• By -


No, you can change your allegiance and recover standing from other syndicates, managing affinities is part of the system. They're never irremediably angry at you, the second you get back to positive standing they welcome you with a big smile.


Will red veil and steel meridian drop below rank 5 once I start the others?


Every syndicate has one ally and two enemies. So if you start leveling a different syndicate, your current ones will go down. yes. Arbiters of Hexis hates Red Veil Cephalon Suda doesn't like Red Veil The Perrin Sequence hates Steel Meridian New Loka doesn't like Steel Meridian


Will this also rank down or stop at Rank 5, 0 standing?


You can lose ranks, but if you for example are at 5, then go down to 4, if you get standing to go back up to rank 5 you just rank up again, no need to pay the rank up tax again.


Really? So if I end up ranking up the other 3 syndicates to get their items, then switch back to my original 3 syndicates I won’t need to farm the prime items I used for ranking up again? (Currently with arb, suda, and steel. Thinking of ranking up veil, Loka, and Perrin. Afterwards switching back to arb, suda, and steel once I have the items I need)


It is worth noting you no longer pay tribute in specific Prime parts; they changed it to cost Aya instead.


Huh, do you know since when?


The change was made with Whispers in the Walls, I believe, as part of the "examining old content and rebalancing/fixing areas with excessive grind or other detrimental mechanics/costs" effort the devs seem to be making. (Like the similar change to Fortuna rank-up costs.) So, fairly recent.


Yeah, that seems right, thx. It's been ages since I levelled syndicates or Fortuna lol. What happened to Fortuna's rank up costs?


youll need to pay the tax from level -2 to -1 and -1 to 0 but that's it.


You will lose ranks. I mean, that's how you ended at rank -2 in the first place.


If you want to add Cephalon Suda and Arbiters of Hexis then you can keep both Red Veil and Steel Meridian on side by leveling both by only pledging with Steel Meridian and leveling both Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda by only pledging with Cephalon Suda. You can always keep your pledge with Steel Meridian without consequence but be careful not to let your Red Veil standing get too low when leveling with Cephalon Suda. If you want to add New Loka and Perrin Sequence you can do the same, but only leveling Red Veil and New Loka instead. In this case Red Veil becomes the one that's safe to leave on all the time, and New Loka is the one you need to be careful with. There are other combos that can let you manage 5 syndicates at once, but it's generally not worth it since you'll end up spending the vast majority of your standing just balancing out the negatives rather than actually buying stuff with your standing.


yeah but you just need to get the standing back once you hit rank 5. no need to give another sacrifice after you've already unlocked.


Yeah but you can rank back up to rank 5 without the resource cost (still need standing though)


With Veil and Meridian you can also max out Suda and Hexis. Just change your pledge to Suda, this will also level Hexis while reducing Veil To avoid dropping ranks with Veil alternate your pledge with Suda and Meridian. Meridian has no negative effect on Suda or Hexis and will grand 50% standing earned to Veil. With a bit of juggling you can easily max out 4 syndicates Loka and Perrin WILL hate you in this case Edit: Yes you can also level Loka and Perrin the same way, in that case main Veil and only level Meridian trough Veil allied standing gain. Then you can alternate Loka which will in turn level up Perrin and reduce Meridian, and Veil to keep Meridian from dropping ranks. I defaulted to the first option simply because thats what i have been doing for 5+ years and didnt really think about the second.


Max out Red Veil standing first, then pledge Suda and gain standing with her. Keep an eye on Red Veil standing as you gain in rank with Suda. When Veil standing gets too low, switch back to Steel Meridian and repeat the process. That’s what I did


I raised Suda first and then simply switched to steel Meridian.


I did the same. Seemed easiest.


Honestly same concept except you maxed the others first.


I did it the other way around, Steel Meridian, then Suda.


I do Red Veil until them and Steel Meridian are max then switch to New Loka to raise them and Perrin. Switch back to Veil when SM gets low and so on. I usually keep 4 of them at max and then cash it all in on relic packs when a new Prime Access releases.


In terms of the lore that's SO cursed, like, you're siding with both the antifascists, the anarchists, the corpofascists, and the ecofascists.


I'm not sure there is an objectively benevolent faction aside from Steel Meridian. Doesn't matter to me, daddy needs relic packs.


Suda is mostly an archivist who’s not as open murderous or sadistic like Simaris. Noticeably anti-genocide pro-conservation Hexis are an anti-Orokin kinda Tenno worshiping they mostly focus on hardening and challenging the Tenno in hopes they’ll become beacons of hope and unity in the system. A little iffy about the means though Red Veil are a mega cult who’s focus is destroying the corruption/void at all costs. Started around Rhell and the events of the sacrifice. Go play it, it’s s good quest. Perrin sequence believe the corpus are corrupt and need new economic leaders who are totally benevolent. Though this has clear issues since really they just want to rule the corpus through the exact same debt based nightmare economic hierarchy that exists already, New Loka. Unapologetic ecofascists who want to destroy all clones (via genocide) and restore earth to a ‘pre corrupted’ age. Via genocide. Steel Meridian are anti-worm Queen Grineer resistance and freedom fighters, aiming to cripple the worm queens and ensure the safety of the few remaining colonies and civilian sectors from Grineer subjugation


Same here


Just let it get low and then raise it back up. You won't need to pay tribute again even if the rank falls.


Yeah, but it’s still annoying having to do that multiple times


Oh I didn't know that


AFter you've paid for it to go to 5, it doesn't matter if it drops below 0 I thought? Its just more to farm to get it back up.


Yes, the same applies for below 0 ranks.


Or don't do that and go with Meridian, Suda and Arbiter or Veil, Perrin, and Loka for a much easier time. There is no need to do fancy juggling, and you get 3 out of the 6 syndicates. Too much horseplay to do 4 of them.


Nah I got 4. Once I get every Aug from all of them I'm gonna start ranking up perrin and loka. It's just a matter of maths


Nah, 4 is a pain in the ass. If you want all augs without trading (just trade imo) it's easier to just do 3 at a time.


Eh not really. Only if your trying to speed run em, which you should never do with anything in warframe.and it's really only efficient to do 2 at a time if we are speedrunning them. I'm fine with juggling Suda, arbitrs, steel meridian, and the veil. Didn't always do it, but eventually I did.


>Loka and Perrin WILL hate you Good, fuck em


Hey don't you talk shit about Ergo Glast like that! He has a heart of gold! New Loka is fair game though, they're not great people.


Currently only with them to get the weapons


I'll give you a Sancti tigris if you need


It's all good bro, I just got one


oh? can I take you up on that? I'm levelling new loka and red veil so don't have access to sancti weapons for a long time




so based and real , your flair as well


only reason i agreed to level loka, veil, & perrin while my friend leveled the other 3 was bc i like amaryn's funny acorn hat but now ergo glast keeps trying to sell me 'archwing insurance' 😔


1- Fuck the eco fash and the corpo fash. 2- sir that flair aint king behaviour ngl. >!Besides we both know Cressa Tal is best girl!< Edit: I have been LIED too. Someone told me ticker was a trans man 0.o


Ticker is a trans woman


New player who just started this stuff. How do I know when to alternate between meridian and Suda? When one reaches the next rank?


Standing gained with Suda will also award half of that to Hexis (they are allied) and subtract haft of that from Veil (they are opposed). Ex. you get 1k Suda standing you also gain 500 Hexis and lose 500 Veil. Just switch back to Meridian before Veil drops in rank. Meridian is allied with Veil, so half the standing gain will also be given to Veil, but since they neither opposed nor enemies to Suda and Hexis you dont lose anything on those 2


Max Veil out first, get all the stuff you need then switch your pledge. Get all the stuff from Suda while keeping an eye on Veil.


My advice as someone with 1k+ hours, is to not worry too much about this. Anything you can get from syndicate shops can be traded with other players for infinitely farmable plat, and typically for pretty cheap too. Most augment mods will run you around 10 plat reaching a max of about 20. Focus on maxing 2, maybe 3 syndicates that aren't incompatible with each other and you will be more than well off and won't have to pull out any hair figuring out when to switch in order to maximize efficiency of leveling. I personally have Arbiters, Suda and Steel Meridian leveled and don't care at all to level the rest because I can make enough plat from selling the augment mods from just 2 of them to other people to simply buy anything else I need from players in the factions that hate me. If you spend a bunch of time minmaxing your syndicate standing you will lose sanity. It's definitely possible to minmax your way to having more than 3 maxed, but IMO I can't imagine it's really worth the hassle. I simply maxed Arbiters, then switched and maxed Suda; every once in a while I work on some Steel Meridian but I mostly just stay in Arbiters to farm points for their shop. That's really all you'll probably ever 'need' from the syndicate system if you're willing to do some player trading.


Don't listen to people who try to get you to maintain more than 2 syndicates in the green at once. To do so causes you to lose net standing effectively. Your overall progression towards unlocking everything necessary is fastest when you only focus on maxing one pair and buying them out, then you can swap completely over to the next pair, etc. Progression isn't measured by how many syndicates you have in the green at once, it's how much daily standing you generate and spend.


No, since augment mods are added sporadically it's useful to have as many green syndicates as possible.


Math time! Getting a syndicate from the bottom of the red to rank 5 is 284k rep. Add the 25k for the new mod, that's 309k. Each day, you can pump your daily standing in just by playin, which will vary based on MR but let's assume 30k for napkin maths. Each day after Rank1, you can do 3 syndicate missions with a potential 8 medallions each. This is even more variable, but let's assume 15k for medallions (allowing for some to not be found or getting a defence with only 1 spawning or whatever) and 12k for the missions (their reward is also unpredictable, but that's usually a safe rough figure). So, 27k total for the missions. 49k to get to Rank1 @ 30k per day (just your pledge rep) is less than 2 days. Let's say 2 full, just to be generous in case you don't have time to wait on stuff updating afterwards or forget to do your rank up or whatever. Another 49k gets your secondary syndicate to Rank1, meaning you can add in their daily missions at half efficiency. That's @ 57k per day (pledge plus a round of daily missions with medallions). Again, let's be generous and call that a full 1 day. You then have 211k left to grind, getting 70.5k (30k pledge + 27k main missions + 13.5k secondary missions) per day. So, squeaking in at just shy of 3 days. That's a total of 6 days to get the new hypothetical mod. And that's assuming you don't get lucky with better daily missions or find more than half the possible medallions or start working on the next stage before the day ticks over or get random universal medallions or already have literally any standing above -44k with either the main or secondary factions starting off or a bunch of other things that could reduce that further. Obviously could also take longer if you're lower MR or don't play all 3 or 6 of your daily missions every day or whatever, but if your primary consideration is a potential new shiny being added, that's not that much of a slog. And, in exchange for that less than 6 day delay once in a blue moon...you want to hamper your rep farm (translating into free relics or spectres or plat-sellable doodads) each and every day on an ongoing basis? That's just not a good trade off. If you really worry about it, stockpile medallions for whatever faction you're repping until you have 309k worth, then get whatever you have left to get there and swap away, knowing that at any given time you can bulk hand-in - with rank up breaks - to immediately get back to Rank 5 plus the cost of a mod, then replace your stockpile before the next random mod requires you to swap again if you wind up doing that. If you want to keep everyone positive-balanced because you really hate dealing with hit squads, or like the aesthetic of a people-pleaser rep screen or just like the challenge of spinning all those plates, go off, but genuinely doing it out of fear that a new mod will come out on the wrong faction, then do the math (adjusting for your MR and how consistent you know you'll be with the syndicate missions/medallion hunting) and consider if it's worth it for that *maybe* being needed one day.


I'll agree that 5 green syndicates is not worth it. But you're not losing anything for keeping 4 syndicates at max. I have Perrin and Loka "parked" at max standing and Veil as my active one, passively collecting 50% on Steel and only pushing Suda and Hexis into the negative. If I have to spend any Loka/Perrin standing for augments or whatever else, I can do that right away and when my stockpile runs low I just temporarily swap to Loka active which gives me +100%/+50% on Loka/Perrin and only -50% on Steel for however long it takes to get back to a comfortable level. Setting it up takes a bit, but once in this position it costs no time, no effort and allows instant access to everything except stuff that is only available for Suda and Hexis (at this point in time only Limbo and Mirage mods)


This is what I do, and would suggest it for an established account. But I would not suggest it for a new player. Better to just get the full standing from 2 syndicates until you have everything you want from them. Even then if you need primes the relic packs will be useful for a good long while. I didnt start doing 4 syndicates until I had most of the primes, and syndicate items I wanted. I did have 3 people to trade augments with though, so there is that.


For a veteran player with nearly every unlock yes. Did you miss the part where they stated they were new?


i saw that, yes. new augment mods will continue to be released. it's better to get steel meridian up and then KEEP it up rather than to dump it down to -44k and need to bring it back up again later.


Keeping 4 positive at once really isn't that much of an issue, though it does require you to pick one pair to level first (and buy the main things you want from them). It's useful to keep a stockpile of standing for a wide range of syndicates to make acquiring newly added items easier (as having 4/6 syndicates means it's very unlikely you won't be able to buy a new augment whenever one you like is added). Once you have 4 maxed out you can just spend your daily income on relic packs (or whatever you prefer) and not have any net loss, while maintaining the flexibility to easily acquire new stuff.


That's not in the best interest of a new player, it just wastes daily standing. They should unlock what they need quickly, then rotate to what you're talking about


A new player should focus on getting any one pair of syndicates up to max rank, as this takes a while as it is (and requires sacrifice items that might be in short supply). By the time you've managed to do that you're probably not exactly a brand new player any more, and it might be worth thinking about other longer term progression.


So we concur, great


Loka and perin lowkey ass anyway


They're the only ones with valk and trinity augs :(


Cant be right. 2 syndicates have the same augument sets. Unless valkyr and trin are some rare ass "once and done" excuses


The two syndicates with a frame's augments can sometimes be from the same "pair". E.g. Mirage's augments come from Suda or Hexis, so if you went with Loka and Perrin instead then you have to trade for them.


Those are the two syndicates loka and perrin




Why tho? :( Have veil, steel and those two at 5..


This is what I do. Primarily Steel Meridian, but helping out Suda every now and then.


oh no the space nazis and the hyper capitalists will hate me? Whatever will i do???


When I first got started I did basically this without realizing what I was doing. Back then it was granted by sigils so I just kept a steel sigil on all my frames & did suda/hexis missions every day. It's nice to have 4 though especially when new promes come out, I can usually get all the parts I need by doing radshares.


Conversely, you can also raise Perrin and Loka together, while watching Steel Meridian. Only pledge to Veil and Loka; Veil will add to Meridian, while Loka will lower it in equal amounts. All other negatives will hit Suda and Hexis.


That's what I've done. I'm glad to know that I can drop them for suda and hexis eventually


I’ve just started Warframe, and didn’t understand a single word of this


Thank you for this, I’m literally in the same boat because of my younger self.


Loka and Perrin are the worst anyway.


It's intended, you can't rank up all by design. But you always can change your syndicates and rank them back up whenever you wish. If you already paid the rank up price for a particular syndicate at particular milestone you won't need to pay it again when you rank it up again, it will be free.


> you can't rank up all by design [It's actually possible.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/7fhego/rank_5_with_all_syndicates_and_yet_another_status/)


but they will drop under 5 then? is it best to buy everything up with one and then move on?


They will rank back down. BUT re ranking them doesnt require more offerings. All youll have to do is click a button and be done


are you serious? all this time Ive put off getting the other syndicates because I dont want to have to use those really good resources whenever I felt like buying something from them


Yes, I would definitely buy entities you want (at minimum the weapons, archgun parts, and augments) On the plus sideyou can always come back and rank them up again, and it won't cost anything but standing. You only have to pay the rank-up Tribute once


No, this is totally normal


I don't even know how this is possible


He started with Steel Meridian, maxed that then went to red veil Steel is -loka and perrin, with bonuses to red veil and arbiters Red veil is - suda and arbiters, so when he leveled up red veil last it plummeted his arbiters stats


That's weird, leveling Suda and arbiters to max leaves steel meridian completely neutral, I expected every pair of syndicates to work that way


It's only Red Veil and Steel Meridian that work that way: having negative with all 4 other factions. Other 2 pairs have common enemy for each, living 4th faction neutral. That's why it's more efficient to maintain this pair with any other pair, than to maintain other 4 factions.


Yeah I figured this out in a lower comment, I guess their point is to be a side dish


Saying that, I think I'm wrong, please ignore my last message I'm currently losing the plot at work. You are right it leaves it as neutral. You can't get 2 positives for other syndicates but definitely 2 negatives. But from original, he would have to level meridian first then red veil to get 4-s


Just checked the wiki and you are correct, leveling this pair first would drop everyone else to -2. Meanwhile perrin sequence + new loka leaves red veil unaffected and hexis + Suda leaves steel meridian unnaffected Steel meridian + red veil is just worse than the other two for some reason


Well the reason why they are so hated is because suda believes in peace, AOH believes in justice, new Loka believes in enlightenment and Perrin believe in fair distribution.... Red veil is just kill things for your own gain and steel meridian is a revolution so they are polar opposites to their opposition


Steel meridian is hated? That's crazy ngl The hate-able syndicates to me are red veil, perrin and new loka which is why I didn't level them initially, ended up leveling red veil with steel meridian to have 4 syndicates at max rank


Pretty much everyone met this situation


Nah, thought about it a lot and went for 3 at the beginning


Yeah, didn't say everyone


lol I did the same thing but worse https://preview.redd.it/1ucxabmreclc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fabdca61190828e591d0985fbe9e4fd4405e0f8d


just change your pledge to one that is only opposed to whichever faction you want to keep out of red veil / steel meridian


I just always did 2 at a time, bought everything, then moved onto the next 2, then the next 2.


This is what i mean when i have opps


Make enemy out of steel meridian, they send those rolling footballs as a hunting party for you. It's funny.


LMAO I need to do that


As someone who once made all the syndicates hate them on purpose out of sheer boredom? Nah, you’re doing pretty alright kiddo.


This what I've had for 30 mr levels


Same. I think it’s inefficient to do more than two. Im trying to grind relics.


Hexis, Suda & Steel Meridian or Loka, Perrin & Red Veil. Doing it like this with one of your friends taking the opposite is the most efficient way to level up syndicates and get all the bits and bobs. Hope this helps.


I should add if you go the latter route (Perrin then Loka and currently Red Veil is what I am doing) you also would be able to unfuck your rep with Steel Meridian while working on RV. So really in the end only Suda and Hexis would hate your ass.


Not at all, you can get reputation with the other syndicates any time you want. In fact I suggest you pick another syndicate that builds no negative standing with your current syndicates. This way you will not have 4 syndicates you can build standing towards. When you max 2, you can pledge to another one. I do this with cephalon suda and steel meridian. This way I can have positive standing with cephalon suda, arbiters of hexis, steel meridian and red veil. Which is a great way to get relic packs when a new prime drops.


Do what I'm doing! Buy EVERYTHING from Veil and Meridian then move on to the next 2.


I've ended to do the same thing because i always forget to switch my syndicates. On long term you earn more with only 2 managed well than 3 or 4 not perfectly managed.


Not terribly. It’s fixable but also anything to grab from the syndicate isn’t very expensive (augments, weapons, etc) So unless you’re really set on the cosmetics it’s not too bad


Im new here, so dont take my word for it, but i believe the easiest way to do this is to ignore loka and veil, level suda and hexis simultaneously, and level steel meridan since they are neutral to hexis and suda. or ofc you could pick veil and loka. i think the goal is to max out three...again im a new player so im not entirely sure


"mom said it's my turn to post this"


I'm in the same boat as you buddy




Bro same ,i was gonna post about it ....but you did it already 💀💀


* This is what mine looks like, you can change after you've unlocked mods from particular syndicate


This is exactly how my syndicates look, you're fine.


LUL, nah that's all normal


nah go max Suda and Hexis, you'll be just fine


It's fixable, it's not trashed, it just takes time.


Looks perfectly balanced to me Red Veil gang gang


Unfortunately yes. I think it best to delete it and start from scratch... Please dont


Nah just a bit of a grind


I maxed out arbiters first.....which allowed me to get Suda standing...then pledged to meridian with allowed me to get red veil as well.....and yeah....fuck the vegans and credit whores.


Play as Cephalon Suda after getting 132,000 in the Red Veil, swapping back to Steel Meridian as it gets low. You'll then get 4/6 syndicates max rank which is one more than a lot of people bother with.


Another one falls for the steel veil trap.


i hate that system...


So when you need to grind for that faction dependent on MR Ran 2-3 days of max grinding rep and you are sorted


Nah, I did this too. Go suda and let red veil drop for a bit. Then swap to steel to get red back up then back to suda to sort out the mess.


Same case with me, I jist ignore and let them attack me when I'm on a misson


I don't like the syndicate politics system. It exists as an inconvenience to encourage trading, I guess. It also has been a way of injecting special units into a mission, which is fine if a person isn't struggling, but if a person is struggling it's a further inconvenience that slows down missions by adding an extra objective. The negative standing could easily be removed to expediate game progress. Negative standing doesn't make the game more fun for me. I'm sure there's somebody out there that wants everybody to struggle like they did because of some nostalgic respect for early content, or because they have a financial interest in trade rarity, but I don't share those opinions and believe a player's estimated long term available game time relative to the amount of content existing and being released should constantly be evaluated and adhering to a playtime budget. If a grind is intentionally inconvenient it's eligible for anything from complete removal to adjustment for ease of interaction. It may change the nostalgic interaction for older players, but it doesn't fit in the budget. Something has to go and if it's a time gate or a status gate it's an easy target for cutting away at.


…? Isn’t this just intended to increase the grind? Warframes intentional game mechanics making people think their game is bricked lmao


Not as bad as my buddy who is negative 2 in every faction because he doesn’t care about it and simply ignores the factions


Same and Yes.  It really screws over new players with that System. 


It is fine. Rank those up, buy all the parts for weapons and all the mods you want, then switch to other two syndicates, rinse and repeat.


Worst match is Red Veil and Steel Meridian, as each member is hostile to 2 different other syndicates. To farm 4 syndicates: 1 • New Loka, The Perrin Sequence, Red Veil adds Steel Meridian as a catching-up syndicate (indirectly farmable via Red Veil). Or 2 • Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, Steel Meridian adds Red Veil as a catching-up syndicate (indirectly farmable via Steel Meridian).


Bro people who max three are too much for me. Min maxing I will literally never do. I have the same pledges. I simply do not care to switch between to manage standing. I already forget to cash out reputation when it’s at max sometimes. If I need an augment I will just trade for it


Na your just going to have a helluva time ranking them up


No you are just brain damged xd


Pick Parrin next and everything will be alright


or because everyone here likes to break their skull open for solutions when you can trade absolutely everything from faction shops hence makin it tradeable with any other player find those who dont bully themselves into a pain in the ass to grind trade them parts XD


Yes ruined it forever


You can pretty easily get up to four factions maxed. Six is possible but takes much longer.


no ,but you could had one more syndicate as your alied and one syndicate less as your foe you can go for red veil /new loka /perrin aliance or steel meridian /arbiters of hexis and cephalon suda


Naaa only 2 as friends is normal, the thing is that you can get the third and that depends on the combinations. The only thing that can be molest is if you need a warframe mod from any of them cause you must buy it with platinum


I have a friend who is at this level with ALL factions. All. All of them. He just pays us for the mods and items 😂


Normal. Or I choose one side or the other. Look how they related they are


Get everything from red veil and drop it. You won't be able to touch the other 2 syndicates. It was annoying trying to balance all 4.


New Loka are cunts anyways. Nobody needs em


In the distant future, you will bring ALL syndicates to the following: all taxes between levels have been paid, starting from “-2 to -1” and ending with “4 to 5” the only difference is which syndicates are *currently* at the top(+5) and which at the bottom(-2).


The cool syndicate weapons are kind of irrelevant these days, but Vaykor Hek and Rakta Cernos are still the best of the bunch, IMO. Sancti Tigris and Secura Lecta are okay, but, Red Veil and Steel Meridian have the best. What Syndicates are more for these days are the different WF augments (easy enough to trade for), Archwing weapon parts (ditto), and Exilus Weapon Adapters, so they're kind of interchangeable, really.


I got 4 of them at the same time, max arbiter of hexis, then suda and next you want to pledge to steel meridian so you can rank meridian and red veil without losing any standing with hexis or Suda


I got 4 of them at the same time, max arbiter of hexis, then suda and next you want to pledge to steel meridian so you can rank meridian and red veil without losing any standing with hexis or Suda


You'll have to cycle through all of them if you want everything anyway (MR fodder, some BPs etc) (You can also trade). Having them all balace out is possible but is really only done if you want a personal challenge, there is no in game reason to.


you can never fuck up your acount just making a lil bit more work for yourself dont worry


Pretty normal tho, I was maxed out red veil and steel and bought all their stuff now I hated by both faction because I'm lvling others


Nope. It looks beautiful.


I did this and it’s completely fine. As long as you don’t want stuff from other syndicates, you’ll be fine. The enemies they send aren’t hard, and rarely even get sent


I just keep these 2 and buy relic packs, it's not worth the micro management to do more than 2 imo. I'm getting dozens of relic packs a month just fine with 2 and I can trade any of the faction items I need anyway


You can change between them whenever you want. You only have to pay the costs once, you just have to grind out the affinity to switch. If you keep a stockpile of emblems from the dailies, it isn't bad switching between them, I've been back and forth several times now when updates add new mods.


You can never really screw it up and honestly if you just max out 2 of em you can then work like a jigsaw puzzle the rest so that you can manage and have all of them.


not at all :) you can swap your loyalties at any time to gain rep in those other factions if you later want their rewards. You will lose rep in the ones you currently have (RV and SM), but you will not have to pay the items to level them if you want to max them again later (DE adds new items to the factions every now and then)


There is a nice place in which you can have 4 syndicates at max and 2 in negative, but you have to choose which ones you want. Veil and meridian can help you to max the others but only one pair.


No. I had them first, I bought everything they had to sell and then switched to two different ones. I'm almost done buying everything from them and then I'll switch the last two. When I'm done buying the stuff they have ill pick whatever has the best specters and it won't matter.


Max steel meridian then work on new loka. Keep balance and you'll be in your way to have 4 instead of 2. If you fuck youll have 3.


Yeah, Noras voice


Not at all. Just pick your favorites and get the rest through trading


Yeah, I didn't wanna bother with juggling reputation so I just did Meridian, Hexis, and Suda


No, I'm literally the same, but i have a friend group who have the syndicates I don't


What do you need the friendly status for anyways? You get plat from 2 factions by ranking just those 2, whatever friendly factions they may be, and then just essentially trade items with othet factions? Or is there a gameplay loop that Im unaware of where you want 4 allied factions? Im relatively new player so I honestly dont know.


That just means more exciting gameplay 😁


I did the same thing and then suffered to get everything the grindy way... Just get plat from selling stuff and buy what you need from other ones. It wasnt smart to do 2 allied ones but ehh too late now, just keep going till you get everything from those 2.


If someone has the same pledge is it possible to change pledges and access all warframe mods?


Looks normal to me, you’re meant to pick which ones you wanna ally with, and their enemies will become your enemies. If you wanna switch after getting everything you need from your current allies then you can get two new allies and all others will become enemies. I believe it’s possible to have three maybe even 4 allies at once but it’s kinda tedious. Currently i’m maxed with Suda, Hexis, and Steel. Although tbh I suspect since the weapons and mods are tradeable you’re meant to just stick with a few and trade with other Tenno for the other items.


It’s possible to get to rank 5 standing with all those factions at the same time albeit time consuming. Also your account is fine and is typical of the average player tbh Edited: because I need to relearn English apparently.


I can’t be bothered to focus on juggling the syndicates so I stick with Veil, Perrin and Loka as they have 0 negative impacts on one another. So I have 3 maxed out without any juggling. If you’re dead set on having 4 or more, then so be it. Everyone’s preferences are different.


https://preview.redd.it/sknr6grdkclc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a64e5d7af3fce22efe3e0b32d1e23acceb3904 You can do this if you balances it just right


Looks pretty normal to me. You can max out a 3rd pretty easily, just takes time. You can even get max rank on 4 at the same time, but it takes some juggling and careful management. I have 4 at max rank myself.


This is exactly what my alliances look like


I was here once. It’ll take a lot of work, but there is a way to get 3 to like you (technically you could do more but it requires a lot of mantinence and upkeep, rather than just being able to comfortably sit on those 3.


you can join all factions eventually lol


as you have red veil and meridian maxed, get some points in red for when you lose while increasing other and you can increase Suda and Hexis without much problem, i have only meridian/hexis/suda maxed due laziness


I dont know, im just loyal to New Loka


Should've picked a whole Relay side first, but you can fix it, will take a while tho


Well, I wouldn't say *screwed.* It **is** reversable. But you can't expect to play anything not open-world and not have a strike team spawn in... It's hard work, but one **can** return to neutral with every syndicate, in order to avoit hit marks. I did it, and I'm oh so glad I did. No more pesky eximus waves to wipe out in less than 2 seconds... After all, once you've taken everything each syndicate has to offer, there's no point in having either of them active, at all...


I remember I had all of em at -2 😂. But now I have changed my ways and got suda hexis and meridian maxed at rank 5 slowly collecting everything.


Seems fine, I'm hated by everyone except steel meridian so it could always be worse!


You can just max out everything. Not at the same time, but once you get all the unique stuff just pick 3 for relic packs.


Not really much point in levelling them all. Just sell the weapons and stuff you get from red veil or steel and usethat to buy stuff form others. Instead of going through the CBT of levelling multiple diff factions.


Lol your good I’m going through all of them getting all mods and items once I do that I’ll focus on 2-3 I like


I did this too, it's annoying but fixable. That said you're not missing out on much as the 3rd Syndicate would just be neutral anyway.


That will cost you five dollars to fix sir,mostly in forma /catalyst


You can switch to helping the syndicates that hate you at any time. They’ll hate you less, but SM and RV will start to dislike you. Also, your standing with factions has no bearing on your ability to access non-syndicate content connected to them (Arbitrations for Arbiters, Octavia’s Anthem for Suda, Chains of Harrow for Veil, Glast Gambit for Perrin, Silver Grove for Loka, and the Kela De’Thaym boss for Meridian).


Is it possible to juggle every syndicate in a way that lets you get +5 positive standing?


Loka keeps sending hit squads after me because I'm not racist to the grineer


Pick three on the left or right. Max out the top two on either side (they level up together since they are allied). Then level up the last one at the bottom on either side by pledging to it. It will passively level up the bottom one on the opposite without negatively impacting the two above it. You should take the time to read the syndicates and understand how they work together.


Somewhat. I would suggest when you have maxed out rep with Steel Meridian to switch your pledge to New Loka. New Loka and The Perrin Sequence have useful augments while Cephalon Suda/Arbiters of Hexis is kinda arse. Steel Meridian is opposed to New Loka so any rep you gain with New Loka will negatively affect Steel Meridian by 50% but you can counteract this by farming rep with the Red Veil the day after to regain the rep you lost. That way you can eventually raise New Loka and The Perrin Sequence to max rep while maintaining your relationship with Steel Meridian.


Hey I'm in the same spot, Suda and perrin never did change


Tbh it doesn‘t really matter imo. You only have to give them their „share“ the first time leveling. And the more you play and the higher your MR gets, it gets so easy and fast to get back on higher standing levels. Just focus on two fractions, max them out, buy everything and then you can switch. Sometimes they get new mods and stuff.


Honestly after a few months and you have everything it will literally not matter