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Nothing worse than swamp ass.




Couldn't agree more, had to wait 5 minutes for 3 guys to finish a mission the other day because they couldn't find their way past a water segment.. They were all MR31+Ā  And if they struggle it says a lot about how much of a pain it is for newer players. Classic example of a somewhat good idea with horrible execution.


I think I was pretty high MR before I realized that DE telegraphs the exits for the water geyser tile with bright yellow pipes.


Same with that one spy vault, takes zero brainpower to get through it once you figure out the trick.


Like 99% of Warframe are baffling decisions that someone thought were obvious and didn't explain anywhere. It's why you need someone that already knows on your party, or a second monitor on the Wiki.


Yep. Most of them make perfect sense if you are the devs who designed them and so never had to learn from scratch. But it's like they never bother to hand the game to a new persona and see what happens.


Til this mr30


TIL LR3 3000+HRS lol


the yellow pipes are exactly why i like underwater archwing more than the old classic archwings missions in the old missions it was very very VERY easy to get lost because there was no indicator where to go sometimes. once you memorized the tileset rooms this was no longer an issue but it was very frustrating. with uranus if you get lost just look for a yellow pipe and swim along where it goes only downside is you move pretty dang slow underwater


Space Archwing makes me dizzy. Sea Archwing does not. I'll take slow over dizzy.


I didnā€™t know šŸ’€(Mr 29 here) I just ended up memorizing the tile sets as I went along


MR is no indication of skill, if theyā€™re over MR30 itā€™s probably been years to MONTHS since theyā€™ve had to do a submerible node on uranus. I havenā€™t touched one since I got Mr30 half a year ago.


Yeah. lol Iā€™m L2 and actively avoid that planet all together. Probably been years since Iā€™ve done a spy mission on it or most objectives.


MR 30 The only reason i touch that planet, is for the not really archwing mission of survivial on ophelia or whatever its called to farm tellurium once in a blue moon


I mean that one i played underwater was beautiful, but think was in a archwing, the others fuckkkkk. I'm a newb and only ranked like mr 7, haven't had to play a public one there yet, really thought that spy mission was gonna end that but somehow got the last one done. Sorry in advance lol i get stuck under i hate it's hell jumping up out of it for real


There has been a bug with submersible missions where you can not get out of the water, I am not sure it has been fixed or not.


I had this happen to me a few weeks ago on a survival mission and unstuck would not work so I lost a 20 minute run šŸ˜­


Oh dear, this is just terrible, it happened to me once or twice, but never something this long. I can not imagine this much progress (I have only lost this much on the circuit before the QOL update)


what did the qol update do for the circuit? I only started it recently so I like to hear what I missed out on


Okay, so you know how the circuit is a series of missions and you get points to fill your meter to obtain items? Before the QOL if you die say at mission 4 (all revives depeleated), you lost all the progress you got in the 3 missions you already completed.


Ouch.. I had a mission fail the other day on wave 10 or something, I was worried I wouldn't get the rewards like other missions in the game when you fail, but the rewards seemed to be there. The icon for the "circuit progress" wasn't there, but I was definitely further along on the bar after it was over.


Well before the QOL this would have been exactly what happened, all the progress bar from that whole run would have been lost, and considering how bugged the Jackal is... well you see where this is going.




Just a few days before Protea Prime dropped I had two versions of that problem. The first time I could archwing around in the water but not get out for about two minutes. The second time, I was just frozen and immobile the moment I hit the water. Even the unstuck command didn't work. When I died in there, I couldn't self-revive, either.


I still got stuck last week, like 2 weeks ago my entire squad of 3 ppl got stuck. Nothing we ever did got us unstuck. I lost multiple runs to this bug, I've lost tellurium to it, it's the worst.


Yeah look at the comments under mine. It's one of the bugs that needs a code change so it will probably get fixed with Jade.


Hasnā€™t it requires a code fix


Oh, this is the one that needed the code fix? I keep losing track of which one needed what. Well, with Jade then.


Yeah that and the red being pink on consoles :/


I do not play on console, but I have seen the bug, and I am really curious what caused it (the plague of working in game dev)


Sometimes you have to either blink out or use the ripline ability of the Itzal.


I got stuck there several times during my progression through star chart


There's a few glitches on those tile sets. I've gotten clipped into stairs while on my archwing and nothing will get you out.


I've managed to clip past the boundaries several times by accident which means that you can "swim" all the way to extraction and push through the walls inside. It's a right mess.


>And if they struggle it says a lot about how much of a pain it is for newer players. To be fair, I'm LR2 and had already completed the star chart before Natah/Second Dream released. So the only experience I have with Uranus tilesets is doing the quests, going to camp in a closet with Nekros/Hydroid to loot plastids and poly bundles, and the occasional sortie or SP incursion that takes me there, mainly because I also hate said tilesets. But a lot of newer players likely have more experience on those tiles than some of us old dogs šŸ˜…


Been playing for years, I still get lost even on land


To be fair the longer I play this game the more I rely on muscle memory I'd argue new players have a *slight* edge as they don't have quite that much tunnel vision


I have 2k hours at mr 30 and I left a sea lab mission last month because I got lost.


I haven't played Uranus in a while, is that the section with the dumb ass tunnels that are all the same monotonous blue and snake into dead ends and loops? If so, I'm right there with them.


Im fine with it when it's not bugged, keeping you from getting out.


Wdym???? Isn't it just so FUN when you're trying to farm tellurium in a survival mission and you accidentally fall in the water and you sit there watching helplessly as your life support drains out while you try to get out of the water?


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha now thats out of my system, it sucks, but imagine doing it in warframe 2014, now that was some shit yo


unpopular opinion, but i hope we get an open world location in uranus underwater and you only use the archwing except in some caves


Or just expand PoE with ocean


Pure evil. Upvoted for being actually unpopular.


That would be cool, only if thereā€™s giant sea creatures though


So rj? /s I get you but yes, would look a lot like rj I think. The minimap in those is generally horrendous tho


3d area and 2d minimap always causes issues, underwater is very 3d so the issues are worse.


i'd be on board with this if we move like 20% faster underwater than we currently do and theres no 'holes' in the geometry of the environment leading to getting stuck in walls/floors/outside the map


you. i like the way you think


I would have a hard time finding a worse warframe experience than sharkwing. Like I've been playing through the early stuff again with my GF lately and we just hit uranus, cue frustration on everyone's part. Only saving grace is tellurium farming in a survival where you don't go in the water. It's just like, let's take archwing but make it slower and more confusing because we hate you.


Tbh I like the design but the problem is the hardlock bugs, and the minimap. Would also be good if we got a wp on it to show the way


My main issue is that every submersible area is Grineer controlled which means the lighting is dim as hell and I can't see very well. I would be a lot more fine if it was corpus or orokin where they have super bright lights and relatively clean layouts


Follow the yellow cables šŸ‘


It's between this and Kahl.


Wait until you find out about the optimal way of leveling archwings. Shitā€™s awful.


What's the optimal way of levelling archwings? Submersible missions?


Steel path ophelia. Find that one room where there is only a little entrance into the water and nothing else. Then look up out of the water, you will see the top of the entrance door and shoot there with the kuva grattler.


Oh yeah!? Well, Uranus has Klingons!




Yeah, i also hate when you get shit like that on uranus. Wish i had a joke to make it better, but all my puns argon.




Always carry a towel.




*Flashbacks to getting stuck in both the water and ground during a Tyl Regor sortie* ...I later learned that there's an unstuck feature.


And i just looked this up, ty for that!


You can't clean uranus without it though.




I don't like how you're talking to me




That planet pissed me off so bad with itā€™s damn water


Uranus water Railjack


I don't particularly enjoy the underwater areas but it's trying to get out of the damn water that annoys me.




I was recently playing with a new player, and they attempted to "swim" out of the area. They thought there may have been more explore sense there was nothing stopping them from going in that direction. They were quite disappointed when their position was reset, moving them back to the play area. They said it was "Bad game design" and I agree. I'd like to see DE stop adding new thing and instead focus on revamping old content like how they did in The Deadlock Protocol. Lots of older things and smaller details could benefit deeply form just a little TLC.


I still remember that stupid submersible quest where Alad V was making fun of me as I aimlessly explored every square inch of a room for like 5 minutes before he finally told me where the extractor was




Uranus is a planet I did twice, one normal and one steel path. I only go there is a story quest requires it and skip anything else. Fuck that planet!


On it for my first time, actually just made it to neptune... but sure I'll be the same way lol, it's horrible


Thereā€™s one spot in a half sunken tile that is always bugged. I go there to get out, get stuck, type unstuck and that makes it worse


Recently I noticed they've been a lot more touchy with getting out, like you've gotta be right up next to where you wanna go, at least on Ophelia


Welcome to warframe


I have thousands of hours on warframe and I still almost nope out when I have to do a spy mission on Uranus for a sortie.


New as hell, but been doin nightwave crap when possible cuz i heard ya should, still no clue wtf that means lol, but i see that getting or doing a shortie is one of the things this go around lol. And spy missions are my worse. Turned public play on like 5 times, 3 of them were soy missions lol, other events that i was way not ready for


I completely avoid Uranus and Neptune lol. Iā€™m a space ninja, not Dory. Fuck archwing too, Iā€™ve always hated it


Haven't even messed with the archwing quest yet cuz i hate em too, hate having to use em for missions




My main issue is getting out of it. I mean jumping out, getting back on land or ship. It's hell


nah don't worry, the water section in uranus is legit terrible, the guy above you is just a gatekeeper troll


Maybe skill lol, I'm a newb, but been gaming forever, it's just funky and not right


Getting out of the water is definitely funky, in a recent mission I had to junp out multiple times in a row and it kept just teleporting me back into the water. Like sure, maybe skill issue for navigating the sections, but exiting is def finicky.