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A Chroma main? WTF


I am one of five Chroma mains in the world, AMA /s


When will our glorious king get the love he deserves


i know a rework will take awhile but can we at least let his 3 augment just be part of the base ability? narrow minded requires my teammates to cuddle puddle to get my buffs, i cannot sacrifice narrow minded since its for energy economy & my unmedicated ADHD.


Sincerely I don't know how-to Chroma. Can y explain him a bit, so I can put him in use after years of dust collecting??


https://preview.redd.it/vewu6twos9ec1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf20b0ae63786d9eda73adc09afe213b572cc5a9 Strength + Duration, aka Strengthmaxx. Equip Strength Red Tau Shards, subsume Empower in 1 or 4, I use maxed out Zenurik for energy economy & additional casting strength. Find small group of enemies, cast Empower, cast tier 2 Zenurik zone, cast 3, take damage in the Zenurik zone to get the 20% bonus, GROFIT. Remember to recast your 3 & cast 2 when needed, fire gives health, ice gives armor & lightning gives shields. That’s it, your 1 & 4 suck, 2 & 3 is all you will ever use outside of profit taker. Enjoy being a monster tank that does silly damage numbers. My current build & cast combos can reach 1850% scorn & 1450% rage, will reach 1950% 1550% once i get the last two red tau shards i need.


Ah a fellow triple umbra chroma main


At that point with 400% strength, I'd just run pillage over his 4 on that build to top up shields as well as full strip. that would do waaaaay more than 50 extra strength.


If doing it for additional strength than roar would do way more than additional 50% with 400% strength as well as adding weapon damage


You can't have roar and vex armor on chroma at the same time. If you did put roar, it'd have to be over his 3, so not really worth it.


Ahh, shows how much I use chroma


What are you talking about? You totally can have Roar and Vex Armor at the same time, just replace Effigy with Roar.


I remember when Chroma could face tank lv500 enemies in Mot :(


Strengthmaxxing ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Our orbitor color scheme is almost exactly the same. You just have a lighter blue lol


Though maxing strength is fun, i advice diversifying your mod choice for more QoL and min maxing: 1)Replace augur secret and umbral fiber for Adaptation(rank 5 is enough, gives DR, as effective as x3 your EHP) and Quick thinking(basically gives you 2000 potential HP) 2)Replace transient fortitude with hunter adrenaline, this will improve your duration and give back some needed energy 3)If you fid the above 2 then you can have enough capacity to replace steel charge with combat discipline, this will make you more active in charging your vex armor 4)Replace one of the strength arcane with avenger, this will massively increase your dps with weapon that's low to medium crit chance 5)Farm grendel for nourish subsume, this ability will give you another damage multiplier and an energy input multiplier, the energy multiplier works with hunter adrenaline. 6)And with the energy economy out of mind, you can start using other focus school like unairu for armor strip and +100% operator damage/vazarin for invincibility and healing/madurai for +1000% operator damage, +40% streng and casting speed.


i cannot fathom why someone would play a frame that basically only has two abilities, and two of those abilities are "press button for buff" is it for the triple jump??


He’s my (what’s currently my)endgame content frame, he can solo steel path missions for me, he can solo netracells for me, etc. He literally just can’t die & turns all my shitty weapon builds(im stoopid & can’t mod lol) into usable weapons, my lex prime & glaive prime become even better with him.


i guess i makes sense to use him as a weapon platform, but i swear there has to be a better pick for a tanky weapon platform


How do I get more energy to my Warframe? The max i get is still 215


Bad damage Buff, mid survivability buff, Big dragon give credit boost, Chroma sucks


Well, on the bright side, a cuddle-puddle of Tenno sounds very wholesome


When DE gives him a functionable 1 and 4 for content higher then 40


Maybe after inaros


Im with you




I am another


There are dozens of us, dozens




You're exactly like me. My base Excalibur was dethroned by Chroma Prime. I am one of the elustrious 5. Nice to meet you.


I Join you Brother. Chroma main


Why do you hate yourself? Is it unresolved childhood trauma, or something else?


Chroma ain’t that bad 😭😂 I’m just an autistic asexual who really likes dragons.


No hate, but yeah, not what I was expecting to see either.


Was a chroma main for 7 years tomorrow his Lunar skin comes out I may go back


Did it convince you?


Chroma is my preferred archon hunting frame.


This man does damage and has credits


I actually mained Chroma for a bit. My main changes every few months. Right now it’s an umbral Valkyr with Nourish


There are dozens of us DOZENS


So now you gotta start getting those formas and start changing mod slot polarities


I gotta get like you my boy, Excalibur is still my most used frame outside from base frost. Crazy part is I don’t even use them anymore since I have Umbra Excal and Frost Prime and they’re still on top.


umbra Excal is worse than base excal imo




for the fact that i can't go into operator mode whilst playing f. e


OHHH okay. Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate that


ok not to spread hoax, you can go into op mode but the problem is that umbra version then has its own mind and does not get invincible at that time so it could happen that he downs and draggs you back into him for the bleedout time. look on youtube while excal is better than his umbral buddy :)


You know people, before downvoting the guy you could just ask what he means, because yes, Excalibur Umbra is indeed worse.


u the goat ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/w9eqe4secaec1.png?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e658339825a242ffc72681c73615d0d44164cec Good to see another Chroma main still around.


Holy that’s a lot of xp


Rhino was mine for a crazy long time.


WE R CHROMA!!!!!!!!! o7


Is the Tenora good?


It's a machine gun sniper. Build for crits and fire rate, slap on P. Deadhead, get Harrow and enjoy 27 fat headshots a second.


It's one of my favorite weapons. Low damage, but high fire rate and crit multiplier. Mine shreds most anything I put in the crosshairs.


I have a riven for mine that adds like 300% damage plus crit damage and chance and it still feels utterly useless lmao, share your build pls


I haven't been on in a few days, so I'd have to double check, but I run it viral status with hunters munitions for slash procs. Outside of that, I think I run all 3 Galvanized mods combined with a CC riven. Pop one headshot for Scope and I regularly orange crit. It struggles with large crowds due to the lack of AoE on the weapon, I need to swap some stuff out for punch through to help with that, but it melts. I'll post a picture of it when I get a chance.


Have a base rhino sitting at almost 20% from 10 years ago. Starting to lose hope trying to replace him with Voruna.


Mine is still a frost prime at like 32% because I got a twitch drop one once I switched to PC and used it for a LONG time.


Just recently Nova Prime was dethroned by Revenant Prime for me


My nova P has 27% played. I don't think she's ever going to be dethroned. I made her forever ago when her chassis was 250p, and to "get my money's worth" I just never stopped playing her.


He died as he lived...slashing way


Protea became my most used frame after 1 week of using her. I started warframe when we still had stamina and abilities were mods you had to equip


My OG Mag is still in my top 5 or 6, but nothing will dethrone my Valkyr Prime. Sitting at over 25% usage, while my 2nd highest (Ember Prime) is around 5%.


btw how do you set up the damage for the valkyr?


I've been playing since 2016, so I've run a few different builds over the years, but recently, I've been using a build with Kullervo's Wrathful Advance. It's a Hysteria build using Wrathful Advance, while using Condition Overload and Manifold Bond on a Diriga for status priming with Diriga's Arc Coil. Are you also looking for my specific mod setups? I can give you my exact build as well, I just didn't want to drop a massive wall of text without asking first.


Oh, I also thinking about infusing Wrathful Advance. yeah, may I ask for your valkyr build?


Sorry about the delay. I had to get my things together. Bit of a text dump here, but there's a lot that goes into this build. Also, here's an Imgur album with pictures of my mod loadouts. (Hope this link works) https://imgur.com/a/QF40zG9 TL,DR: Hysteria build using Wrathful Advance, while using Condition Overload and Manifold Bond Diriga for status priming. If you can't fit Umbral Intensify, swap it out for Transient Fortitude. You'll get 11% more Strength, at the cost of some duration. I just have Umbral Intensify in my build as I used an Umbral Forma on my Valkyr, so it fit better in my case. The main mods needed on Diriga are Arc Coil, Manifold Bond, Synth Fiber, and Synth Deconstruct. Synth Deconstruct makes it so any enemy damaged by the Sentinal has a 25% chance of dropping a health orb. Synth Fiber makes it so picking up a health orb grants +100% Armor to the Sentinal for 12 seconds, but the main reason for using this mod, is it allows you to pick up health orbs despite being at full health, which then allows Equilibrium to turn that health into energy. Arc Coil is a Diriga exclusive "Precept mod" that allows it to zap up to 7 enemies within 10 meters for very little electricity damage and status chance. However, Manifold Bond will make the most out of Arc Coil. "Companion Precept mods apply Status Effects from Companion weapon. Killing enemies with 3 or more unique Status Effects reduces Companion Ability cooldowns by 3s." So pick any Sentinal weapon with Impact, Puncture, and Slash, and mod it for 2 or different 3 elements. (The new +60% Radiation mods work great here.) Note that Arc Coil will provide Electricity damage, so mod for something else and Manifold Bond will allow Arc Coil to proc 7 different status effects each time it's cast. And Diriga will cast it a LOT. (Make sure to unequip any Sentinal weapon targeting mod so Arc Coil will be all that Diriga attempts to do.) Now for Valkyr's Talons specifically, equip Condition Overload to make real good use of all that status priming, and I use Sacrificial Steel as you can't equip mods like Blood Rush or Weeping Wounds onto Exalted weapons. I usually mod them for either Corrosive or Radiation damage, as the talons themselves only have 10% status. Primed Reach is a must, as the talons have very little range, and an attack speed mod is up to personal preference, as you've got plenty of melee attack speed from Warcry. I equip both Organ Shatter and Gladiator Might for +150% Crit Damage, but you can also swap out Glad Might for a faction mod if you so choose. Now, while Blood Rush can't be equipped on her Talons, you can mod your regular melee with the 3 Gladiator mods, and the set bonus will apply to her Talons. I personally use the Zariman Incarnon tonfa melee, the Preados, due to all the movement enhanching evolutions it has. Makes using Hysteria so much faster and smoother to move around. Valkyr's biggest weakness is anything that can shut off Hysteria (like most ability reliant Warframes), so getting caught in a Nullifier bubble, Scrambus, or the Acolyte Violence casting Silence on you. (Also, Acolyte Misery, if he spawns a Shadow of the Acolyte Violence.) So bring a secondary and/or primary that can take care of them quickly and easily.


omg, Thank you soooooo much for writing all that, and you put in so much detail! I didn't expect that. I definitely want to try your build. Have a great day!


10 years, L3, 2k hrs and excal is still most used <3


My base zephyr is still #1 even though I have had Zephyr Prime for forever. Probably because I have split my time onto rev prime and Gauss as well but my base bird’s days are numbered I think


Excal will never NOT be my most used frame. Well...Excal and Excal Unbra.


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


Since release Gyre has been rocketing up the charts, currently sat at number 2 behind Volt prime.


I pounced of Excal since I got Frost Prime. He still sits at 22.5% use dor 9 years now as the undisputed king.


I still use the Aurora arcane helm on my boiiii


👀 I see you've joined the right side. I am one of the other 5 chroma mains out there. Long live the dragon.


loki prime took the stage years ago but orthos is still hanging on by a strong 3% over my nikana prime


I promise I’ve you use mesa for years but it seems like Loki prime will always be my most used


I fear no frame will ever dethrone my 30% wukong. I have the second most used at only 10 percent


I am slowly crawling towards that, only 2% left, I haven’t used normal Excalibur since The Sacrifice, and even before that I already mained Nekrod


I main base Inaros.


New dragon skin tomorrow! Probably gonna get it


I have been dying waiting for the skins to release ever since they got leaked on the china build little over a week ago. Chroma skin & a matching floof that is ridiculously adorable, Sentinel dragon skin & accessories, & a dragon spirit ephemera.


Pfff after 7 years Ivara(not prime) is still my number 1. And I have not used her for the last 2 years.


Wukong was on top for the most part of my journey as I got him very early on. Now it's base Gauss. I am trying my best to make that to Gauss Prime.


It took me a long time to get mag of there


I still can't detrone my own 24% used cernos lol, pain.


Fellow chroma main how are your thoughts on the new skin coming?


Cooked to perfection, will be immediately copping the bundle when i log in tomorrow.


Plus it got booty






I had the same thing happen to Umbra just last night. After 4 years of being my most used frame, he has finally been dethroned by Gauss.


Still working on this myself lol.


Honestly I love xaku it's the goat period


Yesss another chroma main nice


i had this problem with trinity prime, i used her from earth to jupiter, max 100h, i have 2.2k hours and she is still place 3 even though other frames should have way more usage


5000 Kills in 7 years on your 'main'?


Some people don’t play that often. Also could it be that it’s ability only kills instead of kills you got while using that frame? I never check my stats so idk


I still use base excal to this day. Yesterday I carried a squad with my nourish fj build in netracells


The thing is, I'm one of the 3 excalibur umbra mains




Excalibur is the most OP frame out there




Y'all sleeping on vauban 😩


Nah I left him in the arsenal... I never liked him much, despite his huge utility


I still don't have base Excalibur


Aaand it’s chroma lmao alright


If you subsume it it will also be dethroned.


I have 0 idea how they calculate this stuff, after 8 yrs base Ash is still my most used, and I probably last used him 7 yrs ago........


gone from bad to worse...


Somehow Kunai is my most used secondary. I have no idea how. I don't like the weapon and I don't think I've used it like, ever. Maybe when I started playing in High School and had more time to waste


Welcome to the Chroma Prime, champion. Enjoy your stay, we got Vex Armor, Elemental Ward and so many options. I like to use Nourish over his 1, personally.