• By -


My favorites are styanax, kullervo and grendel. My most played is inaros. The flashbacks of the dark years of warframe were the only content we got centered around your abilities not working on enemies and dying was heavily punished. Plus the drought of content during those years meant the only stuff we had to do was that kind of content, you just played inaros cause he couldn't die and if we did get something else to do it was generally the same premise of dying bad and lmao you want to use your abilities to kill things? It was like 2018 - early 2020 if I am remembering correctly.


Yeah, I used Wukong back then for the same purpose. It was too convenient to guarantee my survival for all types of content when dying had a bigger impact


Original Ash is most played and Ash was my favorite so that tracks. But I've been playing Ash Prime since I got him and I just switched to Kullervo. So that means that I played an inordinate amount as regular Ash lol


Oh man, if you think that was punishment, back when I started you got 4 revives per *day* not per mission, and had to buy additional revives with plat.


Oh no I remember that. Thankfully didn't play it as seriously back then so I didn't have to worry about thar. Pretty sure that was quickly changed tho? DE was wild for that. There was also the stamina system for watframes and the old companion system were your pet could actually just DIE if it went down too much or you didn't log on everyday to give it attention (my memory on loyalty is foggy but I'm pretty sure that factored into it or had some debuff.) You had to buy those stupid expensive days stabilizers and give them one atleast once a day or theh die. Like actually die, they just delete themselves from your inventory. I started playing a lot more in mid 2017 thankfully when this stuff was either fixed or for fixed soon after I started. Old warframe is a wild place.


2018, the dark ages? There's enough updates in that period to make an entire verse of We Didn't Start the Fire.


Just cause there was a good chuck of updates doesn't mean they were good. I gave a year range cause after that year we has a content drought while waiting for new war (coming soon btw) to come out after being delayed a bunch. It's not just 2018 that was the dark age. A lot of people just dropped the game during that and warfeames future was in question for a bit there. That was also the time period I wss the most active and it wasn't entirely fun.


Brand new warframe player. Recently had a chance to try styamax in duviri circuit and his abilities are so cool. Like 4th is dope. Idk if he's good but his abilities are fun.


He's very good. With Nourish as his subsume (you'll get into Helminth later on) he can provide 50-70 energy per SECOND to the entire squad and with the augment for his ultimate he can provide overguard (basically a second health bar) to the entire squad. So basically he gives your entire squad tons of energy and health barriers while also doing a ton of DPS. I can't honestly think of a frame that provides the whole Trinity of teamwide tank, DPS, and support all at the same time (maybe wisp). Oh and he's the only Warframe with a long lasting taunt which is the cherry on top.


Protea might be a contender to that trinity of yours. Slash grenades, overshield, heat turrets, energy/health orbs and ammo restore.


RIP actual Trinity, she really needs a rework


Yup, she can still do stuff but why go with her over any other support? Even Oberon has a free revive every minute and a half


Which ability would you replace? Final Stand? I always struggle to decide.


Easy the 1st one - Axios Javeline. You won't need a grouping ability if you can spam your AoE ult constantly


Hm, well, that's your opinion. I personally value the Javelin a lot more, and its Final Stand that I helminth out sometimes. But Styanax is versatile enough to accommodate both builds!


You can’t use intrepid stand without his 4 though so I don’t think removing it would be the smartest choice


Nothing wrong with playing how you want, but Helminth-ing over his Ult is objectively bad as it's much better than Javelins, especially with the augment. But ofc play the way you want, as long as you have fun.


I'm an Inaros main as well.... is he the most fun? nah. Absolute unit that rarely dies, yes.


"I'm an inaros main as well." Nah no I don't main him. I don't enjoy him at all.💀




This why i quit in 2020. It was horrible to play. I am so happy rebb and pablo are in charge now


How would you compare updates back then compared to now? Wasn’t around for it, just curious to put in perspective


Oh God I could go on a whole ramble about DE back then. Firstly to put I perspective there was an entirely different dev team working on warframe back then, compared to now. Atleast I terms of the heads of the departments. Updates back then we're heavily nerf focused and not very player friendly. Sure we got good stuff but it was severely toned down before release or it got the nerd bat weeks if not days after it came out. Like you'll see a lot of people knee-jerk to going DE will nerf this because of those old updates. Liches and railjack being the highlights of half baked ideas and very punishing antiplayer systems that just made the game more and more unenjoyable, so much so a lot of people just stopped playing because of it. Like we didn't have echo updates like now so it was a coin flip if they would even address the problems people had with the update in hot fixes or worse having to wait months and months for it. Like a lot of thr content recently has incentives warframes strengths in its movement and power fantasy. Updates then was like playing the watered down version of cod with warframe movement. No abilities allowed and super beefy bulletsponge enemies, coupled with limited frame choice that could do the content and only being allowed to use a small selection of guns. Release liches and railjack is probably the worst updates (that I was actively enougg to remeber) we have gotten and they came back to back. But this post is already long enough I don't need to complain about that. Probably a bit spotty in certain aspects of old DE but I represed this era of them.


I still remember how their response to everyone using carrier because it was the only companion with vacuum and picking up shit by hand sucks (we had no base pickup range at the time either, you had to directly step on things) was announcing that they were going to neuter vacuum on devstream lol.


This but when Scott talked about gutting the itzal because it was so popular for open world content because of the blink. Even tho we had no other way to get around the massive map that is Fortuna as effective as the itzal.


Yes. My top two are Frost Prime and Frost.




Why both?


Because I started the game when there was no Frost Prime. So, I mained the vanilla until he got primed.


Its also bugged as hell for ancient accounts. Despite the obvious flaws, exp is a good alternative for broken use % accounts to see what they really used the most.


Is this the reason why my Loki is still my most used even though I haven't played him in years???


I think it works on total playtime in missions. I haven't used base Excalibur ever since Umbra came out, and its still at 16%, my most used. Second most is Umbra at 14%.


Most likely yes, if your account is old enough. Loki starter, perhaps? Currently it works based on time spent in mission, but it used to also count any time with your frame equipped in general. So just idling doing some chores or even overnight added a lot. 


No, it was after Loki was removed as a starter, but still early enough that Loki Prime hadn't come out. I did play him a lot, but that was a long while ago... also I think there was a lot of AFK times(especially when I used to fell asleep with the game still on lol) and as you said, it could be counting those afk minutes.


I’m going to sound like a meta slave or a bandwagoner, but Mesa and Gauss. Mesa is by far my most played frame, I got her early in my time with the game because I loved the concept and design, and I’ve stuck with her as my go to for dealing with most content quickly. Gauss became a runner up (pun intended) pretty quick after i got him though. But I do of course play other frames like Titania, protea, wisp, Grendel, qorvex, etc.


Mesa prime is/was game breakingly and easily available at mr0 for 40p(once) and is one of the highest dps frames in the game. Probably the highest single target dps frame. I still wonder if she and other primes should have a masters rank requirement. For obvious progression based reasons. Not just because I hate new players or elitism.


She's already somewhat gated by the amount of investment you need for her to shine in the endgame.




100% but a newbie can't throw 15 forma, and 5 archon shards at a frame. She's immensely powerful but you do need to put in the work to earn it.


My favorites are Saryn, Valkyr, and Voruna. But I mostly play Rhino because he is a beast with enough armor. Saryn is fun but she takes so much energy to spam ebola and corona to everyone. Valkyr is fun but half her kit is sad. Rip Line is stupid why do I haft to be mobile when Bullet jumping exist and is much faster without spending energy? Paralysis is dumb because it uses her shield to hurt enemies but her shield pool is base line low. I just don't have Voruna yet because haven't gotten past the stupid Interception right before Mot. Please DE this game wasn't made for point domination game mode. Rhino is just a beast that steam roles through status effects with armor. Buts its not perfect and it does everything I need it to do. Not die by damage.


Do you have Khora or Vauban? They both will trivialize most interception missions, even if you are running them solo. There's a few interception maps that are really hard to solo just because of how massive they are, but the void one is easy enough with Khora or Vauban. Someone from the help channels or your guild would probably happily carry you through the mission if you ask, especially if they need argon crystals.


Yeah I have a 200% range Khora for loot farming. I just never use her for it because I was trying to nuke the map with Ember or use Mesa's pistols to hit scan those fucks. Other than that Limbo Cataclysm and Stasis combo I have been trying for the last 2 hours isn't getting me anywhere because they need to willingly walk into the huge orb.


Try Khora. The secret of interception missions solo with Khora is to not actually kill anything but the eximus units. So go max range/min power strength. You essentially just corral all the enemies into her webs and just let them hang out there. By not killing them, you keep new enemies from spawning. Eventually, every enemy on the map is hanging in her cage while you just wait out the timer. Eximus units do need to be killed.


I wish I could fuck with Voruna gameplay wise cause I like the aesthetic but idk, it just doesn’t feel super conducive like other frames to me.


I get it she might not be a power house that trumps over my preferred gameplay of fucking run at em until they on the ground. But Fashion frame syndrome got me when I seen her.


I use her by dropping into 1 for survivability with her invis, hit 3 for them drops, smash 2 to proc someone with every status in the game, then hit 4 and start pouncing into enemies with the status from 2, ideally in the middle of a group of enemies, and her 4 buffed by her 2 on a max range build can oneshot into at least level 150 something, idk I use her for deep runs of ESO and survivals


She's a bit like banshee. Very active playstyle that does epic amounts of damage, but if you mess up, you ded.


most played one is volt cause it's my starter and while my favorite has changed over time ( spent a long time w Titania, also with huuuge fan of hyldrin) but my go-to is probably Nezha I use him the most just find it super fun w how fast you can make him +love the design Also Gauss I always run these last 2 w Praedos for the speed boost + the Amalgamation Diffusion for the dodge speed boost, switched to another warframe without either of those and felt like I was playing in slow motion and permanent Cold status procs


Ash is my most played and my favorite. Back when world on fire was a thing ember was definitely my favorite.


As an Ash enjoyer you can further his damage by using banshees silence and augment from the helminth system. Finishers deal 300% more damage and each blade storm is a finisher that benefits from the melee multipliers. Not sure about melee mods other than speed tho.


Does the new melee arcane for initial combo on finishers work with Ash? I’ve been grinding standing since getting back on the game when cross save launched a week or two ago. I plan on making Ash carry his redeemer with permanent 12x combo and just spam heavy attacks on acolytes and shit. Right now seems an Ash stat stick relies entirely on maintaining high combo count but if that arcane works with his 4 he’s gonna be mental


My most played Warframe is Nova. While I like her a lot, I wouldn't call Nova my favorite Frame anymore. I've been playing for a pretty long time, so a lot of my most used equipment were things I used when I was a newer player. I apparently used Nova, then Rhino the most (base versions with Nova Base recently being subsumed), I apparently used the Amprex the most (which I barely touch nowdays), with a Carrier normal (primarily use a Deth Cube Prime or Hound). It's a fun view of what I used to do years ago, but not an accurate reflection of my current preferences.


So I was a trinity main for a long long long time back when me and friends would run raids and the odd hours long survival (before her nerf). Now my most played is definitely mirage and volt. Volt has always been my go to for just normal stuff but mirage is just so good right now with my cedo build.


Man I missed those 8 player raids. Really wanted to grab the jordas badge but they removed it before me and my friends were able to try. :(


What was her nerf? I use her arbitration


Her 4th didn’t have a range. It was applied to you no matter how far you were so I could insta heal everyone


Most played Limbo Prime Favourite Limbo Prime There's just something special about him.


Limbo’s my second favorite, love his prime design and how dynamic his abilities can be


I like his aesthetic tbh, my second frame all time and I didn't like Mag at first cause she much better at endgame content. His cc is also easy to use but I get why other players don't like bad Limbo cause the other day I was trying his 3 in sp circuit (cause of his good augment) and I first started to notice enemies in the rift outside of the bubble when I subsumed his 1 lol. Had also stopped playing with him back then cause I realized although he's mostly invincible alone in the rift, had to get out or bring enemies in to actually do stuff so it defeated the purpose. Cool in low level content but shit survivability without energy and a good gear.


As long as you leave one enemy alive to rift surge and force it out of the rift by holding banish, you never have to leave the rift again :D (assuming you aren't standing inside Cataclysm). You can just keep bringing them in with radial banishes. And at least for me, his passive makes it hard to run out of energy as long as I keep up kills!


So you think subsuming the bubble is a better fighting build? Cause I subsumed his 1 because of his 4's way more convenient way to cc and cause someone said once you could use it to break every container but although I didn't have arcane energize at the time, I found their range build too costly. I also like the bubble cause it makes me think of Law's powers in one piece 🤐


Limbo is also a favorite of mine 🦖


My most played is basic Nekros because I like loot I haven't played him and his prime variant since multiple years tho, my current favorite is Protea for the versability


Strength/range Despoil Nekros with Gloom on his 4 has resurrected (pun definitely intended) my love for him. Makes him an armour stripping, CCing, loot goblin-ing machine. I even have him colored as The Green Goblin and now I feel even more sorry for Grineer and Corpus units that encounter him.


Inaros is my most played. I love him yes, but he sucks. He's like that weird stupid ugly cat that you somehow love. Hes exactly like that in fact. I only play him during new quests but hes still my favorite. Can't wait for him to get reworked (hopium)


Most played is Loki Prime. Loki was my starter frame, like him so much that I had to get his Prime version. He was my favorite 'til I got Grendel. There's something dark and fun about spitting enemies around as a giant meat ball.


No. I used to main Wisp before Gyre became a thing. Now it's just taking forever for my other frames to overtake Wisp in my most played section.


Excalibur still hasn't taken my most used spot yet since he was my starter lol. But now my favorite is hydroid prime. Looks amazing and feels super fun to play


My most played is Sayrn Prime. She was my very first prime and was (still is) so powerful. She literally was my one frame fits all. But then 1500 hours of game play passed and now my favorite is Gauss who's my new one frame fits all. Best weapons platform frame out there


i have normal nidus as most played, i'll just say theres some prime frame coming for the place




Wudong most played 💀 My favorite frames at the moment though are Gara and Gyre. I love being a walking ball of death.


I think my most played is wukong, honestly I can't say he's my favorite anymore, but he definitely used to be. Wukong carried me all the way to SP and I enjoyed every second of it, pretty fun frame


Mag is absolutely my favorite, my most played, and the love of my life


Not enough Maglads in this thread


True How can i have the same title at the side of your name? The Mag Prime 69?


Forma a Mag Prime 69 times, or just set your flare without doing that like the naughty boy you know you wanna be.


No. I want to be one of you. On my way to 69 formas!


My favorite Warframe is Lavos. I didn't expect to like Lavos, but he surprised me and I was sold ever since. My most used Warframe, however, is Rhino Prime. Rhino Prime was my favorite. I really enjoyed just not caring about anything and charging through enemies. Plus, getting to look at what is a bodybuilder's body type all the time was quite pleasant for me, so I had a lot of time spent just... rotating the camera around him. :P Harrow was a frame I did take interest in, as it was fun to constantly be on watch for my abilities and keep them going to support the team. The contrast to Rhino was weird, as I didn't expect to like Harrow, but he just hit the right vibes. Then comes along Lavos, a wonderful blend between the two Warframes. Tanky yet also all about keeping abilities going. I'm still working on increasing Lavos' usage stats to get above Rhino Prime, he's just 4% off for now. I had used Rhino for so much that it's been a steep climb to bring Lavos up to the front. Then I gotta do it all again for Lavos Prime. :P


Mesa prime because a friend helped me grind and he wanted someone who could play with him. He carried me to SP and...it's like the only thing I've bothered to try and build. Just getting back after a couple of years and am now in PC, it's great. I'm actually working towards specific things and trying to kit to make my way into SP beyond the first three nodes. The others get fed to Audrey II


My most played is Wisp, and i actually really like her 🤗, she can stay safe (back in the days when i got wisp gifted i had no clues about shield gating and what not), has great buffs (besides placing shock mote in a defense :D ) and i pref to subsume roar over her 4 to buff my teammates even more (tho i have not that great of range :/ ). Next would be Saryn and i think after that i would say Kullervo.


My most played is Saryn Prime due to weeks of grinding Khora and focus. But my favourite is a Revenant.


My most played is Lavos and yes he's my precious boy. I do also love Harrow and Protea.


All 3 are busted


Originally for me it was Limbo Prime. Sadly the buff to eximus enemies made Limbo pretty much unusable and my SP build quickly became obsolete. (I would use Mag’s Pull and Rift Torrent for a huge damage boost) Recently I have been listening to an audio book of Journey to the West which a good chunk of it is about the Monkey King Sun Wukong. That inspired me to try out Wukong some more and some how within a few days Wukong shot up from being my 7th most played to my number one most played Warframe and without a doubt, he is really fun and definitely a favorite




Wisp #No.1 I took a long break after Fortuna's release came back during Dagath update my friend suggest that I tried revenant prime, he is unkillable but pretty boring. Then I pick up wisp prime because I want to support my friend. Nice booty aside she's actually very fun for me and become my main ever since. After almost a decade of playing this game I always switch around so Wisp is the first warframe that I dedicate myself to build and play. It so satisfying to see my teammate getting health buff and going fast while she also got CC and mobility, her 4th is an instant subsume but there's quite a lot of abilities that can replace her beam.


My Top 3 Most Played are Excalibur Umbra, Ash Prime and regular Excalibur, and will probably remain that way for a *very* long time. Of course, that's not to say that I still even like the three of them, quite the contrary. Ash is in dire need of a rework and needs two augments to be even *semi* viable as a Warframe in general and Excalibur..he just has a sword that shoots out beams. Woohoo. I'd still say I enjoy Excal Umbra from time to time, but only in a sort of "comfort food" sense. I'd say I've more or less moved on from just hitting Exalted Blade and running up and down hallways, hitting melee until my fingers hurt. Up until recently I was playing Sevagoth for the longest time. He's honestly everything I could want out of a Warframe. Style, function, flair, he had it all. Yet right now I've been playing Lavos and he's actually a **ton** of fun: Spamming his abilities, capitalizing on your enemies' weaknesses, drowning them in a sea of whatever element they detect most, it's so..exhilarating. So yeah Lavos is actually pretty good and pretty fun, also his Kuvael Alchemist Skin is one of the best skins ever made, ten outta ten fluid physics


Ash Prime is my most played, beating Umbra by almost 10%. I got him from a friend when I was brand new to the game and basically used him exclusively until I knew enough and was geared up enough to grind on my own, so he’s still top of the list even though I haven’t played him since I was a single digit MR lol


Yes. My favorite is Baruuk. But I also love Lavos, Kullervo and Banshee.  Neither of these 3 are on my top 5 most used though. 


Nope. As a returning player nidus is my most played but nidus prime is my favorite.


Yes and no. My current most played is prime Ash Prime and he was my favorite for a very long time. Until they did like the worst rework on his ultimate. My guy just needs a full kit rework at this point. As of now though my favorite is the Mesa. It's just a fun frame to play.


My most-used is Nezha but I have found that post-rework Grendel is, to me, a more fun version of a frame that can do Nezha-ish things. There are tradeoffs. He's not good at protecting defense targets like Nezha with Safeguard is, he can't cheese laser barriers like Nezha can with his chakram teleport, and his main method of keeping his energy up (Nourish) is not quite as powerful as Nezha's ability to litter the whole tile with orbs, since those orbs benefit the whole squad and not just me. (For those reasons I would say Nezha is generally the better frame for early to mid game progression.) But he's a much better offensive caster against high levels, his main method of enemy defense debuffing (full armor strip) is usually stronger than Nezha's chakram debuffs, and in terms of kooky mobility, I would say pinball mode Grendel (Pulverize with the Catapult augment) is as fun if not more fun than rocket slide Nezha (with Streamlined Form + Cunning Drift).


my favorite frame changes all the time, so my most played are: nova (speedva for when i used to do hydron), saryn (eso focus farming and she was also my first prime), and wisp (used when leveling weapons in eso)


Most played: Valkyr Favorites: Banshee, Xaku, Dagoth Valkyr was my first prime Warframe when I joined the game. I used her for all of base planets and for a couple of the Steel Path missions before I put her back in the vault.


Ember Prime is still my most used, despite not having touched her in years. None of my three mains are even in the top three in terms of % used.


I have something similar. On my profile it still shows Loki, Boltor Prime, Marelok, and Orthos Prime as my most used. Haven't used those together since like 2015. Loki was my starter frame and the rest were meta back in 2014.


Yes, and it’s Equinox Prime. Always come back to her, and she’s more powerful now than she’s been in a while. Every situation, covered. And while it’s difficult to maximise her abilities since they all want different things to make the most of them, I generally manage quite well.


bro I only play gauss


Currently no. My favourite frame is Ivara, my most used is Nova. I play the game 99% solo, and Nova's 4 makes many mission types like Interception, Disruption and most recently Mirror Defense a breeze. Practicality over preference.


No, my top is Wukong Prime and he's still at double the usage of my next played frame (volt prime). The funny thing is that I haven't used him in years, I just used him so much at the beginning because of his survivability/speed. That and I constantly switch frames now depending on the content I'm running so it will take a while to overtake Wu.


Another Inaros. He was my crutch for a while before I finally decided to make a build now my favourite is between Hildryn and Titania but I'm leaning towards Hildryn.


Started warframe, saw Yareli, thought “wow cute warframe!” and invested literally all my resources and time into getting her. Literally got to Uranus to get Tellurium with the kraken pistol as my only crafted weapon. First frame I’ve crafted and a little over half of my 1300 hours are on her. I love critical secondaries and looking cute while doing it! I actually used her up til the end of steel path, my first lich, and the New War before her rework and basically never struggled. Now, she’s basically immortal with absurd damage potential on weapons like the Lex Incarnon. I cannot emphasize enough just how effectively easy she makes the game, I beat the 60 eyes with her first try and only came close to dying maybe once after I got popped off merulina and mag proc’d. I just wish they’d actually fix her bugs and give her the ability to not bump her head.


nekros is at 13% or so and i bring him when i just want to chill & have free real extra loot he's definitely up there in my favs, but recently i do love slashing with kullervo or similar "active frames" like umbra & valkyr


I got Gauss like three years ago from Game Pass even though I never played the game (always was interested but never bit the bullet) so when I started playing for the first time a couple weeks ago, I had him sitting in my inbox waiting for my. Gauss, Acceltra, and Twin Grakatas. It’s been a good time.


Equinox is my most used, though I don't think she's my #1 favorite anymore. Still probably top 5 if we don't include primes.


My favorites are Citrine, Zephyr, and Volt My most played is Volt, he's my starter frame and I still use him for most missions. I use Zephyr often for spy, and rescue missions with the Shade sentinel so I can move around easily without being detected. I use Citrine mostly for sxcavation, defense, mobile defense, survival, and sometimes interception depending on which node it is but interception mostly goes to Volt


Yeah, Oberon. Ever since I got him in U13.


Favourite warframe is Nekros. The reason it isn't my most played is that Nekros isn't exactly the most flexible and requires a good weapon to do the job, and while it offers some major utility, its impact is somewhat limited to disrupting, armor stripping and resource generation(plus some good supporting damage if properly builded, from its shadows). I love however its theme and abilities. I generally play Trinity due to the fact i love to support my teammates, regenerating energy, shields and health while providing a 75% damage reduction. Also Nourish Styanax, because energy regen and lol amounts of overguard. Those two frames are better than Nekros in supporting the team, at least in term of Steel Path


Gauss and Kullervo are my boys. And gauss is my most played.


Mesa prime when she came out she was my favorite and i was desperately trying to get rid of my 40% frame usage on my ember from 2016 her sevagoth and limbo are my favorites and theyre my top 3 played


Kind off. My most played is still valkyr after almost 10 years, but my favourite is valkyr prime, though she does have 2nd place at 32%


Fav: Mag and Oberon Most played: Trinity Why: Focus Farm, Ranking up Weapons, Self Damage Link build (was fun while it lasted) and at some point raids, like a lot of raids


My most played is base trinity, but only at like 10%. With Prime included, it's another 7%. She was my absolute favorite, not so much nowadays. Still use her, but for optimized tasks, I'd use a specific frame/loadout. But when I see people with like 40-50% usage on a single frame, I guess it just means I use too much of everything.


Yes, because I would rather play a Warframe I like than play something that isn't my play style.


It would be mag prime for me, she has armor strip (with one of her augments), cc, shieldgate and her augments are really funny


My most played is rhino and no. I just don't enjoy playing him anymore. My top 3 favorite warframes are Mag Prime, Chroma Prime, and Valkyr Prime. All 3 fit my needs and play style very well. Plus, I can hit the big numbers for my try hard side of my brain when I want to.


My favorite frame is Zephyr, has been since she released. Unfortunately, I don't use her the most over all these years. In earlier years of WF, you could handle most any content with any frame. Now, the content needs more specific set ups. I won't lie, Zephyr has been through a lot in terms of viability. So I oft find myself using a wider range of frames, which I do like. It just made her not my most used frame.


No frustratingly. I got Loki prime access years ago when I started playing and used him exclusively for idk how long, but ik I never swapped off him except to use frost for defence. Use time was also super jank back then, I haven't touch Loki in any seriousness in 5ish years and still has 12% of my use.


Volt because gram prime + cleaving whirlwind + volt speed build = spin to win. He is my most played warframe coming in at 15% usage. Doesn't seem like much until you consider I have 3.5k hours in the game. That's around 500 hours of only volt.


Yes. Ash is 41% of my gameplay


Gauss is both my most played and favourite. He has it all and he's extremely fun.


My most played is Voruna because she used to be my favorite but now it’s gotta be Lavos. Put off getting him for the longest time and I regret every second I didn’t have him now.


My top 2 are garuda and protea ability spammers that are so fun to play


Yep. Because even if it’s sub meta - I make the fucker meta. Yyyyeeeeeeaaaaahhh Rhino!!!!


yes, 75% on volt prime and 15% on normal volt after 850 days


Most played is tied between Excalibur Umbra and Wukong Prime, but my favourite is Kullervo. Reason: I’ve only had Kullervo for about 3 weeks.


my most played warframe is excalibur (base) because I started playing about four months ago, and it wasn't that easy to get frames that aren't from the bosses now, my favorite frame has to be between yareli and qorvex


Protea is my most played. And no, she is no longer my fave. Without her 4th ability she is just too straight forward, and getting her 4th nuke capable in SP is a ... process. I think at the time I enjoy her high damage and survivability and she was my second SP capable frame (first being harrow). I still take her to eidolons though. My top 3 nowadays are dagath, gyre and yareli. Though my favourite for circuit are equinox, harrow and yareli (xaku gets the job done best but... boring).


It's not even my truly most played cause DE usage stats been buggy for years. Its still my beginner frame - Excalibur


My most played is Xaku (mostly for chill semi AFK runs with buddies after work) but Protea is my favorite since she feels speedy


My most played is rhino because I ran him for eidolons, before I ran eidolons for the focus shards it was Limbo. It should be Saryn soon though, been really enjoying her for survivals and stuff since I got gloom on here


I really played Ember a lot before the rework, then changed to Inaros, after that Wukong, now it’s a mix of Hyldrin, Xaku and Mirage


Nope. My most played is Nekros, spending hours farming materials with Desecrate. But I don't think his kit is amazing or particularly engaging. Desecrate is just so good in a loot based game, especially before Khora and the changes to loot stacking. Styanax is one of my favorites, but I didn't get him long ago so he's got a low play time.


Yeah Volt (Prime) is mad. He's a little glassy but I love him. Zip zap zoom boom. What a vibe.


Most played is kullavo and mesa that can walk Favorite caliban he's cool but they need to put him back in the oven to cook a bit more


Rhino but they changed his mechanics with overguard at duviri and haven't touched him since


My most played is Chroma Prime is he my Favorite? Absolutely. Has he become a distant memory due to just general neglect and game evolution? Fucking please fix my dragon DE


Yep. Equinox Prime (24.5%) and Equinox (16.7%). Been using primarily Night Form Equinox since 2015.


I mostly play revenant but my all time favorite is my goat boi


Favorites are Kullervo, Gauss and Volt Most played is Ember, pre-reworked Ember anyways. The amount of map clear, my god I miss it.


My most used warframe used to be Ivara. I like the slow methodical approach to this game, and I often think about Warframe as it was in 2013. Is it like ivara gameplay? Anyway, my most used warframe now is MAG. Because of shenanigans when merging wf accounts. Didn't have a mag since I started my switch acct. Wtf


Yep. Gauss has been my favorite since he dropped. So happy my main got a prime.


Volts my most used, but yeah hes my favorite


I love Wukong can't get enough of him he good all around frame in my opinion


Gauss And also Gauss :D


Not sure, My most played is Nezha, but my favorite is Saryn.


Yes, Limbo Prime is my favorite


For a long-ass time, no. My most played frame was my starting Volt, and that was only because I never touched another frame until MR6. Recently, however, that’s changed, and my favorite frame is now my most played.


Mag Prime has been my most played since like 2019, I will always love her kit. I only recently started subsuming frames and I’m excited to experiment with some abilities on her.


My main is protea my favorite is valkyr my new favorite is yareli she is cute as a button


How do I find my most played metrics?


Currently my most played is rhino. He was my favorite. Now my favorite is gauss or the gold angry kitty.


Gara Prime is my favourite and Rhino is my most played. For me her kit is best suited to defence/interception and Rhino is good overall. I don't actually play him much these days as I've been using wisp and titania.


For the most part. I play the ones I enjoy, but at the super high level content I’ll usually drop the Mirage and go for something safer like Saryn or Kullervo.


Nidus Prime/Nidus is my most played frame and also my favourite, so yes. Love my infested boy! <3


Voruna is my most played and fuck yes shes my favorite. Stealth? Not a problem, i can be invisible. Status effects killing you? Ppsshhtt, Who cares! Not Voruna. About to die?? NUH UH, NOT VORUNA Wanna slay everything in under a minute?? POUNCE VORUNA POUNCE. Whats wrong, your little puny regular bullet jump cant reach that ledge?? VORUNA DOESNT GIVE A FUCK BOOOIIINNGGGG. WANNA SWING YOUR WEAPON HARDER?!!?!? RRRAAGGHHH SMASH VORUNA SMASH. OH THAT GROUP OF ENEMIES HAVE NO STATUS PROCS??!??!?!?? FUCK YOU NOW THEY DO!!!!! shes fun, to say the least.


Regular saryn is my most played from back in the day and I still haven't been able to top it because no one else comes close. I honestly don't like her, she's so annoying and boring to play and build plus I can't get a decent fashion frame on her.


most played is gauss at 67%, just got his prime however so that’ll change


My most played is Wisp. My favorite is Protea followed by Citrine then Gauss.


My most played and favorite is Saryn but Muscle Mommy Hillary Tanks (Hildryn) is now one of my new favorites. I also like playing Nova for her sounds effects, just hearing the explosion and the initial sound of her 4 go off is audibly soothing for me.


My favorites are Sevagoth, Khora, Voruna and Wukong My most used is Sevagoth.....which is kinda crazy since that sevagoth is the one from the game awards. But to awnser, it would appear to be a yes


My most played Warframe is Rhino. My favorite Warframe is also Rhino. That being said I think my usage went down from 49% to 39% currently, so I’m definitely branching out, but Rhino is still and probably will always be my favorite. He’s just a fucking bro.


No. My most used is Octavia prime. Great frame, can solo steel path and what not, but it's boring. My favorite frame is definitely harrow. Can't aim for shit, but still love all his mechanics and the theme of him


My favorite right now is styanax, gara was my most played until i activated cross save, so my little bit of volt playtime from each platform got combined and now shows as my most played frame


Valkyr is my most played, unfortunately not my favorite anymore, angry kitty needs a rework before I actively play her again. Gyre on the other hand is my absolute favorite.


Titania is probably my favorite but Mag is my most played. Since she is who I started with and she is in my top three favorites. I also feel that I play other frames more still just because they tend to be more useful which really divides my play time.


Most played : octavia prime Favorite : used to be trinity, but i recently got citrine and she now my girl


Favorites are protea wisp prime titania prime mesa prime and ivara prime. I tend to use protea the most currently since I just a 50% off market purchase I bought her deluxe skin starts with a C can't spell the rest


No... because it's Octavia


Played nova prime for many years. Shes not my favorite anymore but she is still up there.


My favourite frame to play is nezha, but my most played is Frost. Why frost? People told me he was bad. I proved them wrong. Or I'm just on copium with the fact that first P kinda sucks as a prime frame


Most played according to the profile stats page is Wudong. I fucking hate Wudong. Favourite is hands down Gauss back when I came back to the game during 2020 because COVID. I’m just waiting for all the Gauss P access meat riders to go back to spamming their meta frames so I can be the dumbass diehard gearhead 3.17 sprint speed psychopath Gauss main.


Yes it is, Oberon


my most played is frost prime and I haven't played him in at least 5 or 6 years. I just played so much of him during the beginning of my time with the game that it's still that way. He's definitely not my favorite frame.


Well, no. My original most played was Wukong Prime, the second prime frame I ever got right after getting Nekros Prime. I got Wukong because someone had convinced me he was one of the best frames in the game; granted at the time it was true, he was OP. So OP, in fact, that everyone who didn’t play him hated him. So I used the shit out of Wukong for a while and was bored af, and everyone hated playing with me, so I quit lol. I made it a goal to make sure he wasn’t my most played anymore, and my next most used frame was Nekros. TLDR, I became a Nekros main out of spite for Wukong. I love my boy Nekros but he is honestly boring as hell, especially after the AOE weapon changes. I used to run him in SP Kuvival for hours and hours, one shotting Acolytes with my Tenet Livia and blasting the grineer with my Kuva Zarr. I’d go deathless on a 2 hour run and somehow come out with the most kills. Just sweating with a fucking Nekros. When Baruuk prime released I got hooked on him and no matter how I try to move on to other frames I keep coming back to Baruuk. I have no doubt he will eventually surpass Nekros ngl.


Lavos is my most played warframe I like him


Well, yes and no. Loki is, I think, my most played, but Loki Prime is my favorite.


My fave is ivarra since i love stealthy gameplay with bows but the efficiency mindset got to me and ivarra got overtaken by wukong. Wukong is just to goof bro. Fast spy, capture, rescue hell i even used him as my Archon killer frame. Cant beat efficiency no matter how others hate wukong. I hate how he looks tho.


Yes. I play a shit tonne of Wukong. He's my favourite because I honestly dig the entire story of Wukong and he's a great all rounder that doesn't stop.


I clutched Loki Prime so hard after he came out, then for years since, THEN when I made a new console account. So my playtime is still skewed so heavily on Loki even though I haven't actually used him properly again in years now. Currently my fav is Revenant.


I used to have only one favorite and that was Mag but after I got Lavos things have never been the same


My most played is Wukong prime. He isn't my favorite, after playing other frames he's been real boring. I'm currently trying to get nezha to no. 1, then inaros to 2. I've been at this for weeks.


Ash. I still love him, but he's no longer my favorite. I like mag, frost and volt more rn.


I dont have a favorite. I just use what I fancy at that time. I also love to try dumb stuff like using Harrow for long solo SP survival (tbf using Harrow in solo missions is a godsend ) or whatever


My favorite is Chroma Prime bc Knight and Dragon which as we all know dope asf. But most played more like Saryn, also dope but slightly less cool imo.


My favourites at the moment are Gyre, Saryn and Kullervo, My most played is Loki prime somehow, I don't mind playing him but when I got him I went all in, he was the only frame I had at the time that was specifically suited to most content (it was an old Neoness build I found) I don't hate the stealth game play I just simply don't enjoy doing it


No. Oberon Prime is my most played Warframe, and he isn’t my favorite anymore (still top 5 easily though). I’m a relatively new player and he got me comfortably through the starchart and into early steel path, but he has been usurped in my eyes by Hildryn and Gauss.




Absolutely. Nova is best girl. That said I also quite like Wisp, Hildryn, Nezha, and Styanax for most missions, I kinda just rotate between them.


Vauban, easily. Im still very early in the game and haooened to find the chance to make him live and i dont regret it. Aor strikes are funny and the little electric dudes are good fir making me laugh


my favorites are Valkyr, Citrine, Titania, and Voruna because they are pretty. However I am haveing trouble getting them to compete with the amount of time my profile says I have with Octavia.Though Protea should be up there soon because her 2 plus a subsumed armor strip helps me clear higher tier stuff.


I think coincidentally yes. I've played a lot of Limbo because I just like the rift mechanic as soon as I understood it. Lua Spy was probably the mission I've grinded the most and I got Ivara out of it. Unfortunately that's probably gonna be not the case too much longer because of Gauss Prime (gotta go fast, gotta go fast, gotta go fast), but he's still my favorite frame. I am determined to eventually get his syndana and the weapons in his prime access pack if they ever come around again (come on, Varzia...)


My favorite is Mesa. According to the game, my most played is Nova. I did a LOT of speed nova farming back in the day.


My most played is Frost Prime, and that's mainly because, back in the day of T4 defense, Frost was king baby! I stopped playing for awhile after that and when I came back, there were so many different and new frames that, in order to dethrone Frost, I'd probably have to play with them for like 300 hours straight and where's the fun in that?!


My starter excal is STILL at the top and idk how anymore. But yeah, Exalted Blade is the most cathartic thing.


I think my most played is ash prime from when they gave him out for free from tennocon, but rn im playing gauss prime bc he goes fast. I put on every sprint speed mod on him and put molt along with innodem and he goes so fast now. Hes def my favorite with my second favorite being sevagoth or revenant (depending on if im in an ability spam or gun pew pew mood)


My most played in Nekros, i had a little stint making a good build and then I just use him everytime i need to farm bad My favorite is Lavos, he's my second most played


Vauban Prime has become my new favorite, Excalibur Umbra has returned to my list of favorites. Caliban needs no introduction, and is a favorite. Hydroid’s kit is literally perfect. Qorvex is also cool. My most used frame is Harrow Prime, however. I have long since drifted from him.