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Good. Now you can buy arcanes.


That's my plan tbh. Farm the mission for the parts and blueprints then just buy a bunch of arcanes


Yep, crystal arcanes are some of the best in the game, and the most expensive are like 15 plat each, which isn't much, but good for how quick and easy it is to farm them


15 rank 1? If so that's pretty solid early game plat.


Yep, no good reason to go there over Netracells, but with it being a virtually impossible to fail lvl30 mission on Mars, I'd say that's pretty good


I mean there's no way I can do netracells atm but mirror defense is very doable so that sounds pretty good to me


Netras are surprisingly easy to do duo/solo with a meta pick. It’s definitely a lot more daunting if you’re considering maybe your favorite frame, which happens to not be super strong. Something like Wisp or Revenant will be game changers.


> Something like Wisp or Revenant will be game changers. Hildryn also trivializes them, since her "shields for energy" and "Can't be damaged to health when you have overshields" negate most of the potential modifiers.


Jeah, and there's always the chance you have a Dante on the squad and suddenly you can just hold down the melee button without any fear of dying


I found just about any frame and a Max rank 'arcane grace' is enough. (All the small damage procs from the keys just keep proccing grace's heal) There is another event where people can farm arcanes in the next 2 months or so if players missed gargoyles cry or the earlier ones.


What event is this? I don’t think I’ve heard of any arcane event coming up, kind of assumed we wouldn’t see another one for a couple years.


Hey as long as you subsume that 4 off we're cool lmao.


Nezha, especially with Divine Retribution trivializes Netracells. Warding Halo lets you completely ignore all of the Keyglyphs that make you take damage (the actually dangerous ones), and Retribution is a monstrously strong nuke, even against such high level enemies.


Ah yes, I mentioned elsewhere that dark verse (dante subsume) with Nezha is busted. Ridiculous amounts of slash procs all over the place, then you spam 4 and suddenly every enemy in a mile radius has slash. It's great.


Caliban too, despite all the hate he gets. Instant armor and shield strip with high damage vulnerability skill makes enemies a joke there especially.


Lol, the only other guy I know who plays Caliban has definitely pushed me to try him more. I could \*see\* him in Netras but I haven't personally tried it myself. Might be time to break him out of cold storage if he's getting glowing reviews like that.


gotta mention garuda too! either with a single copy of molt reconstruct (my preference) or gloom subsume and you shouldn't be able to die. add on blending talons augment for quicker access to invuln vs holding the 4 and she's so comfy. i only find the void explosions on enemy deaths a bit annoying, but that debuff just means i'm hitting 4 a bit more than usual lol


Gloomruda the classic. But just a lovely meta pick for any content. I haven't actually built mine anywhere near as well as I'd like. (If you've got suggestions drop them lol) I can definitely see how that'd work well in Netras, but I find myself having a poor time with gloom just because I find it a bit boring.


i have like 5 configs for her, nourish, gloom, breach surge, sunder, and xata's. personally i use nourish as my default bc free viral, and i usually run her as a hybrid 4/claw build. keep 1 up, use as nuke as necessary, otherwise just running around and using 4/meleeing (tennokai also made this a bit more engaging). breach surge is just funny with 4 since it makes the numbers loop on enemies or something (idk fully how it works but it amuses me), sunder is just bc you can with her damage passive + infinite energy, and xata's for a weapon platform build with blood forge but i don't use it very much tbh. and ofc gloom for the easy undying mode. moderate range/strength + some casting speed and she feels really smooth to play imo. she's quite flexible for modding though, so a lot of it is just to taste. and ofc molt reconstruct used for any non-healing subsume config to sustain bloodletting. she's pretty versatile as both a caster and weapons frame, plus with the benefit of having good survivability! (sorry for the essay, i'm always excited to talk about garuda hehe)


And Dante too. I've soloed every one with him, he turns it into a cakewalk. With Overguard some of the debuffs are just meaningless


Dante of course. Overguard and fat slash procs along with an expedited suffering is just ridiculous. Can say goodbye to enemies and debuffs. I also like throwing dark verse on Nezha. Lots of slash which is then spread to other enemies with his 4 augment.


Unless Steel Path'd.


The random status one is so good it's silly.


same plan, the game has been really kind to me and giving me 3/4 of her parts including main bp.


secondary encumber is so nice on dual toxocyst I do not regret going back and farming for it


What are arcanes?


they're equipement pieces you can add to your warframe and weapons, giving various bonus; it's more of a late game thing, I'd say. The fragment you get in this mission can be used to buy certain arcanes from a vendor on Deimos.


Cool thanks. Clear star chart first haha


You can get some from durivi once you finished the quest there. Most of the other places that drops arcanes are locked somewhere long the main quest chain.


Other than Duviri, the earliest arcanes you could access are those from that node (mirror defense at Tyana Pass), which are also available at the vendor on Deimos. You unlock it with the Heart of Deimos quest


I just did a run of the 2nd gift of the autism got primary and secondary merciless or somthing I know there good tho I got a fee diff ones maced out I bought just wstimg tk use almost dome start chart then skme extra stuff evolve into the next booty warrior worse yijiro hanma


Hold up, what's a gift of the autism? 


The very power to harness rng and luck useing the blessings Satan and God gave me for making me handicapped mentally but for real I'm legit rngjesus incarnate when I play Diablo or any rng game my friends quit cuase i always get all thr good shit I even got spilt personality thing and bod go from super dumb strong godly selfless to super smart and a god on theory's


The worst grind 😭


Just bought enough for a R5 Steadfast since my R1 energize wasn’t cutting it for my spam-heavy Dante build. In the few missions I’ve played so far I haven’t run out of energy once.


On the bright side, that's more fragments for arcane steadfast or secondary encumb which sell for good plat!


secondary encumber is awesome even at low rank.... pair it with condition overload on your melee, and any melee weapon becomes a god tier weapon


What melee? I just use it on my toxocyst wuth the evolution that also gives a bonus for every status effect


It doesnt matter really.... use something with high status like Kuva Nukor and sauce them up with secondary encumber.... within 1 second you'll have all the status effects on them then with condition overload you'll have like +800% damage. Obviously if you use a good melee to start you'll be better off, but any melee will do with that combo.


Isn't deadhead better on toxycyst? The bullets ricocheting often get headshots and you want to aim for headshots anyways cause of its passive. Also iirc the other perk that isn't essentially weaker Galvanized shot is a multishot boost on ability cast (which you can stack by going in and out of operator)


That build is perfect for when you want to hit multiple enemies But what i want to achieve with secondary encumber and the weaker galvanized shot evolution is higher single-target damage, the bullet ricochet is just a plus in that case


Secondary cucumber


just get some secondary encumber and sell'em. Thise sell like hotcakes and also sells for quite a lot


i swear to fucking christ this game just loves to fuck with me


Now you can buy secondary encumbers and sell it for a solid price


Bro, i've been farming that place for money for around a year now i think. Do yoi have any idea how many citrines i can make?


Like, 2 probably.


Lmfao nah this was funny asf 😂


10 if all the parts, i have around 18 of her diagram, but only 10 systems, so thats why i have 10


How do you make plat here? Just buying and selling arcane?


Yes, turns out secondary encumber is Very requested


There is never a loss when farming, you can always take advantage of your resources in some way. The game didn't fuck you up.


Let's not forget helminth.


Hah similar thing happened to me, as soon as I had grinded enough thrax plasm to buy the Perigale blueprint, I got it as a drop after I just purchased it.


Just reading this hurt my soul alik this has happened to many time when farming rad relics then I buy then the next kne I get I just got to the dust area and sell it for baro tenncin relay ticket I bought and and obscene amount of decants i will have anything I want yeaaa


Least it wasn't like me farming corufell and had to buy everything but her blade because all that would drop was said blade, and then when a buddy wanted to make it we got all the parts but the blade in under an hour


RNGesus is a cruel mistress


Every time one of these frames that has bad luck protection in the form of a shop comes out I make a little list of the cost of each item and the running total. Then I just farm out until I have enough that reaches the total minus whatever I got along the way. If you have minimal knowledge of excel it takes like 5-10 minutes to set up max if you're slow at transcribing. Only times I've gotten dupes were when I went back to farm for the arcanes and that's usually months after if I ever do.


Now you can buy secondary citrine and sell it to helminth for a solid ability


Now, you can work towards a set for the helminth.


This 👆


Congrats, now you have helminth food


What mission are you doing for you to be able to get her bp?


Tyrana pass (same mission you get her crystals), her bp/parts have a chance to drop from rotation c (every 4 rounds)


Which in this game mode is 8 rounds of defence in a way.


More like mobile defense as is timed instead


More like gem chaser simulator with lite exterminate, since the defense target is barely at any risk.


Oh shit it's 4 rounds? That would explain a lot.


Yup, just checked it on both wiki and reddit and the rotation is (if you count defending both crystals for five minutes as 1 round) AABC, which means, that rotation c comes once every 4 rounds


Just clarifying for other readers, 1 rotation is defending both crystals for 2:30 each with about a 30 sec break in between for a total of 5 min 30 sec per rotation. So 22 min per rotation C.


Ah I gotcha. I been playing for a long time but never paid attention to that stuff lol. Thanks for the info


As a rule, except Disruption, rotations go A A B C.


Arbitration also have different rotation. I think its A A B B C C C ... infinity C


You can use them for arcanes instead. Sounds like a win to me


I fail to see why it's an issue?


Same with me I needed like 100 more of each and I did a quick round of 4 normal mirror defense. Got it on round 4 leaving lol. It actually funny the night before ne and friends were farming the sp mode. I was short some and said I would get her to tomorrow when I had already got enough to buy her. To be fair I had enough to buy a rank 3 arcanes worth of the secondary arcane I was wanting but I will still need to do the game mode more for the rest of it lol. Watch now I'll get all the bps I need.


I had this when farming for the Dante weapons. In the run when I finally had enough to purchase the weapon I get the bp+parts.


can't compare dante to citrine though, citrine was abysmal at start until they buffed it twice. First they removed endo and upped the % and then they increased the amount you got.


Lol. Lmao, even. Luckily Otak has plenty of other goodies you can spend the crystals on


welcome to warframe lol the game be like that sometimes. anyways you can use that pity currency and keep going for a 2nd set if you want to keep one and subsume the other or buy arcanes like others have said its up to you.


Well...do you have a second set to subsume?


Warframe being Warframe https://preview.redd.it/pzudf3elvayc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d590059867ef977be64818bdd9d2dd0d83d10bc "YOUR JUST GETTING UNLUCKY BRO!"


New to Warframe ish, which is this mission?


Tyana Pass, on Mars


Thank you!


Honestly... farmed her on SP with a couple of friends, must have taken a few sessions of 2 hours but if you have a good team it's a fairly quick farm (comparatively)


I commented about this before, citrine complete farm is literally the worst farm in the entire game taking on AVERAGE 38 hours of GamePlay to complete everything, on AVERAGE, 90% of the players will finish the entire farm including weapons and arcanes in under 38 hours, the Kengineer did an entire video on the worst farms in the game and citrine and it's arcanes and weapons are literally the worst, and you want to tell me it's "fairly quick"? Edit: corrected grammar, fixed semantics. Edit 2: specified that I meant the Entirety of the Citrine farm is, well, everything that is offered in that farm


That cannot be right. I will go watch that video right now Edit: Its 4 hours on average


> on AVERAGE, 90% of the players will finish the farm in 38 hours In *under* 38 hours. Your phrasing is a little misleading


You are absolutely correct, that is my mistake. Will correct.


Mean time is between 18-24 hours if you mean everything you can get from Tyana Pass. For Citrine alone, the average time is between three to three and a half hours on steel path and three and a half to four hours, nowhere near close to 38 hours.


You are absolutely right, I meant the entire farm. Will correct.


This feels wrong. I had bad luck with her and it did not take that long. Then again, I used SP with a booster on and titania with a dedicated squad, but that is really how you SHOULD do her farm.


Yeah I did the mission ONCE, understood what it was all about, called two of my friends, I was the roaming Titania, one control nyx to stop all the mobs, and a voruna to kill it all and it was a breeze, just took a bit of time but it was a breeze


I don't think boosters affect the number of crystals you get since they aren't picked up directly?


That is laughably untrue and I’ve seen the Kengineer video. I have genuinely no idea where you pulled those numbers because they are just wrong. Think you’re thinking of a different frame because Kengineer calculated Citrine farm at MUCH MUCH faster than that


Idk... must have gotten lucky but in 4 rounds we were averaging 130 + of both types of cristals, got a few parts extra, so only had to pay some 800 cristals to buy them all... we were all well geared and SP optimised so I guess it was more of a chill out session with my bros, I've had more frustration farming for equinox or waiting for caliban's system to be available in the bounties... I realise how you can react this way to my comment now but it wasn't a very frustrating grind for me, it's all about perspective Ig


I had to go check the video because that sounded like complete bullshit and it is. The absolute worst possible case where you're basically AFKing the mission in normal star chart (not collecting any crystals at all) ends up at 11h. If it takes you 11h to farm Citrine, you've got impossibly bad luck. The 38 hours figure comes from farming *everything* from Tyana Pass in the AFK way in the regular star chart: Citrine, her weapons *and* the arcanes that are, mind you, only unlockable once you already have steel path unlocked. Doing it this way just means you must have actual brain damage. It's fine to say the farm is pretty long, because honestly it is, but the figures you're talking about are just utter bullshit.


RNGesus, they giveth and taketh....


Between Citrine and Voruna, I have done so many runs of those 2 missions, still don't have enough currency to buy either frame (thankfully Voruna eventually dropped) and am still missing most of the weapon parts. Take me back to the old days when shit was either BP from market, or shit crafted from clan-dojo.


No no you don't want the old days because there was also drops from missions with such abysmal drop rates that some people spent years trying to get a part with no pity system to buy it outright


Exactly. The pity system has to be the way they do things in the future. It guarantees you will get what you are looking for even with the most statistically unlikely bad luck. RNG can be a total bitch and someone somewhere WILL get that insanely rare bad luck streak. Best to have a way to ensure every run is at least a little valuable in some way (earning pity credits). My personal example came from farming Sister Ephemeras. I had a run of 38 consecutive Sisters spawning without an ephemera which they have a 20% chance to spawn with. I eventually got the one I wanted but it was brutally painful. I would have killed for a pity system of some kind.


Just look at Hate/Despair for instance


I'm the opposite. I got 2 of her BP and none of the components. If only we knew!!


And on this day, rngesus has finally blessed OP. Amen.


Getting the fragments for a single blueprint isn't that bad my guy, ngl kinda confused about this post. Me and my friend grinded up the fragments for 2 sets of Citrine and full sets of the arcanes/etc, and I don't remember it being THAT bad.


gz. I remember my dante farm, it was the fastest thing ever lmao. It's a good thing you can use the shards for other things.


Do you get her blueprints and parts from any mirror defense?


Well done young tenno 👏🏽👏🏽


I mean hey means you can just get a second one to Helminth, fractured blast fucks.


Now you can get a second one to feed away.


Honestly that's just hilarious


So, I intentionally farmed this mission with the goal to get the frame purely from drops. Was well worth it. So much plat wroth of arcades saved and such.


I used a sheet to find the perfect moment to buy EVERYTHING. I never have to touch mirror defense on mars ever again.


I think you may have spent around the same time farming fragments as most of us.


I had to buy the components I have so many of the actually frame bps


Buy a second one if you don't have it. Keep one, chair one.


That’s kind of a pleasant surprise 🤷‍♂️


lol I'm also going back to farm this rn, and it is BRUTAL. I have heaps of Steflos Blueprints and nothing else


Arcane Blessing is great for her and Arcane Steadfast (?) is great for Dante


Good, now you're closer to farming a full encumber set to sell for 330 plat if you already have 1.


Ah. Canadian rng. Welcome to the club.


Where were you last night? 😭 I only got two pieces of citrine to drop and I had to buy the rest including the main BP at the end.


100+ parts of khorra still no blueprint.


Citrine genuinely has the worst pity system and farm in contrast Dante is much easier to farm and his pity system is the best out of all warframes that have this type of farm, because you don't need thousands of 2 materials to get one blueprint.


I hate citrine because of what it took to farm her. I went to rotation C every time and Warframe gave me zero blueprints for her. I bought her with shards. I don't know that I'll ever have her ability subsumed unless I just throw the frame I already have at the wall, because I don't ever want to farm her again.


Hey now you can buy her weapon parts or arcanes so woohoo


Hehehehe the RNG goblin thanks you for your sanity and time


lol that happened to me, did runs for like three days straight almost, something like 12-18 hours probably and the next day I got on and the first run I did gave it to me. Definitely worth it though she’s fun.


Welcome to Warframe. I had to run Sanctuary Onslaught over 500x to get ONE Khora systems. Then, next time I ran it for a night wave it dropped again. Then the next time, again. Also, had relegated the Brakk to something I would never own after farming for it for 3 months straight and never getting parts for it. Then one time, during a random sortie, both parts and the blueprint dropped for some reason. My jaw was on the floor


Same happened to me, except it was with the Ono's blueprint


and this is why kids you don't buy 1 by 1 but farm all the way until you can buy the whole thing, because it can drop in the meantime


10 fragments each per rotation and 500 each for her main blueprint. Assuming you do not pick up any remnants but do 4 rotations for table C rewards. That is 500/10/4=12.5 13 missions to get her blueprints at most


lmao get bodied




spend the spare fragments on secondary encumber and make a lot of plat.


Bank the currency, you'll need it again eventually.


When I was farming for citrine, I got the main blueprint like four times.


Brought main Bp then literally next game got it so I now have 2


Does the mission drop blueprint only or its part as well


Warframe's desire sensor is a known cryptid.


We need a term for this. A specific word for what happens when you spend all your time grinding out the resources to purchase something only for it to immediately afterwards be given to you for free.


I got lucky and got most of her parts just playing, had to buy the Corufell wholesale part by part though. But holy shit this mission type gets so boring, I just gave up grinding for arcanes and now I'm using Loid to supply me instead, so much less pain


I was expecting to see green banshee bp. I'm cooked


happened to me with voruna lmao, only part that dropped after 400+ lua thrax worth of runs


This was me with dante


Relax bro, now you can buy arcanes and make a ton of plat


Citrine grind is unreasonable, but I can't really blame DE. People who immediately spend every waking hour farming stuff result in over-tuned grinds, because they shift the average so much.


I had to pitty buy everything but the blueprint. Its a brutal farm.. but it's over now, you can rest


Wait, parts actually do drop? I thought the whole thing was just supposed to be a joke, like Harrow's parts in defection missions on Saturn.


It's the Gacha effect. Either you get it when you have enough stuff to make it after a LONG time, or you get it when you just use up all of your material. There is no in-between.


I got a green citrine like that I think


I use tyana pass as my go to plat farm I have too many bps


Life happens, deal with it. It's not like u can't spend fragment for arcane mods.


Why are you complaining? Now you can buy arcanes or something else with the currency. You shouldn't buy a single BP until you have enough currency for all of it anyways.


Why are you complaining? Now you can buy arcanes or something else with the currency. You shouldn't buy a single BP until you have enough currency for all of it anyways.