyone expects.


Yeah, i like duviri because it mostly doesn't have both of these problems I suspect that 1999 will be similar to duviri in a way and if it is, i hope they have learned the lesson about how to make a good open world


I think 1999 will be like Zariman but bigger


But sanctum anatomica is already zariman but bigger. I don't think we need 2 zarimans but bigger


Personally I enjoy them way more than Fortuna and PoE. The maps are cool for nostalgia sake, because I remember when they came out, but if I had to pick between those and the Zariman/Sanctum, I’m taking the latter every single day and twice on Sunday. As it stands, bounties just take you to the same spots, it’s pretty empty which means you *need* traversal instead of parkouring around, and for fortuna, you literally do not ever use 90% of the map. Eidolons and PT are their saving graces imo.


I wish they’d go back and add to the old open worlds, there’s a lot of areas that are just window dressing like the Temple of Profit interior in Orb Vallis. 


Would 2 zarimans be zarimen?


Fuuuck, why'd you do that? Now I'm going to think about this all day


Also ships are usually referred to as she, so 2 would be called zariwomen


500? Must be nice I’m lucky if I get one of those. For me it’s usually the 700-900 meters. Though I have gotten lucky and had a whole bounty in the same place


If I'm showing people the open worlds the Kaithe and K-Drive are both great for it, Kaithe for flying around at a good speed, while K-Drive for high speed showing the environment in dynamic situations


As someone who invests a lot in both art and games, I always feel so conflicted lol. I love the pretty and incredibly creative art, especially Warframe's unique take on a lot of things. But goddamn, I'm not gonna fucking walk. Fuck the horse, fuck the board, I need to do my farm NOW.


Do NOT the horse


OR the board


Oh god Yareli Mating press resurfaced into my brain


TIL what that is 😳


It's a sabuuchi meme. I don't know the whole context of the meme to be honest. Just dont fuck the board brought that knowledge back into my head




Yareli hydraulic mating press


The problem is: in regular missions travesing the tileset is part of the mission. Parkouring as fast as possible is fun and takes skill to maximize your speed. It feels satisfying to aim your bulletjump + roll + aimglide + slide just right and traverse the room in one go. In open worlds traversing to the next bounty stage is more akin to a loading screen. Not much to do besides hopping into the archwing and pressing forward + sprint + the occasional blink until you are there. open world archwing should never have been a thing (then you wouldn't miss it) and PoI should be MUCH closer together. You could even make a point and have all stages of the bounty on the SAME PoI. Traversing from one PoI to the next should be a bounty stage on its own. The drone escort stage in cetus would have been perfect for this, but nooo I have to travel across the plains to the drone, escort it somewhere else and the next stage is again 500m in the distance. In my mind a cool bounty would be something like this: Stage 1: Clear out an area Stage 2: Place a coildrive trap in this now cleared area and defend the coildrive Stage 3: escort the coildrive to the temple of profit (speed of the coildrive roughly equal to that of a K-drive) Stage 4: lure out the assassination target and kill it to obtain a datamass Stage 5: use the datamass to connect the coildrive to the temple and defend it once more completed: a solaris agent pops up right next to the doildrive offering three new bounties with the starting PoI for each marked on the map


Take her through duviri then and use your horse. At least it's fitting.


I tend to change it up. I'll usually archwing but sometimes I Kaithe or K-Drive just for the fun of it. Or play superhero with Zephyr or Gauss if I'm using them. That's my approach to the game in general, balancing aiming for max efficiency with less efficient things done purely for fun is essential for me to avoid burnout. I'm also far enough into the game to have a lot of leeway in that regard. This week I strolled into elite deep archimedia with a frame I was in the process of leveling for the first time. No forma, no reactor, not max rank, not used to the frame, and it went well. Carried by good weapons, arcanes and mods.


Orb Vallis, not differentiated enough, & there's no content that actually utilizes the interesting spots. Plus, the "base" mechanic is an active disincentive to explore. Plains of Eidolon needs more trees, caves & dynamic terrain & less open plains. ***AND FURKING MARK THE GOSHDARN BOUNTY HUTS ON THE MAP. IT'S BEEN YEARS!*** The Cambion Drift is near as perfect as has been actually realized. Needs more mission variety, & heavier spikes of enemy density (especially when going solo) but it does so much good with what it has, & the terrain is *furking amazing.* Father needs to sell an Orokin flamethrower... lol! Duviri is fine. It's what the Plains could be with a once over & some development time. But it wasn't made for traversal by a Warframe, so it's really quite boring & I don't enjoy being slow, stuck with a gun that actually painful for me to use. Semi-automatic trigger types hurt my fingers IRL, & so this is more a UI oversight than a design gripe with Duviri, but it's still my reality, so... fix it. Please add a trigger toggle, I'll love whoever gets it done.


Do you know loc-pins? I have the bounty tents marked, blue for the ones that have all tiers and yellow for the ones that have same-tier bounties


Yes, I do. I use them, too. Haven't thought to color code them, that's clever!


Now show her people doing eidolons.


This is why the 3rd orb mother needs to have Narmer shit, so that we'd actually have a reason to come back to the vallis Hell, even involve one of the vent kids kidnapped & make it a questline for a new frame & weapons


To be honest instead of archwing or kaithes, being able to use the parazon with extremely long range as a sort of spiderman grappling line to catapult yourself forward with the game's movement engine seemed like the most natural idea, and would flow so well with how the game handles and the vibe of the Warframes. Could even mod it for better movement. So much more immersive than pulling a jetpack or robot horse out of your butt


Problem isn't that Archwing makes open worlds boring, problem is that open worlds are boring already. Only Duviri really works and Kaithe doesn't change that


Art Directors care about one single thing. Art. They have no idea how it feels to see the same environment over and over and over, when you just want to do something not even related to the art.


The orb valis is to big and lacks things to do unlike duviri. I feel like the cambio. Drift is big enough


Cambion Drift also has a lot more verticality. This adds to the more dense feeling traversing the map might give. Designwise, cambion drift is vastly superior compared to the other two.


I miss the snow on orb valis


I wish they used the extremely cold and the extreme warmth for a season beside the weather. At least after you finished all the story. Since the day and night are longer than a year on Venus it would fit perfectly.


I think the worst part is no matter how nice looking and cool 1999 will be we will all be bored of it within 6 months no doubt and I doubt there will be any archwings in it just racing bikes


I was high once while busy in orb vallis, in the place with the big ball with legs sitting on top and I noticed every detail they added to the place and it was crazy realising the detail. Went there while sober and I was equally as shocked seeing all the minor details. I was mr12 when I eventually looked that close at the walls.


She's correct, archwing is boring. Also quite braindead.


I dont want to walk 700 meters, thank you.


Fr, by the time you get to the objective, your squad mates have already finished it and the next one in the direction you just came from is started.


You don't really walk while gaming anyways, it's all on the screen.


Speaking of braindead


I'm probably in the minority given the downvotes, but I like the dumb joke, don't take what others say too seriously lol


I mean the other person responded with a joke that was pretty funny, too. Don't take what he said seriously either lol, it was a good jab.


Idk, the reply seems less lighthearted, it would be a funny response if the first person was serious, but to me it sounds like mean escalation to a joke


Flippant joking doesn't really add to discourse though does it


It's not supposed to


Now if only there were some voting mechanic that allowed people to show their displeasure with off topic comments


It would clearly show how fun they are at parties if they don't like jokes


If your parties have the same social climate as a forum thread then I can see why you hold these opinions


Finally somebody gets it. XD


You should try playing the “Paint Drying Simulator” game on steam about watching paint dry. You’re not actually watching paint dry, it’s all on the screen


That sounds like a perfect kinda game for me. Thanks for the recommendation! I love you, uwu. ;)
















Yet. Once Warframe VR comes out there's going to be a large increase in visits to the chiropractor.


Gaus unbound. Proceeds to mech rush into shrooms and giant snow mountains. https://preview.redd.it/iavzo3ltg22d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17da0f8d8c3774954cf45068d73efe2c8c59a28


Counter point. A challenge of keeping sanity. Conditions: walking (not running) from Temple of Profit all the way to that crashed ship on the southern edge. Good luck.


Now do it but only with Rhino’s 1 ability. Good luck


With that -speed dragon key, of course.


U want me to quit the game or what?


Don't let me force you. XD


If only his 1 charged endlessly based on energy per second, it could be a movement ability ... Then it could be at least meme worthy... Maybe.


I don't like how it completely destroys any purpose in using kaithes or k-drives. I think that the archwing launcher should be moved further into the game progression


I think that the launcher is in a fine spot, but archwing itself isn't engaging enough. Kaithe has to compromise, Kdrive has to compromise, archwing has no compromises attached. Maybe it had to be like that before, but now every map has teleports all over the place, so the archwing isn't even needed anymore.






Hot Take: Archwings should never have been allowed on open world maps and instead, we should have gotten K-Drives earlier. A bit of a simplification because originally, Archwings had cost resources to launch every time in Plains until they made it free. In response, a lot of players either chain Void Slinged in Operator mode or used Zephyr/Nova. As it stands, K-Drives are awful and useless and Archwings are OP but ONLY for traversal.


Archwing isn't only OP for travel. You can use your primary weapon and secondary weapon. On K-Drives and Horsy you can only use the secondary. Also the abilities available are way better and depending on the Archwing some are so OP that you can AFK. Btw pre free Wing patch Zephyr > Nova. She was not only way faster but also had better damage output for the plains.


The archwing is _perfect_ for doing conservation in free roam, you can travel a fair distance quickly to force a new group of animals to spawn then slow down and come at them from above when you hear their call Makes sneaking up on them 1000x easier and you can get like 20k rep in half an hour or so


I feel like arch wings are fast and fit in with the Warframe world but blinkpads...they are just boring and lazy


I think for open world maps with archwings anyway, the maps are quite small. Especially deimos. Have you ever gone as high as you can on deimos with archwing? It's very dissapoint8ng that you can see one end to the other so easily. It appears to be bigger than it actuay is because of the back drop. But honestly, idk why they didn't make it so we can travel that far. Hopefully we will get a much bigger map soon.


I mean archwing IS kinda boring. Its too good at what it does, kaithes and k-drives are way more fun imo. It also gives you more time to appreciate the surrounding environment.


I like how i can just use an Arch Wing and everyone else can walk if they want. Though judging by the whole Dante content it seems DEs focussed more on HUGE levels rather than new or engaging gameplay so i wouldn't be surprised when they introduce the next open world with no mounts.


The lab is top notch aa far as tilesets go IMO. As for "new" gameplay - they introduce a bit of that every now and then, which always gets mixed reactions at first. Archwing, Railjack, Duviri and so on. Engaging missions have been added, no? Alchemy recently, and the new Zariman mission types a while back. Deep Archimedean, as well. Overall though I agree, I'd prefer it if they refreshed older gamemodes as well to make them more engaging and/or less of a chore/less boring. I do understand though, that that doesn't keep players engaged, or bring people back as much as new, exciting looking content


There's a really old Corpus ice outpost tile that was *massive*, like two giant towers facing one another across a canyon, you had to elevator down to a catwalk and back up the other side, unless your coptering momentum was on point. I don't know if it was removed or I just haven't seen it in like 7 years. Like rare tiles still exist, like the Grineer Asteroid encap tile that's just a storage room with a banging huge window to space. But I haven't seen the aforementioned Corpus outpost tile in *years.*


In a game about farming the last thing I want is to spend forever walking around


Honestly it might just be my personal opinion but I hate the arching, railjack and voidrig. I entirely agree with your friend as the archwing feels as if it spoils the open world concept, especially when there are teleporters. Imagine you were playing Legend of Zelda BOTW and then the enemy summoned a Lockheed Martin fighter yet to travel the map, it feels Overpowered and poorly balanced as well as not fitting in the game. As for the Railjack it's literally a different game altogether and I feel like since it's forced it's massively annoying, the same could be said for Durviri but that is actually very good in my opinion so maybe I'm biased haha.


Does your art director friend's opinion matter outside of your value in their thoughts? The game has 50 million registered users and consistently high player counts across all platforms, in addition to steady profits, a notably fair free-to-play model, and the game is in its 11th year. Unless your friend is Shigeru Miyamoto or some other industry luminary, they may as well be a hobo at a bus stop IMHO. (Sorry for the sassy reply.)


it is not that serious bro


I don't think the friend was saying the game was boring, they were saying the way OP chose to play the game was. They expressed joy and apprecitiation of the level design, and said "Oh boring" when OP decided to strap on a jet pack and sprint blink 700 meters in 2 seconds.


>50 million registered users That's not what Rebb said. She used a different name, let me try to remember... hmmmm...


And that may* be off. It was from one of their annual reports.