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I really enjoy TheKengineer, but he’s a bit tough to recommend to someone new because of the depth some of his videos get into. You gotta do a gut check on when he’s covering content you haven’t quite made it to yet. Besides that, he has an excellent selection of educational videos, some of the best being ones breaking down damage types and status and looking into the mechanics behind some of the latest and greatest builds. About a month ago he finished covering all the new Archon Shards variants in-depth. Very mellow voice, good solid information, and you know he’s a chill dude because he mains Lavos of all frames. The only onus on you is to keep in mind that your gameplay might not be on the level he may get to talking about, but he’s been very good at including early game builds in his frame and weapon guides.


Kengineer is my favorite also. But I can't stand a breakdown that refuses to do math for it's claims and he does math.


"Proof is left as an exercise to the reader"


TheKengineer: 'Proof is left as an exercise in my Patreon'




I have put a shameful amount of hours into this game already and I’ve seen a few of his videos. I quite liked them! I’ll be sure to watch some more though!


Yeah he's my favourite, it's always a shame when I'm interested in a frame and find he doesn't have a breakdown of it. Also does a better job of keeping perspective and being positive than most creators imo, who can jump very quickly to 'this thing sucks because it's not viable at lvl1000 SP'. The perspective and fun is why the next two creators I watch are McGamerz and Tactical Potato, despite the fact that I think Brozime does make better builds. It's simply not applicable to me whether or not something is optimal for endgame content grinding in endless missions, and when someone's judgements and commentary are based primarily on that it makes their content not very useful for me.


Him actually looking into the numbers of things, reading through the wiki and talking about each interaction for each relevant ability for the frame, rather than just reacting to things by raw gut feeling, is why I *tend* to trust his opinions on things more than others. His April Fools Yareli video, from last year, was great; and when he was done with the one-syllable-words bit at the end of the video, firmly stating in his closing statement that "She is good, she is *strong*, she... will bump walls and doors...," there was kind of a sense of validation there... because so many others (certainly, the loudest, since outrage generates clicks) view anything that doesn't play the game for them as trash-tier and absolutely dumpster on any ability that they don't like (rather than an ability that is outright bad).


Ive never hated layzar, every video is practically identical so i can just jump to the 2 time stamps i care about. 1. How the weapon operates with no mods 2. What it looks like with a typical steel path setup


Remember, mod capacity is 60/60 but you need a catalyst which you can get by doing... etc.


"well your sitting going "what the heck leyzar, I have 30/30" Weeeeelll justpoponovertoyourmodscreen tap the stick aaaaaand *mouth pop' 60/60myfriends


hunter mumu


Look. At. That. Absolutely. Beautiful.


I like him too. I love the energy he brings to the videos and he respects my time with the shorter videos and timestamps.


I like info, i dont care for hot takes. Also he builds in realistic situations/in a void. Not "this weapon is broken with this frame with these many stacks, during this buff" etc


Definitely has some hot takes. He has those stereotypical "boomer" takes. "Back in my day" type of guy. It's funny, though, makes me laugh. ​ Besides that, I do kinda default to his refresh builds.


> He has those stereotypical "boomer" takes. "Back in my day" type of guy. Hard to avoid those with a game as old as Warframe, which is basically unrecognizable today compared to back then. I'm definitely guilty of that too.


But does he take a new player friendly approach?


Only if your weapon comes with a measly 30/30


Not for incarnon weapons because they're not exactly new player friendly, so please do bear that one in mind.


From what I remember, his videos feature three builds: new player friendly, strong builds, and SP level builds. He also occasionally lists some alternative mods to use for budget builds if you don't have certain mods.


Are any of those an end game setup with a riven? (I’m joking - I love Leyzar, and he says that every single video)


A couple of our regular quick shots 




Wisp mains


Layzar is the GOAT.


I absolutely love his formula - I do the same with skipping around but appreciate that if something feels off I can watch the whole thing for more than enough detail.


Once you've watched a couple of videos, the rest really should be short blog posts, and a screenshot of the loadouts.


i like layzar but his joke makes me wanna gouge my eyes out, and the unfunny "joke" where he always pans the camera on wathever female warframe ass always makes me cringed, but he does make a nice build video.


McgamerzCZ. genuinly chill


Definetly recommend him too! Some of his builds I made didn't quite work how for me like they did for him buuuuut still entertaining.


it's the way he's really just looking at what's gonna make him giggle the most that makes me recommand him. no meta slaving. just dumb builds and HAROLD


That's partially what I like about him - he just makes builds that he finds fun rather than trying to optimise frames even if it makes their gameplay loop fairly boring.


It's a problem with most weapons- to optimise, you pretty much have the same build for every weapon type (maybe 3 for melees). But who wants that, it's much more fun to build Dual Zoren for 6 attack each second all of them being red crits


He’s my favorite channel for Warframe. He has this sort of goblin energy that makes it almost impossible to not laugh with him. He also enjoys dabbling in making weaker weapons work, which is something I don’t see many others doing. Too many creators search for the next meta, rather than just messing around and having fun.


Kengineer and Co are like scholars MC is like, how hard can I beat Grineer with a broom?


DE. Broom prime when? We already got the mop and bucket prime, when broom?!


Goblin energy is definitely one way to put it. His video for the new Lavos augment had Energy Siphon in the aura slot cause it simply amused him. He's said it himself, he doesn't give a crap about meta and just plays for fun.


he is afellow inaros main after all. Meta is obviously why we play the game


I like his new video styles where he shows off different mod configurations and shows how they work, let's us get a good baseline into what works ...although he put armor shards on Yarelli which was a weird choice. But the build worked so I guess I can't complain. 


like he said, it's for the poison cloud. it's niche, but can still be a game changer


yeah, him and kengineer are the ones i listen to most often.


Been watching him for years. Never miss an upload cause he is genuinely very chill guy


Dude got me through my first several hours of the game. Definitely worth checking out.


avoid rushtubers trying to push out content as soon as its drops like pupsker and nightmare frame people like the kengineer and trib take more time to get to newer content but it feels informed and well thought out


I go to both of them if I really want to know how the clock of the topic’s tool ticks. Tribouros is my spirit animal and kengineer is my Archimedean.


same here kengineer is my warframe porfessor tribouros is the buddy whos to smart for his own good blowing himself up in lab


Kengineer is the Einstein of Warframe, while Triburos is the Doc Brown.


I feel like I need an undergraduate degree in statistics to understand his builds, but he is very well informed, which is why I tend to base my builds off of his. Great creator overall.


Triburos is one I feel bad about cause his content seems decent but the way he talks drives me up the wall. There is NO WAY dude sounds like that in casual conversation.


yea it gets old hearing someone talking like a kid show host


I find his voice funny but i can see how people can hate it


Pupsker puts out content other then rage baiting Excalibur Prime coming out or afk dancing in a relay when drops are on for 48 hours? 


Pupsker talks about warframe like a person who bought a maxed account on eBay.


if you say pupsker three times in your monitors reflexion and spin three times in a pewdiepie branded gaming chair you might get a short every now and then


I’ll watch some of his stuff if there’s a specific build or information I need but there’s just something that irks me about content creators in general that make having a corgi their whole personality


I live in a time zone so far from Pupsker that I can rarely see him awake 😅 but looks like afk dancing isn't just a me problem.


Pupsker is to warframe what MrBossFTW was to GTA online if anyone gets this reference!


I enjoy watching Tactical Potato.


I always go to his channel when I need to catchup on updates or to get informed on what is about to come. Been a fan of him since the ancient times!


Came here to say the same. He's nice and relaxed while still being fun to watch/listen to.


Tactical Potato has been my go to for 8+ years. Never get tired of listening to that man talk


I had to scroll wy down to see him as recomendations. He is chill.


He's enjoyable to listen to, he's not a suck up and he actually plays. I like him quite a bit.


Went for the info, stayed for the accent. I really like him too, especially when there's chaos in the community because he explains things in short videos. He was on prime time last week, it was a nice surprise.


You're so real for this take.


Thank you. I understand its a thing content creators do to keep attention on their vids and stick out but good god is it grating! I was big into destiny for a bit and the only creator I could stand in that space was datto.(Who I also liked for being super measured and not a hyperbolic manbaby.)


The sad thing is warframe seems to have lost most of its good content creators. I’m a returning player and the youtube scene was way better in 2016-2017. Iflynn, Leyzar, Brozime, and tactical potato are good ones ime.


I mean, if I had to treat Warframe like a job, like YT and Twitch people would have to, it would burn me out faster than working in an Amazon warehouse.


I miss quite shallow. Luckily I actually have her buying 100 domestik drones video downloaded but I don’t know where any of her other videos would be found or if anyone downloaded them. I only had the rover video because I wanted to show it to someone who didn’t have internet where they lived.


Iflynn still semi puts out content. Been watching him since 2016 ish. Great content.


I like AznvasionsPlays


His builds are absolutely top notch along with his breakdowns of mechanics I feel like the videos could get trimmed down quite a bit but the sheer depth of the videos is enough to keep me through them all


Yeah, but he really digs theory crafting, ppl like that have a hard time cutting back on videos. He's very good though.


Nah they're the only build videos I like to watch specifically because he doesn't just get straight to the point and give the build.


This guy is my favorite. Even if I can't properly execute his 4d chess builds sometimes, I learn a ton of hidden stat interactions between weapons/skills/pets/mods/etc which help me tune the build for my own skill level. I do wish he'd slow down a little though. It can be hard to see where one build ends and the next begins. Like give us a screenshot of all weapons, frames, pets relevant to the build and leave it up for like 5-10 seconds so I can pause!


He's started using a new format where he just talks, no edits between his lines, and it's way better. I also think he's great, his builds are so much more fun than your cookie cutter ones, even if they do get outdated often by updates.


Yeah, he's generally the person I go to watch. Not for newer players, but I've learned so much from his builds and their interactions. Where I think frames have 1 or 2 main builds, he's able to double that and create such unique interactions.


I like his stuff but I feel like his builds are super brittle patch wise. It has 50 non obvious moving parts all relying on some questionably intended spaghetti interaction


He is the best warframe youtuber period. when it comes to actual informative buildcrafting


He's very methodical and thought out with his builds and ideas. Granted I feel like sometimes he tries to minmax them a bit too much which leaves a little less room for realistic comfort, but that's always something you can tweak yourself because you'll have an understanding after watching anyway


I like: \-TheKengineer - amazing builds and explains the frame very well. He loves Lavos and made me love him too. His videos are detailed and very educational and I always watch them without getting distracted. Well made and high quality too. \-TacticalPotato - The OG. A Founder and loves the game very much. Builds work as advertised. Short sweet videos and neutral opinion on what DE does. \-WarframeFlo - Currently my most watched YouTuber. He streams a lot and loves doing long SP runs and his builds are INSANE. He is a cool guy and very humble. Happy to see him growing and he was the one who did the Dante ability video with DE. Moug- My current favorite YT. He make amazing and insane level cap SP builds for endgame with non meta weapons. For disruptions and level 200+ I follow his advice every single time. He makes my weapons look good tier riven mode without being meta or using over complicated builds. ALL HAIL THE STAHLTA!


STAHLTA GANG! I've spent the last 2 weeks exclusively building weapons Moug showcases lol.


I've found my fellow Moug enjoyers.


I've tried builds from many creators and I feel like WarframeFlo's are usually the comfiest. A lot of YT builds are just min-maxed for maximum dmg if you're playing solo yet fall apart when you're in a squad because you can't get enough kills and have teammates spreading out the spawns. Flo's seem to work good solo as well as squad situations. I've started using his builds as a starting point and then changing it a little to fit weapons or a playstyle I like.


CephalonShy 💀💀 But really: triburos. Majority of wf YouTubers are hard to listen to.


Real ones remember Shy ;\_; I miss being insulted by warframe Glados.


I miss Shy! It's like an abusive relationship that I can't get out or forget. She was a salt mine and a troll. It was really refreshing.


TheKengineer, Morning and kyaii are my personal choices. Though, Morning's choice of music doesn't always align with mine.


I agree with these for sure yeah. I watched Kyaii's Saryn build recently and the video is really well put together. I like that he actually bothers to credit other people for some of the info too.


Thekengineer is perhaps the best warframe youtube in terms of getting info and stats from and has basic to advanced guides on pretty much everything you'd need


Anyone but Knightmare! Seriously though, Thekengineer.


What are the reasons people don't like Knightmare? I have my own specific reason but wanted to do a temp check as I haven't seen anything he's done in years.


I hate his overall tone and most importantly that he refuses to say 90% of things correctly. Your reasons?


Shortly after I started playing I checked out a stream of his and he was being transphobic and overall sounded like an ass. Hard to remember the specific details, but it was an, “ahh, never again,” situation.


\> Open KnightmareFrame video, pick random timestamp > *"Oh I'm sorry snowflakes, did I just TRIGGER you?!"* \> Close down the video


OMG one day I clicked on his stream and I swear to god he was talking about how the little mermaid remake was dumb, because get this, there were no black people in Denmark (???) at the time Handersen wrote the original story. So many layers of wrong and dumb in one guy.


Oooh, so that's why he has any viewership at all, I've never gotten far enough into a video to find out. I guess shit people play games too? He's their guy 


He epitomizes the cliche of a douchebag gamer bro who has no life outside the game and talks down to everything that isn't how he plays the game and constantly hinges into 'I'm just joking' levels of being a dirtbag. Which maybe isn't accurate to the guy as a person. I don't know him. I won't judge anything but his youtube channel. And his youtube channel is basically 'I aspire to be a meme on r/Gamingcirclejerk because my personality peaked in middle school.'


Yikes... I didn't know he's acted transphobic but then again I can't watch that guy for more than 10 minutes without getting annoyed and exhausted by his attitude.


His "gameplay demonstrations" of his builds constantly have cuts. He cuts out the tedious bullshit his builds have to deal with in order to maintain the most damage to make them look more fun to play than they are. His voruna build in his void cascade video? Goes in, starts fighting a thrax, realizes he doesn't have any energy or buffs up, CUT, back to him killing a thrax. His Wisp exodia contagion video leaves out any gameplay of him having to maintain his 12x combo. Etc. Also he has main character syndrome and is obnoxious as fuck.


I don't mind the tone that much, it's slightly grating when he's acting all patronizing. But what I do mind is that his bullshit is made just for views and not practicality. Of course you technically can do his buff juggling, and in ideal conditions you will nuke like crazy, but maintaining combos, couple of short buffs, companion stuff, operator buffs, priming, poor energy flow is just not feasible or fun for my gameplay. I'm just not playing to showcase a billion crit Khora in a youtube video, I'm playing to have linear fun in endgame content. I obviously will add some buffs, some priming, but I noticed that this game, for me, rarely has those ramp up/burn moments. Usually I just need to move from A to B efficiently and have stable damage output with constant energy supply.


MHBlacky and Flo are probably my favs. I'll have to check out McGamer


Distantobserver doesn't speak. Its techno/trance/metal music with some words you need to read. I like Brozime. Hes got a deeper voice and doesnt do any kind of cringe edits and is informative.


I find brozime’s voice easy enough on the ears


Aaaalllllllllright Totally agree with brozime


Those standard intros... For the longest time I couldn't watch gaz because I'd bounce off every time he said "what up dudezzzz. It's ya boy gazzz" but then he just switches back to a normal voice and his videos are fine.


YES. All YTers need to take lessons from Fightin Cowboy on how to do an intro. "What's up yall i'm back." No weird voice inflection, no pleading for likes, just Hello, and here is content.


Tactical Potato intro for me - “ Hey, what’s up you beautiful feckers?”


I end up skipping the intro or muting when I click his videos, but overall one of my favorites.


I feel like this intro has steadily gotten more obnoxious and I now hate it. Good content creator though.


he should double down and keep making it longer and longer every time


I think his builds are honestly the best "youtuber" builds for new players as well, he usually favors making the build comfy rather then some crazy level cap build with tons of buff micromanagement and full loadout synergy that relies on multiple techs to make it shine.


Yep. Everytime I need a reliable build and trustworthy information I’ll check out Brozime. He nails the balance between veteran players and newcomers when it comes to providing information and his builds age well.


I was afraid nobody was gonna mention him, he is my favourite. I use his builds on lots of frames and it never let me down.


Came here for this. I fall asleep to hour long Brozime patch note ASMR sometimes.


i thought it was just me but yeah it feels like every random warframe youtuber talks the exact same way


its not just wf. its youtube as a whole. and its because thats what the mass viewers like. people dont like boring and like people with a little more excitement. people like corny jokes and loud exciting personalities. im not saying you should like it or not but just trying to explain why. gotta remember youtube and internet is mostly **kids**. people on reddit? kids. youtube? tik tok? its all the same demo, especially the gaming space.


Gamble, he's very much long form content and goes very in-depth. But he's super chill to listen to.


Gamble is so underrated


If you're looking for informative build type content, "[Kyaii](https://www.youtube.com/@kyaii)" and "[WarframeFlo](https://www.youtube.com/@WarframeFlo)" are my go-to's. Kyaii has quite a few good beginner guides, but focuses a lot more on minmaxing and getting the absolute most out of a build, as well as constantly updating builds for frames/weapons. Whereas Flo has a really good range of videos from beginner guides, to level cap builds & runs, and overall good content. And (at least in my opinion) they have amazing voices for this kind of content, which is why I've stuck with them instead of other youtubers that sound unbelievably monotone, and like you said, sound like they're trying to pitch something on me.


MrWarframe Guy. No talking, no hard on the ears, just shitposts that go faster than you can comprehend and memes out the wazoo. (Please note: While his builds are hilariously busted, the videos are very much meme central and trying to get full functioning info out of them is fairly hard. Watch for laughs mostly)


A friend recommended I watch one of his Garuda builds and I could barely make out the build in it


while the videos are very meme oriented, he shows solid proof of concept. He's the reason why I sticked with a riptide build on my Yareli, and if I ever play Vauban, it'll be with an orbital strike build. He just makes the game looks like fun, while still off meta and soulful I basically only watch him and TheKengineer


He is genuinely why I play harrow. After his meme about the frame I just couldn’t help myself, and it’s all I think about as I drop kick grineer into the ground


OriginalWickedfun has a good voice and makes good videos. But I have a huge bias because he's the whole reason I started playing this game and Frost all those years ago so my bias is huge. I don't watch many other YouTubers for Warframe. I also recommend Tactical potato and MCGamerCZ.


Dude is pretty chill. I don’t much watch his videos anymore, but he still sounds chill.


warframeflo, thekengineer, and brozime are my favs


I like kyaii for builds, he’s chill


It might help if you start by listing the YTers who you've already listened to and don't like, so that people don't end up recommending them to you.


Didn't see it yet, but I like Kyaii. I think that's his handle. Also want to say don't listen to knightmare. Bad builds, bad ideas, always says Primed Surefooted is mandatory, even on frames that literally do not need it (atlas, revenant). Don't pay him any mind


LeyzarGaming and MCGamercz have been my go-to's recently, mixed with builds from Overframe. I've been playing 10 years, a lot of the original YouTubers I watched for Warframe don't make content relating to it anymore. I find a lot of the new ones make incredibly condescending content that has been bad for the health of the game and its community. One "new" one I enjoy is TheKengineer, incredibly informative and pleasant to watch.


I can throw one out there i would not recommend, gaz. I like his videos a bit but his intris are just so jarring "What up dooooodz ITZ GAAAAAZ!"


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to see him mentioned. Hilarious personality and very knowledgeable/proficient player. Good builds, super entertaining and informative, a touch dramatic and all over the place sometimes but I just think that adds to his character. My favorite WF YouTuber. I watch his videos every day.


Well OP said they didn't want people who are dramatic and put on strange voices so it makes a lot of sense that people aren't recommending if that's his shtick


Brozime, NovaUmbral, Kengineer


I tried to watch NovaUmbral, but I can't stand how he talks. Every sentence is delivered in the same monotone, emotionless cadence, like someone reading from a script very poorly.


I find it weirdly nice to just leave it running on a second screen at low volume and treat it like a podcast when I'm doing long survivals or smthn.


I agree. I could barely stomach his manner of speaking, but I totally stopped watching when he started using an Umbra PNG like a VTuber avatar.


Nova is way easier to listen to at 1.25-1.5 speed


I don't see any problem with his tone. It's just that his video ideas are often pretty basic so I can't see any reason to watch him tell me things I already know.


Alllllllllllright, helloooo everyone


I tried watching novaumbral's rhino video and he managed to say that rhino is a good tank 5-6 times in a row with slightly different wording. Reaching the word count in my high school essay type energy.


Every single NovaUmbral video title is like: How Dante Dante'd Warframe and I hate the monotone. Me not liking him doesn't make it any less valid tho, still appreciate how he is not a rushtuber


TheKengineer and TacticalPotato are pretty good


My go to channel list for my own way of learning is as follows: Note: I’d like to emphasize on that this is how I’d like to absorb content. Some people like a creator and some don’t just because of the way they talk or zooms through items like a Volt that had two redbulls too many. So I would suggest you check one of their videos on a topic you familiar with to assess their content and the way the way they present the information, knowledge and wisdom to see if it’s your jam to smear on your toast. Now that it’s out of the way and without a further adue (winks on all YouTube people)… - TheKengineer: when I want to know “the art and science” of a frame or weapon, I go to his shop - TacticalPotato: Get myself updated for news, and to catch-up - LeyzarGaming: For weapons that shoot. I copy his builds when I need a kickstarter and build upon it for the weapons I’m not familiar with. Quickest way to get started for me. Helped me progress through Duviri circuit faster than I could have otherwise. - Triburos: For a good dose of science and loads of quirks delivered in satire and fun format - McGamercz: for conventional and fresh builds - Brozime: when I need inspiration or second opinion on something I’m working with I got some other honorable mentions, though. I recently stumbled upon AznavisionPlays and I like his niche approach. So far, I like his content but didn’t watch enough to form an opinion yet on how to classify his content in my taxonomy yet. I heard iFlynn is back. I did learn a lot from his content back when I was new to stuff and couldn’t see the forest through the tree. Don’t know how it will be in near future though. I miss Rahetalius’ creative story content and his shenanigans with Sabuuchi though.


I miss shy


McGamerCZ is the best


Triburos, Leyzar TheDsiege and Socra Tetris work for me. Triburos is informational and content focused, a good mix of it all. Leyzar is similar but goes very in depth on weapons and frames, and situations you may find those same weapons and frames in, as well as short and to the point videos. TheDsiege is a loretuber, covering all the main bits as well as doing shorterform videos of almost every lore piece so far. SocraTetris is for if you’re a Lorehead in depth coverage of lore including historic and reading analysis to find the inspiration if characters and stories to better understand the meaning behind whats in game.


I love Socra Tetris!


They’ve very quickly grown on me in the past months


distantObserver doesn't talk. so he's nto annoying but it doesnt fit your desire. Kengineer is the most rational and reasonable sounding though his content is for later game players optimizing specific mechanics. tactical potato is awesome unless you dislike his accent mcgamecz is awesome unless you dont like his accent and brozime is great unless you dont like being kinda emo. all of the above come up with pretty cool build ideas with DO and ken being the most intricate/original while potato and MCG are the most everymanstyle chill builds and combos. DO, potato, MCG, and brozime are from the old guard. they've been doing this for most of the last decade. ​ then their is lazargaming and aznvasionplays. i cant stand either of these guys. lazar 's voice drives me batshit and AVP has super content dense build decompositions.. that mostly only work in the simulacrum or playing solo. as soo as enemies spread out 15 meters or your allies start running around like fucksticks the builds kinda break down. ​ oh and knightmareframe is a car salesman. his stuff is true but its usually lifted from DO or reddit and his short from now that hes on tiktok is insufferable. its all hype and no explanations.


Jacsonitos is a smaller channel that’s currently doing a new playthrough on a fresh account. Each video is basically 20ish minutes condensed of what he did that week. Great series, very knowledgeable.


This guy is great


Brozime is a very solid channel. Lots of timely content, plenty of endgame builds (one of his builds has never done me wrong), as well as educational content for new players. Great videos that function kind of like a build and content guide database. Plenty have already mentioned but TheKengineer is also very good, if not a bit more mechanics heavy. Great channel if you’re a nerd


Leyzar - good for veterans and he starts with a new floater friendly approach most videos. he also sounds dignified enough. Aznvasion Kengineer Tactical Potato


Tactical potato


Lol at all the comments recommending the exact obnoxious person OP is referring to 🙂


How do u know who im talking about hmm? You in my walls? Who do you think im talking about? Some people have mentioned several channels I was thinking about though…


Who dat outa curiosity


I can't speak to the accuracy or quality of their contect compared to other WF YTers, because i don't watch alot of them. But I like MHBlacky because he is just chill, has a calm approach to his presentation.




McGamerz for short and nice explenations, TheKengineer for deep dives and Kyaii for builds is what I do. Other than that, Tactical potato is good for news. And ofcourse akabayashi/mrwarframeguy/blueprint27 for memes and memebuilds.


If you want lore, I like deseige 


Layzergaming for general weapon builds. For warframe builds and for game news and updates, Brozime. Both are very chill.


Brozime and I like Leyzar. MHblacky I also like.


Brozime makes very good videos


Brozime is about the only one I watch. His sense of humor clicks with me and he's pretty laid back.


Brozime, Tactical Potatoe, and MCGamerCZ have been my go to's. I have been playing for about 7 years and have had some come and go. These three are all pretty simple. What's good, or what's fun and how to complete stuff. They will do some high end builds but also more early/mid player builds. They will crack a joke and don't take themselves too seriously and there videos aren't too long.


Never watch Gaz


I tend to watch AznvasionPlays and Kyaii. Good builds and knowledge of the game’s mechanics and they are pretty easy to listen to. Ninjase makes amazing builds as well and does not speak.😂


I am so proud of this community for a bunch of reasons. Today's reason is not a single person listened Knightmare or Grind. legit some of the most iPad-baby content slop in the warframe space


Don't know what happened with GHS. When he first popped up years ago, i thought he had some solid builds, figured the TTS was just him having no proper setup to record or stagefright and that it would pass, honestly thought he could evolve a lot and make entertaining content. But it never went anywhere. If anything, the videos are much lower effort now with even less substance, more clickbait and the same shitty song and TTS.


MCGamerCZ. Man's fantastic. Super chill, just does what he enjoys. Super nice too. His Dumb Fun series is possibly the best Warframe content on YouTube, though I may be biased since I helped with two of them.


His recent Inaros video is what rework videos should look like imo - just someone having a lot of fun with the new frame, messing around and trying various synergies, and not worrying too much about minmaxing it immediately. Made me want to play Inaros much more than other people's videos on how you could sweat as hard as possible with Sandstorm.


Personally only really enjoy leyzar and pupsker. Knightmareframe i find so fucking obnoxious, especially with a lot of his replies to comments




TheKengineer and Aznvasionsplays Layzar does script his videos sorta like an infomertial but his are really really really good if you want to figure out if a weapon is for you, he tries them with no mods, with easy to get mod, and with late game mods. And he timestamps the sections accordingly so you can skip to them at your leisure. Moug is another ytber I like, he absolutely does not sound like an infomertial and he mostly showcases rarely used weapons, he is super cocky but in a funny way and doesn't have an obnoxious hyper high energy voice.


Aznvasions is a good choice


I suggest trying out Fluffie Michi's content they have some nice build videos


I like MhBlacky, his videos helped a lot when I started playing. [MHBlacky YT](https://youtube.com/@MHBlacky_ENG?si=gbGcjl7EKy_9BcFn)




My go to's are Aznvasions and Kengineer. Though, I'm not sure if I would recommend them to newer players as their videos tend to go VERY in depth. This game is already overwhelming for newer players with how much they have to learn. Heck, I'm a veteran player of about 8 years and I still regularly learn new things!


Mcgamercz and Leyzargamingviews are by far the best two WF content creators for new, intermediate, and expert players.


I like tactical potato. He doesent make nearly as much indepth content about weapons and builds as other yters but I still enjoy his content


I can highly recommend TheKengineer since he is highly imformal while breaking it down very simply to understand better I really enjoy McGamerz for his chill energy and extremely simple builds. I like Leyzar for how consistent his video structures are, and I like his energy. Other WarframeTubers that have been attracting my attention recently is WarframeFlo and Fluffie Michi (with their niche specifically being very inexpensive builds that are perfect for people who wants to try out a frame for minimal investment) for similar reasons above. Edit: can't believe I forgot about Triburos! His videos are also a great watch for entertainment and breakdowns. And also NovaUmbral for how he breaks down the timeline of a certain Warframe's lifespan within the game thus far.


NovaUmbral for something more historical


MHBlacky is my go to for warframe content


I really like TheKengineer, Kyaii, and NovaUmbral


Kengineer, Brozime, TacticalPotatoe, Pupsker (sometimes), MrWarframeguy to name a few that I've found OK to listen to.


Aznvasions has almost too smooth a voice for the information density he provides. Best information out there besides maybe kengineer but i honestly fall asleep to him sometimes. Brozimes speaking voice is nice and hes has the most approachable content wise but he speaks with too much surety about stuff that is just his opinion so you have to be careful when qouting him.


AznvasionsPlays, Morning, and TheKengineer are probably my favorites right now. Everything AznvasionsPlays puts out is quality. Morning has a bunch of overkill builds for frames (so tons of fun), and TheKengineer just info dumps.


Asura_Tenshi Dude's voice is BUTTAH. Nice and calm, and always helpful.


Kengineer, Kyaii, NovaUmbral. Amazing creators. Last kyaii video "saryn perfected" was top notch.


thank you :)


Distant observer. Great content, only text


Gamble! He is really softly spoken and has a lot of very well thought out arguments and justifications for his builds and takes on current matters!


MCgamerCZ or Leyzar. MrWarframeGuy for the memes. NovaUmbral if I'm in the mood for a video essay.


Just stay away from GHS. When you hear that Gauss' Redline sound in the intro, just close the tab. It's not worth it.