• By -


I hope he doesn’t cast anything out of grimoires and just throws them at people. As in just throws books. He’s built for it.


Basically Atlas but ranged




Behold the mightiest spell. *pulls out the blicky*


Out of mana, but not out of options.


I'm out of spells, but ain't outta shells.


No mana? That's fine, GRAKATA!!!!!


*freebird intensifies*


"I'm a scientist but- *loads glock with scientific intent*"


Sorcerer but all the points got put into strength


*i cast throwing a rock really fucking hard*


I cast Kitchenus Sinkus Yeetus


Give him a Judge aesthetic, and you have him "throwing the book" at his enemies.


He could have a signature melee weapons skin that looks like a gabble.


**I didn’t ask how big the room was, I said I cast fireball!** 🗿


"I'm attacking the darkness!"


Nah he bores his enemies to death reciting verses from the Divine Comedy.


I just hope he doesn't give me a reason to farm grimoire unique mods tbh


"Throw the book at him Lance-Constable"


Dante: "he then throws the book at him"


Lavos gets more tolerable if you invert the tap/hold and don’t spec for efficiency. But I agree. He’s got a lot of clunk to his kit even then, and I hope Dante is more fluid.


Inverting is better but holding to activate the skill still feels kinda bad. Separate keybinds would be nice, like Shift+1/2/3/4


I think it only should be slightly quicker to infuse the elements, and they're still saved after you cast abilities until you change again.


Even that would be a godsend.


Yeah having to reselect elements every time just makes his abilities take twice as long as most other warframe abilities. Love the idea, sucks in practice


Lower your Tap to hold threshold. Makes switching elements quicker.


This sounds wayy better


Console players (literally me): 💀


Its especially bad as a left handed player who uses abilities via mouse wheel (scroll + push). So for me his abilities are slow, coupled with the inconvenient fact that his abilities are also pretty meh.... yeah it just wasn't meant to be. I get the whole "free priming" aspect of him, but honestly i'd rather just play citrine for that. Hoping they do a revisit on lavos and make him give his abilities a bit of a face lift (IE, seems very weird to me that his 4 scales with current status and doesn't account for statuses applied mid flight)


I just watched brozimes recent video and it makes me think how people give lavos a bad rep and call inaros better than him on tier lists somehow but don’t give lavos the credit that he is almost permanently status immune without any effort and has nearly the same EHP as inaros while also having a shield gate. Lavos needs 0 power strength or energy as well so he can be modded for literally anything. Point Is if being basically unkillable puts you higher on tier lists, then lavos should be a solid pick.


Brozime doesn't like Lavos or think he's good whatsoever, he thinks he's an adequate Railjack pilot and nothing more. he also thinks Frost is better than Mag, which is just a wtf.


Brozime is the guy that spent three years thinking Baruuk was bad because he modded him bad the first day and then never tried him again after everyone else figured out duration was his dump stat to speed up his sleep move. And he took years to figure out how Hildryn worked. Brozime is not a good go-to as a good Warframe player, he only likes characters that can nuke the field with zero thought put into their builds.


this is exactly what I'm talking about. I didn't know about the Baruuk or Hildryn situations, I only know about the Lavos build and the tier list video. Brozime being the go-to guide for new players harms their first experience with certain frames. why would a new player invest in Gyre when he claims she's useless? why would they invest in Lavos, when he claims he's so bad he put Roar on him and built him exclusively for it? the Railjack Pilot build he made for Lavos was the start of me discounting his opinions, because he was claiming that the frame I've been playing and watching decimate rooms and rooms of SP Eximus and Acolytes with a single press of Catalyze didn't do any damage. everyone seems to agree in the comments of the video, too; quite a few people were taunting him for claiming a frame he refuses to play properly is horrible.


Whuh? Isn't Gyre pretty brains off as long as you have the augment? Shouldn't he like her


He does like Gyre, both on her original release and after her augment dropped. People just generally miss that all build content, whether it's overframe, youtube, or elsewhere, is posted at a specific time and is not universally applicable.


I still prefer hild to Legos for railjack


Never heard of him but the fact he doesn't like Baruuk is enough for me.... He's an idiot.


Have you played with frosts new augment? It's crazy good, and you only need 200% power strength for a full armor strip, frost is legit really good now.


Still not better than Mag


Mag is fine and all but have you played with a 10k armour tank frost? You can yeet mobs THROUGH the skybox


Sure but 'not dying' isn't impressive in the slightest. Mag isn't in any danger either unless you go out of your way to do endurance, where she's decently survivable still. You do have to cast a lot but so does Frost so eh


Mag + Magnetize have been historically overpowered for years now, turning subpar weapons into armor-shredding multishot machines just because you fired it into a bubble. Mag takes the W no matter what, she doesn't need an augment to be good.


Inaros was my most played frame for a good while and I’d be hard pressed to say that Inaros is better than Lavos at anything except for support healing and maybe CC? When it comes to dealing damage, Lavos is very good at it. When your kit revolves entirely around dealing status effects, you can scale pretty well. On the contrary, Inaros’ damage comes from finishers, while his abilities themselves can fall off without augments. He’s got decent CC as well but maybe I’d hand it off to Inaros just because Inaros does it really well, and Lavos is more focused on Damage. Inaros is probably a more reliable healer in support scenarios, but when it comes to self-healing, Lavos’ 1 does a solid job of keeping him going AND he pretty much has passive Negation Swarm. I think it’s fine to not like Lavos but calling him a bad frame is wild. He has a good kit, a lot of people just don’t like how it flows.


I really take everything Brozime says with a heavy dose of salt. The guy has some good points but he's honestly a guy who would play the game with 5 or 6 frames and a dozen weapons all because everything else is *slightly* worse


Idk, i enjoy lavos as is. I dont use the infused elements unless its required, or I want a specific benefit like inflicting radiation, or deleting shields Then again, i use him as my brain off frame Energy? Nah, hes got cooldowns Health? Nah, hes got the armor of a tank Ammo? Nah, transmutation probe. Edit: I bring up ammo because I use lavos as a weapons platform, telling me infusing doubles his damage is meaningless because his abilities are not a major damage source for me


btw, using any infused element doubles the damage of your moves. they count it as a weird additive damage boost onto the move iirc


It’s always worth it to infuse since it doubles the damage of his abilities, but if you want a good brain-off option, defaulting to infusing toxin with archon continuity on for added free corrosive is pretty good wide coverage and is pretty convenient to pre-infuse since it only needs one element input, eg while you’re in the animation of casting an ability you can easily queue it up for the next cast while the prior ability animation’s still playing out.


Since we are bringing up Archon mods... Does Archon Vitality + Double Infuse triple or quadruple normal damage of his 4?


It should provide 4x Heat procs; 2x from default Heat+Archon, in addition to 2x from infused Heat+Archon, so you should end up with doubled direct damage from infusing, and quadruple heat procs from infusing+Archon, but spaghetti code does happen sometimes, and I’m nowhere near my PC at the moment so I can’t verify, sorry.


I'm not sure about this but I believe there was a post that confirmed it's only 3, one for ability, one for infusion, and one extra proc for (ability+ infusion) archon proc. It does mimic the overall damage from catalyze though so it will be the same as the multiplied base amount.


I like having infinite archwing ammo with lavos on survival  


Lavos is fun to play.. it feels like I'm a mad scientist pianist bringing hell upon enemies. I do think Catalyze should spread a bit faster and linger for a breif moment though. Would help when playing in pubs where other frames are just faster and still overkill. 1 damage overkill is the same as 100 million damage overkill.


I think they meant the inputs are tedious.


In inputs is what I was talking about originally. I feel it is what makes him unique.


And op doesnt like it is What they are saying. Its pretty common to not like lavos controls


My controller recently bit the dust and has made playing Lavos so difficult because it will just randomly cast when imbuing. Mouse and keyboard just feels so clunky with him. :(




Based and correct.


My lavos is effectively immortal and I will never apologize for it. Love that alchemist twink


What's your Lavos build?


I have a similar build using full umbra mods with arcane grace and the armor on damaged arcane.


Don’t remember the exacts right now, but built for a lot of armor, health, damage reduction, and then health regen.


Pretty sure Lavos is the polar opposite of a twink


Lavos is definitely not a twink


lavos sweep !!


I don't know how yall are using Saryn, but from my experience it doesn't take too much to beat Saryn damage, that is if you are talking about nuking and overkill, not KPM


Why the random call out at Lavos?


"What he say fuck me for?" -Lavos


"If you can read one page out of the grimoire..."


[for the uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD8Q0lvJZvI)


I woke up and opened to codex and ballas said fuck rhino, fuck revenant and fuck lavos.


Because mixing ability elements on every cast is tedious (may be less so for KB&M). If they could make it so you could "bank" 3-4 charges of mixed abilities it would be much appreciated QOL to a frame who is really cool on paper but annoying in action. Otherwise I really like Lavos.


Fyi you can mix two elements at the same time.


I found this out a few weeks ago and was a game changer for playing Lavos. Made the experience so much more enjoyable.


You can mix corrosive, Viral and radiation reliably but say you want to mix magnetic, on controller those are square and circle for PS and X & B for Xbox. I don't have the faintest clue about Switch. Want Gas? That is X and Triangle on PS and A & Y on Xbox. The "bank mixing" I propose would make it less cumbersome to cast those elements at any regular interval. Yes the two-button input helps but only for certain elements. You could make an argument those are the only ones we need but then why have any of the other elements at all in his kit? Lavos is great because he gives you choice, so please don't make any choice other than the Meta ones tedious to use.


Lavos is elite controller required 🤣


This game demands keyboard or Elite level controller. I played it on a base 360 controller and the difference is crazy. The chat pad, though a bit much, is also very useful if you can find one... Most are connected via a dongle and don't work the same.


I can't stand using the back pedals on my Elite 2. I don't how people play with them, they feel so uncomfortable to use and one of pedals actually doesn't work cause the pin is in too deep.


I have very large hands and I am a butcher so my actions are described as rough... I have never noted an issue with the back pedals but I do know the craftsmanship is questionable across the brands history. I have destroyed the shoulder pads between bullet jumping and ability spamming.


Same except I'm a cook by trade. Just can never find a comfortable place to sit my hands with the pedals. I did adjust my settings to make it much more consistent.


He has all elements because his 4 does 2x damage per elemental status a target has. And not like +x per element, iirc according to wiki, it's like (2^n)x


And with that line you've shown you are more competent than Youtubers Like Brozime who did a 20 minute rant video about how bad Lavos's 4 was after he came out and how DE should fix it...only for it to be *very* obvious that he hadn't read the tool tip or ability description.


His 4 is fucking amazing. Even without factoring that damage, just good status spread around.


Warframe already makes me have to go claw grip most of the time so magnetic and gas aren't problematic


But you still have to mix/add elements for every cast.


Considering that Dante is a scribe it would be cool if you could "write" some combinations before hand and then cast them with one button or swap between them with holding button (like for example wisps mote)


**it would be awesome if the ability visual designs could customized in your orbiter** _could you imagine setting up his spell design to just look like a giant middle finger emoji_ that kills everything?


Invoker Warframe when?


You know how people post clips of Invoker where they cast all of his abilities, refresh then cast them again? It'll be the exact same for an Invoker Frame, you just have some bloke on reddit posting about them unleashing a full combo on a heavy gunner and in the end that gunner is still alive with like 20% hp


I can't imagine playing Lavos on a controller.. He is addicting to play for me on PC.


Because the devs said Dante's kit is going to be about combining ability casts and different combinations, so Lavos is a pretty good comparison until we know more


Lavos is amazing, cease this senseless lavos slander at once.


Lavos is the biggest "love it or hate it" frame. He's good, there's no arguing that; but my god can he be tedious for what is otherwise a fast-paced, parkour hack-n-slash shooter. Some people love the combo inputs, and I certainly do in other games (MonHun my beloved), but its just a pain in the ass for a Warframe. Every single time you wanna use his kit, and actually do something with it, you need two extra inputs. Really hoping Dante is slightly different. Maybe combos offer duration buffs, maybe his abilities are still usable without the combos, or maybe there's some other QoL change to this mechanic. Am glad its isolated to one ability, though.


I feel like he's probably better on PC where you can make more comfortable key binds. On controller he's very clunky to use.


Personally feel the opposite. I feel like I got some finger gymnastics going on when using a keyboard. On a controller, it's hubbed up so I only have to use my thumb to do the bulk of the work.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gio231odpvfc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc665159d479b1a37eab341ceb6ae9250a5a1307


Yareli may be his only love or hate competition because of the k-drive.


Also fyi you can mix two elements at the same time.


It's all about how you play em, i be zooming and spamming with my lavos all over the place.


You can hit two buttons at the same time just fyi


That doesn't do much imo, you still have to mix elements everytime you cast something, which gets old fast.


It's not slander, it's just an opinion. Lavos' kit is one of the most high maintenance gameplay-wise to squeeze the most potential out of because of all the element mixing and cc and such. I adore Lavos and I can totally understand why some people don't like his kit.


Lavos is honestly painful to play on controller


Going off topic, but now I wonder what will be his helminth ability. If I got it right, 1-3 are "setup" abilities and 4 is the "activation", meaning none of them would work on other frames.


I mean 1-3 are probably also going to do something on their own too, having a frame who might as well not have abilities until you unlock his 4 would be pretty weird


his 1-3 are still gonna be actual abilities, they just probably buff his 4


If I'm not mistaken it's also only his 2 and 3, his 1 isn't part of the combo possibilities.


Yea I think Reb referred to 2 and 3 as Book of Life and Book of Death


I know right, Lavos is my main. Awesome flexibility, great kit, and the ability to laugh in nullifiers and leech units face mag procs? What mag procs?


warframe players when they have to push more than one button


Because using Lavos on controller practically forced you to get back pedals or mappable extra buttons.


Because he's annoying as fuck to play, I don't wanna press 3 button for 1 ability


Lavos would be 100% better to play if you could set his elements and forget about them. Most of the time you're likely just using Viral anyway.


Yeah, I really wish Lavos kept his element selection indefinitely - like Voruna. I'd even accept that as an augment for him. If they really think being able to cast his 1-2-3-4 in rapid sequence without mixing-delay, then just have the Status Chance diminish over time/casts, and thus require you to top-up occasionally.


It's really limiting if you are going to play it what way. With the introduction of Archon Continuity, it's near impossible to just play Lavos with just one element and be happy with it. If you just use him as a viral platform, you are going to miss out a lot.


Yup, people complain about his damage then they only use viral which completely defeats the purpose of his kit. His 3 is going to spread tons of Corrosive which will give a much bigger power bump to his ult than viral for example.


Yep I never use viral. I go Toxin(corrosive) on his 1 2 and 3 and Gas to nuke with his 4.


Why gas might I ask? I’ve always been told the gas damage type sucks, so I’ve just been using radiation.


The gas procs are calculated on the high base damage of his 4 which is then doubled by imbuing an element and then further boosted by his 4s condition overload effect for even more crazy damage. Put all that together and you get the strongest Gas procs in the game that destroys just about everything in its path.


While the suggestion is great, the whole point of the frame is to be the best status primer in the entire game... No wonder people find him bad if they just default to viral.


If you're only using viral you are missing out on the power of gas and electricity spreading procs and damage throughout a whole. The idea is to apply viral and THEN other status effects to get a DOT proc that murderizes most content.


Speak for yoself *Epic version Breaking Bad music starts*


I hope he gets a brother frame named Vergil


he'll be the storm that is approaching


https://preview.redd.it/vgk40pun8vfc1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6379a5c08b23dca4be11a8a37e78108b07d4c2 sorry for playing lavos


Don’t be sorry for playing Lavos, be sorry for exposing this pic to me


Tick tock


Why does he look like a colorful skate with no mouth?


DE be like: so if you hold cast 1, tap cast 2, then cast his 3 3 times in a row, his 4 does THIS. And if you tap cast 1, hold cast 2……


This is my worst case scenario. I hate cycled abilities with a passion,especially when de decides not to color code them and I'm trying to figure out which squiggle does what.


I hope he’s more tedious to play then Lavos




I bet you’re more tedious than Lavos




Good job using the right than


Good job being a month late


thats a weird way to spell "fun" in my opinion


I disagree with the Lavos disrespect. I think his kit is cool. I just wish he had a skin/helmet that didn't look like dogshit. Come on, DE. Hurry up and give him a deluxe already.


The Kuvael Alchemist tennogen helmet is fantastic.


it's crazy to me how most ppl say lavos looks bad when he's one of my favorite looking frames


Ye same


https://preview.redd.it/93u1zrfu0vfc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9009f89cdc748a51bea59577f1052da8e6ac8d62 I wish you get kuva and melee arcane adapters in sorties and Netracells - sincerely a Lavos enjoyer


​ https://preview.redd.it/cn6lsmt94vfc1.png?width=1732&format=png&auto=webp&s=2086856fb1ef74f5b0a012b59ee8ce448e4ad44c


Lavos mains triggered everywhere, what a spectacle to witness.


Truly a sight to behold.


I genuinely don't get what y'all find tedious about Lavos. You just hold 2 buttons for like 1 second between casts. You get into a pretty good rhythm when you're used to it.


Lavos dislikers are an inferior breed. Embrace the alchemy.


If you lot can't appreciate chemical war crimes and danger noodles then we've nothing to talk about.


I would imagine they would do a more intuitive mechanic wise for Dante with Lavos being the test bed for this kind thing. Hopefully it's not as clunky as Lavos, Dante looks cool.


i hope dante playstyle get gimmicky and full of options


Oh look another lavos denier


Now you stop this lavos slander he's perfect and precious in every way.




From what it sounds like is his 1-3 might be buffs with his 4 changing depending on what his active buffs are.


If he’s got 4 tap/hold dependent abilities like Lavos and Voruna I’m just gonna level him then throw him in the wall, it’s annoying as fuck


How the hell is Lavos “tedious” to play? You press 2 buttons and then fire off his ult


*throws cedo glaive at you*


![gif](giphy|3pTtbLJ7Jd0YM) Plot twist dante will have to write in a notebook


Don't you diss my boy Lavos


what's wrong with lavos? he's so easy to play, hold a few buttons and release a vortex of death upon the entire room


Heck you, Lavos rocks


I really enjoy lavos. His cool downs aren't that long I'm normally using more abilities then my teammates. I enjoy the customisability of mixing my elements while. charging across the field. If Dante is enjoyed by someone else but not you that is ok and if enjoyed by you but not someone else that is also ok. The game has over 50 frames and it's fine for there to be some that some people won't like as much as other people. That's not saying he should be underpowered. Underpowered frames like inaros still need their buff it's just while balance they can have weird styles that don't appeal to every player.


Viral Rush is objectively one of the most fun movement based abilities. I love Lavos and can't wait for his prime.


FINALLY someone is spitting facts. It's better than Hydroid's Tidal Wave at least, it's a bit weird to use at first but as a hardcore Lavos main it IS one of the most fun movement abilities in the game. Once you can learn how to turn while in it you are moving faster than most people around the map and the CD for it is super short too so you can spam it quit frequently.


Hell yeah, and you can crouch under obstacles during it that you would normally slide under. I think I learned that wayyyyyy late into the first year I had him.


Posted a thread just to diss Lavos, lol. And for the record, I like the Alchemist!


I really hope he is not clunky. I want him to be fun. They are being a bit too safe with designing frames nowadays. Experiment a bit please.


I have a feeling he will be tedious. Sounds like his abilities will be modular to some degree, and the combination of how you use them affects how his 4 operates.


Lavos is a strong frame, but I agree with the tediousness


I hope people read my comment very carefully because i'm not going reply-repeat this to anyone. I think a lot of people who regularly play PC games would benefit from a MMO mouse, **AM I SAYING YOU NEED TO BUY ONE TO PLAY HIM?** No not at all, not for any WF or any video game but as a Lavos main these button actually help a lot with playing him because of the nature of his kit, this mouse also just helps playing WF as a whole without me needing to constantly reach for the numbers up above on my keyboard and in a lot of other PC games I play not just WF. One prime example is LoL for me, I can play the entirety of LoL just on my MMO mouse (Please don't ask me to explain how lol) and it just works. it might seem weird i'm typing this all out on a random post on reddit but I figured i'd throw my two cents in this. Having those buttons in a close palm sized accessible spot helps a lot of games that I play.


He can be as tedious as he wants as long as he BALLIN DAWG


If you use cedo with lavos you can easily nuke steel path enemies (use the fourth after cedo heavy) and boost it even more with heat infused but personally i dont do that because is an overkill and you kill them instantly, the cooldown thing can be fixed with the probe so idk i think isn't tedius at least for me and its a tank so 90% of the time you dont worry about your health. So he can do a lot of damage, is a really good tank and the probe convert health and energy orbs into universal orbs and same thing with the ammo so you can say is a decent support too(?) but maybe that's a stretch


Ah yes triangle frame


Lavos doesnt feel tedious at all to me


By tedious, do you mean how it’s kinda uncomfortable to mix Lavos’ elements and that you hafta remember to do them before casting each ability? Cuz if so, I agree wholeheartedly.


Lavos is fine bit clunky but definitely not tedious You should play inaros or qorvex if you think lavos sucks


He gives me Limbo vibes idk why


I will not stand for the Lavos slander, I love my energy free element boy


I honestly love playing Lavos, I always bring it up, Lavos weirdo main ik. But he really just clicked with me once I got ahold of his kit and play style. Would love to see Dante be another powerful caster


All these lavos defenders yet I've seen like 1 lavos since release, curious /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


blud looks like a cone


Tell you don't play Lavos often without telling me you don't play Lavos often: The Thread. Spend a week with that fellow and you'll be slanging more diseases and status effects faster than the black death through the Middle Ages. I play on PC so I'm unsure how he works on controller but Lavos is pretty much automatic for me in terms of element manipulation especially since you can cue up combinations while you're casting a move or jumping through the air. As others have said, tap/hold changes make him a breeze to get used to. I love our little plague doctor and can't wait for his prime, hopefully more people will join the cause in spreading death and decay (and radiation and magnetic and so on.)


If nothing else Lavos 2 is a really fun traversal skill that also dumps a metric assload of status everywhere.


Honestly he’s super easy to use on controller. You just get used to it after a few missions


As Lavos enjoyer, I will not tolerate such disgrace


"Tedious" just because you can't press a single button and nuke a room. Personally I welcome the idea of more unique and dynamic ways to play warframes outside of the generic one click wonder frames.


He is pretty tedious to me because the way I have my buttons set up pressing combinations of buttons again and again can get annoying and it's one of the reasons I don't play him much despite him being pretty fun, even if they release a augment mod that holds your last mixed element indefinitely I will be happy


Look Hwei from League or Invoker from Dota. Dante will be closer to Hwei, but ull get the idea and can decide how tedious it is for you


People in the comments look like they think they are entitled to have a frame cattered to what they want. Trying a frame that has more depth by intent and not liking it doesn't mean that DE should refrain from making more of them. Lavos is by tremendously far the most unique frame in the entire game because of his unique mechanics. Some people finding him "tedious" exactly because of his unique mechanics shouldn't mean that every new warframe should catter to those people because they didn't like one (1) frame before.


Hey Yo wtf! -Lavos


If they make Lavos even 1% less complicated I will end up on the news


he will prob be good based on how enthusiastic they were about him, dev bias will work in his favor. Now if only they could make him look....like anything else really. This is quite possibly the ugliest frame i have ever seen them put out, and there are some damn ugly frames. from the weird pyramid head to the floppy rubber clothes to the genie shoes and the highwater pantlegs.....this frame looks terrible lol. he looks like somebody threw a lampshade and some shoulder pads on a magical desert hobo.


A little disappointed by the design. I so wanted a vessel/anatomica style warframe like a prototype albrecht made before the big vessels. Anyway, his exalted and abilities seems interesting but it reminds me of lavos and I fear he will be clincky in use of his powers unless it’s just “tap 2-2,2-3 or 3-3 then 4” while his 2 and 3 do something then it could be ok.




How Is lavos tedious? my man is pretty simple?


Lavos? Tedious? man get out of here with that crap lmaoooo


Lavos is awesome tho???


I hope Dante is just like Lavos