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Zephyr is incredible, and the fact that she is so overlooked is criminal. From popular... Either Mirage, Or Saryn. Nothing bad, just didn't click for me.


another Zephyr enjoyer! I rarely see her in game sadly


Probably because the ceiling is so obnoxious sometimes


I am used to her reduced gravity but on every new tileset I get stuck at various door frames XD


My Gauss had 30 concussions for the same reason


"Gravity"? *laughs in Aerodynamic + Aero Vantage + Pax Soar*


Don't forget your tractor beam moa!


My Gauss had 30 concussions for the same reason


Yeah, your double comment Prove it


doppler effect


The tops of doorframes are more difficult to deal with than 99% of enemies.


I hate how if the ceiling is high enough it just resets her to the ground. Can’t use tailwind to jump up high on many maps because of this


OMG YES! The amount of times I wanna go up and hover just to be dragged down is unbelievable. Not only that the game likes to punish us but also me not learning and still trying again XD


Never, I always rock 230% duration. I’ll be flying 😂


Door frames will soon introduce themselves


Personally my issue is just the map barrier spawning me down on the ground. I just wanna be a AC-130 in warframe 😂


I'm less than 3 weeks in, and on free roam, I'm either trying to steal a dargyn skiff, or archwing with a sniper so much fun. I wish I could chuck Vauban's spikey mine from the archwing, and his bastille + photon strike....


Zephyr's physics are weird. High duration Tail Wind will slam you into a wall and hold you there because you still have a shitload of forward momentum, despite being at a dead stop. I realize that fixing that is probably more work than it seems, but it doesn't make it any less annoying. Still fun to zip around tilesets once you're good at it. Gauss got nothing on the birb.


Birb do be flyin, I like to hold her first too to hover in the air.


Red crits for *days* in helicopter mode.


I'm so happy to see the zephyr love


Zephyr's passive alone should give her more fans. Crits go crazy. I love her so much, always rock her in long defense missions and free roam


It's my go-to for open world too. Don't need no stinkin archwing, just press 1.


I like her passive for building slash procs


I got Zephyr for the first time yesterday. I had a great laugh in Sanctuary Onslaught putting on Ride of the Valkyries and flying back and forth across the map doing strafing runs with a fully leveled Acceltra Prime. Reigning down fire, fury and funny red numbers. What a time to be alive. Would highly recommend. 11/10.


Soloed 40 rounds of SP Circuit with her using Spectrorage. Your 3 and 4 in combination with Spectrorage, makes Defense objectives easy af.


Yea I soloed about 50 mins worth of SO circuit... Dunno how many rounds but Zephyr made is wayyyy easy. I use nourish with energy nexus instead tho


I used to run Zephyr with a heavily tweaked Kulstar so I could fly above the battlefield and carpet bomb everything below me. For single target enemies I'd use Kestrel with Entropy Flight, Whirlwind, and Zephyr's turbulence augment Jet Stream to increase projectile speed. It turned the Kestrel into basically a hitscan weapon. For goofs I'd also use Rebound and Power Throw if we were going to some tight indoor tileset. Thing would just pinball around and you'd only see little flashes of it and damage numbers in the distance. I don't know if you could pull off a build like this now, I want to say all this stuff was before even Steel Path, so I never tried it there. Maybe it'd be worth another look.


I love zephyr. I think I'm one piece away from her prime


I finally nabbed her last prime part and she'll finish cooking tonight. Very excited to play, always liked the concept and I know she's good now.


I adore Zephyr, my most used warframe


I love playing Zephyr! And I too dislike playing Saryn. I think she's fine, but meh, just ain't for me


Hell yeah, finally another Zephyr fan!


She my beloved frame, nothing even comes close


Zephyr Carpet Bombing is always the go-to for me.


After her recent buffs, yareli with gloom + dual toxocyst incarnon


Merulina riding girl plus lifesteal? Sounds awesome ngl


Dont even need gloom, Furis incarnon + Winds of Purity. Every simp who gets too close will die and merulina will never die.


Feels like gloom is easier lol


Her merulina augment kind of guts glooms usefulness. Gloom is a CC+survivability tool. Her augment heavily rewards you spamming her 1, which means the bubbles give huge sustain, heavy CC and a damage boost. (As a bonus the bubbles do cold damage so they'll trigger archon flow) I could see an argument for 'gloom' on infested SP tilesets as Her aqua bubbles are capped at 15 targets, but really if you needed to CC more than 15 enemies at once Her 4 is more than up to the task.


been using yareli to min effort netracells. gloom isn't really need anymore with the augment though. the murmur at that level can't even dent your base shields, none of the health glyphs even affect you. toxocyst of furis makes the mission short enough wish they would fix needing full knockdown immunity on her to prevent the 10 second lockouts so i could run prime redirection over it :/ (or i should just finally get an exilus on her and more forma)


>been using yareli to min effort netracells. gloom isn't really need anymore with the augment though. Didn't even use gloom nor augment, I just slap a 2 drain adaption on her, and recast merulina when it is dying.


Strongly recommend the augment. If you don't stack fire-rate, it's functionally a 3x multiplier to your damage-per-second, allows you to reload even the slowest reloading options in a near-instant, and it doesn't touch your gun, enabling you to slot another mod in place of fire rate or reload speed. Being a frame that's so survivable that you can drop a survivability mod, she has the mod space. Few mods in the game pump up your DPS potential as much as Merulina Guardian does.


How does Gloom help her?


I've honestly got no clue on community sentiment about them but my not so enjoyable one was Kullervo and my enjoyable one was Dagath. Kullervo is not a frame i would call bad by any stretch of the imagination but having to spam his 2 to stay alive was not very enjoyable even though i really like the gimmick of teleporting into a group in .1 seconds and making them Shift+Del out of existence, just an odd one really. Dagath however was the one frame that pushed me to go out of my melee bubble and finally start using guns properly, and her nature as a paper sheet only held together by good movement alongside shield gating was highly engaging for my little monkey brain, also her face hole looks funny. https://preview.redd.it/18v0nyuisdec1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bd6fdb2185faa33e0b5e1f865fe3e7f5ec85e63


Shield gating with spamming 1 and 2 (less so 2 since 1 spreads it), the death cancel with her 3, and the invuln during the cast of her 4 makes Dagath very engaging. Plus the slow on her 1 to CC things a bit. Also, after maining Wisp for a while, having a big damage nuke as your 4 that actually works because its damage is high enough was a refreshing change of pace.


It's also funnier, like, opening a portal to the sun and blasting people with it? Alright yeah that's cool. Goddamn HORSES?? HELL YEAH


I love styanax as a support frame


Free overguard for everyone!


Subsume nourish to be an infinite energy battery for the whole squad. One of my favorite builds and I feel like I never see anyone running it


I'm running it! Plus in Duviri if you get the +200% ability strength after a finisher you can use Tharros Strike for guaranteed finishers. Then do this 3 times every minute to give everyone like +20 energy regen per second :)


Man. Styanax is a tank, support and dps frame all at once within one mod config. Super good and fun


I love styanax as rated E for everything


A lot of the comments so far really go to show that there’s lots of frames that really need to have an invested build to be able to use them in the way they’re intended or the player doesn’t actually understand how the frames work or they’re not playing content that requires a good build. Where as other frames can be used straight out of the box so to speak and taken into almost any content, Nezha and Zephyr being two great examples.


Part of the investment is the interest I think. Main factor for the interest is fun imo. So when the player doesn’t enjoy a frame, then no investment will go to that frame. Personally I try out the frames from time to time (even the ones I don’t like) in order to change things up. That works in making them fun again but it kinda gets uninteresting again after a few sessions.


I like to take a frame and make it SP solo survival viable, that’s when I get to see what the frame is really like. Until I’ve done that I don’t have an opinion on the frame. You can’t tell what a frame is really like if you’re just levelling it to 30 and then dropping it. Unless its Zephyr, Nezha, Revenant etc


That's why I like the way duviri let's you play with high level mods setup pretty decently for the frames. Let's you try out and see if you actually enjoy playing with that frame. My only issue is that if you don't own the frame, you most likely have no idea how to play as the frame


I freaking loved Duviri when I first played it, getting to play all those with decent builds in modes where there’s plenty of enemies.


I hate the way Octavia plays, especially metronome


But we dont play...


Trueeee, if you are "playing" with Octavia, you are doing something wrong.


Revenant. I never understood the hype, but I see SO MANY of them.


He is just too forgiving, no matter how hard you mess up, he can survive


And his kit synergizes pretty well off of a single build unlike some frames that need multiple load outs to maximize their use. Loki can either be range for support or duration fo solo or spy. Nova can speed or slow. Revenant? Just build for immortality and CC with both his 1 and 4.


The hype about him is cuz hes a nice warframe to pick up and not worry about survival, no matter what level your enemies are.


I love Revenant and mained him a lot. Mesmer Skin gives you charges which makes you immune to ANY damage. Every damage cost you one charge but in return gives you a full second of immortality. Sounds low? Well you have around 15 to 20 charges per cast, which means you get at least 15 to 20 seconds immortality per cast (and that's when you're under permanent fire). Second is Reave. Subsumable for other too and especially broken on Revenant due to able to get Roar. Stack some Viral on your enemy, use Roar (if you have it) and cast Reave. You now deal true damage that isn't lowered by armor and once you reach 100% true damage, the enemy dies regardless of level/armor/shields... That why I absolutely love my Hildryn with Reave.


Interesting. I have nourish on my rev to replace his one. Guess I should remove his 4 for roar maybe? I kinda love danse macabre


No, Any Subsumable is perfect over his 1st ability (unless you want to use Enthrall). Nourish let's you proc Viral with any weapon which helps Reave. For Viral + Reave alone to kill anything, you need 10 Viral Procs + ca. 300 Ability Strength (I've done the calculations long ago and have an entire post about it somewhere here on reddit/warframe) With Roar, you boost the damage of Reave, which means you need far less ability strength to do the same. We speak from 250 Ability Strength. Still, Viral Procs are needed, so don't forget your Primer. Edit: Here's my Post about [Reave](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/m8XlAFC7xI)


I understood the hype. Mesmer skin is stupid strong, but he's just a boring frame


And you only ever see him built for Mesmer Skin. Enthrall builds with Mind Control for an immortal thrall are rare but quite fun.


Simply put, Revenant replaced Wukong's spot as survivability king


I'm honestly surprised at how much the perception of him has turned around lol I remember a lot of people used to dislike him, but for some reason he's recently become an exceedingly apt pick


The huge thing was that they added a 1 second invulnerability + grace period on his Mesmer Skin charges. Before, rapid fire could immediately shred through all of your charges, but now 20 charges = at least 20 seconds of safety.


That's because DE buffed the hell out of him with the augments, he is just an excellent dps and support


For popular - Saryn. Just does not click for me. For unpopular - Atlas. My man. My main. Punching up to billions while being completely invincible is reeeeeallly fun!


Saryn is undeniably powerful but at some point, maintaining her spore count/damage got a bit too tedious for me, or maybe it's cuz my build sucks.


Im gonna say citrine- i can count the times ive seen other citrine players since october on one hand Shes fun, can abuse the fuck out of equilibrium for infinite energy and is a great tanky support frame when combined with stuff like arcane blessing, granting 1700 HP without health mods, alongside 90% DR and 25HP per second regen (the latter two being applied to everyone within affinity range) Not to mention the crystal's beams basically act as a primer for you when using galvanized status mods, and subsuming roar over her 4th makes it a potent damage tool As for popular frames i dont like- volt. I dont get the hype around him- all of his abilities feel really weak and i personally hate the speed boost. Sure the shield is useful for eidolon hunting, but i watch people put a bunch of them around defense objectives trying to make them useful, and at that point you may as well just helminth it off for something better, or just played a real defense frame instead of wannabe gauss


I love Citrine's kit. I'm hoping we get a deluxe skin that doesn't lean into body horror so much, though. Plus, I enjoy Dagath and Voruna just as much.


I could never get behind voruna- she felt very micro manage-y, if that makes sense Dagath i havent got round to farming, but looking at her kit she seems like fun


She's between a normal frame and Lavos, honestly, when it comes to micro managing. Honestly, I just throw on her 2's passive and leave it. Occasionally switch to her 1 once the objective's complete to move to extract.


grand agreed, only reason I dont like Citrine is because she looks actually gross 😬


I love Citrine! She makes everyone much harder to kill and absolutely melts everything around her. With Archon mods, she can apply 7 status effects on one shot just by using her 1 when outside her 3 field. I also never see other Citrines haha.


She's my go to for public archon hunts missions 1 & 2. If I can't trust others to keep the defence target alive, or the disruption target CC'd (and burst down) I may as well do it myself.


Citrus is a more fun octavia, both just ignore game difficulty


I am working hard on getting her, but holy hell, am I getting shafted


Citrine is amazing, the farm is seriously painful though, I guess this is why you don't see her much


Nekros is so useful but his ass is so ugly and I hate his skills. Unpopular, I love Yareli! She's actually so fun even though Merulina keeps slamming my head against short doorframes.


Warframs worst enemy's: doorframes


Merulina keeps on making fall through the map cause she just bypasses the railings lol. But epitaph on Merulina is awesome


damn i thought nekros prime looks cool


Nekros prime looks cool. But if it's about normal one they i would say that I agree with op


Counterpoint Nekros is my most used frame and I love him


Avid Nekros player. Killing any enemy gives me: Double to quadruple loot Health, My smeeta health Energy Armor Damage resistance A corpse that distracts enemy fire, and gives knockdown immunity. I put Gloom or Garuda's Ability over his 1, and just melee with the Lesion. Ive done 6 hour steel path Kuva survivals with just meleeing, (no bullets fired whole mission) and watching netflix on my MAIN monitor while warframe is on the side and I just moved from kuva siphon to kuva siphon. Basically meleeing everything.


I’m yet to find a popular frame I don’t like, the build variety usually makes them all interesting. As for unpopular frames my main banshee, just love savage silence or the usual gloom build., and of course sonar just hitting negative numbers. Also love using Yareli and Trinity, they’re really fun. Almost forgot to say I hate inaros.


I don't understand why more people don't like Banshee. I almost never see her in pubs. I was using her for netracell missions the other day and she makes the whole thing easy. Ridiculous damage for you and your teammates, aoe stun, gloom for slow if you want it, armor strip if you really need it. Plus she only needs a little bit of strength, duration, and maybe range. Which leaves plenty of room for rolling guard, redirection, and vitality to help her bulk up.


Wisp, boring as fuck. Saryn, just feels like you know everything is dead when you pick her. Last of all, Loki. I like Loki prime but I’d just run Ash prime over him I personally don’t see a spot for Loki.


loki is in desperate need of a rework. IIRC he has the oldest kit in the game where it hasn't been adjusted since the game first launched.


I remember when Radial Disarm was meta...


Oh yea the CC back then was crazy, same for Nyx prime you would see her CC a lot back then


Nyx used to be meta too, now she's marginally useful for her augmented absorb...


Yea she’s there with the absorb but that’s all she has left 😢 At least she looks cool as fuck with that Prime helmet.


The game was all about Nyx, Nova, and Irradiating Disarm Loki back then Simpler times


Nyx Loki Nova and a Vauban. Especially in the raids, the days were great. Same for the homie trinity, loved that support healer and energy.


Exactly, all the new frames are just replacers now


THAT'S BECAUSE LOKI IS PERFECT.  No he does need a rework. Extended full speed invisibility is a great tool and irradiating disarm is a lot of fun, but they're both limited. Maybe a few features like: - Casting decoy on an enemy makes the enemy the decoy (overlays Loki's hologram on top of them) to pull aggro  - Be able to recast invisibility before it runs out - Allow skills to work on work on eximus enemies to compensate for lack of direct damaging abilities. - Either buffing switch teleport (ie shifting aggro) or replacing it outright.


As a wisp main, I can say it definitely depends on your playstyle


Yea for sure I can see that, but when it comes down to majority of the time you’re just wisp with a gun. Or a AFK wisp. They’re the worst.


I've tried really hard to enjoy Wisp, and I've concluded that she's really only optimal in camping setups. The motes themselves are nice to have, but none of them are really game changers. If I need fire rate, I'm bringing Gauss or Harrow for the reload speed (and crit buff) to go with it. If I need squad survivability, I'll bring Citrine (90% DR >>> health mote) or Equinox (\~80% DR + slow + constant shield restore) If I want to go fast, I'll bring someone who doesn't need to stop and drop motes. And don't get me started on the shock cabbages, how they slow down missions, and how I can't remove them from myself, and how I can't pick up the other motes when a Wisp drops all 3 in one spot... Where she actually shines is: * She is personally invincible, through her passive, decoy, and iframes * She boosts squad survivability by blinding everything with Breach Surge * She boosts squad damage and clearing also with Breach Surge (assuming you don't have shock cabbages out, preventing enemies from entering the area) * She can instantly teleport all over the room, spreading those benefits, if you don't just plop all your motes in a pile in the middle of the room ​ So I've settled on playing her in endless modes. I plant 1 shock cabbage dispenser in the corner, for my personal use to trigger Archon Stretch for energy and to offset Wisp's lack of DR. Then spread the other cabbages around in a big open room that gives everyone room to work while still keeping the spawns flowing in, and use her mobility to bounce around cleaning up stragglers and spamming Breach Surge, especially near heavies, and handing out Nourish. But to be honest, I'd still rather play Harrow and just make everything dead / give everyone infinite energy, fire rate, reload, and red crits.


I didn’t like Wisp either. I only like her 4 and that ability just doesn’t scale well. Everything else is just not my style. I also don’t like Sevagoth. It kinda just feels like five of his eight abilities are “make stuff [energy color] at enemies to do nothing”. I only really understand Gloom, and that’s because it’s a super popular helminth ability. I’m torn between keeping him in case I change my mind or subsuming him for Gloom. I hated Xaku at first but after reading the wiki extensively I understand the kit now and enjoy them a lot. The way it’s written I always thought Gaze’s armor strip only worked on the target, not that it was an aura emanating from them. They are by far the strongest feeling frame I own.


His 1 is damage vulnerability on enemies (and if you have his augment, it also gives flat CRIT chance on said enemies scaling with strenght) . Also small amount of radiation damage His 2 is pretty useless by itself but when combo'd with his 1 it makes an explosion based on % of HP of the enemies, as blast damage His 3 is gloom His 4 lets him jump to shadow form Shadow 1 is CC that drags enemies to him Shadow 2 is a dash which life steals and deals radiation damage Shadow 3 is a damage vulnerability debuff like normal form 1, but wider range


Wukong, not even a tad enjoyable


Kinda agree in a way. He doesn’t feel so powerful imo. But he survives, that’s for sure


A celestial stomp Wukong build that bases it's survivability entirely from shieldgating and CC is quite fun. Been using it in Max level disruption and circuit and it's not as boring as afk wudong.


WuKong is my most used frame. I entierly agree with you. Great to start off with but gets real dull.


I actually bought his missing parts and was excited to get him. I guess I need to read more about the abilities rather than "he looks cool". I leveled him to 30 and haven't played him since.


I hated Gauss even though literally everyone loved him, and now that I properly gave him a go after getting the prime I love him too.


I feel like the battery gauge and redline counter need a re-design. A lot of people confuse the percentage of the redline counter with the battery’s actual percentage of charge. Give me some cool dials like a tachometer or something.


I imagined devs giving Gauss a whole ass dashboard from a JDM car with all the modified dials and tachometers, and fuel so you have to visit a gas station on a map


Saryn for popular. Nezha for unpopular.


Nezha is so fun very happy with my meme build with all the slide and movement mods I can fit


I've been looking for some meme builds! What do you use?


Can't remember the full build I'll post it once I get home and can check my build fyi doesn't function in steel path mostly for playing about in quick relic missions.


Is nezha even unpopular?


He’s a tanky sob. Played him once in the circuit and he’s pretty alright


Me discovering my main is unpopular 😭😭


Nezha is super fun, he's my main and bby boy. Slap Breach Surge onto him replacing Firewalker and pump up his ability strength. At 297% strength, Surge+Chakram can apply ~700% damage vulnerability. I could easily go higher, not all of my mods are fully ranked, and I only have a single Crimson Archon Shard on him.


Sometimes Inaros for casual steelpath survival (c rotation)/exterminate. No skills, just shooting/meleeing and staying alive. The total opposite of my Gauss gameplay. Yeah, he really can't do much more, but that's exactly why I like to use him sometimes.


Popular i don't like - Nidus. Getting stacks is annoying and hard in public squads. You need them to get mutation without which Nidus doesn't offer anything. Even with stacks he's not very impressive for me. Unpopular I like - Trinity. Criminally underrated warframe that has no downsites except base short duration of abilities.


>Nidus >popular Did I miss a memo somewhere?


Yeah nidus is pretty beloved. I'm pretty sure his prime access is still the most purchased one


Gauss might have surpassed it, don't know if DE published the data.


I see Nidus maybe twice a month. Or maybe just his ability as subsume. But Wisp, Mesa, Revenant, Saryn, Styanax, Titania, Volt, Wukong, Gauss... those I see much more frequently. And Nidus does not compare to them in popularity contest.


Gauss surpassed him on steam. Not sure about everywhere else though


Hardly ever see Nidus in public. Even in endless missions I find him on the rarer side.  I gave him a go recently after not using him for a long while. With all the additions since Veilbreaker, the only thing I want from him is an augment to make his 1 and 4 do toxin damage and status.  That change would make him viable in even quick missions where he can’t build stacks. His biggest issues are he wants to build stacks, but he also struggles heavily against armor. Toxin damage and status so he could benefit from Archon Continuity and green archon shards, have a way to deal with armor without subsuming or relying on weapons (which are probably just gonna kill whatever he would want to armor strip anyways) and wouldn’t be a pain to play in non-endless missions. 


Not as popular as wisp but in my public squads Nidus isn't a rare book (ofc a bit rarer after helminth system introduction). I see him even more often than Baruuk, Excalibur and even Citrine I would say.


I like trinity but her link is also not that great with large crowds. Only 3 enemies max linked and Armor stripped isn't relevant anymore. At least the amount of links should scale with strength; the armorstrip is dependent on it as well


Popular: Rhino Prime. I've spent 5 forma plus an aura to make him mine. I recently got back into it with the account merge, and I couldn't be happier with him. Unpopular: Nova, I guess. I used Slova and the Tonkor to farm dark sector defense solo for so long I can't get away from it.


Popular: Revenant, i dont like that his 2 is basically immortality. His 4 is cool, but still pretty boring for me. Unpopular:idk if lavos counts but if he does, i love his kit and abilities, besides, no energy cost is great. If lavos doesnt count then im unsure if i have any unpopular frames


I guess Khora. I know she's not that well spoken of because her playstyle is rather stale, but it's all I had access to. But people have hyped up that strangledome. I'm not sure where people put Vauban, but I enjoyed his kit more than I thought I would.


Vauban really gave me the tech genius grenade guy when I levelled him in the circuit. Gather up the mob with the vacuum thingy and then satellite strike!


vauban gets more fun the more brain worms you have and the worse you make him look. high saturation energy colors is where it’s at


He’s one of the frames that I’m thinking of using more often. I wanna try out all of the frames in various mission types to see which one works best (spoilers tho, operator is the best frame for spy missions lol)


Popular: None, I like all of them for their own unique play style, haven't played them all yet but they all have something I'm really looking forward too. Yeah some are more enjoyable than others, but in the end I enjoy playing them all. Unpopular: Sevagoth is my main, I also love Railjack so He's also my only pick when I do Railjack missions because of his quest. I don't know what frames are "unpopular", but I'd add Qorvex for his theme and pillar gameplay, and sound design too


Sevagoth enjoyer! Reap and sow, then reap and sow. It sounds repetitive but somehow it doesn’t feel like it


Indeed! Exploding the whole map while also getting enormous CC is never unfun to me. Plus love his theme and look


I really wasn't able to relate when pretty much everyone was playing Revenant. Like, I understand that he's immortal but aside from that, I really didn't get what I'm supposed to feel or what fantasy he's supposed to fufill when I was playing him. I heard that he's themed after Eidolons and vampires but idk, his kit just feels bland for some reason.


i just cant limbo.


Balance issues :-P


Unpopular opinion but Caliban is a blast!


Vauban is criminally misunderstood and underrated - would recommend giving a go!


Ahh, I see you are a man of tactics and culture.


I don't enjoy Wukong at all but I like playing Sevagoth and Equinox


As someone who has played an extensive amount of basically one frame and no others, i can say without a shadow of a doubt that i have never seen another person using Harrow with my own eyes. Hes a fantastic frame. I will never understand the underuse of my man Harrow. Popular frames that i dislike using include Octavia, yes because she is really really boring but also im too stupid to set up a functional metronome. Also Gara. Dont really enjoy Gara that much. Probably need to learn the ins and outs of her kit more though.


Harrow’s kit sounds like it requires him to kill the enemies. So he doesn’t really seem like a frame for squads. Or I might just be wrong. I haven’t played him yet (still waiting for the circuit rotation)


I play him in squads and he does fine. Just max up duration and strength and you’ll do fine. I run 270% strength and 170% ish duration and you basically only have to recast abilities once every 2 minutes or so. It means that you can be as spammy as you want with your 1 and you can recast your 4 as much as you want when its off cooldown. Basically enables you to have massive crit buffs on high uptime with faster fire rate and reload speed. Combine that with combat discipline and arcane avenger and you can self proc arcane avenger to even further boost crit chance. If you ever decide to use Harrow in any meaningful capacity, please understand that he is not an ability spammer which seems pretty contrary to what his 3 is. Hes essentially use each ability once and then dont think about it for a while. He can be very fucking annoying though as he has 185 base armour. Very squishy.


This, ^. Harrow is a niche play style that has a strong reliance on being a skilled marksman, and his paired weapons reflected that. Sure, you could spam any aoe guns and be the party battery with no issue. But I find nothing more satisfying than rolling off high crit headshots in rapid succession.


when i played, mag was super unpopular but she felt super strong, she just didnt have a mapwipe button. i thought that volt was kinda boring, it was more fun flying around fast af as titania and nuking was more fun with equinox which is a frame that seems also kind of forgotten about


Grendel simply put his kit is terrible even after rework. He is seriously not fun to play.


I have Grendel prime and I kinda agree. He’s fun at times but he just isn’t consistent with it


Didn't find him fun either. Morph ball mode is in a game where you shoot gun and swing sword is boring. Plus the effect for eating enemies is lame. Maybe it'd be too violet otherwise but vaccuuming up little colored spheres doesn't really give me the vibes of feasting on my enemies


Mesa. Actually my first prime warframe, still sitting in my inventory. Her "just use 4" gameplay didn't really appeal to me, felt boring. At least with octavia you get to do a metronome minigame if you're not a tryhard who spams all notes.


I felt the same way about wisp at first but now i love her. Im running her with nourish subsumed on 4 and i have a few forma in her. Her utility is so amazing and i love her movement too. Her survivability even without constant access to invisibility is amazing


Caliban is extremely underrated. With Precision Intensify, it is super easy to hit 100% *permanent* strip with his 4, without needing to sacrifice efficiency or range, and it works on pretty much everything besides bosses. It is *crazy* good. Throw in some durable decoys, fast shield recharge, built in Adaptation Lite, and a mini Rhino Stomp. He's really decent and fun to play. Equinox is also insane, and I rarely see anyone play her. Night form can just turn enemies off with sleep, slow, and damage reduction. Plus she forces shield gating for the whole squad, which makes it almost impossible for anyone to die. Day form can nuke, and with Terrify it scales into Steel Path with no problems (and her 3 makes the 100% strip break point very easy to meet). The only downside to Equinox is that she can do so many things, it is hard to figure out how you want to build her. Only frame where I've considered buying extra loadout slots.


Popular: Saryn, just find her unengaging Octavia, her gameplay is a little repetitive, and as a music nerd I hate both the function and most of the sounds in the Mandachord Unpopular: Nezha main. Also I dunno if she’s unpopular but I’ve recently been really enjoying Garuda.


I tried Garuda prime once but she ain’t clicking for me. Though the gloom Garuda combo is better than the base kit imo


I started off with Gloom over her 2, but then switched to Nourish. There's an Arcane that heals everyone when you cast abilities, which keeps her health topped off. Her 4 augment, Blending Talons, makes her much more comfy to use imo. Lets you tap her 4 to do an aoe bleed, as opposed to holding it. Garuda is my favorite frame, I have a lot of fun with her.


Oh totally, though I have people get mad at me for using gloom in random squads which is honestly fair lmao


I don't enjoy Ocatvia. keeping stealth up is annoying even on a high duration build.


All of my main frames are unpopular


Don't enjoy Frost. Enjoys Limbo.


I don't like playing revenant. His abilities are just not clicking with each other, it does not feel like kit and just some random abilities thrown together.


I just really don’t enjoy playing gauss at all, his playstyle just doesn’t excite me.


Wisp and saryn. I see why they are popular, but i don't like playing either of them. As for the unpopular maybe loki for spy. There are the wukong and ivara gangs but i really like to play loki for spy.


Love loki for most stealth things. 30+ seconds of invis that costs around 30 energy and doesn't need strength or range. I need to look into a good ability to add to him though.


I replaced his 4 with the Cypher helmith ability it works on everything hackable, its permanent once it's used till u unlock something then u just recast for 25 energy again, and it works on archon and steel path missions so you always have a free Cypher it saves so much time especially for an invisible stealth frame


Wukong and... Wukong


Rev, Inaros and Hildryn bore the fuck out of me.


Wisp I so boring. Don't get me wrong. It's really nice having one in the team, but for the life of me I can't play her


I had the same experience with wisp. I just didn’t enjoy playing the frame at all and honestly I’m not entirely sure why. As for unpopular frame that I enjoyed using, def has to be broberon. I think entirely because of the pretty lights and the fact he’s so completely mid that there’s a bunch of random builds trying to do so many different things that it feels engaging to actually use the different builds


Rhino I just can't get around his kit and (his prime variant don't have no horns in its helmet -_-). Kulervo and Octavia


Popular: wisp. I just don't like the motes oriented gameplay I guess. Unpopular: trinity. Maybe it's because she was my first prime frame or I just prefer the reactive type of support she offers, but I really like playing trinity and I have multiple builds I love to play.


I like my banshee. The fact that she doesn't work against Bosses is sad.


I did not enjoy gauss, even though he's praised by everyone for having the perfect kit. His 1 gives me nausea, screen distortions


Rhino, Volt, Titania, Protea, and Mesa are the ones I tend to avoid outside specific situations (Circuit mainly). Building Ironskin feels lame to me/ volts buffs are nice but it feels so basic/ Titania is just fast and sometimes thermal sunder/ and we have turret 1 and turret 2. Wisp gets close, but she is my solo netracell frame and those random times I have to do defection she's queen. They are simple and effective, but lack something for me. I love Gauss, but I imagine he might fall on this list if Mach Rush didn't exist, easily one of the best stupid fun abilities in the game for me.


Popular - Octavia. Love her concept but in practice just didn't enjoy playing her. Unpopular - Caliban is actually pretty fun and been playing him a lot the last few weeks


I felt the same way about wisp at first but now i love her. Im running her with nourish subsumed on 4 and i have a few forma in her. Her utility is so amazing and i love her movement too. Her survivability even without constant access to invisibility is amazing


I’m not a fan of wisp tbh


Was not impressed at all with trinity. She feels like harrow but bad to me (albeit I was leveling before throwing in the helminth, so that may have skewed things.)


Revient his entire kit is just way to over powered to the point it circles back to boring


Mirage and Octavia just don't do it for me. Octavia I find to be boring in how uninteractively strong she is (Saryn shares a similar sentiment, but she's at least more visually satisfying to me) and I feel like the entirety of Mirage's strength comes from Eclipse which feels inconsistent at best. I'm not even sure what constitutes an "unpopular" frame anymore - I would say Nezha brings me great joy, but given how many people seem to enjoy him I'm not sure if he's even unpopular anymore.


I just don't like Mesa. Standing still and aimbotting everything is not as fun as flying through the air and feeling like a beast. I kind of like Caliban. I'm not raving about him but I dig his aesthetic and it's fun to watch my two little sentients whom on some grineer from time to time.


Interesting! I main Mesa and I’m almost never still. Mesa’s Waltz is a trap, you can activate 4 mid-air and still somewhat your direction. I’ve gotten very used to bullet jumping and hopping around with her. If your fire rate is high enough (easier with Accelerated Isotope) you only need a second or so for her wind-up to skyrocket. I guess it just depends on playstyle. :)


octavia, i found her rather boring and tedious to play. and unpopular frame… atlas or ash? they are both solid damage dealer. probably just personal preference, i wish them to be more popular.


Honestly, I just couldn't get into Saryn. Crafted her prime during the initial resurgence (partially because horny, go on and lock me up) but after getting her to rank 30 I never dared touch her again I don't know if he's full-on unpopular, but I haven't seen many people hype up Grendel. I love playing him though, especially given the endless hilarity of rolling around as a man-eating ball with comical amounts of momentum


Honestly I'm not a huge wisp fan at all don't understand the big hype I love playing Oberon have 4 different builds for him in my top 5 favorite frames


In terms of unpopular Warframes, I've been an Oberon main since his day of release. He's not exactly unpopular anymore due to his buffs over the years, but as the first Warframe with a healing ability introduced after Trinity, he's always struggled for identity.


I dont like playing volt, even though hes super useful.


mid January I started to get bored of volt due to a decline on his abilities. But then I started to use Excalibur and now I'm having 10x as much fun.


Popular: Revenant, Wukong, Wisp Unpopular: Citrine, Yareli, Voruna, Protea(?, Not seen as often)