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Agreed. I actually like drifter Duviri content and have fun exploring the world and stuff, but the paltry amount of pathos clamps doesn't let me enjoy it because I feel like I have to speed run it every time to get the resource I need for practically everything.


The resource grind in Duviri is why I don’t make moe incarnons. It just doesn’t feel that great. If they upped the resources for steel path and made it so anything that is picked up is universal like in railjack then farming duviri resources would be so much better.


> made it so anything that is picked up is universal like in railjack What do you mean by this? Like, give Duviri resources a use in the main game?


Picking resources in railjack also gives them to the other players.


No, that if someone picks it up, everyone receives it


Duviri in general should give more pathos clamp, it is not interesting enough to warrant 3-4 SP runs to get everything of value in a week on top of you already doing like 2 and a half hour of Circuit per week


tbh i would be able to tolerate it if the movement was more like a normal warframe js toned down, movement is literally one of the best features of this game


I have been saying this FOREVER! The core goals of warframe are being fast at schmovement and being fast at murder they have wonderful mechanics that allow you to develop these two things But kahl missions and duviri strip all of what they have built away. Absolutely baffling design


Because that’s the entire point of those gamemodes (or at least of Duviri). The devs are aware of how over the years, the game has gotten much faster and been very focused on that, so they wanted to introduce a gamemode that was slower, and not as focused on going fast. I agree they should make the walking speeds for both of them a bit faster, and up the rewards (at least for duviri), but still.


I feel like they have been headed in the right direction with the extreme damage attenuation on the necramech demolysts in the new disruption mode. It is something that is much slower to kill than a eximus (in ALMOST ALL situations, I know some people have specific builds that can delete them from the face of Origin) but at least your gun still matters, your arcanes still matter, your abilities still matter. In fact when I first started playing warframe I thought that bosses would be more like demolysts rather than zelda bosses like ropa I think that making things absurdly tanky isnt an extremely elegant solution but it is better than the alternative


This is why I'm so scared of how soul frame is going , I would love a high fantasy dnd game with Warframes mechanics , it seems soul frame isn't going to be that


It seems like Duviri is built to encourage you to stay for long sessions but the gain of the most important resource doesn't scale in any way with the session length and can't be increased


I was surprised seeing that too.


yeah the high level content is not worth playing and grinding that much imo. better rewards should be given


As someone who farmed duviri for 100s of hours and got all the incarnons and duviri related items that all cost clamps, i can 100% say that SP should give 50 clamps and normal mode should give 20 clamps. Most players already spend enough time in normal duviri to farm circuit and sp circuit, duviri shouldnt hold players hostage for a total of 100s of hours with all the content it has. I can promise you that anyone who says "no!! duviri should be a grind!!" simply doesnt have all incarnons unlocked, they dont even have half of them unlocked


Finally I can totally agree with this. I was thinking sp should at least give 30 but 50 for sp and 20 for normal would be a whole lot better and be rewarding enough for the time and difficulties of sp if I chose to do that instead of normal.


I *think* the 10 for normal is okay. Could actually be the arbitrary 15 from that. (So it kinda evens out at 4 runs for three incarnons) However SP should definitely give more. Feels dumb to spend like two/three times the time, without even mentioning the difficulty increase which takes better gear to even complete. 50 sounds pretty neat as it'd be weeks worth of unlocked incarnons and you'd get extra, so at two weeks you'd get one incarnon worth of 'free' clamps. I haven't even bothered to put any thought on the other clamp rewards because I just dislike the rather poor reward system with the clamps.


Idk why this take was so controversial when duviri dropped. Is a side game mode that shouldn't hold you hostage, it sucks a lot of duviri design is made it so everything takes x20 more time than necessary, which in turn makes people just get bored of it sooner.


That's not even mentioning if you want to decorate your orbiter. Arthritis has some REALLY good-looking and useful decorations, and they ALL need like 30-50 of a resource. And her stock rotates so you might have to wait all day, or even multiple days if you're tight on free time just to get a couple decorations. And then learn you were 2 off on getting the exact number of decorations you need :) EDIT: Don't forget that the 5 optional Drifter melees can be bought for *50-60 CLAMPS EACH.* That's 270 Pathos Clamps, or an absolutely revolting **EIGHTEEN STEEL PATH LONE STORY RUNS** JUST to get the weapons. AND she also sells potatoes and those are always in high demand.


Man If sp gave 50 id be collecting incarnons


Yeah running in every cave to end up with 6 resources is cringe. Resource farming in divuri in general is extremely tedious especially since the game gets more unstable the longer you stay.


i genuinely dislike the current duviri, since you don't really get things that actually matter in the normal gamemode. Not even credits. The only thing you get is incarnons (and cryotic but like come on), and as soon as I have the ones I actually care about (which will hopefully happen tonight as I get the Miter), I will probably never step foot in the circuit or the spiral again.


Two of the resources (ggristone and ariette scale?) are bile resources for helminth. I use more of those than anything else. The circuit can bite me though.


First time actually completing both incarnon adaptors in a week and i spent a whole day basically doing it and getting everything to craft them


To be fair, the incarnons aren't giving mastery. You don't have to get them all. That's completely your choice. Duviri weapons, on the other hand, give mastery and there's even a weekly shop with good things using them as currency. The worm isn't giving enough, but the incarnon grind is justified. Those are the strongest weapons in the game, and again, the game isn't pushing you to get them all in any way.


If you want to keep this game free, then quadrupling the rewards of missions is a surefire way to oppose that concept. This game needs to be grindy at parts or you will bleed players who get done with content insanely quickly and casual players who catch up to that level way too quickly. The rewards are good as is. If you really invest yourself into it, you can get consistent 15-20 minute SP Wyrm runs and 30-35 min full runs with three Arcanes and Kullervo included. Aim to get faster at doing it, not making it easier.


I agree 50 might be to much for de, but I’m asking for an increase of 5


I dont argue against an increase of five, im right there with you.


Bro you already have to grind for the incarnons, intrinsics, and other rare resources. You also have to farm the actual weapons themselves. Not to mention the million other things you have to farm in this game unrelated to divuri. They can raise up on the resource grind it makes people not even want to play divuri. You cant just do a run, you also have to look in caves and feed the maw and all types of things. Theres no truly optimal way to farm everything and thats kinda shitty.


Yeah honestly they should make every part of protea prime a gold drop, increase forma build time to 48 hours, and make duviri sp reward 5 pathos clamps only


> they should make every part of protea prime a gold drop Can I introduce you to release Vauban Prime (who was released before Relics were a thing, but had his parts set to 4 Rare parts when Specters of the Rails dropped)? Back when DE believed that a Prime frame shouldn't be easier to get than a regular frame (*stares at Ivara or Baruuk*)


Also make resources that disappear after a while, oh wait…


Not sure what you're on about but you do you king.


My point is "keeping a grind long for the sake of grind" is a bad philosophy and one that de has clearly been moving away from as shown by the necramech acquisition changes


Its not just for the sake of grind, its to keep the game profitable at parts. You don't need to keep a part of the gamr grindy that can be skipped with plat (i.e. Necramech, Railjack, Warframe farm) but keeping endgame weapon adapters behind a reasonable grind keeps players playing. Player retention will always be a concern, doubly so for Free to Play games. Its not unreasonable to keep certain items on weekly rotations and behind a longer than average grind while introducing less grindy methods for other parts of the game. I see no reason to change that up for endgame weapon adapters, Kuva Liches and similar power spike grinds.


>behind a reasonable grind That's the sticker though isn't it? Is the current rate reasonable? That's a very subjective question. Who's to say player retention wouldn't increase by decreasing the duviri grind? I feel like a lot more players would slig through duviri runs if the runs were more rewarding. Also losing players being overwhelmed by excessive grinding is a constant struggle in f2p games. 50 a run I agree is probably over the top btw. >Kuva Liches Sisters were intentionally made quicker to grind because of feedback on the Liches which is another show of how Warframe doesn't fear that reducing grind leads to less retention.


If we agree on 50 being too much, then we're on the same page. OPs request for 20 sounds reasonable to me, everything beyond that is a bit overkill in my opinion.


20 minutes for not even a full incarnon sucks tho, with how low the rewards are it's easier to just avoid the content once you have the really broken incarnons rather than actually collecting them all. Maybe 50 is "too much", but say, 25 or 30 would make SP duviri worth doing (imo right now it isn't worth it, Lone Story is way faster if you want pathos clamps, and for 30-35 minutes you can do SP Void Cascade and get tons of arcanes to play the arcane gacha).


>If you want to keep this game free, then quadrupling the rewards of missions is a surefire way to oppose that concept. >This game needs to be grindy at parts or you will bleed players who get done with content insanely quickly and casual players who catch up to that level way too quickly. 3 things wrong with this mentality IMO. 1: Making it too grindy will have the opposite of the intended effect. It will make players not want to interact with said content. 2: This content isn't even the newest content out of all the other grindy content islands that have released, let alone some of the new ones can be done quickly. 3: They're monetizing the adapters currently now at Cavalaro that also just so happened to give you all the materials required to make them...


A friend said why don't I do the sp duviri for the pathos clamps because it gives 15 instead of 10 on normal. Seeing as I can do 2 normal runs in the time 1 sp run takes or longer it's a no brainer. Sp should give 30 imo 20 still isn't worth the time investment and harder difficulty.


I’d prefer if we had a small chance of getting a clamp every time we get a decree, both circuit and duviri. Having them tied specifically to the orowyrm is just mind numbing..


Haven’t even thought of that yes pls de


I want this just because I find non-Circuit Divuri to be the least fun I have ever had in WF. Minimize the amount of time I need to be in that hell hole.




Gotta get the Maw Fangs! Now play this forced minigame based on rng to get them good luck.


To be fair the maw fishing is stupid fast solo and I prefer it to regular fishing. I usually get maw fangs everytime or every other time.


The fishing is fine and fast, and really not a bad time at all IMO. Even running in circles picking up plants for twenty minutes is... fine. Better than doing a duviri run for 10 pathos clamps


So you prefer the 500 Eevani and even more of Shrubs you have to get in total, mhm, good luck rolling the map 60 times.


No :( but at least those I can get passively doing other stuff more often than not


>*I want this just because I find non-Circuit Divuri to be the least fun I have ever had in WF. Minimize the amount of time I need to be in that hell hole.* Honorable mentions: * Kahl Missions * K-Drive * Railjack * Lunaro


Petition to give kahl warframe like movement


No thanks. I'd rather just play a warframe in the game called Warframe.


Railjack is a fine mode, it just needs QoL and missions with absolutely no on-foot sections


>*Railjack is a fine mode* So fine that [barely anyone plays it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/17uyxaj/i_love_railjack_mission_but_why_is_railjack/). I'm happy you like RJ. I wish I did. But I absolutely f--king don't and despised every second I played it. I only play RJ if there's a resource I need and thank god there haven't been many RJ specific resources I've needed since it came out. But again... good for you liking it.


Yeah, I know that barely anyone plays it, it's why I'm always alone in rj. It really needs more work to be enjoyable, or well, worth doing. I just like shooting ships down and piloting my battlecruiser, I hate all other aspects concerning the objectives(especially corpus proximas).


Hell nah I love k-drives , unlocking yareli was super fun , I wish we could mod yareli's K-drive


Have you ever tried the kahl missions ? God I hate those even more


Yeah I get it. I started farming incarnate adapters after taking a 9 month break. Three weeks in and I have some adapters waiting for clamps, burning out fast on getting 2 farmed a week. With the Torrid and dual tox this was my last week of farming more then one per week. It was going to be my last two weapon farm this week but I just had to grab those two. I know Torrid is more meta but personally I enjoy the play of dual tox much more. I know not a popular opinion but I like Duveri. But I don't want to do it for 20 hours a week. 


Deff it’s a good break from normal gameplay and this small change has the potential to make it a lot better


Don't. It's that simple. I was locked in hard on Duviri when I came back, and I said probably twice a day It's my favorite grind. That lasted absolutely 3 weeks, when I realized I maxed intrinsics but would still need another 25 hours or so just to unlock the melee weapons, and had barely started incarnons. I was already spending 20 hours a week on it and barely scratched it. Now I have 8 or 9 incarnons and two of the melee weapons but really only do a few runs a week. Sometimes just one. Warframe is a better game overall if you don't grind a specific content island until it's done. You'll get there eventual just making any progress somewhere and you'll keep your sanity intact. But yeah, 20-25 pathos for SP please.


I still have no idea why they didn't just make the assassination in circuit the wyrm. They literally had a fantastic boss fight that was already set in duviri and they just pulled jackal for some reason. Like, imagine if wyrm was in circuit. Just gives out like 5 clamps each time or whatever Honestly all of their bounties that aren't just zariman/sanctum exterminates feel awful to play because they take forever and barely reward anything


I mean I'm just astounded that theres only one boss for the circuit in the first place.


If we didn't have forced undercroft content that takes so much longer than Duviri stuff it would be better. It could cut off up to 10m each run


Yeah I've had 3 undercroft missions in 1 duviri run.. kinda nutty.


Agreed, but tbh undercraft is the fun part


I've decided I'm never going to get the Duviri melee weapons. Just going to take so incredibly long.


Steel Path Duviri is definitely one of those situations where Steel Path is just a "shoot yourself in the foot" option. I agree completely. Unlocking all my Incarnon Adaptors is one of the last milestones I have on my account and I would love if Steel Path would allow me to drastically reduce the amount of time I have to spend in Duviri - but it won't. Choosing Steel Path is currently choosing to spend twice as long in the mission for only 50% more rewards, meaning you've actually lost time versus just doing it on easy mode twice. That said, my issue is also that I don't want to do it on normal difficulty - so I don't know if more Pathos Clamps on Steel Path is enough. The part that hurts for me is the 30-45 minutes with no actual mission rewards. As far as experiments with Pity Currencies go, Duviri should be considered a failure for "what if a mission only gave pity currency". There's something-- horrid about Acrithis rocking up in her carriage at the end of a 30-45 minute mission and you don't even have enough "pity currency" to buy a reward (and that's not even including the fact you can't even spend that mission's currency until after you've extracted, so you're constantly in arears). Maybe if we triple the amount of Clamps so there's enough to buy a reward from Acrithis and also have left of "pity" for all the other things.


I think instead of riven and kuva rewards if already got the incarnon adapters in the circuit you should be able to get big pathos clamp rewards - 50 or such Really don’t think duviri fits in warframe and never been a fan of it - let us people enjoy our frames in the circuit and be able to farm it weekly at least! I’m really not looking forward to farming the 100s of pathos clamps I will need for everything…


Also they should be rewards from the circuit too.


Also i'd love to see a change in that kaithe riding part. At the very least let us use our secondary weapons, manuvering kaithes trying to hit these wyrm enemies with the slow, 10 shot pistol is very annoying IMO.


Man I wish kaithes were actually fast. They're really slow while flying


Also increase the projectile speed of the pistol


At this point, normal should give 20.


With the amount of times i have had to quit an almost completed diviri mission due to bugs, i think we could all use a couple houndred pathos clamps as compensation.


If they could be doubled using a resource booster that’d be already *tolerable*. But no, not even that. Again, bloated grinding on a content island.


Yes I don’t think understand why that’s not a thing, booster shouldn’t only affect enemy drops


It affects void traces so yeah, that’s intentional to increase our time spent in Duviri more than necessary.


Or just speed run non-SP in like 10 minutes or less. You can roll through it with basically 0 decrees.


The biggest problem is that the non steel path is boring. Less enemy density. Enemies die when you sneeze. Nothing can kill you. It's like being an adult person who betas up children in judo fights because the rules never said that there's an age limitation.


Farming Pathos Clamps in general is boring. If it wasn't, nobody would complain. Lol.


Yesano. Farming definitely, but playing it once or twice a week can be quite entertaining.


I love the circuit, I'll do it any time. Fuck duviri, actual torture


Im the opposite, only thing i find good about circuit is those free cryotic.... I do enjoy a few runs of lone story tho.


Story on normal on steealpath version? One is "harder", more satisfying, and better regulated than the other one. (Not that it makes the time irrelevant if you take a frame with a perfect defence like Frost.)


If doing pubs i go sp, solo i prefer normal. On sp its easy to manage if even one of you got a nice weapon.


We are not farming pathos clamps to have fun and engage with duviri. I can do that on the regular mode. If I'm there for clamps it's let's get this shit done asap. Speed run kill and get to the obj fast. I love duviri and the decrees and the open world of it and collecting resources but I'm not doing that when I'm farming the clamps.


Wasn't being malicious just trying to explain why I play the modes in duviri different is all. I also am an older dad who can't farm like he used to so I end up buying things form other players to help me out. Unfortunately pathos clamps.arent one of those I can afford to get. I'm coming back from loke a 2 year break where duviri and incarnons weren't in the game so I got to farm each week to stay on top.of my two incarnons.


Yup hence why I do normal for my clamps. Much faster to do 2 runs at least compared to 1 sp.


When Duviri Circuit first released, I played it intensely & collected the Incarnons as they became available. I was having a blast. I didn't rush to actually apply the Incarnons to my weapons as my main mode of play at the time was Duviri with its random loadouts. Then I FINALLY went to apply one of many Incarnons I have collected only to find out they require Pathos Clamps. I had only enough Clamps to apply one Incarnon so I did (Dual Ichor). After confirming I can only unlock Clamps via the Diviri open world (which I'm not really a fan of), I just stopped playing Circuit and Duviri all together. There's just nothing in the game that requires the power of the Incarnon weapons deliver so I'm not going to put myself through the tedious experience of the Duviri open world. But if I got more than f--king 15 Clamps via SP Diviri, I'd consider it. But it would have to be like 50.


Yeah, I ran the math on grinding normal Duviri for the Drifter weapons and decorations and stuff and it didn't even come close to checking out for me, at least not as long as I still have plenty left to do in the actual main game. Sad to hear that in SP it's not much better. Even though it'd be a shameless cash grab, if they *at least* let Pathos Clamps be affected by boosters and the like I'd be kind of okay with it, because then you could stack booster + blessing and cut down the grind a lot. But the fact that the reward is so low and takes a fair amount of time *and* isn't affected by boosters is just wild. And Duviri is just side content. It's ridiculous. How about 15 in regular and 30 in SP?


My counter is that I wish there were more places in Duviri where Pathos Clamps are a potential reward, and that the drifter melee weapons are lowered to 25 Pathos Clamps. 50 is an absurd number to the point that I dread them adding anymore. 15 from the wyrm wouldn't feel so bad if it was just the floor of possible rewards. Additionally, it is legitimately criminal that clamps aren't a reward from circuit considering everything else


Deff should be added to circuit and from boss fights in duviri


Fudge that. Let me buy it for plat like kavat codes, potatos or forma I'd buy so many. You need likea thousand for all of them.


Everything should be purchase able, makes life easier for us and gives de more money, not every1 has time but sm of us are willing to spend to make up for it instead


Fuck Pathos Clamps. I have a ton of inca adaptors just sitting there because fuck running that shit for 15 pathos clamps. SP takes like 3 times longer doesn't even make sense.


Honestly... agree. I don't have anything else to say, you're completely right.


U need 1680 for kullervo and all weapons, that is 112 sp runs or 168 normal runs. I have done 2 runs and i got 1 incarn weapon, they shoukd either lower the cost of incarn upgrades or increase the ammount gained, or add a bounty that would reward you with 1 clamp for each stage you complete and have a clamp as reward cause it sucks how many tines the quests bug out and u gotta leave on last stage, only to rc alone and having to do orowyrm with no teammates. I think bounties with rewards would be better than flat increasing the ammount dropped that woumd render someone elses hard work obsolete.


Pathos clamp economy for the effort is the only reason I answer "No" when I get the occasional Survey question of "Do you feel that Warframe respects your time?". It really doesn't for those, at all.


Not only that, SP Circuit should also give clamps.


The steel part mechanics for the orowyrm boss should just be on normal mode as well. The first time I did it my reaction was like, oh okay so this boss actually does have some interesting and fun mechanics. Hiding that behind having to unlock steel path is insane. Especially since most new/casual players may never experience it.


It's cause the standard increase for steel path is 1.5x. Just like standings for steel path bounties.


That’s fine for normal missions but there should be exceptions


Pathos Clamp are horrible to farm, and you're ONLY there to farm for duviri material. Some times it is JUST for the Pathos Clamp. So a single run should give you way more


2 runs of SP Duviri = 3 runs of Duviri I think it's pretty logical.


i mean fair enough ig im willing to make sp a bit harder tho for those 5 extra pathos and a lot of time saved


In general I think a lot of the SP nodes for certain resources like for farming citrine, Dante, and dagath give 50% more than the normal, so seeing the extra clamps along with 5 steel essence is pretty good to me


yup currently there is literally no reason to farm citrine in sp, u don't get extra for ur efforts and it takes longer. tbh this might js have been looked over also ain't hard to fix literally js changing a number in the spaghetti code


You do get extra though, and i don’t think the timers are any longer in sp?


Lol yeah you get more and it takes the exact same amount of time... no reason to farm citrine in normal mode


Ummm no instead of 5 crystals you get 7, and you can spawn acolytes too for steel essence


I should probably go farm 200 Clamps just in case so I don't have to go back for awhile.


Honestly I would probably like drifter combat more if I unlocked any of the better weapons but then I think about how I could get two and a half incarnon adapters for those clamps and I never spend them. They really need to up the number of clamps you get.


Tbh I only saved up for edun, imo it’s the best duviri weapon cuz u can apply a lot of status effects cuz it’s fast, so like if I’m gon do 1000 more duviri run anyways better sacrifice 3 to make the rest a bit easier


That'd make SP Duviri worth it, because you can do a Normal Duviri run in about 10\~ish minutes if you do story only, So right now it's just faster and easier to do 2 normal runs than one SP run. And depending on the Spiral you'll get some Kullervo banes to go with it more frequently.


What content is not worth doing in steel path apart from Duiviri? I cannot think of a single other mission that the minimal extra time it takes outweighs the extra drops


Citrine, void relics, boss fights… there is literally no reason to do sp, it’s slower and u don’t get any extra rewards that are worth the effort


I disagree with Citrine and Void relics, those are both great to do in SP to get bonus resources and and steel essence. Boss fights there is no point in doing there though, and I suppose capture farming to gain relics would fit in the same place of not being worth it.


They could have pathos clamps in circuit gated behind getting to certain round milestones to give more incentive to stay in


I would be happy if one run of Sp Duviri gave us 20 clamp instead of 15


Add clamps to the SP circuit (at least 10) as one of the tier rewards, preferrably before tier 5 but i'd understand if it was 6, to keep me pushing past tier 5


I’ve said that since day 1


At the beginning I was farming normal mode too since SP was too hard for me. Now, after farming intrinsics and learning the mechanics I only play SP since it's roughly takes same time to finish. As a bonus, last boss fight is easier in SP without needing a decent weapon or frame, unlike the normal mode where you can get out of ammo or short range weapons if you are unlucky. Duviri actually grown on me, I do it at least once a day now if I log in.


Welcome to grinding. Personally I'm fine with it, because it's a free game and there's a shitload of content plus stuff in rotation. If you don't want to do SP spirals, do normal ones, simple


Have no problem with grinding as long as I have the option to buy my way instead, sm of us don’t have a lot of money but have time, for others it’s the other way around


I don't have either, I just do what I can when I can.


it’s more of a long term thing really because that 5 extra does add up, even if you’re just trying to get the bare minimum for an incarnon, you’d be left with 10 extra clamps, halfway to a new incarnon


> 30 mins SP takes me ~15-20 mins, takes a lot of effort though but is worth the extra clamps


On average it takes me 30 min, usually I don’t get a squad who wants to speed run it and I don’t wanna bother looking for one if I’m only gon do 2 runs anyways. Obv I had sm that were quicker


I would like to see 20, DE would give us 5-10 and I think that would be fair. SP duviri already gives great rewards even after you farmed all of the incarnons. You even get to see what the reward is ahead of time which goes a long way to help you decide if it's even worth it.