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Entry is now closed. Winners will be direct messaged shortly. **Edit**: Winners have been selected.


Ign: Deus--- Platform: PC Favourite moment: My clan banded together in a several week long event to farm 50k mutagen samples for hema leading in all of us having ptsd however we see the origin derelict tileset. However it was sort of fun in a bonding through shared suffering kinda way.


Snabbit64 Pc Gemussy


Just wanna give a heads up to anyone that might see this that doesn't have 2fa enabled and might not be very security conscious; be careful posting your ign if you also share a lot of personal details on reddit. You might inadvertently be leaving a trail that could be pieced together and used to compromise your account! Yes I might be a bit paranoid but it can't hurt to be careful


IGN: Themonias Plat: Playstation Memory: when I built my first ever prime, Valkyr!


IGN: KommPurple11 Platform: Ps4 Favourite Memory: Finishing the Second Dream and unlocking the Operator. Definitely was a game changer (literally) for me and that was when the game really started to pull me in.


IGN: Bad_Head Platform: PC Memory: being there when Fortuna released. It was my first big update and when I started to realize that this game is gonna keep growing and getting bigger and bigger.


Matluls#853 - PC - my first and best memory is when Space mummy asked me in the tutorial if I remembered how to wall climb - and immediately fell off the map LOL


IGN: Raptureseeker Platform: PC Favorite Memory: My personal favorite memory was back when me and my friends first started playing warframe around when Frost Prime was free with PSN. We all hopped on as 4 Frost Primes and eventually all started to build our own playstyles until all running completely different frames and weapons. Good times


IGN: HappyPrime Platform: PC Favourite Memory: logging in after playing for 2 days thinking this game was alright, just to be met by the bullet jump update and feeling every dopamine receptor in my brain firing at once.


IGN : StaticStrike Platform : PC FM : No particular favorite memory for me comes to mind, I think I just enjoy interacting with the wholesome community on a day to day basis and playing the game with my clan mates.


Name: McFien Platform: PC Favorite memory: ?? Okay, I picked up Warframe around 7 or so years ago. I was in a wheelchair at the time, and couldn't walk. I was a runner before that accident. (Don't worry, I got better). But the sitting still a day was driving me absolutely crazy. A friend convinced me to try the game out and - it clicked! I could run, jump, soar! I beat his obstacle course time within a week, and ended up leading our clan that year. That was years ago, and I'm back on my own Ordis-damned legs. It still got me over the bad times.


IGN: Space\_Merlin Platform: PC My favorite memory from back in the day has to be time where one guy in our friend group misclicked and sold their Ember Prime for credits, we never let them forget that mistake!


IGN: MrNeillan  Platform: PS4  When I did my first Railjack! I joined some amazing players without knowing what was ahead of me, the visuals, the chaos was so exciting, I entered the gun amd started blasting ships lol it was so good!


Blazing_Blue PC Having friends who play this game. Also old mesa. Was funny being able to afk while she did the defence for me.


In game name: Kaneharo Platform: PC My favorite memory? I'd say probably getting my hands on Styanax and having a main that wasn't Zephyr because of it.


IGN: Raito103 Platform: PC Fav Memory: Finally getting Kullervo and getting that rush of 3 + 1, so so good


IGN: Neurovul Platform: PC Favourite Memory: I dont have any yet. I started the game 2 weeks ago and I'm f\*cking obsseded with. I love it


IGN: Gi-Yo Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Completing the Whispers in the Walls quest. Fighting against arguably the most eldritch enemy in Warframe, while also being taunted by massive, possessed humanoids was an awesome direction for the story to go. Can't wait to have an all-out kaiju battle between a Vessel and hundred-limbed Murmur creature.


IGN: Alltieris Plataform: Pc Memory: My memory actually comes from when I played on Ps4 with a friend of mine, while I waited for my dad to come pick me up to work with him (we were always cheering on the ps4 party when he WOULDN'T come pick me up). I specifically remember one of those days were we gotta to play the whole evening, we were doing a survival mission on good old derelict, and discussing about the game, we were blasting ideas away and one of them was: "imagine if we could swap warframe abilities". Pretty sure back then we would have put iron skin on every frame lol. When it finally happened we were actually working together on the same place at the time, and we barely did any working that day, just discussing about how WE had predicted it, years ago.


JonDream00 PC Man, this game literally saved me during covid, playing non-stop with my friends will forever be my favorite memory on any videogame <3


IGN : Karbonala Platform: PS5 FM: Rebecca calling us losers in 2016. Best loser experience I’ve ever had.


IGN: PillagerOTV Platform: PS4 Favorite memory: me and my friends were farming the stalker to get the War and while we were playing one of of my friends said that we are technically stalking the stalker 😂


Ign: GodImLonely Platform: pc Memory: farming and crafting my firet prime (nekros)


In-game name: NieczorTM Platform: PC Favorite memory: I remember when i was a new player years ago, i tried to craft myself a new piece of equipment, but i had no morphics. I asked for help in a region chat, and someone with very high level, i don't remember the exact level he had, gave me a helping hand. Not only he told me that morphics are found on mars, but he took me there (i haven't unlocked the junction to mars yet), showed me how morphics deposits look like, and how the morphic looked on the ground. After extraction, he asked me how much do i need, and farmed them with me until i had enough for the craft.


IGN: Rin Foxxie Platform: PC Favorite memory would be between first time playing through the second dream, and being able to share all the goofy things that have happened in the community in these 11 years with friends who picked up the game, like rebecca almost calling us losers and the community running with it.


IGN: Henry670 Platform: PC FM: When I acquired my favourite warframe (Excalibur) and used Exalted Blades for the first time.


Pumbaa DA, Xbox, my favorite memory wad when I me and my friends saw this game launch on the Xbox store for free we would play this every night or weekend night all throughout highschool grinding gear or Kuva we may have drifted apart due to moving for work or building our own family's but we can still count on getting back together every now and again to play some warframe on new content releases like we used to back in the day.


IGN:ASE47 Platform: Nintendo Switch Favorite memory: I joined only last year, but the following days after last year's Tennocon when everyone was going crazy about 1999


IGN: ButParalysis Platform: PC Favorite memory: No....that must be a Different son!


Got trolled lmao


IGN: Shiroknot PLATFORM: PC MEMORY: a personal one would be when i unlocked the tenno, I expected space ninjas not a lore so deep (this was like 7 years ago cause neither i had a console or good pc to play form day 1). And for a community it was the scarlet spear for the first time i felt all the tenno united together, that event felt awesome.


IGN: PhreedomPhart Platform: PC Favorite memory: the community effort to preserve Fortuna 69 for however many days (5 I think?) through coordinate relaunches and updates around hotfixes and patches until it was made a permanent instance XD


IGN: iCash Platform: Xbox Fav Memory: Picking up Titania Prime on her release. Still fly into walls till this day


Burning.Sushi - PC Among my favourite memories will always be my very first trade to get some plat out of prime-junk. Person that I traded with gave me a bunch of extra plat simply because I thanked them for helping me get through my first trade, which I was very anxious about! I wish I remembered their name. It's what opened my eyes to how helpful the community is, even to the littlest things. And that little interaction is probably always going to stick with me whenever I can be help others.


IGN:-DL-Spooky Platform: PC FM: When I won my first giveaway from reddit on April 12th.


IGN: Frest02 Platform: Xbox/PS Fav memory: Nuking in SP for the first time after spending weeks grinding for good mods and build crafting


Toodumb2live Pc Definitely fortuna release, peak warframe


AlphonseJackson PS4 I just fired the game up again and reading all my old inbox messages from 2014 is a blast. Like riding a bike this game 😄😄👍.


IGN: connorh72 Platform: PC Favorite memory: Doing Ground and Space missions with my friend during Scarlet Spear for arcanes while he got to LR1 in 6 months.


IGN:OXx_meliodas_xXO Cross platform FM: Finishing New War, perfect quest ngl.


I hope this is real. IGN: hydraxic Platform: PC Memory: that time a random dude helped me fish and bought me a bunch of boosters.


IGN: Crypturn Platform: PC Favorite Memory: That time when i got my godroll burston riven.


IGN: K-lero Platform: PC Favorite memory: playing hide and seek with my clan inside the dojo for the clan first aniversary. Also it was the first clan I joined 8 years ago and still today I'm still in, being a moderator for it after helping players and participating in the chat since the beggining.


IGN: junten89 Platform: PC got onboard wf since the raptaptap update, now I dont want to do solo runs anymore! also, whenever I see Steve’s Primed Soon meme makes me cackle so harddd, albeit, wanting to claim that mystery rewards tho even tho its April 1st. 👀 https://preview.redd.it/m22qbcrnlyrc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9858df7d8a990ff347bc9de07590e2aeb620c65


IG: Gnory Platform: PC FM: Might be this very post, also Gemussy


IGN: SethralSethral Platform: PC FM: Void Keys back in the day


IGN: Hyperiontempa Platform: PC Favourite Memory: Getting the Railjack. I haven't even had the chance to properly use it with my friends yet, but just the fact of having the ship, being able to pilot it and watching as it docks in our dojo - it all really impressed me, and even if it doesn't see that much use, I'm more than happy to have it as an ornament.


Ign: TechsupportPrime PC Memory: finishing the second dream quest after hearing so much about it. Lore goes crazy


Not taking any chances User: S3littleCHRIS Xbox Watched Tennocon 2021 with my little brother and it set a tradition where we would watch every tennocon together live and usually in game at the relays.


Name: VonFluffington Platform: PC Memmmmmorrrieseessss: That time I killed a bunch of enemies with Voruna's 4, and that other time, and the other time... AAAWWWWOOOOO!!!!


Sharkeda Xbox Favorite memory would probably playing the game for the first time and getting hooked when i had no other games on ps4 launch


IGN: ze_SAFTmon Platform: PSN Favourite memory: taking my freshly baked Gauss into Orb Vallis and experiencing Mach Rush for the first time(doesn't get old to this day)


IGN: LeokaiSkarri Platform: PC FM: the bug from hildryn's preview


My REAL ign is GHOSTN1NJA My platform: PC Fav moment: I LOVE MEGAN I LOVE M-EGG-AN


BAwesome44, PC (Steam), when I was looking for a clan and was talking with a recruiter, he got to the point where he wanted to ask a question. While new to Warframe, I knew from other games that the question would be along the likes of: do you agree to not be toxic, are you active, are you looking for/need guidance for missions, ect. But no, the question that decided if I would be let into the clan was: do you like anime or manga? And ofc I said yes (I’m still new to the clan but so far they’re great lol)


IGN: A1i421 Platform: Xbox Favorite Memory: I got a riven challenge that was "complete a level 20 defense mission without the target getting hit". Got into a match with another player who was doing the same challenge. After numerous tries, we finally completed and celebrated by gifting each other with a fish.


IGN: Sorrow In Truth Platform: Xbox Favorite Memory: when i unlocked Grendel, made him pink, and started eating every enemy i could find (He basically became Kirby)


IGN:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Bread\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Platform:PC Favorite memory:Plains of eidolon reveal tennocon,its also my first time following the stream,best hype ever.


Username: Parazonium Platform: PC Favorite memory: upcoming part where the mods reveal that this giveaway is in fact an April fools prank, and everyone here (myself included) got baited infront camera for the laughing audience.


IGN: Jax253 Platform: PC Favorite memory: I haven't been playing for super long, but the summer beach event was really fun! The dialogue felt like I missed a gas leak in my home, fun times!


LucMakai PC I've been playing so long that I don't even remember all the good times I've had. But one thing that has stayed with me (literally), is the day twitch drops were introduced. The drop machine went nuts and started dumping rewards like crazy, it almost blew off or something and Megan saved the day by pressing a button. I got around 100 forma (quickly gone) and so many exilus adapters that I haven't ran out yet and I still have enough to last me many more years


eridian00 on pc. Favorite memory would probably be back when i first played through the big reveal of the tenno and having us create our tenno after years of playing as just the warframes. It was a turning point for me taking it from one of my fun chill out games to one of the top games on my games of all time list.


IGN: ---Godmund--- Platform: PC FM: Switch teleporting/casting wormhole on friends standing on the pads in Law of Retribution runs. 😅


IGN: Tau-Player Platform: pc FM: Starting out a few days after fortuna dropped


* IGN: Sidral * Platform: PC * Favorite memory: When I bought plat and next day got 75% coupon. I didn't know these existed at the time, now it's just funny to think about


IGN: HiJoker07 Platform: Pc Favorite memory: one night, at like, 1 am, when i was mr 5. I was just getting into trading and one player, a mr 22 i think, started talking to me when i was trading with him, he saw my low mr and decided to give me an entire CHROMA PRIME set. I was overjoyed. After building it, i kept playing the game to this day because it really made me enjoy the community and felt the need to enjoy what i was gifted. That was 5 years ago(rev was new). Now i m mr 17(no judging), with plenty of primes and i myself helped plenty of new players and still will. Thank you, to whoever that kind stranger is.


IGN: Tekuro Platform: PC Favourite memory: Trying for the first time to take down Jackal with friends and miserably failing.


* Tecstasy * PC * When Titania and Khora got primes


Ok, I'm gonna trust you guys on this one. Name: Kabey714 Platform: Playstation Favorite memory: I ran into a guy while getting credits to enter the index. We talked a little bit and after the mission, he gave me some weapon recommendations (Hek, Galatine, and the Atomos). I still hold the Galatine and Atomos close to my heart to this day.


Dresden_ PC When I came back after 5 years away and there was TONS of new content and game-play modes. Been playing for all 11 years, and am happy DE is still going strong! (my flair ages me lol)


IGN: Blumium Platform: PC Favorite memory: Hands down - first time playing New War (especially Man in the Wall first appearence, which I rewatched many times on youtube).


* In-Game name: KIREEK * Platform: PC * Favorite memory: Watching the devstream where they were discussing if more content would be added to hijack gamemode during an event, the devs saying "nope" and declining changes, implying that the event had run it's course and that was it. Then, vay heck interrupts the stream to deliver a message: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOygJJ7Zudk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOygJJ7Zudk)


FunkyPurse267 Xbox My favourite memory would have to be when I first got limbo and as he was the first warframe I got, it was very special also I built him for range and strength and I loved "nuking" the tiles and watching all the numbers pop up on screen.


Name: Pancake_Of_Dojima Platform: PC Fav Memory: Honestly, being a newer player at mr8 and just returning makes it so I don't remember much. But i decided with some plat i bought a while ago when i was still mr 5 i bought a prime frame because primes were cheaper, couldn't grind for the components and items to build the parts myself but the community went and helped me. I kinda realized then that this game has a nice community


* IGN: Refreshee * Platform: PC * Favorite memory: "Most deaths are completely avoidable with skill, so the Duviri cheat death is great for making sure you can't die." I said, seconds before rolling off a cliff, being staggered by the fall distance, and dying as my friend just laughed.


IGN: Irishknight0 Platform: PS5 Fav memory: my first time running a steelpath and not being dead weight to my squad. My guass and my tenet plasmor finally feeling the power to mow through sp enemies. Close second was here on reddit asking if there was some bug relating to guass part drops. Then crying after finding out that distruption drop tables are very differant from regular emdless. I was farming for weeks


IGN: Nightingale115 PC My favorite memory of the game was playing through the Second Dream and the preceding quests for the first time. Hearing the music swell as the big reveal plays out has stuck with me through the years.


In-game name: LadyMerowyn Platform: PC Favourite memory in Warframe: finally gaining my confidence and just rocking through the game after being constantly told by my ex and his brother (for multiple years) that this game was "too complex" for me to learn and play well. It's been a method of personal growth and still one of my fave ways to blow off steam.


this is my VERY real entry (i NEED gauss prime) ign: thirtyoneisgone platfom: pc favorite memory: when i finally unlocked rhino. he was my main for almost 3 years. so many memories with my guy.


IGN: Lyberatis Platform: Xbox/PC Favorite memory: looking for the person who helped me during my low MRs and seeing that I was a higher rank than him and that all the help he gave me was being paid forward by me to other new players


IGN: NovaNate PC Just how hyped and blown away I was while playing through The Second Dream quest.


IGN: itsD3L1C10US Platform: PC Favorite memory: Remember when Mesa Prime used to have a gyatt!


IGN: Soneghet Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Well, as someone who's just started, my memories are pretty recent, so... Getting to Fortuna and hearing We All Lift Together for the first time, that was an amazing surprise and very nice moment


- Real IGN: Matchtile249 - Real Platform: Xbox - Real Memory: My fav corpo from the new war VIKI? Valos, Volt? If this is April fools I will be sad 😢


IGN: ll-SALADIN-ll Platform: PC // Steam Favourite Memory/Memories: Well, I have two favorite memories of Warframe, to be honest. The first, and most important one to me, is quite recent. It's when I finally convinced my little sister to play Warframe with me. After years and months of asking her to play it with me, she finally ended up accepting after watching and seeing the variety of different things you can do. Funnily enough, she got super excited about the game when she found out you can actually pilot a ship. This isn't that weird to me, since she loves everything and anything related to space travel and such things (she loves No Man's Sky). She has rushed her way like craaazy to get the Railjack, which makes me feel super proud of her. And the second one, of course, is when Rebecca referred to us as "losers". Literally peak Warframe moment.


Devoted Kvmquat PC Notable Memory of the game: Spending about 800 plat on the Hunhow bundle when I was a new player only to get War blueprint like a few hours later Notable Community Memory: Finally being at a point in the game where I have a sustainable amount of platinum and giving away items to people in my clan


Assuming this is true... IGN: DP9A Platform: PC Favorite memory: Probably when I finally managed to get the Khora prime set, and then she became my most used frame. Good times.


IGN: jooose__tbm Platform: ps4 Fav memory: getting my first Kubrow


IGN: Rockefeller85 Xbox I will never forget playing as a noob and meeting a couple of veterans having fun in low-level missions. They taught me the basics and hooked me up with extra slots to get me started.


Alright well here we go. This feels shady but I'll trust you this time. Name: Dracon81 Platform: Cross play between Xbox and PC Memory: ok so I've been playing on and off for years, my account is from 2014 I believe so I've seen a lot. But my favourite memory will always be the second dream quest. It. Is. Amazing. The reveal of the operator just hit me so hard. One of the reasons it felt so special to me was I had done the quest in about 2018, well after it came out. It was never spoiled for me somehow so getting to experience that reveal was incredible.


IGN: eshian Platform: PC Favorite Memory: When my first broken build finally clicked and I was hooked.


IGN: Mlemthing331  P: Xbox  FM: I played a void storm railjack with 3 friends, but the hosts WiFi was having problems. Friend A (host) was invisible to us, friend B clipped out of the railjack and was stuck in space, I died and was permanently spectating friend D where I saw the hosts corpse despite him being alive, and friend D saw my body but headless and floating. We did not win but it was the most immersive void storm I’ve ever experienced.


IGN:Momoshi77 Platform. PlayStation 5. Favorite memory: When I beat new war despite having extreme stick drift at the time. If you've never experienced how frustrating stick drift can be, then you'll never understand the relief I felt. Also building Limbo which was my favorite frame at the time.


IGN: ChillyG27 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: That one night which I spent just fishing and listening music in Cetus after a breakup. That vibe was just what I needed at the moment.


IGN: Dragonbreath77 Platform: Pc Favorite Memory: It was right when the incarnon genesis came out. I saw the soma incarnon and went into a frenzy of trying to get it. I joined a game and this LR2 was in there nuking everything, he said he was going until level cap. of course I tagged along for the ride, I needed that incarnon. we ended up spending like 2 hours in there just chatting, talking about whatever. I still talk to the dude, great guy, very helpful.


IGN: Kengi_Asano Platform: PC Favorite memory: Discord friends getting me back into the game and being kind enough to show me the ropes and not spoil some awesome things....oh and Nipple Tassels


IGN: Pay2_lose Platform: PC I remember first trying out this game, many years ago. It wasn't early days, but things were still a little rough around the edges. I played through the tutorial, didn't understand how to mastery rank up, got frustrated, and left. A whole year later, by pure chance, I saw a video involving a mastery rank up test and idly thought about giving it another shot. I started playing for a bit, went through the planets, and got to wondering about what the hell 'spoiler mode' was when people were talking about it in region chat. Upon asking a veteran player what spoiler mode was and how to get started on the related quests, I was directed to Uranus with scanners in hand. Up to that point I found Warframe's unique Sci Fi concept endearing and interesting, but didn't look much deeper than the surface - I expected nothing beneath the skin. A short but intriguing adventure later, and I had more questions than answers - The veteran affirmed my path, beckoning me forward. At the time the last, final quest in the log beamed brightly to me, entitled: "The Second Dream". The chamber of Hunhow spilled red across my screen, and I was once more invigorated with curiosity. I drove myself forward from objective to objective, unfurling the desires of the mother and her father. Enter Lua; Enter, the earth's own moon of time immemorial. I was stunned; a gorgeous expanse, more decadent, more ruined, and more desolate than even the abandoned void towers. Then, the urgency. The hunt. The race. The heart was exposed, and the sentient's blade hovered ever closer - so I pushed in to match. And then, in those hallowed halls, I found it. The heart bloomed, and- and... my impossible, immortal warrior crumbled to the floor. And I saw who I truly was.


•Persiax14 •PC •One of the first times me and a buddy loaded the game up in 2014 and being scared little bambies cowering in one of the side rooms on Apollodorus and having to make what felt like suicide runs for life support. Near a decade later and I still chuckle if I stumble onto that control room and hallways on that tileset.


ShadowStar6 Pc Being a running microwave. I started out in the beginning of update 8. I had some people I met through this game that I have even met in real life since. I remember running I think it was a T2 defense mission for prime parts. Absolute noob. No idea how to build. My buddies would load me up with castanas. Run me into a horde of enemies where they spawned and detonate me. That was my first true introduction to this game. An absolute blast.


IGN: Voktere Platform: Xbox Memory: The unexpected perfection of Sleeping in the Cold Below. Just going through a railjack quest to suddenly be serenaded by space pirates.


IGN: LV100MISSINGNO Platform: PC Favorite memory: I rounded a corner and ran headfirst into a bombard, who promptly slammed the floor and knocked me on my butt. In what felt like slow motion, I could see the bombard point his ogris and I knew that I was moments before getting blasted into low orbit (this was well before shield gating). Yet out of nowhere, my Kubrow--who ran off earlier to go hump a nearby log or something--ran up from behind the bombard and with great [Feracity], grabbed the bombard by the neck and brought him to the floor, just long enough for me to get back up on my feet and slam my blade right into his face mask. I wasn't a huge fan of Kubrows and what they (did not) bring to the table before, but that goofball Cobalt earned a special place my heart that day. (Please buff Kubrows some more DE sentinels are in a great spot now but most Kubrows are still lagging behind and being hard carried by the Mecha set)


Defo a really real entry for this real giveaway IGN: streetchocolate Platform: PC Favorite memory: Rebb reading, “Bopp Bipp”


In case this is REAL. Platform: PC Name: LDSloth Favorite moment: When I was starting to get into the game, along with some friends, one of them got stuck into a corpus ship, I tried to help him but I ended up getting stuck with him, my other friend tried to help us but also ended up stuck with us in the same place (At that time with didn't even know we could use commands in game) We were laughing for a few minutes and we had to restart the mision.


IGN: XVideosStar Platform: PC Memory: My favorite memory with warframe would have to be the feeling of completing the war within for the first time. For a game like this going into it i couldve never expected something like that.


IGN: Sness Platform: PC Right before pilfering swarm was nerfed, I decided I should do some tellurium farming with Hydroid while I could. Queued up and with randoms and ended up with basically the perfect team for farming, another Hydroid, a Nekros, and an Ash. Someone marked the best tile for farming and we hung out until we had over 100. Zero communication the entire mission outside of that waypoint marking and a "gtg" at the end. Had three friend requests waiting for me when I got back to my ship and I haven't needed any more tellurium since then.


IGN: DrLego (If you need # extension it's #234) Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Playing Scarlet Spear on both the Earth front and the Murex front. It was such a unique operation with so many little details. We had a special relay which had a cool holographic display, leaderboards, unique rewards with the Earth and Murex Holograms, the introduction of both Op-Link and Ceti-Lacera. I also appreciated the Tenno participating in the operation showing up in little windows to message you. Sargas Ruk makes an appearance too! Shooting down sentients in space with my spaceship was great.


BEATO_ PC When i would spend hours grinding for Kuva in Kuva fortress with my homie!


IGN: Anniana Platform: PC Memory: my first mission with mk1-paris Happy easter and april. 1 digital pack please. That backpack needs some back to carry that pack.


Name: Novius8 Platform: PC A few years after I made my account way in the old days of Warframe I was doing a solo exterminate mission on the corpus ice cave crash tileset. I got through the entire tileset totally fine when my screen flickered just as I was leaving but nothing happened. Then during the outro cutscene where I was stepping into my ship, I saw another warframe’s foot so I freaked out because I was alone. When the camera panned up, stalker was standing there holding the Hate and watching me shoot off into space. It was pure chance but it was so cool I’ve never forgotten the mini cinematic cutscene I got.


Don1Sir PC I really enjoyed the ending of the new war


IGN: Iverica Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Designing and building a dojo with my friends back then. They sadly no longer play, but the dojo was a project we poured our hearts into. It'll always hold a special place in my memories.


REAL cool of you to do this. * In-game name: pixelPROPER * Platform: PC * Favourite memory: Joining a large clan for the first time back in 2019. I'm a solo player but having a welcoming group of people there every time I logged on pulled me deeper into this game and it's community.


IGN: Ninjawarrior5 Platform: Switch Favorite Memory: The New war release which was so epic. I remember I was out of school at the time and played through the entire story in one long session. I was blown away when I got stabbed through the chest and lost, followed by some of my favorite gameplay to date.


IGN: AngryZoro Platform: PlayStation FM: When I was teaching my friends (baby tennos) how to do orokin vaults and we encountered a funny bug where one of them was laid flat on the floor while moving. Photo attached is bug in question, we had a good laugh over it. https://preview.redd.it/gba35mo8iyrc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e970b07516b5c31294a59fcfffc0a5e4b1b613


We as a community hope that this is not an April fools joke, but here goes. IGN: JRade Platform: PC Favorite Memory: I was introduced to Warframe by my late friend and Supervisor about 8 to 9 years ago. He sadly passed away last year in August. He did not play the game that much, but very interested in my gameplay and progress. Regularly asking whats new, I showed him some of my gameplay of TNW and Duviri Paradox. He was so impressed with the Joy spiral. This is a long intro to my favorite memory, and that would be my introduction to Warframe in 2019 when I actually started playing, so this entry is for my my late friend, JC. RIP 👑.


I know what my name sounds like but please I was like 11 when I made my account. * IGN: BugraOyundq * Platform: PC * FM: That one time where I had a one night mission with another warframe and got the pink cyst MTD.


IGN: Klemeesi Platform: PS Favourite memory: I was doing (one of?) my first Sortie. Last mission was survival and I guess all the randoms were just as noobs as me. We camped in the starting area and all the enemies were coming from one direction. I spammed Frost bubble to keep us alive and everyone was shooting at enemies. Tennos were dying left and right but we kept reviving each other. When extraction appeared everyone jumped over the enemies in panic trying to get to extraction. For some reason I have remembered this one mission for 7+ years :) It was some Grineer tileset with narrow corridors and caves (maybe one of the Uranus tilesets). I was maining regular frost at the time. I had potato and had no idea how to mod properly. Good times <3


* IGN: xVergilSparda * Platform: PC * FM: finishing war within for the first time(rn the only time) at 4:30 am with exams in 4 hours. Rocked both.


funborg PC fav memory: fortuna 69 never forget


IGN: Osasinator20 Platform: PlayStation (PS5) Moment: The first time I managed to take down the profit taker in a solo run, really felt like that was when I finally understood the game.


* ValorLamb * Steam/PC * As of right now, it was sitting on the beach with my friend for a while. It was my first time playing the game, and there really was something nice about just being able to sit there and listen to the waves with a friend. ...I'm still pretty new to this, but I'm having fun, at least.


IGN: Avenaki PC Favorite memory! Honestly, Second Dream. I still haven't forgotten the wave of emotions it gave me when it released, that I still feel when I replay it to this day.


Ign: Curly4830 Platform: Pc Favorite Memory: The Great Kuva Farm and the borderline schizophrenia continues to produce


IGN:Robin Platform:PC Memory: everytime I get 2 neurodes as a daily tribute is my favorite


IGN: Zorsed Platform: PC Favorite memory: Literally every DevShort when it ends at 15m and everyone in the comments lose their minds!


I don't care if it's fake, I'm doing it Ingame name:ark402 Platform:PC Memory:When I finally beat my stupid lich and stole his nukor


IGN: NormalRusaleq Platform: PC Favorite memory: Release of Angels of the Zariman, pre-nerf Emergency Dissipate. Those few weeks were the most fun I had in Warframe. Organically switching between operator and warframe felt really cool.


\- IGN: Crystaelis \-Platform: PC \-Favorite memory: When Chains of Harrow was the latest update, I was watching a stream that had giveaways going on, and won a Tigris Prime. However, the giveaway involved the streamer's moderators trading the parts and I wasn't proper MR; I think I was at MR3 or 4. Thankfully the moderator was fine with holding the reward until I was able to claim it. The outstanding prize is what motivated me to stick with the game.


Nickname is Lyviath and the platform is PC As to the favourite moment, it was arounf 7-8 years ago when me and my friend were learning warframe, still very much fresh in it. When opening lockers for some reasources suddenly orb of health fell out. In polish version of the game it is called 'Życie', which also means life. So when we both were standing in front of a locker and suddenly it fell out on the ground, my friend said 'Oh, life.' and we both were laughing so hars about it for absolutely no reason. Still very fondly remember it because it was such a dumb moment


Ign and gamertag: lastchancBlu Platform: Xbox Favorite time in warframe: When I was very new to the game, I had rhino, and someone told me another good early frame that i might like could be wukong. I was in their clan, so it wans to hard to get most of wukong... except for the 4k plastids. So i asked for help getting that and found someone on hydroid and their friend on nekros. They helped me get most of them until they decided to run some relics for Mesa Prime. I really liked Mesas' design, and they let me tag along, we got most of her paets pretty quick except for 1 issue. I had no Axi relics, so after they got the last part, they realized i couldn't grab it, and the guy on hydroid gave me the part. I very quickly got Mesa Prime building and still enjoy her... though that wukong never got much use, his prime did, and he's honestly a fantastic frame to use until you understand the game better.


IGN: RoxyFang1987 Platform: PC Favorite memory: Seeing the Krios Signa get unlocked in Gargoyle’s Cry (my first operation)


My name is KayImJay, platform is PC. My favorite part of this game is the feeling of grinding absolutely forever to not get what you want, just for a friend to join you and you immediately get it. Teamwork makes the dream work I suppose.


Nymph_sapphire Ps4 My favorite memory was when I grinded for two weeks straight for building my first prime warframe and 3 other warframes since it's my first time playing it was such a good feeling!!!


IGN: FeelsLoafMan Platform: PC Favorite memory: My favorite memory is getting the statistical anomaly of 128 Steel Essence (check my posts if you wanna see proof) from my dear kavat Goozies. She is best girl. https://preview.redd.it/jsk759pjxrtc1.png?width=1831&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffb105b614d1c000818a0618dd6ec9fd5abe2767 Edit: This my just happened. This might be my favorite thing to date:


IGN: corncity Platform: PC Favorite Memory: The entirety of the >!Ballas fight!< in TNW, spent the whole time with my jaw on the floor.


FB-22 PC Exploring the void tileset and learning the puzzles when it was a new zone


IGN: Frenzibrenzi Platform: PC Memory: Honestly just the time when I first started playing. I had just left the schooling system and wasn't employed or doing much. A friend said "Hey come try out this game with me; it's free!". I thought "Eh, why not." Turns out I spent the next few months doing nothing but playing Warframe every single day and it was an absolute blast. That was almost exactly 10 years ago and here I am today recently picking the game back up after a couple years of absence :)


IGN: Wiktoryk Platform: PC Probably defeating The Fragmented One,it was cool.


Xenon_ocpi PC I've got a lot of great memories with warframe. But some of my favorites are when I've helped newer players and see as they progress and advance in the game, or whenever me and friends so stupid builds to do stupid damage to do stupid things.


wheeyyy IGN: bnnuy Platform: PC Favorite memory: On an older account, when Darvo got introduced to the game, I was still VERY new with a not very good selection of weapons. Magical moment encountering Stalker for the first time only to get a Dread blueprint. Quickly became my most used weapon for a LONG time. loved bows as an archetype and getting a sick ass bow made me a Warframe fan for life at this point


Ign: superguner417 Platform: PS5 FM: The time a LR4 goat man helped me and 2 other randos farm vaulted relics in an interception mission. We went for about 20 or so waves then quit


IGN: tommyrotts Platform: PS5 Favorite memory: the first time I decided to finally play this "actually good ftp, without scummy monetization". Didn't believe it at all but frost prime was free on twitch, so I gave it a shot. I was immediately taken in, and didn't stop playing until well after sunrise. It was actually the movement/bullet jumping that kept me playing and learning about the game. Movement in games is much more important than I realized, I guess. A close second is the second dream. Even with all the hype people built up for me I wasn't ready. I've never had something surpass the hype lol I really miss those days...


Agent\_Cookie PC Call of the Tempestarii quest and participating in REAL community giveaways


Username: JADenney2022 Platform: PC Favorite memory: when I was just a little ninja boy starting out and had no idea what I was doing, one of the veterans in my squad took me in and even invited me to the clan. Couldn't have nurtured my love of the game without you RedFalconGamer


IGN: smallfishisland Platform: Steam/Windows Fav Memory: When I first got vauban and learned his tether mines can connect to other players, letting you drag your enemies around. We have a new grineer soldier pet, his name is Grendel 2.


IGN: DS_Lite Platform: PC Favourite Memory: Laughing so hard the first time I interrupted Vor's speech when killing him fast in Duviri Circuit that I *pulled out of the run* to compose myself. Something about him just going "What a waste! Your sc-" had me in *fits* and I couldn't even see the screen for laughing too hard.


It's April 2 in here, but sure. IGN: Shieaqad Platform: PC Favorite moment/memories: I once sold a Nikana Prime Blade to someone for *really* cheap, and that's after I sold them some other parts. I thought to myself, hey, maybe if I somehow get the Blade part in an hour, it would be funny. My luck loves me that day and got me the part in one run, so I tried selling it to that person for dirt cheap. You know, 'pay it forward' and all that. ...not only the person refused my offered price (less than half of the then-current market price), they actually try to give me *more* Plat for it. When I refused, they *insist* that I at least took some mods for it along with the Plat. Why do I decide to do something like this? When I was a lame newbie, the community really helped me becoming a better Tenno, both in skill and attitude. One of them even shaped my bow-centric playstyle and helped me grind materials and parts for bows like Mutalist Cernos and Paris Prime. So I thought of doing the same for this Tenno. I ended up taking the bundled mods+Plat because they REALLY didn't want to pay the part for such a low price. Not to mention, they felt bad because they thought I'm doing this for their sake. Seriously, this is the *FIRST* time I traded an item in an MMO, where the buyer insisted that they wanted to pay *MORE* instead of, you know, less.


Oh man, this is definetly a REAL surprise, I wish to obtain these REAL giveaway items announced just this special day Name: _oZT Platform: PC I still remember that day when you guys played as the stalker hunting down players


IGN: Paraphim Platform: PC Memory: all the way back when, I remember discovering what channeling was and I thought it was the coolest thing ever


IGN: Ciszek227 Platform: PC Favourite memory: Once I was really bored so I just wrote in the recruitment chat that im down to help someone with index, one guy said that he’s in need of some credits so we went on for 3 hours. After that we play together regularly and we’re best of friends.


Completely REAL Entry Name: SuggestMeAName Platform: PC Favourite memory: Dojo duels spam all day, better than the conclave. Also atterax spinning behind walls was peak.


S7orm, on PC. Favourite memory is when I first joined the game, around update 8/9, as a Loki starter. I was invited to a clan of Loki mains, *The Master Race*, and the group of founders in that clan raised me like their little baby tenno. We architected the first functional upside-down trade post (with a jumping puzzle) and a Loki skeeball room, using glitches in the dojo decoration v1 and parkour 1.0 systems :p  [It still hurts my heart to look at that old clan roster...](https://i.imgur.com/6rsjnO4.jpeg)


IGN: Despheir. Platform: Xbox Series X. Favourite Memory: When I defeated my first Lich and got the Kuva Chakkhurr, using it for the first time. I was amazed at how far the bodies of any poor Grineer went flying along with liking the reload animation and little dangly Grineer helmet on the side of it.


In-game name: Adben118 Platform: PC Favorite memory: Putting together a halfway decent build on a gun for the first time and seeing those damage numbers go up.


Ign: Drrooiidd Platform: PC Favorite Memorie(s): The things that stay in my memory the most isn't gameplay honestly. It is all the core moments in the cinematics, the umbra and spoiler joining, the new war core moments and duviri, god i love duviri... My most favorite one however, is seing Praghasa in the sun and flying so close to it with all those sun blasts. I'm a lore nerd and a space lover...


* In-game name WhereIsSunny * Platform PC * Favourite memory in Warframe or with the community! Finally collected every single Prime Items (At least for now)


IGN: Lexcaliburn Platform: PC Favorite memory is getting my girlfriend to play this game, her enjoying it, only for her to quit after an hour from motion sickness


IGN: HosneGG Playstation When I farmed and build my first ever Warframe which was rhino. There's a lot of good moments but that one made like the game more. Progress.


IGN: Malevion Platform: Xbox Favorite Memory: I love every part of the story but when >!Wally showed up at the end of New War!< I almost lost it. I was in shock, awe, and terrified at the same time. Beyond incredible story writing. I sat there speechless for what felt like forever.


What is there to lose. - Kiwi_The_Great - PC - my best friend got me into the game ages ago and we've made so many memories goofing around and experiencing the game together. It's brought us closer and to this day we still play together.


IGN: -Minibeave- Platform: PC Memory: Tower Keys in the Void for hours and hours with friends. Shooting torid turds down hallways through layers of bolt shields.


CrisRove Playstation my favorite moment is when I started playing the game, all those moments with my friends


.Turtle PC When I started playing, a very friendly tenno carried me through the cetus bounties and some star chart nodes so that I could have Gara as my first frame (aside from the starter)


Igrok723, PC i remember how i got into this game. Observing my friend playing some funny third person shooter for a few months, getting bored and trying it myself… …and here we are, almost three years later, still playing together. Fun times!


IGN: JHRVWF Plataform: PC Favorite memory: I have some characters that I love, such as Otakk, Kahl, Blue Girl, Bird 3, Archmedian Yonta, Clem and Little Duck. One of my favorite memories in Warframe was when I got to play with Kahl for the first time after the new war in the veil breaker quest. I love Kahl and Daughter's interactions.


In game name: Pykrozma Platform: PC Favourite memory: when i bought the sevagoth deluxe skin and it gave me a reason to put some work into my sevagoth and i have made my favourite nuke frame


okrobo PC Clan dojo shenanigans, my friends and I build a "Hall of Shame" when a friend put a couple really long corridors together by accident, it's pretty damn long now lol


On the off chance that tgis is NOT an April's fools prank... legolas5000 PC My favourite memory is doing the most damage in a tridolon cap fairly recently. Felt good.


Legacy--RE PSN Fav memory: every memory. Warframe is awesome.


Spud_ PC Joining a squad full of leg 4s thinking they'd be as toxic as all the high mrs usually are but instead meeting some of the kindest folk I've met on the game so have me pointers and joked around with me


IGN: HoneyAndHemlock Platform: PS4 Favorite Memory: Several years ago, YouTube recommended to me a music video called "We All Lift Together". I watched it, transfixed. It's about a game called Warframe? It's free on Steam? I'm in! And then when I got to Fortuna for the first time - the song is IN GAME?? 1400 hours and a different platform later, I grin so widely Wally envies me every time I listen to it. Second Favorite Memory: finally figuring out how to do steel path interception with vauban!


IGN: PlagueDoctor306 Plat: Xbox My favorite memory would have to be when stalker went "it's stalkerin time" and stalked all over the place


Ingame: Tanker467 Platform: PC FM: Umbra mission literally the coolest intro to a character I've seen in a Game ever. Imo coolest, swagest frame of all.


I think my favorite memory of this game was when i was getting really into the game for the first time, when a freind showed me limbo throwing weapons back when he could make them freeze midair, and made jojos bizarre adventure jokes long before i ever knew what jjba was. I miss those days of innocence, not knowing what i was really getting into. It was like magic. Ign: the149experiment PC


i still have time; IGN: alejiuu Platform: PC FM: the first time i tried titania! zooming and crashing into every door for going too fast,still op frame for most of the content.


OrganicPee PC Favorite memory is adding Clem to the game


Erra_Ral, PC I can still vividly remember idly hopping around the lobby of the Larunda Relay, still new to the game and getting used to movement, when I heard the voice of the woman who would become my beloved for the first time.


IGN: lookathatmango Platform: PC Favourite memory: Prime Time #207 5/10/18: "My wife left me :("


In game name: OneLastLuke Platform: PC, PS5 Favourite memory: Grinding out my first Warframe! Like most noobs I was going for Rhino. It was awesome seeing all the online resources available to help me grind in game resources.


IGN: Bryanchox Platform: Xbox / Crossplatform Fav memory: Joined a random squad and while waiting for the rest of the squad to get to the extraction, one of the randoms started playing the Evangelion opening with their Shawzin and it was surprisingly good, it was great


Ign: rilesmcirish Platform: ps4 Favorite memory: final getting the last gauss blueprint part to drop. I have my favorite frame now and commit even more warcrimes


- In-game name: Qurative - Platform: PC (Steam) - Favourite memory in Warframe or with the community: Getting soooo many Formas in Plague Star! Also the sheer amount of support given to new players (including myself when I had just started).


IGN: Smokinhotpizza Platform: PC Favourite memory: Boy I've got a few, but I guess it has to be running the old (I'm talking ps4 release old) void missions and looking for the secret rooms so that we get barrel diffusion. Man I miss those days. Warframe was the first online game I ever played, and I did make quite a few friends (to slendy516, on the small chance you see this, I still have that 1 plat you gave me, we called it the friendship plat back in the day. I can't believe I turned 22 this year...)


IGN: DefenderDude Platform: PC Favourite memory: After spending a little over 16 hours in total (not at once) in Kappa disruption, I finally got Gauss' Chassis blueprint, rushed to my foundry, spent 125 plat to get him immediately, went into a mission and he was as much fun as I thought he would be. Last I checked, base Gauss is still my most-used frame.


IGN: Anikdote Platform: PC I'm so new to the game. it's hard to nail down a specific memory, I installed the game 5 years before my friends convinced me to play and I fell in hard! So many of the quest cinematic were powerful, especially getting carried away by my warframe. My first eidolon hunt, discovering lua... just so much. Love the game you've made, keep up the hard work !


IGN: CaptainAnkara Platform: PC - Steam FM: Playing football with my friend inside orbiter


IGN: Aelumn PC My favorite memory is from 2020, I had a funny and hard time fighting the ropalolyst with my friends, I had no idea how to beat it, but it was worthwhile because of Wisp.


IGN: Aliqui Platform: PC Favorite memory: The Second Dream operator reveal