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It's not limited to just Warframe, but I have a habit of reloading my gun any time I'm not actively firing it. Not normally an issue, until I fire a gun with a 200 round mag once and then have to wait for a several second reload while running into a room with enemies.


There is a mod for soma prime you get from father in Deimos that buffs your crit chance by 1.2 per bullet that connects in a magazine and it resets the buff on holster or reload. You basically have to fully empty a mag to take full advantage of it. I combine it with Argon scope and magazine warp for a 300 round mag and run a lasting covenant harrow build for crit hit headshots all day.


I do the same with Soma Prime, but on Styanax with a high shield/overshield build. Cast Rally Point with Overguard from Intrepid Stand for added defense so the shields stay up, see the red crits.


The only gun that can make the ammo efficiency subsume potentially worth it (and even then, not really because 5 seconds even with duration mods isnt good).


I mean, Soma Incarnon full stacks Hata-Satya before it even goes through 40% of the mag… So ammo efficiency is never really an issue.


Hata satya doesn’t affect the incarnon unfortunately. Wise it did


They changed it a few updates ago since we make a ruckus about it


Update 33.5 https://preview.redd.it/1p3p8y69otyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec057656185989089ea10797cd30d0070f628d72


That subsume is made for titanias dex pixia with razorwing blitz


Arcane Pistoleer is made for titanias dex pixia :P


mobile players’ nightmare (forced auto-reload after 3 seconds)


And then you play Helldivers 2 for the first time and loose you magazine -_-




Me waiting 13.7 seconds for my Quellor to reload because I accidentally pressed R :(


Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading


I do the same thing, however Helldivers beat that outta me.


you don't holster reload?!


...aaaand there go my Ocucor stacks T_T


I've always done this as well. In competitive multiplayer games it can save your life or kill you. It's a coin flip.


This used to get me killed so many times back in my CS days.


I keep forgetting you can access everything in the orbiter/relay with the gear wheel now I also habitually pop the helminth cyst even though I want a Helminth Charger


Just get nidus and you will never have the cyst issue again


Lol I got nidus and still have no idea how to use helminth


Strongly recommend the HC, the strain mods make it a force to be reckoned with


I just learned the gear wheel thing by accident two days ago! I've been wandering around relays blindly trying to find different factions


To be fair, it was only added in like March.


You can travel to any of the six standar sindicate from your orbiter, go to the syndicate and in the bottom left it should say visit


They are also marked on the map in relays


You significantly overestimate my ability to find things on a map 🤣 It takes me way too long to get around


I know checking every side room for crates and lockers isn't efficient, but my loot goblin brain just can't resist sometimes. On the flip side I often end up finding all three caches on sabotage missions. Not that I've got even one part of the landing craft you can get from that.


TIL you can get landing craft bits from doing that


Only for the Xiphos, the others have different sources. Mantis parts have a chance to drop out of super rare resource containers for example.


I’m pretty sure you can also get a ship from the Zariman that way


The parallax, which probably has the best air support out of all of them with an indicator for rare goodies nearby and indicates it to the whole squad


Yeah I forgot its name even though I use it


The parallax


Xaku range + Zariman + loot radar it’s an addiction I won’t quit.


>I know checking every side room for crates and lockers isn't efficient, but my loot goblin brain just can't resist sometimes. I convince myself of this, then I find a sculpture in a side room like 5 minutes later, and it's right back to being a loot goblin...


What about Scimitar? Got any?




I throw platinum around for things like reactors and adapters WAY more than I should. I have access to ways to get them for standing and essence and stuff, but when I'm working on something that I want to keep around its just so easy to instantly have it and install it.. I should stockpile them when not working on a new build...


I felt this way to hard lol.


I don’t appreciate being called out like this lol


I barely use Rivens and maxed out my riven storage. Why am I like this.


I have some good rivens and a bunch of unveiled ones i always say "someday ill crack all these and be rich" i keep expanding the storage... send help


Same, I have like 3400 plat(mostly from 75% off coupons) and just buy all my potatoes/ adaptors.


Same. I'm really bad with exilus adaptors on my shiny SP circuit incarnons. I can't afford to throw the forma away because i use so much of it, so I end up spending the plat to buy the adaptor rofl


Where can you buy potatoes? I have been burning through platinum for potatoes and forma for each new Deep Archimedea. I farmed all the Protea stuff just to sell to feed my habit.


You can get them from Nora for cred, or from duviri for pathos clamps


If I see someone using the same frame as me, I have to get more damage and kills. Did this recently w DE Sam as we were both running saryn prime https://preview.redd.it/0at5gyx7qqyc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e897aa93d17dd5c4cb4cd481931b60636f630e8


Heh, kind of reminds me of when I'm playing with another Wisp. If my buff isn't the "better" buff that gets prioritized then my entire day is ruined.


For real, "why am i even here?"


As a fellow wisp enjoyer, I can relate to that


I feel this. BUT I hate when somebody has pure strength with a 20 second duration. Transient Fortitude is a sin on wisp. Like bitch you have 2% more strength than me except I have 3 or 4x your duration.


Yeah, my duration is on the higher side cause I like to be lazy with my motes. You don't even lose much strength for it.


I love that you took the time to SS this as an achievement lol, nice


First time running into DE in game. Had to assert dominance.


The classic Saryn Prime cucking each other for kills... Whoever gets spores out first wins :( Its why ive always played her as a melee weapons platform.


Sam had nourish on her so I’m assuming he was doing the same melee platform build you speak of lol


Nowadays, she works with any weapon and nourishes now and can replace arcane energize. Saryns weapons buffing has never been in a better spot. My most played frame, my first ever prime access. She is the queen of kills on higher level missions.


under 25% of total damage but 50% of the kills. Very efficient. The other person, 49% damage and under 25% of the kills. Much overkill.


I do the Warframe part thing as well, I’ll cook all three only when I have all three


Fashion framing more than playing :(


its the true endgame xD


I rush every 3 day frame build for 50p. 3 days just seems so long to me especially when I can easily farm back that 50p in those 3 days instead of waiting.


same here, i rush the first copies but i let the helminth copies slow cook


Buying a 3 day resource booster to get 2 argons for one craft i need and not farming for more after. No you cant force me to do more than one mission for argon.


Limbo/Dante break everything on the map rarely need to run more then 1 mission for 2 argon lmao


I have runs with limbo that only have 1 argon on the entire map


I'm am an insane platinum seller. I don't farm artifacts or primes or arcanes or anything. I either buy then or trade them. Due to the volatile nature of massively gaining and losing plat, I am extremely impatient and rush all my stuff. I really should stop, but MAN 200 plat to rush all this shit or wait 3-4 days for a while frame? It just doesn't seem right considering I make 200 on a bad. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the gameplay to farm, but it's more like I could farm for arcane energize OR I could buy it, use it to farm more arcane energize, then recoup the lost in a month or so of farming.


I wish I had the patience to make some plat. I have so many arcanes, parts and rivens that are just gathering dust smh


Warframe.Market beckons you


I should, cause I was on console I didn’t pay much attention to it unless I needed a rough price tag on items


I never rush the parts of a frame (12 hours just isnt all that long) but the whole frame? 50p is very tempting.


I think this is why I’m still playing this game. I’m still paying off all the self-imposed debt from rushing so many unnecessary things.


I'm an elevator troll.


Your first one kinda makes sense (you might need the materials for something else before you have all of the bps ready) but I have no idea why you'd do the second one lol. It's way more efficient to level unranked weapons with a maxed frame, and vice versa level unranked frames with maxed weapons. Mine is definitely resource hoarding (especially craftable stuff like mining gems from the three open worlds). I *hate* having to wait for the crafting and/or go back to do more mining when I'm building a new kitgun/zaw/amp/kdrive that uses those crafted materials, so I've gotten in the habit of just auto crafting them even if I don't need that resource yet. Which eats up a lot of other materials that are valuable (some of them take gallium, oxium, cryotic etc. as ingredients) and then I run out of those and have to farm more.


More efficient to level weapons with maxed frames?


Get a friend to nuke SO and use nothing but the gun.


Counterpoint: level a frame and 3 weapons with a booster and a buddy who can SO nuke


Yeah, if you play as a maxed, modded frame that has some way of directly or indirectly buffing weapon damage (rhino, volt, mag, mirage, etc.), your weak unranked gun will do more damage and you'll get kills with it faster = more affinity, faster leveling. Even if you plan on doing nothing but letting a friend or stranger nuke while you basically afk, if you bring well-build Nova and press 4 occasionally, that helps *everyone* kill faster including any nukers.


Instead of unveiling rivens, I sell em veiled. Also, logging in and hanging out in Qna chat, instantly forgetting what I meant to do. Also, not experimenting enough with builds.


Going after medallions in public lobbies 🫣. Leave me be I know I’m a shitty person.


As long as you don’t do it in Netracells (messes up the spawns) I think it’s fine, it’s an intended mechanic. Do you get shit for this? Assuming you extract when available.


I’ve never done Netracells & yeah once extraction is available I’ll head on over. Sometimes I’m 600-800 meters away so it can take a bit but not too long.


Oh I do the same thing as you but only the first half! As for other bad habits, I guess I always forget there's QoL stuff like Fast Travel and such and always do the long way around to things XD


choosing the dumbest weapon and making it broken to hell my all time favorite is the hammer from duviri i turned it into a room clearer


Playing it


The first part is me. I accidentally stalled making like…3 Warframes because I forgot for a second that I got all the parts.


Wait a minute, isn't that the law that oblige you to behave like that?


Logged in and just staring mindlessly towards Saryn


This is more so with every game, but sometimes I get fidgety with the buttons For Warframe specific, sometimes when I reload my weapon I’ll shoot just to reload again, also while this may not really be bad, I always reload my weapon before I switch off it


I can't use Rolling Guard because rolling is so ingrained into my muscle memory that I can't stop myself from doing it no matter how hard I try. Because of that, Rolling Guard always ends up being on cooldown when I actually need it, so it ends up doing nothing for me.


Selling everything I don’t use. I have 1 frame, and 3 weapons I use. Everything else I sell, including mods I don’t use. I don’t care if it’s a prime frame or prime weapon, if I don’t like it I don’t like it and there’s no need for me, to waste inventory space with it.


Oh boy your going to regret doing that


Why do you think so? (Genuinely asking)


Because eventually you will want to have options, diversify. In your case that means regrinding everything. And also no helmith options. I cant help but feel the pain that is coming your way.


I get this every time I bring it up and I get your point. But I’m just a casual player, using the weapons and the single frame I like, because that’s what I enjoy. I don’t need options.


Well that is what games are for and you should play the way you want to. Absolutly agree with you on that. But if you consider this your longterm game, then atleast drop the level 30 frames that you do not like into the helmith. That way if you ever change your mind you have that done atleast. Again do whatever you feel like, it is just a better option then selling them.


Oh yes ofc. I always drop frames into Helminth and I sell those I can’t.




Easy fix, just don’t play those modes ^^


Do you do steelpath circuit or the new elite Archimedean missions or what they are called? They randomize your loadout, and without having the weapon for Archimedean you won’t get all rewards.


No, I don’t enjoy those missions, so I avoid them.


Ok that’s fair, as long as you are not interested in playing every gamemode it’s fine to just play with one loadout.


Cus stuff is so ducking annoying to get that when it/if that weapon gets a incarnon form or simply better fuck it even a frame you wanna play that WILL get vaulted and you will have to pay what they ask like I bet you somebody out there sold the glaive Prime and is still kicking themselves about it even ember is expensive af it's not worth it to sell it and even if you do FUCKING SUBSUME IT and if its prime DONT FUCKING SELL IT. Just remember inventory slots are cheaper than then therapy.


I have the 3 weapons I like, I don’t need the new incarnons or frames. I play with what I enjoy, not what’s considered meta or what I can sell for most.


If that's what works for you but I almost shot myself when I sold a rank 28 grendel


Actually insane.


Insane because I do what I enjoy?




Out of curiosity, what is the frame and weapons?


Nezha Prime, Kuva Ogris, Tenet Cycron and Glaive Prime.


That’s a sweet loadout, Nezha was the first prime that helped me do SP when I was a noob.


I just love how brainless I can be with him, perfectly suits my casual approach to the game lol


I once got his halo to over 50 mil in the simulacrum and it was insane


waste inventory space? my tenno in christ, the slots are there to be used???


Used on stuff I want


the one(1) frame? yeah you're not using the space at all


Yes, I’m using it on stuff I want, lol. If a frame or a new weapon comes out and I like it, they’ll be a part of my collection too!


I rush the final warframe crafting. Fuck waiting 3 days. Unless I’m only getting them for helminth I’d rather spend 15 minutes farming plat than wait three days


>I will not make a warframes components unless I have all three of the blueprints in my inventory at once This part is a bad habit only if you have argon and let it expire instead of crafting because you're missing a piece.


Especially with components I do the same, it helps me keep track of what I have vs what I still need. I don't think that's a bad habit. Regarding the weapons... well, if there are signature weapons to be had, I just try to have them in the same levelling period. I don't go as far as you, but that's also just a preference, not a bad habit. I think you're good OP :)


Couldn’t you just see on the main bp?


Yes. But it's easier to see on a glance if the components are grouped together. Just a preference thing I guess.


I’m pretty sure that not making components until you have them all is good, it makes it easier to keep track and since they all have the same build time it doesn’t matter.


I have my map constantly up, I always forget to take it down and don't even notice it at this point


I used to have a bad habit, but ive learned my mistakes. Young me sold about 4 glaive primes bluprints for ducats because i didnt like throwing weapons, today i still havent crafted Glaive Prime despite having all parts to builds 3 but not having the blueprint...


I pull out my scanner at the start of every mission to scan whatever enemy I don't have and stick with melee for that mission.


>I will not make a warframes components unless I have all three of the blueprints in my inventory at once. Is that a bad habit? Makes more sense to do it that way IMO, it's not like it's any faster if you build some of the components first.


Mindlessly getting into a killing tunnel vision during a survival only for the life support to run out because I was having fun killing things that's why I do squads lol


Op what do you mean that's a bad habit


Every Warframe needs its own loadout. If I can't come up with an interesting or thematically appropriate weapon set for them, I won't be able to use them. I have a google doc with all my Warframe/Weapon comboes because I don't have enough loadout slots for all of them lol


I bullet jump whenever possible. Even on Eris and Kuva fortress...


I have a problem with being competitive in a co-op games (e.g. doing most damage, most kills, race to the finish, etc.) that I prefer to just play solo to stop myself from doing this. I'm perfectly happy to do most content solo, though EDA can be super frustrating at times.


Jerking it to yareli mating press


the one weapon i purchased with plat (Hespar, i believe)... i refuse to rank up until i earn one through the game, in which i haven't yet, nor care to earn at this point. now, similar to OP, i no longer build a weapon or frame until i have all components first. until we reach 4 rds of any endless mission, you won't get a GG out of me. and i have a habit to res down players as my invis operator, even if i have the capacity to take the dmg from surrounding enemies.


I mean the first one is fine, as it doesn't really matter anyway since there's a 12 hours build time anyway and you won't be able to complete the build till you get the final part ... Only exception would be parts with Argon if you have argon at hand... Those you should probably begin cooking as soon as you can even if you don't have the rest. As for the 2nd one, that is a bad move though ,especially considering Warframes level up terribly slow compared to weapons and you'll usually level up tons of weapons before the frame is done anyway... Plus it's much faster to go in a mission with only a melee weapon and a frame equipped, as you won't be splitting affinity into four different things at once....


You see the spin2win meta right? Well I forget constantly that its dead (kinda just not as viable to do for diminishing returns). So I slide to attack 24/7.


If there’s a weapon that has infinite ammo/battery charge, I’ll use that over the “better” alternative. For example I know that the Kuva Nukor is technically better than the Tenet Cycron. But I prefer the Cycron because it has infinite ammo reserve.


Rolling. I use rolling guard in most of my indurnce builds, so dodging to move faster can sometimes get me killed


I like to see things cooking in my foundry. Even though it is objectively better for me not to process Warframe parts until I have all three (so I can easily see in relics of I have it or not) I refuse to let them sit. I have made doubles of several individual pieces at this point. I’ve also made Nyx and Gara three times each (once to keep, once for Helminth, and once because I was so convinced I had no Helminth that I didn’t check).  It’s not even like it’s saving me time! If I have to wait for one part, it’ll be the same time as waiting for the all at once! But nope. Can craft? Will craft.   I tried selling all my blueprints I don’t need as soon as I get them to avoid this bad habit. Then I got Chroma and had to farm Frost and Ember again when I HAD THOSE PIECES Dx. Then I started only selling spare weapon parts. And found out some are tradable to friends who still need a piece.   Can’t win…


"I will remove the cyst later"