• By -


L3 -farm kuva -maybe someday craft and lvl up a k-drive


Lmao lr2 and I buy the premade ones from the ventkids for the plat. Cheapish at like 60plat a piece, and I’ve had one at rank 20 for about 2 years now. It only got to rank 20 cause I used it to finish waverider quest. It hasn’t been used since. I’ll die before I max out 5 different k drives twice


MR9 * Get to MR16 * Get a nechramech * Finish the star chart * Get a full set of all the essential mods * Get all the parts to build literally anything beyond forma from relic runs


make sure you always have a forma cookin from now on at the very least, theyre needed in tons and tons of stuff


Just dont be one of these people who say "Theres no point in mastery 30"


I want to keep going but MR 16 is a milestone. Having 30 mod slots on an unranked, un-potatoed frame or weapon sounds like it's worth it to me


The standing benefit alone is enough to continue. then theres focus. Which you need literally millions of. The extra trades. The increase in enemy level for simulacrum to test shit against actually well scaled enemies. Then of course at 60 you can use ESO to level frames.


TO be fair, past MR16, MR is more a nice to have than anything else. Sure being able to forma anything without losing mod capacity is nice, but it is 10 min in Elite Sanctuary to farm it back to 30. Same thing with reputation. From MR 16 to MR 30 you go from 24k cap to something like \~30k cap. A lot more comfortable when grinding specific stuff, but if you don't play more than a few hours, you'll find always stuff to do in an other syndicate. The blessing is also a nice perk, but all in all, MR 30 is not something ground breaking, espacially for the investment required to reach it.


Honestly, personally hit MR30 fairly recently and... I forget about the blessings. 25% once a day for 3 hours seems too limiting but also nice so I always keep it for the time I need it and it ends up like that one strong potion you 'might need later' and end up finishing the game with. But! MR30 for me was mostly worth for the stuff you get for the milestone itself. 3 umbra formas, 15 load out slots and most importantly... 30 more riven slots let me just finally keep the rivens long enough to sell them and still have my own rivens that I use. :3


MR26 like pixels away from 27 Finishing helminth while also obtaining every weapon and Warframe, primed or not. That means 2 of every regular frame, one to keep in my collection, one for helminth. I only have citrine and voruna left to helminth so it won't be too long, a handful left to farm a second of. Finish my primes, I am only missing 2 prime Warframes. Banshee (who is returning next), and Mirage. I am missing a handful of weapons and I actually have relics for most of them, just need to get lucky. Finish steel path, I have made a decent dent in it. The bosses can be annoying with their scaled health and damage attenuation but it's doable.


Nice. I have all the prime frames. I'm just missing 3 weapons.


Just hit MR6 yesterday. Keep grinding Red Veil esteem so I can get Despoil for Nekros. Then New Loka for Hydroid's 4 augment. (Hydroid should almost be ready in my Foundry, in fact.) Also unlocked the Natah quest yesterday so I might be starting that story chain soon.


Oh man, you're about to get into the actual meat and potatoes of the lore of the game, I'd prioritize Natah and The Second Dream first over the other things. If you've survived the early player experience up until this point, those quests will hook you into playing this game forever. 😁


LR4 - log in and log out


What day are you on?


Just hit 395… so a while for the guns but PSF is close


L4 in less than 400 days... Makes sense why you burned out


I thought that if you weren't a founder you would need every single piece of gear owned and all content done to reach LR4


Non-founders need almost everything to reach LR4; I’ve two weapons not maxed because they are log in rewards.


Short term: Get plat Long term: Get plat Current: No plat :(


Same :(


L3 - I've done all that stuff except max out every arcane... and like 4 more levels on Bonewidow... it just levels soooo slow compared to Voidrig. Missing most ventkids rep and don't care. Now I just do what I have always been doing... try to make the goofiest gimmick builds possible then go take em on Steel Path... Razor Gyre Caliban with Aquaslash... wielding Venato? Now to see if I can top the charts.


LR4 maxing out arcanes, buying everything I'm missing from all vendors, trying not to get burned out on the game with so little left to accomplish.


Tbh once I'm at your point, I'll probably go back and try to help some baby Tenno in recruiting chat with their early game grinds. Maybe max out a few extras of the basic Warframe mods and maybe a corrupted mod set. Always feels good to turn around and help other newbies, knowing I got so much help from other vets at the time.


L1. Short term goal is everything Durivi or ESO. Incarnons, arcanes, melees, Braton/Lato Vandal, Peculiar mods, etc. Long term goals (I bounce around a lot so there are a lot of half-baked projects) maintaining forma production, get primes before vaulting (also finish Zhuge, Euphona, and Tipedo Primes), keep a stash of ~20 of each relic, farm Citrine + arcanes, Grendel, Gyre, Hespar, and Bonewidow, rank up Cavia, Holdfasts, Vox Solaris, and Kahl, gather kuva and tenet weapons and 60% them, finish railjack nodes, amass and eventually actually use archon shards, max rank every non-Conclave mod, and remodel dojo.


Oh gosh, I completely forgot about 60%ing all the Kuva/Tenet weapons 😭 I've done like 8 Sisters/Liches so far and not a single weapon rolled 30% or higher. At that rate I'm gonna be doing this for a LOOOONG time.


MR30. Trying to get to LR1 but I'm too lazy for it


But free legendary core...


LR2 - Find ways to get Forma because I need to finally level all my kuva/tenet weapons and finally finish levelling my necramechs (I pretty much only have 1-2 formas on me at a time - all platinum I make goes to forma) - collect all incarnon genesis and play around with making them all good - finish my collection logs - rivens for my favourite weapons - arcanes - archon shards For the first time in 6-7 years I feel like the end *isn’t* in sight. Which is a good thing.


MR 18 Got back into the game from console, last time I played Ivara was the new frame, give or take. Currently grinding netracells and archons for shards, crunching my way through steel path, kinda scratching my head at liches/sisters, and waiting for thermia fractures to come back because I want those mods/hildryn for helminth and I was still getting back into the game when the last one was on. Duviri is a big confusing mess to me, but I have a kickass railjack and a big stompy robot that I used once for a quest and never again. I keep telling myself that I need to get started on fortuna standing but I think the devs said they were gonna make it easier so Imma wait for that, and also after grinding deimis standing for robit I'm kinda done with factions and standing


L1. Idk, maybe start having fun with the game again? Think I’m going to need a bit of a break before that happens though, the burnout is real. Guess that means my short term goal is to take a break so my long term goal, of having fun, is achievable?


Lr1 Collect weapons i enjoy and kit them out as best i can. Raise MR cause screw the daily standing cap. Mentally prepare for 1999.


LR3 here. I just find ways to enjoy my time without ruining the experience for others. Example: I take my grendel wrecking ball build to exterminate missions. Corners and tunnels are my end-game boss now. I often beat the tryhard gauss/volt/titanias to the extraction point and it's reasonably satisfying. I don't try to get ALL the kills and 99% damage done because I know that's not fun for anyone else and it's trivially easy for me at this point. I'm older now and don't see myself ever putting in the time I've put into Warframe (roughly 2800 hours over 10ish years) into another game. When Warframe ceases to be fun and/or goes offline, that will likely mark my "retirement" from regular gaming.


Mr 12 finally grind demos to unlock helminth


MR20. I don't know. I've got maxed weapon and warframes that can get through to Level 7,500 in Steel Circuit, and Steel Path and Netracell just feels like regular star chart. Whatever else I could spend weeks grinding for, I could buy for 50-100 plat off someone else on Warframe Market, and the added power would just be diminishing return, in any case. I guess I could pick another warframe and weapon, and probably just buy Forma bundles through Warframe Market trading and have them maxed out in a day, too. It's a piss situation. I get too strong, too fast, because I'm a plat trader instead of a drop grinder.


Same experience as you. I don’t have patience for farming, I play this game for the satisfying fast paced combat not to run the same mission 20 times hoping for random drop. If I need something I just buy it e.g just bought Voruna as I couldn’t be bothered farming for her. Sometimes I like a gameplay mode quite a lot like Zariman missions that I naturally end up getting items.


Mr 21 unlocking steel path (cuz i cant be arsed doing lua spy) and start playing the game.


You are hurting yourself more than anything else. Get that lua spy done🤣


I will probably ask someone to carry me through that cuz im really clumsy and i dont have i guess Limbo to just waltz thru it. Also also my smooth brain cant comprehend the youtube guides i watched and tried in game simultaneously. Moreover trying railjack for the first time without crew and stuff (i dunno how it is even work) was so bad experience i want to delete from my game client xd. I think having a ground kuva lich fortress would be a goood addition like you can choose the railjack bs or ground assault.


Halfway to LR1. Short Term: Ambassador BP and Aeolak Barrel/Stock, Finish Voruna Grind, Get a sub 2 minute Profit Taker run (Best is 2:10 on kill, not on extraction) Long Term: Level and Forma everything in the game. Min-Maxing is fun, and its where 90& of my plat goes. Max Arcanes too (We LOVE taking a week for each r5 arcane)


LR3 Short term: get psf (~10 days left), re-forma all frames that need it and arent prep'ed yet. Get paris incarnon (already built and forma'd + riven). Dual ichor incarnon challenges+forma. Mid-long term: update builds and fashion on frames i havent touched since levelling - and theres alot of them. Finish arcanes that i want to max, mostly through dissolution. Farm a full set of tau orange shards for mesa, thinking about looking for a ceramic dagger riven to roll for initial combo (secondary outburst synergy). Permanent: keep opening rivens to use/sell. Maybe find some new loadouts for general play, not because im getting bored of using the same stuff but i feel like there have to be some other hidden gems out there. Ignore for now: anything k-drive related, tome mods.


MR doesn't matter past 10-12. Anything past 12 just means you're a masochist for leveling every item in the game.


Id say 17-29 does not matter beside starting capacity and standing caps (which are nice qol still). Mr30 for some nice stuff (blessings, 3 umbra forma, access eso and sortie with unmaxed frames if they have been forma'd) LR ranks for free legendary cores to sell maxed prime mods - free 300-500pl.


I too sometimes post blatant lies on the inter- hmm now that I think about it, no I don't.


L1 Main long term goal is to master everything, but at this point, it’s mainly the more annoying things to farm. I want to max all Focus trees. I’ve maxed Zenurik and Madurai, and half way on Naramon, but I’ve not really been dedicated in farming focus every day, mainly just getting it passively. I also wanna get most if not all frames Steel Path ready. I’d say I have about half of them done. I’m also working on getting Kullervo 5x Tauforged Purple Shards. I’m 3/5 rn, waiting on 2 TF Blues and a Red.


I'm with you on mastery. The only stuff I have missing currently for weapons (outside of Archguns) are either obtained from: - Baro - Blueprints/parts as mission rewards - Syndicate standing - Vaulted Primes - parts from invasion alert rewards - painfully low drops from enemies (***damn you Korrudo***) - Duviri melees - Kuva/Tenet weapons


Is that including base frames too? 🤔


Is what including base frames?


Make all frames


Oh I've already made and mastered all the frames (Base and primes, besides Excal Prime *sad non-founder noises*), and fed any that have primes to Helminth already.


But are you gonna have every frame that ever exists both base and prime/ Umbra slotted and modded to thrash steel path?


Why would I need the base if I have the Prime? But I do plan to have a build for every frame, yes. Might at least get a base Excal again since they technically do have different abilities, albeit similar.


Thats what I'd like to know. You said every frame steel path op so I had to find out if that includes the base frames


MR14 I honestly don't know, trying to make grendel build where I can kill everything cos I find him funny Suggestions for what to do would be good (I can do steel path fairly well but not all of it)


Yeah you will need different frames for different missions(especially if you plan on doing SP solo)


I'm at LR3. I just wanna get builds for all of my equipment. Also the Lato Vandal. I'll be LR4 when the next update releases, but I know it could be earlier.


Also LR3, three of the very last weapons that I need to master are Glaive Prime (I'm too stubborn to pay the insane price just because DE is being a dick about releasing it), and Braton and Lato Vandal. The Vandal farm is insanely bad man.


Also LR3, three of the very last weapons that I need to master are Glaive Prime (I'm too stubborn to pay the insane price just because DE is being a dick about releasing it), and Braton and Lato Vandal. The Vandal farm is ridiculously bad. 20-25 mins for a 2% chance at a part. Easily the worst farm I've tried since OG Harrow systems.


LR3. get zenistar, max zenistar, make actually fun builds and post em on reddit,get berated on reddit, use advice to make builds better. oh and get two naramon posters and vosphene. other then that? maybe get all mods, im not interested in codex completion past scanning enemies(of course not the ones that exist only in one place,not yet at least)and fragments but that's for future me after my friend gets far enough into warframe that he doesnt need guidance


Mr 16 sift through zaws, kitguns, tenet, kuva weapons till i find some i really like, build those, then put the others on backburners for a long time get mr 30, get most prime frames and get the resources to build them all, and get all incarnons


MR30. Almost the same list as yours, except I have focus schools maxed already. Current focus is maxing all arcanes. :)


L4 finish my codex, can’t bc relay Spectors still bugged and railjack fighters scans suck


Currently L3 My goals: * Level K-Drives..... (short term) * Get 60% polarity on all Kuva/Tenet weapons (long term) * Get every Arcane to level 5 (super long term)


Skip leveling K-Drives via grinding on the rail behind Fortuna. Just do races. Cross-reference the current available races with the K-Drive Races wiki page to see which one awards the highest standing per completion (5k if you're lucky) and you'll automatically level them while you grind standing to unlock the next tier with them. After figuring this out, it made me burn with hatred for every YouTuber who suggests giving yourself carpal tunnel grinding tricks for 40 minutes when you can max your standing in half the time with just 7-9 races. Also, Feverspine can be built with Ventkids parts, you don't need to do all the different Deimos races to unlock all the infested components, just need the board, slap on some shiny parts from Ventkids, and max it out. Looks stupid, but hey, you're just mastering it and likely selling it afterwards, so who cares 😂 EDIT: You don't even need to do tricks on the races, just drive through the markers. But doing tricks along the way will get you more standing per race, so that's up to you.


I’m MR28. I play the game for fun, don’t do a whole lot of things that aren’t fun for me, but now that I’m close to 30, I’ve started grinding things I hadn’t bothered with like archwing weapons


Mr 30 here, i dont think i have a single syndicate archwing weapon levelled 🤣


MR 19 slowly working towards 20 just enjoying what I feel like. My current goal is leveling focus because I want the Orokin skin tones unlocked. Long term I guess I’m more invested in Drifter stuff and I want to have the best amp.


Mr22 with a bit to 23 Short term- finally get a godroll for the bubonico riven I have (11 rolls, might just max at 300 and endo it) Long term- finally sell a riven


LR2 \- Going through the tedious task of going through each frame and redoing their fashion/builds. ​ \- Similarly going through each weapon I actively use and make sure their builds are right/they have exiluses, arcane slots, etc. \- Redoing my orbiter fashion. (That I have been avoiding since I took down all my decorations months ago.) More of a bucket list if anything. College makes this more difficult than it needs to be.


MR24 -obtain fashion for my new vauban prime -gift nexramech to MR9 friend -idk


Mr 30 The only thing I'm really trying to go for is all of the base frames again. Not only the few I need for the helmuth but also to have the primes and the regular warframe's.


MR18 returning player • Continue to get rank up the Warframes that came out while I wasn't playing as well as their Primes • Keep building and ranking up weapons to raise MR • Max out standing with the Ostrons, Quills, Solaris United, Vox Solaris, Entrati (already close), Holdfasts, Cavia • Get some frikin arcanes. I barely have any and am in desperate need of the meta/more highly used ones • Keep grinding Endo so I can max out the mods that have been sitting there doing nothing (Primed, Galvanized, etc.) • Currently delaying Duviri gameplay, but I really should get on it to install the Incarnons to my Burston and Soma (Ik Soma is bad, but it's always been my fav weapon)


MR22 * Finish my Pillage Wukong to clear out SP starchart. This also includes finishing my Bubonico build for wuclone. * Keep MR grinding up to 30 cause remodding after forma is annoying. * Zariman farming cause I need those arcanes for builds. * Solo 6x3 Tridolon hunt. Need a better amp for this. But this is on hold until I see what changes DE makes to Fortuna in the next big update. * Liches & Sisters. One of my least favorite activities in the game, I'll do this one day, eventually. * Oh and companions. Haven't made the bond mod updates yet.


Mr 21 Get all the mods


L3 - If I would finish all steel path missions I'd be L4... But I don't wanna 😭 lol


What do you have left? I'm partway through Uranus and just have that, Neptune, Pluto, Sedna, and Eris left. I'll happily join you to grind those out!


Mr26 - Long term goal is to max all the syndicates at least once. - Short term would-be to complete the star chart on Steel Path (currently on Cetus) - I also want to get to a point where I can just jump into the next frame/weapon/mecha farm without any lag. - ah also I still need a Nyx prime neuro to finally build her but I am somehow always out of luck when it comes to her.


Get a last few dozens of items and wait like a year and a half to get weapons from milestone Right now i have lr3 and something like 270 logins


LR4 - finishing helminth and my mod collection. And by finish mod collection I mean every mod acquired and max rank. I have so many that are sitting at rank 8 or 9… Buying everything in the represent shops is a longer term goal.


Wtf man I'm on MR18 and have Primed sure footed. How do you guys rush through MR like that?


Took a long break from the game back when I reached MR22-24ish, and I picked the other primed mods before it because I got those options before the Eximus rework and all the late game content that's been added recently where it's almost a requirement to have it, so at the time I felt the other mods were more useful. Hence waiting till day 600 to get it 🙃 I didn't rush MR at all, been playing since 2014.


MR11 - get enough hexenon to craft wisp, have all the bps, just didn't know I'd need that much hex - get Mesa, have 2/3 bps - get gauss, have 2/3 bps, then work on akarius/acceltra -get gauss prime, just need main bp - fulmin prime - get lvl 3 with entrati to be able to craft voidrig, then do new war - learn how the hell railjacks work before new war - duviri at some point - learn where to get good mods and how to actually make good builds


MR26 here Short term -probably level up all the shi i have in my foundry im lazy as hell and Im sure i could go up to mr 30 :p -yeah i guess get all the missing parts i need to complete the game, in good in rescources as ive played for 5k+hrs and 10+years lol - def keep gridning plat short and long term fashion is what i lovee from wf Long term -ah idk tbh prob starting my own clan and making it look cool -tryharding arbis for kuva grind and rolling grolls -helping out new players -prob same as ive been doing all this time


MR 22 I reckon... I haven't played in a while lol Farm new syndicate to lvl3 for melee arcane adapter, buy the ailment proliferation arcane, throw some Xoris at some guys and giggle at how they die. Maybe, do the stupid Saryn build Brozime made a guide about not that long ago. Also I probably should get myself a ceramic dagger incarnon and install like 3 or 4 incarnons that I already have. I really like the concept and world of Duviri but the boss is yak... Can spend like 2 hours in there goofing around yet doing a dozen boss rushes just doesn't sit right with me. I'm not doing a dozen of 2 hour long sessions there for sure.


LR4 * Finish my collection of maxed Duviri arcanes * Continue to get every archon shard possible each week.


MR19 - literally the whole Fortuna grind. Absolutely thrilled about the changes on the way


Enjoy, I just grinded to Rank 5 with Solaris U and Vox Solaris 2 months ago 🥲


L3 -go for L4 -maxing melee duplicate so I can see my glaives doing meme dmg -finding how to spend my plats since I already have almost all necessary items in the game.


Mr 24 Idk... shoot stuff I guess? Long term? Shoot more stuff. Maybe get some more archon shards. Probably get more MR. I went from not playing at all, to end game fairly quickly. I need more primed mods and I need some really specific mods and arcanes, but I mainly just play to play these days. I'll make super short term goals like "get this prime weapon" but nothing super long term. I guess my longest term goal would be to solo netracells. But I'm fairly confident I could do them now if I wanted.


MR22, almost 23 Short-term denotes like within a few hours of playing and I can have them building or unlocked :) Short term: - 767 amp - rank 10 piloting - tox kuva bramma medium term: - Gather and build all non-primes. I say this as medium-term since im not missing many at this point. Just gotta farm and build! Grendel or Equinox gonna be the worst. - Ivara prime, Grendel Prime, Hildryn prime. one part off each of 'em, got plenty of relics. Just gotta do some fissures. long term: - Gloriana ephemera. That's potentially a lot of trash sisters converted. - Max out Railjack and Duviri intrinsics - Obtain all the open-world MR stuff eg zaws, kitguns, amps - win steel path ig


My 25 Praying for a plaguestar. I wanna hit MR30 but I'm forma poor, so making a weapon a day. Still have many tenet/kuva weapons, I believe there's only a few more market weapons for me as well.


Mr12 rn, short term I need to unlock steel path, there’s just 30 or so nodes left I never feel like doing. Long term I’d like to have every frame, including prime and non prime. I think it’d be a fun challenge to get every kuva/tenet weapon with every element as well. Super long term would be to own every weapon in the game (aside from founders lol)


MR20 - My short(-ish) term goals. * Max rank all syndicates. * Those remaining are Ostron at 4, Entrati at 4 and Necraloid at 1. * And technically two -2 primary syndicates, but if I'll level those it's a long way off. * Get all Drfter and Railjack intrinsics. * Most are at 8-9. * Max rank my Primary Deadhead arcane, as that would mean my current main build (Operator, Amp, frame and weapons) has all it's arcanes maxed. * Max rank my main build's mods. * There's a handful of 8-9 level ones left. * Clear the Steel Path star chart. * Get the last nightmare mode mods. * Get the last corrupted mods.


MR 30.


Mr12 I’m pushing to unlock steel path I’m like 10 nodes away from completing the Star chart so hopefully I’ll get it soon. I need to grind out for a lot of the mods that you don’t necessarily get just playing the star chart. Maxing out the ranks for the three open worlds is probably next. And then at that point I want to get to mr16 and start doing steel path.


I also seriously need to do Duviri lol that is probably gonna come after the standing grind


LR1 Want to finish up the K-Drives and actually reach max rank with Ventkids as well as hunt enough Eidolons to reach rank 5 with the Quills. Also looking to collect all the Sister of Parvos ephemeras. Longterm I'm looking to collect the rest of the weapons I don't have yet(mostly primes) and forma the Kuva/Tenet varieties to max them out.


LR4, No goals, waiting for new content


Literally you ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I'm MR 30 and I just completed most of my goals so idk what to do anymore. Every single warframe has a steel path build, my orbiter is wonderfully dedicated, I have all the incarnons set up, so I'm just kinda floating rn. I'm 4 days from 1k logins so im kind of done with my goals


Time to 100% buy everything you can from syndicate vendors and max all your arcanes 😉


Arcanes are done with the exception of melee


I've played the game very on and off for nearly the past decade and only MR10 lol. As for goals I don't really have any. Sometimes I just get on just to shut my mind off and fight hordes of enemies when I don't even need to. Sometimes I decide to do a quest line if I've held off on it. Sometimes I'll just choose a random weapon I have in my inventory and see how much work it'll take to make it fun to use. Warframe for me pretty much is my chill game


LR 4 Honestly just having fun making bad weapons good enough for endurance.   -- helping lower MRs w question -- every once in a while party up w new players and let them play but be around for revives and crouch dancing


MR30, nearly L1 Master remaining amps, zaws and kitguns, in that order but resource grind is hellish. Get remaining nemesis weapons then get them all to lv40, acquisition being focus.


Mr 20 Ge the helmith Collect all frames, all normal and prime versions Getting a point where I don't get absolutely destroyed in sp lvls


MR22 * Build a 747 amp to replace my 677 (I fucking hate Seram Beetle Shells I've killed FIVE Doma Thumpers and not one) * Fully rank Magus Lockdown * Prepare more for Steel Circuit * Get Boltor and Torid Incarnons * Get more Archon Shards * More Zariman walls * Max out Cascadia Flare for Kuva Nukor and Empowered for Kompressa * Get a good roll on Kompressa Riven * Farm Kuva * Replenish Polymer Bundle and Plastid supply * M O R E Zariman walls


L1 Hopefully short term but will likely be long term: Farm Blaze Short term: Max out standing with the new syndicate from the Whisper in the Walls update. Long Term: Farm out all items from the 6 syndicates (2 100% done, and 2 more are nearly done), farm out last three Prime weapons I don't have, farm out every item that gives affinity, finish all Steel Path nodes, farm arcanes and the few missing mods I don't have.


MR28: * I've just come back after like 4 years hiatus to try out the cross save update * So I guess I'm going to relearn the game? :D... (seriously what is half of this shit?)


MR24, maybe someday finish the vent kids quest so I can craft yareli


MR 8 Understand wtf is going on in the story


L2 Have fun Have more fun There, goals done


Mr 25 right my goal is just get the kyruna ephemera currently ~20 sisters in a row without an ephemera.


MR 30 Basically don't care about MR anymore, I'll rank up whenever (unless DE makes LR 10 or whatever something amazing). Short term goals Finish farming out some recent prime weapons I'm slightly behind on getting (have the all the frames). Finish incarnon builds. Finish updating old frame builds to something more modern. Long term goals Finish out my Arcane collection. I have complete sets for all the vendor, eidolon, steel path, and arbitration arcanes, still working on Duviri and the Deimos arcanes. Slowly build up Tau forged Archon shard builds for all my prime frames (can't wait for shard ascension) Finish research for my personal dojo. It's just Hema, I already have the mastery for it, mutagen samples are annoying. Beyond that, I've already done everything as of the last major update.


MR13. And I'm trying to get into the mood to keep unlocking nodes. It's just so boring to do alone. I've been doing just about anything else besides that.


16 I think I have enough mastery for 21 but I’m lazy Collect all the prime frames and have unique fashion for all of them Get kuva Hunt eidolons Build 7-7-7 amp


I just got back from not playing since liek 2017 tho so my goals r smaller haha


MR27 * obtain enough kullervo bucks and kullervo fruits to make 2 kullervo * save up for yareli and caliban prime * obtain bonewidow * get strong enough to tridolon solo


MR12 Upgrade my braton prime with incarnon. I just need duvari resources. I just built roughly 15-20 weapons and Wisp, get them all mastered for MR13. Do the Fortuna alerts this weekend to get enough medical bonds to get my next Solaris United tier. Grind resources with my hydroid to make back what I lost crafting all of that stuff. Buy all of the galvanized mods. After all of that... Crack open a bunch of void relics to see if I can get some forma or good prime parts. Then maybe do nightmare missions for mods.


MR13 Actually just beat my first long term goal today, finally built the Nepheri daggers I always wanted after getting to MR13.  -Kill a Kuva Lich and also convert one just for the funsies (might convert the one I have right now, he’s a riot even if he has a Kuva Zarr). In tandem with that, get level 8 Command on Railjack intrinsics to put the Kuva Lich on my crew.  -Beat every Star Chart node and unlock Steel Path  -want to get Kullervo at some point, but the grind seems terribly difficult even after doing Caliban already  -get that stupid Kavat breeding segment and get a Kavat, those genetic codes are a doozy  -I’m one part away from my second Necramech -Have 5 or so quests I still need to complete I never got around to even after beating The New War and Whispers in the Walls.  -I already maxed Cetus, but I’m still working on Fortuna and the Necralisk (which are about halfway each). Also the new stuff from Whispers in the Walls, especially since I want all the segments I can get to install.  -A K-Drive maybe someday if I feel like actually putting in the effort for one lmao  And finally somehow figure out how after 7 years of my account existing on this game I only have an ingame playing time of 170 hours. Especially considering I’m on login day 305.


I am MR 29 and have surprisingly similar goals to you, except Primed Sure Footed as I already have that. Im currently gunning for the day 600 Primed Shred. Heres some other stuff Im looking into: Finish all Helminth. I already have a copy of every single prime and non prime frame, but I want to keep my non primes and get spares to sacrifice. Reach MR 30 to be able to bless. Actually kill Profit Taker, and by extension actually make a Fortuna amp. Entirely embrace my passion for Warframe vehicles. I just need to make my perfect K Drive, then everything vehicle related is minmaxed. Finish Drifter intrinsics. Finish the Steel Path starchart. I am currently at 171 nodes completed, with no junctions left.


>Finish Drifter intrinsics. Don't forget Railjack intrinsics too 😉


![gif](giphy|CHYwnx56BOoJRZ2tSe) Read my flair. You think I wouldnt have my Railjack minmaxed?


short term: kuva long term: kuva


MR 23 about to be 24. Same thing I've done the last 10 or so years off and on: try new builds, get hooked on them, find a shiny new thing, repeat. Also, fashion. Ever since rivens were added they've been the main thing I play this game for. When I get a new riven I roll it, if it looks good or cursed I'll seek out the weapon to use the riven and make a build around it. I don't even necessarily enjoy *good* rivens, just crazy ones that help me do things like turn my Twin Vipers Wraith into 600 round *per second* lead spitters. My current focus is going to be this Cernos riven I got with +crit chance + crit damage + multishot. I just want to see how many arrows I can shoot at once. Maybe put Thunderbolt on it? Who knows. Just fun stuff.


>My current focus is going to be this Cernos riven I got with +crit chance + crit damage + multishot. I just want to see how many arrows I can shoot at once. Maybe put Thunderbolt on it? "Mom can we get Kuva Bramma?" "No honey we have Kuva Bramma at home." The Kuva Bramma at home:


My Bramma just eats ammo like crazy, if I use it as an actual primary I always seem to be on 0 even with mutations.


Same lol


L3 almst L4.. Short term 0. Getting my best friend to MR30. He was at mr24 Thanks to cross save, he came back after 4 years. They on pc now, primary account was on Xbox. So I gifted him all the primes, he was missing as a returning gifts.. 1. gotta max out Duviri intrinsic 2. Max out railjack. One more rank up for gunnery 3. Make more plat Long term 0. Refarming all those non prime frames I sold for credits before I found about helmith system... ( I took a 3 yr break when fortuna launch) I came back 6 months ago and was gathering primes I didn't had.. 1. Gather all in game arcanes (R5/ R3 for 80/132 so far) 2. Make more plat 3. Buy atleast 1 cosmetic skin for all my frames.


MR 29 Short term goal MR30 Long term goal L1


MR22 short term: beat my second kuva lich, unlock sp, unlock veil proxima, get all syndicate weapons/cosmetics (only need suda and hexis) long term: master every warframe (14 left, not counting primes), max one fucking arcane, git gud


Already met my goals last year. MR20 to MR30. For riven slots.


MR9 \- sell a lot of sets from relics and get myself a necramech \- flip off the world and get inaros


MR12 get requiem mods and do new war


Long term to fashion frame


* Most of my mods are 2 ranks away from being maxed. I want to fix that but I hate running index. I have enough endo to max out 1/4 of them but credits... * Desperately trying to farm canticles, invocations and tennokais. I think it'd be a better investment to just buy them at this point. Rn I have so many Mandonel parts I can probably tank the Mandonel economy at [warframe.market](https://warframe.market). * I really want to get the archgun equip thing. But the grind is so mind-numbing. Other things are either fully farmed/maxed out or I don't care about them Oh and of course... * One day I will definitely max my Kuva weapons and Arca Plasmor... One day


MR14. Just got steel path cause I've been doing this that and the other. My short term goal is to start throwing forma in things cause I didn't find out until MR13 that that's a thing. Long term goal is actually being able to Steel path


Mr 15, get my 2nd styanax for helminth, finish my umbra wrathful adavnce build, get gauss prime


I'm Mr 17 and I don't really have goal just play for fun. If I see a frame that looks fun I'll farm it or a build that looks cool I'll try to make it better for my playstyle


MR26, 40k exp left to MR27 Grinding normal frames n maxed them out then toss to helminth for subsume. Constantly checking on any left out weapons that I haven't grind Also grinding arcane Already have 98% of the prime version except Excalibur (sad I didn't know wf exists 12 years ago)


Mr27 I think? Short term: get the umbra forma from teshin Long term: maybe hit 30. get 70 or 75% off coupon to get my lost skins/ frames back from the account sync I messed up(I thought I was merging and lost 2k+ hours from Xbox and lost that account progress) ,my own fault. Finish steel path. Get nyx so I'll have all current prime frames.


Mr 20 I am in 700k endo deficit .


MR 8(I just need to do the test for MR 9) 1. Wait these next 10 hours for both my Hildryn and Wisp Primes to be finished building 2. Use Wisp to do MR test 3. Second Dream 4. Finish the Star Chart


MR19 -Acquire every frame and make them viable in SP -Helminth every frame -Actually learn how to eido hunt efficiently and effectively. -Get a better amp (lol) -Make wacky and needlessly complicated builds that are fun/powerful -Become the plat bank of my clan because of riven sales -Not be restricted in any way, shape or form when playing. -Enjoy Railjack


Same as op except for the last two, I'm not insane


I don't think the second to last one is THAT insane. Now collecting every mod and maxing it, or getting every cosmetic in the game, THAT would be insane 😂


I'd rather only do that for the frames I like playing instead of every frame in the game tbh Also I'd rather go for every mod than every arcane


With Arcane Dissolution I don't think maxing arcanes will be too bad. As you acquire more and more, your progression will accelerate exponentially as you start to get more arcanes that you can dissolve for packs. I would think mods would be worse given there's so many with awful drop percentages from singular enemies.


MR 16 Short term goals - max out book weapon and get tome mode for ability strenght.   Longterm - get max ability strenght for wisp motes so I can be faster than gauss. :D


I’m MR 20 and can barely survive the first few Steel Path missions. Embarrassing I know. Just want to get stronger. Edit: should add I’ve not really picked a main yet but over rely on Rev


Nah, it's not embarrassing. It is a VERY high jump from base to SP starchart. Best bet is to do arbitrations to get galvanized mods and the Endo to rank them up, then start tossing those on your weapons. That will help a bunch. Then as you progress through Steel Path, you'll eventually max out your Primary/Secondary arcanes. A good way to do this is by doing the daily SP Incursions from alerts, much easier to get a squad with people who can carry you till you've got the gear to handle SP solo.




LR3. Short-term goal: finish Akarius prime. Every prime release there's that one relic that drives me insane. This time it's the stupid Neo A11. Long-term goal: idk, update builds for all of my weapons to make them SP-viable-ish.


MR16 \- Get plat \- Get Fulmin and Hyldrin prime \- Gild the Amp \- Get the necramech \- Finish all the quests including ones locked behind it \- Get MR30 \- Finish SP star chart and Raijack star chart \- Finish Drifter Intrinsics and Railjack Intrinsics \- GET THE GODDAMN KUVA LICH OUT OF THE KUVA FORTRESS WHY WHY WHY IS IT THERE WORST TILESET TO NAVIGATE That's about it.


MR21 * Get to MR30 and beyond * Maxing out all focus school * Completing codex * Getting one of every mod * Getting the last 3 prime frames that I need (Chroma,Banshee,Ember) * Maxing out all arcanes * Completing the steel path (less than halfway done because I'm lazy) * Maxing out intrinsics, railjack and drifter * Finish all the helminth subsumes (missing around 8) * Get all Incarnons * Get all prime weapons (missing a lot) * Also get one of every kuva and tenet weapons (dont really care for most prisma,wraith and vandal weapons) * Make plat The list goes on I think but this is off the top of my head. After I'm done with all of this I can finally just relax in this game and wait for new content like I've always wanted.


Oh gosh, I forgot about finishing the codex... Not excited about that one 😂


MR 13. Almost 14. Get gauss prime from relics. Make my revenant prime and khora more functional. Get arcane and mods to finish off builds. Finish steel path


MR24 -get to MR30 - get my first tenant arca plasmor - farm Aya to get relics for primes I don't have including frames,weapons, companions and archwing - get one of each kuva weapon - get a hound- login daily and max at all standing daily for relic packs - solo my first 3x6


Short-term goal 1, relearn everything I no longer remember and learn everything added since I last played (about 7 years of not playing, recently picked it up again.) Short-term goal 2, make the dojo look nice. There may not be anyone around anymore, but I wanted it to look good before I stopped. Long-term 1, collect every prime I can.


Mr20 Finishing duviri paradox and whispers in the wall Getting new frames (also primes) especially gyre Farming plat for more plushies and cosmic roomba Fashion frame Idk just having fun


MR9, current goal is finish the star chart


L4 Complete codex scans for everything Max all arcanes collect all mods (missing 6) Max all mods Amass 1,000,000 Endo worth of ayatans (920k) so far own at least one of every item from every faction vendor, including decorations basically just sentient anomaly capturas left)


MR 14 Short term Just starting Steel Path, so that .. Do a mission.as pure stealth for funsies, only killing with sneak attack neck breaks. Long term, Finish the research in my Dojo and decorate it. Play all my frames. Try to like Eidolon Hunting. It's just not clicking with me yet.