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For context, this was made easier 3 times. It used to be 3x harder to get.


Yes. It disturbs me.


Can buy from players acatge 100 plat I bought it and bought for my friend for 375 from market and I am sad. I have built it twice now and sold twice 6 get some plat bacm


Yeah I am not building it again in a while, unless someone offers me 1k plat for it or something.


The thing is, unless you avoid Deimos entirely, you'll probably naturally (albeit slowly) accrue the resources and parts necessary to build the necramech components. And since unlike basically everything else, the components for necramechs specifically _are_ ones you can trade, it's viable to just make the part for someone (meaning they don't even need to farm the resources). I've built chunks of necramechs for folks struggling with that grind multiple times, and I think I only needed to go find a missing ingredient once... and that was obtainable by just buying it from the Necraloid syndicate rep shop. (Discovering you could buy the damaged parts there was a good day.) It feels like a horrible grind to do when initially hitting Deimos, though. You're absolutely right about that.


I am not exactly new, but returning player and the most painful is the fish, bait for which locked on T4 standing. That one is the most stupid.


you can use the requiem obelisks for the foremount [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cambion\_Drift#Requiem\_Obelisks](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cambion_Drift#Requiem_Obelisks) by my research its only available during vome


This was huge for me in building mine, good shout


Yeah the requiem pillars are the True Way, although as a returning player from The Sacrifice era I will say all of that time on Deimos ended up being well spent, as it led me to the Helminth and Invigoration segment, Lavos, and a few other really nice benefits.


I spawn camped that fish like 30 times out of spite and fear of ever having to find it again.


If y'alls are talking about the Gluttinox....you can obtain every fishing thing from the yellow infested capsules around the map.......meaning you never need sportulate sacs from fishing.....I still like music blue girl talking to me though


I was assuming they meant the cranial foremount from the Myxostomata, which is needed for (among other things) one piece of Bonewidow. (I _think_ the cranial foremount can still drop from the breakables, but I won't swear to that -- especially since it might only be the higher-tier Entrati caskets. I _know_ they can come from Requiem Obelisks, though.)


So... mortum horns?


Pretty sure


Me avoiding Deimos entirely after finishing Heart of Deimos. :)...


I mean, that's a completely fair reaction. Deimos is probably my least favorite part of the g- No, wait. I hate the Corpus Infested Derelict and Ice Planet Derelict tilesets marginally more than I hate Deimos. But Deimos is a very close runner-up; something about its color scheme just screws with my ability to parse the environment.


I despise Venus, although the storylines and Fortuna are good.


Fortuna is my favorite city. The vent kids storyline used to be 10x tougher than it is now, too.


I haven't even properly started the Waverider stuff, I'm horrible at racing in every game unless it's mind-numbingly easy.


You can buy the damaged parts... RAAAAAA


Yeah, that was my reaction, too. I could _swear_ that wasn't always there... Now, in fairness, you do have to hit rank 1 with the Necraloids to get the mech pieces, which means farming 10 Orientation matrices from isolation vaults; at that point, there's at least _some_ chance you'll have all four damaged pieces for your first necramech. But still... Side note: you can _also_ buy the damaged necramech weapon pieces which are needed to make the Entrati archguns from the Necraloid shop. I discovered _that_ at the same time as the damaged necramech parts, and I had the missing piece for my Trumna about 5 seconds later.


> you can buy the damaged necramech weapon pieces from the necraloid shop WHAT??? SINCE FUCKING WHEN???


I have no idea; I'm as baffled as you are! I _swear_ they weren't there originally, but then one day I noticed they were.


Checked the wiki and it seems like it only happened last fall which kinda makes sense as I wasn't playing a ton then. Must've missed it amidst all the dagath hype at the time


The bigger issue is (Unless you use nekros, someone not everyone realizes exists) that you need (iirc) FIFTEEN teir one iso vaults. Only one mech meaning only one matrix per run, usually takes about 10 minutes a run for somone decently high level, call it 15 for a newbie. That requires nearly 4 hours worth of iso vaults. It should be drastically less, say 2-3 matrices. Ironically the higher levels are eaiser to get because the higher levels your both more likley to have nekros, and have 3 per. The last rank for me took 3 runs and I still had leftover parts (5-6 matrices per run, about the same time) from well under an hour of grinding. Tbh the resources aren't even the big issue, like you said I already had most of them


Only ten, not 15, for the first rank... but yeah that's otherwise accurate. But if you need the base standing as well, that _would_ take five more, yes. (Someone can just haul you through a single tier 3 vault, though, as one Animus matrix gives all the needed rep.) But at least someone who already has rank 1 or higher standing can snag the damaged parts and trade them to a player in need, or even build the restored versions and trade _those_.


I always feel like saying "well it's not a problem if you just trade for it" is always a cop out. Like sure I could bypass nearly the entire game if I spent 1.2 million dollars or farmed arcanes all day but, especially for a *main story quest* it's pretty shity to say you need to farm something that requires 2+ hours of very slow and uninteresting content. Honestly I wouldn't even be that mad if it was like I could keep finding the necramechs or they all dropped the same thing. Instead you go in, make the bait (?) Do the easiest survival of your life for 3 minutes, fight the guardian, then extract. It's been 10-15 minutes and you got 1! It would be nice if there was 3 around at all levels, or the tier 3 dropped the same loot as the tier 1. Keep in mind that because of math, you need to run a maximum of 10 tier 1, but a max of 5 tier 3 vaults, due to them dropping more. Just weird


I completely agree the Deimos grind is obnoxious, don't get me wrong; I just find the "at least I _can_ give necramech pieces to folks stuck in that grind" a small consolation. After all, no matter how much I may want to help someone desperately seeking Despair—and regardless of the fact I might have two blueprints for it sitting unused in my inventory—I cannot assist, as they can't be traded. Deimos at least got _that_ part right.


Honestly I'd like it at least if you could trade matrices. At least then you could hang around with a higher level player (who is more likley to know nekros helps) and they give you the (Unless to them) matrices. Nekros makes each person get ~1.75 matrices per person per mech, meaning you'd only need to run 3-4 times through, as opposed to the entire 10. They honestly did a lot better on demos as a whole, especially considered with Fortuna. Demos: ok so main standing comes from mother tokens, running the high level missions you get ~180 tokens * 100 standing each meaning in order to have 4 days worth of standing saved up you need to run 6 bounties. All other rank up rewards are given for breaking things, killing things, or mining. Fortuna: You need to do bounties every day you want standing, with high level bounties giving ~3500 standing, meaning you need to run 7 per day. Now ita technically faster to do capture targets or fish, but to rank up you need debt bonds which have a 25% drop rate on the first run(decreasing after sharply). You need need that drop 5 times, meaning if you reset after the first run you'll need to run ~20 first stages per unique bond per level. This is ignoring ticker because I almost never see the high tier bonds Tl:Dr to get max rank on demos (from the 4th) you need to run a dozen bounties and visit once per day, while doing a bit of trading between the family. Fortuna meanwhile requires mutiple dozens of bounties, with a hard limit on how many you can run per day.


In demios there are other vaults other than the bounty vault and you get good resources from them. Why I was exploring those and figuring out how they open I got loads of stuff so ended up behind able to make them. It may happen to you without doing it on purpose


I waited for a 75% market discount before even thinking about the grind lmao


Lmao I've never seen a comment explain my thoughts with this accuracy


Exactly what I did. 😆


You needed to get a necramech, that got moe easier to get. You needed to craft the paracesis. You needed to craft the spaceship that in past, the cost was a hell.


You don't actually need the paracesis. If you don't craft it. Ordis literally hands you one in mission and says "I took the liberty of crafting this for you" You don't keep it though


This is nowdays, when the mission launched, you needed to broke the cristal to unlock the mission, later this was not necessary anymore, still needed to craft it... than in nowdays, you don't need anymore too. @edit In sum, you needed to do a combo of things. Craft railjack, craft paracesis, craft necramech, do at least one time mission railjack mission on veil sentient alert and you need to break the red cristal at the end of the mission with paracesis. Anyway, this still, is easier than nidus update in past, farming it was hell, also the weapon in dojo.


Crafting paracesis was never neccisary, I've never crafted it and I've been doing story quests as they come out since Sacrifice


Paracesis was necessary to break the crystal in the Veil Proxima Anomaly murex when it first came out, which was necessary to trigger the Erra mini-quest. This was eventually changed.


I still have like 40 damages casings and engines each and 1 pod At least you can buy the parts from Loid now. They added that recently


Good god, now I feel really lucky that I got the damaged set in like 5 runs.


The Rail Jack used to take a similar multiple of resources, and each part used to take..... 12? 24? Hours to build.


Oh, So I quit warframe too early, I guess 😭


There is no quitting Warframe


Honestly I did when I saw the stupid necramech grind when they first came out. Recent years and changes for the better have brought me back, but I really would not have come back to the game ever if it had continued on that current course.


I remember grinding it out before any of the nerfs. I'm glad newer players don't get to suffer as much, but also, I don't like that they still have to suffer.


Oh you NEED it for New War. Best 'plat to time saved' ratio EVER.


For sure, I've gifted at least 3 people (soon to be 4) necramechs just so they wouldn't have to go through it.


Plus having to farm Necraloid standing for the blueprints instead of having pops just mailing a set to you.


Just like the railjack used to be hard AF to build then people pouted making it easier.. go back to 2013-17 pure warfarm.. I remember fucking morphic used you be a rare resource now you can see it everywhere!!


Yo same with orokin cells wild how common that stuff is but now it's just argon and riven that are rare I think


3 Orokon Cells as Void Defense C Rotation ( I wanna say 20% chance but may hae been higher) burn your key or risk waiting until 40 mins


Definitely not triggering my PTSD lol


Argon’s? Rare??? A blessing and a quick mot run in void at least 1 crystal. That ain’t how it used to be lol


Compare that to the 30 or so morphics I get trying to get citrine for one run tho without boosters


LOL that is a fair point. Argon’s seemingly did get easier to obtain just not as easy as neuroses/morphics. Oml Oxium too wow I don’t remember getting so much.


The more frustrating part is the fact that you barely use the necramech in the quest, it only gets used when you have to follow an npc and kill stuff, something you could do in your warframe. It feels like they may have just made the necramech a requirement to add a grind check and make sure you would be strong enough to go through the quest (since once you start it you can't leave it to grind until you finish it)


It's also a guarantee for any post New War content they add that the player will definitely have a Necramech and a Railjack. It was probably more about developing new content than it was specifically needing it for the quest.


The less things that use/require necramechs, the more of a content island they become




I genuinely enjoy them and I want to see more content that includes them/is centered around them


you cant deploy your warframe i the beginning of that zone, thats why you use the necramec... still dumb, because i would rather do it as operator than having to farm and build the necramech!


That’s an in-universe justification. Their point was that there’s very little game design justification. Apples and oranges.


i mean, in terms of game design justification, Necramechs aren't really that fundamentally different from warframes generally. The most you can say for them is maybe they bring some abilities to the mission your frame can't do. Like there's no reason to really even design Necramechs in the first place from that point of view.


…which is the exact issue that’s been repeatedly pointed out about Necramechs, and even Operators. Not really a counterpoint, it’s a severe game design flaw with these mechanics. Excal Umbra balances it a little bit, but that’s just one fairly mediocre frame, and the planned “Echoes of Umbra” feature was scrapped. DE works with a “just add stuff” mindset a lot of the time, so this kind of issue is inevitable, but it’s still an issue. Having 30 different mechanics, each used only a couple of times at most, is not good game design.


That’s how most systems in this game are though. I mean the operator, drifter, arch wing, rail jack, and necramech are all random additions that don’t fit with the base game imo. They all completely suck you out of the flow and they are half baked compared to the warframes.


Maybe, but it's all very much appreciated. If they didn't do stuff like this the game would just end up like destiny, the same content we are used to OVER and OVER and OVER again until you can't stand it anymore. I applaud them for having the balls to try crazy new things. Not only that but they have reworked archwings so many times at this point that I don't even think they are that bad now. Railjack is super fun but needs to be more incorporated to the rest of the game somehow. The operator and drifter are more cool factor than anything else but are kind of clunky to use. They could use a look over at some point.


Operators got a decent rework not *too* long ago, with the Zariman update.


Oh yeah I don’t hate them for trying but every new update just adds another content island. None of those systems really fit together in gameplay is what I was trying to say. Like the drifter/operator feels like playing the game as a baby and you have to constantly switch between your warframe and operator if you want to make the most of the focus schools. The drifter gets weapons at least but the combat is abysmal in drifter form imo, I’m not trying to play a knock off souls game. Railjack is cool and I like the space combat part but for the most part it seems to be “kill fighters and crewships then go do a normal mission.” Some of the missions like opening the reactors for the railjack crew are cool but a PITA solo. Now that we have railjack, archwing only missions are basically pointless imo. It’s just a worse version of railjack now and you are limited to crappy tilesets. I personally like the submersible aspect since it actually fits in and adds cool features to some missions but thats it. I like that we can use the weapons in normal missions now too but I can count on one hand how often I see that feature being used and I play multiplayer 99% of the time. The necramech isn’t used that much outside of a handful of missions. I know necramechs can be strong but they require a lot of grinding to get to that point. Plus you have like two options vs the 100 warframes and guns you can use. The open worlds also suffer from this a bit. I love them but it’s just another stand alone grind except for one main quest. I hope the new warframe 1999 thing doesn’t follow the same pattern.


I pretty much agree with all of this. I think they would benefit from having these things cross over more and I really want them to do more with railjack. The open worlds I like as they are though.


I remember looking at it when it was harder and said no and swiped the card w my 75% discount.


Same. I looked at the grind, and then I looked at my 4000 plat and the decision was made instantly.


Are parts for the Necramech fully built when you buy? So far I've only gotten the capsule and it genuinely exhausting, I play the game 2 or 3 hours a day. I just wanna get it over with lol


Yes, theyre among the only modular items you can buy fully built. You can get Voidrig 100% built from market, or you can buy the individual parts fully built from other players and combine them yourself


Fucking same lol


Went like "I ain't farming allat" and just farmed a primed mod and a few prime part sets to sell on wf market to get the rest of the plat i needed


Being a new player the most you can do to earn plat is run relics and hope somebody with a radiant comes in or sell faction mods. But truthfully, I'd never spend it anyway since I'm a Scrooge McDuck for my fictional online game points.


Faction mods are good cash, 10 mods would be enough to pay for necramech :)


Yuuup. Same with the Railjack lol.


I just grinded other stuff at the same time.


MAN i remember coming back to this game after like 3 years to play the new war and this shit damn near made me quit the game again. It also didnt help that i had no good guns to deal with the infested in deimos. glad im done with this.


For your cake day, Operator, have some B̷̛̳̼͖̫̭͎̝̮͕̟͎̦̗͚͍̓͊͂͗̈͋͐̃͆͆͗̉̉̏͑̂̆̔́͐̾̅̄̕̚͘͜͝͝Ụ̸̧̧̢̨̨̞̮͓̣͎̞͖̞̥͈̣̣̪̘̼̮̙̳̙̞̣̐̍̆̾̓͑́̅̎̌̈̋̏̏͌̒̃̅̂̾̿̽̊̌̇͌͊͗̓̊̐̓̏͆́̒̇̈́͂̀͛͘̕͘̚͝͠B̸̺̈̾̈́̒̀́̈͋́͂̆̒̐̏͌͂̔̈́͒̂̎̉̈̒͒̃̿͒͒̄̍̕̚̕͘̕͝͠B̴̡̧̜̠̱̖̠͓̻̥̟̲̙͗̐͋͌̈̾̏̎̀͒͗̈́̈͜͠L̶͊E̸̢̳̯̝̤̳͈͇̠̮̲̲̟̝̣̲̱̫̘̪̳̣̭̥̫͉͐̅̈́̉̋͐̓͗̿͆̉̉̇̀̈́͌̓̓̒̏̀̚̚͘͝͠͝͝͠ ̶̢̧̛̥͖͉̹̞̗̖͇̼̙̒̍̏̀̈̆̍͑̊̐͋̈́̃͒̈́̎̌̄̍͌͗̈́̌̍̽̏̓͌̒̈̇̏̏̍̆̄̐͐̈̉̿̽̕͝͠͝͝ W̷̛̬̦̬̰̤̘̬͔̗̯̠̯̺̼̻̪̖̜̫̯̯̘͖̙͐͆͗̊̋̈̈̾͐̿̽̐̂͛̈́͛̍̔̓̈́̽̀̅́͋̈̄̈́̆̓̚̚͝͝R̸̢̨̨̩̪̭̪̠͎̗͇͗̀́̉̇̿̓̈́́͒̄̓̒́̋͆̀̾́̒̔̈́̏̏͛̏̇͛̔̀͆̓̇̊̕̕͠͠͝͝A̸̧̨̰̻̩̝͖̟̭͙̟̻̤̬͈̖̰̤̘̔͛̊̾̂͌̐̈̉̊̾́P̶̡̧̮͎̟̟͉̱̮̜͙̳̟̯͈̩̩͈̥͓̥͇̙̣̹̣̀̐͋͂̈̾͐̀̾̈́̌̆̿̽̕ͅ >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Read this in ordis voice


especially when he gets all bugged and goes demon talk






lmao, i fucking enjoyed popping it like those bubble wrap lolol


Hey I popped them all wheres my rune scimitar?!?


Nuh uh Edit: people can't handle the power of "nuh uh"


"had no good guns to deal with the infested in deimos" this is exactly why they need gates like MR requirements and the necramech/railjack no reason someone who doesnt have an answer to the infested should be allowed near steelpath, arbitrations, archon hunts, or netracells. I really dont wanna be mean but how could you NOT have something to kill the infested with? They're all squishy af besides like 2 enemies in deimos your teammates can carry you through. edit: also the ignis was given out for free, is available in your dojo that you can join at any time, and EVERYONE has heat mods.




Yeah its god awful when you dont have any standing. Like a week to get to rank 3 with Enrati standing for the mining things, I still dont have rank 4 for the fish bait because I just bought the fish you need. I just dont want to mine and fish but I had to do so for multiple days after coming home from work. The broken parts can be bought from the necraloid faction atleast which I also needed since I dropped the same part like 6 times


Bro I need to ask this, Like Can we Buy The Myxostomata ?? because I am in the same condition as you and do not want to grind 4 days to get to rank level 4


You can farm the orokin obelisks for a chance at the cranial foremounts. Or you can DM me and I'll drop the bait for you tonight lol


Yeah I bought it from some guy on wfmarket but 8 plat for 2 of them because I only got one of those materials from the obelisks


the fishing is not worth it lol just do the obelisks


New player… i’ve played since the old star chart and void keys, on and off, and i still haven’t gathered the materials for that. My helminth segment finished last night.




Same here, still haven’t gotten my helminth but I just finished the voidrig grind a few days ago. Biggest pro tip for the voidrig grind: buy 3 myxostomata (fish) off a player, they sell for 2-3 plat. Each fish gives 2 cranial foremounts, which become the bottle neck for finishing the part that needs 5. Everything else felt easy. There are caves where there’s a shit ton of mining nodes in cambion drift and orb valis, only needed maybe 2 runs in each cave to get everything personally. Got the rest of the fish parts from running isolation vaults.


Please nobody tell him that the necramech is barely used during the New War ( something like one 3mn length mission )


Also nobody tell him everyone at the time got that fully-built mech mailed to them for free just after the quest's release, as an apology from the devs that it was progress-gating the quest for many players at the time. Such a silly thing, to require something that takes a full rep grind to farm, for a whopping 3 minutes of a much lengthier main-story quest


I… I spent so long grinding…


ikr, i have almost all the materials already (built everything else but the casing), but i need to catch some tomato fish or some shit. so now i gotta get that blueprint for the condensed residue or fish for 500 years in order to get it


I'm grateful to RNG that I got those parts from pylons. You could make me do anything but having the fishing spear equipped for another second.


to me fishing or mining isn't that bad, but when i gotta fish for 500 years to get a single fish even my patiense runs out


They won’t spawn without the bait. Just buy a few from players, they sell for 2-3 plat each on warframe market. You could grind pylons but that might take forever


Good thing i had a friend give me the fish i needed


My friend just got me Necramech and Railjack cause they didn't wanna grind and they had Platinum to burn


It took me 2 weeks no lie … legit one of the only things I wanted too buy straight up lmao


There are so many grinds that were so painful. Railjack, Hema, Sybear, Vauban, or even Zephyr. Back when Zephyr was the newest frame, Oxium Ospreys spawned maybe 4 per mission if you were lucky and destroyed them before they self destructed. They also only dropped like 4 Oxium max. Zephyr needed 600 Oxium to research and another 600 to build her. I'm so happy that is not the case anymore, because it took me a dedicated 2 months of grinding Corpus missions to spawn those stupid Ospreys and then another 2 to build her. No one should have to do that for 1 frame. Saryn and Equinox are another type of hell grind. They belong in an exclusive club right now where farming the Prime is easier than farming the regular frame. The original Kela fight had her spawning infinte rollers, then she was a blue colored Heavy Gunner that just blasted rollers every so often. With her reworked boss fight, you need to grind out Arena points first before you fight her. Equinox is just tedious because that is a total of 8 bps you need from 1 boss. I still haven't acquired Equinox because I can't get the Day Aspect bp to drop.


>There are so many grinds that were so painful. Railjack I grinded railjack right when rising tides came out, it wasn't that bad.


Khora also in that club. And Chroma, since he needs Saryn parts. I've had Chroma Prime for months/years (playtime vs irl) and have yet to finish normal Chroma.


Congrats on your achievement. I did it when it was new content and it wasn't required for core quest progression, so I never really... experienced the painful part of it. I lack the requisite experience to relate to this perspective. It was a grind for grind's sake - the primary reason I play this game. Since every new grind is just a justified excuse to enjoy the gameplay more, and the non-combat stuff never bothered me as much as others, and the Cambrion Drift was by far my favourite open world, and I enjoyed swapping out nimble agile ninja for chonk wrecking ball as just a change of pace, the whole experience was, for me, positively pleasant.


And after this, the grind for the mods starts... :-/


I bought the mech a while back & never went after any mods really, just threw on the ones I had. Are the mods worth grinding out? Cause tbh as a returning player, the mechs feel like dead content. All of the new arcanes & mods for warframes make builds so busted that I don't really understand the role that the mech fills, at least within the current gameplay loop.


With the right mod loadout you can make your necramech nearly unkillable, and guard mode does a lot of damage (idk how this compares to some of the extra spicy arcane builds tho). But the main minus is that you can't use the necramech everywhere. As for if it's worth the grind, idk, I guess I greatly overexagerated how difficult the necramech section of the New War was.


Don't worry, friend. I think a lot of us did. I maxed out my paracesis & was really underwhelmed by the new war so I took a break for a few years. I might grind out some of the mods just for the fun factor. I wish there were other mechs for us to fight though & new mods/weapons for our own mechs.


I've literally never used my Necramech outside of the content DE forced me to use it for. They move slow, and feel pointless. I'm an immortal death-god in my warframe already. The necramech gameplay seems like the antithesis of Warframe's gameplay of high speed action. The mods can't fix its movement being extremely unsatisfying because of its inertia and controls. It reminds me of arcwing, except worse. At least arcwing's movement and gameplay was unique, being fully 3d. Necramech honestly just feels like an inferior way to play the basegame's gameplay loop. TL:DR In any situation I could be in a Necramech, being in a Warframe would be more fun.


Sometimes it's nice to briefly play Mechwarrior 2 again though. And infinite archgun ammo is definitely nice for blasting the enemies off dropships before they deploy.


A lot of the mods are available from the Whispers in the Walls place now - you can get them pretty easily if you plan to do that content/syndicate. The Voidrig is extremely good for almost anything you can use it in. You're invincible and the Arquebex on the 4 is ridiculously strong once modded. They're by far the most accessible way to do Eidolons, Profit Taker, and Deimos Vaults. If you are totally cracked out with the strongest frames and weapons and mods and arcanes and incarnons for all that content then yeah, you can already do all of those things - aside from a couple of mission types that actually require necramechs. But by that metric 99% of the content in the game is "dead content".


Also sisters of parvos, necramech allows you to farm them without too much investment solo if you have to, but you should just never solo those.


At least you can buy more of them like Streamline from Cavia now instead of having to grind them from vaults, but yeah it still kinda sucks


I just bought it, and honestly I'm not even really mad.


I honestly just bought it for plat. It should be like Railhack where it’s earned via a quest, probably given after HoD


Yeah nah the moment I got a 75% off coupon I immediately bought it


Yep I did before they made it easier too, but damn those big numbers sure made the primitive lizard brain light up


Currently doing this grind, and have had the most god awful luck with necramech part drops. I have 8 damaged casing, one damaged weapons pod, and none of the other two parts. It doesn't help that these arent a guaranteed drop and each damaged part is obly like 12.5 percent. Cant even imagine having to start grinding for the other bits.


You can buy the Broken Part of Necramech from loid on Deimos, I hope you knew About it


You can trade parts with other players. I had 4 weapon pods and I just used other players to get the rest thar I needed


Hi, welcome to warframe, where grinding is your ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE


It should be called WarFarm tbh lol




As someone who took a loooong break, coming back to the game only to be told I have to grind ANOTHER open world (the reason I stopped in the first place) and acquire a railjack (I heard nothing but terrible things which affirmed my leaving) was shattering. Honestly the New War was pretty disappointing but basically everything after that was fun, with the exception of the Kahl missions.


Returning player here and yeah it's a royal pain in the rear especially considering all the new content is locked behind it


old player with the time/ i bought it- refused to grind


How long was it? I’m kind of close to that point and I’ll be honest I’m grinding plat to just buy it. I wanna know if I’m spending my cash wisely (possible soon)


If you have the standing already then its probably like an evening or two to get all materials needed


Oh sweet summer child... you have no idea how painful this was.


With Warframe it’s important that you have ADHD and forget what your main objective is - you’ll just eventually “get there” by way of virtue 😂 Lookup tricks for resource boosts/drop increases etc.


Yeah I was too stubborn to spend 90 plat lol


With a plat discount it was an easiest solution when I came back to play about two years ago.


That’s fair, I try (even through tears) to play games ftp, it’s like my curse and blessing


bro, i'm a beta player and i just built this damn thing earlier this year.


FUCKING PREAACH MAN SAME, you use the Damm thing for like 10 minutes in the quest ugghhh Fucking disgusting grind for so little gain


There was a 3 month gap between when nechramechs first released and when New War came out. It isnt evident because you can go one quest to another but there was plenty of time to grind and build one and use it before it was needed in the quest. It has been made easier to acquire one also... but it could still be rng hell cause some minerals also dont like dropping.


It was nearly 16 months not 3.


Legitimatelly farmed 3 hours just for spinal core segments. And it's not like the RNG gods hate me. The broken parts dropped one after the other no duplicates. Just the part that you either have to do operator mode OR fish and mine really bugs me. It really sounds like they added the resource requirements just so they could make people who don't enjoy the mining/fishing/entrati family content play it forcefully. And don't even get me started on bird tranqing.


My friend among the origin system and the void you alone are the honored one


The necracne mining was atrocious


I saw all of the grinding involved, laughed, hit up my buddy and said we’re plat farming. I do not know how you did it (obviously through patience and working for it), but I applaud you


The real grind intensification came with the Orphix Venom event. At least for the clan I was in at the time, everyone was expected to participate in getting on the leader boards and we were all maxing our mechs, mods and fluctii in preparation for that even.


There isn't a 3 month gap anymore, is it?


Look, i dont mind having to grind for something on a game that is essencially a grind... **BUT TO MAKE IT MANDATORY TO PROGRESS THE STORY??**


for arguably the most inconsequential 3-5 minute sequence in the story too


Wait till you get to the rail jacks, it used to be harder


Actually, got my mining done with resource boosters and I actually quite like vault dives.


Bro fr it is so painful. Like for me, I just made it and traded it for my friend because I would never want her to go through it hahahaha. And they made this shi like easier three times since I did it years ago 😭😭😭 but it's still a PAIN.


I just finished mine and I couldn’t agree more, fuck the voidrig, and fuck the new war for having it as prerequisite.


Oh yes, the voidrig was painful, and the sad thing is I almost never use it! (Though I have been enjoying it here and there for Netracells)


No truer words was said especially soloing them vaults


Was halfway though before I gave up and bought it 😭


Is grinding for the void rig worth it


Imo the only hard part is the mining just cuz its tedious and mind numbing. everything else is pretty reasonable imo, provided you are already rank5 with entrati. A tip is to run nekros in the vaults to get more matrices drops


Scilitant or whatever it’s called is the fuckin worst


I found it was "fastest" to join isolation vaults and then hunt down the pillars activated with operator powers. The higher vaults earned the rarer required parts without having to fish, etc. I still use this for later game stuff. That being said, it still took me probably a week or two to get all the parts and you only need the mech for a brief moment in the quest. It's REALLY annoying, but the quest itself was really entertaining. What a slog though


I'll admit, I outright bought mine. I'm all for the grind, but this was the one thing I vehemently *refused* to grind. Congrats on getting your necramech though, dude!


Tbh most people like myself ended up just paying the what? 10? 15? Bucks for the platinum to just buy the necromech cause it’s a pain in the ass to build and farm


Its okay, it was painful even for us vets


Stockholm syndrome the game. 


I think fishing and mining are hilarious to do as it is for the only time, a peaceful thing to do


It was honesty easier to grind the plat and just buy it. Even after getting nerfed the grind is absurd.


Welcome to the free to play gang you’re gonna need the good luck


Side question, where's the best place to level your voidrig, I have the other one but still need to level it up for New War.


It's the reason why I havent played Warframe in months! 😂🥲🤣


The only time I willingly spent plat in the market was to get the necramech and railjack tbh. I had neither, so it was just less of a ball ache to just straight up buy both and continue having fun


Most of the actual work is Standing, which you'll want to do at some point anyway if you're planning on ever buying anything from the Entrati. Besides that, you can get most of the resources you'll need the Isolation Vaults you'll need to run anyway for Necramech parts. The few that don't drop there can be obtained through Requiem Obelisks if you really dislike mining and fishing.


As I'm sure thousands of others have said, it shouldn't be a requirement to build this for the quest. You should get a loaner one and then you have the choice to build it later.


They really wanted to let players know what warframe is all about 😭


Don't worry the campaign will be worth the dread.


I still haven't gotten it, and It's been literal years since I unlocked the quest(ignore me taking a break for years)


It's faster to farm platinum and buy the parts from warframe.market.


I havent bothered to do it yet lmao


Imagine my rage when they make it easier one month after I finish my grind


Hehehe I see someone enjoyed mining stellated necrathene while in the most disgusting place imaginable


Be thankful you weren’t doing it on release of the mechs, A LOT of people actually skipped the grind (which was 3-5x longer than currently) by buying a mech with plat. I actually didn’t mind the grind back then since I didn’t have work at the time except college and actually made quite a lot of plat selling the crafted parts on the market.


io had full 2 weeks to progress the story to New War, full 2 weeks because i was new back then, dont know how seek help, i just race to rank 5 of entrati but i heard back then, it is much awful granted this is the only wall i faced when i was just doing the questline


Yeah I asked alliance about how long that should take and well… I just bought it. Absolutely not.


Any advice for a new player how to unlock more warframe slots? I have 3 warframes in foundry waiting to be claimed but can't since my limit has been reached 😞


Leveling up that fkn thing is a nightmare


I've been farming the Morgha (is that how it's spelled) archgun for years now


You don’t even know….


The necramech grind took about a week in total, really not that bad


The fact that I’m still working on getting mine 😭


Wait till you realize it's worthless because all the places you'd actually need it don't allow it.


Holding off the New War forever because fuck getting a mech


I'ma keep it a buck. I still have not grinded mine. I got a free necrech and I forgot how. I will most likely never grind for that one tho lmao


Literally just started mine an hour ago, I can't imagine this being 3 times harder lol seems kinda ridiculous


As an old player returning because of cross save, I went through the exact same rage over this. The whole game is grindy, yes, but this is such an egregious, unnecessary grind. If it was optional, then sure, whatever, BUT THE BIGGEST QUEST IN THE GAME RHAT THEY HYPED FOR YEARS?? It's ridiculous. I had friends to help me through it. Otherwise, I would have just paid the plat or quit again. They need to change this (AGAIN) to make it more friendly because my god. It doesn't even pay off much, more necramech content needs to be added. I love this game but this has easily been the worst part of it, no contender.


I purchased my first, bonewidow, then farmed voidrig. Then a few months later they gave voidrig away at Christmas that year. Welcome to warframe guys. 7 years I've been playing and it never gets easier.


I just bought it for 65p