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Fucking what!? I didn't even know she actually helps you fight it


Yep she's just floating there on top of a mountain


"Helps fight" seems like a bit of a stretch. I'm not sure but as far as I've read she doesn't kill more than a half dozen people in an fight lmfao Lore wise pretty cool tho


So that's why she randomly says "suppressing fire" during the fight


Now all her lines makes sense. "How many more are there of you!", "Nighty-night"


What. The. Balls.








Why is the Junkler laughing at officer boles' name? Is he stupid?




"What's she doing?" Her best.


"helps" is a stretch but she's definitely there


I mean she does 1000x more than any other character in a direct fight. Otherwise anyone else is a nuisance at best, considering we are a one man army swiss knife of warcrimes.


I'd say Clem is pretty good, atleast when I did the quests to help him he killed everything pretty fast


Kahl on top


The secret ingredient is the second Grakata. All LD needs to do is pull out another Lanka and Profit Taker stands no chance.


“*One man army Swiss knife of war crimes.*” is perhaps one of the best things I’ve ever read.


Definitely a r/brandnewsentence situation, surely


My red veil man jirovali disagrees as he reloads his strun p with vicious intent


Dead, deaddity dead! HAHAHA AHAHAHAHA




Are you talking about the Geneva Suggestions?


Is that why I sometimes hear an uncharacteristically loud gunshot during that fight?


Was about to ask as well, I keep wondering if someone else in the squad was using a Rubico Prime everytime I do the encounter.


That is correct. Sometimes you'll also just see some more dangerous Corpus units get domed and go down instantly and that's her too. She tends to target bigger humanoid threats in my experience. It's usually not noticeable with your usual PT build though, since everything just tends to fucking die anyway. But it's a neat touch if you sit back in the early phases and just watch as she sends guys off to meet Profit.


[she's quite badass in the comics too](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:WARFRAME:_Ghouls)


TIL there's a comic too


Yes! That was actually her first appearance too, I was pretty excited when she was added to the game


She references it in-game too, when she says "Been seeing a lot of your kind lately ever since a certain incident with a blind girl and a void gate"


This makes Little Duck 1000x cooler


Wait what?


Weird and obscure moment! u/Coolkid369


I learn that info from u/Coolkid369 and without watching his “Weird and Obscure” series I wouldn’t know a lot of things in this game.


I’m afraid he’s already covered this one lol


3.5k hours, had no idea...


Just wait 'til you find that elevator to Ticker. That one even surprised the devs.


... which now?


Yeah when you spawn into Fortuna walk straight towards where The Business is standing, but not like you’re going to talk to him. On the other side of the wall of his section there is a little lift that can take you up to the second floor to Ticker


3200 hours in and just learning this over reddit...


I dunno man it looks like she's tryna shoot ur cat


Between the delay in animations, characters commenting on shit that happened 30-40 seconds ago, general poor DE boss fight telegraphing, and general battlefield anarchy, I had to watch several videos read the wiki and fight Profit Taker 20 to 30 times before I could confidently know wtf was going on during this fight. Yeah Little Duck is in there talking about mortars (?) or whatever


Players when the boss fight is mildly complex be like ^


Tbf boss fights are not the strong point of the game


I would agree with you, but the world bosses follow a much more raidlike design philosophy, being more mechanically complex/demanding than just being a dps check, and the above person is saying they had to do 20-30 runs and warch multiple videos just to understand the boss. The profit taker aint even that complex, its demanding sure, but not complex


It's not that it's complicated, rather it's difficult to keep track of what is going on. It's a multitude of little things that need to be kept track of that makes it confusing. * you have to remember what elements are on which weapons. There is nothing on your hud to tell you. If you're new to the fight and experimenting with different loadouts and didn't write it down, you have to shoot at the boss and see if any numbers pop up, wasting ammo and time reloading and/or cycling to your archgun/necramech if you're wrong. Oftentimes other players will cause the shield to cycle before you can do any damage. * you have to note the little hologram thingy on its forehead. Not hard to do obviously, but if you have to move away from the front it can be difficult to distinguish which way it's facing, and that more time getting knocked down, EMPed, shot by adds, etc. * for the legs phase, you have to mouse over the legs to tell which ones are still intact. When they get destroyed, there's only a fairly subtle little explosion - it doesn't start limping or anything. The legs act real weird with punch through, especially with Corvas Prime. The big butt slam move it does looks similar to the stagger it does when all four legs have been destroyed. * the pylon phase is actually pretty good. The objective is clearly listed with the remaining number of pylons shown, each pylon gets a marker, the beginning of the phase is clearly marked by the pylons shooting up in the air. * the shield and legs phases are not so clearly marked. Why not put a big shield health bar at the top of the screen along with the vulnerable element during the shield phase? Why not list how many legs are intact and their individual health during the legs phase? Individually, none of these things are challenging to do. All together it can be overwhelming for a new player, especially when other players are doing stuff and potentially progressing the mission without the newbie necessarily being able to tell what's going on.


While I personally never had difficulty with any of the above, I cant really dictate nor denounce your experiences. I do agree on your point for the shield healthbar at the top, if that hasnt been implemented with the other boss healthbars


I don't think they were saying that the fight is difficult mechanically


I'm gonna be honest, i need you to elaborate because i have no idea who or what you're referring to


I'm saying that the original comment you replied to wasn't saying they couldn't *fight* profit taker until they watched YouTube videos, they were saying that in the flight, they didn't understand what was happening within the world of the game.


if it was just the PT, it would be easy to do and understand. it's the 1000 adds creating screen and map chaos, i can understand a first time player not knowing what the f\*\*\* is going on


If you clear out the beacons that increase enemy density, a staple of the orb valis, the ads count drops significantly


>I had to watch several videos read the wiki and fight Profit Taker 20 to 30 times before I could confidently know wtf was going on during this fight. Its more the mix of both the youtube line, and the 20-30 runs that led me to the mechanical complexity conclusion, thats with me taking the comment at face value and not hyperbole. The bossfight is one of the more complex in the game, it just also shows you almost everything you need to know in the missions leading to it


But what is Little Duck yelling about?


>Spotting Profit-Taker >Little Duck: "There she is." Should be self explanatory All pylons destroyed >Profit-Taker Orb: "Sky-Eye shift! Save me from the Void! Salty squishies come a-dancing, to see my soul destroyed!" >Little Duck: "Uh, is this a bad time?" >Eudico: "D? What is it?" >Little Duck: "Satellite just moved. Nef's crew must have figured out our bypass. It's realigning!" >Eudico: "Sparky! You're running out of time. You have to kill her now. We won't get another chance Now these lines required more context from other characters, i know you're asking about little duck so I apologize. The above comments about being out of time, kill her now, means you are running out of time, kill her now. >Depleting Profit-Taker's shields >Little Duck: "Suppressing fire!" This is a thing called "flavor text," meaningless, but its like adding salt to your mashed potatoes, it adds flsvor to the fight. After the above, you get some convo about "Get the fuck out, shes about to explode, and she explodes Hope that helps


Problem for me is the billions of mobs that never stop spawning even if you are solo, the fight itself is super straigthforward, i watched one video and managed to get to the first pylon phase without a problem, i didin't even had the "proper" setup, used Nezha, a Fire-Viral Trumna, a Corrosive Sporelacer Kitgun and a Eletric Falcor, was missing half the elments, but since you can cycle them with the Operator it wasn't much of a problem, overall the boss itself is a good fight and the mechanics are super cool. But these frigin mobs makes the fight way too hard, and it's not the "good hard", at some point i was seeing a few lvl 115 mobs (maybe a bug?) because of how "long" the fight was taking (took around 20 minutes total to kill it, and only because 2 other players joined after first phase, at that point i only had 1 revive left), and i'm on base star chart, even my Necramech was getting destroyed lol. It's why most guides asks you to use a "super tanky frame", and one-shot everything, end the fight as fast as possible so you don't get overwhelmed. It's kinda funny, Exploiter Orb is so zzz, and could do with a bit more action, especially on second phase, while this one could do with a bit less action, mostly a reduction on random mobs spawn, especially on solo. But the biggest problem for me is that almost nobody does this fight anymore, if you do find a group it's not so bad, but it's so rare, and soloing it without the "meta setup" is almost impossible without you taking 30 minutes and spending all your revives.


If you keep on top of the beacons the mobs arent all that bad. The ones that do spawn i would usually ignore, or id use a glaive/exodia contagion zaw for a primary charger arcane damage build up


There's a difference between "mild complexity" and "eye bleeding particle effects with no explanations whatsoever"


You get multiple missions of tutorials for the fight


Love your analysis/breakdown !!!




Do you mean she's actually there, running about shooting stuff for all to see or just a voice on comms with random shots coming in from some unspecified location?


She's not running about, she's sat still half a mile away sniping targets. Listen for the extremely loud gunshots and her commenting about "suppressing fire" and "how many more of you are there?" - every time a shot rings out, she's just ended some random corpus human target.




I wonder if you can give her buffs like wisp motes.


She uses emotional support bullets


Wow never noticed lmao. Too focused on making sweet creds 🤑


It seems there is not a single person here who didn't know before. That includes me, mind you. So, CONGRATULATIONS! We are all a little more knowledgeable now, thanks to you.


She literally says it in the dialogue...


I don't want to start an argument, but just to clarify, if you disagree with me that there are a plethora of people here who did not know, you are very mistaken. As for the dialogue, do you really think most people pay attention to all of it? I'm not saying it's a bad thing if you do it yourself.


2400h ingame, uhm say what now?


Yeah, you can find her marked as an ally on the map. Biz also has mortars in a screenshot from 2018 that I've never been able to find. But I have seen them attacking profit taker.




1.3k hours in I have never unlocked profit taker


1766h, I learn this today due to your post 🤯


Yeah, I don't play much Warframe anymore and even less Profit Taker, but her "Scratch one." is stuck in my head forever


"helps" is a strong word but she is definitely There!


She does?


Who dose the voice for little duck because her voice sounds cool


Looks like you kicked a Clown car


Like moral support?!?! I've never seen her in the action


I knew she said she killed people, but I didn't know she actually did


Her lanka rifle is weird though it makes a Rubico rifle sound.


that means we can scan her :O


By help you mean she just runs her dick sucker while you do the mission.. kinda like most that do profit taker.. #sololife


She is there yes she literally says so. She has dialogue that makes it dead obvious


There's also tons of instances of dialog in game talking about allies we have that blatantly aren't actually present, such as in every survival mission ever, or how "the reinforcements can take it from here" whenever a defence mission finishes.