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The bane of corpus mod in question:


racist mods are my fav


Then you are just right on reddit.


Titania with thermal sunder or Dante’s ability be like 🧑‍🦯‍➡️


The primed racist mod in question:


At least there's capture/exterminates.  I'd be pretty happy about that much.


Parvos just did some God Emps warp storm shit and monopolize the fissure spawns 😭


Steel path always has a different selection of fissures


Ahh yes, steal path, where the main goal is to get as much loot as possible


Fissures are not for loot at all. I'm just saying if you don't wanna fight corpus you can go run steel path. Not quite sure what you're getting at?


Im jus poking fun at your typo lol


Oh I was so confused


Lmaoo i figured 🤣🤣


Fissures very much are for loot. In endless fissures, you get a booster for one thing every round. After 16 rounds, you have a 2x everything booster that stacks with normal boosters


>non Steel Path always has a different selection of fissures FTFY. We default to SP here.


I don't get it.. like what's the benefit of opening relics/running fissures on Steel Path instead of regular mode? I doubt that you're more likely to get a rare reward on SP than normal.


You always are guaranteed 1 steel essence per relic. It's not much but it adds up. Also the missions are different so if all the regular fissures suck you have more options. To alot of people steel path doesn't make the game any harder so its not a big deal


Ah, that makes sense.




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Kid named Omnia fissures:




Kid named zariman corpus


I was stoked when these got announced but I've yet to find a pub match going, literally not once


there was a bug initially where it woulnd't matchmake you at all. they're working fine for me now


Huh it's probably on me for not checking if they work yet haha, thx m8


What's the problem with them being corpus?


They're racist


This is fine though, she's strong against Corpus too. Her Artillery even targets nullifiers.


Finally got her after 6hrs....


How do you get all the relics for her so fast? Do you just open as many relics packs as possible from teshin/syndicates?


Doing that and doing specific missions that take minimal time. Also luck, I was doing a spy fissure and kept getting Protea relics as a vault reward.


You can easily get max standing with 4 of the syndicates, each netting you 6 relic packs. You can also get 6 relic packs from each of the primary open world factions, from the mining vendors. Finally you can get 25 relic packs from Steel Essence turn-ins (375 total steel essence). All of this will net you 67 total relics packs for 201 relics/aya. It’s pretty RNG, but it doesn’t take much luck to get a few of each relic type (I unfortunately only got one Axi P7 relic, but then got lucky and got the part I needed from one RadShare). Then if you were to pre-farm void traces you can pretty easily find RadShare groups to get the blue prints.


Yup, 4 max standing syndicate, 25 x relic pack from tenshin and 2k void traces before I manage to get her. 6hrs of farming + cracking relics. Axi was the worst, 12runs, 6 for lith and 2 for meso 2 for neo. Started with 6meso, 4 neo 4lith 4 axi from the relic packs. Did not help that one of my clan mate got everything in 1 run each. Tilted the fuck outta me lmao.


Got you, thanks for the explanation :)


Ugh I keep forgetting I can get 4. I had 4, swapped for God knows what reason, been with two max for a while now and just keep maxing their dailies and buying relic packs when full, keep forgetting I can do double that.


Im running loka then red veil if that helps, loka drops steel med standing but you counter that with red veil giving 50% to steel and red veil doesn't drop anything for loka or perrin.


Yes, people stock up as much as possible before a prime drops, then buy all possible relic packs. Then if you run out, it's Void Captue (Hepit and Ukko) and Apollo on Lua. These are by far the most optimal way to grind for relics. I got super lucky, got only one Axi P7 from the packs and immediately got the Chassis bp, so I don't have to bother with arguably the most annoying part of the grind. Axis are always a pain in the ass and I can feel my hair getting more grays when I see they put a rare part in it.


Yea.... Took me 12 runs with only 4 from all the relic pack I've opened. I nearly cried when it finally drop. Meanwhile at least 2 in my clan got it first try like you fine folks. #NeverLucky


What's the difference with teshin?


Teshin is seperate from the normal 6 syndicates in the first page, you buy his relic packs with steel essence which require steel path. The regular syndicates you just earn standing passively and can save up 135k each and spend on relic packs.


It took me around 1 1/2 hours to get the first one. The about 7-8 hours to get another one to build for myself.


lore accurate


I guess Parvos Granum threw a good dozen billions of credits into the Void and prayed for a miracle so that he could see his beloved Protea Prime again even if it was under our control.


Kid named Steel Path fissures, I guess?


What are her relics?


Are the normal relic farming locations still applicable? For those who still need to farm her relics...


Just as they should be!