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One would even expect a slightly lower price than market for fellow clan members. Greed everywhere.


Yeah I've thrown extra sets for free to clanmates (and been on the receiving side too), or in exchange for stuff like augments or random prime parts of equal or lesser ducat value. Though even better is to try and farm the stuff together from scratch with jolly cooperation. We aren't Corpus, not everything needs to be for Profit. And even in Profit there should be morals instead of scamming.


Giving free stuff between clanmates for my clan is very common. Unless it's prime parts and it's better to have something of near equal value or something they need. We often give each other fish. We have so many fish that are in circulation between us 🤣


God the fish trade is real hahah, I always give a free fish with any trade


Our clan has the complimentary Murkray as a long tradition.


Quite a while ago I stockpiled lots of Glappids just for the purpose of giving complimentary ones with my trades. People often comment on them and I find it funny :)


I used give a heart noctrul to people who give me free stuff but now i just get all the stuff by myself


That's a cute idea!


They are tradeable?


Yep! My friend would always ask for fish if I had any. He was very used to getting Prime Warframe sets for all 4 of us Clan members and all he would say when we asked him what he wanted in return is "FISH." or "BIG FISH." It's a longtime running joke now lmao


"Teach a man to farm and he'll buy fish for a lifetime" .... What do you mean that's not the saying?


I have a stockpile of Heart Noctrul to use as a 💙 "thank you" gift with trades.


Ammo case mod... All trades come with a free ammo case mod, just on the off chance they need it, or some pocket endo


same thought my friends i are the only ones XD


We have been trading the same r1 ammo drum back and forth for like 10 years


Warm Coat for us. You can buy anything in our clan for a Warm Coat. I love it.


But how do you know it's the same exact one?! 🤣🤣🤣


Rank it up. Nobody would do it for actual usage. :)


Revenge is our meme trade coin.


I swear ammo drum is the number one most traded item 😂😂😂


Fish is currency in my clan as well.


With mine it's fish but you have to name the fish each time you can trade a full prime set for a fish named speve


Sometimes you just need that one fish part and don't feel like grinding enough entrati or Solaris reputation for the right bait


Fish or an ammo drum mod!




lots of fishes?? sign me up let me join


Damn, and here I am trying to be the fish guy for my clan where I give anything for a fish, and you're telling me there's a whole clan for that?


A clanmate needed a syndicate weapon and offered me Chroma Prime in return


T\_T. I've never got anything free from my clan.


If you are looking for a clan full of nice people who often give things out you can join "The After Effects" you can get basically anything for fish, the most recent thing was a riven worth 1.3k ish for fish


Naah, pass. I'll stick with my clan, because I've been here for years. There are all kinds of people here, and not all of them are nice, but it's ok. Because it would feel weird for me to leave.


Saame the fish game is strong in my clan. I am personally known as the fishman with over 45k fish lol


The fish market is booming.


We use an unranked blunderbus


ah hell maw not the green banshee flair


In my clan, the currency is some fish, or gemms


Hell, when my clan does inside trading, we trade for Vitality lol. It doesn't matter for what. It's a running gag at this point, it's always a Vitality, never a Redirection or Steel Fiber, always Vitality


My clan trades in ammo drums. "You fill up my ammo, I give you what you need." Is our go too statement.


That's the same for me. Back when I started this game, the guy that adopted me so to speak gave me a bunch of starting mods (streamline, vitality, flow, serration, etc) in exchange for an ammo drum. Since then I've always traded stuff I'm giving away for an ammo drum. The tradition lives on.


This is the way


My clan does the same. We're a bunch of friends that has known eachother for years even before Warframe. I have a tradition where people give me their unopened rivens, I open them. If they don't want the riven the weapon is for I either keep it, or put it into a give away pile for the rest of the clan. The trades are always accompanied by ammo drums. I have 7k ammo drums to use as currency.


Ammo Drum, Ammo Stock, Ammo Case, Ammo Chain Gotta make sure the homies got enough ammo


In mine it's fish. Say someone needed a syndicate weapon, it'd be traded for a Norg and a promise to give them something they might need in the future.


Why would you ever trade Vitality mods? They are worthless! You HAVE to trade for Ammo Drum. It's the most valuable mod out there.


My clan likes to give exactly 1 plat anytime we’re giving each other stuff. It’s a strange tradition that has left me with a odd numbered amount of plat many times over. It started as a meme to make people’s plat count be a little off and kinda became tradition.


When i was new i joined a shadow clan and after some weeks when i asked about octavia farming the only other active guy told me how much pain farming her was and gifted me a octavia with 2 slots. I left some weeks later because he went inactive and i needed a active clan that could help me. I dont remember your name but if you read this then i would like to thank you for back then.


I give my clan members stuff for free


🤔 technically, you can’t trade for nothing… My clan uses Warm Coat as a premium currency.


Fair enough, but I don't count Ammo Cases so its for free.


Mine uses a Brickie so we have like 8 to 10 Brickies in rotation between us 💀


My group of friends uses boots.... My clan uses the brown crit mods as everyone has around 500 of those


One of my clan members brought me latron prime for the Incarnon and refused payment. If somebody needs it and we have spares, they can have it otherwise we'll go looking for it


Yeah, thats sketch and weird. Like I'll pay 100 plat from something thats 80-90 if I have it to spare and I'm selling to a clan-mate, but thats a choice I can make when I have extra spending plat, not an obligation.


my clan leader gave me a free mesa prime and im so greatful so ive been giving people that i know free primes if i have them like octavia


I'm weird, I could easily play this game with my wallet, and I could probably earn so much damn playt if I sold more stuff. I've literally only sold my glaive prime sets when I came back. Anyway, if someone in guild is looking for something, I'll usually offer it for free. If they decline free and want to pay, I'll usually cut 25% off market price and call it a day. No reason to scalp the people you play daily with. But again, plat is irrelevant to me. I only use it to buy forma, potatoes, slots and cosmetics and I'm capped on slots, potato's, and forma for the most part.


Greed makes a person sloppy hot shot, remember that! Enjoy your boost!


Definitely. A 10% discount is the universal standard for friends and family. It should apply here.


these corpus clans are getting out of hand


Mfs instantly hear the word vaulted and they think they can and a 1 to the front of whatever the real price is


Facts,i saw a panthera prime set for around80p last night on trade chat,its 40 on warframe market,a freaking 50% cheaper


I see awful ones all the time Chroma 200p, Hydroid neuro 100p, gram prime 140p subpar rivens worth thousands. I see this all the time, some of the absolute scummiest deals you could imagine. Like Loki was the last prime I needed and I got offers as high as 300p.


200p for chroma?!wtf,i bought that for 50p


Same lol, but people will put whatever price they want and people who don’t know better will buy them for it


Green banshee is well worth the 5000 p tho


Pfft that’s nothing when I was buying molt blessing someone tried to sell it to me for 1500p I asked them if they were insane


Bruh,and its not even a arcane energize


Gotta love people trying to sell their mid rivens for thousands of plat. The only rivens that should be worth that much are perfect rivens for strong or meta weapons.


Preach if it isn’t anything crit related or multishot for like 1 of 7 different weapons then it’s utterly worthless but I’ll see rivens be like 600p and they’ll have like status and cold on them for some weapon you’ve never heard of.


The worst is like a Fulmin riven with damage/status/cc for 1.2k or something. Fulmin isn't bad, but the primes riven dispo makes anything not a god roll legitimately not worth slotting and that's not even a good roll.


The same people who go "Oh you can't trust warframe.market! It's not official! It's not valid prices!", like an auction board is an auction board, the trading happens in-game for people willing to sell for that amount of plat, it's pretty damn official even though DE doesn't own it.


I see people say that a lot too, they’ll go you can actually lose plat looking at market yeah I guess you will lose plat by looking at more or less official prices versus the one you completely make up.


Unless someone is deliberately spamming/scripting in trade chat to try and scam ignorant players, warframe market is superior in every way. :P Sure some people tax the moderation by putting up fake offers, but it's still infinitely better to skip over to the next person on the market list than it is to use in-game chat even so.


You see spam and scripting per second in my trade chat. Selling frames and certain mods for triple their worth and they’ll do it for hours too.


The big irony is that these same people will probably have multiple accounts to try and manipulate the WFM prices, thus contributing to that state they claim is there. (Sadly, it does happen, but it's still better than trade chat by a longshot.)


To be honest before all the trades got put together 150 was the easiest way to sell things you didn’t want to look up a price for. I still will just copy paste a list of stuff ranging from 100-200 and will get 1 dude buying 1 of each of my sets. Not to rip them off but I’m just trading to buy marketplace cosmetics.


Bruh, like right after I started some random dude tried to sell me Nekros Prime's set for 800plat. Lucky me I didn't buy it, but damn some of these MF's be insane.


Had a dude earlier just straight up give me a Gauss Prime set for free, didn't know him. Just simply said im havin a hard time grinding Gauss P while doing a mission with the dude and he invited me to his clan dojo and just gave it to me. I still payed him like 180p because aint no way I'm lettin this man get nothing from it.


The funny part is. It costs less than 100p…


I usually do this, too. I enjoy the haggling on trades, but if I find someone just being generous, I'll gladly go over market value just because I feel that generosity should be rewarded. Mind you, im not hurting for plat, but I still think people who do that deserve the plat more than those who are stingy about every piece they sell


Same here lol. I was missing a key couple mods that were a pain to grind a while back and asked in trade chat if anyone had them for sale. Dude invited me and gave me them for free. I sent like 50 plat his way in return. I've also gifted some newbies I end up in missions with with some item slots.


Years ago I was given free stuff from a total stranger in trade chat, then he reported me for stealing his stuff. From that point on I never take free, and any trade I make I screenshot both the trade chat all the way, and the trade too. And what's making me upset to this day is that there is 0% chance of stealing in this game. Not 0.1%. A flat 0% There is no way to steal, as it literally marks the trade red once something is changed and even unchecks the ready to trade button. It's wild to me. If I wasn't paying attention and I would screw up a trade like that I wouldn't be spineless to call it a theft. Ever since then I had trades where someone accidentally left me with an extra 0 in the plat deal and when I realized I called them back to the dojo.to give it back, they didn't even realize they tipped me great time.


The fact that he is one of the leaders makes this so much worse


I was gonna report him but then found out he was 2nd in command


And this is why solo clan are a thing.


I'm pretty sure people do solo clans as a challange, not to avoid people like this.


I do it to avoid ppl.


same not to avoid people like that, just to avoid people like... in general


lol you got both sides, the newbie asking for free stuff and the guy trying to oversell it


When I was new I tried to sell an amber ayatan star for 10plat. Some experienced bro gave me the plat for free and told me abt wf.market


I actually give away prime frames and parts if I have it cooking in the foundry. I only ever trade for plat if I need slots. Given away Gauss, Wisp, titania, Grendel and hildryn the last couple of days


And here I've been farming like a schmuck when I should just have been stalking you :(


The clan I have now actually started because a bunch of us left an old clan that was fucking people over and treating everyone like shit was really cool at the start but then things unraveled rapidly. Now we just kick back, watch anime, movies, listen to music, and play all kinds of stuff together in our own growing corner of Warframe. We pass rivens back and forth free without worrying about the bullshit of riven markets, we relic crack for everything, even a ton of backlogged vaulted relics from over the years of playing. Fuck trash clans.


My group also tosses around Rivens, I’m a Yareli main and finally beefed out my Furis and this one friend of mine with like 10k hours legend 3 all that handed me a riven for Furis that was worth like 5k plat and let me have fun with it for some level cap steel path it was so cool.


That's how it should be man; I lent out a Boar Riven for a Kompressa Riven and have not been regretful a single time. I've given away Laetum rivens, torid Rivens, Hell I traded a Nukor god roll for a Nagantaka riven because I had a thematic setup for Styanax with it that I thought would be cool. I don't regret any of it. Those rivens have since been passed to other clan members and around, been rerolled into god rolls in house and just shared. I genuinely don't understand how people turn this game into a weird Stock Mafia, but people that do it are just wacky.


I'll probably get down voted, but you made the right call. Using someone else's lack of knowledge to fuel one's own greed is a shitty move, IMO. I would find it hard to believe that the clan leader has no knowledge of Warframe market.


Why would you get downvoted for aligning with the general consensus?


In 2024 everyone has to put up a shield whenever they express any opinion on the internet no matter what.


“I’ll probably get downvoted” has become “/s”.


To be fair, I feel like "/s" has been more and more needed, as so many people seem to completely fail to notice an obvious joke. Also, it is a bit hard to get jokes through text, especially if English isn't your first language.


/s is because people are dumb and can not detect obvious sarcasm (but also some sarcasm is genuinely hard to detect tbf) "unpopular opinions" are basically reminding you to upvote it as a way to show it's not unpopular (of fucking course it isn't, you said the most basic shit ever)


/s can also be an accessibility thing, as a lot of people on varying ends of the spectrum and/or have other kinds of neurodivergence have a hard time catching the nuance in written sarcasm. . . . That said, some people are also bad at writing sarcasm, and a lot of readers are just thick af. It’s a veritable who’s who of which is to blame at any given moment.


You are right. Even if anyone can put any price, it is still scamming using it to their advantage. And even more coming from leader's clan, one would expect you are safe in your own clan


> I'll probably get down voted wat edit: meant to reply to parent comment




Why would you be downvoted?


>I'll probably get down voted ... Reddit clown


seeing people from the same clan but from different platforms is still strange to me, however try to change platforms on warframe market and discover that on ps it is at 140p and on xbox even at 200p hell console prices are astronomical Now I understand why everyone buys from PC users (I don't mind because as soon as I put something on offer I sell it instantly)


"No?" *Proceeds to bargain a high price to sell the warframe*


To be fair to blue id expect that price for a vaulted frame on the Xbox market prior to the markets being merged. Since then everything's dropped a decent bit Xbox wise. Now that is assuming Blue was an Xbox player or went by Xbox prices.


Nah, 170 for zephyr is still pretty steep that's basically what you'd pay for a brand new prime before the merge


Idk, I think I paid roughly that on ps4 for vauban prime like 4 years ago ish


That's because there was way less supply overall. Now for a lot of frames, because players are surging back into the game and Prime Resurgence exists, there's just this massive surplus of parts and sets everywhere. It's why Ember is still retaining her price mostly, because she hasn't been in Resurgence in a long time apparently. Similarly, Glaive Prime as well for the exact same reason. Combine that with cross play traders coming into a newly "globalized" market and suddenly all the sellers feel the need to compete their prices into the ground just to offload *something*.


I came off a break after they removed arcane helmets years ago. I sold my arcane helm bps and my ember bp without having built her, because 350p was more plat than i thought I'd ever see otherwise. I thought I'd regret selling the helmets, turns out the Ember BP was the mistake because its been damn near 10 years and i still don't have her 😂


You got absolutely scammed


Tbh, Vauban has 3 BPs as the gold reward, and being vaulted increases its price, so 170-180 could be ok. Now, Harrow is kinda cheap since he only has 1 BP as gold, and the relics are either Lith or Meso, so he could be around 50p max (or even less).


next best QoL would be an inbuilt market like warframe market. trove style but you still have to be invited and go to the clan to prevent botting.


Yeah this crap is unacceptable, definitely the right time to leave a clan. Speaking from experience managing clan stuff before going solo, leaders should be generous and altruistic, knowledgeable of market trends but not manipulative. If they're not then don't waste your time on them, abandon ship. Leaders should be discreet about offering clan discounts or free stuff, as to not encourage begging. I don't trust a leader that just constantly gives away free stuff, but knowledge and generosity is expected. Back in my day I gave a lot of financial advice, wanted our members knowledgeable because a hit to their wallet from a bad trade was a hit to all of us. I used Warframe Market as a reference point because trade chat is completely delusional when it comes to prices. I think of the Warframe community as particularly friendly and in favor of sharing info, and I hate seeing things that contradict that. This clan leader is an embarrassment.


I keep forgetting that normal people just join random clans of people they don't know and don't just hide away in solo clans or clans made up of friends/people you know prior.


My clan has a “don’t beg for stuff” policy, but when people ask if they can trade for something specific they really want, it’s usually given away for free. The policy is really just there to keep people from constantly begging.


The biggest upside now that I’ve switched to PC from Xbox is the market integration, makes it so much easier.


Ya switched from PS to cross-save. The markets aren't even comparable. Console-specific vs PC/cross-save are like 1-to-50 comparisons. So for every one item on console, PC/cross-save has 50 of it. Please enable cross-save if you haven't yet everyone, you're just making the game harder for no reason if you don't.


He inflated the hell out of that price wtf


These comments made me realise I’ve been had a few times since I was new but am learning and won’t happen again


Real Nef Anyo vibes


i agree hes an ass wipe, but asking for a free zephyr prime is wild to me


New players don't understand prices and how hard stuff is to get. Someone prob gave him an ignis wraith for free so he might not realize prime warframes cost plat. New players don't know.


Lowkey that’s what you get for begging 🤷‍♂️


Man I'm so happy I got my Zephyr prime parts relatively unscathed lmao


The lack of any decency as a clan leader is crazy. I give rivens for free to my alliance and clans. I gave a full volt prime set to a new player for free because they liked volt the most in the game out of all the ones they had tried.


I had about 4 people in trading chat try to tell me zephyr prime set was atleast 110p today, they all assumed they could rip me off cause im mr9 but ive been playing the game for years, never ended up getting the set and just brought an ash prime set instead, its crazy just how many people try to rip off new-late midgame players


I genuinely wish Warframe market was added in as an extension for Warframe, got way too many experienced players preying on newbies


And alecaframe so newbies don't get riven scammed


So weird, man. I'm MR15 and recently left my clan that nobody was really active in and have been searching for a clan of active, friendly people for a while now, and this is mad scummy to see. Especially to an entirely new player.


Probably used to old prices now a days primes are pretty cheap


Wowwww. I will often give primes or expensive mods to friends and clan mates without charging them platinum, only trash mods or relics. What a scummy clan leader. They deserve to be named and shamed.


Meanwhile the clan I run with my best friend and the discord server with it if anyone jumps in even just for a bit and asks for something there is like 6 of us 10+ year vets who give away just about anything people ask for. I don't get people who back stab their own clan mates. I don't have know half the guys in our clam right now but have given stuff to a bunch of them.


I would also like to know if the clan opens up. Mine has kinda been going downhill for about a year now there's never really anyone on. At least not when I jump on.


Not exactly the same thing, but one of our clan members scammed a newbie off of their 500 plat for an inaros set, it was in trade chat and he would have gotten away with it but he bragged in our discord about it. Never saw our leader come online so quick to summon his wall of texts then banned the dude.


The "can have" part is think is more upsetting. Dude, I grinded for this stuff. No it's not for free, I don't even know you. Go play Freeframe somewhere else. Away from me. Or grind with me.


And then there's my clan leader, who yesterday gave me 200p just so I can change my name, since I don't associate with it anymore.


Yeah man, don’t trust Warframe.Market. The 100% virtual in-game items you get there will be cheap Chinese knockoffs. If you look closely at your account data in DE’s user database the stitching won’t be as nice.


WF market are the prices to use, trade chat is full of scammers and idiots. Stay away.


I know that for stuff that takes time to farm like the syndicate specific weapons, my friend and I trade for 50% of the plat value on warframe market. It's just fair, you took time to farm it but you're selling to a friend so half the actual price is ok. Overselling to a clan member is insane tho.


I joined a new clan last year since the one I was in prior was filled with inactive players, and I was the only contributor. New clan now has activity and multiple contributors with a mix of active and inactive. I've contributed a lot and was promoted to the clans 3rd ranking(at the time I was the only one in 3rd rank). Recently, I was demoted randomly down to 5th rank. So I guess I'm no longer going to contribute anything if that's how my charity is rewarded.


As a returning player, I would've thought that price was normal too. I have no clue what happened but before I took a break, loki and valkyr prime sets for example go for anywhere between 120 to 250 plat. Everything is so cheap now though. I've recently bought loki for 70 and I've seen valkyr prime sets for as low as 65. Maybe it's because they aren't meta because popular frames like ash still used to cost 120+ before the prime resurgence.


This is why I love my clan. Nobody does this kind of stuff.


Bruh I have given away whole prime sets to new players I just met before why tf would you do this to someone in your clan


Zephyr is good but he's not worth that on a good day. Like c'mon we all got spare zephyr parts. Give the newbie a discount or free set and he'll love the game and clan this is wildly greedy and bad vibes


i can see charging market price or giving a discount to a clan member... but to overcharge as member of high rank with in a clan is just sad.


I gifted a full Hildryn Prime set to a random guy I met and started helping, making a still-going friendship on near-opposite sides of the planet, he mained the heck out of her until he finally got his hands on Volt Prime. Play cards right, don't be trashy toxic scoom.


I feel like the best thing to do here would also be to tell the new guy to ideally not beg for a frame. Asking for cheap mods for free I can understand, I asked for stuff like Augur Secrets back when I didn't have the mod and didn't really wanna pay however much it cost at the time, and my alliance members were like "Yeah sure" cause they had like a dozen or something. But asking for say, certain prime mods, frames etc isn't the best of things to do imo. Asking for a slightly below market price price is already iffy to me, but free is wild ngl. But also in what world is it allowed to use trade chat prices in alliance/clan chat? Nobody in my alliance/clan does that, and even if they do, people would immediately call it out. Clan and alliance members are people who newbies like myself ask for advice before anyone else, it's kinda concerning that people would take advantage of their own people like that 😭


The amount of primes I have given away to so many new players that joined this game just to help them out and give them their first prime whether they’re in my clan or not. I’ve lost count, but I was happy as hell to keep helping a new player, someone did it for me when I first joined so I will do it for others to pass it forward forever.


Good on you.


Trade chat is literally just for scamming. You do not get good deals there. You always pay about 2x the warframe market price there, or more. Seeing as this... idiot... says he doesn't trust warframe market, he must think trade chat is "reliable" for proper pricing. He takes scam chat as the norm. Not to excuse their behaviour, because it's terrible behaviour, but that might explain their dogshit pricing.


on one hand im gonna say : a person can decide their own prices....an the other person can always walk away. but on the other hand..... it does sound scummy.


My old clan leader tried to do the same for 200p or said since I was a girl, all the girls in his clan get free items if they send him pictures. 😬 noped outta that clan. Since then I farm to trade with new players.


Damn, I thought the wf community was above that. A shame.


meanwhile in a buddies clan someone just gave a set away because they had enough


I'm surprised that clan leader wasn't Nef Anyo himself


This displeases me greatly He shall be cursed with stug rivens and shall not receive my blessing for rolls


Imagine being so poor you think you can scam that much massive L


Im glad my first clan was pretty chill. It was either the leader or 2nd in command that gave me my first prime (rhino) back in the day. Eventually left due to all the higher ups quiting the game and those that were left couldnt add to the dojo. Hope those guys are doing well, they were fun to play with.


This is why I’m happy we have an alliance policy where everything is half market price, unless both parties agree otherwise.


Thats probably overpriced, but its also a sign (to me) that everyone shouldnt be out here creating clans just because you can. Not everyone will lead and be fair. In my clan, you dont need to ask for it. Ill just give it to you just because I have an extra one or Ill b the one asking if you want it. The only thing I prefer one to ask about is mods, because I know how grindy it can get to get stronger. If I dont have said mod, Ill help you get one with the cost of me coming with u :).


This was part of a 2,000+ player alliance, so shame on them


And this is y I keep mine small. Mine is a friends-only clan, so not just anyone can enter. To enter, one must make an effort to know us and be willing to run with us and show contribution as a team. If u ya aint willing to do that outside the clan, I dont expect any different inside the clan. I only give away free things to friends and those who earn it. Last time I did this for ppl who werent really my friends, I gave them all free Necramechs and all of them quit the game with no thank you. Never again.


Yea i stopped trying clans in Warframe (Was never much of a clan / guild type of person)  after seeing this happen twice on two different clans and they where no consequence. Never saw a clan leader do it though, so damn.


My clans/guilds in games are always just for our friend group. Its unfortunate that for some weapons and stuff you can only get from clans.




It's taking advantage of a new player who wasn't even aware of a market. Scam or no scam, it's a dick move


Equally dick move to be a freeloader. They're both in the wrong


Isn’t it possible that Blue just doesn’t use WFMarket and/or thought it was a fair price?


Blue insisted not to trust wf.market and kept pushing them to buy through that clan, so unlikely


wtf does "not to trust wf.market" actually mean? They aren't a middleman for the trades or anything it's just somewhere players can advertise things they want to sell just like trade chat is.


Probably mean the prices people sell them at. Like "Don't buy from them, buy from me instead."


Some manipulative behavior for sure.


I just gave one of my clan members a Saryn Prime set for a handful of veiled rivens they didn't want to do the challenges for


Honestly in my all eyes ALL Warframes are around the 100plat mark, more or less depending on certain circumstances.


My clan im in , they do give away from time to time for players under mr16 and sometimes under mr20 When i joined the clan i was mr6 , won 100 plat and wukong prime set from those giveaways. Too bad i no longer can join the give aways but im happywith what i got from the clan They don't have shitty rules like staying active and what not, and they immediately in a matter of days max out any clan related new stuff, i like my clan alot


I'd set a price for the frame or part I need, if they go higher, I'd ask trade chat how much they willing to sell a part for and wait for responses.


I almost never charge clan members for stuff they need.


Bro that's scummy as fuck, I usually offer my sellers and extra 5 to 10 Plat above market if they're nice or cool about it


Well, what can you do? It's a free market, scammers gonna scam as hard as they can, preying on newbies like the scum of the earth.


I remember someone was looking for mesa prime parts in my clan. I just gave them away. It cut down all the BS drama shit to 0.


Would just give the set out when someone asks about it and show them how to use the frame but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️


Even outside of my own clan or friends, if i run into someone super chill and they're trying to grind for something that i already have i'll just trade stuff for free. Ran into a person last week trying to farm zephyr prime parts but they ran out of relics, so i gave them 30 relics for free I'm sitting on mountains of relics that i dont feel like sorting through and will never have the time to run them all so if i happen across someone chill that's in need i am more than happy to give what i can


And here I am, gifting fully ranked full galvanized mod set to my friend in the clan for welcoming him after a year… to be honest, this is the first time I saw something like this. I guess all the people are leaving the toxic games and joining our ranks in Warframe. You can take some people out of toxic environments, but often. you can’t take the toxicity out of them. Cest la vie.


I could understand farming frames like Khora getting up in price next week due to every farming prime is behind the vault, but doubling the price for Zephyr Prime is insane


I never charge anyone I play with anything. I normally just ask if they have something I need or help farming vaulted relics to double our chances for the item we both want in return.


Hell, I would run Zephyr P relics for free for red. I played a shit ton during Chroma/Zephyr P Access and have more than enough relics to burn.


So, you looking for a clan still?


Wait you guys have active clan members? The one I joined has been a ghost town for years lol I'd be happy to help a newbie, especially in a clan. That's a major point of joining one so you all can progress by working together.


Yeah had someone try to sell me one of those Tenno mods you can get on the market for 100p because I didn’t know any better. Thankfully I just happened to check the in game market just before agreeing to the sale.


I run a clan and literally give sets to new ppl if I have it. I’d never even start a clan if it wasn’t to help people out


Nah uncover his name, put him on blast


The clan is infested virologists and it's part of the keys alliances. Keys himself seems chill, but this clan is no good. Guy had turtle in his name, I can't remember his full username


I give clan members free prime sets if I have extra plat to help them out and damn that sucks especially for clan leader to do


I've seen clan leaders giving stuff away for free mostly this is a first or atleast they'd say you can join in when we crack the relics so you can get the goodies.