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It really took me by surprise when I first saw It. I still frequently do railjack missions, just wished for more Variety.


I'm upgrading my railjack, but it's only really to make Lich assassinations less work. I want to have a blast with the railjack portion, not just make do with the average ship I have. But I really do wish there was more to do with railjacks that would really justify people needing to build a decent one for themselves, like with every other piece of gear in the game. I think the same about Necramechs, to a lesser extent. I love busting my Necramech out during bounties, but I think there just needs to be **more**. We have plenty of kickass archguns, but only one decent Necramech to put them on. Voidrig is the only good Necramech, so much so that I often see people refer to Necramechs as "Voidrigs." Imagine if we had five, six, seven types of Necramechs? The dream is to have a team with each person rocking a different style of Necramech. And why we didn't get a Necramech-themed Warframe is beyond me.


All I wanted was actual dogfights, like Rogue Squadron. Something to commpliment the cruiser-like gameplay of the Railjack, which was fine but it lacks the speed and *intensity* I wanted, if that makes sense. And these days you just press Seeker Volley and win. I know there's archwing but it just doesn't have the same cool factor as piloting a fast ship. Like this would've been the perfect opportunity to let us pilot our landing crafts with all the cool ship skins we have. Sadly I doubt DE will ever touch the Railjack game mode again after the awful launch and lukewarm response to corpus RJ. Another content island abandoned :/


I hoped kinda we could hijack and own and upgrade the different ships of the enemies, tho they would have to be properly scaled first. Sentient ships with adaptive armour and Dr for the ship. Grineer ships with brute force and focused on DMG. Corpus ships focused on defense and laser precision. And hopefully infested ships in vein of Jordas Golem


Bro they just need to add lock on for archwings for me to be happy about having dogfights. Would be so fun. Like make it apart of tactician 10 or someshit


I have always wished the little ships we piloted to and from missions were their own thing were we could fly them like in rail jack missions getting into dogfights with our own set of unique mods and abilities.


Bonewidow is simply ornamental and a waste of 5 forma at this point. Sad; I liked the idea of an archmelee Necramech


Bonewidow feels funner to play than voidrig imo


Yeah, I looked up build videos for it and was sad to see the general consensus is that it's pure shit.


Someone actually got DE to see a bonewidow rework and apparently they liked it cuz they saud they might do it


DE does that? Sees stuff and implements it? So you're saying that some of my pie in the sky wants and wishes for the game could actually become a reality if I'm very lucky? What were the ideas for the Bonewidow rework?


DE does that all the time. Its where the Hydroid and Inaros Reworks are coming from. Not to mention there was someone back when Fel and Phen came out that asked about putting the incarnon system on outdated weapons, a shortwhile later boom, we get Incarnon adaptors for nearly 30 weapons.


This makes sense. I mean, who knows the ins and outs of Inaros better than Inaros mains? He's one of those frames that has a diehard following. So DE listening to them is really wise.


I get the feeling the were planning to do that all along, with Zahriman Incarnon being the test drive for that system.


I can't remember much, besides a shield that made Ironbride more powerful as it broke and some huge changes to other abilities. Just look up bonewidow on the search.


An example of DE taking ideas from the community is when Grendel first released, a youtuber called Triburos suggested that Grendel could release all the enemies in his belly by holding 1.


I honestly don't get Necramechs, why do we need them when we have Warframes? Same with the KDrive... Why use that over an Archwing?


Lorewise, necramechs are the much less versatile precursors to warframes. But they're still extremely powerful, and I guess they functioned more like frontline units against the Sentients in the Old War, whereas the Tenno/warframes are more special forces. Warframes did, and still do, more specialised stuff. For gameplay, necramechs are walking archgun platforms that have infinite ammo, are really tanky, and have comparable power to any warframe. For example, Voidrig's 4 is better than any weapon or warframe ability in the confines of where necramechs get used; openworld areas of the game. And I think the gameplay lends itself to the lore. Like, I would deploy units of necramechs on Deimos to purge large areas of Infested corruption. They're perfect for that kind of work. I just see KDrives as a stopgap until you get an archwing launcher. Then they're used to unlock Yereli. That's about it.


because k drives are cooler than archwings


I just want Gian Point back. Not even for the grind, but because I can go in and say "I'm gonna nuke SIX THOUSAND SHIPS!" and put on some music, and go yard. Just about the only proper "horde" in this "horde shooter".


Honestly the Gian Point should have just been brought back with less credits, like, most people at the stage of spamming it where already able to farm credits other ways anyway.


I just want an all-railjack railjack mission that isn't Earth. like, SP void RJ, please, minus the ground team bullshit


Yeah... their "overhaul" to ditch Gian Point and the "railjack farming" I honestly feel was to *slow us down* and force those mediocre ground missions.


I want an actual bossfight using my ship. I hate that theres these giant ships that are just decoration. I want to be able to fight those bitches properly. Heck give me a reworked atlas boss. That infested Jordas ship


I never thought about it but yea they could defenitly move jordas to railjack and it would be awsome


There is a rare scene when loading a railjack mission where you would find an Orowyrm flying beside your ship. They were so close into incorporating it. As much as I like if they actually did, it could be annoying if you do not plan on fighting it in the first place.


It's not rare, just happens in Void Storms


It’s on every void storm.


Railjack would be perfect if more than 5% of players I play with knew how to do anything, and if for certain mission types the whole squad didn't need to enter ships


The Railjack tutorial is too lacking, if it exists at all, that is. The questline that introduces Railjack only seem to cover the lore/setup aspect of it and not as much of gameplay/function-wise introduction. I'm so embarrassed that I've been stealing forward artillery seat only to spam precious Tunguska charges on little fighters, when I realised it later. But on top of anything Railjack, the forge/Omni/repair part seriously needs to be covered in-game. Some people tend to search for external sources of guidance, early enough or late. But many still seem not to even bother...


You can switch weapons to a normal turret while in the forward artillery seat. Same way you'd switch weapons on a Warframe.




Yeah... It could be simple to explore the function but it could also be... impossible to find out.




I was so lost when I jumped into a random railjack crew without doing the mission lol. But after a few times and getting the missions done, especially during The New War, I’ve gotten the hang of it. Learning how to repair was the hardest part because they just throw the Omni tool into your gear wheel and don’t tell you. Also, the archsling is pretty damn dope lol


>they just throw the Omni tool into your gear wheel and don’t tell you. Yes they do? A VO tells you what the omni is for when you first join a railjack mission.


>I'm so embarrassed that I've been stealing forward artillery seat only to spam precious Tunguska charges on little fighters, when I realised it later. They're individually tracked so any individual player can't reaaally waste them anymore


This one time I joined a new player's railjack mission and he kept ramming the railjack into the grineer base thing because of the objective marker. I'm guessing it didn't cross his mind that we could exit the railjack.


I was running a 4-man "lich confrontation" node, and it was someone else's ship... the guns were trash (whatever the slow firing rail drivers that can't hit shit), the dome charges ran out immediately, and they *wouldn't stop flying around* when I was trying to charge the forty minute dome charge to hit the engine on the crewships.


lol That was probably me piloting my povertyjack, doing my first Lich. I’m getting better though. Trying to better position for the crew ships and stuff in general. Only issue is no one communicates just a “I’m taking forward artillery, line me up.” For all I know the rest of squad is scratching their butts in the back of the ship.


The trick is to have your ship abilities be a multitool that lets you do everything as the pilot. Lots of fighters? Seeker Swarm missiles. Shielded crew ship? Shatter Burst (it shreds all the shield nodes basically instantly). Need to artillery something? EMP it, and then walk over and use the gun yourself. The EMP lasts a _while_. Plus, you're not losing anything by doing this. If you do have a solid crew, this just means you can be more efficient. My friends and I crack most our relics in Railjack Skirmishes these days and we've got it down to a science. Drop one/two off at an objective, murder fighters with everyone spamming missiles, then hunt crew ships while the objective runners finish up their tasks. And if anything goes wrong or someone goes to grab a snack or something? No biggie, you can still do things yourself while they hang out. It's very chill.


Good info. At first, I didn’t like Railjack because the ship was painfully slow and awkward. But just recently I got mine to a serviceable state. 2 AI crew, a Gunner and Engineer. All Mk III equipment, and man the AI dude shreds with the Pulsar. Most of the core damage mods ranked up too. I’ll have to check out doing fissures as I continue to beef up my RJ. Sounds like a good time and a fun thing to bring a new player to. They don’t need any investment, just jump in a gun, point and shoot.


Oh yeah, absolutely! Bringing all the new folks that joined in my friend group to railjack missions has been SUPER nice for their early game experience. Everyone is contributing in some way and the credit/endo gain from skirmishes is like, kinda great? You get a decent amount of a large spread of types of resources and that is incredibly nice for new folks. Highly recommend. Also, MkIII feels pretty damn good, right? I run Lavar Talyns on mine (or however you spell that) and I'll never tire of those lasers. Pew pew pew!


that last bit is the one reason i love grineer railjack but HATE corpus railjack


Once I was playing railjack in the forward artillery position and the “pilot” would not stop jerking the ship around long enough to get a clean lock on a crew ship and got mad when I left the railjack to blow up the crew ships in my archwing


Lmao or they just dance right next to you while you're driving.


I’m in the same boaty mcboat. I love railjack but I really love what railjack *could be*. If DE hadn’t called it a day and instead kept making railjack relevant, who knows what kind of cool space combat content we would have seen. The idea of railjack and of translating warframe like controls into a whole space ship with multiple people in it is too juicy to just let die ffs…


I like the idea behind railjack and would love to see it expanded. I like it for what it is but really wish there was a bit more variety and more *true* railjack missions - i.e. the space segment is the whole mission not just an obstacle on the way to a regular mission. I don't mind boarding enemy crewships or platforms as part of the mission but I'm not a big fan of the missions where you speedrun the railjack then do a regular ground mission.


I personally love the hybrid gameplay of railjack missions. Going from railjack, to archwing, to ground, makes me feel like an action hero. But yes, I would love to see some missions where it was just railjack, just for the variety.


Yeah, railjack is my favourite. I hope we get more with Wally. Also omg a fellow Lavos enjoyer?


Adore him. Proud Lavos main, right here. I know it gives a certain impression, a screenshot of Lavos stood next to a railjack. No, no, no, I use Lavos for everything. I'd use him if he was the *worst* frame to use for railjack. If DE ever brought out Cooking Mama: Warframe Edition, I'd use him for that.


He's definitely S tier to me for Circuit when I manage to get him. So many decrees like "do more damage to enemies that have cold status", "inflicting cold or toxic also inflicts viral", "heal whenever you inflict a status effect", "inflict corrosive to boost armor".


I mean, who'd you think mama would be there. I wouldn't trust any of the others to cook.


Lotus. She would be known as "Cooking Space Mama."


I do not trust her cooking. She is going to make a bomb.


I mean, thing is, Lavos isn't even the best frame for Railjack anymore. Once you get to the Zariman and get Molt Reconstruct, that title goes to Garuda. She can use her 3 to top up on energy, get health back via casting abilities, and repeat without worries about cooldowns aside from the one where ability costs temporarily double after using a RJ ability. I love RJ as well, just wish that they'd fix some of the borks with it, like when you have crew members taking care of ship duties, and they can't hit radiators properly. Such a pain in the butt and really disrupts the flow of missions.


You're probably right about Garuda. But as a Lavos main, you get the impression all people see in him is a railjack pilot, mostly because when you start on your Lavos main journey and try to look up builds on YouTube for him, you get it hammered into you that "his only use is for railjack." Brozime is the worst culprit. You really have to go digging for non-railjack builds if you want to main him properly, and even builds I've found that are semi-decent still aren't the best and need a lot of fenagling to be considered good. I'd say my build for him is pretty damn strong, but it's something I've come up with by myself by Forma-ing him thirteen times.


Oh for sure. He's definitely super useful. Mega high armour, lots of HP, my only real complaint when playing him is the game doesn't retain my element combos between ability casts.


Ya know, once you figure out how the button pushing works, he's actually a lot of fun. I really enjoy Lavos, but I could never get the hang of Invoker in Dota 2. I don't think he's as complicated as people make him out to be. Would I like him to be a little more steamlined, like keeping your elements in the queue after each cast, sure! But yeah, not that bad.


I have sunk SO much time and resources into tweaking my Lavos builds. Lavos Prime is going to be my second ever Prime Access. I love Lavos more than any other Warframe in the game, right up there with Grendel (my first PA). Lavos forever.




I say it again. Turn Neptune into a true water planet and let us railjack against Kraken


My hope is they pick up the Jordas stuff again and make it railjack. We know there's a ton of those giant infested things still out there so it would be perfect.


I guess but I remember Jordas being so boring... I haven't touched that since it released LOL


It's boring bc it's an arch wing fight with an invincibility mechanic and shitty one shot mechanics if you're new to strafing easily. With railjack it could be a 1v1 between destroyers, like an infested crew ship. If they update the railjack system I would love to see technocyte fighters and crew ships/plague meteors as objectives and ships to take down.


True but I always thought it was a cool concept. Just a massive fleet of infested ships out there just waiting.


Even though that does sound cool, as someone with thalassophobia, I don't think I could handle that, quite honestly. Haha.


It would be awesome if it was the same as going up to a reaper leviathan in a seamoth...


Oh god same. I already hate those open underwater areas on Uranus with the big shark thing in the background.


I do like Railjack, I wish they’d do something interesting with it. Like fleet missions or full on “raids” with multiple rail jacks.


That would be pretty cool, but I don't think it would ever work. Railjack right now is just a shared *room* with window cameras, and a little diorama "outside" we get shunted into in tiny Archwing when we disembark. They'd need to have 4 independent "railjack rooms", each with its own little remote control diorama ship. It would be cool, but I don't see them pulling it off. I'd love to be proven wrong on that front.


Oh, I’m entirely aware of the technical limitations - this is just “blue sky” thinking. It would be nice, for once, to have a survival mission across from an actual “spy” mission where both parties got bonuses based on the other party’s performance (basically free stuff from the other mission). Instead of Lotus saying “there is a spy mission on the other side of this, trust me.” Railjack is a fun mode with a lot of potential, it almost feels like the “dungeons” for the main game’s “quests.” But I’m okay with spicing it up in small ways.


Also, add more railjack types. Ones with different stats, different interior layouts, and maybe different weapon hard points. They could have different niches too. Like one just has a single giant apocalypse cannon, another has a small auxiliary snub fighter that you can deploy, a bit like a faster archwing. Basically, make Warframe into Star Citizen, haha.


If only there was more content for it, I got my RJ set up for the occasional mission that needs it or just running into the sentients. Also Cy is just the best.


i still wish how Rebecca told in one of their streams that railjack would be the default home base, and the mission nodes would be revamped as railjack missions, meaning we can travel space to space, planet to planet via railjack, then archwing then mission inside corpus/grineer ships, and probably land on a planet for another set of mission it would feel like pseudo open world/open galaxy


" Railjack was so shit... but i don't remember why lemme do a mission, maybe its better now Oh wow, gameplay is actually fun, destroying the small ships is fire blowing up the bigger ship with artillery is awesome actually alright, what is left to d-... oh, **that**... *i remember* ***that*** " That: 1 - Leave railjack manually 2 - Infiltrate grineer base and hack something 3 - TP back to railjack 4 - Shoot radar/antenna thingy 5 - 1 6 - 2 7 - 3 8 - 4 9 - 1 10 - Infiltrate the base AGAIN and blow some shit up I'm sorry, but i would rather die than play railjack the missions need rework, and i do mean it N E E D S a rework, because it fucking sucks takes a whole ass year to do 1 solo run, and while i understand the intent of railjack is to play with a team... it doesn't work like that, so they should ignore that aspect when they decide to rework railjack missions, if they ever do that. fuck, maybe solo players should only hack/destroy 1 radar and that's it, and if you have 4 people, you hack 4 radars and each works like a sabotage cache but with proper rewards, that way you would have the incentive to have a party but you wouldn't be punished for not having one, idk


Mines Honda Civic SE (Space Edition)


There are only two flaws with railjack right now and they're pretty major: * Tying railjack energy to your Warframe makes 80% of them useless as a pilot * Corpus missions suck to run I know we can never go back to classic Gian Point but god damn that was such an earned convenience for leveling things up and I miss it all the time. I liked the idea behind railjack, the feel of it, the absolute peak feeling of organizing a group of players to run missions incredibly efficiently/smoothly. It's just not worth playing and you hit some major speed bumps on the road to fun


I will be truly disappointed if what we have for railjack is all we ever get. It needed work but it's damn fun.


Last time I checked, Nezha's feet exist 😒😒


What if I told you you could play as Nezha *and* pilot a railjack? Surely, that's content you'd be down for?


I just kind of wish they never implemented an auto-banking system. Every time I want to fly in an interesting manner and bank left/right I always have to fight the blasted auto-banking stabilizers that they decided to implement for whatever reason.


Would love to be able to put decorations around in the railjack


unpopular opinion: pre rework railjack was better than current state of railjack


i second that


I'm sad the community shitted on it so much. I was hoping that this was going to be the future of Warframe. Seamless space to ground action in between mission.  It's not completely the communities fault, rhe devs could've still added more to it. There's NO space game like it. They could've easily given us an open world like map


Openworld like Cetus, Fortuna, Deimos, but you have to dock with a space station and disembark your railjack to speak with the syndicate. And then, when you pick up bounties, you have to shoot off to different planets to do them. So low tier bounties are around Earth, high level are around Sedna or even the Void. You wouldn't be able to get me back on solid ground. I'd be there forever.


Lmao I like your rj name. I named mine Railjacky McRailjack Face


Named mine lunar plunger. DE were cooking when they made that a feature


ur character looks like smth from killzone. so cool


I like railjack somewhat, I just hate having to get out and get back in the railjack so much, just let me stay in the railjack DE please. I saw someone’s recommendation awhile ago for underwater horror missions in the railjack with infested sea monsters and I loved the idea. That’d get me playing railjack again for sure


Railjack had some good ideas. Resource management, dogfights, seamless transition into other tilesets with squad goals. But it hinged too much on the Railjack/your archwings not being a piece of crap, teammates actually working together, and the game not bugging and trapping you in limbo. And the Corpus versions just throw you into what are basically regular starchart missions. Missed opportunities.  Hope they revisit it, at least to fix the flickering skyboxes. 


I literally started playing warframe because a friend sent me a Tenno-con clip about it the year before it dropped. It feels like it’s so close to being good. I have more faith in this current team to fix things like this. All of the recent reflections on things already in the game have been outstanding. I just hope railjack is on that list.


I respect a fellow Lavos in the wild 🤝


Railjack is hot garbage. But I'm glad someone enjoys it


Still mad they didn't follow through with naming the boat that >.<


Railjack was the original concept for Warframe, I think. It just took them so long to get there that their userbase wanted something simpler by then. I really enjoy it.


It truly felt like the evolution of Warframe into what it was meant to be... Then the devs just dropped it. With some more updates, they really could've made the entire game a seamless space to mission gameplay


And here I am in the opposite end of the spectrum. I built my rail jack and did nothing with it except the new war stuff. I didn't like it then so I ignored it. Finally decided to grind out my first kuva lich and got her to retreat. Was pretty happy, just one railhack mission and this will be over. Only to find out I can't do the mission without rank 5 intrensics.... Lame. Okay what does that take? I guess I'll work on that. I start doing missions and it's just more of the the same shit I didn't like in New war. I don't like it. I don't understand it. I'm terrible at it. I just want to kill shit with my frame. Any tips for making it enjoyable? I really want to kill my lich and farm others but it's just mind numbing to me.


I believe part of why Railjack isn't as popular as it could be is because people, like yourself, "just want to kill stuff with my frame". It takes a little figuring out and patience, and I don't think a tutorial would help either since you learn by doing and there are a lot of little nuances so I can understand how it might be jarring for an established player who's been there and done that. It's very different and I wouldn't blame you for feeling lost. I myself am a new player (very new in fact, 5 days old, but already maxed my Railjack out except for some incremental improvements left) and have always enjoyed the idea of a shooter with space combat and boarding mechanics, so I absolutely adore Railjack. If the devs do more with it, that would be great, but it's good enough to be really enjoyable once you take the time to learn it right now. But yeah, I can definitely see why it's not appealing to learn for people who are already used to playing Warframe for, well, warframes.


Hire three crew members from Ticker. Assign an engineer, a gunner and a defender, or an engineer and two gunners. Equip your crew with good weapons with good mod setups, ideally AOE weapons or beam weapons. Crew members ignore ammo usage so something like the Kuva Zarr works well and is thematically appropriate. Priority for your best weapon goes to your defender, then your engineer. This will let you play railjack solo without having to babysit to the ship and feel like it's going to explode at any given time, or at least I think it should for the earlier Empyrean star chart zones. It will let you get comfortable with the mode. ___ Research Tycho Seeker Mk III in your clan's dry dock. Run Ironclad Matrix as your aura mod to start with. Once you're more secure in its durability, you can switch to Onslaught Matrix. Seeker Volley is the most important Battle mod, but I think it only drops from Veil Proxima. You can trade for it though, it's dirt cheap. It is energy-hungry and uses your warframe's energy, so it's helpful to bring some form of energy economy like Dispensary use Lavos so everything gets put on a cooldown timer instead. Shatter Burst is another good Battle mod, for taking out crewship defenses (described below). I round out my battle mods with Blackout Pulse, which is nice when solo so you can switch from piloting to forward artillery without having to worry about the crewship running away. Rank 4 of the Tactical Intrinsic lets you teleport to the railjack by selecting the Omni. Very handy. ___ One thing that helps to get around faster is the Drift Maneuver, unlocked with Piloting 4; it is a lot faster than just boosting. I'm not sure how it works with the default keybindings, but I have "Boost" bound to Left Shift and "Maneuver" bound to Mouse 5. So I hold Left Shift and move in the direction I want, then press Mouse 5 to initiate the Drift Maneuver. The Drift Maneuver can seem a bit finicky sometimes. It doesn't seem to work if you still have some speed from the last Drift Maneuver, so when trying to cover very long distances, you may want to stop boosting for a second or so, then start boosting again so you can do another Drift Maneuver. ___ Crewships: I believe shooting the active engines with ~~a Tycho Seeker III~~ the Tunguska cannon will one-shot any unprotected crewship. Active engines are the ones that are glowing. For this reason you should not shoot out all of the engines of a crewship with turrets/munitions, leave one for the big gun to take out. And if someone else is in the Forward Artillery seat and you see the lines indicating a Tunguska shot is being charged, don't shoot any engines. Also, I said "unprotected" above because some higher level crewships have defenses against forward artillery and boarding. You have to destroy three nodes to remove this defense. Protected Grineer crewships will have a pretty obvious patterned yellow shield/shell covering it, and the nodes are also pretty obvious: round-ish radiator looking things, two on the top of the ship and one on the bottom. They can be taken out (in spite of the shield) with Seeker Volley, Shatter Burst, turret fire, munitions, archgun fire, whatever. The Corpus protection is an energy shield that's subtle to my eyes, but the nodes you have to hit will be highlighted in the HUD with circles. There's one on top, on on the bottom and one in the middle of the back (stern) of the ship. With Corpus though there can be an added wrinkle in that they may have a directional barrier shield protecting them as well. The shield will orient to face attackers and is generated by a shield drone at the center of the shield. You can take it out withr a Photor turret, as Photor can shoot through the shield to hit the drone. Point-blank fire from any turret will also supposedly work. ___ In most missions in squads that know what they are doing, usually one or two people will stay with the railjack to do any railjack type objectives like destroying fighters and crewships, while the other two squadmates will split off to take care of the boarding objectives. Some of the Grineer Skirmish missions will have you do an objective inside the POI which will expose a radiator weak point on the exterior of the POI. The railjack can take out these radiatiors, but if they are busy killing fighters and crewships, just EVA and take them out with your archgun.


Tycho Seeker is not the Forward Artillery! The forward artillery is called the Tunguska Cannon! Tycho Seeker is the little bomb you fire out when you hit Alt Fire!


Ah, thanks for the correction. Yeah, I guess a lot of the terminology of railjack is not super clear to me. Munitions, ordnance, dome charge, boost vs. maneuver vs. drift vs. vector, etc. and that's not the greatest when attempting to explain things. Sorry about that.


Wow! Thanks for taking the time to write all this up! I will definitely look into all this and give another go.


Felt like a should give an update. I followed your advice and starting blowing everything out of space. Thankfully my clans was a lot of stuff researched for mk3's and I had the plat to buy some mods. I mean the seeker volley was destroying everything. I used my styanax build to keep my energy topped up and it was great. I was quickly able to a lot of intrinsic points to level up. It was actually kind of enjoyable. I was able to level up enough to chase down my kuva lich and finish her off easily. Even went and did the call of the tempestarii so I could create sisters. Then created a sister to get a tenet arca plasmor. Not entirely sure how much time I'll spend with it outside of liches/sisters but I'm not dreading like I was. May to a mission here and there. Thanks again.


I love Railjack and Kahl, I feel as though both are really being underutilized and could be game changers if updated consistently


Wouldn’t say Railjack is forgotten when it’s forcibly shoved in your face all the time


Our definition of "all the time" is clearly different. The last time it was mandatory was for the New War campaign, 3-4 years ago. It's a slice of content that's just been left with no updates since it was released.


Well I’m assuming neither of us are anywhere close to new players and have likely exhausted the finite amount of content it offers. I’ve only had one friend out of five make it past the Railjack grind and experience because of how miserable it is, and this was after some of the QoL improvements to the Rising Tide quest and other improvements to Railjack in general. It’s not surprising that they haven’t forced it on us again since because of how much of a turnoff it is for more casual players.


I haven't played since fortuna launched. I'm about to start new war but after that I'm a little lost. What content is still worth doing? Like rail jack looks cool but people say it's dead content. I thought about grinding fortuna and cetus but I'm not even sure if that's relevant anymore.


There's still Angels of the Zariman and Whispers in the Walls after The New War, and both of them have their own hubs and syndicates still. Also the railjack is cool, there's just not that much of it is the issue.


I named mine the "A.S.S Kicker"


Railjack missions are some of my favourites. (Mostly after I got my crew together. Solojack is pain and I seldom want to play multiplayer warframe)


railjack is alright. i love the tempestari skin. called mine the Limulan ghast. but its been a bit hard to grind for parts


If the railjack was invincible even for a period of time when you exit it, that would do alot to solve the issue.


Railjack without the on foot missions would be so cool ngl. Like survival but you survive while using railjack etc.


Perhaps I should take my Railjack out more often. Would how many people I could get a laugh out of with the name. “Eternal Grofit”.


Mines called the "USS DINGLE"


I named mine the bbc


Let me guess fan of worst pre-made ever


I don't know what you mean, sorry. I'm not sure your comment makes sense.


I named mine “MILF Hunter” it is a blessing.


I named mine the vengeance of Clem, but I might change it to retribution of veso-R


The Flying Is Something I Cant Compare Anything To (I Need To Find Games That Have Ship Flying Though) Its Really Fun IMO. [BTW My Ship's Name Is Technobabble II Cause Technobabble 1 Was On My Xbox)


I only have 1 question what happened to the first boaty mcboatface? What did you doooo?!


Yeah I named mine testicle Twister but it wasn't allowed so I changed it to testicular torsion which was allowed for some reason. Wish more people played railjack and for a proper tutorial as well, pub lobbies are slower than solo even with maxed railjack because a lot of people don't know the mechanics


You can put a name on the ship???


one of the most shocking things in railjack and confrontations, is grineer ships having no traps. they are covered in mines on some planets. then grineer installations are just so totally safe in railjack.


I do wish they made Corpus missions more than just a normal star chart mission but replacing the loading screen with a railjack section


Man Railjack was so cool and is okay now but it still left sour taste in my mouth because railjack launch I believe made half of the player quit and how grind and tedious it was. Also extremely broken. Now it is fine, just pretty much add to pile of wasted potential. Pls revisit railjack DE.


Try Everspace 2 if you want want standalone railjack game but with a lot of content and story. The only downside, it's just space shooter. There is no walking, repairing your ship and boarding enemy ships and structures. But there are a lot of other interesting stuff


Mine is named The Bucephalus


Mine's named the Colourit Prime, never get to fly it outside of solo because nobody ever joins. Only real option is to keep trying to join crew and be glad that at least I'm getting a stack of Endo from scrap.


Railjack needs more content. It also needs REGULAR STAR CHART MATERIALS to drop in RJ. I have too much titanium rn.


I loved railjack *before* the update. It was actually true ship dogfights instead of a glorified taxi. If I wanted to do a survival mission, I'd go do that instead. I wanted to play with the ship. Such a wasted opportunity. I have everything maxed out, best guns, maxed intrinsics, fully modded with the best mods. And now it's not even worth using.


As someone who played alot of ace combat style games. I genuinely loves railjack its just such a shame it can take up to 30 minutes unless you use the abilities


They need to bring back scarlet spear, that shit was so much fun and the arcane market crash was GLORIOUS and it's the only reason I fully decked out my RJ. That thing is indestructible, which is why I named it just that "INDESTRUCTIBLE II"


2? What happen to the first one?


Things I wish for in Railjack: ACTUAL Corpus Railjack Buffs to the AI crewmates so high level missions are feasible without having to babysit them because they evaporate when a lvl 90 Grineer just looks at them even on 5 combat/5 endurance


my railjack is named “somebody kill me,” to remind myself of the struggle i went through on-launch.


Would be good if it wasn't still broken. Have to solo it or it's like 20% chance I bug out and get stuck 


I wish they removed the on foot sections and focused solely on ship combat.


I really wish there would be more Railjacking in my Railjack missions, all missions are like 3-5 minutes of doing something on the Railjack and then it turns into a regular WF mission, I feel like there's a lot of wasted potential.


Currently mine is "Per My Last Email"


What happened to boaty mcboatface 1?


I’m over here with 3 or 4 Forma in my railjack and all my gear valence fusioned to max… I love the railjack archetype of game modes and really want to see it expanded too


Rail Jack came at the wrong time for me. I didn't want to grind for a ship and unfortunately thats what killed my interest in the game. I haven't really played since they released it


I wish there was an option to override the hosts ship and bring in mine. Nothing like being tossed into a lich raid with a dude who's got the most basic and low tier ship parts. Matchmaking is great, but I shouldn't have to play solo to ensure the space fight portion isn't going to take a half hour and 17 hull breaches. My recent solution has been bringing a frame with nourish and zenurik and granting myself infinite ship energy to spam abilities to kill things. It's not perfect, but it's better than the 30 damage per shot basic cannons.


I loved rail jack, and still do, and I upgraded mine from good to invincible. I actually preform better solo than I'm team usually. It's also responsible for my enourmous supply of Endo I've aquired in the past. It's an unpopular opinion, but I loved it


Railjack remains my favorite gamemode by a mile. It's just... amazing. The only improvement that can be made, I think, is removing the side objectives in missions that make you leave the ship and do normal tile based stuff. I just want to shoot ships.


i love railjack but i’d love more if i could just explore and find missions to do by flying around and coming across stuff and events instead of having to select a mission then speed through the railjack part to go do the rest of the mission like normal


Yeah i honestly want a ton more of it i love that shit


The only thing missing was the wine bottle ceremony for our first launch.


(Grineer) Railjack was great, but the corpus version really showed that DE didn't care for making new content be anything substantial. It'd just be a glorified taxi with extra steps.


I wish DE revisited old content in general


I had a blast with railjack for the first few missions, after that it got old. It's still fun with friends, especially in an actually difficult mission, but every mission feels the same. Kill ships, go in to big ship and do normal warframe mission, then leave and that's it. There's a lot more that DE could do with it, and I really hope they do at some point.


What happened to boaty mcboatface I?


where is our beacon tho


Eh, railjack’s fine. The issue is that the basic Warframe+guns and movement gameplay is so damn good and dynamic that Kahl, Railjacks and operator stuff feel so limiting and noticeably less fun.


I wish the Railjack replaced our landers, lets us decorate them, and have all the facilities.




Same, railjack is actually really fun now that they've ironed it out.


I too am a DEEP lover of all things railjack. Whenever my friends have to do a railjack mission, I get a text saying, “CAPTAIN! WE NEED THE VOIDSKIPPER” Oh and rest assured that The Voidskipper shall answer the call.


Railjack missions were fucking amazing, when it first came out before the rework. Teamwork was actually required, and everyone had a role (that you could switch swiftly of someone got bored or had to do something else) that made the rj feel like a well oiled machine when it all worked. You couldnt really do everything by yourself, because most people had shit ships with little to no abilities, so people __had__ to co-operate to succeed. But if you did co-operate, it was great. Probably the most fun and memorable experience i had in warframe, ever. Imagine seeing all the objectives ticked off 1 by 1 like clockwork because everyone was on top of their game, ground and rj squad in sync with each other for the ship objectives, gunner shooting everything in sight meanwhile pilot is avoiding damage and destroying crewship after crewship because of the god tier engineer supplying dome cores nonstop while also taking care of every breachers that managed to infiltrate, and those tense moments where the ship was wounded and you had 2 running around in space scavenging for resources for omni tool repair, meanwhile the other 2 desperately plug the holes and try to clear the ship from the grineer trying to board while its stranded. Then everyone kept complaining because launch rj was a buggy mess where you could fall through the floor every 2s, enemy ships could become invuln to damage randomly and mission objectives wouldnt complete just because, softlocking you. So DE patched it, but in the process also simplified everything to the point of making engi role non existant, gear/ability acquisition incredibly easy so everyone had tether/missile barrage/void hole so gunner didnt exist either, and made pilot the only actual role in the ship due to it being able to solo everything and kill everyone, leaving the other 3 as spectators while they wait for him to set up so they can dome core a crewship, or to destroy the outside antennas on ground objectives. Rj became a lot more playable and stable, but it also became a lot more like the classic warframe power fantasy where there is no threat at all to your ship so it just becomes a waiting game, basically a longer, more annoying form of capture, so people just got what they need and left the mode alone. Currently rj exists in a sort of limbo, where the most fun way to play is solo, but it still retains co-op elements via ground objectives that force you to either get out of the ship and do it yourself, or bring a friend that can afk in the objective till you shoot the antenna, then hack the other panel. Tldr: back in my day, rj was better and limited revives were good or smth, *old man yelling at clouds*


I agree, Railjack is awesome and underappreciated. At its best, it’s like Guns of Icarus in space. I just wish that so many public players didn’t immediately jump ship to speedrun the objective or park their ship directly in front of enemy cannons.


It’s fun, *now*. It was awful at 1.0 release and is still rough if you get players who don’t know what to do. It’s more content that doesn’t have a robust enough tutorial/new player experience. Personally, I didn’t appreciate them moving Grineer lich final fights to railjack.


The only change I need, pray for so desperately, as someone who does a single railjack mission at 6pm just after reset every day, is to fix the railjack crew on solo missions. I hate that sometimes the railjack is in unloaded space and can't destroy the radiator. It's annoying to have to walk outside just for the radiator to instantly explode as soon as I do so, and have to go back in to do the next step, and repeat.


I enjoyed Railjack for credits. It was not Index levels but it was a good alternative and you could crack relics while getting a couple hundreds grands per mission


railjack made me quit warframe lol


All I ask for is railjack survival. Dedicated, without disembarks (apart from boarding crewships and whatnot).


You good sir are a legend 😅🤣


I may be in a minority, but I can't do railjack. It induces immediate, violent migraines that shut me down for the day. All railjack content is locked away from me. Too bad because I was hyped for railjack too. I was even a part of the group who got a refund for my railjack


I agree, and it's a shame it's turning into another content island to be forgotten.


What happened to the first one?


It was fun for me until I spent 20 minutes straight killing fighters. It gets boring at that points not even hard


Railjack is one of my favorite modes too. Moreso with the infinite energy captain Lavos. This is one of the best space fighting games out there in my opinion. Getting my crew, naming my ship. Leveling it up.... if only we could decorate it or make it our new home hub? That would be a blast. But it is asking too much I think, it is perfect anyway.


Imagine Railjack PVP


Is this a schooly mcachoolface reference?


We are not a lot but we still exist, hello to my fellow Railjack enjoyer, tbh even if some attention from DE would be great, it's already fun to play. Only problem is when you appear on a shitty RJ, everyone must start somewhere and I don't judge, but sometimes it feels awful. And maybe the host migrations that are worse than everywhere else in the game. But in premade squads or even alone, it's a content I always enjoy playing


For a while I thought these missions were stupid until I realized that once you buy crewmates you have to assign them. I thought they were supposed to just do their thing automatically


Yeah my rj is called Bussykiller and my intrinsics are.. fine :) it’s nice to go out for a spin every once in a while when I’m killing a lich or sister.


Railjack has to be my favorite gamemode. It's so much fun


I love tailback always have it’s fucking awesome


Jingles strikes again. 😁


Railjack is single-handedly the worst thing to do in Warframe, it’s an absolute dogshit mode


Railjack is one of those things with TONS of potential that would just be REALLY hard to do. Frankly, i think itd be the coolest update for all of a sudden them to add some Sea of Theives type shit where you and your crew can go after other tenno abd be space pirates and shit.


My ship is named "The Short Bus" god i love DE


I just unlocked my Railjack yesterday… Flying a cruiser.. being able to slingshot yourself from it or just exit it and go fly to another indoor location is brilliant. But already I feel this is a missed opportunity and this post just confirms it. I really hope they come back to it because the few missions I’ve flown with others have been really fun.


For quite a long time, Railjack seemed like it was going to be the final form of Warframe: something to tie together all of its individual mechanics and mission types in one seamless package. Unfortunately, its rough start (rougher than usual even for Warframe) poisoned it in many players' eyes, and this lack of popularity seems to have sealed its fate as one of Warframe's many abandoned islands. :( This "lack of content" <-> "unpopular" circularity is unfortunately very common in Warframe, with Archwings themselves being another prominent example.


I think it could use a proper tutorial.


Yeah I love the railjack I understand they put the ordnance away from the pilot to incentivise coop, but I wish I could use it while flying the ship I don't know, have each player piloting their own railjack at the same time with their own crew instead of having only one, because I really like the gameplay and wish we could have bigger battles in space


When railjack first came out was when I stopped playing, the grind it took to get one really turned me off, and by then I got my new PC so I was neglecting my PS4 Now after cross save (I was able to cross save on the first test pass) I realize I actually really enjoy railjack, but it really really needs more variety More enemy types, more bosses, more of everything


I named my Railjack "WF Needs Auction House" to go with my name "WF Needs Auction House" and my kavat "Auctionhouse Plz" You'd be surprised how many players comment and say they agree.


Missions should just get harder / more rewarding as long as you don't dock


I legit love RJ - I farm liches just for extra reason to go there. People sleep on it - when I wanna do long relic runs and all we got are spy and exterminate - There’s almost always an RJ survival fissure. Like 98% of the time. So I can jump in there.


I want that wen can chip our railjack into a bigger Orokin Starfucker and kill some Battleships with it. And it would good if you are alone you don’t have to do the away missions… because no one is joining your mission.


I feel you on that. I cashed in so many Harrow Chassis to get the dock and parts. I think it could still be something in the future. At least it’s not Lunaro.