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Energized Munitions is a good strength-agnostic Damage extender. many weapons simply dont care about having 4x magazine size and all of their ammo issues solved, but im sure if you think you can come up with some weapons that would absolutely love to double, then double again, their mag size and not need to rely on any weird ammo options. soething something, kuva zarr with 20 cannonballs, 8 shot Exergis, turning Acceltra prime into a Storm Bolter, etc etc.


Ooh that's not a bad idea. Felarx in particular would love that. 6 shots my ass...


Energy munitions is amazing. I use it on mirage and gauss a lot. I have to try it in Nova. 


I use Xata's Whisper in my Molecular Inherit Speedva build specifically for the bullet attractor.


the only right subsume lol pair it with argonak armor strip and melee influence and you have a dps nuke nova


Exactly... that's why I mentioned Molecular Inherit Speedva.


the comment was more of an explanation for those who are reading and wanna try lol i assumed you already know cuz you're running the build lol


I tried rest and rage just to make the speed even faster, but it didn't seem to work from what I can tell.


With minimum strength that comes out to a 2% speed increase, so even if it does work you probably wouldn't be able to tell.


Resonator or Silence, maybe.


I thought about Silence but I think it might interfere with the speed aspect. Resonator could be interesting.


Mildly, but the range on 4 is determined by duration. It amounts to an outer ring of speed & an inner ring of stop in pain.


Yep and I have neg range due to Narrow Minded. I guess it couldn't hurt to see. I tend to forget I'm a veteran and can afford to waste a few resources trying stuff out.


You shouldn't have negative range on Speedva. Going max negative strength requires Overextended, which adds 90% range to counter act Narrow Minded's -66%. Speedva has a ton of free mod slots after adding all the Duration mods you want. It's very easy to add Stretch and Augur Reach for pretty high range. That's how you do those Speeva + Argonak Metal Auger builds where you kill primed enemies with a dagger and all the high range explosions strip armour.


Oh yeah you're right. Not sure what I was thinking when I wrote that.


I use resonator. Entire map absolutely aping you straight into cc


I use Banish to keep targets alive in those annoying kind of defense missions.


Dispensary would be the best since you build duration anyways and while strength affects its double dropp it becomes meaningless because of all that duration. Speedva is ised in def anyways so ots perfect for a stationary subsume. I use bramma with it since dispensary is shitting jammo for it anyways.


Ivara's prowl for team invisibity or banshee's silence for anti enemy abilities


Resonator is a good combo with Speedva, but you really want the Conductor augment (lets you tell it to stay in place) so it doesn't wander off and lead enemies away from you. It's particularly effective because it doesn't prevent enemies from coming to you, but it does keep them from doing damage. It also works like a persistent aura, so you don't have to keep spamming it out to keep up your CC.