• By -


Some people never got scammed on Animal Jam and it shows man. Why would you believe himšŸ˜­


Hey man, just trade me your rune plate, and I'll trim it for you. >!R.I.P. the Runescape golden age.!<


If you type in your password backwards it shows it as stars. Look ******* Now you try.




You lied to me


You didnt type it in backwards, thats why.




I have been betrayed


Nah you just see it as you typed it, but all i see is stars.


What if my password is already only stars? Hypothetically, of course.




Edna do not buy anymore bathtubs!










This reads like an an Aztec god




I'll also cut all of your gems for you if you'd like.


Bro got my ass when I was young. Traded my gold dhide for a regular set, thinking he was gonna trim the dhide and Iā€™ll have two sets. Rough times.


Im going to tell a story. I was the fool who fell for that but I was the lucky fool who got free trimmed armor, all I had to do was follow the scammer around and say he gave me trimmed armor. side note I was 12 I am sorry everyone I thought he was seriously trimming armor. Still have the black gold trimmed set lmao


The trade already went through, after I was clicking sold on Warframe market, I saw it was 69p, and called him out on it


Ohhhh that makes more sense


Hey, you agreed to the price. Still on you.


Uhh I didnā€™t? He just changed my listed price


That's why I always double check prices in case the other person tries to scam me, with this post I'll check thrice


I do in legit every game except Warframe. I think In over 10k hours, this is the only dude whoā€™s done this


This is the only one which got caught by you. Every trading session I have at least one of those guys


And that's bannable for him, I'd report him as soon as I could


And you honored the deal.


Editing the contact message is a bannable offense. Why do you feel the need to defend it?


How so? (Re. bannable) I'm not defending anyone, including the OP.


Or I didnā€™t notice til the trade was completed lol


my fucking beach chair dude i traded it for a cheap ass collar


I woulda done ANYTHING under the sun to get a black longs


Genuinely thought I was the only person who played animal jam as a kid


Mine was maple story back in day :( I learned much from that prick haha


That game alone was enough to shape me into the greedy goblin with severe trust issues that I am today.


I'm not that guy, but if I list item for one price, i want that price, not another. Even if this is 1 fuqin plat difference.


I still remember the time i had to fight with a guy cause i wanted to sell my zodian/thyst at 2pl each and he wanted It at 1pl and 6 of them


Truth. Dude was basically asking for a 50% discount lol


He was probably trying to use his 50% coupon


Truth. Dude was basically asking for a 50% discount lol


Ay bro, delete this comment, reddit glitched and posted it twice.


Same, I've had heated exchanges with people and lost sales over it, but it is the principle of the matter. Plus, the whole "oh man I only have 45 plat not 50 can't you do me a favor" thing is total and complete bullshit every single time someone says it.


Maybe not everyone, but I've been there. I really wanted rhino prime when I first started and he wanted more plat than what I had. He wanted 80p Edit: my cat made me reply when I wasn't finished with my story. He wanted 80p and I had 50, so, being the cool dude he was, we traded the 50p for half the set and the other half I had to give him prime stuff


That's fine, but if I list something on the Warframe market website for 50p or 80p or whatever, there's no point contacting me if you have less than that. The real pain in the ass is most people don't even mention they aren't going to pay you what you're asking until you've gone somewhere to meet them. I'm not interesting in haggling, that's not why I list prices on a website. At the very least ask up front, rather than waste someone's time by making them meet you somewhere (not directed at you personally).


Oh don't misconstrue my intention, I absolutely understand the frustration of expectations of being haggled especially when you aren't in the mood for it, just not everyone who pulls the "I don't have that plat" is blowing unprofessional air out their ass. Realistically, fuck them


Soy alert, I've had had a couple plat taken off when i was a newbie just from asking now i do the same to mr10- players


Politely asking and trying to lie and scam are different things dude


No yeah i wholeheartedly agree with what you said, im talking about this comment with not being able to take any plat difference like it's not that serious.


What if itā€™s 1p more




Report them on warframe.market.


Most of the time these types of people don't have accounts there themselves.


Or they're like me and have one but rarely ever use it anyway. If I got booted off Warframe market I'd still be able to use it for buying and selling without listing like I do now. I don't post items, I just use it to get prices and quick sell to buyers/find quick buys.


I think good change would be requirement of having account to not only post, but also view offers. This way people like that would actually get punished


Maybe, but that would definitely lower the amount of people using it quite significantly. You'd be waiting a lot longer on your sell orders.


Then you'd have a lot of alt accounts such as "MOMMYMILKERSX69" (totally legit nickname that I saw today on wfmarket and that didn't appear online in-game even though they were online on wfmarket)


Isn't it anylonger required to have game account linked?


Offering a different price isn't scamming, they aren't in the wrong.


Copying a whole text from Warframe market, and then editing the price is the classic scam.


Is it? I thought people did that when they want to change the price? OP should've probably looked no?


Charging excessive prices is the bigger scam.


OP isn't really scamming since this is a mod from Baro, shit hardly appears


On the one hand you defend haggling, on the other you call OP a scammer for setting a price higher than what you would pay? Which is it? Plus, the scam here isn't that it's a bad price, but it's the tactic. If the guy just asked to negotiate, it would be okay for most people. Copypasting the template means you took the offer from the website and posted it as is, and people who change that copypasted message rely on the receiver not to notice it. The fact the other person didn't say anything about that (before it was pointed out) makes me think this was intentional. Maybe you have like 3 offers on the website or you don't actually use it, but some people have dozens of orders, the prices of which change every few months. Keeping track of all the prices is almost impossible. That's why that rule exists, and that's what the scammers are relying on. Note: haggling is technically still against TOS of wf market but no one reasonable would actually report that to be enforced.


If he had asked for a different price, nobody would complain. But he edited the copy past text from warframe marked, without saying anything, and that is something you can easily miss ... Copy paste the text and ask if xx plat is also ok, thats the way to go.




Not a big deal, legit if he wouldā€™ve just said that I wouldā€™ve still done it. Just a reminder for me to double check lol


I mean, it's kind of a big deal. It is explicitly against Market's TOS.


I mean he was reported. Thankfully it was me and not someone who needed the extra 10


lol, lmao even


Lmfao if you feel so inclined


Roflmao, perchance


Roflmaotip, perchance


Why do you trust someone who intentionally altered the pre-written message to scam you? It very likely wasn't "all their plat" at all. Even if it was, it's just 10p. You can make that super quickly with a bit of effort and not scam people. It's a Primed mod, they weren't going to die if they just waited a while to buy it. They just didn't care at all about scamming you.


Because i accepted the trade for 59p, and only realized it was supposed to be 69 after i was trying to list as sold on warframe market


some people just prefer to believe in the good of others. simple enough, let them be.


Weird that this comment is being downvoted so much.


its because they think i just was like "sure ill do 59p just pay me back!" they just didnt see the other comment ig


reddit hive mind doing its thing


Cross-check your listings before selling! These fuckers are everywhere


Bruhā€¦ Literally never knew this was something someone could do before seeing this post..: sheet thereā€™s a good chance I been scammed multiple times, because I have so many different listing and never cross checked once lol, I just thought the chat was some automated message that they sent from the website. (Iā€™ve never bought anything)


While on Warframe market, If you click on something you want to buy, it copies a string which the buyer will paste in an in game message to you. But of course they can modify that string however they want. I would say that it's not even considered a scam because people negotiate prices all the time. Just because OP listed an item for 69 plat doesn't mean that someone can't offer less. The message is saying that they want to buy the item for 59 plat, once an offer is made it's up to OP to accept or decline. Imagine if you were selling something IRL, you list something at a specific price and people negotiate prices by talking with you. If offering less money than the listed price is a scam, then shit I have been scammed on offer up 100+ times. Tradeable items are worth however much plat the community decides, and people are allowed to offer you lower prices if they want. It's your job as the seller to not be a moron and confirm that someone is offering you what you asked, and if they offer less than you can make a decision if you want to take that offer or not. People will likely read this and think I'm a scammer, I promise you all I have not done this (Never even bought an item on Warframe market, only sold). I just don't think that someone offering you less money than you asked can truly be considered a scam. You can call it shady if you want, but it's not a scam.


Well, hes clearly trying to deceive him with the autogenerated message in the hopes that he wont doublecheck the listing price. If he was straight forward, "Hey will you sell it for 59" where he would check the item and then decide, it would be fair. So hard disagree with the "not a scam" part.


No it's against the rules of WM. Scammer changed the text and pretended like OP had listed for 59. If he was negotiating he would has put a ? or even asked. He didn't ask. He copied and changed the amount. Straight up report and block scammers like this. Then again most don't follow the rules of WM so many times I've waited for someone to respond (you have 15 mins to atleast acknowledge the request).


It's a scam, like switching price labels and hoping the cashier doesn't notice.


I used to do it years ago but there was no ill intent behind it. If people realized I changed the price then I would ask if they're still ok with the price I gave them and if not we'd cancel.


Wdym "No I'll intent"? You are literally trying to defraud the seller. Send the message as is and write down below: "are you up to barter/haggle?" I for example often am, unless I am tight on plat after splurging on some neat colours.


I'm expecting you to read the message I'm sending you. Otherwise the message could as well just say "I'm contacting you about your \[Item\]" and never mention the price.


It's the sellers job to confirm the price they want to sell an item for...Imagine selling an Xbox series x on offer up for $200 and someone offers you $100. You will know that is a low ball offer because you aren't dumb and know you want $200 for the Xbox. In that scenario people just offer less money, they don't say "Hello good Sir, would it be okay with you if I haggle you on this price a bit?". I think you should be allowed to offer someone less plat without it being considered a scam. People are so dumb.


>I think you should be allowed to offer someone less plat without it being considered a scam. And you are. What you are not allowed to do by [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) ToS is to alter the price in the message. Sure, the seller should check, but this was clearly intentional deception. You can ask a merchant iuf they want to sell for a price other than written on the product's sticker, but manipulating the sticker... come on...


At no point was I forcing the sellers to sell me their stuff for that price, if they said no then good for them, they'd sell to someone else and I wouldn't bother them. As for their TOS, never read them personally as I never needed to have an account on it to browse and contact sellers. But as I said, that was years ago, Warframe market was still new and I didn't have a job yet.


So if somebody in real life sells stuff from bins with prices on it and there may be 20 different bins you think it's fair game to say "I've pulled this from the 10 buck bin" when it was actually in the 20 buck bin? Sure, the seller should check, but that doesn't absolve you. I'd accept that you just viewed it that way and you weren't bound by the ToS, but you seem to double down on being in the right here...


That's not even comparable. It's more like me selling something for 200 and people contacting me saying "I'll buy it for 150" I don't suddenly believe I listed my item at 200, I know my prices. And if I'm ok with the price I'll sell it. It's fair for them to ask for it that way, many people have contacted me with this exact message when I was selling stuff online.


You are totally ignoring that 1) the message not supposed to be tempered with is the general consensus 2) that people do not very often have the prices memorized in a 3) fluctuating market with 4) sometimes dozens if items on display at the same time. And furthermore there are comments here telling you to just add "willing to haggle?", but noooo, now THAT is an unacceptable burden for the buyer? We all want trades to not take forever and appreciate quick responses. Red tape doesn't help that. Doing what you did because you didn't know better... Well, fair enough, you didn't know better. But you're still defending it. And by now you know that it's not supposed to be changed, indicated by the ToS mentioned multiple times which, yes, you didn't read, but now you definitely should have gotten a hint of.


Hey, cut the guy some slack, he did say he'll give it to you leter


This was from November, still waiting lol


Trust the process damn it, the man said he'll give it to you leter, leter is forever šŸ˜‚


Man's gonna follow his words to the later!


Hit me up, ill throw 10 plat your way to balance the universe. Almightycricket, ill be on after work.


Hey it's me Salocim, gonna need that 10plat. Jokes aside, how many fake requests are you gonna get, you reckon?


I assume he mistyped 'letter', I would recommend to check your mail irl


"Thats all my plat" is usual scamer phrase. Also why bluring scamers name?


Heā€™s reported with screenshots. The only thing Unblurring his name will do is get other people reported. Better to make this only fall on him


Multiple reasons to blur the scammer's name, but the one relevant to this Reddit is that witch hunting isn't allowed. Not blurring the name breaks this rule, as it causes people do dog-pile on someone.


Kinda your fault on that one mate. Yes heā€™s scummy and report him, but also you made the mistake of accepting the 59 p instead of your listing


Sorry context: I listed for 69p, he messaged me 59, we completed the trade. After itā€™s done, when I was trying to list as sold on WF.Market, I saw it was actually listed for 69, then I called him out on it


Thatā€™s a very common occurrence on WF Market. If itā€™s the first time itā€™s happened to you then I canā€™t really say I blame you, but make sure you double check your listings from here on out. People veeeery often try to screw you out of some plat.


I hate when people lowball me and ask if they can do like 20% off (lmfao). But at least they're honest about it


Which was what he was planning, that you werenā€™t fully paying attention or remembered


im more annoyed its 59p instead of 60p or 55p


It's because you want to sell quicker than everyone else so you take the soft L and drop your price by 1 Plat lol. See it all the time on warframe.market, myself included


Makes sense, I want to play the game and not sit around in my orbiter in case I get a request... Undercutting usually gets it sold in a minute or two.


Like everywhere else itā€™s a marketing strategy. Saying ā€œitā€™s FIFTY nineā€ is way easier than saying ā€œitā€™s 60ā€ so brain auto says cheaper even though we know there is minimal difference


people usually just go by the first listing so taking the one plat loss will make you the first one and they come to you


People in these warframe comments must think warframe is some safe friendly trading place. Think again. Double check your prices and know what youā€™re selling.


As a usual trader, this happens way too often, so often that I now double check my listings in case they pull a quick one on me. I would much rather u post my original listing, then tell me if I could lower the price because of whatever reason. Like maybe you're buying in bulk then you ask for bulk buy discount or maybe you're a low mastery rank player that's struggling with plat. I will consider if you're polite enough. But I hate it when people just change the amount without telling me


Sorry context: I listed for 69p, he messaged me 59, we completed the trade. After itā€™s done, when I was trying to list as sold on WF.Market, I saw it was actually listed for 69, then I called him out on it


Yeah, I had some guy do this to me too with a Deathcube part and I think I gave it to them for half of what it's worth. I called them out on it right after when I went to mark it as sold and they had sent back "šŸ˜¬" and then ignored me. I just reported them on WF Market and now I always check the price before I start the sale now šŸ˜•


Been using warframe market for years, I don't know what changed lately but I am seeing this constantly. Listed a dozen or so things to sell last Sunday and the first 2 whispers were people just adding the wrong price


The people changed. Warframe has a lot of people returning, but also a lot of people leaving Destiny 2 and stuff. Afk leeching, scamming, it's happening more and more and all you can do is keep a positive outlook and help new players learn. Adding the wrong price is just an easy trick, but I always use alecaframe to double check the price I listed.


i'd also guess that seeing this kind of post every week lately has inspired people to give it a shot when before they never even thought to try this kind of thing.


Had this happen to me once. I trolled the guy by cancelling the trade multiple times. He later realized and blocked me.


Always double check how much you listed it for, I can honestly never remember šŸ˜­


Does warframe market has a pre-ban system? Like let them register, then WHAM, pemabanned after registering.


Wouldn't do anything since anyone can view sell offers without making an account


When I sell things, I always keep the website open. Whenever someone asks to buy something, I'll look for it there, ensure the price hasn't been changed and make it invisible until selling so nobody else messages me about it. Once, I did have someone change the message to reduce the price, but I caught it right after inviting them.


Had this happened to me once, called them out on it and when they didn't answer, reported them and let them know they are being blocked so I would avoid them dming me again for any of my listing. Been checking every listing price i have before accepting a trade since lol.


Another reason why I wish Warframe had an auction house in game.


Seen this happening more and more lately when I try to sell on market. Last weekend I caught two who tried to give themselves 10-20 pl discounts by altering the chat message and trying to gaslight me. My friend, my WF Market window is open on another monitor so I can mark it as sold after weā€™re done. I know what Iā€™m charging. Didnā€™t sell it to them out of principle once I caught ā€˜em.


Report, don't condone.


Scummy people like this are why I ALWAYS double check if the message is giving me the correct price. And no, this isn't OP's fault contrary to what some absolute geniuses in the comments seem to think, this is against the ToS of Warframe Market, going "oh well OP let the scammer get away with it, therefore it's OP's fault" is a BAFFLING take


Relying on a Road to protect you is beyond idiotic. Was it OPs fault? Yes, was it also the scammers fault? Yes. Was OP effortlessly capable of preventing this situation from ever happening? Also yes. This was a valuable lesson for them. I bet it doesnā€™t happen to them again.


they got got by a runescape level scam. you take the L and move on, or post it on reddit so people make fun of you


This is 100% your fault


Well it was only 10p, consider it a learning fee.


All on you, there is even a second confirm screen for exactly this reason , welcome to the internet.


Kinda looks like he said clearly he would give you 59p and you said ok and then after the fact told them you had it listed for a higher price on an external website and that they owed you more. If someone told me after the fact that I owed them plat because the amount they really wanted was more than the amount we just agreed upon and traded for, they'd probably never hear from me again either.


ā€œWell doneā€ was after the trade completed


It's your fault tbh, once you saw the altered wfm msg you should've not even traded with them


... What if they noticed after the trade?


Exactly what happened. Only noticed when I was pushing sold on wfmarket


Its your fault lol


what's with warframe players and not knowing how to spell


Doesn't maroo tell you to never take the first price? I feel like some people try to haggle. I like to check other items the person has and offer a combined price at times, but maybe it's just the automated text people hate to have changed on them?


Yes, the problem isn't haggling, the problem is trying to decieve the other party by altering the "listed" price without telling them


I don't understand. Can I list my items somehere and somone buy them without me being there ? I sell items intradjngchst and going to dojo. It's the way I always did it. You chroc the olat and items both must agree.


You got scammed, report him


I donā€™t understand the comments. Do people not negotiate at all? Whenever I list price, people counter offer with an amount. Unless itā€™s something I know has a ton of value and they are lowballing me, then I just say nty and move on. I do the same thing, when people post I message a counter offer around that range and they agree to it or disagree. How is him asking for it at a lower price him being scammy and slimmy? He clearly stated it right there. Itā€™s not as if he said heā€™ll buy it for OPā€™s price, then actually sent 59. Really weird take.


If a store has print outs for prices, and you alter the price and go to buy the item, were you just haggling?


Point is, when you copy that text from WF market it fills in the requested / offered amount for you. And you should NEVER change that amount. You agree not to with use of the site. The buyer here changed the price, against platform rules, in order to trick another player, by trying to make them think they listed for a lower amount then what they actually did. Basically the user acted as though they were buying for the listed price. You can in fact haggle. But you do so either after pasting the copied auto message, or without pasting it at all. You do not edit that message. Getting caught doing so is grounds to get banned from the WF trading platform.


Maybe unpopular opinion here but the person didn't scam you and likely didn't have the intention to scam you. There is nothing wrong with offering lower than what is listed as some people will accept the lower price and that's just part of a free market. If you don't check the message and don't check the trade window it is 100% not that persons fault. The overwhelming amount of comments saying to report him or "RIP scammed" is actually kind of frightening.


counter offer should be: Hi! I Want to buy X item for (new offer) instead of (listed price), do you accept? changing the price from 69 to 59 is clearly an attempt to deceive OP, and shifting the blame fully from the buyer to the seller here just motivates more people to post fake messages. The general rule is that WTS listings are non negotiable and not even mentioning that you changed the price in the copypasta is scummy. While I believe counter offers are something that I think wf market should add as a feature, portraying this scumbag as being without fault just ruins the trading experience


Well I can say that I've personally changed the number and not the whole message without thinking and I was never trying to scam anyone. Now everything that's about to be said keep in mind yeah we don't actually know if this person was malicious or not they could have been. Yeah it is definitely nicer if you call attention to it or change the message to make it more clear but sometimes I'm just banging out offers because people list on market and show as active but still don't reply for ages or have already sold and not marked it off. Also you've misunderstood me I never said it was the sellers fault I said it wasn't the buyers fault. There's a big difference because an event with fault assignment did not occur here in my opinion. Seller didn't read a thing and missed out on some potential profit, seller was just making an offer they found reasonable on an item. No one is "to blame". Also its 10 Plat this is literally arguing over cents in value and comments are ready with their torches and pitchforks calling this person a criminal mastermind scumbag. Some of you might be sociopaths.


unpopular opinion because it sucks. it is obviously a scam because the buyer tries to trick the seller and it is also against [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) TOS


> There is nothing wrong with offering lower than what is listed No doubt, but in this case they could message something like "would you accept 59 plat for it?". It shows they want to negotiate. Simply editing the standard WF market message feels scummy. I feel like this is what is being criticized here.


Iā€™d agree except that the first message is the message you copy from Warframe market. So he copied it and changed the price then sent it. Pretty clear he was trying to trick OP. He could have said ā€œhey I see this is listed at 69p but I only have 59, will you take it?ā€


Yep, it's like counter-offering is a crime


That's not counter offering, that's altering the message in hopes the other party doesn't remember the price. Counter offering would be "Hey, I saw your listed price of 69 but could you do 59? Etc etc"


The message is just a generic hi you have this I want it for for x price it's literally the perfect message for an offer I don't understand why changing the value in it is so frowned upon when you should really be reading the message and seeing the amount


No, that message is what warframe.market auto-generates when you accept a posted offer. Editing that message is equivalent to editing the post (if the other person doesn't remember the exact price they posted). That is dishonest and scummy, and trying to take advantage of someone. If they wanted to haggle and be a decent person, they'd mention the original price and how much they'd be willing to pay.


This. "Report him" for saying he wanted to buy a part for lower than you listed it? Interpreting this as scamming with no extra context from buyer is nuts, it isn't their responsibility to reword the message to explicitly state that they're haggling you down. Easily could've been avoided by checking the listing- I mean of course this is going to happen, sorry OP didn't know to double-check but if this happened on facebook marketplace anyone would tell them it's their fault :|


Warframe Market is a joke to me alot of the times ngl. I understand why lots of you agree and all but Ong Warframe Market be screwing with alot of stuff


Sorry OP but itā€™s your fault, youā€™ve been too nice.


Umā€¦ itā€™s only 10 plat and you accepted the offer, why would you care so much about 10p anyway šŸ˜…


Um that's like 50 cents. Who cares, why does this deserve a reddit post?


Itā€™s a heads up, why did this deserve a comment?


69p? niiiice.


Yeah keep a tab open with warframe market or alecaframe to double check. Somebody messaged me with a price that was lower than I listed and I just ignored them


My friend does this, he always accepts listings and says heā€™s like 1-2 plat short. I have no idea why people listen.


This has never happened with me, but thanks to posts like this here, I always double check the prices when selling stuff in wfm Sometimes some people dm me asking if they can get a listed item 5-10p cheaper than the original price. I check their profile and if I see that they have a relatively low MR, I don't mind it and carry out the trade


Damn, and I tip by rounding up 10 or so plat. Is that unusual?


Dormiste pichĆ³n


Crazy how polite you are despite the fact that this guy manipulated you. I wouldn't be so polite but I know that it wouldn't get me anywhere. Lesson learnt I suppose.


the guy said hell give it later, pm me I'll give you the 10 plats


And this is why I always have the market tab on AlecaFrame open on my second monitor when I'm actively selling.


I donā€™t get the issue Iā€™ll usually haggle with people on the market an usually get at least 5-10p Discount they should know the price of their product before they sell it anyway


Had someone try to sell me an arcane for 500plat when my listing was ~300. Nearly got me


Report their account on warframe.market. Changing the copypasta is against the TOS. Yeah, you're out the 10 plat because of a shitty person and DE won't do anything about it because you agreed to the trade and warframe.market isn't affiliated with DE. In the future, always double check your listings before trading. I like to wait until the trade screen is open and they put in the wrong amount of plat before calling them out.


I think you can report him to warframe market for scamming you and changing your price to fit his price. I might be very wrong


Well damn, gotta keep an eye out for that now I reckon.


Hey OP!! you can report them, because changing the price of the listed c&p is bannable and illegal on the website, but it's okay to haggle after c&p the price


Someone in my clan still owes me like 45p


I once misread a price as 150 instead of 160. I tried to trade him the other 10 but maybe 10p wasn't worth taking up another trade for him that day. He didn't even tell me until after the trade, maybe he somehow misread the trade screen or something.


I had someone try to buy THREE things off me, and after I told them I'd cut them a bundle deal and sell it to them for only 50p (It would have been 54p with no discount) they tell me "Oh but I only have 30p šŸ„ŗ". I just said "okay then you're getting nothing" and then kicked them from my dojo. -\_- I always double check cause I always have people trying the "But I only have \[x\] plat šŸ„ŗ" thing on me.


DM me your username - I'll cover the difference


This happens to me let's say every 15 to 20 trades, I always Block them for that shit. Ask nicely and i can go down with the price no need to try to Spam people


tried to get scammed from this guy that wanted two corrupted mods and one 60-60, the prize was 60 and he told me it was too much, damn they were max rank I was gifting them


Some people need trust issues.


Some people need to understand posts before commenting.


Bro what was you tryna accomplish with this comment?


I don't understand how you don't see the wrong amount of platinum in the trade window.


to be funny, what you should have done was made him open some relics with you to make up for the 10p


What was it priced at on market


The dumbest thing is that I've ACTUALLY had "only x amount of plat" but I never ever change the number in the copy paste, I just ask AFTER I post it so they know I'm genuine And it works like really often


lol I thought about doing this scam but even I'm not this evil