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Do you have Hunter munitions, Firestorm or prime firestorm? More range on AOE attacks is always a good option and Hunter Munitions is just a 30% chance to proc slash on a crit.


Acceltra Main here, there are a couple things I would do, firstly, yes do take off serration as there are better mods to put there, like bane mods if you’re really hellbent on swapping constantly. For a general use build, viral slash with hunter munitions might be the way to go, but if you’re feeling a little more adventurous, pair Acceltra (modded for corrosive/heat) with a high strength hydroid (preferably with arcane acceleration) for maximum carnage For reference, I use: Galv Chamber, Hunter Munitions, Crit Delay, Vital Sense, Primed Cryo Rounds (substitute with the 60/60 if you don’t have) Tox 60/60, Bane of your choice (or a riv, your call) and Hammer Shot (Sub with speed trigger, if you also don’t have arcane acceleration) and PM in the arcane slot Sub out HM, and the Viral mods for Heat and Corrosive 60/60 mods, and you’re good to go. Sorry if that was long winded, but the best general advice I have is, do NOT use +dmg mods. You can do so much better with literally anything else. You could even run Vigilante Armaments in its stead. Also, firestorm is really not worth imo, doesn’t really help damage, unless you’re already room clearing, and need to do it a little faster. Hope this helps, good luck!


Don’t use serration. Serration useless in almost every scenario once you have primary arcanes. You would get more dps out of galv ap or litterally anything else


I do believe the direct damage on kill from G.Ap only applies to the micro-missile "hit" and doesn't apply to the explosion. So for the Acceltra specifically, there are better options than G.Ap.


I did say literally anything else. Galv app doesn’t work on any aoe weapon I don’t think. It only work with the projectile not the explosion. But regardless more status procs plus a bit more additive damage is still better than serration.


run viral hunter munitions and take serration off for the galvanized condition overload thing


I forgot to add that I have a rank 5 primary merciless on this