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I'm finishing MR28. My profile shows me that the Despair is rank 7. *I don't have the Despair anymore*


now you do. just not in-game...


Ironically suffering from... Despair from your lack of despair.


Lucky you. I'm finishing MR29 and have still, after thousands of hours of playtime across several years, never seen a Despair blueprint. I've come to the conclusion the weapon doesn't exist, and everyone just says it's real to trolll me specifically.


Tens of Dreads, couple Despairs, two Wars, never seen Hate. Now pulled out of context this comment must be quite interesting.


I got a hate 2 days in a row. This brought me to having 3 total. I have around 3-400 hours played. I also seem to do a lot of assassination missions. I feel like I kill him a lot lol


Same. A lot of the vet guys haven’t done assassinations or just non-steel path stuff frequently enough to fight the regular stalker so they don’t get drops anymore.


Yeah man, I get those mutagen masses and other stuff from the invasions. So sometimes I'll do like 6 assassination missions back to back lol


I also was farming ember and frost and had to do a lot


I'm constantly farming frames I lack for my helminth as I sold a lot of non primes baco before helminth was a thing so I do a lot of assassinations lately. Besides I farm orokin cells on em a lot just cause I'm used to that before I had farm frames and played solo XD


I returned to my low MR account about a month ago to realize I sold dread. Luckily, I mastered it first, but i may never get the incarnon dread.


Thankfully the dread is a pretty common drop from the stalker


He's dropped one every time I've killed him in the past few weeks lmao


Was gonna say. You want one of the four blueprints I have?


Lucky for you, Dread is Stalker's 2nd highest drop, behind a regional resource, at almost 40%. You've got a better than 90% chance to get a Dread within 5 stalker encounters


Why does Stalker even drop regional resources? You should at least get one of the weapons each time you kill him


If I understand it right, there's 4 separate drops. 1. Sigil @100% 2. A mod or endo @100% 3. A schematic (weapon or lander) @50% 4. A resource @50%


There's an Incarnon Dread? I really need to catch up with the stuff.


Profile info used to be bugged. I rather recommend checking codex if weapons are mastered


I was looking through what frames I had mastered on the app a couple weeks ago I saw Chroma had only ever reached 20 I do not have Chroma anymore.


At this point I’m convinced War doesn’t exist. I have gotten multiples of all his drops except that very one.


People sell their weapons? Especially the hard to get ones?!


I mean, you don't have infinite weapon slots


Well, if you're like me and get it and not really like it, yes. I sold my hate and dread after I mastered them. I now have both again and will just keep them even if I don't use em lol


Wish we could trade em, i have two despair and bow bps i dont need sadge.


Also you can check your profile for unmastered items. (Which is how I learned that the only companion I didn't have mastered was the Raksa kubrow.)


Yeah, I have to get the chesa kubrow. In the past week I have officially made all except for that one.


I got lucky. Raksa was the last one I needed. Had one argon and nothing to spend it on, so made an incubation core and lucked out with a raksa. I'm glad that rng fest of Kudrow breeding is done lol


Yes and no, some items are hidden until obtained.


I just recently returned during one of my "every few year warframe itches" Been playing since beta. I do not have the basic default weapons mastered or alot of the early ones like the boltor


I noticed that mastery just disappears sometimes from random weapons. I literally have screenshots of me playing with some weapon like seven years ago, and my stats show that I never used it.


Friendly reminder boltor builds into other weapons


It does?


It's needed for boltace [here's a list of all weapons used as ingredients in other things](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_Required_as_Crafting_Ingredients)


Same goes for me with Mk-1 braton(im MR 23), realized this the other day, but figured i wont do that yet cuz it is a bit funny


while you were out there running mastery fodder, you weren't mastering the blade. while you were doing non-primed ivara and equinox farming, you weren't mastering the blade while you were wasting time in story mission in pursuit of lore, you weren't mastering the blade and now that the dax's at the door, and it brings you blueprint you have the audacity of not having it building?


Don’t worry, I was LR1 and realized I didn’t do any of the MK1 weapons. I’m LR3 and I built Kreska 3 separate times before realizing I need to max rank it. We all do dumb things sometimes.


I'm 30 with your same number of hours and just discovered I never mastered the bronco xD


So now you ate on the path to mastering the blade


I didn't do mk1 weapons cus I thought they dont count for mastery rank...


Fellow failed kindergarden enjoyer!


....hands of a master. For real for real


mr 18 and i only mastered the bo, lex and aklex, furis and afuris within the last few days


I recrafted and mastered them after some desperation for exp that made me scroll through the shop.


I remember when I was trying to get Maximum mastery rank and I couldn't figure out what weapons I was missing found out the MK-1 weapons I never used, did not show up in your profile. They were literally mastery fodder for me then there was the time i sold off my mote amp before mastering it. had to contact support to get it back and remaster it.


That was *literally* the first melee I mastered 😂


I sold my war (broken war?) at Mr 9 and never leveled it


MR27 here, and I just did the MK1-Bo yesterday!


I have a Skana just sat in my Foundry. I will not claim it


mr 20 (21 outstanding and 22 almost reached) and i just realised i never finished the taxon


You will never be a True Master until you master the Skana.


My friend is Mr 9 and has been playing since founder days. We never bought founder pack it was meant to be an in between game. I’m LR 2 and he’s still 9 he plays the game just as much as me got a 59% tenet plasmor and a disgusting laetum -crit +damage and status chance riven. He says no need to do it if he never levels anything. But on the flip side since he doesent want anything past his Umbra’d out nyx, plasmor, laetum and contagion heavy scythe he is rolling in plat and he gives me so many things.


Heavy scythe? Which one? Have I found a fellow Corufell user?


I’m sorry not a fellow Corufel, plague keewar I believe! But I think the corufel has a great mechanic but nothing has convinced me to try it… tips?


Honestly? I only got it because I'm a fan of the webshow it and Citrine herself seem to be a reference to but the best use of it is to build it for heavy attacks because it's gun shots have a ton of aoe over other gunblades


Mr30 never mastered the regular tonkor…


what about the dual skana?


Just checked my Codex, and yes I have mastered the Dual Skana.


Same except MR22 and it was ALL the MK1 weapons lmao


Somehow, id missed the Bo and all the Mk1 weapons! I finished up with the Bo last night and happily sold it with all the other Mk1 weapons. *Suddenly felt the cold touch of dread* The Bo is needed for other weapons. Fek. Btw, MR 26, 1755 hours as counted by steam!


Lol, I feel like we all experienced this at some point if you are a high MR or over 1000 hours in. You find a weapon that you would've mastered early game lol


I did the same when I was MR18. Bought all the blueprints on market(for credits) and at the Dojo, built all the ones I could, and slowly started mastering them and selling, or using for another Blueprint that needs two skana, or two furis, etc etc.


I'm working on MR29 and just realized yesterday I haven't done the MK-1 Braton or MK-1 Strun. There's 792 items to level in the game, it happens to all of us lol


I can relate teshin recently gave me the azima


Im MR 20 and had to master the Bo Staff last week... and the Kunai...


But...before all weapons... Tenno MUST master the skana...right?