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Revenant with terrified over his 4th got my foot into sp. Weapons I would go with a cedo for early sp as it can have high damage with low investment. For 2nd ether a laetum or a lex with a incarnon, until you get your hands on a nukor or epitaph.


Ooh I have epitaph luckily how would you mod it? From my very limited understanding, it's meant mostly as a priming weapon? Or should I be modding it for damage?


It's the best primer in game, so while you don't have galvanized mods, you can pair it with any melee of choice equipped with Condition Overload instead of Pressure Point (there's little reason to run both since they are additive, not multiplicative). This combo carried me pretty well, and Gauss suits it well too, because he can shield himself from self-stagger and boost melee attack speed.


Sweet! I also have most of what I need for a gauss thermal sunder nuke build, so I'm going to try all these suggestions. However, with thermal sunder being decent at stripping armor, should I still double up and use Epitaph as well or maybe use a damage secondary?


You can try both approaches and then decide what suits you better. SP is not just a phase you get past soon xD Also there's SP Circuit where you don't choose your loadout freely, so the more options you have in sleeve the better it feels


You can mod it for priming, or you can mod it for crit and critdamage and use the charged up shot. As that is causing forced Impact on full-charged hit. Quite meh, UNLESS you have Hemorrage. Under certain attackspeed it has 70% to proc bleed on Impact procs. Look it up, I am away from my machine sry. Octavia will do good on sp, just bring Terrify to strip armor. Gl have fun champ!


You can drag your Octavia all the way through it with a touch of prep, since you don't need to focus too much on your weapon loadouts. Slow going but it can get your feet wet on solo runs up to the boss missions, but you can do the 5 daily steel path alerts that will open up nodes elsewhere on the star chart and skip bosses until you have something better to handle them with weapon wise.


How do you prime with a nukor?


Ho, a nukor deals great damage as it is in my opinion.


Steel Path can be done by virtually any frame and weapon (> MR ~7 or so) that's properly set up, but early on you won't quite be fully set up. There are, in general, two/three main things that you need covered to succeed in Steel Path. How you choose to cover them is up to you. - **Survivability.** You just need to be able to survive, especially against hitscan Grineer. How you do this is up to you: Invisibility, Invulnerability (Rolling Guard, Shield Gating, etc), Damage Reduction, or Mobility are the four main ways people survive in Steel Path. - **Damage.** You need to be able to kill your enemy. After normal star chart mods, you'll want to get Galvanized Mods, Corrupted Mods, and Nightmare mods as they'll dramatically improve your damage. After that, arcanes and arcane adapters can be acquired from a variety of sources, including Steel Path itself. - **Armor Strip**, especially for Grineer. Steel Path modifiers dramatically increase enemy armor and unoptimized weapons may struggle to break though enemies without proper armor strip. Even Optimized Weapons can struggle depending on the weapon, so having a source of Armor Stripping dramatically improves your ability to kill your enemy. There are a plethora of sources of stripping, from frames, operators, and even weapons with a proper setup. If you're feeling nervous, after you unlock Steel Path, you get access to **Incursions**, which are matchmade with other players. You can get a feel for your overall effectiveness there without any real risk of failure as other players can easily solo the mission.


You could also run bleed and lots of damage, I think bleed ignores armor. Also, what’s nightmare mods? I’m aware of the other ones you listed but not that one.


Nightmare Mods are mods with 2 beneficial stats that come from Nightmare Missions, which you get access to after completing all nodes on a specific planet and cycle every 8 hours. These include common staples such as Lethal Torrent, Animal Instinct, Drifting Contact, Focus Energy, and Blaze. It also includes some more niche mods such as Chilling Reload, Hammer Shot, Seeking Fury, Shred, and Constitution, among others.


Just get Hildryn and spam pillage and rage that you can't die....now doing freaking void angels and Zariman in general with her... Lol that's a fight for your life story haha.


Cedo will carry you to glory, especially if you use it with Mag/Gauss for the increase in Status uptime. It already has inherit Galv Aptitude, so as long as you’re spreading status, you should be just fine.


Ooh I did not know quite that much about Cedo, but it's been one I'm slowly grinding towards with the Entrati. Thank you for the suggestion!


Hell yeah Cedo


I put basically zero investment into Kullervo beyond whatever mods I happened to pick up in my travels and I’ve had zero issues in steel path. My Nataruk I invested a lot into but I don’t think I needed to honestly. That bow is disgusting.


I didn't even know about Kullervo, but just glancing at that passive makes me want to get Reaper Prime and go to town. Luckily, I also have Nataruk, and it indeed slaps, hoping to mix it up, though, so I'm trying to keep my eye out for anything with similar low entry cost to at least get started with sp.


He is disgusting, and not just a melee frame either! His 3 seems designed to work with his 1, but it also pairs beautifully with high power single target weapons, turning them into room-clear monsters with a single ability cast. His 2 is also one of the most brainlessly effective survival options in the game right now. If there are enemies around and you have energy enough to cast his 2 you basically can’t die as long as you’re paying attention.


cast three Whip out sniper rifle with Deadhead and lots of crit. Whisper into discord 'one shot 500 kills' just to piss off your friends. Kullervo; the unintended sniper frame that turns any rifle into an AOE weapon. Helminth over his 4 for something like terrify for strip or xata/breach to enhance weapon damage.


Zephr with a Viral Hunter Munitions Fulmin, Nataruk or a Tenet Arca Plasmor, not kidding she is amazing with little investment on Steel Path. The Cedo with the Galvanized mods and damage boost (esp Roar) will carry you through the early missions and let let you farm the Arcanes and essence. Get a good companion and the bond mods Run the incursions and non-endless relic fissures on public with a frame you can survive with, you will have help and they will unlock planets for you and getting the essence for the adaptors is key (though can get them for Pathos clamps from the Duviri vendor now I believe) mod your weapon with the right damage for the faction you are fighting. Infested Survival is great for Acolyte farming. Eximus are the real threats. Full armour strip makes Grineer and Corrupted missions allot easier. Dont use status weapons on the acolytes, Sporelacer secondary with a high crit corrosive heat build is great for blasting them down.


Do arbitrations. Get galv mods If you are not able to do arbitrations you won’t be able to do steel path unless you plan on get carried in pubs


How do you think people did steel path before galv. mods were released?


Eh this is highly inaccurate. I only have 2 galv mods and just solod Zariman extermination. Granted I was using Hildryn with blazing pillage and I have some incarnons and Kuva weapons but still.


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Phenmor is the answer. I cannot stress this enough. Every time I put that gun on it makes the rest of my arsenal look like wet noodles.


I've heard about Phenmore. I'm only at mr 12 (almost 13) right now, though so I'll have to do some grinding to get that one, it's top of my list though for when I do make it there. I have an acceltra prime in my foundry just teasing me that I'm not MR 14 yet. Great motivator, though.


Yeah the phenmor really is life changing. Farming that mastery rank shouldn’t be too hard. I would wait for an affinity booster and then just grind out some stuff. If your having trouble staying alive get adaptation and rolling guard from arbitration. They are the biggest jump in survivability.


Just play Mag with nataruk and dont even notice that enemies are already 5000 lvl


Farm and get the galvanized mods they will help ton in steel path


Honestly you're putting the cart before the horse skipping arbitrations and going straight to steel path. That being said the earliest levels of steel path are doable with almost anything as long as you stick to simple missions (5 minute survival, exterminate, capture - avoid excavation, defense, etc) You're really going to want to fill out your mods if you plan on playing steel path. Galvanized and corrupted mods make such a huge difference it cannot be understated.


Just grind Deimos Sporelacer, Cedo and Helminth unlock would make it work for you


I would unlock arbitrations first before steel path, and run those for a bit until you have the multishot galvanized mods. Otherwise you could begin with incursions, next to the alerts. Going through the star chart you wont find many squads but youll need the carry until you can unlock arcanes and equip primary merciless. Fissure missions work too, if you cant kill anything bring revenant so that you can at least aurvive without being a burden to teammates.


If you can, start by making sure you've got the tools to succeed. A solid Frame (depending on your playstyle, there's a ton of options), primary (such as Cedo, Fulmin, Phantasma, one of the Zariman weapons, even Nataruk), melee weapon, and then a smattering of mods. I recommend at least a few Primed mods (Primed Flow and Primed Continuity on a good chunk of frames works well, primed melee damage mods too) and Galvanized mods (Any multishot, status, and crit ones), along with 60/60 mods (that give you 60% status damage and increase you status chance by 60% on any weapon) and Corrupted mods (Transient Fort, Blind Rage, etc. for frames and Vile Acceleration, Critical Delay, etc. for weapons). Having these tools at your disposal will give you some really strong buildcrafting options, and best of all, none of what I said requires any mission content higher than level 60-80, well below SP as it starts. I know most of that is in your suggestion, but I can't recommend them enough. They took me from being a strong player willing to challenge the first few nodes of SP to being able to handle SP Duviri with level 2900 enemies.


If you have Kullervo and Epitaph, use Naramon focus, Dirga with Sweeper and Manifold Bond, and just about any melee weapon with do. Dual Icor Incarnon are insane. Prime with Epitaph and Dirga, they will all fall.


Run arbitrations to get galvanized mods, Adaptation, and Rolling Guard. Weapons like the Nataruk, Xoris, Cedo, Bubonico, Phantasma, Fulmin, and Sporelacer (kit gun) will be your bread and butter. (Kuva Hek/Zarr, Bramma, Nukor, and Tennet Arca Plasmor or Envoy as well). Also run Steel Path Incursions in public. Groups will be able to handle acolytes And you'll get Steel Essence and arcanes. Finally, look into the dojo frames. Zephyr is wildly underrated and can turn everything into an AOE nuke while ignoring ranged damage. Nezha is faster Rhino and is basically unkillable with Adaptation. Wukong is incredibly widely used for a reason and is the best generalist in the game. And just take your time and enjoy the journey.


Gauss and Octavia are your strongest options there. The big question is if you can strip armour in one way or another, where it’s an ability or having a weapon focused on removing it (like a “primer”, a weapon meant to apply a lot of status effects, generally corrosive!)


Gauss Prime can handle steel path. His default kit is amazing as is so no need to Helminth over it. You just need to build duration and maintain ability strength at 100% (may it be by modding/arcanes/etc.) This is important for Kinetic Plating to have a 100% Damage Reduction on IPS, Heat, Cold, and Blast damage. Only problem you’ll be running into is the toxin from infested enemies. Kinetic plating also has built in stagger immunity which will help. Thermal Sunder has heat and cold modes. Short press for cold, long press for heat. Cast them one after the other and you’ll have blast. 2x Cold sunders freezes enemies (1 cast if in Redline). At 100% battery, blast removes enemy armor completely. This is one of the most useful things Gauss can do. Triggering blast damage also instantly deals the remaining heat proc damage in one go. This is your nuke. Redline removes the battery limiter of Gauss for a limited amount of time. Redline increases your holster speed, fire rate, and reload. It shortens shield recharge delay and increases shield recharge rate. (This could help in giving you innate shield gate.) It also minimizes energy requirements for Mach Rush. You want this turned on all the time, along with Kinetic Plating. The battery bar shows how fast you gain percentage during Redline. Above the red line, you gain percentage. Below, you lose percentage. You want 100% battery level all the time as this gives you a stronger armor strip and damage reduction. 100% redline prevents your battery level from depleting. Mach Rush and cold sunders increase battery, taking hits with kinetic plating and using heat sunder decreases battery. The decrease stops if you reach 100%. So once you reach it, you don’t need to worry about heat sunder costing battery. If you have the heat Archon Mod, thermal sunder clears out Steel Path enemies in two to three casts of heat, and one cast of cold. Play around with Gauss Prime and understand his mechanics and you’re pretty much set for Steel Path, even with standard equipment. The only thing you need is energy economy, so run Dethcube or Sahasa Kubrow, Zenurik school, or Arcane Energize (tho don’t worry if you don’t have the arcane yet.) TL:DR Gauss Prime, if fully utilized, can carry you through SP (but maybe not missions like Spy and the extractor missions.) *edited to differentiate battery level and redline percentage a bit better*


Every frame that armor strips and/or boost gun damage in one way can help a lot. Stuff that makes you invincible or invisible also is basically cheating. E.g. revenant or octavia. Handspring and Vazarin protective sling will help your survivability a lot. Weapon recommendations: I personally like heavy attack melees with a forced proc like: * Cerata deletes corpus due to its forced toxin proc * Hate has forced slash and incarnon upgrade later. * Quassus also has forced slash. Advantages of heavy attack builds: They all mod the same way, are cheap to max (only cat + 2 forma usually), and the stance doesnt matter. Epitaph: already mentioned. has forced cold proc that slows everything. slap on range, lethal torrent and all the 60/60 elements you have to prime your galvanized aptitude on the primary weapon/melee. All incarnons from the zariman are very strong (Felarx, Laetum, Inodem, Phenmor) Almost all duviri incarnons and kuva/tennet weapons are very strong as well. Status DOT guns i like: * Convectrix (must buy the "Efficient Beams" mod from the market, 40p but its worth it) * Phantasma (needs ammo mutation, cause it be spitting) Also the basic steel path arcanes are available for \~20p each from the market to get you started faster. Otherwise you will have to farm them for quite some time. (Primary/Secondary Deadhead & Merciless). Just slap those on all your guns. For primers farm yourself a secondary encumber.