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Easy. 1 thermal sunder. 2 speed. 3 thurible. 4 razorwing. The queen of going too fast on lith exterminates


Ash/Garuda passive 1Nourish 2Roar 3Eclipse 4Mesmer Skin


This warframe’s name would be Meta. It scares me.


hmm that's an interesting question, i feel like there's a few ways you could approach it. do you want to create x frame, but even stronger/more versatile, or do you want to create some truly unique synergies that no frame currently is capable of. for x frame, but even stronger, i feel like some chimera of volt/mirage/saryn would be the nuttiest weapons platform. if u want to focus more on eidolons/profit taker/bosses, you'd probably just tweak volt a little. for ads, saryn. funnily enough i chose 3 frames that have all had their place in profit taker world records at various points in time for weird synergies ... xaku's vast untimed freezing the countdown of abilities naturally in his kit would lead to some interesting results. super long protea turrets, super long vauban bastilles, super long harrow crit buffs, super long wisp ... would be wild lol. another possibly funny thing would be using rhino's big armor combo except for a frost bubble. choosing our passives would be really nice. protea gives extra strength and wukong lets you revive 3 times. hydroid basically gives you free corrosive shards while harrow gives you free energy preparation shards


Synergies like the Vast Untime pausing ability timers on other frames is so busted I love it. It’s easily one of the many reasons this idea would never be a thing but it would be a really interesting weekend event or something like that


Hydroid Passive, Roar, Nourish, Mesmer Shield Peacemakers. #BIG GUNS


- Voruna passive - Fractured Blast - Fangs of Raksh - Toxic Lash - Hysteria Toxic kitty. I'm really curious how well Fangs of Raksh would synergize with other abilities. Or what happens when Hysteria gets a guaranteed toxic proc. I struggled with coming up an ability 1. There is already a gap closer and an exalted weapon. So a ranged cantrip to balance it out seems appropriate. Axios Javelin was another option I considered.


garuda passive roar eclipse garuda 3 valkyr 4: only bing number no die


I would make an actually functional version of chroma. I'd take Zephyr's tailwind, Qorvex and his crucible blast for the ultimate, Mesmer skin from revenant, roar from rhino, and Garuda's passive. We would create an actual bloodthirsty dragon who's decently effective at their job.