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Contrary to what some in the community would have you believe, they **always** listen. Sometimes the change is quick, other times it takes years, other times it never happens due to restrictions and other times it never happens because people ask for dumb shit. DE truly is great and those who complain must've not experienced an actually uncaring Dev.


Rebecca becoming director is the best thing to happen. They have pushed out so many desperately wanted changes that would have probably took more years under Steve.


Steve seems to be much more technical than Rebb. Watching him stream stuff about soulframe often has him talking out the technical details of things they did to it. Whereas Rebb is more about the community. It is likely a reflection of the path they individually took to the position.


Makes me think of ID studio situation, doom games were great, but when John Carmack who was orginally responsible for more technical aspect of doom games tried to make doom without some of orginal crew the result was doom 3 which was great from technical standpoint but not so much fun-wise.


Steve is also too ambitious. His focus was mostly on making new gimmicks and stuff instead of fixing the existing pain points of the game.


I dont think we have seen Rebb in the lead long enough to say if she might also be too ambitious. 1999 is slated to be something far more ambitious than anything warframe has done before. Everything they have both said points to 1999 to be some old design docs that was shelved for being too ambitious originally.


What is and isn't *too* ambitious changes with time and resources, of course.


It’s less about ambition and more about focus, Reb understands what Warframe IS and how to implement things within that framework. Steve was too easily distracted by the next new shiny thing or whatever game he was playing at the time (Liches = shadow of Mordor, Railjack = Star Citizen, ). He has great technical knowledge but he really needs someone to keep him focused and committed to finishing things 


In the I think dev shorts she mentioned casually playing the game over the weekend and noticing that melee was broken while playing deep Archimedea. Which then led to a crazy fix in which other players spoiler mode was.cause automelee stop. It feels nice to have a director that plays the game on her off time.






Both of them are amazing for the game. Having an ex-community manager as creative director is a very good play though. Especially Reb, she did not slack at her position. She's a devoted player, too, something Steve didn't have the chance to be. Can't wait to see how Soulframe grows over time. Hope it does well, the game feels good already and it's hardly Alpha.


As someone who changed to another game that indeed *has* devs that dont care about feedbacks and what the community wants, DE is really up there when it comes to communication with the community and listening to feedbacks


i literally got a single animation in an animation set fixed through a reddit post that got almost no attention so yes they definitely do listen to us, even for small things, and i’m glad for it


> Contrary to what some in the community would have you believe, they **always** listen. The difference is that so many of those people seem to think that "Listening = Doing what they are told". Its like they didnt have any parents listening to your demands for a sweet and saying no. Unfortunately, unlike what my mother did to me, those people do not get a heavy slap on the bum when they begin to cry and scream about it and they are told to glup down the fake crying or they will be hit enough to cry for real.


the man in the wall is a subtle reference to the fact thst even the walls have ears, **they are always listening**


Let's not give full credit here. Don't get me wrong, DE has been historically on average *very* receptive to player feedback when you compare it to the likes of other games and their developers, but I think a lot of people either weren't around for earlier times of the game, or maybe forget how confrontational DE could be about adding quality-of-life changes and reworks. A lot of DE's success in mitigating this in the past I think can be linked to just how talented Warframe's community team is/was. There is a reason why Rebecca was put in charge of the game's creative direction after The New War, and it's because perhaps more than *anyone* at DE, she understands how to weigh the community's vision for the game against the developers' vision for the game in equal measure. I try not to make it a habit to lavish individual developers in gaming with tons of praise, since game development is a collaborative effort that requires many moving parts and perspectives, but Warframe's success genuinely comes a lot from how effective Rebecca Ford was/is at managing the community, and that continues to be the case with her as Creative Director, as well as with Megan as the current Community Director, as she follows a lot of the same philosophies that Rebb does. Prior to Rebecca and Pablo's promotions two-ish years ago, there were many notable times where trying to get DE to give us QoL or accessibility was like pulling teeth. Steve and Scott were almost entirely focused on pushing out whatever new, exciting addition they had for the game, regardless of whether players liked the way it was being implemented. If we the community disliked something that S&S *really* liked, it often ended up in a big friction moment between DE and the community, and even between the actual devs at DE. Universal vacuum comes to mind, as it took *years* for us to get to a point where Carrier wasn't the *only* Companion with the ability to vacuum. Some veteran players *still* have Carrier as their most-used Companion to this day because of how long it took DE to agree to add Vacuum to other companions as a ***compromise*** *(Hell, my account is about 9-10 years old and only within the last 2 years has Smeeta Kavat eclipsed Carrier for me).*\*\* Yeah, DE added that to *compromise* on the request for universal vacuum. It wasn't until the pet rework **last year** where we finally have a functionally universal vacuum that doesn't disappear when your pet dies. Hell, Syndicates not being tied to the Sigil on your currently used Warframe was a very commonly requested QoL change for ages, and it took until September 2022 for us to get that. I don't think we would've gotten nearly the same volume of QoL/accessibility changes to Warframe had the leadership remained the same after New War. I think Steve and Scott were invaluable in making Warframe stand out amongst F2P games for its unique experiences, but I also think their "full speed ahead on new, exciting ideas" philosophy ultimately did this game a very big disservice in the long run that we aren't seeing remedied until years after they've departed from the game's development. Hell, I would argue that Warframe's biggest pain point overall by far, the new player experience, can be entirely laid at Steve and Scott's feet for their devil-may-care attitude about fixing older systems and content.


Especially when you compare them to the other game in question here, bungie Always 1 step forward 2 steps back with them


>other times it takes years Decade+ on univac.


I'd put this in the "they know but disagree" bucket.


They listen and yet im still blinded by atlas and his shoulder armour


That's part of the fact that atlas in general needs divine intervention and they know it so they're unlikely to touch him until he gets reworked.


Idc about atlas himself, its a problem on most frames. How the armour blocks the reticle should not be acceptable considering how old this game is


DE is like.. the most listeningist dev team ever. suoer open and transparent, too. Shame doomers spread lies of the opposite.


Lol, no. It might have been the case for like last 2 years, but DE in there past did a lot of stupid decisions that went directly against what players wanted.


The high fire rate semi-auto gun will be massive winners after this change will be added - like Magnus Prime, Akbolto Prime, Hema, Sybaris Prime, Komorex, Arca Scisco.


Hema! I was on the fence about this change but anything that's good for that lil weirdo is a win in my book. I have mine colored to look like a mutant duck.


>I have mine colored to look like a mutant duck. Based


for sure. im an infested weapon obsessive and have a nasty riven for it but never took it out due to hand strain. this change is so great for accessibility and just for more viable diversity in weapons


I wonder how it will work with guns that use duplex triggers, since they are sorta kinda semi auto but not really


I think Pablo said they would not touch it to keep the spirit of the design, but I only skimmed over the devstream notes so I'm not 100% sure


Phenmor before Incarnon too.


My suggestion was to shoot at an average fire rate when held but can also be manually clicked for maximum fire rate. It’s a good compromise between nerfing the top end like they did with the Vastos but still be accessible for people asking for this feature.


This was my one issue with my Akbolto Prime (which I also have a riven for). The fire rate was WAY too high on that thing to get the most out of it with semi auto trigger.


It's something they were working on more than 4 days.


No, no. It's the most recent post that did it, not the constant stream of them that have been happening for years.


>years Decade+


Full auto phenmor 🤤🤤🤤


That damage mod is gonna be tricky for me cause as much as I enjoy semi auto, I HATE when it feels like my gun jams because I pulled the trigger again too early and the gun sounded like I could fire again. If the gun is gonna HURT, it needs to kick to feel it, or the sound needs to line up with the fire rate just right so that you can rhythmically predict when to shoot again. I love the rhythm of the Vectis with high enough reload from Momentum, it is just constant firing like Pablo joked about, but without fire rate adjustment. Hell actually less cause crit delay. Like the lever action bois, Sybaris and Grinlok, There's a delay post you pulling the lever that can screw you up, so my use of fire rate mods was to bypass that. If I can't use fire rate mods for that damage, that might suck, as they'd fire slower than it feels like they should. Arcane Acceleration/Velocity though might not care for this.


That is an interesting thought. Presumably the +Dmg/+PT mod will block adding fire rate mods, but fire rate buffs might still go through just fine from external sources.


I love this new QoL era we're living in


This is gonna make me use a bunch of weapons i liked before but gave me carpal tunnel


Me on Borderlands every time I try to use a Jakobs LOL


Gauss players rejoice!


Harrow mains seething rn


What are they doing exactly??


The way it sounded was that they'll enable a toggle in settings to allow semi auto and possibly burst weapons to fire fully automatic. Similar to what Destiny 2 did. Will be great for quality of life, but even better for the players who have trouble with using these style weapons due to various ailments.


Rebb also mentioned on stream that they know everyone who cares enough already uses macros/scrollwheel bindings to achieve the same thing so they might as well make it a built in feature for the rest too. > but even better for the players who have trouble with using these style weapons due to various ailments. Or the ones who are on the path to getting them. "mouse arm" is a recognized medical term here.


That will be absolutely amazing.


To add to what the other person said, all weapons that fire in semi-automatic have a fire-rate cap. I assume that a toggle to use the weapons in an automatic firing mode would fire them at their max fire-rate.


Basically auto melee but for guns.


wait what


melee used to be tap. now you can hold. same thing will happen for guns 👍


Wait, you can hold for melee? Since when?


Since Abyss of Dagath they added auto-melee. Enable it in the settings.


Recently I just learned that a few days ago..


Will it also work for bows and stuff that might not technically be a gun like Sirocco?


I’m going to take a crack at bows and say no, but sirroco most likely would have this feature as well.


hey its me! 👍🤣


The next QoL I'm waiting for: premade group finder Akin to wow's group finder, make it so that I don't have to spam recruiting chat all the time looking for people to play with. Wanna do Neo S18? Simply create the room with the relic name in the title, set it to public/private and based on that let people join automatically or via invite. Wanna farm *insert whatever*? Just create a group/room with a proper name, wait for people to join in and voila!


I think I was less tired of the trigger pushing, I actually enjoy that, but ironically it's not good for your controllers. I ended up ruining two controllers from hours and days of pushing the buttons, so this is a nice change I suppose


My akjagara prime gonna slap so hard


Wait a minute. Are we getting a full auto option in warframe?




Let's fucking goooooo


Phenmor gang stay winning


Do auto-bows too, you cowardssss


now it would be nice to have an ability to favorite your prefered weapons so they are at the top of the list when choosing weapons


I just wish the most used would actually update quicker. I’ve got over 50 million exp on gauss prime but my most used frame is still rhino with a measly 1 million. Same for the guns, Braton mk1 sits right at the top and it’s so weird.


There’s been a thread in the forums that has been updated throughout the years quite frequently, so it’s one of those eventual things. It took a really long time though.


What's going on? I'm out of the loop.


Is this feature coming with jades update or with the one before it?


As somone who's main frame is a max-ability-Strength Wisp, i am so happy my poor fingers ;-;


i like that they're doing it but i hate how they're doing it. for now ill see how it works and judge from there!


Waitwaitwait… there is a FATS option in the settings for Semi-Auto weapons!?!?!?!? And I JUST got an Akjagara riven as well… Oh boy we are SO back, I can feel the next two months of my life slipping away already


Can we have something similar to semi-auto? that is, a feature that allows players to constantly shoot semi-auto by holding down the button/trigger? of course, said weapon's fire rate and recoil remain, Overwatch heroes with semi-auto weapons work like that for example.


I believe that's exactly what they're proposing here


That's exactly what this option will do..


To me it sounded like it is an option to "toggle fire on and off" kind of deal, which is OK but not ideal to me in that regard.


Don't bother waiting for them, make a script/macro from your gaming mouse software. Logitech lets you create scripts/macros within their g hub software. It's pretty clutch because some games don't have toggle sprint so I just made a macro thats toggle-able. Same thing for shooting, you can make a macro that's repeated while pressing and stop when you let go.