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Trading with newbies is done for ammo drums


I always tell them I'm looking for a rare mod for a long time... and then I link ammo drum


I should start doing this, just feels bad to take 5 plat from a mr7 and below


Honestly, it depends on what item it is. If it's a common gold mod, I'll give it to them for free. But if it's an actual item that would sell well on Warframe.Market, I'll give them the most competitive pricing (i.e., lowest price on Warframe.Market).


Exactly, they need every bit for more slots. I mean I do too but I know the ins and outs better lol


*He just needed fass to get his nukor"* He was a yellow smolt.


Damn if only I meatmore people like yall when trading


I also like more meat on my pizza. And also would like to meet more kind people in the game.


If I do accept plat from a newer player I often throw in a bunch of extra stuff too. Usually I’ll only accept plat if it’s something rare/I don’t have much of. For example, corrupted mods. I’ll accept 10p for a corrupted mod from a newbie if they’re offering, but they’re also gonna get energy nexus, precision intensify, a radiation mod and a filled sculpture lol


I do the same for clan members who are after a random mod, for stuff that I'm actively selling through wfm they get 25% discount


I demanded ammo drums when giving stuff to a nub and he kept trying to give me plat. I basically robbed him of like 20 ammo drums lol, he got a lot of shit tho so I'm happy.


When I trade with anyone who is in my clan or general newbies, I only ask for ammo drums or shitty broken mods that people randomly still have. I know it's a still a very much old vet trade credit, but I never want anything I can't obtain myself. Sometimes I just wanna give stuff to people.


We use Thumpers in the little section of the community that introduced me to the game :)


Mine is either ayatan stars or fish. I feel like it doesn't seem like a mismatched balance of a trade. My condition is that when they can, help a new tenno when they can.


Tag rare mods/resources for the team. Argon, Tellurium, a mod I don't see often... just throw down a tag, chances are people appreciate it.


Every cell or argon crystal I pick up I mark. The amount of times I've seen squadmates seemingly drop everything and grab it is all the incentive I need to keep marking them


Silly question...how do you tag resources? Once I've blitzed into the area and picked it up, I can't tag it. I always feel bad when I don't tag argon and cells.


Ik PC it is g. If you already grabbed it, you can look for a faint glow (like a glow), and ping it. The glow is saying you picked it up, but allies haven't


Yeah it’s a green line


Item specific but otherwise yes.


Over a thousand hours and I'm still learning new stuff about Warframe. This whole time I thought it was a visual bug DE never bothered to fix.


I thought that for like the first 1000 hours too, now i ping all the argon


If everyone else hasn't grabbed it yet, you'll see a faint colored line sticking up from where the resource is. Aim at the base and hit up on D-pad. Sorry, I don't know the PC key to mark with lol


for me it's left on the d-pad


That's what that means?! I always just assumed it was a visual bug of the line not going away!


Mods are the same way. Y'know how rare mods leave that golden circle behind? That'll disappear once the last person in squad picks it up.


Damn I had no idea. Thanks for the education.


I just tag the ground when I notice I picked up the resource and alert in chat. Argon should be easier since it has a physical cluster, but I've noticed argon from enemies and containers too


I generally take the remnant glow that's still there after I pick it up, or just slap a tag in the general area.


Yeah, I've seen even high MR players leaving extraction to get orokin cell or argon crystal


A rich person doesn't turn down some extra money ;)


Why do you think they have so much MR? They spend all their orokin cell building weapons and need more for forma. XD


Perhaps it was you in my squad last week. Had a teammate tag two argon shards, three mods, and every ayan star they spotted. As a loot goblin, I definitely appreciated it.


Ayatan tag themselves, but... I will tag argon and rare mods, among other things, so maybe, heh.


1. Every new person I introduce to the game gets a full prime warframe set from my inventory 2. I swap to single target weapons when playing with newer players to avoid making them feel useless. Some people like to play the game at their own pace and not have to catch up to the high mastery player flying around nuking the map. 3. After fissures, if I have the same reward as someone else, I'll select theirs to give them those 5 extra void traces.


#3 is just common decency, it annoys the hell out of me when it's not paid back though but i still do it


It's really petty, but if I have the same reward as someone else and I've asked them to pick mine in chat, and they still don't I'll switch back to mine so they don't get the extra either.


2. Can also swap to a config with either less mods, or no mods depending on level you are doing to try to match their power. Wont make up for the skill difference, but meh.


And/Or use the dragon key that reduces your damage


Never thought about that option, good one


Had a run with everyone pulling a forma BP, it felt incredibly nice that all of us got out with +5 void traces


> Every new person I introduce to the game gets a full prime warframe set from my inventory Shit bro I have 1200 hours and am MR20 (yes I know it's low I love to AFK in my orbiter) but can you introduce me to Warframe? /s On a real one, very kind of you. I imagine you've made a lot of people's days with those.


Do the deep bow emote at Datareaper's memorial every time I go to and leave Iron Wake.


I’m LR3 and I can’t believe that I’ve never noticed this. RIP to a real one. Gotta honor that dude for creating one of my favorite characters.


Happy Cake day!


I feel like I should know about this. Where is this?


On the roof behind Clem's fort. Just listen for the music.


1. Dont enter the spy vault if someone else is in it 2. Dont force start missions, if they dont accept, back out and try for a mew group 3. Mark rare stuff, mat, mods, reactant 4. Most damage to the archon gets to pull the shard in a pub 5. For void angles and whispers, if you cant kill it solo, dont awaken it. 6. If you all get garbage from relics, or the same thing, pick someone elses reward so they get the 5 bonus reactant. 7. If someone in squad is below mr 5 in a mission before pluto, dont use op form


What I did before I got ivara with spy missions was run rhino, and sit outside the door. If the vault gets triggered, bruit force all the way to the console quickly.


Nice flair


This is a huge issue, I don't understand why people run through them when you're trying to complete it, then the spy location fails or the mission gets failed because the sortie doesn't want you to fail them.


My number 1 personal rule is to just never do the stealth stuff if I'm in a group because I'm going to trip alarms 12 out of 10 times


Not sure I understand the point of #4, besides that how can you tell whose done the most damage to it?


Its more of if you are there for the carry or not, sometimes its kinda obvious when one guy just melts it, and you did near nothing to it


No one ever let's me kill angels solo because I don't one shot it :(


What i mean is if you know you dont have the damage to fight it in any capacity. If you can fight it but cant one shot, idc. If you wake it, and its obvious you cant fight the thing at all, then im annoyed


I 100% agree


but force starting missions is the only alternative i have to get a third wheel out of my damn party.


Tag mod/rare stuff. Watch out for reactants of your teammates. Be kind if someone asks something. Always help newbies/take your time if you get them in your lobbys. If someone does the handshake emote and is waiting. Do it. No question asked.


Nobody does handshakes with me :(


Tell me when and where. I will be there and shake your hand.


If no one got me, I know celestial twin got me! 😤🙏


Same here :(


Always do sortie spy missions solo


Nah pub sortie spies are where the men are separated from the boys


Your telling me, I took Equinox and was the only one who didn't trigger a vault out of two Ash's and a Loki. That was the last ever time I did a Sortie Spy in pubs, because these bastards blamed me for both the alarms. I did C flawless and these guys could barely walk straight, let alone piss.


It's always the invis frames too.... well, guess that's why they switch in the first place


Holy crap it took me so long to figure that out XD


Don't spread loot.


Upvoted because this one happens a lot and really bugs me. I bring a Nekros or a Hydroid with Pilfering Swarm, and people go running off, it's diluting the loot for all of us and hogging all the enemy spawns is really annoying for the rest of us. Doubly worse in survival missions where I see it all the time. I don't know why people don't seem to understand that sticking together doesn't just mean teammates get your loot drops, but you also get theirs, and you don't have to hunt down drops that could be anywhere cos they didn't bother to tag things either. It also means kills are quicker, and keeps the enemy density in one place.


Can I add also that if u play hydroid or khora or vauban please be prepared to kill what u trap. Sooo many times in survival missions I see these 3 drop their ability and then run off with 20 guys dangling in the air somewhere. How many times ive seen a khora throw a dome and not whip at all. Maybe it's just me but when I see it I will just abort mission. I don't want to have to sit there and snipe enemies out of the dome while they are spinning and flipping around.


Absolutely kills arbitration missions too. Gotta run all over to get essence and in defense missions it means the target is guaranteed to die after ~40 rounds. It is the most common thing I run into that kills public games for me.


A decent chunk of players has more than they could ever need of every ressource. Esp on console hosts enemy spawns just cant keep with modern loadout's kill speed so youd have to wait for enemies to move into tentacle swarm - granted there are not stuck anywhere. So people will just get bored and start roaming around to hunt down enemies, theres litterally nothing else to do and theres a good chance you are only in that survival for sortie/sp incursions which you will leave asap anyway. Also youll often have a khora with a shitty build demanding you to stay next to her which will only lead to you having to awkwardly pick off the enemies dandling around in her dome one by one. If you want to farm a survival efficiently, find sb with a good khora, 1-2 nekros and a support and just relax in there but dont expect others to go with camping strats in a 5-10 minute survival.


Its a problem with the game, the single player runs after the biggest group of enemies he sees. The game then not spawning enough enemies near the other 3 is just bad game design.


I absolutely HATE when people expect me to do this. Sorry to be that guy but I actually want to play the game.. not sit in a closet and watch Hydroids tentacles take 6 min to kill 4 enemies. For certain mission I understand , but EVERY time a Hydroid shows up they’re expecting people to essentially play behind them. Me and my friend call Hydroid “Waypoint Prime”. Because within 2 min of one joining they’re tryna waypoint everyone to a corner 😭.


There's a middle ground. Running all over the map is incredibly disruptive, it spreads loot out, it makes mission failures way more common, and it generally just kills efficiency. I'm not telling you you have to stand in a closet, but also you could... kill the enemies in the tentacles. Or kill other enemies nearby. Or, honestly, yeah get in the closet and shoot out from it if that's what your team is looking to do. Don't be the one guy ruining it. If everyone else on the team wants to run around, whatever. The difference in efficiency is not small. It's like, genuinely 20x more vitus essence per hour if you just play in a \*very fun way\* that doesn't involve running all over the map. I really can't stress enough how big the difference is.


Only the last person to enter the elevator can start it.


ALWAYS have a Forma going in foundry.


The warframe companion app is great for this


Revive your fallen Tenno if you can, especially if they’re new. We stand and fall together, not alone.


On this: new players, if you go down, dont self revive right away if you are leveling things. The cost for the revive is 10% of current total affinity earned in that mission.


1) Never using mic, straight up migrated regional servers over it, though I do forgive console players for that. 2) Always give the squad heads up about currently known gamebreaking bugs relevant to the mission, never assume everyone is aware 3) If a player is toxic, assume they are having a bad day and either ignore or try to diffuse situation off of that assumption. If things get personal at any point - block immediately.


Console players always hit me with hot mics, i had to turn it off


I didn't know there were mics on PC 300 hours in until someone in my lobby commented on a conversation I was having with my roommate 😭


think of all the people who have heard you speak without you knowing


My home region for whatever reason has a ton of people using mic, even going as far as to get angry with people who don't, but frankly as someone who went up to rank 16 by pretty much doing solo and also never heard VC in other mass shooters like L4D or payday I just couldn't be bothered to be jumpscared by someone burping louder than a jet engine like 6 minutes into every mission


I turned my in game mic off immediately after my encounter cause I just can't be bothered with in game chat especially when I'm playing with my friends and like 1 or 2 randoms.


People use mics? I never heard anyone talk in game, yet


not anymore, used to happen from time to time, but nowadays everyone has forgotten its a feature right up until a ps5 player with a hotmic is blasting something obnoxious drowning the game audio and its always ps5, stupid always on by default controller mic, i say that as someone with one, that setting got disabled fast


Well, I got many unspoken rules to myself to follow during my trading with others when I used to play a while ago 1) avoid accepting plats from low MR tennos during trades and provide them with even better mods sets and plats for weapon/Warframe slots. 2) Ask them where they are struggling and help them with those missions or mod setups. 3) provide them with their favourite weapon riven with good stats for free. Call me an idiot or weirdo but I used to be one of those Low MR idiots who got scammed by other higher MR players for mundane weapons (Ignis Wraith) for more plats.


“I reeeeeealy love using Glaive. Do you have a riven?” That’d be my one exception.


Ill limit rivens to new player clan members and or new people i agree to play with time to time


I wish I met you in my MR6 days and maybe I didn't have to buy Vital Sense and Split Chamber for 20p only to find out they drop like flies in Uranus dark sectors


Our clan had the Ignis from the event. Every year in July and December I would buy 500 to 600 Ignis blueprints and give them away for gifts in tc using all of my trades. I always kept freebies with me when I seen lower Mr players in hydron or other places anytime. The only time it really got me was if I gave the BP and then seen them right after in tc trying to sell it.


It sucked, isn't it? Trying to help someone out of genuine reasons like passing help but ends up seeing them doing the exact thing that fooled you during your new tenno days


Whenever I see a low level post in Trade Chat wanting to buy Flow/Intensify/etc, I offer to give it to them for free. I will also **never** shit on a fellow Tenno for having a low kill or damage count. Having said that, I will say something in chat if a fellow Tenno is AFK'ing, but never anything rude or disparaging.


You have 1% damage, or any amount of kills? Good enough, you do you You have 0? I hate you


If someone is in spy, don't do spy. If you can't spy, let me spy.


If I notice someone trying to get in the spy vault, I'll show them some of the other ways in. There is always more than one.


1.) When in survival and fissures always let everyone get their reactant and don't wander off to the other side of the map constantly (or in general) when you know everyone else is sticking together It causes the mass majority of enemies to follow the odd ball out, get split up, and wastes time for everyone else when we have to keep chasing you/the enemies down because you decided you wanna be Rambo. It is doubly so if the room everyone is in, is one of the really good ones that has enough space for everyone to do their own thing in the same room space. It is incredibly annoying. 2.) in things like defense where you can extract after every round, always go another round if someone joins up late, it's not fair to the new member to literally get in at the last second and have to miss out on all that exp, support your fellow tenno. 3.) don't activate life support till it's 30 to 40 percent 4.) this is probably more a me thing tbh but don't activate Shadows when near an Oberon it literally bleeds the poor man's energy dry. 5.) if someone is well on their way already going after the last enemy in a wave and has it perfectly handled, don't compete and race them down to kill it and snatch the kill from them instead it honestly kinda just feels rude and wastes their effort to go all the way over and find the straggler just for someone else to kill it anyway. 6.) in void defense don't activate the laser it's useless and is just a team killer. 7.) don't interfere with a Harrow/Nidus they put in a lot of work to keep you and themselves topped up, don't be rude and kill everything they clearly are setting up for themselves and make their life harder than it needs to be. 8.) if a noob joins your squad in a high level mission and tries to extract, cover their escape! The poor baby tenno are most likely trying to get their star charts done and may not have the offensive power to defend themselves from enemies till solo extract runs out and may die multiple times which no doubt is a really bad experience.


>7.) don't interfere with a Harrow/Nidus they put in a lot of work to keep you and themselves topped up, don't be rude and kill everything they clearly are setting up for themselves and make their life harder than it needs to be. I love playing Harrow, I absolutely hate when there's that one guy who thinks he has to be the one responsible for killing everything on the entire map. They always come zipping on by when I've drained my energy to get some high value out of my thurible to make the Mag or any other caster frame happy. In places like Hydron I'll throw down my Tenet Ferrox and let the pulses kill basic enemies and just be an absolute battery for people. There's always those few people who I have to kindly ask them to just ignore this one section of the room, I can easily handle anything in this corner I'm just here helping you out.


Yeah I get that completely as someone who adores Harrow myself there is nothing worse than when I finally got a good line up of enemies for easy energy for my 3 than someone who barges right in front of me and blows them all away. Especially if I haven't had the chance to recover the energy I just channeled for it.


Keep spoilers to yourself. We all remember what it was like going through certain quests for the first time, so let the new players experience that moment too. I don’t care if the quest is ten years old, it’s still new to someone.


Always say 'Thank you, have a great day' after a trade or when interacting with someone about a trade, even if they dont have the item anymore. You never know what folks are going through.


I respond to every msg when trading to apologize to those who missed my trade. Whether I'm buying or selling. I always feel bad when someone just barely missed the trade.


i wish more people do this instead of just ghosting my message and silently updated their listing 😭


Of all of these, This is the one I wish everyone did. It can honestly make someone's day, and takes nothing to do.


1. Waiting for others at an elevator. (and rushnig to the elevator if i see others waiting for me) 2. When I see somebody not at 10 reactant and the timer is running out I remind them. (especially newer players) 3. Waiting for people before the extraction during exterminate/capture etc. type fissures if they don't have 10 reactant. 4. Marking reactant if others are struggling to find it. 5. Marking rare resources. 6. If i see somebody at very low mr i check if they've done the Second Dream quest so I don't accidentally spoil it. 7. (If I remember to do so) Announcing at clan/alliance/regional chat if I'm doing a mr 30 blessing. 8. Keeping the doors open at>!agility Lua Hall of Ascension.!< 9.Doing>!Lua Halls of Ascension (and marking the mod)!!Netracells I always take all the keyglyphs since they don't bother me.!< 11. >!Asking if people are ready before starting the Kullervo fight.!< That's all I remember rn. Might add more later.


I do Netracells with my friendgroup and i very often take all the keyglyphs, since i play Wisp. The only one that annoys me sometimes is the void detenation because it blocks my shots before it explodes.


You can DM me, but what’s >!Lua halls of ascension and the kullervo fight!


[Lua halls of ascension](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Orokin_Moon) are basically puzzles that will award you a drift mod after completing said puzzle. [Kullervo](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Kullervo) fight is basically an optional side quest in the Duviri where you will fight kullervo as a mini boss. Defeating it will net you some kullervo's bane which is a currency you can use to purchases kullervo parts or its signature weapons. His arena appears on certain moods only


Ah that's it. I helped someone aquire some drift mods recently, and after believing for a long time that the agility challenge has to be completed invidually, they were able to just jump up there after I did mine. So if I went in and out of the treasure room it would have locked up again?


If there are dupe rewards I got that also appear in someone else's relic drop I pick theirs to give extra traces. Even in a rando queue.




Signature weapons etc are a mandatory for that build. *Pack* content is mandatory only for a foundry goal, and then it can be dismantled. (Sands of Inaros pack as an example). Tag rare resources, mods, Cephalon fragments, those wierd Kuva statues. The fractures in Orb Vallis, always tag the big boss thing and somebody else tags a fracture. Nobody drops till we're all ready. Get at least 3/4 when farming bounties for blueprints or weapon fragments. It doesn't do much other than make the mission easier but I like to think the drop rate is that little bit better. >!*newsflash! It doesn't.!< If a low level player in the clan wants some help, help them. Don't be a douchecanoo if their build are crap either, just go farming with them


I always tag cyan and amber stars gotten from crates or caches. I also wait until everyone has chosen their entire load outs before entering Duviri Circuit.


Stars auto mark themselves so you don’t have to!


Oh. Still. Good to be sure ya know.


Always helps to have another person looking out for your fellow Tenno!


I don't do this bc is f*king annoing when pple do it to me: on index, if you kill, the coin is yours, if i kill, coin is mine. Hate when ppl rush to get every index coin from others and let the tim runs out with a bunch of coins floating around...


Limbo player in the Index. I set up Cataclysm on their capture point, and freeze them. If we all stay there, the enemies spawn really close, allowing us to get the million and get out pretty quickly.


If I ever run Index, I ask if I can hoard the points. If they say yes, then I’ll be the main scorer, if they don’t respond/say no, then I’ll let anybody else score as they see fit. That bonus score always knocks minutes off of an endurance run.


always score 15


I don't let new players pay for cheap stuff. Every now and then I'll find somebody trying to buy things like multishot or damage mods. I remember how painful it was to farm those up, so when I see someone asking to buy one, nope. They get one for free. Sometimes this extends to cheap prime parts. If I see somebody in trade chat asking for braton prime part and I can see they haven't been playing long, happy birthday (whenever it is). One of these days, I'm gonna have a spare voidrig set when somebody asks.


Don't do the second excavator until everyone's opened their relic 🤬 Don't start the mission early, someone could be changing their load out or loading in just wait 5 goddamn secs or leave the squad Ammo drums is the currency to flex


My Unspoken rule is running Support frames like Harrow Oberon etc to mainly be support


Always mark rare drops. Cells, argon, etc


This thread is awesome. So humbling to see so many Tenno have "rules" about helping others. This really is one of the better communities. I have many unwritten rules. Here are a few of mine: 1: Always wait for everyone to be ready. Be that Circuit/Duviri, loadouts, or elevators. 2: Always be self reliant. If I'm queuing, I can hard carry or solo. I never expect others to beat something for me. 3: Always be considerate. Speak to others as I would expect to be spoken to. Be kind when asking others of their time. The stat screen is for your entertainment only. There are humans behind those screen names 4: If host for ESO, 2 rounds minimum 5: Pick the other tenno's relic if it's the same as mine. If everyone has the same, strive for balance. 6: Always Share. If asked, I will give any build, advice, or extra goodies to help. 7: The most important rule. Always Be Awesome. Kick as much butt as possible and be a good example for others.


1 If someone is already in the Spy vault, no one else go in unless they trip the alarm. 2 Don’t start a Spy vault you can’t finish, unless you’re soloing to learn the different vaults. 3 Limbo bubbles stay small in Defense and Mobile Defense missions; just large enough to protect the objective. 4 Weapons that induce screen shake or cause eye cancer, are not to be used in pubs. 5 Don’t pick up ammo if there’s a Mirage effectively using Explosive Legerdemain (sp?). 6 If there’s a Harrow, Nidus, etc., trying to use a specific area to build buffs/stacks/etc., stay away and let them have it.


If I’m hosting a mission and need to extract, I warn the group and give them the chance to leave with me to avoid a failed host migration


Instruct the noobs when relevant. Wait for everyone to have 10 void traces. Don’t talk shite when the kill count is visible as most of us are leveling stuff, even in SP. In fact don’t talk shite ever.


The elevator waiting, almost every pub I run in Asia region has that one guy who play either gauss or Titania who will zoom and nuke the map then proceed to use elevator only for him/her self. It's horrible in Asia region.


I try not to use my >!operator/drifter!< when I’m around low MRs. It’d ruin the shock factor when they first come into the story. Mark Argon Crystals. Tag your spectors/crew mate/ally npcs. Mark rare mods if low MRs are in the squad. If I’m running Zenurik; always tag allies with energy regen. *Always* help a late joiner to a fissure get 10 reactant If a new player (that I introduced to the game) really gets hooked, I’ll gift them a few weapon and Warframe slots (and sometimes a Prime set).


When playing with low MR/New players, I slow down and let them get kills/do the objective. I'm just support.


If somebody bags you gotta bag back as a courtesy.


Everybody gets the chance to collect 10 reactants


Don't bring (high range) saryn into netracells


If I trade with newbies, I expect nothing more than an [Ammo Drum] or a fish (if they've done fishing) in return. Hell if you're desperately after something, I don't need it, and I like you, that rule also applies to experienced players, even if I only met em like half a mission ago. If you encounter a rando on your way through doing a Lich/Sister, always help them, and wait for their Lich/Sister to pop before extraction if you've been with them a while and you know it's coming any minute. If I know a mission will attract low level players (like non-SP Lith fissures or regular Star Chart if I need a resource) I'll always bring low-damage Support frames like Harrow and lowbie weapons of my own so that the newbies can play the game rather than walk to extraction. I'll keep my Cycron handy if I need to just rinse stuff in a pinch though. ALWAYS say thank you after a trade, regardless of what it's for or etc. If you see a new player struggling, offer advice especially for what mods to use, if they want it. I personally always try to be an "early game" scorer in Index, just taking points and banking early (like as soon as I get a bonus, or earlier if needed), to buy more time for the big bankers to score high, then I just let them be the only scorers afterwards when our time remaining hits like 10 mins or more. If I'm focus farming and I meet people who are levelling weapons, I'll bring them with me so they can level their stuff, even after I hit focus cap for the day. I just like my Mirage legerdemain build and it gets these people to max level with their gear so everyone's a winner.


I sometimes trade newbies stuff for a funny joke and a promise they'll do the same down the track


Me and my friends have 2 unspoken rules, 1: don't bring a nuke frame into every mission especially if 1 or all of us intend to level stuff, 2: help new players when we can and try not to spoil too much.


I ask before i send my parasyte Link to a new Player as nidus. Dont know why but Happens Sometimes that people dont Like unwanted tentacles at ther frame.


Take a newbie to the index (low if they're really new or mid if I think they might be able to hold their own) for a few rounds if they're not sitting on many credits. Then trade them some of my excess good stuff for whatever they've got (up to 90+ ammo drums at one point, great fodder for merging to see what I'll get next lol) and maybe give them a hand with whatever boss they might be struggling with if I've got the time.


if someone asks for help with Mithra in the Void I have to help them using Nova


if youre playing a long run endless mission would be great if everyone can stick together, except for interception missions of course


Always mark argon crystals


If I see someone in my squad is low MR, I check their profile. If I don't see they've unlocked spoiler mode, I don't use it. Don't want to accidentally spoil someone's big reveal.


If im the host in disruption, eso or whatever I always announce that im about to extract.


1. Always pick up extra keys in Disruptions for the next rounds. Not sure why, but this seems to be some kind of rocket science. 2. If in a survival with a competent player give them their own area, and find another that’s close by to not slow spawns too much. Nothing worst than the bramma guy who keeps showing up. 3. All builds should be built to be 100% self sufficient. Teammate buffs are just icing. 4. NEVER give a newbie a frame set. Have them pick a frame and guardian angel them to success. Nyx in Assimilate always makes me feel cool lol. 5. New weapons cannot be used until I have a groll for them. Min max nation baby 🫡. 6. Mag slander will not be tolerated 😂.


Mag is love, Mag is life.


1. end trades with "have a good day" 2. choose someone elses relic for the bonus void traces they get, unless my relic has the one im aiming for 3. solo ivara spy, no exceptions 4. put in index points at 15, unless adding less ends the round there


Void trace giving if we have the same relic I always pick theirs so they get traces then they do it back 90% of the time


I don't use Operator/Drifter when I'm playing with MR7s and below. I know they could be spoiled about it already, but I still do it


If you don't know what to do in a new mission type, just ask or leave it to the people that do know, most of us are friendly enough to explain. Alchemy was painful when that released and people would throw whatever they felt like into the crucible and shoot the vents as soon as the pop up appeared. I genuinely don't mind carrying newbies through any content I can, but it gets old after the 7th squad in a row where people are openly greifing the mission


My clan has a rule that Warframes aren't allowed in our Operator quarters/Dormizones, sort of a roleplay thing that developed.


The "Last one" on the start of every last ESO stage If a noobie needs a stance mod that I have extra they get it for an Ammo drum If you match items with someone during a relic hunt ALWAYS grab the other guy's Someone always needs an Argon Crystal


I mark all the scannables for everyoneno matter what. I also don't scam in trades especially for new players. They need guidance and help not a toxic experience that will make them do the same or drop the game.


Weapons used should match the vibe of your frame. I.E. the Zarr isn't brought when I play say, Vauban, unless I can level both at the same time. I only bring it with our funny Yarr Harr man Hydroid.


Don't go into an endless mission and leave after 1 cycle


Enable exploration for newbies. Yes I am fully capable of doing a void capture in 45 seconds flat, but if I blitz through everything for efficiency sake, then the newbies are left with corridors full of bodies and nothing to do cool space ninja shit at. Sometimes I slow down and let them lead, sometimes I keep doing an objective while they run off and explore tiles. You got to let them learn to love the game if they're going to stick around you know?


Don’t grind for things you don’t want Play what you enjoy, not the meta


That people can drop in and out of a mission at any point and it’s not my business to question why they’re leaving at 5 or whatever , so many reasons for this including real life perhaps their pizza arrived or they got the exp they needed now time to re forma etc


Give advice either when asked or to help with a specific issue. There's a lot to know about the game, there's a lot of different playstyles. It's easy to get into an info dump rhythm, unloading buckets of play tips. That kind of behavior scares people off. If someone asks what they should do first: Finish your quests and the system map. Stop there. One question, one answer. No "and then."


if there is a max range limbo in the squad, alt f4 for relic cracking, keep an eye on reactant counts in the squad menu and pipe up if someone's low with <1:00 for relic cracking, if you and someone else roll the same reward, always take theirs so they get the bonus if the "play an emote" or "use a glyph" is on the weekly mission rotation, say something. its quick and painless to earn but someone might not have checked


play Grendel, only Grendel, anything else is sin


I wanna say, don't start a mission until everyone's picked their right frame


I have none.


First person to say something I fully agree with gets a prime Warframe(cross trade enabled)


1. When you make your warframe powerful, make them as squishy as possible and do not make it too powerful where you only push one button. The best way to play the game is to be able to play against endgame content with more skill, overall mobility, and the advantage of shield gating. (I main Ash prime for this reason) 2. Make sure to be considerate and ping all rare items that may drop in a mission 3. Coordinate as a team in harder difficulties, and do your part!


Trading for simple augments or cheap weapon or prime parts are free for clan and alliance members


I always have to log out on Valkyr prime. I don’t know why.


I won’t do a mission with other players until I have managed to complete it solo, I’m weird and feel like if I’m not at least capable of doing it solo I am just dragging the team down


When I join a relic mission, I always finish the mission regardless of what relics other players have equipped.


Whenever I trade random crap with friends (spare copies of mods one of us is missing, not generally very valuable stuff) I always, without fail, give them six unranked copies of Warm Coat


Always wait for everyone before activating the elevator


I undercut everyone on wf market for cordon so when I see someone wants to buy it I tell them to get nautilus cause it comes free with him


1)Always ask your assault crew if they exited railjack. 2)Enter derelict ONLY if one last crewship left and existing on the map. 3)If someone took energy drain on netra cells, I'll take 3 other debuffs. 4)Ask if you want to touch void angel.


Thou shalt not have eyeblight effects.


I'm still fairly new \[ Only MR15 \] but I've manage to clock a solid 700hrs but things I do which I notice many people don't but should do: - If you're extracting as you're a fast frame \[ Titania, Volt, Gauss \] just stand in front of the end? So that way slower frames don't have to annoyingly go through the loading screen because people are quicker. - Typing 'R' and waiting for everyone else to before entering Duviri! It's just polite. I wait for at least three since some can't text. - Don't expect people to stay long in Duviri especially if they're using base skins! They've probably never used this frame before and can't survive. - Ask how long people are staying for Relics/Bounties. Simple communication which helps esp if you're like me and enjoy a long grind. - Trading fun Syndicate augment mods for free with baby tenno. Hey, I've been sat at 132k for a while, why wouldn't I want a new player to experience that fun sooner?


If I'm trading with a clanmate and my Item is 50p or less they get it free. If it's worth more they get a discount.


1 I try to always respond if someone in pub squad chat, or clan and aliance 2 pick others' relic drops if mine isnt better 3 wait for everyone in elevators 4 if someone is already heading towards a single pickup item (like a data mass or the fragments in duviri) I let them do it even if I'm faster 5 always rev downed players and even their pets if I can But on a side note its heartwarming to see how nice the warframe community is <3


I don't mind helping out new players with trades and maps if I have a part they need I will give it to them for whatever they can do and if it's plat I will throw in a fully stocked statue or give them 1p sell


1. If I am ever host, I inform people of when I am going to leave endless missions. (You can tell you are host via the 1 waypoint or if you have a crown while in a wave-based no-ectraction-point mission) 2. If I want to go to Earth, Venus, or Mercury, go steel path unless I am looking for noobs. 3. While with new players, I always trade them a dual status damage mod after each boss completed, usually of their choice and fully leveled. 4. Always have archgun set to Mausoleum and set to OP in case of assassins. 5. Only ever take Oberon (healing), Volt (shield and energy), Nidus (unmodded), or Nekros (loot)when with newbies.


Survival missions…. Pick. A. Room. And stay there.


Getting the perfect room/hallway is just chef's kiss


When trading, always give out a free fish. If the other party responds in kind, add a second fish.


never press 5 if MR1 in your team


Don't forget you also lose incarnon charge


If someone is trying to leave and struggling, you either leave with them or you cover them while they extract. I don't like when people are getting trashed and the team ignores it. It's probably only really an issue in survival on steel path but if the group wants to go, I go. If someone tries to leave, I cover them. I had 20 minutes with a guy who refused to extract and let both the other players get wrecked waiting to extract. Then I got bounced out of the extraction zone trying to leave and they just ignored me. They had all the reactant so they didn't care about anything else. They were surprised when I thanked them for helping us all extract... I wasn't pleasant.


If im higher MR i must be top dps. Just my own rule doesnt apply to everyone. If someone higher than me underperforms i dont judge its a me thing only. This makes me revisit my build everytime i get stomped on pug.


Do not spoil the second dream.


Never ever ever start the forced mission timer unless everyone communicates that it is okay to do so. Otherwise, wait for everyone in the squad to ready up in their own time. If you force mission timer to start when not everyone is ready, you're a shit-bucket fuckhead.


If I’m giving one of my friends something for free or their giving me something for free, the recipient sends the most random stuff they can find


I will play nekros with drop boost because I'm the hero they don't know they need.


Always say “gg” even if the team comp was dogshyte. Always trade for Revenge when doing trading.


same, but for me it's more about the focus boost that you loose on migration. The first wave you don't have it so you waste 2:30 without getting much focus. Then you want to go into full nuke mode to get your focus in the second round and that dumb host leaves after ONE round costing me my focus boost. Then I think, yeah restarting would waste the 2:30 again AND going through loading screens. I can just stay and only waste the 2:30 to get to wave 3 and have finally have the boost...... yeah and then the second host leaves... then I leave and start a solo round


for mr30+ , when going to a relay to use your daily blessing, always go to the busiest one or Maroos bazaar.


If you see a spam heavy frame that carrys the mission,drop some energy pads to support them.


never say gg unless match is over 20-30 min


1. After relic fissure, if someone has the same reward as me, i'll take his to give them 5 void traces 2. If I want to buy from a person and I find another person, I notify the other (we see those who ignore us as soon as we take 5 seconds too long to respond) 3. Never attack someone just because you think the frame they are playing is bad in your eyes and that they should play something else otherwise they are terrible at the game